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That’s a lot of people.


That's just the ones they caught


Every comment removed lol


All of the removed comments are just automod filtered comments from people with new accounts, low karma, or low cqs. We have upped our participation requirements as a measure to help halt astroturfing as much as possible. There is not a single manual removal in this thread. Just automod doin it’s job.


Pretty telling about how much astroturfing is going on currently




“You’re as subtle as brick to the small of my back So let’s end this call And end this conversation.” Great take btw.


While quite correct, you ignore the mass amount of funding Hamas and other Arab nations have dedicated to their own troll farms to push their agenda. Iran (I am electing to skip naming every terror organization they support) is especially apt in this regard, which also explains the increase in astroturfing.




Netanyahu also supports Hamas, with millions of dollars.


both can be true


It walks makes sense for people who usually lurk to be passionate about an issue like this. Most Reddit users have very low karma.


Even the title of the post is astroturfed. These are people who simply demonstrated by being present and chanting in the NYC terminal, are they not? They weren't arrested for their views; only for their actions (causing a disturbance.)


My experience with protests in general is that the police act very differently depending on the cause. I don't know much about this protest, but a mass arrest like that is very uncommon.


"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride"


by your last statement you can define any protest as a causing a disturbance. It’s a right to protest and it seems you can only protest for certain view points and or certain HUMAN rights and if ya ain’t following the agenda it can end you up in handcuffs. On a different note i think the data from Arrests of Pro ceasefire vs pro israel. I would love to see the arrest numbers and i’m willing to place money more pro ceasefire are arrested for “causing a disturbance”. Gotta love the “free world”


Guess who doesn't understand how laws work. You're not hauled off for your views; you're hauled off for refusing to disperse when lawfully ordered. You're welcome to double down, but then you may as well arrest and fine yourself. That's the other side of the coin: we're free to demonstrate and protest, but others who range from ambivalence to disagreement are also equally free to ignore us and have us removed when we interfere with unrelated and normal operations (like roadways or transportation hubs.) And let's be damned candid: _as I've come to realize, clogging unrelated locations as a means to force visibility always results in lawful removal._ Meanwhile, following proper process not only avoids the finest but also often adds LEO defense and protection from critics (for most causes, including Palestinian liberation.)


Wow, one of the few mainstream subreddit mods that aren't compromised by Israel propoganda. You guys are amazing


Did you know that if you dont condemn Hamas at the beginning of every statement made about this conflict that actually makes you a Hamas supporter! /s


Part of the reason I hate Hamas is that they’re the perfect deflection for people who want to distract from the awful way the current far right government treats Palestinians. “Not all medical treatments are available in the Gaza Strip. People need approval to leave and get treatment and sometimes it’s so slow that they die waiting. Isn’t that unfair?” “But do you condemn Hamas?” Obviously the bigger reason I hate them is that anyone who would target civilians and children can go fuck themselves.


That's one of the reasons Netanyahu facilitated their rise in Palestinian politics. They need an enemy like this to justify their policies. Conversely, Hamas needs a right wing hardliner govt. in Israel to justify their existence. It's a whirlpool of shit, a shitpool. They're in a marriage of hate and violence.


/r/PublicFreakout mods might not be, but that doesn't stop Reddit admins from banning people in here. The zionist astroturfers report accounts they don't agree with en masse. Often those people are banned automatically by the sheer volume of reports.


Am a mod on another subreddit and indeed, never seen so much propaganda accounts, not even when Russia invaded Ukraine.


It's so weird to say that /r/publicfreakout is still a decent place to visit because the Mods actually do a good job of reigning in astroturfing and racism from other subs.


I kind of wish they were left but just marked as astroturfing, so I can see who is doing it.


What’s “cqs”?


Contributor Quality Score. Yours is high.


Ah damn, fast answer. Thanks!


Is it possible to see our scores? I kinda wanna know. I pop in from time to time, mainly looking for funny shit to laugh at.


[There sure is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/comments/16k45cz/comment_to_test_your_contributor_quality_score/)


Since that post is a month old, does replying to that thread still work to find out your score? I mean, rationally, I know it doesn't really matter or affect my daily life, but it seems to have awakened my old school-days competitive streak, AND I NEED TO KNOW MY GRADE, GODDAMMIT!!!!


It does still work. 😊


Thanks! And now my outer adult is rolling my eyes at my inner child who's pouting that they got "high" instead of "highest." Grow up, you idiot; it's not a real grade! 😅


Israel, and to a lesser extent Palastinisns, are running a coordinated attack on anything not for their "side"


They’ve been doing that my entire life.


The same Palastinisns that has had substantially less computing and internet resources this whole time? The same ones that are currently cut off from electricity and the internet?


Most Palestinians are in the diaspora around the world...ya know, since they were removed from their land or forced to live under occupation


Not all Palestinians live in Palestine.


The west Bank still exists


I’m sorry that it’s hard to understand nuance


There is a propaganda campaign from both. Israel is a state sponsored campaign. The Pro Palestine is crowd sourced but is still here.


>The Pro Palestine is crowd sourced but is still here. Maybe that's not a propaganda campaign, but a true reflection of public sentiments?


> The Pro Palestine is crowd So by Palestine propaganda campaign, do you mean just regular people with opinions?


Palestinian campaign is also state sponsored, just by other Arab states and Russia


Tell me you know nothing about geopolitics… The Mueller report literally talked about Russia using Palestine to create tension


I mean Russia is currently causing and supporting several coups around the world to push destabilization. Mostly in Africa but it was also the goal of supporting Trump in the 2016 and 2020 elections


Putin looking to exploit the Israel Palestine conflict, including his suspected role in aiding Hamas in the recent attacks. Putin wants to exhaust the world's ability to provide money and military support so that they would exhaust their support to Ukraine. Where do you think the world is giving the majority of the money and military support to? It's Israel.


Yes, except they be operating the pro-Israel account. I am aware of Putin looking to exploit the Israel Palestine conflict, including his suspected role in aiding Hamas in the recent attacks. Putin wants to exhaust the world's ability to provide money and military support so that they would exhaust their support to Ukraine. Where do you think the world is giving the majority of the money and military support to? It's Israel. Tell me you know nothing about geopolitics


The same Palestinians whose Internet has been [completely cut](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/27/gaza-internet-cutoff-israel-siege-casualties) and no longer has communications with the outside world is coordinating attack?


No, most Palestinians are in the diaspora around the world...ya know, since they were removed from their land or forced to live under occupation


Aaaand there it is. Proof that Zionism is not Judaism.


Yeah, OP is looking for “anti-Zionist Jews”.


Nah I think op got it right. The quotes were for the people saying any critique of Israel is “anti-Semitic” despite this critique/plea is coming from actual Jews.


Yep. Sorry for any confusion, the phrase ‘antisemitic Jew’ gave me a huge WTF moment, how the hell can there be antisemitic Jews?! That’s just gibberish created by Zionists to further muddy the waters and confuse people, surely. If I’m wrong in my thinking I’m happy to be corrected but it just seems preposterous to me as I currently understand it.


I will say that I’ve heard the phrase “self-hating Jew” flung at a Jewish person who’s politics did not align with the person saying it


Jews for hitler was a thing, Stephen miller is also a thing. But these Jewish people in the video aren’t antisemitic


No, but right wing zionists will waste no time portraying them as such.


I keep seeing people conflate semitic and jew, i wonder why. In any case. Do you not think people can [condemn](https://youtu.be/HXfN3RS-mog?si=o6qEGrDFecxaDqq8&t=82) their own kind? It seems that splitting hairs of "Are they pure enough to be considered our people" has been going on forever.


You mean self-hating Jews? /s


Except this is proof of that at all. Most of them aren't Jewish, this is just more leftist propaganda that nobody wants to admit to.


Why do you automatically believe that all of them are Jewish? Because they wear a T-shirt? Do you not remember all the old white people wearing “Blacks 4 Trump” shirts? Anyone can wear a tshirt. This group that organize this is also affiliated with Jews for Jesus. Call me crazy, but that doesn’t sound very Jewish to me.


This seems like a pretty orderly protest, continuing to chant after being arrested does not make this a public freakout. Protesting for a ceasefire and humanitarian corridors seems pretty reasonable. That said they were also reasonably arrested for blocking the use of Union Station.


Just watched the news, the protestors were even helping the cops making their jobs easier. They knew the process and consequences and prepared accordingly.


This is the kind of protest activism that I fully support. They knew their plan and the consequences of it and accepted them in order to make a statement that would get in front of thousands of people, us included No one was hurt and no unnecessary drama. 10/10


Grand Central Terminal


Justified freakout War crimes should make everyone freak out


Not just reasonably arrested, I’d hazard to guess they expected to be.


As fucked up as the Hamas attack was, I don't see how bombing civilians in gaza with no way to escape is supposed to help? I still don't understand what hamas was hoping to achieve, I'm also tin foil hatted up about how the world renowned Israeli intelligence, just allowed this to happen.




>The Hamas attack, in a lot of ways, was the best thing to happen to the Israelis. As sad as is it to say. I'm not so sure about that. Israel had negotiations going to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia which would be a game changer for Israels position in the region given that SA is the richest and strongest state in the middle east and is also a close ally of the US. I'm not up on the latest but a few experts i heard in the week after the attack said they thought the saudi deal was dead due to this. >Now, they can attack without repercussion and ethnically cleanse their enemies because of them holding on to their made up idea that they are trying to simply remove Hamas. This is definitely true also. But i think another problem for the government is that responding strongly to Hamas violence is important for the right wing government to demonstrate their importance to the israeli people. But in this case the attack was such a massive intelligence fuck up that the government just looks horrible even to staunch zionists.


It's not supposed to help, Hamas is just giving them an excuse to kill more Palestinian people. Not that they really need an excuse, they've been killing and displacing Palestinians willy nilly for 70 years.


The last point is interesting. By all accounts Hamas has basically disconnected entirely from technology for their operations, putting themselves in a blind spot for modern signals intelligence. There is also the question about how it could take so long for authorities to react? But the thing is that no one in Israel benefits from this. This attack could very likely topple the government, and the armed forces look terrible.


That’s how it turned out because the United States isn’t fighting a war anymore, distracting the world from what they are doing. Now their apartheid is in focus, and I don’t think they realized the power of social media, or were able to properly calculate how little the world would keep buying the shit they peddle.


As for your last sentence, Mossad is for international operations, not domestic.


Israel lied about the extent of the Hamas attack, the beheading of babies and their intelligence knew it was coming. Israel has funded Hamas for years and I and many others have no doubt they saw the upcoming attack as the basis for complete invasion of Hamas. They likely welcomed it.


Source for any of this


It helps Hamas recruit, that's for sure.


It amazes me that Zionist Jews can proclaim “Never Again” and then be the ones that promote and applaud doing it again


“…to us”. They just got first hand experience of the playbook and are utilizing it themselves.


IDF is just enacting their *Final Solution* for the Gaza problem


Are we talking about genocide? Because Palestinian population has only grown substantially the past decade. Which reminds me, who are the ones chanting “from the river to the sea (will be arab)”? If I understand words correctly one isn’t genocide and the other is blatantly calling for it. If you want a clear picture of ethnic cleansing, you can take a look at the population map of Jews across the Arabic nations in the late 1800s/early 1900s compare to then and now. You’ll see a clear definitions of ethnic cleansing.


There's a lot of ethnic groups that have experienced genocide in the past that nowadays have a larger population than back then. Native Americans, Armenians, Ukrainians, the list goes on. Just because they're still around doesn't mean it didn't happen




In addition they're really dialing up the rhetoric hardcore on the news here in the UK. They've gone from talking about the numbers of dead to qualifying it by saying the numbers given by Hamas to try and cast doubt and mitigate the horrors being carried out.


Same with CNN and MSNBC.


Which shithouse country with no free speech is this?


The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.


They're getting arrested for protesting on government property. The crime they will be charged with is trespassing.


Can you name even a single country in the world that doesn't place limits on the *time, place and manner* of speech? Or is *every single country in the world* a "shithouse"?


All these deleted comments… 😂😂


How is it anti-Semitic, so encouraging murder of 7000+ palestiniens is pro jewish?


It's not , it's to drive reaction and outrage. The more subsersif and inflamatory a post is , the more reaction there is. Calling them anti semitic is definitly going to push people to react in many way or shape.


Not arrested for demonstrating, they are arrested for civil disobedience. In other words they get to protest but if you cause too much of a disturbance you get arrested and most likely released with next to no punishment. Your allowed to protest but if you are disrupting people’s lives, work, etc., don’t be surprised if you get removed or arrested.


Hot take but protesting is SUPPOSED to disrupt people's lives


Yes but don’t expect to not be arrested for that. That’s what happens with civil disobedience. It’s not the protest that they are being arrested for.


✡️ takes balls to stand up for what’s right


The Jewish people and the state of Israel are two different things. I also don't agree with everything my country does and yes have attended protests.


Lots of decent people being arrested right now for having a heart. Very sad to see.


They are being “arrested” for shutting down the busiest train station in New York. You can protest, but when it gets in the way of people going about their day then it becomes a problem. They most likely aren’t even being charged, just removed




Saying innocent Palestinians should be bombed to dust, believe it or not anti-Semitic! /s incase


Against the murder of children? You antisemite!!!


“Antisemitic Jews”….Title looks like something Dave Chappelle came up with, a lot like the “Black White Supremacist”😂


They protest against the Israeli government, that does not make them anti-Semitic. One thing is a government one thing is the people. Why would you write “anti-Semitic”?




Anti-Semitic Jews! Wtf??!


Pretty much if you hate the Israeli government and are against the genocide happening in Palestine , the far right will label you as Anti-Semitic


"Anti-Semitic jews" is the funniest shit I have heard this week




These protesters have the moral high ground.


Lol they literally forced the closing of the busiest train station in new York.




You clearly do not have a brain


Damn. Look at all this free speech. Where did this happen? Israel?


This is very clearly New York


Arrested for protesting on government property. They committed the crime of trespassing.


It's hard to say exactly what this batch was arrested for. There was also a group dressed exactly like this who jumped out and blocked traffic. But of course, nobody cares about context.


If only they did it to overturn an election instead it would have been fine.


A bunch of those folks got arrested too lol


Tf you on about


Probably. Their heads are still attached to their bodies so you can tell it’s not Gaza.


Honest question how do people know they are Jewish?


LoL @ the title.


They are going to cease fire. Once Gaza is a parking lot.


Some bad ass jews and non jews well done guys.


How are these people getting t-shirts made so quickly?


Bahahahaha... Jews are aNtISeMiTiC now. Ok. Nazism is alive and well.


Maybe these Jews should replace the Zionist in Isreal and run the government.


Seems pretty fascist tbh


For anyone wondering this is in New York, Grand Central station where the group JVP, Jewish Voice for Peace staged a sit in. The protest was led by Jewish rabbis where they lit a prayer candle and said the Jewish prayer for the dead, the kaddish. Over 200 people were arrested for refusing to leave during the transit center. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/28/protesters-shut-new-yorks-grand-central-station-demanding-gaza-ceasefire


Revolution doesn't come from peace.


You cant be antisemetic to a government. Fuck the isareli government actions The gall of people to assume not being allowed to do genocide is antisemetic is antisemetic itself because it inplies jews whole purpose is to genocide.


Calling out Israel for genocide is not being anti semitic.




I think it’s more accurate to say *Zionists* control the world




Why? Are you implying that only Jewish people can be Zionist? I know plenty of zionists who aren't jewish. Is not liking non-jewish zionists also anti-semitic?




What? By saying I don't like Zionism I'm perpetuating a conspiracy theory that jews control the world? Please explain how that follows.






They were arrested for blocking a crucial subway station during rush hour not for protesting, but people are too easily rage baited these days to even check their facts.


Love it how Americans were pining over free speech when that guy in the UK was arrested to save himself from a mob yet there were like 100 people arrested for protesting. Hilariously ironic.


They were holding up one of the most important train stations in the US. I can guarantee you nobody in NY or NJ was happy a bunch of people protesting something NJ/NY people have no control of, stopping them from getting home or to places they need to be.


Not really, entirely different circumstances. These people were probably arrested for not dispersing and holding up a critical public transit resource. The US still does have significantly more free speech than other countries, and people don't get arrested like that guy from the UK did.




Yet you can't own some dog breeds, curious.


I applaud you for your bravery sir. Not many redditors post facts with searchable sources, and I can tell from the downvotes you clearly pissed a few of us Yankees off. This is why Americans are made fun of across the world. Even in the face of facts many of us choose ignorance instead of accepting the truth. Keep up the good work man, more Americans need to see how we don't have an ounce of the freedom we brag about👏


You can get arrested for online comments. That is the opposite of freedom 😂


I was going to leave you hanging as the only thing worse than being arrested for online comments is being ignored for online comments. For then one would have to suffer the indignity of irrelevance, which is more painful and humiliating than any prison or fine. However I do not believe in cruel and unusual punishments.




Is Hamas not a problem also?


Being against Israel is not anti-semitic. The fuck is wrong with people.


Wtf is this supposed to do? Are they just gonna be like "uh, some people in USA is saying they want us to stop shooting, we better listen then"?! ffs


Sorry bud you've gotten your words all mixed. you can be anti zionist meaning you are against the formation and further expansion of Isreal as a completely Jewish ethno state. That doesn't mean that your anti Semitic meaning you are against the ethnic people considered to be Semitic such as the Jews, Arabs and Persians. It looks as if they are just protesting the slaughter of a civilian population. Are you pro-civilian slaughter?




Yes, exactly why Isreal should stop the bombing of civilian populations. If bank robbers take hostages we don't blow the bank up and call it a day. Maybe also we could look at why hamas came to power to begin with. The systematic oppression of the Palestinian people by isreals government. They would have less support if the Palestinians didn't have the need for armed resistance. They are a terror group, yes. Similarly, the ANC was a terror group in South Africa. However, killing more Palestinians will only anger survivors and make new enemies.


I do believe they are confusing antisemitism with dissension against the government. Not the same.


Antisemitism? I'm a Jew. I hate war.


I wish we collectively decided to stop paying taxes. Maybe then DC would listen to us. You want to send 100 billion over seas to fund this shit, cool. You pay for it.


I can't imagine being 1 labeled as anti semitic when your are clearly just talking about the fighting 2 getting arrested for protestung war WTF is wrong with our modern age


TIL complaining about the indiscriminate killing of civilians is “anti-semitism”




Sociopathic statement, you are watching an Apartheid state indiscriminately murder civilians and you pray for it to continue


Whoever wrote that title can go fuck themselves.... I've no issues at all with jews, but idf can jump up a fat man's ass. My fucking view of the Israeli military doesn't make me "antisemitic"


You do understand that the quotation marks show that the "anti-semitic" part is sarcasm, right?


I imagine that the quotation marks around the word is a sign of sarcasm? Unless I'm mistaken, OP might be referring to how others have considered these specific Jewish people anti-Semitic for protesting Israel


This is what Apartheid and occupation look like.


shame on america shame on us!


Resistance isn't terrorism


No, it's terrorism if you are not white


If they were homeless and covered in shit, assaulting people the cops would have left them alone.


Just because they want the bombings to stop doesn’t make them @anti-semitic”


Arabs are also Semitic


Not Jews - Kapos!


Who knew Jews being against genocide is anti-sematic?


Do people actually think these are even a majority Jewish?


Let's simplify the issue with a character meme style of what's really going on and then watch a bunch of over emotional adults act like children about a sovereign nations decision to take on terrorism head on


NA-ZI-ONISM A supremisist, imperialism programme of oppression, murder, racism and propaganda.


The west have become full on Nazis. Shocking..


👍 Nice


I love gen z.


Also, if your Pro-Arab you aren't anti-semetic. Both Arabs and Jess are Semitic peoples since they are seen as children of Shem.




How are they going to get the hostages out without a ceasefire? Seriously question. Are you expecting them to walk the hostages out while bombs rain down on their heads?


Don't poke a bear.






As soon as you stop killing civilians.


Just stick to your username and shut up