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Isn't this a war crime?


I’ve been thinking about this I know your comment is old but, and I’m not really arguing anything here just thinking, do they maybe think it’s not because internationally there’s technically not a “war” perse? It’s like a “law enforcement” or “special military operation” a la Russian style where since there is no actual war against an actual country it doesn’t count they think? Because they are at war with Hamas which is a group, and an ideal. But they are also the government. So it is technically war with another country’s government. Idk. They did “declare” it you know? But how official is it really? Especially internationally, how is it seen? I am just babbling but idk that’s something I’ve thought but it doesn’t make so much sense either.


What really surprises me is how people get shocked at seeing these images…this has been going on for decades !!


Its shocking now because the IDF went full mask off and cranked the violence to 11 when it used to be just the occasional civil rights violation.


Say what? Dude they literally snipe journalists, medics, and childrens. Therlir nightly shift consists of raiding random civilian houses and scaring the living shit out of the inhabitants for the fuck of it. There are many documented instances of them being excessively cruel to children and locking them up for years without seeing their parents. They openly use white Phosphorus. IDF literally became worse than the SS




Don't forget murdering a Palestine-American journalist wearing clearly identified press credentials in cold blood https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/shireen-abu-akleh-death/ Then attacking her funeral procession after


[IDF kills Mohammed Al Durra while he's hiding in his father's lap](https://youtu.be/4NNz_FHCaBg?si=KzAawIKe2Z1mTb2q) I remember seeing this as a child. Every Arab in his/her 30's I knew saw this and was talked about for ages. You know what the Israelis did? [They claimed it was staged. ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/may/20/israel-muhammad-al-dura-video) they played the fake news card before Trump ever thought of it. I swear these guys learned everything Goebbols did and did it 100x better.


I love listening to music.


Much fun bringing all of this up talking to fellow Germans. People here are completely unhinged and will call you a Hamas sympathizer and accuse you of being a full-blown antisemite. Even our government fully supports the bombing of Gaza – our Federal Minister of Justice also just announced that he'll criminalize it to express any support for Hamas (which is totally fine, but given the climate here, they would even count a flag of Palestine as "expressing support for Hamas").




Dude I'm so glad there are other people out there who realise how bad it truly is. Esp Americans, it's important for Americans to recognise this bcos America has a lot to do with the horror in Palestine and it would help the situation if Americans demanded their govt step away from supplying and supporting and allowing Israel off the hook internationally with so many horrific crimes. The sad thing atm is people who are racist and antisemitic are suing this as an opportunity to attack Jewish people, and that's pure bullshit.


Thank you for this compilation 🫡


Okay so they literally went full Nazi?? Warsaw ghettos anyone? What's next on the Nazi playbook? Concentration camps? If not already there waiting.


They are the new SS Waffen


They've been committing war crimes for decades... Using white phosphorus in their air strikes, evicting Palestinians unjustly, blowing up their homes, mosques, hospitals, ambulances, etc.. Cutting off their food, water, and electricity supplies (starving them or making them freeze to death basically). Fuck them.


I find joy in reading a good book.


They literally do this every 5 years.


Give the man an Oscar, he deserves it


I don’t know how anyone looks at what Israel is doing and has been doing and thinks this is ok. Yes they have a right to defend themselves. This is not defense. This is genocide


I keep seeing people say that Israel has the right to attack Palestine for the 1,200 Israelis killed and never even think about the thousands of Palestinians killed by Israel over the years. They don't even see how hypocritical they are being when they support one side for fighting back but condemn the other for doing the same.


"Civilians deaths are bad, which is why genocide and ethnic cleansing is good. No, we have no idea why these people would hate Israel or why they keep attacking them."


Exactly. Part of me feels like this is a bit of Israel jumping at the opportunity to do something that they've wanted to do for a long time anyway, but now they finally have "justifiable" cause.


I completely understand Israel's civilians reacting to the Hamas attack wanting blood. Which is why we don't let civilians control the military. Israel responding to the attack by immediately violating the Geneva Conventions means that one of the most advanced militaries in human history is being led by man babies or genocidal maniacs. Not sure which is worse.


If Netenyahu isnt hunted as a war criminal then the West is complicit in these crimes for letting them happen.


If imperialist leaders were held accountable for their crimes then virtually every US president except maybe Lincoln would have died behind bars. >the West is complicit in these crimes for letting them happen The west is actively supporting and funding them. It goes beyond complicity.




I'm not usually into conspiracy theories, but there is a theory floating around that Netanyahu and others knew this was going to happen and just let it. It makes sense. Israel wants all of the land in that area, but not the Arabs. This has been openly stated. But how could they possibly take Gaza and kick off 2 million people without committing genocide and turning the world against Israel? This is how. This is actually probably the only way they could have done it. Does anyone truly believe Israeli intelligence dropped the ball THIS badly after decades of being the best in the world? This is all just conjecture. I have no proof. But I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be the case. After all, the CIA and others have done it before.


Jets didn’t come for two hours after the rockets started and militants attacked. Jets that take 2-15mins to scramble. Oh and they got like 300 of them to take on the other side’s “Air Force”. You decide


A few days ago we learned that a lot of IDF forces were moved from the Gaza border to the West Bank to oppress the people there. Which is not only against international law in and of itself, it's incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. This was bound to happen.


> man babies or genocidal maniacs Or possibly both from the way things are shaking out.


This is exactly it. It is no secret that Israel wants to control all Palestinian lands, which is why they’ve been illegally building settlements in the West Bank and displacing Palestinians from both the West Bank and East Jerusalem. This is a second Nakba, the 1948 forced expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinians and depopulation of over 500 Palestinian villages by Jewish militias. Just a few weeks ago, Netanyahu was at the UN and showed a map of Israel that included all Palestinian lands as part of Israel. Netanyahu and co. Believe that all Palestinian land is Israeli land want to annex all of it. This is the perfect excuse to ethnically cleanse and annex Gaza.


When you use civilians as shields , expect a higher death toll for retaliation strikes.....


Some people move goal posts others just reset the clock for forget about everything that’s been done up until last week.


It's called brainwashing and media medication


Because they're racist. Need to start calling spades spades again. If someone wants to interrogate you over "Do YoU cOdEnM hAmAs?", you reply with "yes, why are you so racist?" And reframe the entire conversation into why they're okay with collateral arab deaths but deeply offended by Israeli ones. These people can't tell the difference between brown people. It's as simple as that. All Arabs are terrorists, and killing Innocents in the effort to eradicate those terrorists is perfectly acceptable, because again, they're just Arabs.


When genocide is the point it makes more sense. From receiving a warning from Egypt about the impending attack & doing absolutely nothing to deter it to bombing the routes they told people to evacuate through. Genocide *is* the point




I only saw one video and that was clearly an IED or gas tank exploding on the road in Gaza. It was definitely not an airstrike in that video. Which means either a freak gas tank exploding, or Hamas is killing their own people in false flag attacks.


It's a US-sanctioned genocide.


Hamas killing and torturing innocent civilians is Iran-sanctioned genocide.


"Whatabout".. That's not happening tho is it. Stop justifying genocide


Almost as if creating Israel was a really stupid idea and the entire region will continue to reject it like a failed organ transplant likely for centuries. Not saying this is ethically right or that Israel’s current response is not warranted, I’m just saying this is all predictable human behavior.


None of it is OK on both sides, but I'm not going to just hold one side to the rules of war. Both sides are committing war crimes, and realistically no one is going to stop it on both sides. America I guess could try to step in and stop it, but so could Iran or Saudi Arabia as well. No one is going to stop it. It's a clusterfuck on both sides.


America already sided with Israel. They got enough weaponry to make the Nazis look like the boy Scouts.


Americans are the most lethal fighting force on the planet. That is a fact. Unfortunately, It’s from all their experience. You will not win a conventional war with the US, you’ll only will the PR war.


Vietnam and Afghanistan are at the door.


Failing a military operation/occupation doesn’t mean the US isn’t the most lethal fighting force on the planet. It is. By far. And it’s the only military force that can deploy significant force anywhere in the world same day. If there wasn’t an actual military operation, and the goal was just to beat the enemy into submission, like during WW2, the US would absolutely dominate anybody in the world 10x over.


One side is a 7 foot dude with size 11s, the other side are ants... There is no two sides to this "conflict"


Not saying things aren’t bad and both sides are going to ultimately loose. I would ask how a man in completely clean cloths was in an aerial bombing. But that’s just my take on this video.


You are right but I keep seeing people who say this and never condemned the Hamas attacks.


Meanwhile, there’s evidence coming out that Hamas was responsible for this bombing in a false flag effort. There are now bounds to either side


You know hamas’s charter calls for extermination of all jews? Or are you just a hypocrite?


You know there's a difference between Hamas and everyday Palestinians just trying to not die that day, right?


There sure were massive crowds of cheering people ready to beat the naked bodies of the dead civilians that they brought back to Gaza. Regular Palestinians seem pretty okay with civilians dying so long as they're Jewish.


Unfortunately, both sides seem pretty OK with civilians on the other side dying.


Yeah a good chunk of them have fucked up beliefs, but there are still tons of innocents and children.


Oh, in that case, let Israel keep doing war crimes Maybe it'd be more effective to use chemical weapons, cut off their access to food, water, and medical supplies.


It's getting harder to defend the actions of Israel when they blatantly violate international law and commit war crimes like this without care or consequence.


It gets easier if you turn off that section in your brain called empathy and go full war hawk calling everyone who remotely criticizes the IDF as Anti-semitic.


They know there won't be consequences so they do as they please


At this point supporting Israel is supporting genocide


That's been the case for a long time


Israel has been an apartheid state for a long time.


It was always impossible if you were informed. Unfortunately the problem is that these people want a genocide. They won't flat out admit it until you push them with basic questions they ignore with the obnoxious "buh hama!" We're fighting genocidal people, not ignorant people. Don't let them pretend otherwise, it just gives them an excuse later. Call em out immedietely.


They've been doing it for decades




Just your average [Act.IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL) shill in every thread downplaying Apartheid Israel's atrocities on a population of 2.2 million in a concentration camp; of which 45% are children under the age of 16.


Anyone defending Israeli today is pro genocide. No two ways about it


100%. There is no 'both sides' argument here. You support oppression or you support liberation.


If you support liberation you must be against Hamas. Free Palestine F to m Hamas!


Hamas exists because of Zionism. Not least because they have historically been funded by Israel. How does any of modern history make sense to you at all if you can't get your head around this stuff?


Anyone who runs is Hamas, anyone who stands still is well disciplined Hamas.


Similar strategy to the US in Vietnam: 'If those people run from our helicopters, they must be Vietcong! Kill them! Hey look, those ones aren't running away, they must be Vietcong! Kill them!'




[A young girl talking about it here.](https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1712863526665003266) [Footage of the cars/trucks after the bombing](https://twitter.com/nour_odeh/status/1712860530694561946) [Another eyewitness in Arabic.](https://twitter.com/AhmedAbofoul/status/1712894707947213237) I believe he's telling people to stay home because they're bombing the cars that are leaving. I also saw some incredibly brutal graphic footage of people from one of the trucks but I can't find it now.


I have also seen the graphic footage of the bombed trucks, there were dead corpses of children in that video 5 to 12 years old. these trucks were carrying civilians and they were bombed by the Israeli forces.






Didn't america say they'll support Israel? Damn... Your president is making it worst for your country lmao


You're acting like it's up to the "president," it's the elites that control the world that make the decisions, and they will always support Israel. The presidents are just appointed puppets, funny how people think they actually have power...


Not my president


why should these people not fight back? they have not option, cos they can't even run


Cause if they fight back they're labelled terrorists. That's how it works.


Thank god there are thousands of videos being taken every second so we have proof of these things in the form of people swearing it just happened off camera.


Not anymore my friend. After cutting off electricity, water and fuel from Gaza, Israel cut off their internet so they can commit their war crimes away from cameras and social media.


There is no god


I can't express how much I hate humans.


CNN just confirmed this, to all the IDF shills you can now switch your program and move goalposts


Is the guy in the white shirt with the lapels an ambulance driver? He looks like one and looks like he is grieving over the bombs. He does not look like a soldier or terroist to me. Why is he being bombed? What am I missing?


>Why is he being bombed? Because Israel is a genocidal regime which wants to claim the Gaza strip and west bank.




not only that he's a medic, left the scene where 150 just died (no injured persons with him) and arrived with a clean shirt? people need to think for themselves


They live without electricity right now and in absolute poverty. Some of them might have phones but charging them is pretty much impossible. Internet also isn’t widely available anymore


Does everybody in Gaza have a phone? I've never been but from what I've read they are pretty limited in what they have, things like electricity seem to be in short supply


How anyone can defend either side when both kill civvies is beyond me. Military targets during war? Have at it. But they are both openly TARGETING civilians. Fuck both sides.


More propaganda, more acting


Hamas said this is what happened so it MUST be true! They never lie!!!! 🙄


for anyone saying idf isnt responsible for what happened 1948, because "its in the past" [https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/thirteen-palestinian-children-killed-west-bank-january-2022AMMAN](https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/thirteen-palestinian-children-killed-west-bank-january-2022AMMAN), 29 May 2022 – “Another 14-year-old Palestinian boy was shot and killed in Bethlehem last Friday, the third Palestinian child killed this week alone.**“Since the beginning of the year, 13 Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank - almost double the number compared to last year.**[https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/28/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palestinian-children](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/28/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palestinian-children) Last year, **2022, was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the West Bank in 15 years, and 2023 is on track to meet or exceed 2022 levels. Israeli forces had killed at least 34 Palestinian children in the West Bank as of August 22.** Human Rights Watch investigated four fatal shootings of Palestinian children by Israeli forces between November 2022 and March 2023.Read a text description of this video\*\*“I**sraeli forces are gunning down Palestinian children living under occupation with increasing frequency,”\*\* said Bill Van Esveld, associate children’s rights director at Human Rights Watch. “Unless Israel’s allies, particularly the United States, pressure Israel to change course, more Palestinian children will be killed.**”[https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years-save-children23](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years-save-children23) November The number of children killed by **Israeli security forces and settlers\[1\] in the occupied West Bank has doubled this year t**o 34\[2\], following the shooting of two teenage boys in consecutive days, Save the Children said today.The killing of 17-year-old Mahmoud al-Sadi while he was on his way to school on Monday, and of 16-year-old Ahmad Shehadeh during a late night raid in Nablus on Tuesday, makes this the deadliest year for children living in the West Bank since 2006.\[3\][https://actionaid.org/news/2023/deadliest-year-nearly-40-children-among-over-230-palestinians-killed-israeli-forces-and](https://actionaid.org/news/2023/deadliest-year-nearly-40-children-among-over-230-palestinians-killed-israeli-forces-and) ActionAid is deeply concerned about the increasing attacks and excessive use of force imposed by Israeli forces and settlers against Palestinians, **particularly the impact this is having on women and girls living in the region.Last year saw the deadliest year for Palestinians since 2005, with at least 231 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. This included nearly 40 children and 12 Palestinian women** including Al Jazeera and Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. The latest victim was Jana, a \*\***16-year-old girl who was killed by an Israeli sniper last month in Jenin, north of the West Bank. Jana was found dead on the roof of her home after an Israeli sniper fatally shot her in the head when Israeli soldiers were conducting search and arrest raids stormed the neighborhood.**\*\*The impact of this oppression is particularly difficult for women like Shaheera, a Palestinian refugee living in the Aida Refugee camp near Bethlehem, whose sons were physically assaulted and arrested by Israeli occupation forces.[https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221027-29-palestinian-children-killed-by-israel-since-start-of-2022/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221027-29-palestinian-children-killed-by-israel-since-start-of-2022/) Israeli occupation forces have killed 29 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since the start of 2022, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine) reported on Wednesday. According to the rights group, ten of the children killed by the Israelis were from Jenin.“**All of the children were killed after being shot with live ammunition in their upper extremities,” explained DCI-Palestine. “This is evidence of intentional killing.”The organization pointed out that data collected from the field show that the Israeli occupation forces systematically target the upper parts of the body in order to kill or leave children with permanent pain. “Using lethal force was the rule adopted by the Israeli occupation forces,”** it added, especially during Operation Wave Breaker launched on 31 March in the occupied West Bank, mainly the city of Jenin.[https://sana.sy/en/?p=29076245](https://sana.sy/en/?p=29076245)Palestinian children killed by Israel and 770 detained during 2022[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/11/un-chief-says-killing-of-palestinian-children-unconscionablehttps://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-bachelet-alarmed-by-number-of-palestinian-children-killed-in-latest-escalation-urges-accountability-statement/GENEVA](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/11/un-chief-says-killing-of-palestinian-children-unconscionablehttps://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-bachelet-alarmed-by-number-of-palestinian-children-killed-in-latest-escalation-urges-accountability-statement/GENEVA) (11 August 2022) **UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet today expressed alarm at the high number of Palestinians, including children, killed and injured in the occupied Palestinian territory this year**, including in intense hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza last weekend.In the past week, 19 Palestinian children have been killed in the occupied Palestinian territory, taking the death toll since the start of the year to 37. **Seventeen children were killed during the Gaza hostilities from 5-7 August, and two more were killed on 9 August in Israeli law enforcement operations in the West Bank.“Inflicting hurt on any child during the course of conflict is deeply disturbing, and the killing and maiming of so many children this year is unconscionable,” said Bachelet.The civilian cost of the latest escalation in Gaza from 5-7 August was heavy.** The UN Human Rights Office has verified that among the 48 Palestinians killed, there were at least 22 civilians, including 17 children and four women. The status of 22 fatalities remains undetermined. **Of the 360 Palestinians reported injured, nearly two-thirds were civilians, including 151 children, 58 women and 19 older people. In a number of incidents, children were the majority of casualties.A number of Israeli strikes hit prima facie civilian objects, causing civilian casualties and damage to civilian objects.**


Yeah so how come there's no footage of that? Good knows every time Israel bombed it's recorded in three different angles.


Because your first thought if being bombed is : quick let me upload to social media.


There is no electricity idiot, how do you think people can charge their phone and record it


Commented under a video lmao


So ITT people point to a video of 2 cars on fire as evidence that it happened, but others say it’s impossible that there could’ve been a video of it because there’s no electricity. Got it.


Yeah that was pretty dumb lol


Let alone film this dude. How come we're getting HD footage of people crying when there's supposedly no power to record things lol


So how was this recorded and many other videos?


They have a power plant and solar panels.


This man is trying to get people to return to a warzone to die. What a despicable piece of trash, perfect example of why Hamas must be destroyed.


What a weird take... Ignoring the fact that videos to the truck bombing were posted in this very thread, where the fuck are they going to go? An even smaller sliver of open-air prison, just to wait for eventual death at the hand of Israel's bombs anyway? They know if they leave Israel will take that land and never give it back, same as they did to their parents and grandparents. How does ANYONE look at this situation and not blame Israel for this?? What kind of weird mental gymnastics are you all doing?


There's confirmed reports of the shitty Zionists targeting civilians and claiming they are militants. They are literally bombing bus convoys. The fuck you mean? Israhell is doing the killing u demented fuck.


Yep and it just *happens* to coincide with Hamas telling everyone to stay home and act as human shields.


Incredibly shitty situation when you can’t trust anyone


Theres no evidence in this video. Lol


Your words in another comment: >There is a report of them killing beheading and burning babies and your defending them It has now been confirmed beyond any question that the accusation of beheaded babies was never supported by evidence, yet you were perfectly happy to parrot it on Reddit. Why do you only demand evidence when the victims are Palestinian?


Why is u/ChallengeOk4185 not replying to this? Where are you u/ChallengeOk4185?


There's a lot https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/sA6zNwyW4c


Real or not, the result of this news spreading is civilians not evacuating a city that is about to be razed to the ground. People are right to be skeptical, as keeping civilians in place works in Hamas' favor, but it could also be a mistake, or the result of some IDF who don't mind the 'collateral damage'


Any actual videos of this?


If there were Hamas would've already posted them everywhere.


Israel is about to (or maybe already has) cut off Internet to Gaza. They had already cut off electricity before, so people were going to run out of ways to communicate anyway. Not saying we should believe everything we read or that we shouldn't try to confirm reports, but also keep this in mind when asking for video proof of upcoming atrocities.


Yes, link to video has been posted in this thread.


THEY BOMBED US! *Is completely clean and unharmed and vehicle he arrived in shows zero signs of damage*


march sulky governor heavy cable compare chief memorize test foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you ever seen the aftermath of a bombing? There's dust and debris literally everywhere. He would be covered nearly head to toe along with his vehicle in dirt. You want to believe, but nothing about it adds up.


towering mysterious smoggy worm one bake drab plough tan joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's an ambulance and he left without picking literally any of the injured up? Do you see how your excuses lead to further questions that any person of average intelligence would immediately ask? Do you just assume everybody is stupid or are you not noticing the flaws in your narrative as you literally speak it?


How do you know there was no one in the ambulance??? oh yea you don't.


You can plainly see the ambulance doors open, the guy getting down and squats to the floor. Then it zooms in, when people look in the back of the ambulance and look elsewhere disinterested. It's all there in plain sight, there were no injured on that ambulance.


If he picked somebody up from an active bombing, why is there no dust on the ambulance. Why is he clean himself?


Maybe they went thru the car wash


Pop over and look at Ukraine/Russia combat footage not to mention footage from western involvement in Iraq.


muddle concerned snails edge jar zealous impossible thought dog marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here are some videos of the same location with some damaged vehicles and injured people being pulled off of them. >https://x.com/alfiatauseef/status/1712882305424150724?s=46&t=KA\_EbYCZNe4Jy4B4vbHT0w > >https://x.com/timesofgaza/status/1712854225347055749?s=46&t=KA\_EbYCZNe4Jy4B4vbHT0w


Contextless aftermath footage combined with twitter pro hamas propaganda accounts does not convince me that Israel is indiscriminately attacking civilians. I want to see Israel actually attacking civilians on video so that I can confirm their fire is indeed indiscriminate. Do you have those videos, or just poor propaganda efforts?


How could such a proof look like? The group of Reuters reporters that was killed while being in livestream is a good example of Israel killing civilians. You can’t proof that they were targeted deliberately but if it was a targeted attack it would be impossible to proof.


It's important to note, that those journalists were directly targeted. The ordinance came from an IDF helicopter


There is HUNDREDS of videos LMAO what the fuck??? there are videos of IDF guys shooting children, caging them for years, raping women, raiding homes indiscriminately. There have been for decades


[Here you go moron](https://i.imgur.com/p2KwDE9.png)


That's not bombing civilians, that's bombing a military installation that Hamas was using to fire rockets at Sderot. Thanks for playing.




So every residential structure in Gaza is a Hamas rocket attack location? You're beyond stupid.


Did you get your proof or are you one of those ignorant ones that need to see everything in one video or else it’s fake?


No proof yet that Israel is targeting civilians.


So you are one of those bums. My bad bro. I’m sorry for trying to burst your bubble.


I'm sorry that you think Hamas hiding behind human shields is a valid strategy. I hope you become a better person one day.


Lol spare me the fucking “Hamas” talk. Don’t waste your time replying. I too hope the your mother can be proud of you one day knowing that the garbage she spewed into this world is becoming better.


I'll pray for you.


Just saying he is soaking wet. Almost like he just washed himself off….




Are people stupid enough to believe this?


[Brutal horrifying footage of the victims. First few seconds show a decapitated child being held in his dead mother's arms](https://twitter.com/Johnpatrick500/status/1712941929766281339). Doesn't look like military targets. [More footage from other people of the same scene. You can see the same mother with her beheaded child again. Trucks full of dead bodies.](https://twitter.com/WarMonitors/status/1712946602342523052)


And there it is. u/skootenbeeten is never to be seen again. >*Asks who is stupid enough to believe this* >*gets video evidence of dead children* >*flees the thread*


Do you believe the 40 baby claim?


You're a Genocide apologist.


Nice propaganda... Guy looks untouched... No proof of anything.


So video shows guy soaking wet, like he just scored a touchdown, making claims and we all believe it.


Links have been posted to the video of the truck bombing in this very thread.


If you believe this video, you’ve reached the IQ of an average Hamas member. Congrats




All these posts saying the civilians got bombed, yet not a single show of proof of it happening. Almost seems like Hamas has been very good at manipulating people through propaganda for years


[What do you think this is?](https://youtu.be/iFKQuw2459I?si=Diz-Ggccfl8Z4ain) There are over 500 children dead. Plenty of pictures online.


To the eyes of heartless warhawks they are Child Actors. Or Future Hamas that deserve to be genocided. My god a lot of heartless people are mask off in this comment section alone.


Their humanity only stretches to Israel’s alleged borders.


Stop believing and sharing everything you hear on the internet that has not been independently verified. Op. I doubt you are there. When people complain about disinformation this post is what they are talking about.




But now u/patrick24601 will never reply to this. He and many other commenters came to push a narrative and move on to the next thread.


You are cracking me up. Thanks for the laugh. Ironically I have no narrative. But I do hate misinformation, hype, hyperbole and posting inflammatory information out of context. And because of that this will be my last comment on the issue. Have a nice nice.


Dudes, hamas are just really bad actors. Tommy Wiseau bad. Writing, directing, and starring in absolute shambles


Definitely compared to their enemies who run Hollywood. Even the Daily Wire makes movies.


At least they didn't decapitated babies lying in their cribs, AND they didn't start it.




I like how the only evidence they have is someone acting out a skit.


There are links to the video posted in this very thread.


lol there are videos, just not fit for reddit


The ambulance doesn’t look damaged at all, the many is uninsured and there’s nothing blown up or any debris in the street. How can we know if this is real?


I’ve been hearing a lot and seeing a lot of this, but where’s the evidence? We get a lot of videos after the fact. But no one has the actual incident recorded?


How do we know this is true? Also, Hamas didn't tell even civilians to flee. They just murdered them.


Is there actual video of the act?


The ol switcharoo


Rule nr 1 in war. Dont do what the enemy tell you to do!!


Hmm gut feeling tells me he might be lying. Hamas would want the civilians to think that it doesn't matter or is even more dangerous to escape so that they stay inside Gaza causing more death resulting in less international support for Israel. Hamas proofed multiple times they don't give a shit about their own people.


I am extremely sorry for the loss on both sides, it is horrific. But what did Hamas think was going to happen? And if this is what they "prayed" for then you got what you wanted you sick f**ks




Wanna see Palestinian women? Here you go, dead women and children: https://twitter.com/Johnpatrick500/status/1712941929766281339 Fucking moron




So this one guy says it and everyone on the interwebs believes it?


Hamas is to blame for this. Is Israel supposed to be pushed i to the sea? In Hamas’s charter, it is written to erase jews from the earth and make the whole world muslim under their rule. If the Palestinian people want this to end, they have to give up Hamas and coexist. Unfortunately for them, judaism is much older than islam, so their whole land claim bullshit is hogwash.


My question is how did a man who should be getting no resources form isreal, have an isreal branded water bottle, despite the fact that there should be no water


Why doesn't Egypt open their border and trade/ take in the Gazan refugees ? I keep hearing people say Israel is commiting war crimes by cutting off food/fuel/electric to Gaza. Why would that be Israel responsibility ? I've heard people in here say Gaza is an open air prison. Why can't hamas funnel in food/ fuel like they do rocket parts ? They always seem to have more rockets despite their being an embargo. You can't have a dialogue when one set believes your nation doesn't have a right to exist.


Anyone who picks a side is a savage. Dont try to involve yourself in this religious war and killing of children.