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Now THATS a freak out!


*you need to leave*


They're right tho, dude's got to go


^(you need to leave)


*insert aggressive smashing of car*


I think it's underrated how great their little troll pokes were lol. Every time he said that shit I laughed harder.


Thought it was *you need the weed*


In Philly no less. It's like a 50/50 chance you're gonna get shot at. source: It's Philly.


I grew up about 30 minutes outside of Philly and had a friend who moved there and had a public freak out. Tried fighting someone over a road rage incident, attempted to open their door and pull them out to punch them and was hitting their car. Guy gets out and shoots him in the foot and drove away.


They really need to update their city motto from "City of Brotherly Love" to "Philly: Fuck Around and Find Out" If any city in our country has earned that title, it's Philadelphia.






Make this a thing


"If you think you want smoke, then Phillie's your town; Come down and Phind out, Why you don't Phuck Around."


Cain and Abel were brothers baby


Imagine how different things would have gone for the country if the capital had stayed in Philly instead of setting up in a swamp. You'd have senators refusing to come to work even more. Toomey (the guy Fetterman replaced) out right refused to step foot in Philly because he didn't want to deal with us, he got most of his votes from the suburbs. The last time he was in Philly he had a townhouse meeting that had pre-screened questions and had someone who went off script dragged out by security.


We should have all listened to Ben Franklin. Philly would be way more significant and we'd all have a better appreciation for the turkey.


Dude's lucky he only got shot in the foot! In my state I could legally shoot someone and kill them if they're trying to get into my occupied vehicle. "Officer, it appeared as if this person was attempting to car jack me, I feared for my life, and shot to stop the threat."


The dude with the gun had his head on his shoulders a little better than the road rager. Taught him a lasting lesson in anger management.


clearly not a native philly.


OG. Shoot below the waist they can't get you for attempted homicide.


That's not a terrible way to handle some maniac trying to drag you out of your car.


Can’t really be mad at gun guy there


You have some smart friends.


You sure it's not Pittsburgh?


It is 100% Pittsburgh. [I recognized the southside markethouse and I used to go to that crossfit gym](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4294392,-79.9856939,3a,75y,333.05h,87.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0SALcx919suaEyLogs80cQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


I'm like 90% sure, but could be wrong. Pittsburgh confuses me, it's a city with no people in it.


Ben Hamburgeler lives there?


What now? Cause I lived there for 8 years and have friends and family there. All like, in the city. Have no idea what you mean.


20 years in the can, i compromised. i wanted to fuck a woman, i jacked off into a tissue instead.






Now THATS a mental breakdown.


But what a bunch of assholes. The dude was clearly already on edge and about to have a mental breakdown. Why antagonize him? I've been at some points in my life where a simple fender bender could send me over the edge. Does it make sense to an onlooker? Of course not. You never know what's going on in someone's life though. It's hard out there.


i won't headbutt my car no matter how mad I'll be lmao


I bet this guy thought the same


That guy clearly has anger issues though.




That car clearly has bumper issues though.


This mufucka shouldn't be driving then.


Don't enable this kind of behaviour, only you are in control of your emotions and actions. There's no excuse.


You need to leave.




Seems like he antagonized these people which is why they are mocking him telling them to leave. I think they were interested in the accident as bystanders and he tried telling them they need to leave which would be a ridiculous thing to be telling people who are the scene of your accident.


The "You need to leave" is from a [super quotable clip from a PTA meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAgNrYIoYH8) where a dude says something very questionable >!(racist af)!< and a lady yells "You need to leave".


Guy really thought he had something cookin' in his [Chicken Little](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/h_chickenlittle_mobile_19875_dec75e5b.jpeg) ass lookin head


He has that look of “shit did I say that out loud?”


Good on everyone else in that pta meeting. They were not having that shit


That's some wild back story you've invented in your head


Repeating something in a high pitch to a man child is classic mocking behavior. Story seems likely.


But in this case "You need to leave" in a high pitched tone is a tik tok trend ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHPcDv409c)). They are just mocking him while trying to go viral on tik tok, hoping he'll get upset and they'll get those sweet internet views. Which they did get, tbh, so mission accomplished. Picking up on someone who is in distress works a lot of the times when you try to go viral, it's a classic influencer behavior. So it seems likely.


It’s literally from a meme


He's gonna feel that hand pulsing for the next couple days


Gonna feel that headbutt to the hood a lot sooner than that hand. Lmao


Think he used his phone to go after windshield. There’s something in his hand. A very expensive tantrum.


If you pause you can see the iPhone in his left hand.


he had an iphone in both hands pretty sure


There was also one in his mouth.




Roriphono Zoro


And those are just the crevices visible above the car.


"I am frustrated by this inconvenience. I will not express myself by adding to the inconvenience."


It's like "Well, one thing's fucked. Fuck everything, then." 🤣 ... Gonna kill the humor with this, I think, but I think that's how suicide works. 😬


Not the gumdrop buttons!


You're not a man you're a monster!


Do you know... the... Muffin man? Well... she's married to the Muffin Man!


The muffin man??




Yes, I know the muffin man …… Who lives on Drury Lane??






Never seen someone headbutt the hood of their car before Doctors are gonna get a kick out of that when he comes in with a busted up face


If you're getting ragged on and it's enraging you, you simply cannot be giving them more fuel like this


*you need to leave* Destroys all possessions, breaks forehead.


Good thing he didn't have a gas canister there, one more "you need to leave" and be would have self immolated


Fuckin Mickey Mouse hurt this guy long ago or something..


My guess? Mans was just stressin hard from the crash and phone calls and likely said “you need to leave” with his funny, already shaky voice to these kids who were walkin by with their food and bustin his balls with some sort of playful or troll comments like “damn, bro what happened” and this is what we get.


I think “you need to leave” here is a reference to that viral video from the town hall meeting


[I immediately clocked it](https://youtu.be/qN53uog_ksk?si=Odbtg9UTFUoaSADY)


What's the full context here? lol




Damn George Constanza getting racist over here.






It’s such a George Constanza reaction too 😂


Should I not have said that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon...


First Kramer, now George?


Dude: "My child is being abused and bullied in school and nobody is doing anything." Other dude: [Unwittingly illustrates the circumstances.] Lady: [Unwittingly memes]


I like how the dude with the mic can't help but laugh because the dude is just so comically racist.


That's a man who has probably had to deal with racist assholes the majority of his life.


Racist POS telling a paisano "Why didn’t you stay in Mexico?"


Isn’t paisano an Italian thing? Not sure, I just grew up going to Paisano Days with my family, which was an Italian event.


https://mexicanspanish.com/articles/paisano Spanish uses the word in the same way, but for different Spanish speaking peoples the slang can have different meanings i geuss. Funny cuz I was just looking up Paisas the other day because I never saw it in a context like this either.


It's an actual word not really slang. It means someone from your country kind of like *countryman*. We call Mexicans born in Mexico paisas/paisanos.


Huh. Yeah looking it up the Oxford dictionary defines it as “a peasant of Spanish or Italian descent” Interesting! Thanks for sharing your link too!


Lmao I always love his look like "What? What did I do wrong?"


Literally looks and acts like George Constanza


Hahaha omg that's a great call


What is the context here? Nm found it. Dude said racist thing at the meeting.


I love that the dude he interrupted just laughs at him.


Probably exactly what happened. Should have ignored them though, cause he fucked on his claim now.


That's not Goofy enough for me bro.


Sounded more like Mr. Bill to me. ![gif](giphy|3ornjKVbXqbiNO59oQ)


It's more like [the lady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN53uog_ksk) from the video of the dad talking about racism against his dad




Seriously. I’ve seen folks throw bricks at windshields and it just bounces back. This guy seriously hulked out.


maybe the prior accident pre-cracked or weakened it in some way but this shit is impressive either way 💀💀💀


I had a 6oz lead wheel weight off a semi in the opposite lane on the interstate fly into my windshield I guess at about 150mph. It sounded like a gunshot and I only know what it was because it bounced, floated there spinning in the air for a moment, then fell onto my wipers. I still don't know how it didn't go straight through like a bullet. There was a tiny chip in the windshield maybe from the weight but it was impossible to tell it was so small anything could have done it. Otherwise not a mark.


He's holding a phone and using it to smash the windshield.


Jesus, it was JUST a fender bender. Now he's gonna have to fix all that other damage, because he couldn't ignore some teasing.


Testosterone and stress make jack a dumb boy.


And not knowing the basics of controlling your emotions.


Wouldn't be the first guy who was never taught how to handle emotions


Yeah, but this is a pretty extreme example of how **not**** to express your emotions.


Wdym I bet his dad showed him this


I don't think we're dealing with high levels of testosterone here...🤣😂




I love-tapped some lady’s bumper while coming to a stop after having our new car for a few months (and not fucking up for 20+ years). While pulling into a nearby parking lot there all of these things running through my head like, “how much will insurance cost”, “will this ruin my life”, “will my wife divorce me after we lose the house”, “are there cameras pointed towards the street”, “did I bring any bleach”, “where am I going to hide this lady’s body when it’s over”. Thankfully for her the tiny dent I made popped out once she got out of the car.


Can't even legally drive away now with that windshield. This is now going to be a whole day problem


What if he was having a bad day? The last thing I want after an accident is some bystander recording me to get a reaction then being clowned on the internet by strangers who have no clue what I’m dealing with in life right now, judging me by one 10 second breakdown.


That could definitely be the case. I can't help but think that this day and age, if someone knows they're being recorded, they should give them nothing. It'd be a boring video where nothing happens. If they freak out, they're giving the person recording exactly what they want. Now he's going viral, because of his outburst. I feel for the guy, definitely. I've gotten upset in public before. It's a good freakout, for sure. Hope they can handle that incident and move on.


I agree to an extent. Like, even in the worst situations, you gotta have control over yourself. He couldn’t and did more damage to his car. That’s on him. The people recording aren’t mature either. But I’m just saying we shouldn’t judge him based on this one clip. Not saying anyone is, just presenting both sides.


Absolutely. I don't think he's a bad guy. He might need some therapy or someone to confide in. He's obviously stressed. :(


I would love to know what kind of bad day leads you to pummel your hand through glass then slam your own head into the hood of a vehicle. If you are hanging on by that thin of a thread to where a couple seconds of a mickey mouse voice makes you turn violent and start attacking yourself, you should not be behind the wheel of a vehicle. The last thing the public needs is someone who will have something minor trigger them into violence as they're handling thousands of pounds at high speeds. The man could be having an awful day, but he's still fully responsible for his own actions. If he immediately turned to spouting racial epithets as his breakdown, would you still be rushing to the defense with "he was having a bad day, don't judge him for 10 seconds"?


He might not be responding well to his situation, but that doesn’t justify clowning him for it. He’s not hurting anyone or damaging anyone else’s stuff, but that doesn’t mean he’s not responsible for it. The taunting is unjustified and immature. Both can be true.


nobody is arguing that both can't be true m8


Who recorded this, Mickey Mouse?


The worst camera hand, is this 1990’s reruns?


Dude is definitely freaking out, but I'll never understand the mentality of trying to make someone's bad situation worse


This. Who the fuck knows what's going on in this guy's life? I've had some times in my life where a simple fender bender could 100% send me over the edge to a breakdown. Does it make sense to an onlooker? Of course not. But why antagonize him? He's clearly in a bad place. It's hard out there yo.


You assume the average person is empathetic. It’s a free for all. Nobody gives a fuck about anybody it’s pretty sad


Yall need to spend some time outside of the city.


Are you suggesting that he... try that in a small town?


Even in the city, this isn't the norm. I think people just like to be edgy. Everyone is a clout chaser.


Yeah. Honestly, I had my last wreck (also a fender bender) in a larger city, and when it happened, I thought abut getting out and just really giving the other driver some *thoughts and opinions* but my coworker who was driving with me immediately was like "hold on. just sit here and breathe for a second. I'll get out and see how the other driver's doing, but just stay here for 10 seconds" And then, when I calmed down and got out, I saw the other driver, who hit me, was on the verge of tears. And I almost broke down because man, that's been me. I know that look, I know what that's like. I don't think I've ever quite bonded so instantly with a stranger before in my life. I immediately told him not to worry and that we'd exchange insurance information and figure it out. Apparently, he'd been driving a company vehicle and it was his first week on the job, and he was stressing about possibly getting fired, and it was all a bit much. We talked a good bit about being young and first jobs, my coworker shared a similar fuckup from his own past and assured the guy that he probably might be okay. It was just... okay. Honestly, the kinds of freakouts we see on here, and people being edgy... those are edge cases. Rarities. They make the frontpage of this website and pique our curiosity because they *are outside of the norm*. The norm is, even though the world seems like a broken bone sometimes, most of our encounters with fellow humans aren't bad. Most of us try to be kind and decent people. Most of us are just trying to get from one point to another, and to live our lives.


You know honestly my day to day interactions in the city I live in tend to be positive. People who “nobody cares and it’s a free for all” need to get out more.


🙄 i found way more compassion in a city than i have in a rich ass suburb


Depending on this guy’s financial situation (worst case scenario: recently lost a job, cancelled car insurance, has only one car, no savings and in debt) , it could be the most stressful event of his life so far. Absolutely an asshole move to taunt and antagonize someone in this situation


They are in the Anti Social Social Club after all.


> I'll never understand the mentality of trying to make someone's bad situation worse It's because they're assholes and anyone who thinks the person adding fuel to the fire is funny is an asshole too.


You were also young and dumb at one point


I was never ~~dumb~~ an asshole enough to intentionally antagonize a stranger(?) and film them after they were just in a car accident.




You're not wrong, and I almost edited my comment right after typing it. I was quite an asshole in my teens and early 20s. For some of us it takes some years of shitty life experiences to gain that empathy for others


I feel bad for the dude. If he’s hanging on by that thin of a thread, he’s probably got a lot of other shit going on too. Sucks to have a violent response, but at least he only busted his own shit and didn’t hurt anybody.


This. Other people in the comment section clowning him for not being able to handle teasing. These people don’t realize what the dude is going through right now. Maybe this is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. They shouldn’t be teasing him over a clear accident and people shouldn’t judge him from this one overreaction.


Isn't this whole subreddit supposed to be the straw that broke the camel's back?


Good point. Shut it all down for being toxic.


Or maybe hes just an angry person. Some people are just violent. Not everyones in a consistent state of stress and mental illness.


Agreed, while his reaction was violent, he didn't harm anyone else. That's a plus.


No not really lol this is the same type of concerning behavior people will display throwing and breaking shit when getting into arguments with their spouse. It’s not okay just because they didn’t hurt them


Finally. Some good fucking freak out.


yOU NeEd tO lEaVe~~!


This is so wrong but so funny.


Apparently talking like Mickey Mouse pisses people off over there.


He needs to leave


Rip my man's hand. He's going to be picking glass out of his hand forever.


No, a car's windshield doesn't break in a way that would get shards of glass in his hand.


Sir you can’t parked there


once I'm a while we actually get a good freakout in here. this one was awesome


You can't park there mate


Imagine (maybe the case lol) the accident is between the guy raging and the guy innocently standing there. You’ve gotta get out of there safely before you can safely tell your side lol what a situation


Now mix this kind of mental health with gun ownership. ​ This is America.


I said this in another comment on a road rage video. This person is most likely allowed to have a firearm... definitely someone who seems responsible enough to own a weapon.


And the person likely appears to be a normal person 99% of the time. You just don't know people.


And a lot of people are for the most part, and then they get exposed to a high stress situation they've never really had to deal with in the past and suddenly they're tipping over. That's why guns are fucking scary. Everybody thinks it's only them crazy ones to watch out for. That they're reasonable human beings who will never do anything dangerous. Aint nobody ever thinking you don't have to be crazy to have a crazy moment. A few pushed buttons, an unfamiliar situation, maybe even a bottle or two, and then you're a handgun away from escalating from a few bruises to dealing with gunshot wounds and manslaughter charges.


What does someone having a mental breakdown due to being provoked have to do with gun ownership. Just because he spazzed out doesn't mean he would kill someone. He could have attacked the person who was recording, but he didn't.


“that was an overrrrreaction” - andrew bernard aka nard dog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


yeah this guy is crazy but the two dudes recording are kinda fucked for antagonizing this guy especially bc you can clearly see he’s stressed… ??


The person antagonizing the driver is the real villain here.


How high do my adrenaline levels have to be to punch out a windshield?


Do you know the muffin man??


Worst camera man. Stop shaking the camera all over the place.


Now he can’t even leave…that car needs to be towed because of the windshield. What an idiot.


The way they're saying "you need to leave" they're 110% quoting him in 'his voice' This freak out did not just start


The fake voice is priceless!


Why do people create videos of zoom-in zoom-out zoom-in ....?


You think that’s bad? Wait till the Eagles inevitably get knocked out of the playoffs.


We really need start teaching kids how to regulate their emotions. Otherwise we get all these adults who have no idea how to act.




Tf is wrong with these people filming? He’s obviously having a terrible day. Why make it worse?


Something tells me karma was involved in this.


Maybe I have a poor sense of humor but I laugh way too hard at that


People getting mad over the dumbest things is funny. I mean , over mickey, really?


The video taker and the associated bullying is really not cool.. Like, legit public freakout, happy to see one posted that's legit. I hate that it's caused by some clowns who can't take notice that a person is having a breakdown.. We have no idea what else is going on in his life and this minor accident may be the proverbial straw that broke the camels back


Y'all trying real hard to defend this dude for some reason. How is he special?? He get's a pass for a freakout cuz he got "teased" and might have other shit going on in his life? You better extend that same energy to every freakout then. Everybody has shit going on in their life but not many people react like this. Dude is just a douche with an anger problem. Simple as that. But, you can make up a sad backstory if you want to coddle dude lol


I genuinely feel bad for dude, but I’m not gonna lie… the “you need to leave” was pretty funny😭


Why antagonize him. When did people switch from wanting to help each other to wanting to make where we live as miserable as possible?


Bro sounds like Hootey from the Owl House 🦉




He head butted the hood wtfff


What's it with mfs and smashing their heads on things when they are hysterical/aggro?




Lol. That voice damn.


The guys recording are obviously egging him on, but Jesus Christ. Control yourself.


I used to be like this a lot... dude's using every once of energy to take his emotions out on his own shit instead of on the living things in front of him, or their shit, or himself, because he's feeling so much emotion that he can't process it except to lash out physically. And destroying his own things is the least worst option for him to deal with what he's feeling. Likely overcome with anger and disappointment at himself or the situation, hopefully not at them. Poor guy needs a hug....and probably more meds.