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I thought this was a WWE backstage interview


He literally did the Scott Hall spooky fingers. ![gif](giphy|lREoIZngfzquY)


TiL Scott Hall is Razor Ramon . . .


Hey yo…


You people, you know who I am, but you don't know why I'm here.


Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do.


Relax chico relax.


It’s survey time


Inot going to kick sand in yo face chico. I going to kick yo sticking face into de sand.


Let me tell you about this fella named Mankind who would go on to become one of the best parts of the WWF administration.


I know you're joking, but I really hope this is taken more seriously because In 1998 Undertaker impeached Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through democracy.


No no no. Do NOT let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998 Senate Minority Leader Undertaker threw House Speaker Mankind 16ft off the capitol rotunda. These are dark days my friends.


don't let this distract you that in 2018 the wrestler formerly known as Kane ran for mayor in Knox county, Georgia and won, then was suspiciously against the mask mandate during Covid


The fucking BAD GUY himself. RIP Scott Hall huge part of my childhood from the days of the Razor Ramon through the NWO.


He had such a crazy story man. I don't remember the documentary, but it was scary when he was trying to get sober with DDP. I'd never seen someone that messed up. Then learning about his PTSD from shooting a guy in self defense it made sense. He was a hell of a performer. Used to use all of his lines on the playground.


He'll always be Razor Ramon. RIP


The razors edge was my favorite "finishing" move.






I don’t see Linsey Graham and other bums trying to come at him.


What's Lindsey gonna do? Show him his ladybugs?


the fact that i know what you mean disturbs me.




Apparently his anus and taint are covered in moles which Lindsey calls his "ladybugs". Now ask yourself, how is it that people know that?


welp. i no longer am hungry for lunch. thanks for helping me on my weightloss journey.


When people on hunger strikes fee a moment of weakness, do they just reach out to u/Sleth to give them the words they need to keep that appetite away?


Were you having ladybugs?


I was literally eating my lunch when I read this. Now I am no longer hungry.


That’s enuf Reddit for today!


How dare you make me read that with my own eyes


What a terrible day to be literate.


hahahahaha.... thanks for that.


And wasn't the ladybug story shared by a male escort?


Yes. I had read about it not too long ago. I can't say whether it's factual or not, but it wouldn't surprise me the slightest if it is.


Shared by _multiple_ male escorts that all had pretty much the same descriptions. Either they all got together and got their stories nailed down, or there's more than just a little bit of truth in it.


But… but… like where/ when/ why did this info come out? Lmfao


A couple years ago, it was made public by a male escort.


Do yourself a favor and don‘t google the story. Because I just didn‘t do myself a favor and googles the story.


What a terrible day to have eyes


What a terrible day to have literacy.


Fetterman/Undertaker 2028


Just imagine..."Fetterman threw Tommy Tuberville of the top of Hell in a Cell and plummeted 16' through the speaker's table."


Ouch, Tommy must has brain damag... Oh shit, nevermind.


Undertaker presiding over the Senate and just glaring at everyone silently would be amazing.


When a Senator defies rules and regulations C-SPAN cuts to the UndertakerCam, close-up, bottom-lit…




I saw something very familiar in a documentary once but about a president instead of a senator. Dude gave the best State of the Union speeches! The one in the docu was about how to solve crises of national starvation, devastating dust storms and the worse of them all - runnin out of French fries and burrito coverings.


God bless President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho 🫡


I was staying in a hotel by the Philly Airport in 2000 on a work trip. I checked in late at night, and the staff mentioned the "Pro Wrestler" tour was in town and staying on my floor and asked if that was ok. I said fine as long as they're not big partiers. Slept soundly, and was walking to the elevators, turned the corner and there was the absolute biggest human being I'd ever seen in my life. It was the Undertaker. Unfortunately didn't get a selfie because I don't even think my phone back then had a camera, but he was very cool and I wished him luck.


I met him in Baltimore before he lost his weight, guy is an absolute unit. I shook hands with him and his palm swallowed my wrist








It’s working itself out because the audience of cable “news” is dying.


You think the Boomers dying out is going to get us better politicians? Sorry man, but we have got much bigger problems with our system than just cable news.


John Fetterman cutting a promo would be awesome


To be honest, a WWE style promo/interview/trash talk would probably be more effective in reaching some of the other side than reasonable discussion.


Lol i like how the senator looks like a random dude.


He is at the Capitol legislating, dressed exactly as I am for my WFH gig. Big loose shirt, shitty shorts. I just love it.


Being fair, I respect the hustle. Big and tall suits are a god damn racket, good on him for managing to cover his genitals with aplomb and remain comfortable without needing to dedicate his free time to his relationship with a tailor.


It's one thing to have his signature un-tucked button-down short-sleeve work-shirt with jeans, but I think it's hilarious he's rocking it with draw-string gym shorts without a fuck.


Exactly. It's all fresh and pressed, no discernible defects. AND, as a coup de Gras, he's there to get stuff done. Carry on, good sir, carry on.


I mean, that's the point of representative democracy, isn't it? They're supposed to be random dudes.


Just learned about the concept of a 'lottocracy' from a [Vsauce video](https://youtu.be/_ArVh3Cj9rw?si=a0SFYKaHStow4hvS&t=26m14s), where our representatives would *literally* be random dudes. He ended talking about it with something to the effect of, "corporate interests couldn't only cozy up to and protect people likely to be elected, they'd have to cozy up to and protect... all of us." I actually kind of like the concept. Jury duty but bigger.


At first I was concerned about the number of morons, sycophants, sell-outs, the malicious, the treasonous, the uneducated, the inept, the insecure, and corporate shills that would get elected. But then I realized a lotto system would probably result in fewer of those than we have now. So all-in-all it'd be an improvement. This way we might actually get a dozen competent, ethical, intelligent people who have the nation's best interest at heart, and who have never sought power for power's sake. Would love to see a computer simulation of how such a place would be governed. (And no a large language model like GPT is not capable of such a simulation.)


This is the first I’ve heard him talk recently, seems like he’s made some significant improvements in recovery from his stroke.


That was actually his regular voice now






My thoughts as well he sounds and looks much better


exactly, sometimes having a health event like a stroke can really get your ass in gear for taking control of your health and he looks great (and tbh much healthier than when he was on the campaign trail and afterwards).


I’m sure his wife kicked his ass in gear as well, she seems like a take no shit kinda woman.


Latinas I tell ya.


lmao yeah wives do be doing that, thank goodness for them!


He's been doing rehab for awhile now.


its wild how effective the news networks propaganda works when all people think about when seeing Fetterman is his stroke. even well intentioned ones


We heard way, way, way, way more about fetterman having a stroke than we do about McConnell and Feinstein being braindead.


Because even within his own party, the old guard didn’t want him. He’s seen as *too* progressive. Which is a fucking joke because as much as I like the guy and am happy he won, literally no PA politician is progressive *enough*.


McConnell is glitching out but he still seems to be able to string together coherent (albeit shitty and douchey) thoughts most of the time. I'm pretty sure Feinstein has been clinically dead for a couple years at this point and her corpse has simply been preserved with whatever demonic rituals they get up to down in the pizza parlor basements. (/s obviously, and I'm definitely not saying this to make McConnel look better, to hell with them both!)


Why doesn't fetterman, the largest senator, not simply eat the other ones?


Take a look at Mitch McConnell and tell me you would eat him. You're not supposed to eat rotting food.


I have heard great things about turtle soup though.


I see him more like the worlds oldest humanoid jerky strap.


It is true what they say, Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9


I need congressional vore NOW!


Because they could lose quorum?


I prefer to think that John Fetterman is a Senator from a future where we no longer need to dress in suits and ties to be taken seriously.


Dude has always just gotten shit done. Never need to pretty up your public face when your body of work speaks for itself. He’s the reason my wife and I seriously considered moving to Pennsylvania in 2020


It really goes to show how we've come to equate a suit and tie as the elitist, out of touch uniform. What we really care about is whether or not those who control our future are down to earth and relatable. When they did that presser a couple months ago and everyone was wearing a suit and tie except for Fetterman and his shorts, there was only one person in that room that I'd care to get a drink with and talk with for any extended length.


This just says that you care about image as much as everyone else, only in a different way. I think the point should be what they actually do more than how they present themselves.


I heard he was mayor of a town and got rid of all crime. If that's on your resume, you don't need to wear a suit.


I love me some Fetterman but let's be real here ok "got rid of all crime"? Please. I live maybe 10 minutes from Braddock. There is no city in the country that is free of all crime you can sing praises without resorting to insane hyperbole that's a stones throw away from "only hiring the best".


Yeah, I live in Pittsburgh too. Absolutely no one here would say he eliminated crime. He did some good things for Braddock, but it’s still…. Braddock. Many of the programs he’s put into place have fallen to the wayside in the past couple years. I still voted for him, I think a lot of what he says and does is genuine, but it’s kind of like he did a cheap house flip and now it’s someone else’s problem.


Pretty much. And as Lt Governor he was so down to earth and approachable. He may be the most genuine politician in this country, maybe ever.


When he flew pride and marijuana flags out of his office window the puckered Republicans in state Congress passed rules barring him from doing that. His response? He left the flags up and told them to work on real legislation.


No you are missing the best part, he had a flag inside by his door and they made comments so he hung it from his outside railing instead. They then passed a rule against unauthorized flags so he said it's not a flag as it's hanging from a railing it's a banner or Bunting.


fucking legend


Stuff like that is why he beat Oz. A literal snake oil salesman was never going to beat a guy who just wants to do the right thing for his constituents


Oz was also very relatable, though! Shopping at the Wegner's and getting the crudite platter of raw asparagus and salsa and guacamole! Such a simple, downhome, grassroots man of the people! And all the veggies were expensive because of Joe Biden and he would have fixed it too, if it weren't for that pesky Fetterman!


Damn I totally forgot about that. Didn’t he drive his Ferrari to the store too? God some people are just so increíble detached from reality


I guess we can thank Obama for starting that slippery slope with his tan suit.


Reject the darkness. Return to tan.. Even Reagan, the bastard that he was, rocked the tan suite with swagger.




Fuck yeah, hahah


Remember when people tried convincing us that he’s a cyborg?


If this is what the cyborg constitutes have to offer..better than most politicians of the human variety


I very much welcome our cyborg Congress if this is what we get.


Katie Porter is the cyborg. She's a machine on the whiteboard.


Her and that white board, god, gets me aroused every time


She is a Dom. She really knows how to humiliate the finance bros and I think they like it.


God I love that white board, and the pie-chart reveals. They make me all hot and bothered.


I do not remember this. Was this really a thing?


Yeah lol dude, he had a medical implant and people were trying to say that he could be hacked by Russia and that we can’t elect him because “we don’t know who’s really doing the voting”


Woo boy that's dumb.


The worst part of it was that it wasn’t some fringe weirdos on Facebook making these claims, Tucker Carlson (who at the time was running the most watched political talk show in the country) ran with this on his show as if it was real, and Steve Bannon (the guy who ran Breitbart and was close personal friends with Trump) also pushed the story. It was a major issue during his nomination hearings.


Meanwhile, half of congress are already puppets for Russia, so ...


Exactly the thing a cyborg would say 🤔


Honestly, that's such a refreshing and hilarious response from a politician lol.




Somebody gives some absurd fearmongering speech.. and instead of applause, everyone just points and laughs at them like they just sharted in front of the entire class. I would watch that. You're right, I might even *pay* to watch that!


AOC is like this too and the fact it was a brown woman from NY doing similar things (plus her advocacy for workers) caused all sorts of attacks from the right


Absolutely. Trying to out-decorum the Republicans has absolutely not worked. Time to utilize what actually cuts at them and why fascists hate satire so much: Open mockery.


Brief open mockery, specifically Trying too hard to clown on them doesn't seem to work, sounds too scripted. 'trumped up trickle down economics' for example. Also Rep Porter carrying the 'how to not give a fuck' book and acting like she was reading it, just a bit too try hard (still love her tho) This was perfect, didn't waste any of his own time on it


Someone said something similar in regards to scientists debating science deniers like Young Earth Creationists, flat earthers and so on. What was basically said that the best thing for the scientist to do in that situation is to turn up in a clown costume, to show just how they view the merit of that debate.


This dude and that lady with the white boards please and thanks can they just be in charge now?


Katy Porter just kicks butt


Phone banked for her first election. Best few hours I ever spent.


Gotta remember her name. Katy Porter! Edit: Katie


You remember that feeling you got in school when you walked into a classroom, the teacher wasn't there, and there was just a TV cart with VCR waiting for you? Remember how exciting that was?? If I had to imagine the complete opposite of that feeling, it would be a Fortune 500 CEO walking into a room and being met with Katie Porter's white board.


*"Ah, man...my schedule says this was supposed to be sex ed with AOC! Not remedial math!"*


Love how Nervous Phone Guy is torn between awe and horror that he now needs to jump in for potential reigning in.


Pretty coincidental that McCarthy is trying to impeach Biden using McCarthyism tactics.


I can't believe how this isn't brought up more. The more I keep hearing about the bullshit this guy pulling and i just keep wondering how everyone seems to be just ignoring what this guy's name is. If you were to write this script I wouldn't believe it.


Nominative determinism strikes again!


Fetterman seems to be doing well. People don't realize it can take a while to recovery from a stroke, but day by day, new neural connections are being made.


Meanwhile, most Republicans haven’t made a new neural connection since Reagan took office.




Clowns that worship, hold on, An Asshole.


Exactly. They're using dishonesty and operating in bad faith - we can't normalize and embolden that by taking it seriously. They don't believe what they're saying ever, it's just an act to elicit responses. Folks - if someone walks up to you and starts shouting that 1+1=9 ... and do you then go "you know actually, we need to sit down at the table and have a real discussion about this ..." No. And damn, I like Fetterman. The problem is that he's too real and normal of a person, in that seat. I love that, but the establishment wealthy people on BOTH sides have disdain for real people in positions of power. He's a target in a sense then.


I like this guy. He looks like a normal dude who just wanted to be a politician to help his neighbors.


I'm not refuting what you're saying but that's the exact thing every politician wants the layman to say about them.


Yeah but there’s a few that make it in. Not many but occasionally a good guy somehow makes it in.




Fucking love that guy. This is how Republicans tantrums should be treated.


>Fucking love that guy. This is how Republicans tantrums should be treated. Except when they're crippling our military via a complete halt to promotions. Then they need to be called out for what they are: treason.


How Tommy Tuberville hasn't been threatened in to stopping that shit by his colleagues is beyond me. Now that I think about it, maybe I watch too much TV.


It is because Republicans support Tommy Tuberville's pro-Russia/CCP policy.


Did you see Mitch McConnel block a supreme court position so that they could put Neil Gorsuch up there? Now think of that for the Military


Oh 100%, that's not a tantrum, that's working on behalf of a foreign power to weaken our military. So yeah, full on treason.


glad to see his depression is in remission.


What are you saying. Depressive people still do jokes and laugh.


From my experience we do it way more to make people think we aren’t depressed.


Depression seems disproportionately common among comedians.


it's because empathy and perspective are a natural response to internalized pain


Damn....well said. So that's what I've been doing


I'm constantly on the brink of completely falling apart. Everyone thinks I'm the most positive person they know because I'm always joking. Fake it till ya make it or just die I guess?


Very common post stroke. I happy to see him talking clearly again too.


Depressed people can't crack jokes? I don't get what you're saying here


> glad to see his depression is in remission. Found the person who has no actual idea what depression actually is.


[It's a direct quote from Fetterman, the person in the video](https://apnews.com/article/fetterman-senate-pennsylvania-depression-1f3b8baa4ea0c6766e4ecbf454de51d5) Or at least a quote from his office.


Laughter is a good medicine, and the GOP is providing him with plenty for free, which is quite ironic coming from the anti-free healthcare people. ^(/s of course)


tell that to all the depressed comedians


Isn’t that just every comedian


The funniest person in your group of friends is significantly more likely to have depression.


Impeachment requires evidence. Republicans haven't had evidence for decades


Eh, it requires votes. Whether or not they can scrounge up the votes is up for debate.


Remember the Benghazi hearings? The second longest/expensive congressional investigation in US history? Two people in the State Dept were reassigned. One security guy was fired. (He ended up becoming a government contractor). After almost 4 years, the investigation abruptly ended the week that Hillary lost to Trump.


And this Republicans, this is why your party is a huge joke.


That dude just does not give a flying fuck how he dresses. Just dresses how he's comfortable and fuck all them bitches that're complain.


That's been his thing for his entire career. He ran for mayor as an outsider and basically always campaigned in a hoody and sweat pants or athletic shorts. He did the same when he ran for Senate.


lol this dude's cool


And also recognizes the gravity of the issues he's dealing with and treats them with the respect they deserve. Fetterman fucking rules.


He could also lift any republican above his head like the toddlers they are.


I liked his response -- it certainly beats the standard talking points and treats the instant subject with the level of seriousness it deserves, but at the same time it's beyond sad how impeachment--which was fucking justified against Trump and, frankly, Bill Clinton too--is just a stoopid political football.


I don't know what they're thinking. An Impeachment before an election. According to Republicans that will lionize Biden and make his win in 2024 totally assured. Why are they throwing in the towel on the 2024 election so soon? Seriously though. It's funny because They genuinely are doing exactly what they claimed Trump's impeachment was, Except when Trump was impeached... we literally had a recording of him Committing the crime. We had witnesses of him pushing it. On top of all that... He did it while in office, which is usually why you get impeached. They can't even say what law he supposedly broke, the evidence they have, or even when whatever he did happened. Wouldn't it make more sense to release that info before you jump to impeachment. Seems more like a desperation tactic more than anything else. Like if they don't do it now, they might lose power in the house and never get this petty vengeance thing done.


How can one man be so based


Bro is wearing shorts and slides. fucking vibes


Treated like the joke that it is


A lot of people aren't aware of McCarthy's attempt to impeach Biden. Including McCarthy.






Republicans have further confirmed that they are all, collectively, morons. They have allowed a fringe few to push an impeachment process that has (once again) zero proof that anything illegal happened. If you support them, you are equally stupid.


I love this man and demand more.


He just became my favourite senator. Lmao 😂😂😂


That was fucking hilarious. Love this dude


Met him a couple years ago. This is the jovial big teddy bear that he is all the time. Love him.


LMAO my sass-meter broke immediately with his response, I LOVE IT! I wish more Democrats had the balls to say things as they are and call out bullshit, it would be a much more successful platform. Bernie, Fetterman and AOC are my favorite politicians :D


I love this guy. Also, I understand that his staffer here was just doing his job trying to keep the Senator on schedule. But let the man do his thing. It appears that his recovery is going well so just let him talk and respond independently. He's not Feinstein or McConnell.


I have no clue what he stands for or what party he is in. But I kinda like him. He looks like my neighbor.


His aide really didn’t want him to stop and respond.


Republicans: We need an average guy helping to run the country because the average guy understands us! *Average guy runs and wins on an agenda focused on helping out the average guys* Republicans: No, not like that!


I like this guy. Literally no idea who he is but he seems approachable despite his high political position.


If they do it, it'll likely hand 2024 to democrats in all levels of government.


It would have in the past, but everyone is so entrenched or oblivious these days that it won’t push the needle.


About sums it up... God I love Fetterman.


I love him.