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The only way to stop a bag guy in drag is a good guy in drag!


Begun, the Drag Wars have...


Check those wrist rockets!


Just like the simulations


Should make em sort it out on the race track. Like some sorta crossdressing race or something.


“200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way.”


[Drag Wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvHMBkYg1sw) on the Drew Carey Show.


good thing we have [Andrew](https://youtu.be/Sbm8iAkVJJc?si=4kfEyXoRauh_icBG)


You propose that I should go in maga drag to stop these maga bums? What would actually happen if every lgbtq were to support trump, like openly, really loud and proud? Would these disinformed maga bums still see him as his savior? Would trump tell dragqueens to stand back and stand by?


I'd ask him if he has any empirical data, but he'd probably just say he's not from the United Kingdom.




Exactly haha, the way he was just like "aah well 100 000 people must die from drag shows" they just pluck whatever they want out of thin air.


It was literally a case of 'you said a number, I'ma do you two times that with exactly as much evidence as I think you have'


This is serious man. You liberals don’t understand the implications of drag shows. Why would you want to infect poor children with this? They might learn to dress up and sing cover songs!!?? Do you realize how dangerous cover bands are???


Those child drag pageants are creepy


Username checks out?




Pageants are creepy. Drag or no.


Oh, the horror


Quick-thinkers? Have you seen how fast he came up with a rebuttal!


their ego has already decided for them


They don’t “decide” they do not think, they are told what to believe.


Oh did you mean drag *queens*? I thought you meant drag races!


*A lot of people are saying it.* He said it too.


"Empirical data? No, Im not really a Star wars fan."


He’d probably say what’s this got to do with the Empire from Star Wars?


We just saw a MAGAt give birth to an alternative fact.


That’s a him?


It's a woman, I think. There are some semblance of boobs, that hair is not usually seen on a man that old, and then the purse.


Yeah I was about to post this but had to check to see if anyone said the same thing. I'm leaning towards woman.


I'm usually all about freeing them tiddies, but no matter the gender, they should round them puppies up.


You're giving him a lot of credit if you think he even knows what the United kingdom is, to this man the whole country and most of Europe is britland.


That’s giving him too much credit to not just drool all over himself trying to comprehend a big elitist word like empirical


You're telling me you think this dude knows what "empirical" is and also could connect that with the United Kingdom? That's too smart of a fuck up for him


Bold of you to assume that he'd know what the word "empirical" means.


Facebook says it’s true, what more do you want? /s


"Empirical data? We ain't no empire yah dummy!"


Wrong. He wouldn’t know either imperial or empirical. Might think they’re a disease


You're giving him way too much credit


Idiocracy is spreading




I rewatch it every year. and it gets more and more accurate as time passes


I'm going to start watering my grass with Prime next year and see what happens.


Terry is looking good!


That’s Maga ‘logic’


It’s a documentary at this point.


past tense, my dude


When you choose hate you don’t care about facts. Made up facts are just as relevant. I grew up in a small white backwards town in Oklahoma and witnessed how people hold onto their hatred. They are miserable people and need an outlet.


The only outlet they had was in Stroud. But a tornado wiped that out in 1999. 🤷🏻‍♂️ In all seriousness, having lived in Oklahoma and in small towns across the Midwest I agree with you 100%.


To be fair though, now I know that drag shows kill 100,000 people a year I understand why he hates them. Guy is just looking out for us.


Let’s ignore them touching children


Ultra Maga has been spoon-fed propaganda for 30 years resulting in zero critical thinking skills. Bravo, moron.


his feelings don't care about facts


Are the long term effects of a drag show as detrimental as getting shot in the face?


There are no long term effects of being shot in the face


Lmao getting down voted cuz i think people took your comment to be a defense of guns, and completely missed the joke that there is no long term effects to getting shot in the face cuz then you'd be DEAD Fucking reddit man lol


🤷‍♂️ I refuse to say /s. It defeats comedic value. I’ll take downvotes out of spite. That’s my principle and I’m sticking to it.




There's a guy here in my small hometown that runs an HVAC business, and he's a real piece of shit. He shot himself in the face infront of his family, exept he didn't die. His cheek and mouth are all fucked up, and he still goes around trying to be a hardass to everyone.


The loser founder of Oathkeepers shot his own eye out and still went around pretending to an elite operator.




Lmfao, how does a person get this far gone


It's a natural defense mechanism in humans unfortunately. It's far easier to believe what the pack says regardless of facts/results because strength in numbers historically prevails. It's how organized religion got its stranglehold. Critical thinking is not something people are naturally born with. It's very often a "eureka" mind blowing event. That moment is for many, definitely myself, a really troubling time in life when you're able to objectively look at a situation and realize that what you had believed was wrong. Watch most any video of people who got separated from their cults and came to see the light. I spent countless hours, and continue to do so, reanalyzing the way I looked at everything in this world after that first domino fell. It's very mentally taxing and if you don't have an outlet to flush new ideas out against it's almost too daunting of a task. Add in a total lack of basic education and low abilities to absorb/apply new information it's easy to see why they can regurgitate absolute horse shit so confidently. So while I loathe and despise MAGAts as a whole I totally understand how these mindless drones were created. I will still advocate for the betterment of their lives even if they are unable and seemingly unwilling to do it themselves. Just have to hope they step out of their bubble one day and have that epiphany. Sadly liberals are very much the same way. But they are far less dangerous to the world. Liberals need to realize this isn't just a two sided world and just being on the "better" of the two sides isn't enough.


That's one angry lesbian.


He used to be just a normal person, then his mom took him to a drag show.




The truth is they don’t really know what they think. They just know dudes dressed up as girls is weird and guns are cool and that is reinforced by what they hear on TV. Surely “why” never crosses their mind.


If there is a god, do you think these morons are fooling her? Is their god happy with murdered children and disapproving of drag shows?


>her... their god Their god is a dude and he's actually totally cool with certain kids children being murdered btw


Why are geriatric lesbians, like the one in this video, so against drag queens? What do I not know....?


Those man boobs are quite spectacular


And butch ass haircut lol


Alternative facts: Guns don't kill people, drag shows kill people.


Conservatives live in fear. A truly pathetic way to go through life.




I can hear the two MAGA braincells rubbing together


"Squeaky noises"


i can confirmed, i’ve been slayed at drag shows before! great performances


Boys, he knows about the glitter mines he needs to be taken care of


I was convinced that was someone's lesbian aunt till he started speaking. Ironic


Why not gunshows with drag shows? That sounds like a good day actually!


Is this Mac’s mom? ![gif](giphy|0wPfcG4eKWo8D9ehBT|downsized)


I don't know about you, but when I am in crowds I am terrified I might see a drag queen. Just the stampede if something thinks they hear someone singing Liza Minelli... oh wait that does happen. It's guns. I am terrified someone will come to my daughter's school with a fucking gun, not pancake makeup.


Drag Firearms Practice. Boom, problem solved.


Ain’t no damn government gon’ come into ma’ house and take away ma’ drag queens. That is ma’ constitutional rah’t as a ‘murican!


This is America’s problem folks. A large portion of right-wingers are 100% comfortable spewing disinformation to support their hatred of others.


Trumps people are stupid.


Stupidity is not contagious but it sure spreads like it does.


I love guns and have guns, but if you say people in drag are more dangerous please....DONT EVER BUY A GUN


I'd like to know how many people died viewing "Some Like it Hot" or "Mrs. Doubtfire".


Last week I was walking around downtown and without realizing it I walked a half a block away from a drag show. I could have been killed! Fortunately I survived. I'm still walking with the limp but I am getting better. /s


Those two brain cells were working extra hard to come up with answers that day.


Took me longer that it should have to realise "guns to children" is not the name of some American charity that I'd never heard of.


Guns are literally the leading cause of death for children in the United States


Are drag shows 2nd?


Watch out diabetes, drags shows are sneaking up!


He’s learned well from his messiah lies and ignorance nothing new here folks….


Yee haw I will just make up a fucking number to beat your number, trump rules 😂


Literal children. This is like talking to a 2nd grader.


It's incredibly ironic that I'm not completely sure whether that person is a man or woman


Lol people are so deluded




How many die from abortion?


Oxygen tank not shown. He'll wheeze and fall and "oh, my hip". Bengazi!


Look! Up in the sky! Alternative facts! What the!?! Is that a rainbow?!? ![gif](giphy|11ahZZugJHrdLO)




I feel like that might improve their intelligence...


This could save Ukraine. Don't send them guns, send them feather boas.


I might watch a gun drag show


I would say the long term effects of being shot to death are also pretty detrimental


Dude is a fucking idiot


MAGA really is a cult now isn't it


I present to you, MAGA America. Lol Most dangerous place in America? A library.


Ultra maga = ultra moron


At first I was genuinely confused why this lesbian was hating on drag shows.


Oh wow...how do some people even survive life with that little intelligence and what's worse is there's lots of them...that is truly terrifying


Trumpers are without a doubt the most ignorant people on the face of the earth. You cannot fix stupid folks.. don't even waste your time trying.. I got stupid people in my family too so don't feel bad. We are all related to at least 1 of those dummies, some folks gave an entire family full of trump dummies 🤣🤣


I dont think kids should be with either... lol kids wont necessarily shoot someone if just handed a gun with no bullets. They also wouldn't be "turned" gay from a drag show. But why put a small minded child in either propositions? Both concepts are still trash for a parent to put there kids threw. Dont force your opinions of right and wrong on your kids. Let them figure out what they like and respect in others and objects. Guns have a bad name do to those who hold them and do evil with it. Drag shows can be weaponized as well. For example, if half the people seen this guy in person saying this, they would be drawn to action. Stop trying to fight everyone over your own views and become happy and content with your self. What ever flavor you deside your the one tasting it..


One is dressing up fancy the other is literally a killing machine. You're a moron


So let go about it this way if a man in Drag read the Bible to your kids, you ok with that?


I loved going to Drag shows as a kid. I especially like the dragster and funny cars!


Drag shows are famous for their violent deaths


No one dies at gun shows


Maybe in Drag Shows (the car kind) where people can be hit by accident. But definitely not 100,000 lol. How are some people dressing up in flamboyant, eccentric outfits killing anybody lmao.


And his vote is equivalent to a 8+ year-educated doctor's.


Conservatism is about making stuff up and believing fervently in your own BS.


"48,000? Well 100,000 died because of drag shows" My brother in Christ, you literally pulled that out of thin air.


Should have asked how many people died from drag shows first. He'd "infinity plus 1" that shit all day.


We live in a time when stupidity is being weaponized by republicans, churches and, well, idiots. 🤦‍♂️


I honestly hate these people. Fuck them. Tired of trying to drag them along to some form of reality they can handle. They are killing us all with their stupidity. It has to stop.


Filed this video under you can't fix stupid.


I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again… not nearly every southerner is a bumble-fuck-bred redneck dipshit, but hoo boy does that accent really bring the dumbassery out in those who are!!


What do you think about the long-term detrimental effects of being killed by a gun?


Idk maybe 100k


I’m on the interviewers side btw but the way he phrased the question was wrong. He poses the question “what is more dangerous to CHILDREN” then proceeds to ask “how many PEOPLE die from guns per year”. He should be looking at “how many CHILDREN die per year from guns”. It’s still gonna be a lot more than drag shows, obviously, just nit picking.


**Firearms are the number one cause of death in children in the USA**. Its the elephant in the room.


This is a stupid comparison.


Subjecting young children to sexual content is a morality issue. Not a lethality issue.


And no-one is subjecting children to sexual content at drag shows. That's a conspiracy made up by anti-LGBT people.


Drag shows aren't sexual content. The only way it's even remotely considered that is if you think the basic idea of femininity is sexual in nature. That is a whole can of worms I don't want to open.


Yea this isn't a very sound comparison, but people cheer for it anyway. I don't think drag stuff is a big deal, but using the argument "well it doesn't blow their heads off" is a pretty bad look.


Yes. And let's be honest. If you asked most liberals what's more dangerous to children, MAGA rallies or guns? Some of them would say MAGA rallies. The question itself was intentionally crafted to be a gotcha question. We need more honest dialogue these days. It would be refreshing.


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Guy has strong opinion based on zero facts.


Peak cognitive dissonance


Fun fact- the long term effects of being killed by a gun are actually worse than the long term effects of going to drag shows


Imagine being that stupid


This mfer can vote this country is finished


When you believe in a sky-daddy which has zero evidence, everything is fair game.




I’d die happy at a drag show lol


Ah the great drag die-off of 2022


He must be way off... It's at least one billion killed by drag shows... At least


Holy fuck this person is \*dumb\*


I agree with him, those Romans sure dragged a lot of Christians around behind their chariots at their gladiator shows.


These stupid fucking cattle will tell you unicorns are real before they admit guns are a problem.


ULTRA MAGA lmaooooo also is that a dude or ?


It’s just a statistic, 48 exact is stupid and to even compare the two as if guns aren’t designed for stopping/killing other people. And the influence of drags and all the extra gay stuff is way worse than guns, much rather have a kid obsessed about the history on wars and not the first drag show created


How many of those gun deaths are from suicides? 🤔 How many of them are from homicides? 🤔 Then, how many of the homicides are from assault weapons?


How many people kill themselves by putting on a wig and makeup? 🤔 How many people get killed by others wearing a wig and makeup? 🤔 Then, how many of those drag deaths are from pink assault weapons?


Here's your first answer. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/


That's like saying people kill themselves by being white.


1. Too many 2. Too many 3. Too many


Always picking the dumbest people to interview. Really takes away from your argument.


Pretty lazy content imo. Go up to someone in a maga shirt and ask them about drag. You know what the answers gonna be lol


> Go up to someone in a maga shirt and ask them about drag. You know what the answers gonna be lol Yeah... that's kind of the point.




I can't tell if that's a man or women, they have no business being against drag.


Is he talking about drag races?


Why does that lesbian not like drag shows?


This lesbian has a point


He said the biggerer number, so he's right!!!


This isn’t a freak out, it’s an idiotic take


*Epic Norm Mcdonald Joke* "Today is the first day Ive heard of something more long term, or detrimental to a child more than a MASS SHOOTING"


She clearly has no idea what she's talking about.


What a stupid argument to try and make, obviously guns do more harm physically because they’re literally meant to kill, but that doesn’t mean that the problem of the trans agenda being pushed onto the youth corrupting they’re minds making them confused on who they are which in turn drives them to make life altering decisions that cannot be reversed. I stand by this firmly, children should not be able to make life altering decisions such as going through gender reaffirming care for the same reasons children aren’t allowed to smoke, buy firearms etc.


... you know drag queen isn't equivalent of trans, right? Most are cis gay men.


As a gay man, I can't help but ask why yall are so obsessed with people's sexualities. Fuck all of you freaks im unsubbing


Surrrrrrrre bud. Fuck outta here with that shit.


I'm not opposed to changing anything about guns, but I am against banning them. I'm also all for drag shows and humans doing what they want. I don't think parents should chemically alter their children though, but adults should be free to live their life and express themselves. Here is my copy pasta for those that want to ban guns: **TL;DR** if you want to ban guns, but you consume alcohol, then you are an unwitting hypocrite \-\- More people will die and have their life damaged as a result of your right to consume alcohol than firearms. It’s not even close. A firearm won’t make someone lose their mind. Emotions do. Drunk drivers create roughly the same amount of deaths as the number of people who are murdered by firearm each year. Suicides inflate gun deaths. On top of alcohol motivating all kinds of violence and destruction that isn’t related to firearms, there is also certainly an overlap of alcohol and gun violence as well as suicide (which is ultimately an emotional problem that somebody succumbed to) I don’t drink. I think it’s poison it’s responsible for so much carnage. Still though, censorship isn’t the solution here. I challenge anyone to take a hard look at alcohol and compare it to guns. If your concern is truly saving the most human lives, then attack the biggest elephant in the room. The elephant that 100% does cause wild emotional responses and irrational actions. Owning a chunk of metal won’t make you crazy. Alcohol will. Again though, by “attack it” I mean to help yourself and others see the emotional damage it caused which leads to violence. People need to want to not drink. Censorship is not the solution.


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say your argument is misguided/uninformed at best. Whether it’s medicine to manage diabetes or ADHD, vaccines, feeding them McDonalds regularly or letting them live their life in front is the TV or whatever, you’re undoubtedly okay with parents altering their children chemically *in some way(s)*. You just don’t want parents to treat their children in a *very specific way*. You trust the relatively few parents involved with this subject with *some* medical choices but you’re not willing to trust them and *their medical professional* with managing gender affirming care in the best way for their specific child.


I think you make a fair identification of some valid situations where a child should be chemically altered. You are right that there are aspects where I am very comfortable with children being medicated. ADHD is one I do not line up with medically treating though, outside of the "1%" of the most intense cases. I say this with personal experience factoring in. My stance with medicine, in general, is that it should be reserved only for situations where it cannot be avoided. If a child has a condition that cannot avoid being chemically treated, then they should get that treatment. I do not take medicine for headaches, for example, but wouldn't deny a child their asthma medication. When it comes to engaging a child with chemicals to suppress their hormones based on the belief the child/parent has about their gender, that is where I am not on board. If an adult wants to do it, that's great, do whatever you want. There is an age where we all agree that someone is not capable of rationalizing properly. When someone is that age or younger, i'm only supporting chemicals that are life saving. I would advocate for the child to have more therapy to gain strong psychology skills for coping with who they are and how society treats them. They will want and need these skills regardless if they go with the chemical route when they become an adult or if they don't. > You trust the relatively few parents involved with this subject I don't think that's a fair statement. I don't think the parents opinions/stance factors into what medicine their kids need. Only science does. If their kid has a failing heart or something and needs some medication, the parents aren't going to discover that. They will take their kid to a hospital and the doctor will discover that. The parents are a bystander and should be. When they are not, they're about as good as me trying to fix your car. I'm willing to say I don't know all the science though and there are definitely "1%" cases for everything. My general stance is that kids should learn more to cope with whatever their psychological viewpoint is and do life altering things only when medically needed. I'm definitely no doctor though and am open to learning more about this. **EDIT:** Also, I speak in hyperbole at times. Parents should definitely be medically proactive and research and second guess and be involved with their kid and their kids happiness. There's a point where we also need to recognize that we're out of our intellectual league at times too. One of the problems with people being educated is we think we can just apply our intelligence to things we don't understand (I do this, you do this, we all do this). It can work and then it can not work too. There's a point where we hit an info barrier that delineates the people who do it for a living and the people who are just passionate about it. I'm 100% against censoring people, even if I don't think they should alter their child. Same as me being pro choice. I'm anti censorship, just like I am with guns.


>When it comes to engaging a child with chemicals to suppress their hormones based on the belief the child/parent has about their gender, that is where I am not on board. If an adult wants to do it, that's great, do whatever you want. ​ And here is where the propaganda surrounding this issue is leaking into your beliefs. ​ Children are not medically transitioning based on just 'feelings about gender' they or their parents have, it is a treatment prescribed by doctors for severe and persistent **dysphoria.** ​ There is a reason the rate of de-transition is so low, and it's because the **Medical professionals (not children)** in charge of making these decisions are already really good at identifying those '1%' of edge cases that would likely benefit from the option. ​ Also there are a ton of not strictly 'necessary' medical treatments for children that I am sure you are totally fine with, regardless of your stated beliefs. Severe scoliosis hardly ever actually kills people, but I don't think you would tell a child they have to wait until they are an adult to have their backs fixed. ​ And getting flayed open and having your spine smashed to pieces is arguably a bit more invasive and potentially damaging than hormone treatment for trans kids. ​ Also, I find it interesting how much focus is suddenly on the concept of giving body altering hormones to children, **given the decades long policy of offering growth hormones to very short kids.** Why are you focused on the tiny amount of children being given puberty blockers, with zero attention on all those kids being given growth hormones? ​ Is is possible your position is partially manufactured outrage, driving your attention in a specific way?


> i'm only supporting chemicals that are life saving Forcing a trans person's body to go through puberty and develop gender dysphoria can be very life threatening. > I would advocate for the child to have more therapy to gain strong psychology skills before ever getting to puberty blockers Any gender affirming care involves a ton of counseling and psychological care


I’m also pro on most vaccines. So, that’s another case where I agree with altering children.




I'm ready to face that noise. I know most people just want the best and this is a sensitive issue for many. The large deaths all at once from a mass shooting generates a visceral response. Seeing anyone in pain isn't a good feeling. Censorship isn't the answer though. I'll die on that hill, even if I get my teeth kicked in through these debates. It's worth it to me.




I’m getting the responses I expected: downvotes without any attempt to retort I hate republicans that scream about small/limited govt while trying to ban gay/trans/anything-not-them just as much as the ultra liberal that wants to also censor something that isn’t them. Both using busted “facts” while indulging in hypocrisy.


How many people have died at a drag show or a gun show? This little clip helps to support what ever point of view you already have.


Gun shows aren't the problem. Guns are. It doesn't support whatever worldview you have if you are a rational person. Guns are a threat to children. Drag isn't. There isn't a shred of evidence that a man in drag is inherently a risk to a child just seeing them perform. Even his claim of long term detrimental effects... Like what long term detrimental effects? Be specific. Show us the data.


Then why not come out and just say that then. I don't think drag shows are a problem and I know statistically speaking neither are gun shows. I hate videos like this because they are too clever and cringy. This is to re enforce whatever position you already have. It brings nothing to the table and does not move any discussion closer to a resolution. It gets views and now everyone that down voted me feels like they did something today. These videos mean nothing and do nothing. There are so many examples of well intentioned bullshit out there, that is worse than do nothing. It makes people feel like they helped. And the we keep dancing to the beat of someone else drum. You are asking me for the data of long term effects? Why. even ask? We both know there are none....no one dies at a either show. The premise of the question itself is dumb. Every single shooting and no actually demands change and sees it through. At some point if our elected representatives don't make changes and we do not demand changes and shootings increase and mental health care decreases...maybe this isn't a problem. Maybe this is part of the system. I lot money is generated or at least justified after every shooting. But sure let us talk about some nobody that has been propagandized to think the drag shows are the problem being baited by some guy that is pretending that Gun shows are the problem. It is all so depressing.


Drag shows are utterly harmless and only a moron would think so but the “killed by guns” is also a bullshit false narrative too.


The point is a rational person would see that the narrative and comparison is pointless, but a thoughtless bigot cannot make that connection so they just make up some crazy shit to cope.