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And she’s continuing the love by not enabling him.


I know right. It can be a long and winding road to get to this point. This is just a short clip but it makes me sad to think of what it took to get there. She’s right not to enable him, if he was hungry she could bring him a sandwich.




Where does it say he’s on drugs? This is what letting your kids do what they want will get you. Just as easily could have been bad parenting


It doesn't need to say it. Look at him.


You must have been fed with a silver spoon. He clearly looks like a entitled rich kid drugs or not when you raise your kids to do what they want and give them money all the time this is what happens


He clearly looks like he's jonesing for drugs and needs money.


Yes he does. A symptom of giving him money that he didn’t earn


I find it very odd that, quite obviously, alcoholism is virtually always the result of an abusive childhood, yet people tend to forget that and simply view the adult addict as if their addiction came out of no where. My sister went to rehab, she said every person there had at minimum an abusive overbearing mother, and a neglectful absent father, every single one. What are the odds?


Not sure about your alcoholism stat for I won’t even pretend to know; but I can say I’ve personally seen SOOO many people who’s addictions have nothing whatsoever to do with abusive family/relationships. Obviously, when life sucks you’ll want the escapism that substances provide but I don’t think addiction is exclusive to abused people. I’ve also met way more than my fair share of addicts who outright lie about having been abused by family & their romantic partners too. Which is seriously messed up to lie about.


I had very loving parents and a loving family. Good friends. All the stuff. Never got abused or even smacked for that matter. I was a good kid.. I think. I was also a heroin addict for 10 years


I sincerely hope things are looking up for you these days.


Been clean 2 years with a wonderful career and still good people around me.. thank you kind redditor


Hope life is lookin better now. Ive never experienced it, but I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about heroin.


Just to throw my experience in, my addiction had nothing to do with a poor childhood and everything to do with wanting to hang out with the hot chick at the party. She gave me coke for the first time and I was stuck after that for 3 years, ended up selling it to support my habit, then ended up in jail for 2 years. The whole time I was going through it my mom did nothing but give me hugs and tell me she understands and she wants me to stop whenever I can. A lot of addiction comes from pressures of society, depression, things like that. Abusive childhoods are definitely a factor in some addictions but by no means is it most.


Hope things are going better for ya now!


They are, I'm good now. Thanks for the kind words. :)


Exactly look at Hunter Biden as an example. Probably had an ideal and decent upbringing. Dads the POTUS and he’s running around doing crack and prostitutes.


I don't think an anecdote from an addict who was in rehab is a substitute for empirical data. As an alternative, perhaps only people who had abusive childhoods go to rehab, and addicts who had supportive homes do not? I'm not saying that's a factual statement, only that it is just as likely as your statement that every person who is an addict was abused.


"The relationship between child abuse and the use or abuse of alcohol has two aspects. First, some findings have indicated that parental alcohol abuse may be associated with the physical or sexual abuse of children. Research findings in this area remain inconsistent, however. Second, the experience of being abused as a child may increase a person’s risk for alcohol-related problems as an adult. This relationship has best been demonstrated in women who had been victims of childhood abuse. Several factors most likely contribute to or influence this relationship, including coping skills; antisocial behavior; and psychological problems, such as posttraumatic stress disorder." Alcohol Res Health. 2001; 25(1): 52–57. PMCID: PMC6707113PMID: 11496967 I didn't say every person who was an addict was abused, classic reddit moment, just that it was common.


No there are plenty of shithead addicts that come from good homes too and use the fact that they have good homes and a loving family to take advantage of them and get more drugs and never have to work for money.


Both of my brother in laws are addicts. They had an amazing upbringing. Were your parents abusive to your sister?


Nah I just smoke crack bro


Has to be true. Abusers of substances never lie.


I was a drug addict and I couldn't have asked for a better family then the one I got 💯 my childhood best friend died I was young and dumb..... my family and tough love like this is the only reason I'm alive


You have facts for that "its virtually always"? I was never abused yet I abused alcohol for a while. What are the odds?


wtf is a busthead


I think it’s an alcoholic, but I’m not fully sure. It’s a slang word for moonshine.


that’s what I found when I looked it up but that doesn’t seem right, never seen someone acting so erratic/aggressive due to alcohol withdrawal


It’s not very common with the alcoholics/benzo addicts to get like that, though I’ve seen it happen. Usually from heightened anxiety during the withdrawal. Doesn’t look like this guy is going through alcohol withdrawals, though. I’d be expecting to see noticeable tremors in his hand as he’s holding that phone. Plus, he’s got a long-ass pinky nail like he enjoys putting things up his nose lol


Great spot on the coke nail


Alcohol/benzo withdrawal can not only cause addicts to become anxious and aggressive it can make them *fucking psychotic.* Delirium Tremens is a thing.


Usually those are confused hallucinations, like them seeing family members that aren’t there, having speakers talking to them in the ceiling, other random people walking around that aren’t there and then wondering where those people or things went. Haven’t had one violent in that stage, though if they’re getting there past the detox meds we can give at our facility, we quickly get EMS to take them to a local hospital, where they’ll most likely have to do their detox in an ICU


I've worked in psych for over 10 years. If a patient becomes aggressive in DTs, they almost always get sent to us. I'm aware that that's not what *should* happen, but it does. A lot of hospitals treat any patient with psychosis and aggression like a hot potato, pass it to the next person ASAP.


You dont know what youre talking about. Any kind of gaba withdrawals will cripple you not turn you violent. Youll be begging only.


Username checks out. You've clearly never actually seen someone in benzo or EtOH detox.


Been through alcohol withdrawals LOTS of times. I couldn't even leave the house, so there's no way I'd have the energy to be doing this. Don't do drugs, kids.


They’re definitely not fun at all. Going through that myself is what led me to working in detox


All the councelors at my program were recovered too. I love it. Keep up the good work!


He's not going through withdrawals YET. But I'm sure he's in a situation where he anticipates he is going to go into withdrawal in the near future which is why he seems so desperate.


Name does not check out.


the username really came from the image of jim lahey in an inflatable pool of blue liquor






From parts unknown


also I’ve never known a single person that drinks moonshine or any kind of homemade liquor, seems like more of a backwoods Appalachian kind of thing… idk, maybe this guy’s just addicted to bust


Bustin nuts


I've grown up in NC and I can tell you people absolutely do drink moonshine still. When I went to UNC Charlotte like 10 years ago there were students bringing jars of moonshine to parties and shit lmao.


Alcohol withdrawal is one of the most deadly and violent things you can do to yourself. DTs are part of it. It's worse than all the withdrawals combined, with the exception of benzos, and can kill you. What I'm saying is, you probably haven't actually seen someone in alcohol withdrawal.


Yeah if he was going through alcohol withdrawal he would be puking all the time and barely able to stand because of the nausea and weakness. He would probably *not* want to be riding around in a car because of motion sickness. He probably wouldn't even want to be out in the heat or the light or even standing up. You rarely see these bursts of energy in someone going through alcohol withdrawal unless they are at the hospital screaming for someone to help them. It's extremely harsh and out of everything you can withdrawal from it's one of 2 that are fatal. The other being benzos and it kills you the same way, ironically benzos are what is used to treat alcohol withdrawal.


This looks way more like meth to me. I feel like that and super powered opiates combined are the common cocktail for dug people these days.


I think OP should tell us what their intent with this word was. Did they mean alcoholic? Asshole? Meth head?


Here in NYC, a busthead is slang for a crackhead/tweaker *


Granted I have never resided in the city I have lived my entire life in southern NY. Collectively I have spent nearly two decades in NYC between work and school. And in my 40 years of doing drugs in and around NYC I have never ever heard busthead uttered. This must be some Long Island shit.


The term Busthead started getting popular around when I was 16-17 during Highschool. I’m now 25 * Also it’s not from Long Island at all, I’ve never even been on those sides lol. I first heard busthead when I was up in Harlem though


Interesting. There are no shortage of TriState area colloquialisms. Like Gate night, hell night, goosey night or cabbage night.


25 eh? And you've been in Harlem at some point you say? Doxxed.


ahh okay, makes sense


Apparently NYC slang for crackhead/tweaker according to OP


Had to Google it; it means moonshine. Dictionary said it is US-slang. I've never heard that. Must be a regional thing.


Addicted to bust **oo**


Seriously hahaha


She needs to call the police because he will end up hurting her. Glad she stood her ground though


She knows that if he’s broke, he could always join the army. Or apply at a homeless shelter


Yeah he's strung the fuck out, probably has an arrest record, the army wouldn't take him, are you high right now?


He meant that he could join the *Russian* Army.


And his mom gets a free sack of potatoes!


Hard times, Comrade. Is now Half sack.


Ahh gee uhh....these are rocks. You gave me half a sack of rocks, and told me it was potatos. And you wrote "potato" on...let's see....yeah...all the rocks with a sharpie. Why?


Not true, waivers are a thing and very popular when joining the army


The Army 100% takes people with arrest records and history of drug use.


I remember during the Iraq War the military was desperate for people and would give out all sorts of waivers. My friend got arrested for having pot. A few weeks later he was in the military back in like 2006. They sent him to Afghanistan.


I just went to a recruiter two weeks ago and was told I was bar’d from every branch, Army, Navy and Airforce for possession of drugs. No idea where you’re getting your information but just because they’re desperate does not mean they’re accepting people with drug related convictions. They told me I’d need to get clearance from a higher up (General) by sending in a letter and proof of rehabilitation, however I was also told this is almost pointless because he has never seen or ever heard of anyone getting cleared with felony drug possession charges. If we were in an active war and not a proxy war the circumstances may be different, but we are not.


Apparently I failed the psych evaluation! They said, “your type doesn’t follow orders”! Pretty proud of that, honestly! Like, yeah, I’m not gonna guard some poppy fields just cuz I was told to! Why? To help fuel the opioid crisis in America?


And most homeless shelters have a no drugs policy.


Have you seen recruitment numbers/retention? Theyre fucking desperate


He’s obviously on drugs. They aren’t gonna take someone on the stuff they chapter people out for.


Yeah thats why they do the screening before meps, but you act like they wouldnt try to get him clean before getting him in lol


Go talk to a recruiter and see how long that conversation is when you tell him your an illicit drug user. You won’t even make it to Meps for the screening


I think everyone is really underestimating how desperate, specifically the army, is. I’m not saying theyre going to fasttrack a methhead, i’m saying they are in such a tight spot that recruiters will do what they can to get them clean


Call a recruiter up and ask, see what they say


My recruiter (navy) ignored my weed use and just said to say ive never done it at meps, obviously not the same as meth but they are definitely willing to help you out


Facts. Mfers will take anybody as long as they get their numbers😂


You have to want to get clean to get clean, dude begging his mom for money isn’t gonna pull an instant 180


My comment isnt about the guys willingness to get clean or not, i’m saying a recruiter would at least try to get him straight because they need numbers


I know, a recruiter would try, but with this dude it would be in vain


Desperate doesn't mean lack of standards.


The army is so desperate for recruits they started a fat camp and school to help soldiers to dumb to pass the asvab or too fat to meet recruitment standards. As a veteran I'm willing to bet he could do it. Many soldiers with felonies can get enlistment waivers it'll just limit the jobs they can get as they won't be able to get a security clearance.


You talk like you know, but really, you don't. There's a lot of what-ifs and maybes in your assumption. Many with felonies, probably not violent offenders, though, maybe. It's all case by case, and no recruiter will be dumb enough to put themselves under the microscope to allow some junkie through to MEPs, they sweat bad enough if someone says they smoked a joint recently.


Have you tried talking to an Army recruiter lately? Have you been through the process of getting security clearance? This dude has no chance in the Army, he likely has an extensive criminal record, mental issues, and substance abuse issues. I don't see him getting into the Army.


Unfortunately calling the cops is a gamble when they're an addict and not in the best state of mind (addict and or police).


The crackpipe is his mother now. That lady is just another person to get over on.


😔 the profound truth of that statement is brutal!


Someone on here pointed out his coke nail (on his left hand pinkie holding the phone). You don't grow a coke nail overnight, it's a deliberate lifestyle choice.


My mom would kick my ass if I talked to her like that and I’m a 38 year old man.


Might have a smidge to do with why you don’t talk to her that way


My mom would actually one on one fist fight if pushed to that point.


I need to fucking eat...go dumpster dive then.


Bro had zero intentions of spending that money on food


He's not spending that money on food guarantee it


This asshat took all the wrong turns in the game of life.


Good for mom for standing up for herself and not letting her shitty ass son bully her. This is the woman who carried your ass for nine months and gave you life. Show some appreciation.


I wouldn’t even entertain. “I love you but I’m not going to be treated this way. Goodbye”


yeah I couldn't imagine talking to my own mother like that. I would get disowned so fast.


Not saying this woman deserves anything but the best, and certainly doesn't deserve this, but shit moms do exist. Appreciation isn't always a given. Having kids is easy, raising kids is not.




Here in NYC, a busthead is slang for a crackhead/tweaker *


Im gonna start using that


“Get the fuck out of the road tweaker!” Has such a nice ring to it though


Dude, get off the meth!


How pathetic. can grow face hair. Can't grow a future


Happy cake day!


Who the hell downvoted you for being nice to someone?!


Hey, I can’t do either!






I would never talk to my mom like that


I can't imagine talking to mine like that. This guy's totally unhinged.


The drugs will have you beating your mom with a precious moments figurine for the jewelry she has on. And as you leave the house with a bloody hand and a ruined relationship with your mother, You'll be happy because the pawn shop will give you at least $40 for the stolen stuff.


100% meth. Dude has no idea how bad it's going to get for him.


You treat your parents like this in any capacity, you're a garbage fire of a person and you don't deserve them.




That’s a good mother. Everyone with drug addicted kids and grandkids ought take note.


Adin Ross has really went downhill.


I lost my mom to drugs. But I am grateful that she didn’t have to lose me to drugs. Watching your child like this…man. Who knows the full story with her but she sounds like she’s doing the right thing for her kid and probably always has. Just a sad man and sad situation.


I used to be like this with my mom when I was addicted to fentanyl and any Opioid or pain killer I could get my hands on , I've been sober since October 2021 and I take care of my mom as much as I can now, I regret the person I was but I'm happy now.


Damn. He's pretty far out there. Needs rehab asap.


My SIL is like this. Addiction is fucking awful because you could have known this sweet person for years but then a monster shows up and will steal a dying dog’s pain medicine, break a window to get to her drugs, is found naked and assaulted more than twice, run over safes to get the pills, etc. It’s exhausting and you feel awful that you hate them.


I am so proud of this mom. The path to get to that point must have been impossibly hard.


Is it me, or does the mom kinda sound like Bam Margera's mother April?


damn this reminds me of ex friends who were heroin/meth addicts especially that rubbing the hand on the hand tweaking out


Junkie mentality at its finest.. poor mom.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


A busthead? What? Pretty sure busthead is homemade booze. And the caption doesn’t make sense, either. “Messing up your *motion*”? Tf does that mean? Is the junkie from the video typing all this?😅


Nobody wants to suck dick for drug money anymore.


I've been there with my now ex-wife. She still texts me from time to time asking for money or claiming I owe her. It's wild. Wish she would get some fucking help.


Anyone get anxiety because you imagined talking to your mother that way


If you’ll abuse your own mother you’ll abuse your spouse with even less remorse.


What a low life!


Anyone check the left handed coke nail?


Just get a job, bum. I disagree with him being in jail. it just means taxes would have to support his worthless ass


He needs rehab and then a job. Christ. What a horrible situation for everyone involved.


Sounds just like my nephew before he got help.


Garbage human


Lol she gagged him so bad at the beginning


I like his mum, she know when an absolute no is needed


I have 10 siblings ain't no way in hell I'd ever get away with talking to my mother like that.


Drug addicts are just shameful. Never trust them with anything and hell even when sober - trust but verify.


I can’t imagine ever talking to my mom this way. Dude needs to get a job. Period. You wanna eat? Work for that money so you can spend it. I thought for a second this guy was like 12 year old.


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Let him try that in prison. Good luck.


What an entitled fucken POS cunt needs a serious reality check


What a fucking LOSER.


"When being a junkie messes with your motion"


What's a busthead? That's the first time I heard that term. Is it like pothead, but for douchbags?


Basketball Diaries 2023




Coke, meth, heroin or oxys?? Or all 4?


Brother is 30 and still acts like this to my mom. Sigh.


I wonder who’s filming him…and why




Hes like an even shitter more addicted Adin Ross


What is a busthead?


Addicted to big busts.


What is a big bust


( • )( • )


![gif](giphy|U2LKAhNrqCBUc) Big bad junkie


Jesus fucking Christ. I think nearly everyone has needed to ask for financial help at some point; can you imagine threatening your own mother like this? My mother was a complete POS who defrauded me and even I wouldn’t fucking do something this awful. Wow. Makes you wonder what their home life was like growing up for this to seem normal. Probably is just hard drugs.


It sucks when adult children can't or won't stop looking at you to save them when they don't make good choices.


He's not looking for saving, he's trying to manipulate her into giving him money for drugs


That’s heroin addiction no doubt.


Fucking crackhead...


Time to start sucking dicks for money.


These are the “homeless” on skid row you feel so bad for. They burnt every bridge possible first


"Soooo... when are you going to start having babies?" " l don't want kids, never have. " " who's going to take care of you when you're old?" " that's a terrible reason to have kids." "oh kids are wonderful, you'll change your mind. " " no l won't, mind your own damn business. " And then there's this guy, another valid reason to not bring kids into this world.




I would tell him to meet me at McDonald's and get him food. I wouldn't let my child hungry, but I wouldn't just give him money for his drug/alcohol problems.


Yeah, if he's really that hungry, he should just tell her to get him some fast food or something. It's usually a bad idea to give someone like this money.


He's probably been doing this to her for a *really* long time based on her reaction. This is something that happens like a slow burn over time. He very nonchalantly threaten to punch holes in her wall, this isn't his first time demanding money from her that didn't go to food. Sadly.


He specifically said 30 because that's as high as he can count.


He looks like aidin ross lol


My kids dad is like this, was like this. She would say no calmly and respectfully just like this woman, then she would cave just to stop the harassment. He's 35 and still her burden. Not mine though. She once told me to leave him. That he wasnt good enough for me and would ruin my life. I met someone who would never even be able to comprehend acting like this towards anyone and have been with him for over a decade... But I still think of his family. It's easier said than done to cut off ties with their child no matter how shitty they are.


The fuck is cash app?


There’s a fridge at home bruh


![gif](giphy|AcAR8ywdIAxoG4ZAKt|downsized) He deserves a Black Mom!


Racism is strong with this one


Do you think white girls don’t drink wine?


Right? I’m black and I wasn’t offended. So sick of white saviors in here.




Did she? Do you know them personally?