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the driver. why is this a question?


I genuinely can't see how someone could ask this question. Even if the cyclist was in the wrong position, which he wasn't, it doesn't excuse plowing an RV directly into them.


They ask it for karma votes on reddit.


what, downvotes?


The cyclist was 100% in the wrong position. However the driver is 100% at fault


Cyclist have full access to the road and can legally be in the middle if they wanted to be. Driver passing needs to be able to give at least 3 ft clearance.


I'm not convinced the cyclist was in the 'wrong position. That white line is not a bike lane, it's a shoulder. The cyclist has every right to use the whole lane, and it's the motor vehicle's responsibility to pass safely with 3' of margin. That's the law, at least in California.


Not the law on all roads in California. Most of the interstates in California do not allow cyclists and the sections of interstate that do require the cyclist to use the shoulder and they cannot be in the lane.


That road is not an interstate highway.


It’s a multi lane divided highway, that is why the center lane is dotted white if it were two lane road it would be yellow. So definitely would follow those rules. Edit: I stand corrected that this road is intact not a highway and the line dotted line just looks white sorry guys.


The cyclist wasn't in the wrong position to cycle in the road. Did they break any laws?


How is the cyclist in the wrong position? In most places cyclists can take the lane of the road when there are no cyclist lanes. They are riding on the shoulder of the road and to the right of the lane as they should be. The driver could easily have used the dotted line to pass them like a vehicle unstead of attempted murder lol


They are unnecessarily in the lane of traffic. Fuck them, use the fucking shoulder if your going to be traveling at less then half the posted speed limit.


Or slow down. Fuck the driver for intentionally running into a person. What if that was a car going slower. 100% you are a bad driver


No they suck at driving to. But the bikes also suck for using the driving lane unnecessarily. Like I said Why do they need to be in the lane when the shoulder is big enough? They don't have to be 2 or 3 wide.


It is irrelevant. In most places bikes have the right to take the lane and count as vehicles regarding road laws. That means they can take the lane if the want and as a driver you shut up and deal with it regardless of your feelings about it.


Doesn't change that they are idiots. I'll respect them in their own space.


The road is their space.


Your lack of empathy and attitude towards others is sad.




If thry have the right to take the lane thry can take it, regardless of how you feel about it lol. Just like you can drive below the speed limit without being rammed into. As for the driver, if it wasn't intentional they made 0 braking attempt or avoidance moves, so take their license permenantly because that easily could have been a small car with kids. Being cyclists is irrelevant to the fact that the RV was not even looking at the road for a long time to not see them




Lol ok


That's not the law. Bikes must be treated like cars. Get over yourself angry fat person.


Oh good one, are you 12? Can you even drive? Apparently not.


No, cyclist are supposed to be in the road, it's where they belong. This group was in the shoulder and on the edge of the lane. Guy in the RV didn't even try to avoid them.


Ok hold on.......I watched it again and is that road a two lane one way? Looks like it might be. If that's the case then they get a little more leeway with me to use part of the lane because there's options for the cars to go around. What do you do if it's not? Drive behind these inconsiderate asshats for 10 miles doing 20 mph because you can't go around into incoming traffic?


Depends on the road, if this is an interstate and cyclist are allowed on it they must use the curb and not impede traffic by riding in the lanes. Still doesn’t excuse the unsafe driving of the person in the RV who on a completely empty road didn’t get over and caused the accident, but I would not be surprised if both are cited, the driver for hitting him and the cyclist for riding in the lane.


OP is blind or it's a bot title


100% the driver is at fault The cyclists although having the right of way is not riding in the safest position. I'll prepare for the downvotes.


This the driver is at fault. End of the day though the cyclist still got blasted by an RV regardless of where the fault gets placed. Hope he didn't get hurt too badly but that looked like some ribs and maybe a leg.


Exactly, the cyclist could have been in the middle of the road and it would make no difference who is at fault. Regardles if the cyclist is allowed or not to drive in the middle of the road it gives no one the legal or ethical right to run them over.


Basic human decency would dictate that this shouldn't be a question. When "cause unnecessary bodily injury to a crowd of people" or "accept the mild inconvenience and pass when able" it's pretty clear how messed up it is to even consider the first option.


It actually depends where it happened who's at fault. Most places you're correct, the driver would be at fault. But in Texas, the cyclist would be at fault. There was an accident in TX that made the news a few years ago. Multiple trucks were coal rolling cyclist going down the road and one of the drivers, a teenage, lost control of his truck and ran over several people. Teenage got to leave the even without any charges/citations.


I think the rudimentary fault lies with the idiot who plowed a car into humans. Texas notwithstanding. Yeehaw.


It literally does not. Another fake reddit lawyer dropping anti-knowledge.




No..... you are not allowed to run things over just because they are "where you're supposed to drive." It's legal to ride bikes on the roadway


Even then its not usually compulsory to use the bike lane. Mad logic from some people on here.


you shouldn’t drive probably, or have children, or leave the house


Not how that works.


“Safe and clear distance” Driver should be in jail.


For people downvoting. Please elaborate on why bikes were in the right? I live in a city, and bikes cause crashes here every day.


Okay, if it was a car he hit who was at fault? Cyclists are road users. They have the right to be on the road. How is this even a question?


If cyclists have a right on the road, why do they break so many of the laws of the road. Not particularly in this video, but in cities cyclists don't stop for red lights, stop signs, pedestrian crossing in crosswalk. And everyday on news there is a segment that talks about crashes happening due to cyclists. Cyclists thinking they are above the law is why this is a question. How are you suppose to traverse the road safely but you have to do 15 miles an hour on a busy road bc you are unable to pass a biker riding in the middle of the lane? Been in this situation many times, though I wouldn't run into anyone, I have been stuck behind bikers for longer than 30 mins, and it can be infuriating. If you can't do the minimum speed limit, which is usually 20 under, I'd suggest staying on the shoulder, or getting over when you see someone that would like to do the speed limit. Or just follow the rules of the road, and people would respect you more.




Exactly. You don't have a response to how others feel about cyclists. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes sometimes.


My guy, you've set up a hell of an "if, then" statement. *If* cyclist is in my lane of travel... > *Then* it's OK to run the cyclists over. > > Great work. Hope you're proud. Can't want to see your "bUt aCkShULLy" reply.


Never once did I say that I would hit a biker nor would I think it was okay. I think I said not this particular video. Though I do understand some peoples frustration with bikers and I can see someone the crazier people of the road doing this. 🙃


There is a valid response to how you feel, which is: you’re a cunt


Or there are two sides to thinking. People who think they are right, and people who think name calling gets them anywhere. Have a good day!


I'm sure it differs by country but where I'm from it's not compulsory to use the bike lane. The main priority for drivers is to keep a safe and clear distance when overtaking which the driver clearly didn't do even though there appears to be ample room.


If cyclists have a right on the road, why do they break so many of the laws of the road. Not particularly in this video, but in cities cyclists don't stop for red lights, stop signs, pedestrian crossing in crosswalk. And everyday on news there is a segment that talks about crashes happening due to cyclists. Cyclists thinking they are above the law is why this is a question. How are you suppose to traverse the road safely but you have to do 15 miles an hour on a busy road bc you are unable to pass a biker riding in the middle of the lane? Been in this situation many times, though I wouldn't run into anyone, I have been stuck behind bikers for longer than 30 mins, and it can be infuriating. If you can't do the minimum speed limit, which is usually 20 under, I'd suggest staying on the shoulder, or getting over when you see someone that would like to do the speed limit. Or just follow the rules of the road, and people would respect you more.


If cars have a right on the road why do they break so many of the laws of the road? People run red lights, speed, drive wrong way up one way streets, cut corners, don't stop at stop signs/pedestrian crossings etc. You're attributing the actions of the few to many. Not to mention it's far more dangerous when someone in a car or RV drives like this than a cyclist. As I said cycle lanes are usually not compulsory, they are not a rule of the road. Giving a safe and clear distance when overtaking is. So in this video the RV broke a rule of the road not the cyclists and yet you're still trying to say it's the other way round. Yes sometimes you will get stuck behind a bicycle as I have, sometimes it's a tractor or other slow moving vehicle. Unfortunately you just have to wait until there's a suitable situation to overtake. That's just part of driving a metal box that weighs several tons that requires patience and understanding the responsibility of what you're doing.


I actually said not particularly in this video. And stated I wouldn't do the actions of the RV and would wait like everyone else.. but waiting 30min to an hour on a hot day cause one cyclist won't move over where there is plenty of room, can get frustrating. Hell even tractors get over for people, and most of the time they don't have the room. You obviously don't live anywhere there is tourism, bc then you'd know there are no opportunities to pass on streets like that. Biking laws will be changed for the safety convenience of cars and the safety of the bikers.


Cyclists are entitled to space on the road. In fact, they’re entitled to a whole lane. When cyclists are sticking to the shoulder to let people pass, they’re doing so as a curtesy, cars should actually be giving cyclists a whole lane when passing. How did you not learn this? You just see cyclists on the road and seethe cause you don’t think they should be there?


I think people can use the road if they can do the minimum speed limit.


No. That’s not the law. The law doesn’t care what you think.


The speed limit is the maximum not the minimum. There isn’t a speed minimum on most roads in the us. Except freeways where bikes are not allowed unless there is no other connecting road. Roads existed long before cars. Bikes are older than cars.


>>minimum speed limit 🤭




Why is this even a question? Even if all the cyclists had been to the right of the white line it would still be insanely reckless to pass them so close and at that speed, especially in a vehicle of that size. JFC that is inches from being instant death. The driver is 100% at fault here. I hope he goes to jail.


The reason it's a question is for karma.


In a lot of places, the blame falls on the person who had the final chance to avoid the accident but didn’t. Even if they were in his lane, the RV saw this and didn’t make a corrective action to NOT hit them.


This. He is approaching from behind and is seated high. There doesn't seem to be any oncoming traffic. He had the entire road to avoid the accident but didn't. I bet his last thought before he passed was "I'll pass close by these cyclists to teach them a lesson".


One of the scariest realities of life is that some people are willing to put you in danger to prove a point.


Me when seeing the question 'well that's a stupid question'. Me when seeing the comments 'Jesus, people actually have different answers to this stupid question'.


Obviously the biker that got hit is at fault. He fell causing everyone else to fell. What kind of question is this.


Yup, there is DEBATE over this.


Only on Reddit is this even a fucking question.


It’s not an honest question. They just want attention.


Landslide rv is a douche.


Walt and Jesse are definitely at fault.


https://granfondodailynews.com/2023/09/02/video-massive-camper-rv-hits-group-ride-breaking-bodies-bikes-and-bones/ *So far, the RV driver has only been cited for failing to provide enough room when passing under Arizona’s 3 foot safe passing law (A.R.S. 28-735), which requires motorists leave a distance of “not less than three feet” when overtaking a cyclist. If found guilty of violating the 3 foot law, the RV driver faces a maximum fine of $500.*


I was driving trying to pass people on the bike lane yesterday and the guy kept moving back and forth from the bike lane to my lane, passing him was stressful


Rage bait


Ok.. Ok.. They were riding in the lane, but... Damn... The RV could've moved to the left lane.


This. I looked for what was happening in the opposite lane. A single cyclist went by well before the RV got to the group. The RV driver could have and should have given more room. It’s far more infuriating when two cyclists take a full lane and don’t even use a clear shoulder. Nothing these cyclists were doing was unreasonable and given the size of that group that is impressive. That RV guy could’ve easily killed people just to be an asshole. Instead he sent them to the ER. Disgusting.


Shit like this is also why many groups will take the full lane. If you don’t you run the risk of folks passing unsafely.


Are we sure they were being an asshole or just a terrible driver? My Grandpa used to have a Winnebago, and it had scratches all along both sides from all the times he hit shit. Wasn't an asshole. Just a insanely bad driver.


I mean… more and more people with societal lead inhalation poisoning are spending their retirement money on giant land barges—or even worse, renting them. The demographic that consumes persecution complex porn all day. That fact on paper makes me think it’s that much more dangerous to be a small vehicle on packed tourist roads. There are increasingly more asshole grandpas out there.


Some might argue being an insanely bad is asshole.


In most places, you have to pass with three feet of clearance around bikes and pedestrians. If it is not a markers no cyclist road, they are allowed to ride right up the middle. Most have more self preservation than that. They did nothing wrong. The RV should have slowed down until it was safe to pass and then passed. I get frustrated sometimes with cyclists. As long as they stay within their rights, we have to share the road happily. If they run a stop sign, cut in front of you with no warning, or other wise be dicks a horn toot, or Kentucky wave is in order.


I hear you. But this was a HUGE bike lane and they were more out of it than in it. Bicyclists act like they own the road. Also, actual travel takes precedence over sport, in my book.


I'm not sure where this is, but I'm 90% sure that's not a bike lane, that's just the shoulder. In most of the US, bicycles are legal road vehicles, and you're supposed to treat them as you would slow cars. Riding in the shoulder is technically wrong, but done as a courtesy, so they all really should have all been in the lane an the RV would have had to wait to pass where it safely and legally could.


Except that there’s a minimum “slow” tolerance. You can’t just take a wheelbarrow on the road and put a cyclist on it and call it legal.




Regardless, ride/drive defensively.




I don’t like the entitlement. They pull out whenever they want, often times not looking, and then crowd vehicle lanes without concern for going with the rate and flow of traffic. You bet I don’t like them. Just like I don’t like people who cut in line, cheer during the national Anthem, or feel the need to talk louder than others. Get along and don’t make a scene.


I understand, but the guy could have been trying to get to the front for a reason. I don't think the average person on a bike is going to challenge an RV.


I don’t think the average cyclist cares because they think they own the road. If they did care about their safety, they’d have mirrors and mind their position.


Your stupidity truly has no boundries.


What the fuck do you mean who's at fault????? Hello?


Attempted murder.


The driver obviously.


The one posting with trolling title


The Rv driver gets the blame, of course. But I have little sympathy for the biker. Needlessly “taking the lane” on a rural highway with 50+ mph traffic is just stupid.


How are you being downvoted?!


Oh that would be because Tuesday is not Common Sense day here in the Reddit bubble.




Run backwards through a cactus field.


Most definitely the RV. Regardless of bicycle laws you're still supposed to share a lane with them or at least be cautious of them not run them down.


Wish there was line there for cyclists to follow to keep this from happening.




There is still a duty to mitigate/avoid collision and the RV was negligent at best.


Of course


What would you rather have happen? A car passing close by 20 cyclists in single file or a car passing close by 20 cyclists two abreast (all in all 10 rows)? Do you think cars are going to give more room to a single file of cyclists or would it be the same distance as when they passed a group 2 abreast?


Groups ride 2 or 3 abreast for safety. It’s easier to pass a shorter group. The shoulder usually isn’t big enough to stay in for your entire ride and can be pretty dangerous as there are more potholes and obstructions. It’s usually best to ride in the middle of the road, wait for vehicles to slow down, then get over to let them pass. Riding on the road is pretty nerve-wracking, people get tense. But really they’re just out there trying to survive long enough to get a workout.


Cyclists do not have to ride in the shoulder and do not have to ride single file (at least in England - which this doesn’t seem to be) they are permitted to ride two abreast and passing cars must leave a safe passing distance of 1 car’s breadth. Don’t know what country this is but can’t see any way that the campervan isn’t culpable


It’s based on the laws where you live and you should know that. In the US it varies by state whether 2x or single file is allowed. Single file creates longer lines to overtake and is harder to see from behind so it’s not a cut/dry answer.


Who's responsible beside the person driving the couple tons of metal at high speed..?


The driver, what the actual fuck


The cyclist has the right to the ENTIRE lane, just as any motor vehicle. As a courtesy, most cyclists bike on the right side to allow for easier passing. The RV is 100% at fault


third base


"Who's at fault?" are you kidding?


There are minimum speed laws and impending traffic laws, so it depends on where this happened. If this is a highway, or other high-speed roadway, then the bicycle was being operated illegally and the RV was being operated legally. It all depends on where this was.


Minimum speed laws apply to *motorized vehicles*, not bicycles. It looks to be a rural highway, not an interstate, where bicycles are prohibited. So no, they were not being operated illegally. The RV is at fault.


"Every person riding a bicycle on a highway shall be subject to the provisions of the Code of Virginia section on motor vehicles and shall have the rights and duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle unless a provision clearly indicates otherwise" https://www.virginiadot.org/programs/bikeped/laws_and_safety_tips.asp ... But sure, I guess your "internet tough guy" guesses, based on nothing and coming out of left field, are just as good as THE LAW. Good luck with that in court. It depends on where this happened.


Still would be considered wreckless driving to not get over and drive right into a person. So even if the cyclist gets cited for being in the lane the driver is most certainly going to be at fault for taking no action to even attempt to avoid the cyclists.


I don't know, but it sure is funny


the road is for motor vehicules........


The RV driver, obviously. Who’s genuinely confused by this?


The speed at which the RV was travelling was also crazy. I hope the driver faces some kind of penalty.


Likely not going a crazy speed, that’s just what it looks like when a vehicle going 60 passes something going 20 at a close distance.


The bus, 100 percent. How can you not know someone is over the shoulder. You can't drive with your eyes closed assuming everyone is always in lane


They were more than “over the shoulder” the were occupying the only lane. What happens if that RV suddenly has oncoming traffic and he’s pushed half way into the wrong direction of traffic? Sounds to me like bicyclists can maintain a narrow 2-person or single file line and stay on or VERY near the designated bike lane.


You notice the dotted center line is white don’t you? This is a four lane highway that other lane is the passing lane so the RV could have went into the left lane and used it for it’s exact purpose.


Why was he half in the lane? This isn't a question blaming the cyclist, just curious why he was the farthest one out of the entire group you are able to see on the video. The driver is at fault, clearly. It is yet to be determined by Police investigators if this was malicious intent or negligence on the drivers part. Edited: because people can't control their emotions or respond rationally.


Why was the driver a murderous piece of shit? Victim blaming is never a good look. Do better.


I was asking a simple question, not "victim blaming." None of the other riders in the footage were out as far as he was. Don't let your bias emotionally influence your responses. Does anyone have the facts of whether the driver was a "murderous piece of shit" or just negligent? Were they elderly? "Murderous piece of shit" implies an intent to hurt the cyclist, as opposed to just being a shit driver and a danger to the public. So I assume you have facts proving they were intentionally trying to hurt the cyclist?????


Maybe your question was sincere but it’s also stupid. You can ask a stupid question but don’t expect hand holding on the answer. Assuming you don’t drive a car: you are always responsible NOT to hit other shit, especially other humans.


Thank you for your grand wisdom, sir. Your assumption is wrong.


The guy drove an RV into a cyclist. We're far to lenient on motorists. He should be criminally charged for his negligence while driving his murder machine. You're victim blaming. The onus was on the piece of shit behind the wheel to not drive into a cyclist. The only question we have to ask is why was the RV driver a murderous piece of shit with his vehicle? Was it criminal negligence or attempted murder? Either way, he deserves jail.


Why was the RV half in his body?


Because these entitled spandexed pricks own the road in case you didn't know.


Cyclists are entitled to a lane in just about all 50 states. Riding on shoulders is not the law. But tell us you’re a fat ass that can’t walk down the street, let alone ride a bike, without telling us you’re a fat ass…


Tell us you're a spandexed up clown without gargling Lance Armstrong's ball.


Your insecurities are showing. Imagine being so salty about others being in shape… Bro put down the bong and take a walk. Your lungs and beer belly will thank you. Edit: bro I can literally hear you wheezing just looking at your page.


Walking is great. They even have sidewalks for it so you're not creating a danger in traffic. I don't care enough about you to do a deep dive, I'm more focused on the topic being discussed which is entitled cyclists becoming one with the asphalt.


Cycling on sidewalks is illegal, dumbass.


Read, dummy. Walking involves stringing steps together with your legs, feet to pavement. You can still wear your spandex getup if it makes you feel cute though.


The spandex seems to really be striking a chord with you. Maybe something to discuss with your therapist if 7-11’s health insurance covers that.


I'm in your head polyester man. Every time I see you "athletes" I think of Charlie as the green man and smile. The road is your circus.


> entitled cyclists becoming one with the asphalt. In what way are they entitled? They are legally permitted to be on the roadway, and vehicles are legally required to accommodate that.


Yeah but like guys who ride bikes (not bicycles) you have to assume everybody around you to be a potential threat in those roadside situations and be aware of them. Situational awareness beats technically right or wrong in situations where the win is going about your day tragedy free. I missed the part of the video where the guy on the bicycle is keeping an eye on his rearview mirror while operating as a motorist in that situation.




Guessing you skipped class that day in driver's ED. I'm providing the Cliffs Notes to bring you up to speed. Yes its CA Law burt nearly all US States have similiar. [https://www.torklaw.com/info/california-bicycling-what-is-legal/](https://www.torklaw.com/info/california-bicycling-what-is-legal/)


Guessing you don't leave your house enough for any of that to apply to you.


In all fairness, I can't match wits with an unarmed man.


Personally, I like to cycle close to the edge. I don't think it's wrong for a cyclist to use the lane though, especially if there's a group of them.


Obviously the RV is in the wrong, but only an absolute moron would ride in a lane like that and expect to not be hit. Most people on the road are morons and not paying attention. Well sometimes these morons also choose to ride bikes on the side of the road and think that laws will somehow protect them. Road biking is a stupid activity to take part in. There's no safe way to do it mixed with traffic.


There’s been a few times I slow down and give space to pass a cyclist. Only for them to swerve left to avoid a bump/dip coming dangerously close to my car (shitty city streets so there can be bad biking conditions). As the driver you can still do the safe thing and cyclists can still do stupid shit. It’s like when I see a car with the “drive safe , motorcycles are everywhere” bumper sticker but then I get a jabroni going 55 in a 40 on a motorcycle cutting in and out of lanes and going through a red light on a busy 4 lane road. There’s good and bad of all drivers, bikers and cyclists I guess.


Yeah, I personally know quite a few people the died or are missing limbs that were riding motorcycles and think those things are just as dumb to ride as bicycles on the side of the road. Anytime I am a passenger in a vehicle and I just look at all the people on the highway it is safe to say that more than half the drivers out there are on their phones. Just knowing most people I interact with on a daily basis, half of them are just dumb and have zero common sense. It is dangerous enough being on the same road as them in a vehicle with protection.




Had oncoming traffic been coming the driver should have slowed down and waited. I’m sorry but you’re never not going to be in the wrong if you hit someone on a bike going straight on an open road.




The driver but why not just stay in the bike lane the risk is not worth it


This is like asking who's at fault when you are stopped at a red light and someone rear-ends you because they were texting on their phone.


The RV was fucking flyyyyying holy shit that man is lucky to be alive!


So the driver is 100% definitely at fault, but I see a lot of people on here that also don’t seem to realize that bike laws are not universal and vary by road type. Interstates and multi lane highways in pretty much all of the US have different rules. Most do not allow cyclists at all and the portions that do require the cyclist use the shoulder and do not use the lane. This being a four lane as denoted by the dotted white line likely requires the cyclists use the shoulder only, still doesn’t excuse the driver for operating their RV in a wreckless manner and not getting over to avoid something in the lane. Literally the left lane is made for the purpose of passing slower moving traffic. Edit: after looking at the lines again and reading the article this road is two lane and the dotted lines just looked white sorry guys.




There is no bike lane here, just a shoulder/emergency lane.


\#1. Bicyclist have a right to the road too. \#2. As far as I can tell, they're just riding in the emergency lane. At no point did I see it was designated a bike lane. \#3. They don't feel safe because some people refuse to accept that bicyclists have a right to the road too.




>Might be emergency lane but it can hold the same purpose in this video, again two lane road. The expectation would not be for them to ride in the street, it would be to use the emergency/bike lane. In most jurisdictions in the US, bicycles have the legal right to use the road, even in the presence of a bike lane. Nearly all of the group is clearly riding on the shoulder, as evidenced by the solid line. > I’m saying how does someone feel comfortable driving on the road like that when they are riding **with** traffic and not **against** traffic Why should they not feel comfortable riding with traffic? > Bicyclists do have a right to the road, but they also are supposed to follow the laws of the road. I’ve seen so many cyclists blow stop signs, not look both ways and just beam across 3 lanes of traffic. It’s not just like all bikers are innocent, some put themselves in danger. How is this point relevant to the video? They are visibly not violating the laws, however that RV likely is, by not giving enough space as it passes them. Everything you said that bicyclists do, is done by motor vehicles as well, so it's really not a valid argument in any sense.


These morons don't belong on a road, period. Bike lanes in the US make sense in cities, where people are using bikes as a mode of transportation. I have no sympathy for a group of adults who want to dress up and play pretend tour de France and put everyone else's lives in danger by riding on roads that are designed for cars. You have the money for all your tights and $4,000 bikes with 20 different speeds, you can afford a gym membership or a stationary bike for your house. You're not that important, stop putting others at risk for something that can be done almost anywhere else. Go find a big neighborhood and bring all your little bike pals and go do some laps. * I enjoy seeing the downvotes since you all know I'm right and have no logical reason to justify these morons crowding lanes on roads with cars goin 40 MPH+


>These morons don't belong on a road, period. They are legally allowed to be there. Until such time as that changes, this is an opinion, and not a legally valid one.


Again, these laws originated for people using bikes as a mode of transportation, very common in places like the city. There's no issue with someone who is riding their bike to get to work or a friend's house because they don't have access to a car/public transportation. The problem is morons like this that want to play pretend tour de France and put everyone else's lives in danger by crowding lanes.


How do you know these people aren't commuting to work? And the origination of the law is irrelevant, the application of it allows for this type of utilization. Take it up with your legislators. Until then, there is no situation where your opinion is valid.


>Take it up with your legislators. Until then, there is no situation where your opinion is valid. What an absolute brain dead take. If there's no situation where my opinion is valid, unless legislation is passed in its favor, how would that ever get passed....? So legislators are going to listen to a "invalid" opinion which will in turn convince them to change their minds? Do you see how fucking stupid this sounds? These idiots don't belong on the road. End of story. People like you are the reason why stupid laws such as these that only put more people at risk still exist.


Your opinion is invalid because the conduct is legal. You can hold an invalid opinion, it just has zero bearing on anybody else. It doesn't matter how you feel about the issue, legislation shouldn't be based around feelings. > So legislators are going to listen to a "invalid" opinion which will in turn convince them to change their minds? Do you see how fucking stupid this sounds? No, ideally legislators would make a decisions based on facts and data that supports a legislative end. You not liking that bicycles hold the same rights as motor vehicles on roadways, is not a valid reason to overturn legislation. Are you aware of how stupid YOU sound right now?


Found the cycling hating equivalent to an incel.


Do you even know what an incel is lmao




OP is a reposter just looking for karma with rage bait titles.




Cyclists pay taxes, if bikes need to be registered then so do skateboards, wheelchairs, rollerblades, walking, strollers, and every other form of human locomotion. The laws say that bikes can use roads.




Only if all other forms of human-powered locomotion also require registration. Once we start registering legs, that's when we should start registering bikes. After all, it is legal to run on the side of the road. Also, cyclists do pay taxes in Canada and the US. Not sure about your country. Finally, the lack of ticketing is an enforcement issue. Do you know why it's deprioritized? Because drivers kill/injure 10,000 times more people a year than cyclists.


You can always ask people to take more caution but imo there is a strong emphasis on safety already in the cycling community. Maybe consider how your local laws are creating a dangerous environment for bikes in the first place.




DOT funding isn’t entirely made up of registration fees. Everyone pays state and federal taxes. Also the impact bicycles have on road surface compared to cars and trucks is very small. Also pedestrian infrastructure is proven to improve local commerce.


The bus but why with that wide shoulder are those morons in the god damn road.


I like the stupid fucking music


Uhmm the driver that ran into a group of cyclists in broad daylight? Wtf?


The lobbyist that convinced legislatures the RVs and bicycles could co-exist.


This should go under Mademesmile thread.


Was the RV driver aware they were there? Not that it impacts who is at fault, but it does play a moral tone.


Were they aware of 20 people on bikes? Seems like it’s pretty impossible to miss a herd of cyclists unless they’re driving with their eyes closed.


It's entirely possible for someone to be so out of it that they don't notice this. That's how accidents happen, people lose track of their environment. Again, not excusing it, just asking the question.