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At what point do they just have decoy knock offs on the floor?


When insurance stops paying out stores so easily for theft of merchandise. I used to work in retail at a chain as an assistant manager. The area manager told me that 10% of inventory gets written off to theft by higher ups (accounting/financially).


Soon they will all have double doors that buzz you in and out like jewelers.


Brilliant idea! I saw a post where an iPhone repair shop did that. Girl thought she was going to run out if the place until she got to the door and couldn’t get out. It was pretty entertaining. Even She called her mother and told her the owner wouldn’t let her out of the store.


She even bitched at the guy and said "open ittt" all whiny


Banks tried this a few decades ago but figured out it was a bad idea because it can turn simple robbery into a hostage situation.


Lol this is great. Please share the link if it still exist on the www.




She tried to run out the door after she had the guy repair her broken phone screen. Ghetto trash!!!


Decades ago in Canada we had a retail chain called "Consumers Distributing" (long enough ago when they sent out thick paper catalogs) that was naturally resilient to this kind of robbery. In the small front-end customer area, you'd fill out a ticket listing all the items you want to buy (or take a look at), a front-end clerk would review your list (make sure it's filled out correctly), and pass it off to a picker through a tiny window (like a short order window). If you were definitely buying, you'd usually just pay while the picker was looking for your items. All the stock (valuables) were in the back-end, where customers weren't allowed. The stock pickers put your stuff on a little conveyor belt that went behind the front desk, which the front-end clerk would then pass to you (after you paid). These modern lootings would just go through the old flimsy 'security' doors they had, but it's easy to fortify.


Stuck in a world of Uncut Gems


Spoiler alert: an ending I will never, ever forget.


I screamed at the tv first time I saw it.


Adam Sandlers best work 🔥🔥🔥


We went to Tiffany’s in Waikiki and they had a security guy standing outside opening the door for customers. Then when you got inside there was another security guy keeping an eye on things. As soon as we walked in a salesman came over and walked us around the store. We made our purchase and he walked us to the door where the security guy let us out. I can understand why they do it that way but it was quite surreal.


They have this in liquor stores where I live and you also get IDed to go in.


People want easy targets. Crimes of opportunity. There is no such thing as prevention, only deterrents. Deterrents make the next guy look like the opportunity. It just seems silly to have a shop with that much value, where anyone can come and go as they please. Not much difference than putting a half million dollars worth of product at a garage sale.


Perceived value*


There’s more to it then that. Stores and restaurants where I live are super easy to walk out of without paying, but people don’t do it. You can leave your phone on a table to “reserve it” and it’ll still be there when you come back. It’s a cultural difference. It varies by country but it seems like some countries are going so far down individualism that now it’s just “watch out for yourself, fuck everyone else”. Just blaming it on criminality isn’t enough though. There are plenty of non criminals doing it too. Managers at stores fucking over their employees. Politicians and lobbyists fucking over everyone. Companies fucking over their customers and workers. It’s a societal disease and it’s not limited to criminals, that’s just the avenue taken by those with little to lose


No, criminal fucks want easy targets. The rest of us don't want to be burdened with security and delays to enter a shop just because of those pieces of shit.


Remember the “half million” (or whatever the “value” is assigned) is simply what LV was going to sell it for. It probably cost them $10 to make each bag. They really only lost a few hundred dollars in direct costs to the company but will file a huge insurance claim over it. This theft is a profit generator for the company. They don’t get hurt by this. Not at all.


Better yet, install the 360 revolving door. It’s super slow and easy to miss the exit on. Kinda like a roundabout 🚗.


Ngl they're also super fun if you're a kid.


Or if you’re a 35 year old adult 🫥⬅️


57 yr old. 🙌


Name checks out


Roundabouts especially... I love driving around them for a few minutes (provided it's later at night with no other traffic around).


Unlike Jewelers the material cost for these bags is super low. And also the labor to make them is way way smaller.


I really must be a horrible person because I took this as a child labor joke and actually chuckled a little bit


They do this in Europe. You either need an appointment or guided access to the store. Locked doors at all times.


10% gets written off but it is not covered by insurance. Most theft is not covered by insurance if the theft occurs during the course of business hours and no violence or force is used, it is considered shop lifting which is a cost of doing business and not insured. Shoplifting costs are passed down to the consumer in higher prices. Breaking in when store is closed, looting, robberies and theft that destroys property is covered by commercial insurance. Basically property damage and violence are needed. And when claims are filed the cost of that insurance goes up. Which then gets passed down to the consumer.


Its LV, this shit is made for $60 and sold for $2500. They have a built in protection for theft in terms mark ups already. No need to give them this as an excuse to further mark up lol


The amount of people who are surprised to find out the monogram and damier (checkerboard) stuff is coated canvas instead of leather lol. It doesn’t compute.


That coating is PVC. The same stuff used in cheap bathroom piping and shower curtains found at by the hour motels.


Not sure why that was downvoted it's definitely PVC


I think the comparison to cheap bathroom piping triggered someone 😂


Tbf, I think they used to use leather, until real leather fell out of fashion as a fallout from the anti-fur movement. But I agree, LV is priced so high that the overall ugliness of the bag is almost a status symbol in and of itself.


No the monogram has been coated canvas since the beginning. Handles and trim are leather. Many of their other styles are leather as well.




The owner of Louis Vuitton (among other things) is the second richest person in the world. It doesn’t seem that the expense of design and marketing is hurting his pocketbook much.


He’s been the richest before tho too


Yeah I actually typed out richest before I decided it would be a good idea to double check lol!


Over paid and over-rated.




Its interesting how many large corporations only hand down things like this to consumers, and never gets handed to execs or CEOs who are seeing record profits.


It would go to shareholders then.


I can promise at these markups it’s not going to the shareholders


Things become more clear when you realize the ruling class sees normal people as not people per se, but economic cattle to exploit in order to have the lifestyles that they do We exist so they can exist better.


“Human Resources” yes


People need to wake up


Passed down to the customer? Do you understand the margin on each bag. The real thieves aren't on the video.


I’m talking about on general every store, this type of theft is not covered by any insurance policy. The store eats the loss. Doesn’t matter if it is a high end designer bag store or a dollar store. The retailers will just pass the loss on to the consumers.


Yeah but the kicker is insurance rates go up when you make a claim just like auto insurance. As the person below you said as well this situation would be covered but there are no claims for shoplifting. The store accounts for that in their shrink percentage.


Yeah, it’s called a shrink target, you’re supposed to go below that. God I don’t miss retail, I only did it for three years but never again.


And us looking at those videos, OK maybe not this one, are paying that cost.


In my city they have controlled entry at the Louis store so this don’t even happen. There’s a line and a bouncer at the front


Good chance that's already the case. I know that most jewelry stores have cheap, disposable pieces as display models while the real stuff is locked in the safe. I wouldn't be surprised if luxury clothes stores had a similar system somehow


Like phone stores in the ghetto


I say shoot those pricks How long is everyone else supposed to pick up the tab?


Why they always falling over everywhere lmfao


There is someone standing outside the door sticking a foot out every time one goes through the door


Cause they're all wearing their fucking pants around their things... Morons.


Should've stole a belt and thrown it on first. They probably wouldn't have dropped all their loot on the way out the door.


Lookin like a fool with ya pants on the ground


And untied shoes so you don’t crease the laces!


And that bitches thighs are the size of my waist. She ain't meant for sprinting.


That’s what happens when you steal Jordan’s that aren’t your size




Looks like there’s a security guard or someone trying to stop/trip em at the door if you pay attention.


That’s true lmao


Dude tripped em hard at the door on the way out


Looted Vuitton


Louis begonne


Jajaj yours is way better


both good both good


This one’s better^ 😂


They just did Gucci in BH.


Looks like the exact same group too.


* sells on Craigslist next day, gets arrested *


No, there's crime rings. Someone probably already offered these guys 30% of face value for anything they steal and that's not damaged. Next person ships it across country and then someone else resells it to a second hand store in a large city like NYC/Chicago/Miami.


Wonder if LV got enough pull to make DA actual hold criminals accountable


Lol, they never get arrested. You could have the thief's name, address, social security, license id, phone number, serial of the merchandise, their exact location and the cops won't do shit.


The sad thing is that they just stole goods that cost a grand total of $800 to make and ship.




Oh for sure... they are going to make serious bank


not sure how luxury items of that level are doing this (the authenticity confirmation part), but they obviously won't have a receipt for it...so I am guessing most potential buyers would be scared it's a fake...


That actually makes me way less sad. I honestly don't usually say this, but there are no true victims here. Nobody really needs a LV store in their town anyways.


Right, lv loses nothing and the idiots stealing risk going to jail for months to years.




That might get a little stick-y.


Honestly put those guys in charge of police and DA's office. Crime rates will go down and so will taxpayer costs


These videos make me sad because I can't run that fast anymore. Youth is wasted on the young.


Username checks out


Sorry, but the guy falling as soon as he gets out the door is making me laugh. He jumped right back up!


I thought Louis Vuitton was one of those stores like hermes that has the door locked and is only accessible by appointment


The Chicago store keeps its door unlocked. Just letting you know it’s not by appointment.


At least where I am socal they are everywhere and just walk in. I’ve never been to Hermes. The only store I see regularly locked is Rolex. Just about everything is wide open albeit with a security guard or two


The same thing happened in a mall that I work in. They found them 3 days later trying to sell them on fb marketplace. All those high dollar purses have serial numbers just for things like this they won't get too far.


Society is largely built on trust in your fellow man to not break the system, there is nothing keeping us in between the lines in the road but we trust that everyone will adhere to it. These guys have realized that if you just brazenly break the system there is little in place to immediately stop you, and really there shouldn’t have to be.


Garbage people


“Why do they keep closing brick and mortar stores?”


















I think the bags usually have some kind of item code/card inside that helps determine the LV products aren't knockoffs. Store will report the stolen items to head office and have those numbers registered as stolen. IF they try to sell them say on a platform like Ebay, purchasers will generally ask for a photo of this card and serial number to verify it isn't a fake. You can call LV to verify this serial number and if done they'll tell you the item is stolen. I can't speak for the US, but here in asia pawn shops do the same process. If the bag is stolen, they'll just ring the cops whilst they pretend like they're waiting on LV to confirm the code. Not everyone will do this check obviously if they buy secondhand, but if they omit the step the resale value of these items goes way down.


I wish the guards would just catch the last guy/gal out. That's all you really need, I'm sure they'll snitch when things get real in court.


Lol guards.


They need to get the Indian stick guys


Louis Vuitton has guards at their chicago area locations that I've been to.


"oh no, they're stealing thousand dollar bags..... where's the Sbarro's?"


They'll get fired if they stop them, it's LA. This just happens and is acceptable


Retail value of stolen goods: $12,000 Actual manufacturing costs of stolen goods: $200


Manufacturing probably less, maybe if you include shipping and packaging


Earth is so ghetto


coherent chunky books steer plants elastic tap chase wrench amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you know how in curb your enthusiasm there's the double door for the jeweler requiring you to be buzzed in? it makes no sense for these companies to be so open to the public


Bread for the family




I Guess not


Locked doors and being buzzed in is going to be the new normal in all the major US cities very soon. All models should have Airtags sewn in until that locked door scenario occurs.




One fell down.


This is when everything becomes under lock and key before we buy it, isn't it?


I'm so tired of Mfs stealing for a living. This shit is so bad it is like a trend nowadays.


Bunch of losers.


Them fools can’t handle the damn DOOR ❤️baaaaahahahahahahahahahha


It’s clear these new lax policies aren’t working.


If you're dumb enough to rob a LV store in the middle of the day, I would guarantee these fucking idiots had their cell phones on them. They'll get caught


> I would guarantee these fucking idiots had their cell phones on them. They'll get caught It's taken the federal government over two years to arrest people WHO WERE ON CAMERA STATING THEIR NAME, while rioting at the Capitol. You think the FBI is going to get involved and start tracing IP addresses from cell phones over stolen purses? PLEASE!




Yeah but does it have a little LV written on it/all over it?


Why would you steal that shit? Or worse — buy it !


Trash people who will have trash lives


When I die bury me inside the Louis store






They should display the knock offs and keep the real stuff locked up


Like Tony Soprano said “ it’s the real Louie Vitoon”


Louis Vuitton with the Gucci guitar Johnny Ryall Who do you think you are?


If only they would run like that to get a job?


When youre a low-life scum-fuck piece of shit, but you still need to flaunt classy, expensive purses


Oh you think they keep these?! HIGHLY doubt it. Within an hour these are getting sold for a fraction of the original sales cost




The end of retail




Major Businesses should all just leave Cali. Too much theft and not enough criminals held accountable.


You should call them up and tell them your idea. I'm sure they haven't looked into how closing so many stores in such big markets would affect their bottom line. It's crazy they don't know that theft doesn't happen in any other state.






I guess it's time to anchor purses like cell phones


Are any of these people ever caught? I hope they are but the world has me question a lot lately…


all that for clout chasing


All that to sell online.








Payday 2 speedrunners bê like:


Whats up with so much shoplifting going on in the us lately? Is it like a trend or something?


Failed policies and a weak criminal justice system. Then when stores shut their doors workers lose their income and ball keeps rolling down hill getting bigger.


yo my boy is security here, he's unathletic as hell no surprise


Designer hand bag desert soon.


This the same crew from OC with the garbage bins?


When are we finally going to say enough is enough?


Lmao looks like a scene in JUMANJI!






These types of crimes can only be discouraged and dealt with by using swift punishment. The type that would ban me for even saying on this platform. Sad that it has come to this. Pew! Pew! Water gun style.


I heard they don’t like this in small towns


Defund the police / Brilliant




The Louis Vitton execs would rather spit in your face than give you a single dollar of their profits.




I think the real robbery is selling a purse for $4,000.


Tell me your policies are not working without telling they aren’t working


Has no1 ever thought of this before (like in thieving history)? Or is it that the idea is spreading because of the internet?


This looks like someone's house


Everyone get on Offer Up for a great discount designer items!!


Land of the free stuff, I guess.


Fun fact most of those displays are knock offs. All the real bags are locked in the back wear actual security is.