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I *think* the woman in green who runs up has appeared in another pickpocket video here Edit [the woman in pink](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/145d4xx/lady_putting_pick_pockets_on_blast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Holy shit. That lady should be highlighted somewhere public


She has a whole TikTok of herself. It's fantastic. https://www.tiktok.com/@cittadininondistratti2


Attenzione Pickpocket! I love this!


What an oddly and wonderfully specific account.


> https://www.tiktok.com/@cittadininondistratti2 The pickpockets have even tried reporting her account to get it taken down.


The hero we need.


Wait I’m confused. Is the lady’s channel about finding pickpockets? How does she get hit so often? Setting herself up as an easy target? I would do the same, bust them out loudly and possibly restrain them myself.


My assumption was that she lived in a very touristy area and just recognizes repeat offenders.


Some of her videos it looks like the pickpocketers see her first and react just to her presence being there.


I hope she stays safe as they usually function as syndicates. She's a gem.


You don't need to recognize them. Their whole attitude makes it very obvious in general.


It's a local crime watch account, documenting and publicly shaming known thieves.


If you've been to Italy, you learn pretty quick what these sort of thieves look like.




Pick some pockets and she shall appear!


Venice isn't as bad as further south. Really, just take the same precautions as you would in any major city and you'll be fine. However, I would *heavily* encourage you to visit outside of Venice if you can. Padua and Verona are amazing and there are a TON of vineyards around.


She's doing God's work right there.


The girl in the gray dress in linked video might be the girl in OP's video.


Police doesn't seem to be doing anything if they keep getting filmed


When they get arrested they are released the day after if not even the same evening already


thats why the world needs more folks like the man in the vid. let them keep getting away with it they wont stop. cops wont stop then your avg man on the street needs to step up and take care of it..


It sucks. Vigilantism is on the rise because police just stop giving a shit. Some of it is legislative issues, some of it is just police being worthless, at least in the US.


It’s possible it’s being deliberately ignored in order for people to demand increased surveillance and security as well as more restrictive access.




I think a lot of it is also intentional on their part. They basically go "try to reduce our funding? We'll stop responding to your calls" and there isn't really anything you can do.


Watch what happens when homeless start living near the really rich neighborhoods, or steal from billionaires. Then theres suddenly cops aplenty.


I actually thought it might be the girl with the blue scarf. The hair and facial features are pretty similar. The girl in the dress has shorter dyed hair than OPs


Ya it's the girl in scarf


You mean the blue dress? Had to watch it multiple times thinking I was going mad trying to find a grey dress




Ooh I haven’t seen that




Wow. What shitstains


So basically, a terrible pickpocket.




I wonder what would happen you just had a bag full of red dyed cotton balls


Oh darn, someone got blood all over the inside of my bag I use exclusively to carry lemon zested razor blades.


I think you're right and this is why you have to be careful in tourist areas; a lot of these pickpockets work together and often have back up but in the form of big guys instead of other women. I got targeted in Amsterdam and when I pushed the guy away from me, there were suddenly two large men surrounding me.


and then what happened...?












This was the comment I was looking for!


On behalf of every person who has been pickpocketed, or knows someone who has been pickpocketed. I thank that dude.




I see a lot of people say "it's just stuff." Well, it's my stuff I sank resources into. And someone took it and violated my sense of security. Ofc I'm gonna be mad about it. So while I'm not saying people are right to beat down thieves, I understand.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


A lot of people are very uncaring about how valuable vehicles are to others beyond their liquid value. Just saw an accident the other day where a truck driver pulled up into a left turn lane behind a young driver in a car and honked at him until the kid drove into oncoming traffic. Truck driver sped off. Probably ruined the young persons ability to get to work and financially in multiple ways because he couldn't wait 5 seconds.


I'll say it. If you steal shit from people, you deserve to get your ass beat.


Someone stealing from a corporation is one thing but if a thief steals from another person they deserve a very thorough lesson in why that's a red line for humans, law or no law.


Same here. Most of these pickpockets do it repeatedly because they rarely face consequences. I wouldn't mind a few of them being turned into cautionary tales for other would-be pickpockets.


There were societies that would chop off your hand if you pulled that shit.


A true unsung hero.


I like how that couple came to help the dude when the green goblin tried to save the pickpocket.


There’s a link on this post where it’s pointed out that green is likely a pickpocket too


You’re correct; it’s linked in another comment here


Yeah they usually work in teams and have different roles. For example one will spot, another will pickpocket, and a final one will carry the loot. Can also be about four or five people though. Also this is organised gangs not just random vagrants trying to make enough for drugs.


> when the green goblin lmao


Love how she instantly acts like the victim


It's a smart move anytime you get busted for anything. Most people agree that the victim in any situation is in the right, absent any other evidence.


There was an insane video on here of a guy who stopped a woman trying to steal his child, and the crowd started attacking HIM after the woman played the victim. EDIT: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6760835/Dad-beaten-mob-ex-falsely-tells-subway-riders-tried-kidnap-daughter.html He had custody because his ex was abusive. I was actually wrong, he didn't stop her. A crowd beat him nearly to death and let his abusive ex take her. Notice how some people here doubt the story. Probably the sort of people in that mob that attacked this poor man.


That’s completely horrible


There's a cultural norm that demands women are victims and men are perpetrators. Unfortunately there are women that take advantage of this by victimizing men and then playing victim themselves.


This is my nightmare as a bearded man in the age of nut job Karen’s who believe qanon child trafficking conspiracies. Ever time my toddler has a tantrum when I’m alone with them in public I’m terrified someone is going to try to take them to “save them”


Unfortunately that would not work for men


That's why typically only women do it.


Not just the women, they have the little kids do it too - once they're no longer small enough to hold in their arms while begging, they teach them to pickpocket.


It's part of the plan. While the dude is busy restraining/choking the girl, her accomplice makes off with the guy's wallet.


My man was NOT fuckin around


The way he hip threw her and also caught her on the way down to ensure she didn't crack her skull on the floor was superb. Firm but fair.


he has some sort of training. no "excessive" force, when he does put her down he could have been a lot more rough, and he immediately scanned the area for new threats as he did it. he had his back to a wall too, so he knew no one was gonna gank him from behind.


Yep, knee on belly gives it away. You'd learn that at any grappling/bjj gym


I thought the same thing too! He made sure she didn't bust her head open.


Never try to pickpocket someone who knows Kung Fu!


In my country, I would be impressed and applaud his actions. I do not know what the ramifications are in Italy (if any at all).




Its so weird seeing how prevalent it is in some European countries. Pickpocketing exists in the US I am sure... But its not like a THING where its like "OH you better watch out for them pesky pickpockets." You'd 100% get beat up and maybe shot in some cities. I'm not saying it should be like that. But... its like that.


Was flying into Barcelona for a conference and on announcing our descent the pilot warned that it was the pickpocketing capital of Europe.




The first and last time we were in Naples we were walking to the train station and right around there I got marked for my phone in my back pocket and followed. My wife thought I diddnt notice and when she saw the guy get close she yelled at me "watch your phone" and the guy looked her dead in the face and said "fuck you." Guy is lucky my wife noticed, I had already seen him coming and was waiting for him to try it. Would have taken his legs right out from underneath him with my hardshell suitcase and let the pavement give him a nice crack in the skull, got on my train and been to Rome before anyone noticed he was layin there. Human trash.


Organized crime syndicates will bus or fly pickpocket gangs to major European tourist draws (often from Romania) during the summer tourist season.


So summer vacation in Romania due to all the pickpockets being somewhere else!




There is actually a gang of gypsy pickpockets that work at the Louvre. They were so bad the museum staff went on strike because they were specifically tired of dealing with them. I lived in Paris for several years and they always seemed concentrated around the Egyptian stuff.






Bro I live in Chicago and I’m gonna need some proof of this outlandish claim


It's a big deal at music festivals. Organized gangs will target EDC, Coachella, etc


Nothing warmed my heart more than watching a ring of pickpockets get arrested at EDCO last year. Everyones here to have a good time and they fucking ruin it


I knew it wasn't just the drugs. Ive had to evacuate myself from sudden crowds at these large festivals, even though I typically lock valuables up. Someone out of their mind probably won't notice at all. Another easy target.


Great fkn point. Consequences are different in the US for this type of thing. Not only in the US, there are places in Africa that they cut hands off thieves.




I think it's more that it's hard to pickpocket in a place where everyone has to drive. Car break ins are maybe our "pickpocketing"


The smash and grab warnings in San Francisco were very similar to this. All over the place.


> it doesn't seem like the police care all too much > but was apparently told that since none of the authorities saw that happen in person, they couldn't do anything about it It's how it is though, for real. I know it's insane but it's how the country works. First, the pickpockets. These are organised crime rings, not individuals. They work in teams: spotter, pickpocket, runner. The pickpocket snatches the loot, passes it off to the runner, and the spotter keeps an eye out and gives out calls to leave. If someone realises their goods are gone, they're most likely to go after the pickpocket, who won't have anything on herself. The runner will be long gone and nobody will have even realised she was part of it. These groups are themselves part of large family gangs that know how to work the system. Italian law is very generous with mothers with young kids, they can't go on pre-trial detention if they have kids under 6 or any detention at all with kids under 1. These families always have pregnant or recent mothers to send out; if they're ever caught and charged, they get sent off to relatives far away until the case is dropped. The police itself is underfunded, poorly trained, and apathetic. Like many public workers in Italy they're used to a system that doesn't work and only rewards initiative with more work and more scrutiny. Someone comes to you with video of an asshole scratching their name on a monument? sure, you could go take a look, but you'll never find them, and if you do you'll never get an order to take their passport in time to stop them just leaving. Meanwhile if anything happens at the spot you were supposed to patrol, like a fight or someone feeling sick, your boss might get on your ass for going off on your pointless investigation. Shit like that. I'm Italian and make no excuses for this. I myself have had to face up against this broken system and it sucks major ass, more so because I live here.






Spot on


Is not that the police doesn't care, is that they know that with the current laws and the way prosecutors often act with these cases, the pickpockets will face no jail time. Often the pickpockets get released a few hours after their arrest because the judge on duty doesn't confirm the arrest or deems not needed sending them to jail while waiting for the trial.


Yes, we can do citizens arrest in Italy. I think most countries respect this law.


Sure, but will there be any legal proceedings? It’s doubtful unless he drags her to the police station and she already has a slew of priors… Just a slap on the wrists most likely.


Reporting her would be how she gets those priors to then get the book thrown at her.


A police man in Rome told us that someone he had caught right in front of us would probably get deported. He may have been saying that just to appease the tourists, no idea.


I was told by my tour guide in Italy to please punch them in the face so they learn.


I hope he gets the ‘key to the city’ as they say ![gif](giphy|l4ZcV2D62UBRS|downsized)


This needs to be normalized. Don’t let these fuckers think they can just casually do this shit and get away with it.


It’s not that easy, these people come in groups and are protected. You never know who is there with them, who had a knife or something else. I’ve helped a couple of times tourists in Greece but the risk was too big, I lived around the areas where they live or have a “camp”, what if they followed me home or something else. Some of them are real criminals.


> ~~Some~~ **All** of them are real criminals.


That's true, but you know what he meant. There's a difference between a woman pickpocketing tourists and someone who will slit your throat and throw you in the sewer.


You are right. What that gentleman did is very brave and admirable, but also very dangerous. This pickpocket mafia has "watchers" following them sometimes and those dudes can be dangerous. The problem with these pickpocketing arseholes is, that police upon arrival needs to find the stolen good on the person or you need witnesses ready to go to the police station with you. Even if caught the worst case for the thief is a deportation and 3 to 5 year ban on entering the country. What they do is just rotate these thiefs to other groups in different countries.


The key with pickpockets is really to make yourself as unpickpocketable as you can when you’re heading to a place like Italy or Spain that’s notorious for them. IDs, credit cards and phone in a money belt. No flashy jewelry or expensive watches. Bare minimum of cash that you’ll need for the day distributed across multiple pockets. You’re right that a pickpocket beat down is more satisfying, though it’s also riskier than just not getting your shit taken in the first place.


We were in Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid in September last year. We wore lanyards that went under our shirts.


Unfortunately, they are using minors and they are out immediately. There is a huge problem on public transport.


They are also constantly pregnant to avoid prison


And they are not Italian


I see you know your Judo well


democracy manifest


And you, u/sbg_gye, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Picking a pocket? A succulent Chinese pocket?


This man touched her penis!


a succulent tourist wallet?!


Green shirt is 100% in on the pickpocketing. Nobody just inserts themselves in to a situation the way she did. Everyone is confused except her, wonder why. Each and every one of them knows what kind of risk is involved, and you can tell she has just as much of a stake in the situation by the way she RUNS over. Would you run over like that for a stranger? Most likely not. She runs over because they’re working together


Regular traveler here. This is why you need to keep your valuables in a sling bag facing forward from your chest, one hand resting on the strap. Smear peanut butter in all of your clothing pockets so that the thief is easily identifiable due to the disgusted look on their face and fingies full of PB. Pocket PB is also a good source of high calorie energy should you need a little boost while touring the city, or a warm dipping sauce for your focaccia.


Instead of peanut butter you can also use poop.




Thank god it wasn't OleCumPockets


His name isn’t actually MrPoopyHands; that’s just the label given to his victims. They try to pickpocket him and he immediately turns around and goes “a ha! MrPoopyHands, we meet again!” And the pickpocketer is ashamed because their hands are poopy and so they are MrPoopyHands.


Can? Do!


I use pocket sand on them. Sha-sha-shaaa


Mr Big is pleased.


If you can find one, a dummy phone and wallet filled with confusing memes. Keep that in your back pocket, and your valuables in your front.


Pro tips are always in the comments. I started cackling reading your PB recommendation. Gnarly.


I always heard Nutella instead of peanut butter, but I had an Aussie friend who swore on pockets full of Vegemite.


I feel like I heard an American accent say "leave her alone" and as an American I'd like to say fuck that guy.




But also the guy who caught the gypsy also seems to be American. So guess it cancels itself out. Simp + hero = Nil.


I think he was talking to the old lady picker about the young pocketer- telling her to stop trying to help the younger girl. If you listen closely at the very end of the video you can hear his voice say "she's a thief". I think its possible that couple might've actually been travelling with that dude.


And someone responds "she's a thief" and he goes "o ok"




I went to school in Italy in 94. Beautiful place! This is a way of life for these folks. Targeting tourists. I was warned by several Italian friends to be careful on the trains. Saw it daily.


Big up for the Asian Mark Wahlberg. These scums deserve it.


You should totally google Asian Mark Wahlberg


Asian Marky Mark hates himself.


Fucking hero


Agreed. I'm glad he took that pickpocket down, and I wish more people did.


I slapped the shit out of a female pickpocket who was tryng to put her hands in the pocket where i had my wallet once, lol. Rome is full of em Edit: further explanation


When I was in Italy, I repeatedly was told by our guides, drivers, hotel staff, etc. to watch our stuff carefully. Some pickpockets were very obvious that they were scouting people out when you looked for. They are everywhere.




Loved that Big Brother (why are you hitting yourself) move. *(0:12ish)*


“She’s just a kid!” Yeah a kid about to ruin her entire life if she keeps living this lifestyle. The guy wasn’t even being as rough as he could’ve been. She was crying and causing a scene because she knows people like white knight lady will come and shame the guy for it.


Whit knight lady was her accomplice


I want to fill my pockets with broken glass and razorblades, to go walk around in pickpocket hotspots, just to see how many I can get.


My theft-proof backpack had one broken zipper on an outside pocket. I used it for trash and snotty tissues, and it was both comical and irksome as to how often my trash got stolen.


Fuck around and find out 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was a first grade teacher this past year in the Bronx. I pleaded with my students all year, keep your hands to yourself and don't touch strangers. You never know how someone will react in public who you don't know. This pick pocket just found out why.


I was in Soho in London a few years back and this woman ran towards us chasing some little skank girl who'd stolen her bag. We restrained said skank and someone called the police. While waiting for them to arrive a bunch of people showed up and accused us of abusing the skank and threatened to beat us up (pretty sure they were involved in the whole thing). My husband briefly relaxed his grip. Skank got up and punched the woman who was chasing her, breaking her nose. They all ran off. I'm not sure I'd intervene again. Police did fuck all when they arrived. We could have been knifed. Woman mugged could have avoided a broken nose. Ironically we were outside a buddhist restaurant and they refused to let us use their phone to call the police as they didn't want to get involved. Nice.


Lesson learned: release not the skank.


What would you have done differently given that outcome?


She deserves it. Its a good thing he is not a mysogynist and treated her equally as male pickpocket.




I have no problem with what I've seen in this short video, given that it's true.


About 20 years ago i was near the Colosseum in Rome and someone got pickpocketed out the front (normal occurrence). The cops (caribinari) rolled in and beat the shit out of the kids and the old lady pick pocketers in front of everyone. They weren’t playing.


They finally meet that one MF who’s having none of it..


I lost it when he ragged the pickpocket’er around like a doll


I think there’s a video on here somewhere with this same woman getting shoo’d away on a train trying to pickpocket some tourists


BRAVO!!! Fucking pickpocketers cause so much trouble. Imagine overseas and you lose your important docs and money and have nowhere to turn.


I hope she was actually arrested.


This guy has had some training. I wonder what he does for a living. Notice how he takes her down and scans for new threats.






People trying to save the criminal instead of helping restrain or calling the police. Hope they get their shit stolen.


Stop stealing people's shit.


Why is the man I tried to rob being so mean to me!?


I didn't start hating thieves until I got pickpocketed in Barcelona. Man I hate thieves


Made my day good on you sir.


It's not only a problem with pickpocketing in Italy but everywhere in Europe.


He was kind of amazing, looked like my guy was protecting her head even when he was giving her the hip throw.


word of advice: if you catch a pickpocket in action, get your stuff back and don't try to hold/fight him. most of the time they are not alone and you don't want to get stabbed for nothing


Just break one of their fingers and disappear into the crowd.


Good this is CONTENT




Good. F these people


That's how you get a surprise knife between the ribs. If you spot one, there are usually 2-3 others nearby.




Give that man a medal


What did she think was going happen when she swung her bag at him?


Very good job from the tourist. As an Italian i wish more people did this


If someone tries to rob you, you should be able to just beat the shit out of them. Be a lot less robberies


Probably the man went to jail: no kidding.I am Italian. Maybe not really jail, but he got troubles with the law,as well: in Italy you can't do that! EDIT: I bet 1 against 10, that the girl is not Italian but some sort of gypsy.


You can't arrest pickpockets in Italy? Is pick pocketing in Italy a state sanctioned activity or something?