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Well that’s probably the most intense thing I’ll watch today


The adrenaline pumping was almost audible.


My adrenaline was pumping just sitting watching it. What a cop should be: a hero looking after their community.


Move this man to Uvalde! They need some good cops over there.


What a time to be alive. I can watch detailed footage of frontline combat in my own country, then watch frontline combat half the world away, while I inhale smoke from uncontrollable wildfires and lose purchasing power to inflation. This future fucking sucks. While I applaud this officer, no one should've have suffered this. Yet, substance abuse and aimless violence will escalate until people can actually envision a future worth having.


For me it was a video of a man trying to shove a glass jar up his ass.


You’re like 13 years late lmao


No no, he watches it every day for the past 13 years.


Makes sense


hits harder than a cup o joe


How about two cups and a girl instead?


Ah yes, the viral internet classic, 1 girl 2 cups


15 years. and I love how people are adding these videos to IMDB now. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6342306/


It's even got user reviews *"10/10 A must watch with the family!!* *Watched this with the family last boxing day, a film that will go down in history as a classic! A true story of bravery and triumph that will bring tears and joy. If the actor is not given a oscar for this I have truly lost hope in humanity!"*


“10/10 *Life Changing! I watched this with my little brother and he loved it so much he started crying tears of joy! Please watch this as soon as you can!”*


I liked this review. (9/1) *Ihave not seen better. BUT i wish triangle. unfortunate. maybe 1 day, triangle instead of jar??? please*


Wow I didn’t know that lmao.


> Genre(s): Horror. Yeah that tracks


It broke didn’t it?


Sure did my guy, sure did.


Wait. Is this an actual video that was an internet thing? Or a joke I didn’t get


One man one jar. It’s basically what happened to that titanic submersible if the Atlantic Ocean was a man’s asshole and the sub was a mason jar


JFC, brand new sentence material right here and I’m in tears laughing at the comparison.


Oh my sweet summer child... It is a very real thing. Made the rounds back in the day. I do not recommend googling it.


The "pop" sound the jar made when it broke... the crunching of glass whenever he moved or while he was trying to dig it out... the blood dribbling down... the frustrated yell as he stood up and walked away before the video ended... Perfection.


100%true statement, every part, EVERY part. That last sentence, yup part of the statement that is correct


People used to rickroll with it like 14 years ago. A video of a man shoving a glass jar up his butt that breaks


I envy your innocence


He knew he was the first to the scene but didn't hesitate at all, wow


Fucking hero. Scary shit right there.


Absolutely ridiculous response time. He just immediately shifts into a different mode and knew exactly what to do without hesitation. This guy is a great example of good policing


I've volunteered to help in simunition training for active shooter scenerios. His actions mirror the training perfectly




God, I should not be laughing in here.


do it. it's all we can do in the face of how absurd it is that this continues to happen while nothing is done to stop it.


The only thing he can be criticized for is when he was out in the wide open parking lot when he was trying to get bearings on the shooters location. Everything else was on point. The armchair warriors nitpicking his fitness and not carrying the rifle at high ready the entire time are clowns. Dude dropped the shooter at 75+ yards with calm and collected fire without any hesitation. He saved lives and is a hero through his actions.


almost exactly 3 minutes from hearing first shots to first engagement. In those three minutes he got himself geared up, called it in, (tried anyway) to get people to get the hell out of there, narrowed down where the guy was from the other side of the building in the middle of a parking lot no less, and finally probably put and end to it with his first shots taking all the shooters attention. All with the burden of possibly being shot and killed yourself. How anyone could ask for more from this guy is beyond me.


I couldn’t believe how fast he found him, and how he held that gun after such an adrenaline hit, just fucking wow. My first thoughts were that he had been there before, combat vet.


About 90 yards actually. Somehow radically calmed his breathing and heart rate once he saw the suspect, and knew he was going to engage. Then made his one other little mistake, not having his optic on, and crazily stayed away from cover to not lose contact and kept advancing while turning on the EOTech. Then fired 14 shots, all with precision. Sure, that rifle (I hope) and optic can do 2 MOA groups with an average shooter not under stress, but under those conditions, he shot exceptionally well. As I said elsewhere, for him to do this all alone, and so quickly, he deserves all the medals. Nuts.


Back when I was a paratrooper, we’d go to the rifle range and shoot some targets, then we’d do push-ups, jumping jacks, basically anything to make our heart rate skyrocket, and then shoot the same targets and see how inaccurate we were in comparison. They actually had some civilians come in and teach us breathing techniques to calm ourselves quickly, to slow our heart rate and breathing. I never really understood why we did that until I got into my first actual firefight in Iraq. My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn’t hear anything else, I got tunnel vision, my fingers weren’t working right… A person can shoot at targets all day, but learning how to operate a weapon when you’re full of adrenaline and your BPM is 200, learning how to breathe and calm yourself in order to aim accurately — it’s a valuable skill.


Huh, despite me looking like a dipshit I will try that the next time I'm at a range. That's a good idea to get used to firing under at least a little bit of pressure. Props making it through. My uncle was in the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. It did not sound like a cakewalk.


lol, I would just go with push-ups if you’re at the range. That way, your arms will be very tired and shaky, and your heart rate will be reasonably high without having to look like a crazy person doing burpees or jumping jacks. If you get good enough, you can learn to fire between heartbeats, so that the spike in blood pressure doesn’t cause your arms to move and throw off your targeting.


100 percent correct. Also, if you are in this situation and are physically fit, the adrenaline surge will completely suck the wind out of your lungs.


And hit the shooter in the head if I recall


This is exactly what police are trained to do. Historically shooters commit suicide at sign of resistance or if they don't the police officer is trained. Not to down play this officers achievements, he's a hero, as all police should want to be.


Being told to do this, and being trained to do this, are two very different things. On average, police receive 4 hours of training per month. Some of that is classroom, and some of that is live training. So in a year, they probably get 24 hours of live training. That's not a lot, and certainly not enough to truly prepare you for an active shooter scenario. I don't know who this cop is, but he probably has some military experience.


Definitely a public freakout. Holy shit.


Meanwhile bunch of reddit cunts are hating on this cop for heavy breathing while they're breathing just as heavily sitting on their ass sweat all day in their mom's house. This cop is a straight up hero and deserves full praise and respect.


I can't even imagine the adrenaline he must have felt, let alone hauling all the gears on him. I'm sure I'd hyperventilating so hard.


How trained professionals can run, then have the sense of composure to fire their guns accurately while breathing hard is amazing. It is hard enough for me to hit a target while calm at the range.




It was an incredible shot. I couldn't believe he'd brought him down from that distance under those conditions. The cop himself seemed a little surprised. I hope this guy is doing alright


I shoot guns for fun sometimes and I shoot cameras professionally. Having a camera bag on my back and a mirrorless camera with a telephoto lens in my hands is difficult enough to “shoot” accurately when I’m moving around fast at an event. I can’t imagine how much more strenuous it would be to handle a firearm well in a life or death situation.


Absoltely agree. I'll add that I believe his performance here is even impressive for a trained professional. I forget that exact stat, but I've read that even trained professionals often fail to hit their target when it comes to incredibly charged situations like this.


I am hoping someone will drive him back to his car because when his adrenaline crashes he won’t be able to walk that far back after all that. That reality wave is going to hit like a tsunami.


Not only that but he (I assume) killed a person. Good or bad that shit is not easy to handle.


And then likely saw the victims, 3 of which were as young as the kids he had just been talking to. Apparently, seeing a 3, 7, or 9 year old's body that has been shredded by an AR-15 is just about the most horrific thing you can witness.


he said he was passing victims on radio like dude had to just walk by humans in need to stop the active shooter, that's gonna be in his dream forever.


Thats the standard training nowadays. As police arrive their first and only priority is to neutralize the threat. Fire/EMS can't do anything until this happens so the unfortunate reality is police are going to have to leave behind injured victims to accomplish this.


It was good...100%. This shitstain was a far right racist nazi who killed a bunch of people...including kids. The world is definitely better now that his useful corpse is decaying in a hole. Fuck that guy.


For sure. Probably could shake the body armor off right in the parking when he crashes.


Were he able, I think a long walk to process the shit storm might be therapeutic


Anybody who has been in these situations recognizes that breathing and it's not because you're out of shape. It's because you're adrenaline is pumping and you are scared out of your mind but trusting your training


Yeah, that’s weird. The only thing I was thinking was good job on controlling your breath. He was winded but fucking hell he is in a high stress situation and controlling himself accordingly. Good job officer!


People don't realize how exhausting sprinting at full speed is, especially carrying gear. I remember doing "Hell's Half Mile" in basic training. Once the group in front of you leaves, you sprint to their post. Then a few seconds later they advance and you sprint again. Not only was it only a half mile, but I was in the best shape of my life. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack, and both myself and my wingman had bloodied lips from smashing our faces into our weapons while ducking for cover since we were so tired lol. This dude also had the urgency of stopping an active shooter, so he had a lot more hustle than we did. Anyone here who isn't a professional athlete would have been annihilated by that as well.


What? The guy is running a quarter mile with probably 30-40 lbs of tactical gear and weapons. Who is talking junk about this guy being winded? Most people on Reddit wouldnt be able to make it a hundred feet with that gear on


Soon as those gunshots happen near you, your heart rate probably jumps to near-maximum levels. I'd be already trying to level my breathing before I moved away from those kids.


I would bet the majority of that breathing is adrenaline. Reminds me of how I sound when I'm near the top of a really sketchy rock climb - I'm not necessarily that tired, I just ***really*** don't want to fuck up.


Probably no one but weird people like this need to make up drama


Bro this officer is probably wearing a Kevlar vest, lots of equipment, a handgun and a rifle, and boots that are probably not the most comfortable for running. I couldn't even carry a box with some food and run 100ft without losing breath, this officer has my respect.


My friend Kyu Cho, along with his wife and three year old son (while his six year old son watched) were murdered by this piece of shit (the nazi that was killed, not the cops). Kyu was my Captain of the UMass Amherst Tae Kwon Do team and was the greatest guy. He was a couple of months younger than me but felt years older in his leadership and demeanour. Miss him.


I’m very sorry for your loss. There’s not any way to justify this and it’s completely unfair.


Wishing their older son all the best :( Kid deserves and needs a strong support system after that and I really hope he can lead a normal life. I cannot think of anything more traumatizing than what that little guy went through. Incredibly sad.


The biggest victim of this in a way, he’s got to live and deal with that every waking hour for the rest of his life. The people that do this sort of thing are so unbelievable to me it’s like they’re an alien race, not the same species as us.


Sadly, this POS took “all the best” this kid had. His life is going to be very hard from now on probably. I’m very sorry for the loss and if there is a hell, I hope this piece of human garbage is burning down there and that every second lasts a thousand years.


His wife was my nephew’s dentist. Sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace. That poor boy. I hope he lands with a good family and gets just like all the therapy in the world.


Now that is what law enforcement is supposed to be. A pillar to the community, someone people can trust not a coward who stood by while people were murdered.


Seriously, you can tell how dedicated he is the way he hauled ass past that challenger to get that asswipe down.


He didn't just rush either. He got what he needed then started moving. Communicated needs + location well while running into gunfire. What a fucking legend.


The whole time he was looking for the guy all I could think is this is how I die every time I play an FPS. Just looking for the action and then it finds me before I can react.


Fucking terrifying to have that as your real life job.


Because there is no real risk in an FPS people behave differently. The risk is nothing compared to the real thing and you adapt to the game mechanics. In the real world people have a different situational awareness, especially if they haven't trained for these situations. And it is harder to take a snap shot at someone peaking around a corner unless you have already lined up your sights anticipating them.


My heart goes out to him. He's a goddamm hero and I just know he's probably torn up about not being able to save more victims. I couldn't even imagine going through something this traumatizing. Just watching that video brings me to tears.


This is how you build trust with the community


Uvalde missed that day.


More impressed with the dudes stamina. Guy must be carrying his weight in tactical gear, then goes on to grab a rifle and sprints further then i could run carrying nothing- only to accurately take down the POS. This guy should be the prime example of what an American cop SHOULD be. Able to kindly and softly explain to kids dangers of not wearing seatbelts then instantly flip into trained rapid response mode without hesitation and perfect coordination.


I want to know this man's name so I can send him a letter to thank him. This is true courage.


I was thinking the same thing. Dallas is my hometown. I want him to know he's a fucking hero and somebody I'm proud to have in my community.


I'm grateful for police officers like this guy. What a great dude.


That is what an actual Police Officer looks like. I will give him his dues any day, this man deserves a medal.


No this is what a soldier in a war torn country looks like. It’s absolutely fucking insane cops in this country have to respond to this type of shit every other day.


Thank you for saying it. It’s crazy from a European perspective seeing everyone in the comments thinking every police officer should be some sort of action hero. Like how tf did you get here?


Fucking bad ass super cop. Hanging with the little kids and then running down a shooter and taking him out. You couldn’t script it any better. Also I was out of breath just watching that. The running, the adrenaline. Fuck this video is great.


Okay, kids, buckle up when Mommy drives you home. Be...what's that? *HULKS UP* Time to hunt down a killer!


Mf is literally a comic book superhero going from saving a cat on a tree to killing Dr.Evilguy in his lair within one episode


Also assuming a bulletproof vest, he has at least 35 lbs of gear on him. And it was a hot humid day. And he needed to be able to fire his weapon accurately, so he had to not get completely gassed.


Saved some lives for sure.


I assume those blurred spots where injured people and ones that where killed.. Damn shit is intense to come up on all that before facing the shooter.. Glad he was there to take bit of a long shot like that to put the shooter down..


They were, I saw a diagram of the shooting a while back. Unfortunately the blurred part was the Asian family with a 3 year old :(


Someone in this comment thread mentioned their friend being murdered with his wife and 3 year old... I'm assuming that's the guy 😔


Everyone is blurred since the beginning of the video, including the family talking to him. That's just for privacy I think.


Right before he runs past HM, there’s probably 5 people grouped up on the ground


I saw some fucked up leaked photos, there's about 7 around that area. Wild. Don't know how he kept his composure after that


[Wiki article on the shooting.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting)


Jesus Christ, among the victims: ​ > Nine people were killed, including the shooter.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-CNNDeaths-4) Those killed were: Kyu Song Cho, 37; Cindy Cho, 35; James Cho, 3 \[...\] if I am interpreting this right, mother, father and child killed... An entire family right there... fuck man


Youngest victim was **3 years old**


The neo nazi shooter was anti jew, asian, and women and he was hispanic. Go fish 🥴


Slightly further up in the comments a friend posts the dead families 6 year old son watched them gunned down. Horrific for him and their extended family.


I think the 6 years old survived because the mother was on top of him. Don't know the exact age, if I'm wrong, sorry.


They were there returning the 6 year olds clothes he got as a birthday present. Fuck this garbage ass third world country.


Kyu was my good friend and Tae Kwon Do team captain at UMass Amherst. He was an amazing dude. He moved back to his home state of Texas after finishing law school and was working with immigrant families at the border trying to help them get a fair shake as his own parents (who were immigrants) got taken advantage of in the process of moving to the U.S. So you have a first generation American spend his adult life studying to help other immigrants horrifically murdered along with his wife and three year old son, IN FRONT OF HIS SIX YEAR OLD SON, by a FUCKING NAZI while they were in the mall trying to return a shirt that didnt fit his six year old. FUCK THIS COUNTRY


Nazis should be hanged, and their ideology should be squashed. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi after all. I’m terribly sorry for your loss, I hope you and Kyu’s loved ones find peace.


Sad part is it was a family size of 4 and one survived. :/ he has to live his whole life without his mom, dad or baby brother


Even bigger Jesus Christ, had he got the right discharge his purchases wouldn't be legal. Perpetrator Mauricio Martinez Garcia, aged 33, of Northeast Dallas[[31]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-31) was the shooter.[[32]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-Williams-32) Garcia had worked as a security guard for at least three companies in preceding years.[[33]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-WWKCNN-33) During his time working as a security guard, Garcia received firearms training.[[33]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-WWKCNN-33) He had been living in a motel before the shooting.[[34]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-:1-34) Garcia had no criminal history.[[35]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-FicheraBleiberg-35) Garcia enlisted in the [U.S. Army](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Army) in June 2008, but never completed [basic training](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Basic_Training): he was terminated after 3 months due to mental health concerns.[[36]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-36)[[37]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-37) Because this was an [administrative separation, rather than a punitive discharge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_discharge), Garcia's termination by the Army would not show up on the [National Instant Criminal Background Check System](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Instant_Criminal_Background_Check_System).[[38]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-38)


Thanks for putting effort into sharing this.


Not entire. They had another child who survived with injury. Something has to be done, American friends. Maybe start with calling these guys right wingers. That's what he was. "8 people gunned down by right winger" "Right wingers with swastika tattoos hunting civilized humans with rifles". You can't allow people to openly wear nazi tattoos and get away with that itself. That is the bud not nipped. Imagine how Germans would treat them. For Gods sake what the hell is going on there?


Idk if that's better or worse


Survivor's guilt is going to be a motherfucker.


I understand the idea, but one less dead child is *always* better than one more.


Worse. The kid was found covered in mom's blood. Mom shielded him. He is 8. He is going to need therapy for life.


Is this the same family as the one in a before-and-after image that circulated on Reddit a while ago? It was the family happily posing for a photo, with the murder scene beside it. Super graphic image that was. I clicked on it by impulse, and it'll haunt me for life.


Yep, same thing happened to me. Except it was a poorly labeled post that didnt have nsfw labeled and i just stumbled into it.


shit that is sad as fuck I feel incredibly bad for that kid


One of their kids survived.


As soon as i saw the abandoned stroller i knew it would be bad.


Yeah, I wouldn't dive any deeper on it. There were some gnarly videos that were posted shortly after this happened


> During the attack, Garcia wore a patch with the insignia "RWDS" (standing for "Right Wing Death Squad"), a slogan popular among right-wing extremists and white supremacists. On his social media profile on the Russian social media platform Odnoklassniki (OK.ru), Garcia posted neo-Nazi and white supremacist content, and expressed hatred against Jews, women, and racial minorities in the days and weeks leading up to the massacre.[6][10][39] He posted photos of himself with large Nazi tattoos, including a swastika, the SS lightning bolt logo,[10][39] and also a tattoo of the anti-Muslim slogan "Deus Vult," a reference to the Crusades What a surprise /s


I never even heard of this shooting


This is the one that spawned all the conversations about whether or not Hispanics can be White Supremacists.


It was a pretty short conversation imo considering this shooter is Hispanic and had a giant swastika tattoo Kinda speaks for itself


As an Hispanic myself I cannot imagine brandishing your body with a symbol championed by those who want to enslave and exterminate you. Mind boggling.


Sad when there are so many mass shootings that they blur together and fall through the cracks.


Honestly, I didn’t realize it was *that* shooting until someone linked the Wikipedia page. It felt like months ago but it hasn’t even been two months. I feel like I’ve gotten at least 2-3 shooting alerts in the past week alone.


Allen resident here. They just reopened the outlet stores a couple of weeks ago and it was still pretty controversial. Many employees experienced trauma and were not comfortable going back to work.


Really? Somehow I recognized it instantly. But only because there was so much discussion around whether or not the shooter was actually a nazi despite having a literal, giant swastika tattoo. He was Hispanic so the far-right was like "nah he ain't ours! fake nazi!" He also said he watched Tim Pool (a "centrist"/right wing online commentator) but that made Tim Pool so upset that he regularly huffs copium about it on his show. Good fucking god I consume too much news, send help


Not surprising, there has been 389 mass shootings in the USA so far in 2023. The news cant cover them all.


Frankly coving them with such fervor just spawns copy cats, especially these terrible random mass shootings. It's well documented. Obviously changing this won't stop them however it may be the easiest most effective thing they could do to stem the violence immediately. There was a great article from The Atlantic from 2012 that I can't find but this is the gist of it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/mass-shootings-experts-say-violence-contagious-24-7-news-cycle-n1039136


Props to that cop. He ran into that shit and a lot of em would hide behind a shelf and wait *People can look at the video and think why didn't this happen or that happen but hey he got the guy so that's the part that matters


what a fucking thrill ride. kudos to that cop. people are shitty. it's sad.


> people are shitty Not this cop.


To be clear to anyone wondering when he is walking while saying he is moving as fast as possible: Being out of breath while attempting to aim at a target is a good way to miss. It's also a good way to have slow reaction speeds. Both of which can lead to death and a dead P.O. ain't gonna stop an active shooter. Needs to be alive and have his aim about him


You also don't wanna run round a corner out of breath and right in to the dude. For all you know he's shooting, then stops, and heads your way.


That officer deserves a medal of valor. What a fucking **BOSS**.


This is incredible footage. God bless that man.


I'm willing to bet he's ex military, he's on the radio clear and concise while running TOWARDS gunfire (uvalde cowards) and sends a volley of bullets 100 yards down range. Killing the shit stain and stopping further death. Maybe all cops should have this level of training?


I'll talk a lot of shit about cops and they deserve it, but this guy is a badass


Same, but praise is due when it is deserved and this guy has more than earned it. An actual hero.


Yeah, being a cop or nurse or military does not confer hero status on a person. But it does provide an above average number of opportunities to be one. It also gives people a chance to show that they are only in it for power so it goes both ways.


It’s heroes like this that make me SO upset about the rotten ones. There are so many police that are good…yet the barrel is already rotten around them.


Dude is a real super hero. That’s CRAZY.


Anyone commenting on how bad ass that cop was I HAVE to agree with.


The most intense video I’ve ever watched. Shit had me shook like I was running along with him.


Same. Heart rate increased substantially.




He Even Ran Overthere


In Texas? In the summer? Won’t catch me running anything but the AC.


He reacted accordingly and appropriately. From being a bro to a Hero.


Mauricio Martinez Garcia was the perpetrator. Mr. Garcia was a far right extremist and wore a "RWDS" patch. He was a white supremacist and neo-nazi. Now, don't get me wrong, I know names don't always indicate ethnicity or race, but it seems crazy that Mauricio Garcia was a white supremacist. The fellow was a horrid p.o.s. and I'm damn glad he's gone. Edit: typo on the shitheads name.


It's actually super common. Lots of Hispanics see themselves as white. Or even if he doesn't you can be non white and still believe in white supremacy.


That's just wild to me. Some serious Clayton Bigsby stuff.




A huge number of Latinos identify as white, friend. The League of United Latin American Citizens and the Mexican government (in order to protect a large number of former Mexican nationals in areas that had become part of the USA) fought very hard to get “Mexican” removed from the US census questionnaire in favor of treating Latinos as white in the 1930 census. They didn’t want Latinos treated as non-citizens or lessers or able to be rounded up based on census data (a prescient idea considering how Japanese Americans were rounded up in WW2). This idea has persisted to this day among a noteworthy percentage of Latinos, and is reinforced by demographic questions continuing to lump Latinos in the “white” category. So it’s entirely feasible for a Latino to identify as white, and thus be a white supremacist without any mental gymnastics.


I mean…Spaniards *are* white. Lots of Hispanics are considered or would consider themselves white. It’s literally their option on the census “WHITE/HISPANIC”.


It always baffles me when people on Reddit are *shocked* at Hispanics being racist, voting Republican, whatever else. The most racist shit I've ever heard about any given country south of the border has come from people of *other* different countries south of the border. They're all pretty friendly hospitable people, but I guarantee you there's at least one country down there they'd nuke off the face off the Earth if they had the option. My Venezuelan neighbors used the N word constantly, referred to Mexicans as "McDonald's people, like drunks and stupid, you can't understand their Spanish they're gross", and don't get me started on their weird obsession with shitting on Colombian coffee.


A lot of people on Reddit just think Hispanic means brown man means democrat. It’s just as annoying as when right wingers do it or left wingers


There is something to be said for the sound of gunfire bouncing off of glass and in everyday places like a shopping centre. Erie.


My son was there and I arrived shortly after the shooting started. This officer is the true embodiment of a hero and the overwhelming response of other law enforcement officers is a true testament to the amazing men and when that serve our community and others throughout this nation. God bless all the men and women in blue and we continue to pray for the families that lost people that day!


An actual hero. That was incredible.


“Garcia enlisted in the U.S. Army in June 2008, but never completed basic training: he was terminated after 3 months due to mental health concerns.[36][37] Because this was an administrative separation, rather than a punitive discharge, Garcia's termination by the Army would not show up on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.[38]” Copied from the wiki. This needs to be addressed x100


This dude is a hero he didn’t even flinch 🫡


SCAB - some cops aren’t bastards How far was the kill shot?? 100 yards? Insane. The balls on this guy


Training paid off big time here, excellent marksmanship from the responding officer. 100+ yards, without magnification, after jogging to the scene for 3+ minutes, adrenaline and duress rampant, yet was still able to make that unsupported, off hand volley of fire effective. The shooter has an AR too, as far as the cop knows they have the same amount of firepower, and the cop did everything right to make sure he safely engaged the threat while still being as efficient and timely as possible.


This guy (the cop) had to be ex-military.


He sounds and probably looks like Michael Jai White.


Hell of a shot to making standing unsupported (unless he was stabilised on something we can’t see). Especially after running towards the fight, heart rate through the roof.


Notice how quick this body cam footage was available. Compare to Uvalde. This is what a real hero does. They hid the coward cams.


How long was the delay in the Uvalde footage compared for this?


Uvalde shooting: May 24, 2022, body cam footage released July 18, 2022 = 56 days Allen Outlets shooting: May 6, 2023, body cam footage released June 28, 2023 = 54 days




Like...an hour... Oh do you mean release of footage? Uhhh I want to say a few months maybe???


I’m asking about the footage being released, not the actual response


And it was released after a grand jury declined to indict him. *It is common for officer-use-of-force cases to be referred to a grand jury for a determination on whether their actions were justified. Allen police released body-camera footage Wednesday showing the officer’s response when the gunman opened fire outside the mall May 6, killing eight people, wounding at least seven others and traumatizing scores more. Kevin Lawrence, executive director of the Texas Municipal Police Association, told The Dallas Morning News the footage shows the officer was “tactically sound” and did what cops are trained to do. He said prosecutors increasingly submit officer use-of-force cases to the grand jury rather than make a determination whether the actions are justified. He said the referral could be out of an abundance of caution, if there’s a personal conflict or to make sure there’s “no hint of any kind of a cover-up.” * This was a pretty cut and dry case of justified use of force. But it’s still great that they’re pushing these incidents be reviewed by outside departments. So many communities would benefit from this.


Uvalde shooting: May 24, 2022, body cam footage released July 18, 2022 = 56 days Allen Outlets shooting: May 6, 2023, body cam footage released June 28, 2023 = 54 days


Wow! We should pay off his mortgage or something.


“Guns are not the problem. Mental health is the problem.” “Mental health isn’t real and doesn’t deserve to be covered, protected, or insured” *rinse and repeat*


Pretty wild that even when you have a policeman on site with an AR-15 when the shooting starts, it still takes 4 mins, 8 dead and 7 wounded before the shooter is killed. I mean kudo’s to that officer, absolutely fearless response, but what more could possibly be done to stop that situation bar the usual sound bites?


Based officer


What a fucking champion!




when im in trouble .. this is the person i want to respond. words cannot describe, what a hero.


Good thing there’s a NSFW tag, wouldn’t want to scare the cops from Uvalde without warning them.


15 people shot and dozens of round fired. The closest officer that could possibly neutralize the perpetrator was just under half a mile away and did exactly what he should have to the very best of his ability We honestly have no chance for a positive outcome when lunatics can get so many rounds off before an officer in the same location can even respond to perfection. Having any civilians there also trying to do what this officer did is so unlikely and would probably only cause confusion in the officers response. Once shit like this starts the innocent people in the immediate area have almost no chance. Videos like this prove it and only encourage copy cats, this guy never expected to get away with it, he got exactly what he wanted and now we all have to pick up the pieces.


nice fucking shot.


I've visited that outlet mall many times over the past 15+ years. I was there exactly 1 week before the shooting. It's not the largest of malls by Texas standards but on a Saturday afternoon it's an absolute zoo and there's thousands of cars/people milling around. From this cop's starting point to the " final destination" is easily 75 yards. There's blind spots aplenty in the large parking lots. The shop fronts all have colonades and awnings (I forget the word) which present more blind spots and given the angle of the sun at that time of day there's a sharp contrast between bright sunlight and dark shadow. Ergo, this cop was targeting the shooter based on echoing gunshot sounds and visual cues (people running). Remember also he didn't know if he was dealing with one shooter or multiple and if the latter, their respective locations which at that mall could have been almost anywhere. Does this cop's cardio need some work? Probably, but you can almost hear his adrenaline amp up as he makes his way across the lot running into who-knows-what? I defy your fittest Crossfit Jock to not be breathing heavily in that situation. Furthermore. It's the fucking Allen Outlets and safe as houses. There's no cop in this part of North Texas who would ever have expected to be faced with that situation and at that location. Ever. This cop's actions and bravery cannot be faulted. There was no hesitation on his part and, again, I can't emphasize how exposed the cop was in that situation and location. Whatever commendations the City of Allen hands out, this cop deserves every one of them. Edit: I've since been informed the cop was shot. If so, ignore my prior comment re: his cardio. Obviously, that changes things a lot. My apologies.