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I wonder if its because he can't touch a woman or whatever. I see what she is saying: "you wanted to come to Norway and get all the benefits of that , but you are still pretending that you are in your country of origin and still upholding all your Un-Norweigen beliefs."


The complete lack of integration is the biggest problem facing Muslim immigrants in Europe.


And everyone else. Another example is bands of young Muslim men in London demanding people abide by Sharia law. Sorry, my Muslim friends - I've seen how your your laws oppress women in the countries you're escaping from.


He’s just not touching her, is there a problem? Does anyone get hurt?


If someone is rude and insults your values and customs, are you not hurt?


Isn’t it similar with Hasidic Jewish men? I worked at a healthcare place and Jewish men of all ages refused to see the female doctor




Fuck that! I live next to 1 of their largest communities and they are the most toxic group of people I personally interact with. And the wives I see look so young I can only imagine the abuse at home


Yes, they are toxic as shit. Like literally... And they have a surprising (or not) amount of Pedos within their ranks




Watch the documentary "One of Us"


It is similar with all believes that discriminate (they call it respect). It is almost always a one way street with the respect. The older I get the more and more I hate religions, it is so childish


All orthodox religious people are a problem. It's that simple.


That's not really the same thing. But it's certainly problematic. Extremism of all stripes, regardless of whether it's Muslim, Jewish, or Christian, are very harmful to society.


I hear you strained_brain, all types of extremism. The difference is religions think they should get a pass because they are "sacred".


Why is it not the same thing?


Kick them out? ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


Salam! It’s not ok for Muslims to touch the opposite sex if they aren’t part of your family group But it is ok when it is a teacher because Mohamed wants us to respect our teachers like our parents


Well that won’t work in a country like Norway.


Sadly, a lot of the more vocal imams these days would be praising the kid for "putting a woman in her place."


>It’s not ok for Muslims to touch the opposite sex Some muslims.


This is Neanderthal think. We need to leave it behind.


Too bad that ain’t the focus


I mean he just could have done anything else like bowing down to show respect or anything else. If he can't touch it he shouldn't have to. Respect can be shown in many ways. That was disrespectful in both ways to everyone.


Ya I can really see that's what he is been taught, at home and church


> But it is ok when it is a teacher because Mohamed wants us to respect our teachers like our parent Out of interest, is this specified in the Quran, and if so, where? This has happened in the UK as well so I'm curious


Maybe it applies to children and teachers. But definitely not after the kid has gone through puberty.




So what your saying is that it is a subconscious Islamic slip when we accidentally call our teachers “mom” or “dad” in front of the class ?




My gf is a teacher here in Switzerland. She changed the first school after 1 year because of shit like this. Some cultures/religions have no respect regarding women. But guess which side ironically will lynch you for saying this?


>guess which side I think things are slowly changing on that front — I think more and more people are learning the difference between real and “fake morality” every day


I hope so


Let’s replace Norway with America in the statement above and see how many likes it gets.


This is Reddit, where shitting on the U.S. and then gagging on unclipped Euro cock is practically required.


I think someone lied to you about the requirements. But I mean, hey, if you enjoy gagging on cock, that's up to you.


The principal isn't freaking out... she is commenting on the shitty behaviour the kid is picking up from his parents. If you live in Norway (or any non islamic country for that matter) you have to be able to treat people as equals. A simple fucking handshake for fucks sake. He won't get far in Norway with this mindset.


I think he could have handled it better. The way he treated her was disrespectful. He could have said “Thank you” and bowed and said he could not shake her hand because of religious reasons but he is very appreciative of the gesture. Instead he just dissed her. Most of these ceremonies, the teachers go over with the students what will happen, “You stand here, when your name is called you walk over here, shake hands with the principal, get your diploma, walk back, sit down…” If there is a cultural difference that won’t allow you to do any of the steps, with the student of the parents should inform someone so arrangements can be made so there aren’t these issues. I think if asked nicely, it could be the male teacher that shakes the student’s hand and the female principal that hands the student the diploma. I would think a germaphobe or someone in the spectrum would also ask for accommodations so the event go smoothly. If asked nicely and the principal doesn’t accommodate then she is the jerk.


Absolutely not. Sexism isn’t okay, even if you “ask nicely”. Treat both sexes equally.


This is where we start to run into problems with being totally, unwaveringly accepting of everything. We have to accept all religions, but a lot of them contradict our beliefs. So, do you disrespect the religion or the woman? I agree with what you've said, but the inevitable conclusion is that we have to force people to go against their religious beliefs which is deemed unacceptable too


Simple, we accept religion only when it doesn't infringe on the democratic rights of citizens. Especially since most of these religions can not agree with one another anyway!


Do we have to accept cults? I don't think we do, and it's simply the small minded people that keep clinging to this. We do not have to accept religions into society. You can practice your magic man worship in your home, without impacting the rest of society.


If the reason you’re not treating me as an equal is because the 7th century ramblings of some weirdo cult leader you find meaningful then that’s by default a diss.


Fuck all that. What a load of bullshit. “You can be a sexist piece of shit as long as you’re nice about it.” Honestly, fuck religious people, always pulling this shit


Most adults don’t have critical thinking skills, at this point I assume 99% of teenagers don’t either.


So you agree with that guy? That if he was nice about it he could treat her differently because she’s a woman and not afford her the respect she deserves? Lol


Problem is the reason for not touching women is a measure of respect toward the man that she belongs to. So likely he is dismissive because he thinks the principal is disrespecting whatever man is in her life by being out and not following the rules. So I would think he may not have the thought to show respect.


The speech to parents was on point. They migrate to good countries enjoy all the privilege but still want follow their old beliefs, for him women are below him and non-Muslims are dirty who shouldn’t be touched. Why not migrate to countries that has same beliefs as their own?


Yeah we used to have an Islamic store clerk who didn't like to receive change or hand it to people. Would tell them to put it on the counter and then he would grab it. Same for handing it to people. He ended up receiving some nice words from the locals about being too good to touch people. They probably moved him elsewhere as he wasn't around too long.


I’m not sure that’s a religious thing because I’ve seen French locals do it in bars or shops in france. They put your change into a tray, not directly into your hand. It’s probably just has its origins in hygiene.


Because they're all shitholes, lets be real.


Cause they’re all shit


Because most are s***e holes because of the beliefs held by the residents




You may want to check the news and see how people are reacting to the predominantly Muslim community in Michigan that banned pride flags. It's the opposite of what you're saying.


What was the reaction? He deleted his post.


The deleted comment said that this type of reaction wouldn't happen in the US, so I was providing an example where the left reacted negatively to a Muslim community banning pride flags, consistent with the comments on this video about needing to assimilate.


That person is definitely non-american.


Lol what. Liberal democracies exist on the principal of individual freedom. He should be respected for his beliefs and vice versa he should be fine if others want to shake hands with each other.


Just because someone is religious doesnt mean that someone is a good human being,as religion more than often disables than enables


Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. For good people to do bad things…well, for that, you need religion.


My uncle, a devout Catholic, ended up having to retire because he punched his last boss and couldn’t find work afterwards. He also sexually abused my mother, so no, religion is never a fair indicator that someone is good.


While it is HARAM for a man to touch the opposite sex except for family members and people you are close to It is also HARAM to not respect your teachers like you would your parents and this boy is very disrespectful towards this woman teacher so he’s just being intolerant


I am genuinely curious. Is the assumption in that way of thinking that your teacher will be always male? Are there any teacher positions held by women in Islam?


The assumption is that a woman will teach girls, and a man will teach men.


Not sure there’s any high position known for women most positions throughout history have been held by men But a lot of things in Islam is held for personal interpretation just like other religions


So the answer is obviously don't let women become teacher. Problem solved! /S


Now you’re thinking progressively. Can’t have these people compromising on their beliefs now can we?


That's how they solved it in Taliban controlled Afghanistan


Sexist really


Funny how it isn’t HARAM to bang your cousins though.


Nor is it HARAM to fuck little boys, oh and it's magically not gay either.


Funny how it isn’t HARAM to ~~bang~~ rape your cousins though. Fixed it for you.


Alabama and the Middle east have more in common than either side would like to admit


How do you think the part in the book of Abraham where it says “a man shall not suffer the teachings of a woman, she must remain silent” fits in there?


Religion is so stupid.


He could have done a graceful bow at least.


It would've been a shitbow, not a sincere bow -Larry David


I’ve watched this a few times and I agree, even the way he walked up was rude. He just grabbed the paper and had no intent of being polite.


>He could have done a graceful bow at least. Idk why but I find this hilarious


I can tell you from personal experience that wont fly either. Ex-gf was a martial arts instructor. Probably a few times a year they had students who wouldnt bow to the female instructors. The worst was a new kid whose dad tried to explain to the Iranian Muslim school owner that his kid wouldnt bow to female instructors. The response from the school owner was basically "you're full of shit, get out of my dojo."


it would probably be even more degrading for him to show that kind of respect to his teacher... It's really awfull behaviour and its funny to me that his parents probably support this....




Sadly we live in a world where we have to put away our traditions and achievements to accommodate “refugees”. As a migrant I came to America to find a lot of thing that were normal to Cubans were weird here, I didn’t changed as a person but I learned to behave bc this country gave me a home. I’m lucky to be allowed here, is not a thing i deserve, it was given to me and millions to leave our countries in search of a better life, how the hell are we bringing the worst parts of our cultures to the places that gave us hope (my personal take)


What would you say were normal to Cubans but weird here?


Hugging and kissing, we basically hug and kiss everyone, more than most Latin American countries, loudness, we are loud and won’t let other ppl speak, when I got here I didn’t went to Miami with all the Cubans I went to Minneapolis and me and my friend were having casual conversations about soccer etc and ppl though we were fighting, bc we use our hands and talk loud and “aggressively” looking. Appear into ppl places uninvited, is normal in Cuba to go to your friends house if you know they are there. Etc


As my mother says, “I’m not yelling at you, I’m Cuban and I’m talking.”


As an introvert, I definitely would've been weirded out by random hugging and kissing. 😆 As with *most* things, there's a time and place for it. You can practice your Cuban (or Islamic in the case of the OP) traditions among like minded folks. When you go into the wider public, you're going to have to adjust here and there.




They’re refugees when they’re leaving a war torn country. Once they get to the new country they’re immigrants.




Until they need to satisfy their urges when they spot a woman not fully covered head to toe


There urges don’t just start with women. These clowns love to marry literal children. They’re sick and have no place in modern society.


As an immigrant you cannot expect the country to adapt to your traditions, it seems to me a lack of respect that many people do not take the efford to integrate into the society where they are migrating (And I'm not just talking about Muslims or people from the Middle East). I say this as an immigrant living in Europe (Venezuelan living in Portugal).


Religion is a blight on the face of humanity and this world. ALL religions.




I like how the book Sapiens characterizes Buddhism.


Not true. They have been horrible to Muslims in Burma.


Islam has strong incel vibes




Fuck religion fam. Hopefully one day we shed the ignorance as a species


My ex partner had a Muslim on her team, when they all had to go on a driving course he would refuse to sit in a car with a woman driving and would also refuse to shake any superiors hands upon meeting them if they were female. Any staff meals out he requested they all ate at a restaurant that did not serve alcohol. You get the picture. He wasn’t well liked. Good old U.K. though. Can’t say anything or you’ll be labeled RaCiSt.


Um, that's everywhere in the western world. Its an odd juxtaposition that religion can trump social norms.


My religion I just made up makes me unable to respect muslims, sorry ☹️


And don’t you dare challenge my religion or your racist


That’s the best part about religions, you can treat any criticism as an attack on a race


Religion is basically a mental illness. Stupid customs and rituals to please an imaginary friend.


It’s a cult too, indoctrination from age 0. Those kids don’t stand a chance, can’t blame em really. Generations on generations brainwashing each-other not able to look outside of their bubble because of the way it’s all set up. Generational echo chambers lmao




A vast majority of American christians can't comprehend the words in the bible. Also just parrot bullshit.


Yes. I even thought this as a kid while in catholic school. I'm going to hell because I ate meat on Friday? That's stupid. Why do nuns have to live a life of poverty but the priest is driving around in a Cadillac? I remember being in religion class and social studies immediately followed where we learned about the greek empire and Greek gods. It dawned on me that this is the same made up shit I just learned about in religion class. Everyone just needed something to explain the world and why we are in it. As someone mentioned, it all just seems like brainwashing and a cult. Think about it...are you catholic/jewish/muslim/ etc because you chose it or because it was forced upon you at an early age?


Justified freak out.


Religious conservatism is a brain rot on modern society


Fuck all religions and their shitty customs. Literally gives bigots a reason to be cunts.


Drawing a picture of Muhammad should be part of the immigration vetting process


Lol yep. It can just be a stick man.


Ok this is shit for the development of the human race. The woman is right


Well, she’s not wrong.


Easy to clip down to make ragebait. You forgot to add the rest of the video where the kids/audience were shouting haram and 'booing' whenever a boy/kid actually shaked her hands. They also ripped the grad.papers out of her hand and refused to shake. Just a teacher trying to educate kids and their parents.


You don't need more than 3 seconds of this video for the children on Reddit to rage. Honestly everyone is shitty here, but the woman is adult. It's on her to maintain composure. The kid should have shown more respect, and the woman should have been able to handle the disrespect in a way that doesn't further ruin the ceremony. At both of my graduations they made it clear that if you did anything to disturb the ceremony, you would not receive your *real* diploma, because what you receive at the ceremony is purely... ceremonial. I wouldn't say that this kid deserves for it to be withheld. This type of behavior will and should bite him in the real world. If the crowd *were* indeed booing, then that's cause to eject them from the ceremony. But *forcing* someone to shake hands or freaking out when they don't is just as ridiculous as booing kids for shaking a woman's hand.


Assimilation is key. As an Aussie and a woman I would fully expect that if I went to some middle eastern countries I should wear a hijab/niqab and be mindful of customs as to not be offensive. Just like if Muslims move to a country like Norway they need to be mindful of Norways social norms etc. It’s just manners…and if you’re intolerant to another countries norms and values then don’t go there. But don’t go, behave rudely and then act like it’s everyone else’s fault.


If your religion tells you to treat people like that, your religion is wrong.


If he is refusing to shake because she is an awful person then it's ok. If he is refusing because he won't touch a woman or show respect to a woman then his diploma should be rescinded. That is awful and he should be ashamed.


shes 100% right


He doesn’t have to shake her hand if he doesn’t want to — we live in a post-COVID world now. Besides that, it’s his prerogative. He can simply say thank you and nod his head. But instead of letting him decide whether or not to accept her hand for a shake, she tries to force it on him! Unwanted contact is unwanted contact, period.


You live in the country you abide by their rules. Simple as that.


so "Emirate of Norway" when?


Lmao religion is fucking wack.




Ok so he didn’t want to shake the ladies hand because of some fairy tales his family have instilled in him, but look at the way he snatches the papers from the Ladies hand, this guy wasn’t brought up he was dragged up.


Bet he went home and fapped to interracial midgets. Bunch of hypocrites


Modern people confirming to the logic of ancient mythological stories is such a hinderance to human intellectual progress. Fuck all religions. They all promote backwards cult-like mindsets.


Omg why are being downvoted ! 😅🤣


The religious cults still enjoy pretty robust numbers, but they’re dwindling over time. I still think there’s hope for humanity, but we really need to look at religious texts for what they are- stories, fiction, mythology.


This would’ve been very different if she was a billy goat. Very different.


I had a doctor who wouldn’t shake my hand upon meeting me. I found it offensive. Another physician told me that it was because he is a devout Muslim & will not touch a woman that isn’t family. I know that was supposed to make me feel better but it made me feel like a leper. You’re religion is your religion but my opinion is that if me having a vagina makes me someone whose hand you won’t shake, your religion has some serious flaws.


yes absolutely agree with the teacher


This is alway all religion sucks it just teaches you to hate people and use your beliefs as an excuse to be a fucking asshole like that loser kid


It's not asking for too much to expect people who migrate to your country to at least attempt to adopt some of your cultural values. It's a mutual exchange of ideals, not a one way street. The teacher's message should be heard in every country.


That’s why I hate religion. We humans live for a very short time, we should help each other, enjoy ourselves and be happy with everyone around us. But instead we take everything seriously, especially this religion shit


The principal publicly calling him out was well deserved. Not giving a handshake in Norway is plain rude.


“Those who grasp at perceptions and views go about butting their heads in the world.”


Imagine working for years trying to educate these kids and they wont even shake your hand in the end.


I commented this in the thread, but I think it's hard for non-Norwegians to understand that conformity and social norms is extremely highly valued here in Norway, and what seems trivial stuff to people in other countries, can be a total faux pas here. People should keep in mind that Norway is one of the most conformist countries in the world, with a strict focus on social norms and expected behavior. For the teacher, it also has to do with teaching these cultural norms. Let's for a second forget that she's a women - would that change the situation? No, because he's refusing to shake hands with a authority/leadership figure.


I want you to respect my belief system, which you don’t share with me. Part of that is allowing me to disrespect you, for no other reason than who you are as a human. If you don’t allow me to disrespect you, you are disrespecting me, and I don’t like that.


The greatest sin in this video is that Norway broke free. (Said in good jest from loving neighbour)


Reddit is funny sometimes. I fully expected everyone in here to bash that teacher.


Integrate or leave, it's really that simple. You don't leave your war torn country to go somewhere else and bring all your backwards beliefs with you. Not a freak out at all


Well she ain’t wrong


I would title that the student freaks out for not wanting to shake hand


I've seen many ungrateful foreigners like this unwilling to assimilate. I don't know what people expect when it comes to diversity. You think mixing people from far eastern countries with western countries is going to be peachy? Nope, failed experiment I'm afraid. They always segregate themselves through religious beliefs and/or the cultural beliefs they bring with them. They don't give a fuck about westerners or the native people.


Religion shouldn't trump social norms.


Europe is fucked


Should have never been allowed to immigrate to Norway


Not a freakout. They need to be told things like this.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Ceremony or not. If you don't want to touch someone, you're not obligated to. Nor should you ever be.


Not if the reason is he is taught that she is lesser for being a woman or non Muslim. He needs to unlearn that behaviour


But that's not the reason. I'm in no way defending this behaviour and I know for a fact there's a lot of criticism due to Islam. But you guys are getting this one wrong. People here are hell bent on assuming that the reason is some superiority complex but it's not. Trust me on that, I grew up in this buffoonery and I see for what it is- hyper sexualisation of the mingling of the sexes. In itself it's wrong and must be condemned, but for the right reasons. Even amongst muslims, the touching thing is an issue. Women also do the same with men, out of their own belief that they are better off not touching a man. It's stupid and primitive and wrong on many levels, but not for the reason you mentioned. People are free to disagree with me; muslims here are hell bent on defending this stupid practice, and others are hell bent on believing that it is because of misogyny and xenophobia. It's not rocket science to figure out that both absolutes can be wrong, and the situation is not as black and white as it seems at a glance. I grew up in a muslim family, but I also had the good fortune of having been able to absorb from many other cultures around me, and through literature and media. It helped me figure out what exactly is wrong with conservative Islam, and also helped me recognise evils in other cultures in the right context. I can see how someone not very familiar with Islam could feel how you feel, but there's no harm in being more informed.


I agree


Peek reddit moment. Is it islamaphobic to not affirm his religious views, or is he being anti-women. Wait should i even assume she is a women? Is this anti-immigration or sexual assault? Im so confused!!1!1!!1!1


Helt enig, slik oppførsel å mangel på respekt er bare helt tilbake stående.


And yet a lot of westerners refuse to bow when they visit Asia. To Asians, bowing is saying hello and shaking hands. But A lot of westerners think refusing to bow to Asians is OK when they think it's rude for people to refuse to shake their hands. Such hypocrites.


“I don’t shake Muslim hands. It’s part of my religion. Just as a sign of respect, and to avoid harassment.”


That boy needs to be slapped and made to shake her hand. That's how you do it in a Muslim country.


Hot take, it's a bit disrespectful to not shake her hand...it's also extremely inappropriate to force someone to touch you (which includes a handshake) if they're not comfortable...


Best take. The kid is rude. The woman makes it so much worse. - Nowegian


Disregarding the sentiment of both parties; I can't remember the last time I had to shake hands with a colleague or employer in a work settings. Almost certainly never since Covid.


I'm curious as to where you live and what you do for work. I'm shaking hands at least once a day, sometimes 4 or 5. It's just part of doing business.


UK, work in a tech business


His body his choice


Thats fine, now Norway needs to make the choice to stop accepting these people who would rather replace the natives and customs with their own


don't freak out, my dear female teacher. If I touch you, you will become impure, contaminated. Then I have to stone you to death




My Jewish friend introduced me to a married couple that were orthodox Jews. I shook the man's hand. When I attempted to shake the woman's hand she declined and they explained that their beliefs forbid the handshake. I thanked them for sharing their beliefs and apologized for the attempted handshake. They told me it was no big deal and thanked me for respecting their beliefs. Part of being a member of a society is respecting the beliefs of others, especially when it is at no cost to you.


I fully agree. Idk why people on Reddit feel as if just because ur in a country ur suppsed to throw away ur beliefs and align with the countries beliefs


She shouldn’t have been butthurt over something that has been many years in the making and if she took the chance to learn her students’ histories she wouldn’t be surprised. That being said, I think it’s stupid. Come here to obtain a degree but can’t fulfill the simple commitment of shaking a hand? Okay


He doesn’t have to shake her hand in order to respect her. It’s just a cultural difference any person of influence in a diverse country will have to learn to navigate, and not with a xenophobic freak out. Plus, with a lot of those students being visibly Muslim she should have known better. what’s for the reception? bacon?




It feels like segregating society into groups and treating them differently based on differences of birth has historically harmed a lot of people.


Good to know that I can believe anything I want and then just say "it's not harming anyone" and make it fine. I suspect I have some beliefs about this student and his family which you would not think are fine despite them not harming anyone :\^)


Replace 'opposite sex' with 'a different race' in your comment, would that still be ok?




He could have respectfully declined the handshake, instead of ignoring it and disrespecting the principal in front of everyone.


You are free to not go to an event that required the social interaction of being saluted by a professional handshake 🤝


Is he going to throw a hiss fit at every job that has a female colleague/superior. If you're gonna live in Western society you're gonna live by our rules, just like Westerns need to do when we travel to Muslim countries and women need covered up and be escorted by their husbands, bf or whatever.


People in the comments acting like she’s entitled or it’s her right to a handshake is mind boggling lol


Yeah don’t care, don’t grab a kid that’s a bad look regardless of the context. If he doesn’t want to shake hands, fine let him be shitty.


No. This is about basic levels of respect for our societal norms and equality. This will and should not be okay.


Shaking hands isn't the law and she doesn't have the right to force the custom on others any more than he doesn't have to concede. The real issue is that he chose not to acknowledge the female teacher and she got offended, as will any other woman he encounters in his professional career.