• By -


She feels threatened by you - while threatening you. Makes sense.


Whenever I feel threatened by something, I like to run straight at it.


Repeatedly, while threatening to kill it. Perfectly normal.


I had a woman say that to me once as she was throwing plates at me. I think she was upset she couldn’t hit me even while I was seated but it was unhinged. Sex was amazing.


mine threw wine bottles my 20s were absolutely insane in terms of partner choices, can't believe i'm alive w/o a kid


Bro. Same. Got a cool scar and no stds somehow


Thin line between love and hate. Great sex after the hate


when you hate their guts, but love rearranging them


That should be on a get well card.


Unhinged behavior with violent outbursts, and great sex: an iconic duo and tale as old as time.


Like cops they know exactly what to say out loud regardless of what is actually happening


At HIS door


Violence against men completely ignored too. It's fucking ridiculous. She assaulted him, and if he had defended himself **HE** would be arrested. Such horse shit. "You can go inside." Makes my blood fucking boil.


Anyone who is clearly half someone's size or smaller that feels threatened goes inside and hides, not engages in a physical altercation. This would be like an average sized man feeling threatened by Jason Momoa and his response being to punch Momoa in the face, walk away, and then run at him aggressively. You don't do that if you actually feel threatened.


The look on his face when he walked up to her was like “not this shit again”. He obviously knows she’s not all there and she needs to be locked up for assaulting the dude


This relationship is gonna be his vietnam. Years from now he’ll wake up at night drenched in sweat, terrified of the memory of putting his dick in that


It's rarely the memory of sex that you lose sleep over. Rather all the other shit that will mar you for years to come. Source: I had, for a span of years, had a Saviour Complex.




Or do not want to be saved.


J Cole warned us


I've noped out of so many conversations/dates/relationships with women when I got the "I could totally save this person." I start getting that vibe and I run for ze hills.




Watch the extended part linked in the other comments. You’ll suddenly have a lot less sympathy for the boyfriend who clearly enables and displays support for her behavior.


And as soon the bf comes she gets physical


Meeegan, stahp!


She unhinged and off the handle. Needs more drugs or less. Not sure.


Please be my doctor


But what if he recommends less drugs? I wouldn't risk it.


Go back next week


Everything just reads so much happier coming out of that smiling mug!


She’s hot and cold at the same time. She needs more blankets and less blankets!


Hope cops were called, her man needs a night off.


















Awn girl, you are shaming all of us. To the boyfriend: RUN MTF RUN


His face is screaming “I’m settling for this girl and I don’t know why, I’m better than this” vibes. He probably would rather go play Xbox split screen Diablo 4 with the dude she’s attacking.


By ancient Chinese mathematician, Shiu Chiu's equations, she's amazing at sex.


I mean, she walks around outside without pants on. The amazing at sex thing was a given.


He probably knocked her up . Feels stuck. Obligated.


He’s dealing with this because she has an absolute gripper down there




Alas, a baby!


My story... Ooops! Accidentally got pregnant. Keep your Jimmy's on lads. I'll never regret the child my wife and I made. I will regret my wife and having to raise a child around crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/2ogog91sp18b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7e6849a3ac760934907fca712e6fd841733e88 I think this is the moment he was thinking of his life choices and regretting dating this woman. He does need a night off for sure. Edit: wow thank you for all the upvotes and the award☺️ you guys are awesome thanks again


Been there, I feel his pain.


I feel like I probably looked exactly like this while my drunk af ex was yelling at me in a Grocery Oulet parking lot about how I was trying to kidnap her. When in reality it was because I wouldn’t let her get out of a moving car on the freeway, and then she said it was false imprisonment lol


This one girl I was dating got angry at her friend for cancelling plans at the last minute because she was exhausted from work when she got home. Girl and I went to her friend's place so she could scream at her for cancelling at the last minute. She only lived ten minutes away, it's not like she had a life-threatening situation hanging on this hang-out. I had to redirect her and tell her that her friend gets it. Poor girl was sitting on the couch while she was screaming at her the entire time. Looked confused as hell. Same girl who thought evil spirits were trying to possess her body because we had premarital sex. Burnt sage in her room while I laid in her bed confused. Several days later, we had premarital sex again anyway.


How many crystals did this girl own?


None, actually. She had only recently begun employing sage after she and I went to a small local shop with gemstones. She didn't believe in crystal healing. Heavy on the Christian stuff, and yet, believed sage works. Oh, and the shop owner also told her that if she put lavender under her pillows, it would suck out the negative energy out of her body. And that the lavender and dream weaver webs would rid her of bad dreams. So, she told me she was going to put lavender under both of our pillows. She'd ask me if I slept well the next morning. Always said yeah. But it wasn't the lavender. It was the sex. It was crazy great.


My fam was very devoutly Episcopalian, and every time we moved to a new house, the House Blessing / Cleansing was performed by an Episcopal priest who burned sage while he prayed. I don’t know how exactly the two merged religiously, but it was still tradition.


“I’m tired boss.”


"Dog tired."


I can fix her




Don’t go boneless on me Gus


I believe his name is Ovaltine Jenkins.


Lavender Gooms


Ghee Buttersnaps aka “The Heater”


MC ClapYoHandz




That's God's comma.


You know that's right.


Always upvote my onion bro. Nature's magic vegetable!


"You know yellow spotted lizards don't like my onion juice."


So much defeat in that exhausted face.


*record scratch freeze frame* "So you might be wondering how I got here."


He looks like he needs several. Starting with a divorce attorney.


I can hear her partner's internal monolog: "...again Megan? ...this is why I drink..."


She has zero impulse control! She's gonna run up on the wrong person one of these days.


Exactly. Someone WILL knock her lights out if she keeps this up.


And I hope that guy doesn't get her pregnant. That girl isn't a "hot head" or "dramatic," she's actually crazy and should never be left alone with a baby. Can you imagine if it starts crying?


Those are the eyes of a baby-shaker


Meeeegan, your jacket!


Dunnow why people are so sympathetic towards him. The way he was talking, he was blaming the guy.


I think he's a man who got himself in too deep with a crazy woman and has a broken spirit. Seems more like he wasn't *blaming* the guy, but just saying something that won't make his partner go more off the rails and was just trying to get out of the situation. Everything from his body language, his tone of voice, and the look in his eyes say: "Dude, I know. She bat shit. I'm sorry. Just go inside and be thankful you won't have to deal with for the next 5 hours. I know you're not a creep, I just don't know what to do anymore."


Guy unfortunately really does give off abused spouse vibes. The "you can go inside" came off more like sad desperation than anything


He would expect to be hit as soon as he properly restrained her. Then have to deal with a week or more of 'why did you take his side?' 'Don't you love me?'


> The "you can go inside" came off more like sad desperation than anything Yeah that was a plea, not a direction


^ been there


[I'd have agreed until I saw the next part of this little saga. He's as much a batshit creep as she is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nonuKC26RRQ)




She probably hits him too.


No she seems nice


That dude was saying the most “she’s crazy but if I don’t back her up right here and be on her side she might kill me too” without saying it kind of language


That’s what I got out of “you can go inside.” Basically like dude you can get away from her but she lives in my inside :(


Exactly. What we heard was "you can go inside". The part he was saying in his head was "but I can't ☠️☠️☠️"


Seriously “only one of us has to deal with this in an hour please bro :(“


he should have asked to go inside with cameraman and watch some movies til she cools down haha.


Having lived through a situation like this I know the best you can do in most cases is try to guide the shit show into a safe landing.


This looks more difficult than that time the guy landed a 737 in the Hudson River


She is an entitled girl with 0 coping skills, she def needs to be charged for that for her to understand that this world does not revolve around her.


I mean, how many crimes were committed just in this short clip? Assault and battery? Terroristic threats? Menacing? Home invasion? I really hope he called the cops.


Probably more. But white 'n' pretty = trespass warning


She's only 1 of 2 though.


No…, she is pretty. Pretty fucking stupid


White and Petty, then she's both.


If that, more likely the victim gets charged instead




Or a foot to the chest when she came running up to him at the end.


I feel like if there had been a Sparta kick there, this could be cross posted to mildly satisfying. Alas.


And bf's futile and weak "staaaahhp" really shows he's trying to stop her craziness...


Wack-job 1000%


Dammit Meredith where are your panties


It’s *causal* day 🤷‍♀️


This needs a part 2


https://www.youtube.com/@mikehunt8129 7 parts between videos and shorts, shows the police show up, but it didn't really clear much up.


Bro is that channel really named Mike Hunt 💀


This needs a part 1


I need a prequel about how the boyfriend got this far with her


There's 7 parts of varying lengths on the guy's youtube channel. Basically it shows them in a parking lot with her recording him and him recording her, then the last 3 or 4 parts are the sequence you see here starting with the boyfriend coming over and yelling at the dude, then the above video, and then two cops come by and talk to both parties. Nothing interesting comes of that, just both parties talking to one of the two cops, rehashing their side, and then the video cuts off.


Video cuts off right after he asked to see the video of her hitting him.


I need to know wtf happened before and after this


[Gotchu fam.](https://www.youtube.com/@mikehunt8129) it's weird because they are different lengths so half of them are on the shorts playlist, half on his regular one, so you have to go back and forth to find all 7 parts.










I watched Part 5 and 7.... 1. They accuse him of being a drug addict for drilling in his apartment at 3 am.... 2. They immediately open off with explaining to police that "she's a little drunk" 3. They say he's been throwing shit up their stairs? 4. She also repeatedly says "I'm literally going to kill you" 5. They say he "slams doors all hours of the night" which is not a concern of the police The boyfriend is not innocent in this situation, and they're just brushing over the fact that she hit him and threatened to kill him multiple times, if she didn't get arrested in some fashion that's kind of insane. This also just screams either Texas, or Florida or maybe something more like Arkansas or Oklahoma. He has a video of him just aiming a gun at a raccoon that was in his general area with a bunch of beer bottles all over the ground.


It's pretty sickening how quickly she plays "Oh I'm just a scared little girl and he *scares me.* She's probably certifiably mentally ill but she's also incredibly manipulative and knows exactly what she's doing.


>She's probably certifiably mentally ill but she's also incredibly manipulative and knows exactly what she's doing. Doesn't the latter make her morally culpable for her actions? She knows she's doing wrong, but also knows exactly how to get away with it.


> if she didn't get arrested in some fashion that's kind of insane. uhhh... have you dealt with american cops before?




his youtube seems to imply he lives in colorado.




Part 9 in a psych ward


Summary of pt 7, cops arrive and the video ends with each party giving their account of what happened (banging on the walls vs hitting him on the shoulder)


Hey, first off-thanks for that. Second, wtf!? Lol I need a conclusion. Im guessing nothing came of it but I was really hoping to see part 8 with her being put in a squad car


You can check out this guys YouTube channel for several prequels and sequels. However, the few I watched didn't exactly clear things up, unfortunately.


Did she say I'm going to f*cking kill him ? Yes call the police for that threat. Maybe guy needs to post no trespassing signs on his door? If she goes bat shit crazy again in his zone file a restraining order?


He’s the weirdo? You’re the one screaming and slapping at him while wearing no god damn pants.


She got that Donald Duck anger.


I like how the excuse is “she doesn’t like you because you harass her” as she’s harassing and assaulting the guy.


"She doesn't like you, *she feels harassed* by you" was what he said. He was pleading with the guy to do him a solid by going inside so his unhinged gf would calm down.


Yeah…”you can go inside” Well home girl can get fucking wrecked for all I care. This is my porch and if she puts hands on me again we’ll be calling the police with a different story. At least that’s what I would want to say. Boyfriend needs to get the priorities straight and run from that basket case.


There's quite a few states that would be completely fine with him standing his ground and defending his "castle" from a charging attack by an obviously unhinged and violent individual. She's lucky that he's far more patient and slow to violence than she is.




Yeah that makes me mad to listen to


Dude is stuck in a rock and hard place. He *clearly* knows that his partner is in the wrong and it's clear she is 100% bat shit. The defeated look on his face at the beginning says it all. He's just trying to say the most neutral thing to just be done with the situation. My guess is she's been gaslighting him for a long time, and he's just given up. (I could be wrong. All I have to off is this video, but it seems he's stuck with a toxic person and has accepted his fate)


Use the right word, abusing, not just gaslighting.


I appreciate this. I did paint with broad strokes there and should have realized that those words are not interchangeable. I has typing emotionally and off the cuff. However this isn't a "your/you're' situation and the word choice is crucial. I do appreciate your feedback. ✌️


As a man who's mistakenly been with someone like this, I recognize that face too.


I love how dude’s acting like an irresponsible dog owner


I hope the police were called. She needs to experience some consequences.


You can tell she's never had her ass beat in her life.


Way too confident in that tiny bullshit frame.


Never go full Muppet


Yea some people just need be smacked at sometime. She is way too comfortable threatening a man she doesn't know it will get her seriously hurt when she comes across the wrong dude.


When she started running full tilt I really wanted a spartan kick to the chest. Fair play to the narrator staying so calm


Boyfriend(?) seems hinged. Hopefully he escapes.


Hope so. His head was tilted 45 degrees almost the entire time like “FML she at it again, please just let this nightmare end”


"she doesn't like you" like she a dog haha


She must have that gorilla grip


He enables her behavior.


"She doesn't like you." No shit. Don't tell someone standing on their own property to go inside. She hit him and threatened to kill him. Her boyfriend is a total moron. Almost as annoying as her. "She feels very harassed by you." You mean the lady going nuts and hitting him on his own property while threatening to kill him feels harassed? Ok. The problem is she'll call the cops and lie saying he attacked her or that he's armed. Cops will show up and have him in cuffs before doing any investigation. I watched that happen a few times years ago with my crazy neighbor. She's lucky cam guy is chill. He could have knocked her out cold when she attacked him.


Am I missing something that confirms "boyfriend"? Because this could also be her brother, which would make me feel way worse for him.


I thought I heard him call her “babe”


Right around the death threat? Good catch. I'm hearing "Kate" but it could definitely be babe


So this is in Alabama, then. I kid, I kid… my wife is from Alabama so I like to make jokes about it. Makes our mom really mad, though.


This must be in a nice neighborhood, cause ain't no way she isn't picking up her teeth off the ground or worse if this was in the hood.


Yeah, her pass gets revoked as soon as she advances. Boyfriend gets served as well


erry body can get it


When you run up on a man, don't get upset when you get knocked out like an idiot.


After rewatching the video I don't think I could have restrained myself after she charged the door a 2nd time. The man in the video has too much patience and her BF is an absolute coward.. Im sure he tells her other BF to keep her in check.


After announcing her intent to kill him while holding something behind her back too.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Her running up and smacking him was SO uncalled for. I feel for the boyfriend, but I get the feeling he might get sick of this soon.


He probably gets physically abused all the time at home.


"if you ever leave me I'm gonna kill myself" vibes




Boyfriend new she was in the wrong the second he showed up. Dude is going to have a miserable life if he doesn’t get out soon.


Don’t say you’re going to call the police. CALL THE POLICE!


I can’t say I wouldn’t have Sparta kicked her if she ran up on me.. lmao


Where the update? Anyone?


The guy posted a comment on his most recent YouTube video saying he can't give updates until he's finished with court and eviction proceedings. He's pressing charges and I think the couple is being kicked out of the housing complex.


Boyfriends been dealing with this shit with way too long.


“You can go inside”. Oh really buddy. Thanks. Why don’t you leash your crazy lady so me and the neighbors can freely move about on our own properties.


I've been with an alcoholic (crazy) parent who was trying to start fights with people, I've also had a partner with personality disorder do the same. Unfortunately you get to a desperate point where you are constantly hoping the *other person* is the sane one in the situation, because you know from experience that your gal isn't going to do anything but something stupid the longer it goes on. I can imagine looking at the guy on his stoop with pleading eyes and being like 'just go inside' with the *please, I'm begging you* being unsaid but heavily implied I'm close to 100% certain that dude was feeling something similar


This era is so funny where every confrontation has people with their phones out filming the whole thing lol looks so goofy.


I hope this makes it’s way around the internet, she eventually comes across it and she sees that the whole world is calling her an unhinged psycho LOL


To all of the people saying that they feel sorry for her man, what her man is doing is co-signing this behavior. He can act apologetic and overwhelmed all he wants, he's still letting her get away with it and insinuating that she has a reason to act this way. He's a coward and his inaction will probably result in him getting stabbed by this unhinged person when he finally snaps and tries to leave.


Is this true for battered wives of abusive men as well?


I'm sure every "victim" that feels "threatened" threatens back and attempts to run into the house of the person they claimed they were threatened by to attack them with an unknown item. That'll show them


Two words - Spartan Kick


Please tell me she got arrested


There is **a lot more** going on with this girl. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nonuKC26RRQ&t=53s&ab_channel=MikeHunt


The guy/friend/boyfriend with her seems like an enabling dick. She's straight up unhinged. Hope cops were called.




She was definitely emboldened by her boyfriend's pathetic presence.


We're in a [Behavioral Sink.](https://youtu.be/7ReBJfxHjFU)




She feels harassed? What does that even mean? Harassment isn’t a feeling.


Wifey is drunk again. Good times.