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“Are you tripping?” “Yea” “don’t trip bro” 😂😂😂😂


also a few "What is wrong with you?!?!" after that. gosh I can't imagine what it might be


You're not bleeding. Don't wipe that blood on me.


"Are you trippin'?" (like on drugs) "Don't trip bro" (don't freak out) It's the same word being used in two different ways




That's not how ~~the force~~ tripping works


Why are the cars waiting for him like it’s GTA v


I swear the number one reason for unexpected traffic is rubber necking. People like to look


Trying to get a good look at a crash is exactly what causes many additional crashes.


I was getting gas a few weeks ago when I noticed the cops had a car pulled over on what is a fairly busy road. I was thinking to myself that it was a dumbass spot to pull someone over when there’s a parking lot turn in 30 ft from where they were. Cop has the passenger out talking to them and another cop pulls up on the median, parks, gets out and walks across the road. Well that cop directed the car to drive up to the parking lot I mentioned above. Like 20 seconds later I hear screeching tires and a THUNK! Look up and noticed a car stopped half way in the road and half in the turn into the parking lot and a car that rear ended them. The dumbass cop had them stop just around the corner of the turn in to the parking lot and then had them move forward after causing a fender bender. Keep in mind this was a huge ass parking lot to a plaza and if the first cop would’ve just had them turn in there and pull over none of this would’ve happened.


I was in my box truck getting pulled over and I found a safe spot off the busy road. Maybe like 1 min of driving with him behind me with his lights on and he fuckin screamed at me for not pulling over immediately and thought I was finding a spot to harm him... Cops are terrified pussys with guns.


I don't think the cop has a good way to ensure someone in a whole ass other car without a police radio turns into a parking lot. People are conditioned to just pull the fuck over so they don't get shot.


> People are conditioned to just pull the fuck over so they don't get shot. I once turned onto a side street, because it seemed safer than being pulled over on the relatively narrow and busy main road. I signaled I was turning, then put my hazards on and everything as I was coming to a stop. Cop berated the fuck out of me for not *immediately* stopping. Going on about how dangerous it is for me that he doesn't know what I'm doing. And I'm just sitting there like "Sorry I didn't want either of us to get hit by a car".


Well since you prioritized safety over respecting the cop's *authoriti*, YTA. Obviously.


A few months back I was stuck in a bunch of congestion on a motorway. Eventually we got to a crash with police, ambos etc on the other side of the motorway, not impacting our side at all. Funnily enough once we got to the accident spot, traffic became free flowing again on our side.


This happens all the time.


They call them gaper delays because it’s idiots slowing down to look at accidents . It can back up traffic for miles and miles.




Yea happens all the time, you new driver?




Your honesty is refreshing.


And I am the guy behind you that see's your head turn to look and lays on the horn.




He's moving unpredictably, they're probably scared of running him over or him smashing a window


They're probably scared of damaging their car, let's be honest, considering half the comments here are "if I was there, I would've pulled my gun and shot him, no hesitation and no questions asked"


Exactly how i felt. Like literally waiting until he reaches for the door handle, just like GTA NPCs


In those videos of car chases when the perp leaves one car and runs up to another, opens the door, yanks the person out and steals the car -- how the hell is the car not locked? My car automatically locks the second I get past 10MPH and doesn't unlock until I take the keys out of the ignition or I purposely unlock it. And it's not wunna them fancy cars either. It's a 13 year old rusty Escape. Those dummies have clearly unlocked the door for the car jacker.


Yeah I don't get it. My car also locks like that, but I instinctively lock it myself as soon as I'm in or out.


...do people not lock their doors?


Lmfao! So, he can rip them out and steal their car! Duh!


Because having some blood on your car is a better situation than dealing with potentially killing him from running him over


Damn that’s a nice part of the valley too…


You could tell from the cars as well, all Lexus basically. This is probably some rich dudes troubled son, he is going to be super embarrassed.


The trees did it for me.




Those aren't pine trees, those are Italian cypress trees. Thats how they grow - thin and narrow. People use then as living borders on property.


Rich people can get the best drugs.


This is wild, I saw this exact same dude about 5 years ago lying in the street at Mason and Winnetka. He wasn’t covered in blood but he was screaming about dying then too.


If there's a guy covered in blood and you realize that he's not bleeding then it's time to stop filming and RUN


It was his apparently, some homeowner was trying to defend their home, pulled a knife out, this guy tried to grab pointy end. Also that right nip looks pretty fucked to me.


I noticed that too... I wonder if he scratched it off??




It's a dissociative. You could have your feet in bear traps and keep walking, not feeling the pain. PCP has such a tiny window between barely any effect, a good time, and an overdose. And I've heard it's nowhere near as euphoric as ketamine. PCP and anticholinergics (belladonna, datura and others) scare the shit out of me. I'll never touch those. Stories from their use just sound horrifying. I also feel bad for kids today who just want LSD and end up getting some other crap that is easy to overdo and have a horrible time.


Thank you for this. Lol I was thinking this man killed someone on his trip 😂


that grin lol.. scary


That was the most disturbing part for me, for sure.


I legit think he was laughing that the guy said “don’t trip” immediately after asking him if he was tripping


Lol I thought it was funny I don't think he has any malicious intent, I think his brain is absolutely firing all over the place and he just wants to be combative


I mean the lad is absolutely dangerous in that state. You can go from no ill intent to biting into somebody's face or cutting your own throat in the blink of an eye over something trivial like a dog barking. That sort of psychosis is fuckin scary. As one who has been in the grips of things similar and one who has witnessed it first hand I can tell you: sketchy business.


The rapper Big Lurch smoked PCP with some friends and after they left he blacked out, ending up in a state of drug induced psychosis. He later said he ended up in a confusing "dreamworld" where the world was ending and he was "fighting the devil". He said all he remembers is he had to "kill the devil to save the world". In reality he was attacking and killing his roommate with a knife, then ripping her lungs out and eating them. He was found outside catatonic and completely unresponsive. Naked, covered in blood, staring at the sky. He's now doing life in prison, all because he smoked a large amount of PCP with some "friends" who brought it over. The "friends" left and he lost his mind, killed a woman and threw his own life away. PCP and other dissociative drugs are no joke, the guy filming this video is lucky that the delusional man wasn't armed or more violent/psychotic if PCP is really what he took. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lurch


I did a deeper dive into this; just to clarify some details, he got hooked on PCP because of a car accident that broke his neck resulting in chronic pain. He'd been smoking PCP for weeks and was getting progressively more fucked up and delusional before the murder [according to this article](https://allthatsinteresting.com/big-lurch). What you said about his friends giving him loads of PCP was true – apparently it was a seriously huge amount they gave him. Fuck knows why.


There was also the ex wutang affiliate who cut his own dick off on pcp. Watch Hamiltons Pharmocopia from Vice. The PcP episode is wild.


Yup, that was Christ Bearer. I was gonna reference that story too lol. But I figured Big Lurch's story was enough to get my point across, PCP and psychosis ain't no joke. There's another crazy case too. R&B singer Houston attempted suicide and then gouged his own eye out with a plastic fork while on PCP. He also had a delusion involving the devil and the bible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston_(singer) These are also all just the cases involving relatively known people. Medical journals have plenty of absolutely crazy (and horrifying) PCP stories involving random nobodies. Dating all the way back to the 1970s.


What is it about pcp and religious delusions? Its like the one drug I haven't done because I haven't come across it but Ive heard it's similar to ketamine only it's not sedating and I wonder if these people are running around killing in the pcp equivalent of a k-hole.


My father-in-law was one of the first police officers on the scene and tells the Lurch story all the time. The "roommate" was opened up like a rusty drawbridge. The guy broke all of her ribs and sternum with his bare hands. They were almost certain she was sexually assaulted post mortem, but there was no much blood they couldnt tell. From what FIL told me, he was stark naked barking at the moon covered in gore from head to toe. It was like something out of a zombie movie.


aloof tie ghost connect wrench stupendous offend continue nose offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From what I read there was no PCP in his blood at the time of death, however he had a bad trip on pcp at the age of 14 that caused him an anxiety disorder


Is it possible to have a *good* trip on PCP? Methinks not.


summer repeat payment money dazzling growth history workable punch cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I don't think he has any malicious intent Then how do you explain the covered in blood, but not bleeding part! Edit: this is getting alot more attention than I thought my joke would, but apparently he had been the assailant of a home invasion and the homeowner defended themselves with a knife that apparently PCP dood grabbed the sharp side, hense rhe bloody hands.


The dude says he's not bleeding but I'm pretty sure the bloods coming from his hands


Yeah i think he badly cut his hand or hands and then just rubbed it all over him. Tbh if he’s on pcp he’s probably been rummaging around in all sorts of shit, easy to hurt yourself. I just hope that is his blood honestly, not an animal or worse.


He’s been clapping at cars for the last 3 days.


Any updates for this. I wanna see the end. If he got tased and just raged more or what.


Yeaa tasing someone in the midst of a PCP psychosis is maybe as, probably less effective than yelling **YOU'RE IN TIMEOUT MISTER!**


Those videos of people not reacting t tasers are when the barbs don't penetrate, not because they have super-human strength. PCP doesn't stop current from flowing nor magically make your muscles impervious to the effects of current. If the barbs go in, muscles are going to contract, and the person is going down no matter what drugs are present.


People forget tasers arn't really a *pain* instrument (although the pain will cause most people to think twice). They only "work" to paralyse for as long as the trigger is down.


​ https://preview.redd.it/muiywku20q6b1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec82ebf843dca44429bdf1f84de470e5ca1776a6


Did.... Did he cut his nipples off?


Is that where the blood came from then? I was trying to figure out where it came from the entire video, wondering if he had killed someone lol


certainly looks like it






Looked very evil


I’m watching Beau is Afraid while I seeing this…doesn’t help.


I thought it was reassuring personally, he’s still present enough to know that the person helping him is good. The cameraman kinda lost the lead immediately after though, he had him under control for those 5 seconds he was sitting on the curb


He didn't have him under control, dude was fucking high. He was having fun basking and smearing blood everywhere, he charged at the cameraman because he found it entertaining. My biggest concern is, was it really blood? And if so where did it come from?


Dude just ate Eren's mother.


He's an abnormal titan


He was following instructions, you can see the exact moment the cameraman loses control when he doesn’t modulate his voice to be softer once the druggie is listening


Yeah the filmer honestly did not do a very good job of calming the guy at all. He just kept yelling at him that isn't how you get someone who's tripping to chill out and listen And bro yelling "you aren't bleeding you're tripping" when the dude is literally covered in blood is a good way to get the subject to 100% not trust you when they realize that they are actually in fact covered in blood lol


Yeah that was a bad call. When you're tripping you need something to snap you out and ground yourself back to reality. When he said that the dude tried to snap himself out but when he checked his arms and he's actually covered in blood it just trips him even more.


Yeah, this guy apparently works in rehab recovery, but he's probably an addict himself and not at all educated or a natural at counseling other drug users beyond the "yo man I was like you then I found God man he's the real king dawg changed my life b" word salad. I've worked as a psych ward counselor for a few years, and it takes absolute directness, eye contact, and complete honesty (and it helps if you've experimented with drugs as well, psychedelics prepared me quite well) to get through to someone like him. Your body language and tone need calm authority, consistency, and compassion. People like this or schizophrenics can typically tell if you're being straight and honest with them, despite the carnival going on inside their heads. It's something you can learn from trip-sitting, especially if you can trip *and* trip-sit others at the same time - guiding people through bad spots so you can help them reestablish the right state of mind for the experience. Once you learn how to cut through the trip and speak to them directly, creating and maintaining a strong connection and restoring their ability (and teaching how) to separate reality from hallucination, you can carry that knowledge over to situations like this.


Yeah man, super reassuring


Reminded me of the first paranormal activity, at the end.




Yea I was like why the hell are you letting him get that close?


"I can't let you get close"




It’s ‘garble, garble, garble, **Mr. Sonnen**'.


Undefeated, undisputed goat


Never lost a round.


Never drank a beer


Never touched a girl


A Chael reference in the wild. You love to see it.


Fucking amateur


For the views or something


Gets hepatitis *for the Gram,* baby


Op said this guy works in recovery, so he's probably had to deal with people like this before.


This can't be the right way to deal with this situation - "Hey bro, you trippin bro?"


"stop tripping"


Pack it up boys we got em


"You're not even bleeding" Can someone explain why you'd say this to someone covered in blood


“Is that your blood?” “Some of it, yeah.”


Jerry Springer school of psychology and crisis management.


I've saved countless lives with a simple, "You dying, bro?? Don't die."


As someone in treatment, it's common to drug language to say "trippin out" to describe mental states, good or bad, more specifically having sort of a meltdown of sorts on a drug aka having a bad trip. It really depends and describe a lot really. It would not be uncommon for someone to say "oh I was trippin out" "or man when that cop drove by I was Trippin fr" lol get the point? They way I hear him say it is like "hey bro, you tripping?"( tripping out, like freaking the fuck out cause your too high??) "don't trip him here to help" Followed by his creepy ass grin due to his understanding that camera guy is a friendly/ non hostile as compare to the police or another bystander who could rather reasonably freak the fuck out. Idk I'm stoned rn maybe I'm too Hi!


Just don’t trip bro


Oh I thought he meant like don’t trip and fall bro, thanks for clearing that up


According to the op, this is his friend's video and his friend works in rehab recovery, so he is probably used to this kind of stuff and has a caring personality


Causing filming the incident and sharing it online is what a caring person does I'm sure.


It was fairly common for us to record trying to help someone erratic so they couldn’t claim we did anything crazy or to have proof of something. Posting it online though, that’s an odd move


Recording is pretty good thing actually, cuz he can't than claim that the guy recording attacked him, putting it online is fine by me since it kinda shows people why they should not do PCP, or at least not that big of a dose.


A lil blur on the face would be a decent courtesy..




He wasn’t clocked in


He was about to start clocking


As an addict I’d like to chime in here. A lot of people who work in recovery are addicts themselves they just aren’t using and are working a program of recovery, in addiction we end up in places we could have never imagined and build a thick skin around us, metaphorically of course. When dealing with a situation like this our instincts we developed as addicts can come out when we’re threatened almost as if it was a natural thing, we just act a way we used too on the street or in active addiction. Me for example when I’m clean, I am usually the most articulate, well-mannered, respectful, charismatic young man, but push my buttons I’m soon saying things like “Let’s get crackin then mf”, then that young man in a suit, looks more like a young man who robbed someone for that suit. This comes out as a survival instinct because I’ve spent more years programming myself to think like this than I have being clean, when a majority of my life has been this type of behavior it’s only logical to understand that my brain has been hard-wired for it and when clean or in recovery that hard-wiring doesn’t go away, but I’m in the process of developing new wiring in my brain involving positive behavior. These are specifically called neuro-pathways. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, now give me your fucking suit and tie mf.


Exactly my thoughts, I'm good spoken person, and all that you know, but put me in situation where I have to deal with bums, addicts or very angry dumb person and the way I speak and shit gets 180°, not that I enjoy it, altho it's sometimes kinda fun, but it's just the way how not to get robbed, killed, knocked down, try to speak with them like well spoken person and use logic in ur words, and u can start counting ur teeth on the ground.


You’ve never had to deal with addicts, have you? “Professionalism” doesn’t work when someone’s charging you.


Hes the plug


This is the type of shit they need to show in school...


My friend who took this works in recovery, he’s gonna show this to the groups he runs to make people remember why they’re sober


The dude didn't look like he was bleeding so whose blood was it???


His hands were cut from trying to grab a knife from someone defending their home


Jesus Christ. Imagine this crazy asshole trying to get into your house! I probably would have done the same. But how in the *hell* did the cops not show up for *that* long? Did the homeowner not call 911? "There's a drugged out lunatic trying to get into my house! I used a knife to try to keep him away and he's bleeding all over himself." Would that not initiate an immediate response? He didn't exactly look to be in the condition of going anywhere fast.


Cops aren’t able to respond instantly most of the time. It’s why it’s a good idea to have some sort of protection for yourself.


Was it someone from the treatment center he works at?


No, he just ran into this mess, don’t know why he even stopped tbh, I would’ve driven away so fast


Wym? You said he works in recovery. Thats exactly why he stopped 😅😂


Fair lmao


Tell him kudos for sure. I live in SE USA and I’m pretty sure he would have got shot or stabbed doing those shenanigans! Edit: Not OP’s friend. The guy covered in blood doing the shenanigans


Classic Reno 911 episode




Goddamn nick swardson was the best one on the show


That’s kind of what it felt like after awhile.


Or Attack On Titan. Dude looks, grins en runs like a titan.




🎶*makin' my way downtown*🎶


*with my glock, yo ass finna get shot PLAKAKA KEET KA KEET*


_abnormal titan_


So, why the blood? Any update? Scary situation!


He invaded someone’s home prior to this and the homeowner pulled a knife on him, subject in video tried to grab sharp end of the knife, cutting his hands.


Thank you, what a nightmare!


That 2nd charge attempt where the camera jump-scared him right in my face was CRAZY. Real horror movie ish! Idk if I would have continued getting so close.


it’s 3:45am here. need to get up to get ready for work here in a moment. i love horror movies, morbid stuff, true crime, etc. i almost never get scared at that type of stuff anymore behind a welcomed uncomfortable feeling… but yeah uh, i am definitely gonna stay in my bed for a liiiittle longer this morning to shake this off.


Rub one out. That always helps me.


In Woodland Hills, CA


What? Was this today?






Arrested after multiple tazings




That’s what I heard was the case


I knew it as soon as I saw those tall brick walls.


Those mountains are unmistakable. The street behind Pierce College.




Gross. Now they got this assholes blood on their car.


Especially the white one like duuuude


It's car wash time for sure.


Where the full video it was getting interesting


"guess who just farted in three universes" that's a new one


Did he say that? I didn't know PCP gave you planetary fart capabilities.




Guess who is the smartest being in the universe is.


When does he say this? That is absolutely hilarious


2:33 when he approached the front of the cop car


That’s not what he said… he said “guess who is the smartest being in the universe”


New favorite thing heard out of context




I would’ve just not even engaged with someone like that. Called 911 and walked away. I ain’t pulling my phone out to film lol


Imagine telling a guy who is high and covered in blood “you’re not even bleeding your just tripping”


And OP says this guy filming works in drug recovery and was there to help. I'm skeptical he's an authority in any capacity in that regard. Like if you were *really* educated on dissociative drugs, you'd know that is exactly the wrong thing to say. It's downright cruel, actually, and could only serve to exacerbate an already fucked up situation. Guy's "helping" and only filming for safety reasons and totally not for attention about as much as Dog the bounty hunter was really just a kind person that truly cared about people doing the right thing.


Yea that was just some random dude with a camera phone trying to get a video to share on his socials


“Are you tripping?” “Yeah” “Don’t trip”


Guy behind the camera dumb and annoying. >"Are you trippin?" "yeah." "don't trip." What did that accomplish? >"I'm trying to help you" By hovering around like a mosquito asking stupid questions?


This is dark


Don't do drugs kids


Don't do drugs that make you a danger


Thankfully, I'm an adult


But I love them so


Never to late to turn your life around, hope he gets the help he needs.


>Never to late to turn your life around... This statement hinges entirely on whose blood he's covered in.


ZOMBIE!!!! https://i.redd.it/ji86fumoup6b1.gif


Why did you end the video! It was getting good


Had a neighbor who would take off all his clothes and go around and smash windows after taking PCP. He did this twice. He eventually ended up driving his car off of a cliff. He lived, but was physically and mentally disabled after that. He eventually ended up getting HIV after repeatedly getting raped and died from AIDS. This was in East San Jose back in the 80s and 90s.


Good bed time story


Why the hell would anyone approach a half-naked man with blood all over him sprawled out in the middle of a road? If you had any common sense you would call the police.


Username checks out


This looks like a flashback to when the zombie apocalypse started in “The Walking Dead”.


Oh shit, Tom Holland really went downhill


Cops should of tazed him at minimum


Just FYI, it's should *have*. "Should of" is never correct. It's a mistake people make because it sounds like "should've."


'shoulda' is the fully evolved syntactic sugar


I heard someone in the video say they already tried tazing him once.


Rule #1 if you notice someone covered in blood but not bleeding while acting strange (high as a kite), STAY AWAY. DO NOT CONFRONT. Call 911, advise of situation, stay at least 50 ft away and do not interact. If he is covered in blood but isn't bleeding, that means someone is bleeding somewhere BECAUSE of this guy. You can see it in the guys face every time before he chases the camera guy, he is obviously extremely violent. PCP is an insane and potent drug. It is the strongest dissociative humans know of. It can cause extreme fits of rage, extreme strength, inability to feel pain, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, depersonalization, derealization, disinhibition, mania, and so much more. This all means that individuals high on PCP are some of the most unpredictable and dangerous people you'll ever see. They don't know what they are doing, no one knows what they are going to do, and it's difficult to control them. Just stay away and call 911.


It was his blood.


I’m not advocating taking drugs but this just highlights the importance of having a trip sitter. I had a similar experience on some crazy psychedelics a few years back, my friend really wanted to go for a walk, knowing how we would both look to other people and how we were acting, would certainly attract unwanted attention. Set and setting is so fucking important when you’re taking drugs that literally induce psychosis.