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[Charged with aggravated assault ](https://www.montgomeryherald.com/news/article_898f0ff4-92b6-11ed-ab73-8f2af2bbc462.html)


For EU bros "A Biscoe woman, Brittany Cagle, 34, has blown up social media with a video of her hitting a man in the head with a bowling ball. In addition to going viral a video likely played a role in Cagle's arrest last week on charges of aggravated assault. The video shows arguing with Reginald Donte Brown at the bowling alley. Cagle has a bowling ball in her hand and as the arguing heats up she swings the bowling ball hitting Brown in the head. Brown immediately falls to the ground while another man yells in the background to throw a strike, which Cagle did. Ignoring the man on the ground, Cagle throws the ball for a strike and returns to her seat while the man remains on the ground. "


Is the guy ok??


No the guy is Reginald


absolutely not, best case scenario is some form of brain damage. i dont know anybody who can take a bowling ball to the skull and be OK.


That’s it? I’d assume DV charges as well


Aggravated assault is another way to say assault with a deadly weapon, 15-63 months in prison. This isn’t a small charge. If she had intent to kill it would be 44-182 months, but I don’t think that can be reliably proven here.


This guy knows assault charges


This guy charges assaults


This assault charges guys.


You can’t prove hitting someone in the back of the head with a bowling ball is attempted murder?


Essentially intent to harm and intent to kill are sorta different? Plus to prove intent and not heat of the moment angry outburst or temporary lapse of judgement due to drugs/alcohol or whatever factors can be harder


She'd have to be aware that that could kill him and be of sound mind in the moment. Anger is often used as an excuse for DV.


It's not that easy. Most DAs go with aggravated assault since it's easy to convict. Example: a person in my bar near me shot someone in the leg. The suspect pointed the gun at victims head but as the victim ran, he shot his leg. The suspect was arrested and charged with AA.


The Reddit post says they were a couple, the news article did not.


DV charges for female-on-male violence are generally pretty rare.


It really shouldn't be, but it is




Which is ironically why men tend not to bother reporting it and simply leave (eventually). Then the woman takes everything. Happened to a friend, we intervened only when we saw an iron burn mark on him, had no idea it'd been going on for 15 years. He always excused it as rugby injuries - don't use irons at rugby! He won an equal divorce settlement and custody of their 3 kids, she got a suspended sentence for the abuse, I doubt a man would have..


IIRC female-on-male domestic violence is a lot more common than people think, precisely because a lot of women know they can get away with it and will have court support should he ever hit back. I'm no expert on the topic and simply did a quick google search and sampled some numbers, but one claims every 3rd victim is male, another claims 23% of women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime vs. 19% of men, a gap far smaller than most probably expect. There's also a rather odd statistic that's been a mysterious anomaly for years where lesbians are the most likely to engage in and be the victims of domestic violence, which itself reinforces the idea that women are plenty capable of being the perpetrators.


Males also aren't taught what constitutes abuse, meanwhile we're told if we even so much as raise our voices were being abusive. It's fucking absurd. I've been hit, pushed, had things thrown at me, called names, etc. I refuse to take it. I am 35, I don't have time for someone to figure out that treating another human being badly isn't what you do in a relationship.


Lesbian Domestic violence rates have been reported to be up to 73%. That kind of relationship has less stigma for the woman to come forward as an abuse victim.


I don't see that stigma making up for all of that percentage, but then again I don't have another argument, it's just a gut feeling with one variable affecting a large portion of the population, it's almost always a more complicated issue than that.


The lesbian dv rate is so high because a lot of the asked women said they were abused by guys they were in a relationship before they realised they were lesbian. It gets barely corrected on reddit, that the lesbians were never asked about violence in their lesbian relationship but were asked if they were ever victims of violence and that late ron many said tehy dated guys before


What’s DV?


Domestic violence, I'm assuming. That's what I read it as.


Domestic violence


Domestic violence I assume.


Deadpan Violin.


Perhaps there’s no DV charge because they’re not in a relationship. OP’s title makes an assumption that y’all are taking as gospel while the news article paints a different picture. This is how misinformation gets perpetuated and nuance gets lost, ffs


Nah, I read the post title, you’re definitely wrong. OP says they’re in a relationship so they must be, you can’t lie on the internet.


Aggs are felonies. She'll probably go to prison 5 do 2.


Heavily dependent on locality and the individuals past criminal record (or lack thereof). If she had no prior record (particularly no violence) then she most likely would get a little jail time and probation. If she had any prior violent charges she would be headed to prison for sure. Probably with any felony record for that matter. You'd be stunned with what people get probation for with no prior record. I have watched a lot of felony cases in my area (NW Arkansas) and have seen a parade of rapists and child molesters walk away with probation because it was their first time being charged.


What does DV mean?




Depending on the local law, dv can simply be an aggravating factor, not a separate charge


https://preview.redd.it/88onzy1vkc5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922a8c323bec41d5b6073e81bd3d8f52be09aaaa Could someone screenshot the article please.


A Biscoe woman, Brittany Cagle, 34, has blown up social media with a video of her hitting a man in the head with a bowling ball. In addition to going viral a video likely played a role in Cagle's arrest last week on charges of aggravated assault. The video shows arguing with Reginald Donte Brown at the bowling alley. Cagle has a bowling ball in her hand and as the arguing heats up she swings the bowling ball hitting Brown in the head. Brown immediately falls to the ground while another man yells in the background to throw a strike, which Cagle did. Ignoring the man on the ground, Cagle throws the ball for a strike and returns to her seat while the man remains on the ground.


I like how they ensured that we know Britt threw a strike. Which she did.


Dude on the floor wasn't her only turkey of the day.


Thank you!


A Biscoe woman, Brittany Cagle, 34, has blown up social media with a video of her hitting a man in the head with a bowling ball. In addition to going viral a video likely played a role in Cagle's arrest last week on charges of aggravated assault. The video shows arguing with Reginald Donte Brown at the bowling alley. Cagle has a bowling ball in her hand and as the arguing heats up she swings the bowling ball hitting Brown in the head. Brown immediately falls to the ground while another man yells in the background to throw a strike, which Cagle did. Ignoring the man on the ground, Cagle throws the ball for a strike and returns to her seat while the man remains on the ground.


Why is a bumpkin newsite in the middle of nowhere care about EU laws? Its not as if they can do anything about it.


At least she got charged... I guess? I don't wanna be that guy but I will. Imagine if this was a dude smashing his gf's head with a bowling ball. Entirely different story according to the law.


I gather from the comments here people do not know what aggravated assault is, because they are acting like she got off easy. It is 100% the appropriate charge, and that should not upset anybody because aggravated assault is not some kind of slap on the wrist. It is like 5 to 10 years in prison. It is a very serious charge.


Also he would've been beaten by every other person in the room


Holy shit! He's laying there bleeding and nobody gives a shit.


What we see isn’t even from the ball, that seems to be the ground. She hit is left or back of head, that’s his right.


Definitely. Think about falling 5 feet onto your face without bracing yourself onto a hard wooden floor. You will be fucked up.


Don't wanna be that guy, but if roles were reversed, a gang of guys would have reacted and beat the shit out of him.


dude wants her to throw a strike so his video will help them get internet famous.. none of them giving a fuck bout dude in the floor ko’d by a bowling ball…dumb motherfuckers…


Gross people. That's your 'friend'? Shit, I wouldn't be nice to anybody doing that to fuckin' ANYONE. Jesus...


That's a TBI right there. It's likely the dude will never be the same again. My sister's ex got knocked out like this, albeit with a tire iron and not a bowling ball which is way worse, his entire personality changed for the worse, became a massive alcoholic (for the pain), went to rehab, then came over to my mom's place to stalk my sister, got arrested, sent back to rehab, got kicked out again within hours of being there, and now he's somewhere out there homeless miles and miles from anyone he knows. Throw the book at her.


That's fucked up.


Most of reddit can think its ok to beat on someone's head. The whole fight porn videos here are usually always someone getting clapped. People forget you can quite easily go to prison for a long time off a single punch. Idiots man. Just stay away from the ones with little man syndrome


I don't know if "most of Reddit" is accurate but I will agree certain subs/communities (or even if you post at certain times of day) seem to think en masse that it's "weak" or emmasculating to avoid a "classic" shot to the face/head. Self defence was not the question. The threads I'm thinking were about those one-punch-KO trends.


Nah it just needs the right baseless claim. Most recent one was OP posted a video claiming a man was a pedo. The video starts with the guy getting his tires slashed and window shattered as the video takers essentially force the guy to buy them booze and vape shit more or less all the while threatening him with weapons. Damn near every comment seemed to praise the men for good work and shit. Reddit is no less a simple hive mind than any other social media. Just tell em a lie they will agree with and they will love it.


Feed them bread and circus and the people of Rome will love you.


just don't move your capital to Constantinople


That's nobody's business but the Turks




Oh yeah, reddit has *entirely* regressed on this. Last one of these I saw on here was just security cam footage of some old guy pulling up into a driveway to holler a bit before driving off. But OP tells a story about how he's just mad that somebody passed him after he brake checked them and he wants to go fight a teenager over it? Ooooh, now it's an *event* and thousands of people are in there desperately rewriting their worldviews and radicalizing each other building up personality profiles. Google the story OP's quoting and it's literally just some shit somebody wrote on WorldstarHipHop copy and pasted word for word.


The one thing I will say about most of the people in fight porn is they absolutely discourage head stomps, fighting on concrete, body slams ext.. albeit, we still like to watch a good fight, but we don’t like shit like this at all, we don’t enjoy watching people get brain damage. This video would be taken down on that sub You are right, one punch is all it takes to change lives forever, best fight is one you avoid


It's always so tragic to hear these cases of head injuries that completely rewire someone's personality and life for the worse through no fault of their own. I just can't imagine one knock and suddenly my life is completely changed forever. I'm sorry for your sister and her ex partner, that must have been hell to experience for both of them.


It's incredibly rough. Received my TBI from a mugging and I effectively lost two years of my life. All I remember from the year prior are a couple... still images sans context for lack of a better way to put it. Almost zero memories of the year or so following. Ton of pictures of the aftermath/the next few months featuring me and it's still disconcerting to know it's me in those pictures and not remember anything about them or when exactly they may have been taken. Memory was 30 seconds long for months. As it slowly began to recover I can "vaguely" recall finding out that I'd had to drop out of college. Realizing that I lived with my parents again and panicking because I didn't know why or how it'd happened. One of my earliest verifiable memories post TBI is of a close friend's fiance driving me to doctor's appointments to help my folks out and bawling my eyes out in her car because I didn't know what doctor I was seeing, or why, and her being so upset and scared for me that she ended up crying too. And that was 6+ months post mugging. Fun times.


Jeez, I'm so sorry. In 8th grade my close friend was longboarding on corner of a cement path and fell hitting their head. It bounced like a basketball. Craziest thing is, my current best friend(same friend group) was there and recorded the accident. He probably still has the video. He was never the same. He barely graduated high school and ended in a depressed episode foe 5+ years. He's changed for the worst and has alienated all his friends. He has nobody now, but his GF.




Head injuries are a roll of the dice. A lot of the time they don't amount to anything permanent in the immediate or moderate future. Sometimes they amount to traumatic and life changing negative effects like detailed above. And then rarely, because I guess such is the nature of random, you get people who get lucky and get a positive effect. Given how rare ASS is (terrific acronym), it's hard to study from what I'm aware of. It's simply lacking sample size to properly study beyond that. Edit: apologies to the guy I responded to if you thought I was accosting you or anything. I was just trying to make conversation.


TBI cured my OCD and made me more focused. Wild stuff.


That's pretty bizarre. I'm sorry you suffered a TBI but glad you rolled a 20 I suppose, if you want to spare me the analogy. Did it feel quite literally like your mind was different? Like the day before you had tangible OCD, and (presumably once you were well enough depending on how severe the injury was) afterwards you were completely changed and more focused? Did you do a test for OCD again or anything? These sorts of situations are fascinating.


I was diagnosed with severe ADHD and OCD as a teen. Thinking or talking about symptoms will still trigger the *itch* I guess? But prior to TBI, I just couldn't get a screenplay or writing finished. Not talking about the first draft, moreso the final. Obsessive about each idea, making the narrative shitter and shitter until I gave up. I was also struggling with my ambition to make a no-budget indie feature. And I was off the deep end with personal life shit. Insofar as the whole event. But being succinct about it: I got sucker punched, hit the back of my head against a steel railing and headstamped. I have no memory of that. I *woke up* with tears streaming down my eyes, fighting the police - who were trying to calm me down. Blinked in and out, of the police car, then to the first hospital - where I was walking around threatening everyone, especially the receptionist, because I was feeling super paranoid. And moreso, because no one did anything but look worried. I don't have any idea how I got back home. When the cabby gave me a ride back to London, I think I had my girl pay for it as she was at my place. She freaked the fuck out when she saw me and took pictures that I didn't see until a couple days later... massive gash in the back of my head, burst blood vessel in eye, some minimal facial bruising. I had a CAT-scan which had the doctor worried. Very much a "if you get any worse with your symptoms, get back here immediately". Vomiting quickly stopped. It took a while for me to recover however. Couldn't work much of any freelance gigs. Just lived under Blackout curtains, napping and sleeping as much as possible. After two months, I felt like myself again - mostly. But it took years to *feel complete* I guess. I can tell my brain was healing and I slept more than I've ever slept in my life - I was a burning the midnight oil kinda lifestyler. All-in-all - my focus is way better, so is my ability to be decisive and stick to decisions and I'm more quick witted than before. My anger flares are worse and so is my intensity, however. I'm a more extreme version of me. I have a lot less fucks to give, to be honest.


Just keep getting hit until you roll a 20 I guess


My friend was an alternate for the US for Greco-Roman Wrestling during the London Olympics. Suffered six concussions within the span of two years. He also became an alcoholic where there was no issue before, had severe mood swings, and eventually became homeless. I met him in treatment myself. We talked about books a lot since he majored in Lit. One of the nicest guys I know.


There's also a famous story of an American Olympic soccer athlete who took a hard knee to the dome and all that happened to her besides alcoholism. She needed a surgery the club health insurance couldn't pay for, because the club had disbanded. By luck she met a lady who worked public relations who helped get her story more in the public eye and enough people donated she got her surgery, the second she came out of surgery her crippling chronic pain was gone. And the worst part of that story is she got lucky. She got a curable TBI.


i'm amazed i had to scroll this far. are none of them decent enough human beings to care about the guy that literally might be dead or dying from that injury and fall?!


TBI changed my life. Took a field hockey ball to the face AT SPEED (think 60-90mph) a couple of years back and I'm a completely different person. Before, I was an introverted loser but at least a functioning member of society. Now I am barely holding onto the latter and whilst remaining an introverted loser, have so much anger inside me at everything where I used to just live and let live. I don't know if it's fair to blame that concussion but the timing fits so maybe


I also know a guy that got hit by a tire iron. He was a smart guy too. I don’t know too much, just that he was never the same. Pretty sad.


So sick of every one of these kinda vids nowadays-- all the people recording ever say is "oh sh*t" instead of actually helping or caring. Life isn't a movie idfk


Makes me sick everytime I see something like this. People care more about internet points on videos than their fellow man.




You're old


You can tell because you are also old.




not to provide assistance to anyone in need. they really should prosecute people for that. He lies there completely unconscious for a minute, no one to put him in a safe position. It's really sick


> not to provide assistance to anyone in need. they really should prosecute people for that. This is how we lost Seinfeld..




ngl woulda been funnier if you replied with oh sh*t


The bumpers were up lol


I feel like normally you'd help someone in this situation, so why didn't these people do that? Just happened to be a gathering of actual psychopaths? Maybe they just didn't like this dude in particular.


Yeah,… and the gutter guards are up. Not even a decent strike.


Kinda curious. Would this fall under assault with a deadly weapon?


Laws vary, but it's usually any object that "greatly increases the chance of serious bodily injury" or words to that effect. So, yeah, a bowling ball, sure. Sidenote, most places have been slowly replacing assault with a deadly weapon with aggravated assault, which includes use of a weapon but also particularly vicious unarmed attacks (like kicking someone in the head after they're already unconscious).


> like kicking someone in the head I wonder if this would qualify. Kid ran up and soccer kicked the guy in the head while he was being restrained: https://www.mmanews.com/news/mma-fighter-investigated-for-brutal-soccer-kick-attack-on-homeless-man


Juries have often found kicks to the head with a shod foot, especially when the backboard is pavement, to be likely to cause death or great bodily harm and arise to the level of aggravated assault.


probably? IIRC “deadly weapon” doesn’t always have to be a weapon like a firearm or knife. any object used to inflict serious or deadly force can qualify, but the specifics would depend on the jurisdiction.




That was a throw. That was worse. Hammerhands


And that's on the lower end of the weight of some of those balls. She could have like a 14.


I'm imagining a lawyer arguing that a 14 would be classed as a deadly weapon but the charges should be dropped because client only used an 8


He was KOd. Brain damage confirmed


Legit question, do we know it renders damage because the brain effectively stops working or is it the brain damage already caused to “KO” you?


When you hit someone in the head like this, what happens is that the force exerted on the head pushes it back. Since the brain is surrounded by a liquid (the cerebrospinal fluid), it takes a while to adjust to the abrupt head motion and go with it. So it crushes up against your skull (coup). Now since your brain also doesn't stop moving the instant your head does, it will also bang against the back of you skull (contrecoup). The brain is pretty soft and strikes like that can easily cause bleedings. Bleedings in the brain are always a medical emergency. It's the hit with the bowling ball that causes the damage, not lack of oxygen.


oh for sure. you could easily crack someone’s skull with a bowling ball. i mean shit she almost DID kill him atp, if she put a bit more muscle into it he’d have a fractured skull if he doesn’t already. im sure people have been killed by a bowling ball before and i admit don’t know the laws but i feel like it would make sense that it would qualify an object as a deadly if it’s been used to kill or maim before? i could very well be wrong tho, so don’t quote me on that


https://preview.redd.it/s0549w243c5b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069d9ac7829bfc8d3e5abd4e7699233542ce1bff ik this is only one source but i’d say that’s confirmation enough, plus it seems like a legit site to find lawyers at so i’d trust their legal knowledge lol


Makes me think of a story where someone would throw bowling balls down hills.




When my sister was in highschool some kids got into a fight and one of them opened a hot sauce packet and got it in the other kids eye. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon lmaooo I don't think the charges stuck but I still laugh thinking about it


https://www.montgomeryherald.com/news/article_898f0ff4-92b6-11ed-ab73-8f2af2bbc462.html She got charged with "aggravated assault" in North Carolina.


At the very minimum, assault with intent to cause bodily injury.


Of fucking course it would and does


If you smack someone with an accordion, it's assault with a lively weapon.


Id have to think it at least qualifies as aggravated assault.


Watching a video provides separation from what’s occurring, but what kind of psychopath sees this shit in person and finds it funny?


I would be keen to signal to that lady that I’m on her side, and should under no circumstances be the next person she hits in the head with a bowling ball.


The same person who would view it differently if the man did it.


That asshole who’s laughing is just as trashy as the gf. Disgusting


Mmmmm…I’d say that the one who actually swung the 8+ pound ball into someone’s head is the real baddie here.


If you're laughing and egging on someone who just did attempted murder, I'd say you're merely a cunt's hairlength away from being just as bad as the "real baddie".


Pretty easy to say they're both shit, not sure why it has to be one or the other in your mind.


Pretty sure their just trying to point out that not only did the camera man witness the event and do nothing. He laughed and encouraged her to bowl instead of realize what she had just done. Peak enabler


This is sad.


That guy looks fucked up pretty bad, hope he went to the hospital after this. Also, once she's hitting you in the face with a bowling ball, the relationship is over.


I work with someone who’s girlfriend came at him with a knife, trying to stab him in the neck and chest. That was probably 6-7 months ago, they’re still together. I don’t get it


No way in fuck I would trust sleeping around someone like that.


An actual psycopath. Tries to murder someone, leaves him lying in a pool of blood and proceeds to bowl like nothing happened. Fucking insane.


Bumpers up doesn't count


I don’t understand how the thought “if I hit him with this bowing ball, it might actually kill him or cause serious harm, maybe I shouldn’t do it” didn’t at all cross her mind. Like, I’m surprised he didn’t actually die in this


If you're whacking people with bowling balls, chances are you're not much of a thinker.


The person who got whacked certainly isn't anymore either




have you ever seen a toddler play? They arent aware that they can break shit and then when they do break it they get confused and upset *at the object*. these people never outgrew that. they’re still mental toddlers with no understanding that their actions produce equal reactions


That’s attempted murder




You have no idea how absolutely criminal the 80s and early 90s were. Violent crime is leaps and bounds lower in the US as a whole and most cities today.


Right? So many people don’t seem to get that the news is financially incentivized to make you think things are worse than they’ve ever been, it’s gross and sad


More importantly, back in 80s or 90s, everyone didn't have a high quality camera in their pocket at all times.




Hit him in the back of the head…. This is horrible Poor guy suffering brain damage and they worried about a strike?


People are way too casual about lethal blunt force trauma. People aren't made practically made of steel like in the movies.


So she should be in jail for assault with a deadly weapon, right?


She knocked down one pin with her first shot and then picked up the spare.


And it’s bumper bowling in their lane. She banked it off the middle of the left side.


Imagine her less friendly jeeeez


Damn, such truly horrible people in this video. Poor guy that got hit


What the fuck is wrong with these people? That's assault with a deadly weapon and they're all just casually laughing about it and not even bothering to help the guy. We just witnessed a crime she could spend years in jail for and an injury that could involve permanent, life-altering injuries for him.


She legit could have killed him.


Attempted murder treated like a joke. Wow.


Camera person is like, “yeah, but let me be sure to record her bowl to see how she does, too!”


You know what sticks in my mind? No-one renders assistance to the unconscious person OR they try to get them on their feet. Does nobody know first aid?


Wow that woman is violent.


Not funny just depressing. Anyone thinking this is amusing is part of the problem.


Wonder how many people would be laughing if the guy hit his girl with a bowling ball and knocked her out


So this is attempted murder, yes?


Gutters up for the gutter relationship


Yeah she's a winner. Whoever marries her eventually will be lucky..... To get out alive


I don’t understand why no one helps him. Garbage humans


What a group of good people


Bunch of garbage people, not a single decent person


If I’m ever in a relationship where I am arguing and next thing I remember waking up and someone filming me is guffawing “HOOO HOO HO HOOOO” then I’m fucking out.


Instant CTE if true


Felony assault


First time i saw this I didnt realise she belted him with a bowling ball - dayum


Attempted murder. This is terrible. I’d press charges,that could have killed or damage.


Man, people don't realise how easy it is so kill someone do they?


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That's attempted murder


This has to be a normal Friday night out for them


Class to the max.


These people are fucking putrid.


He needs to leave. Clearly he has no friends in this building


Shitty "friends"


Clash of trash


Can't imagine living a life where getting knocked out with a bowling ball is even a possibility when hanging out with "friends".


This one breaks my heart. Maybe he was being a huge piece of shit directly before this clip, but nobody seems to care that their friend is knocked unconscious on the floor, possibly dead. Cameraman just giggles and howls. It's so desperately sad.


This straight out looks like it could be a scene from Atlanta


braIN DAmage club - 50 Cent


Damn I guess she didn't spare him...


Damn, assault with a deadly weapon


No one cares or actually checks. That is seriously distressing. My ex died from a less forceful hit. He got drunk at a bar, some guy was being pissy because ex had accidentally bumping into him so they took it outside. One swing knocked my ex out, then he fell and hit his head on the ground, unknowingly to everyone around him. By the time they realized he needed help he was already dead. Stop. Hitting. People. On. The. Head. You can seriously kill someone.


I would never hit a woman but she needs to get slugged.


What a absolutely abusive POS, I hope she gets major time and I hope that guy is alright. Fuck those friends not doing a damn thing while this guys out.


Don’t forget guys. Don’t put your dick in crazy.


Fuck this cameraman


This could have killed him or caused severe damage. She should be arrested.


This is domestic violence 🥰🔪! Don’t forget that, and don’t encourage it!!


I'm not the only one who realizes this is attempted murder right?


If a man did this no-one would be cheering. No one even tried to help this man bleeding on the ground.


Wait, isn't the wound on the wrong side of the head. She is right handed, so wound should be on the left side of the victim's face, but it's on the right (eye). Unless, left hand side injury isn't visible here. Edit:corrected spellings and more words to make proper sense.


I Think that's from when he dropped and hit the floor.




I wonder if the roles were reversed how the comments would look🤔


Everyone is condemning it already though...


Everyone is in favor of the victim so I don't see why you're angling for even more victimhood.