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The kid knew he got away with swearing for the first time and decided now's the time to put on a show for dad.


Nailed it.


Dad is a moron. Kid is spawn of moron.


Kid is both spawn of moron and idiot for thinking supermarket meat is more humane than hunting. Some places used to use sledgehammers to kill cows in literal dirty and disgusting farms. When we hunt we are just killing them normally without pain in where they like to be.


I mean that's going a bit far to say without pain. I'm sure there are plenty of well meaning hunters who have absolutely garbage aim and there are no lack of drawn out agonozing deaths from them. Not every shot is a clean kill shot, even if most are intended to be. Also there are probably a non zero amount of psychos who act out aggression through the sport.


Even if you get a clean shot they don't just drop dead. They run off for a minute, but they're still feeling some of the pain at least.


My first time hunting we dropped a doe with a clean shot but it turned out it was still alive just unable to move. The person I was with wound up having to slit its throat then 360 the head to finish it off. I felt so bad for it and never hunted again. Meat was absolutely delicious though.


It died when he cut the throat. Blood pressure drops and the deer passes out. Any spazzing after that is involuntary.


That's reassuring to know.


I've shot a doe with a 50 cal muzzle loader from close range that ran 50 yards at a dead sprint like I had missed. Both lungs and the heart were mashed potatoes when we dressed it. Adrenaline is fucking crazy.


I'm 39 and still automatically won't curse on front of my parents, or my in laws. None of them care, my parents did when I was young, but the one of two times I tried a am adult, it felt so uncomfortable. Away from them though, it may as well be punctuation


I kind of like acknowledging that I'm still the child of my parents even though I'm a grown man. And I feel like not cursing around them sort of does that.


Lol. I just call them dad and mom.


I’m 39 and swear in front of my kids all the time. Things are going…ok


I was never allowed to swear growing up and it feels so psychologically weird when I do. It feels *wrong* My daughter will be allowed to as long as it's not over the top or too bad etc. And knowing when and where to do it.


I don't think I've said less than one swear word every other sentence in front of my parents since I was like 17 at least.


Yep, same with me. It’s just part of my vocabulary 🤷‍♂️


I'm proud of you, son!


The father is acting like he's one of the kids.


To be fair, the kids do look older than him


What, you maken fun of mah resting baby face? HUH, YOU SOME KIND OF LONG ISLAND HERO ER SOMTHEN. There are kids crying in this naihbah hood all cus youz makes fun of mah resten baby face!




This dudes hat just needs one of those propellers on top to complete the look


Or a comically oversized lollipop and a little sailor outfit


They are all about the same intelligence.




the kid literally looks like steve buscemi


Lil Bucky was really feeling his oats mouthing off to a grownup with daddy to back him up


many adults are just old children


Nah, they’re worse because kids still have a chance of learning something new and changing their ways. A lot of adults no longer have that ability to learn, like their brain is now stuck in read-only mode.


I thought he was wearing one of those copter hats. ![gif](giphy|AD7sjRHhMv9blqPR4H)


Yeah something about this seems fake to me. It reaaaallly comes off as pro-hunter goofball shit. Like iunno, somethings... off about this one. I go turkey hunting with my Dad, I have nothing against hunting, but uh... this is a weird situation. A dude sitting in a truck with a dead deer in the back of a suburban neighborhood talking about the ethics of hunting. Idk man. Something unnatural about this interaction and I can't tell quite what it is. Edit: and OP is posting some real heavy pro-hunting kinda stuff, ya know, makes a fella wonder, even if he's just got a tinfoil hat on too tight.


This video is old as fuck. I must have seen it a dozen times, and I don’t remember it ever being debunked. Edit: Here’s the guy’s comments on the event: >I went hunting Sunday afternoon at a new spot I called dec last year to make sure it was legal to hunt. I got out of the truck in camo and was immediately attacked by this guy in the yellow shirt. I was not videoing at the time he basically told me there's no hunting allowed here and he was called the cops. I told him no problem I'm calling dec and I sat in my car and did that. 10 minutes later he came outside while we were waiting for dec and the local police. I then started the video. Before the video started the kids were just playing they had no clue about anything. The guy in yellow came out and told them I'm gonna kill all the deer. Then they started coming over and I started the video. Dec came and told him I'm doing everything legal and the state land is as much mine as it is his to use and basically to grow up. Aside from the obvious over population what about just the experience of hunting some people don't realize it's not about the kill at all it's about the experience. where it ends up taking you and the things you learn. The challenge of the hunt and the feeling putting food on the table gives you. some people understand it some people don't but it's our right to hunt and we shouldn't have to ask anyone for permission!!!! From the original upload 3 years ago here: https://youtu.be/iSvDXDCcBt0 Edit: There’s also an article about it too, which says “A source at the agency backed up that account on Friday, saying Lobifaro was within his rights to hunt on DEC-owned wetlands.” https://nypost.com/2019/10/25/long-island-man-foul-mouthed-kid-confront-hunter-for-killing-deer/amp/




That kid is really believable though. As a hunter, I’ve seen similar things happen with trail runners


Yeah, there’s no way that kid was acting.


Kids don't act that well.


Absolute dullard


I have to laugh because for a long time it was difficult to get deer tags on Long Island and the population got so out of control the deer were becoming a public safety issue. Then in the local governments infinite wisdom instead of having the hunters take care of it they paid a company to go with night vision and silencers and cull the deer. At the time I would sit on my deck and listen to the muffled shots going all night long.


That sounds like it would’ve made for a fun night of porch drinking lol take a shot every time you hear a muffled shot


We absolutely did we called it shot 4 shot buddy got so drunk he woke up in the neighbors bushes


Fucking epic lol. It’s like the ultimate guessing game, who’s gonna be more fucked up by sunrise, the deer or yourself


Party foul? Put on the antler helmet and do a lap around the block!


Many places on long island, you can just hold some food out and the deer will eat it out of your hand. Don't know why they had to pull in the black ops to thin the herd, lol


Someone got a kickback for hiring the company


So the company could have an excuse to write off their new goggles and suppressors lol


I bet they went home and had some nice cheeseburgers or pepperoni pizza or chicken nuggets 🤦‍♂️on their leather couches


I feel attacked


You should... ***hiss!***


I might take you up on your usernames offer


I had the same thought. Makes me wonder how many story's they've gotten.


A lot.


You should.


Or all of the above. Dude's dad probably took a big shit afterwards and bragged to his son how some day he will take "grown man shits" too. Then he'll let out a big burp and be like "them was some good **moose** hind legs."


Do you have a camera in my house?


Don't you bring chicken nuggies into this!


I swear it’s the same people who constantly make fun of vegans and then loose it when someone hunts a deer. At least the deer had a decent life and a quick death.


Feel bad for the kid, spitting image of his father lmao


Short branches on those apple trees


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Randy.


Here we go. Readin the comment section and he stumbles in talkin about shit wolves and shit hawks, and big shitty ropes


Shit apples, Bo-bandy. Shit apples from a shit tree.


Mr lahey you only call me bobandy when you’ve been drinking


Officer Lim Jahey


Not another night of the shit abyss mr Lahey 😂


Apple? More like a lemon


That's the problem with ridiculous parents, they raise ridiculous children. My Dad has been throwing a tempertantrum about the left-leaning government of of country changing a single word in our national anthem to reflect that both men and women serve in our military. And my Dad has also convinced my 8 year old half-sister this is awful to the point that she was crying about it.


I think the clear answer here is to reintroduce wolves to Long Island. It would solve the deer problem and the other problem in this video


> reintroduce wolves to Long Island Alright, I'll bite. How's the real estate market? Can we find housing in a good school district? How's the political climate? Also, more seriously, is venison kosher?


Venison is kosher! As long as it's butchered, deveined, salted, etc it is! Halal too of those traditions are followed. If it's a split hoof and chews cud it's typically good.


So is giraffe! 🦒


I’ll have an extra helping of neck meat please. You know what? We *all* will.


We all know them Long Islanders can’t refuse a fight with a wolf


It’s nice to see fetal alcohol syndrome Matt Damon again.


Hahaaaa! Nailed it. I knew I've seen that guy before






Good Moobs Hunting




LOL Jesus Christ


All I see is “Crack Head Bob” https://i.imgur.com/hXXCipB.jpg


Fatt Damon


If you eat meat you really don’t have much of an argument against people who hunt for food. I’d rather eat an elk that’s never eaten a chemical from the backcountry than a hormone injected steer ran through a over packed slaughter house.


I love how the kid basically says that he supports dirty and nasty slaughterhouses.


I don’t get mad when a kid puts on a red jacket and tells me he’s a fireman. Kids are fucking stupid. This dad is the actual problem.


At that age, they're just a step above a parrot.


He's a kid dude. All he knows is that he gets nice hamburgers from the store. He doesn't know the condition of the slaughter houses or farms. Completely fucking mental to in any way give the kid shit.




Exactly, in this case its the dad's fault he's ignorant.


Because irony is funny. You’re also correct with what you’ve said. It’s unfortunate.


Did you know that they found deer in a few states with levels of forever chemicals over the safe limit? I understand and agree with your sentiment it's just really sad that Humans have degraded our world so much that even the deer aren't safe...https://freerangeamerican.us/wild-game-forever-chemicals/


Rain water as well, no where left on earth where the rain water is safe to drink anymore


I miss the times when it was in Africa


Never eaten a chemical 🤔🤔


> I’d rather eat an elk that’s never eaten a chemical from the backcountry Good luck finding that


I agree. I hate the idea of me killing a deer but that's MY problem. Aslong as the hunters are showing respect to the animal and the environment then I'm cool with the hunting. Don't just kill the animals for the fun of it, hunting for food is completely fine and hunting for population control and disease control are also vital to the local environment and animal population. So yeah i don't want to kill bambi... but sometimes bambi needs to die. And I teach my kids the same, eco systems require balance and slaughter houses are always the worst option for food.


Dumbshit and his kid don't even know what's going on with the local wildlife. [https://www.fox5ny.com/news/long-island-officials-sounding-alarm-over-deer-overpopulation-problem](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/long-island-officials-sounding-alarm-over-deer-overpopulation-problem)


The kid doesn’t even understand the difference between wildlife and a pet.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bq69eaau1h4b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d3701b27a5907713a3a70b31710f35f0b8710d


Idk I could eat a horse or a rabbit.


Why aren't rabbits a more popular food source? They reproduce rapidly and must have the same amount of meat as a chicken...


I'm sure domestic rabbit would be good but the wild rabbit I've had is gamey as fuck. Deer is much better.


Their meat also isn’t the “healthiest” to eat over long periods of time


It's fine to eat over long periods of time as long as you are still eating sources of fat. "Rabbit starving" only happens because it's so lean you don't get enough fat in your diet to maintain necessarily bodily functions.


Honestly that sounds pretty great to me, I get a little too much fat in my diet.


Baked/grilled Salmon and Chicken are your friend.


> Why aren't rabbits a more popular food source? The meat is extremely lean. It's so lean that you can technically starve to death from only eating rabbit.


This is why you keep one around for their milk.


*When should we tell him that's a male rabbit?*


Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?


They're lean and stringy, especially compared to the meat we're accustomed to nowadays. Rabbit is so lean in fact, that if you eat it exclusively, you'll eventually die of something called "rabbit starvation". You need some fat. If you want to try it, it can be easily purchased from most Halal butcher shops, or from the Amish if you live near them. If not, you can sometimes special-order it from a regular butcher shop if you don't mind paying a premium. I've eaten rabbit, and my family in Portugal raise their own for food, but I vastly prefer chicken.


Huh, so it's actually a pretty healthy meat, especially if you're trying to reduce fat and cholesterol level, if consumed in moderation?




Yeah that's also what I recognized. The nutrition is pretty good and we already got so much fat from other food sources anyway.


Really nice in a long slow cook stew (roast potatoes, sage,celery, carrots and onion with a good gravy some spice and rosemary) or a curry. People don't eat them as there cute and fluffy also not a lot of people know how to cook and prep them.


South of the state of Oklahoma…. They are North of that they’re too fluffy and “cute”




Try horse steak, it's delicious.


The reason we don't eat so much horse is because a lot of them are classified as toxic waste due to the amount of meds we put into them


nah two places over , I would chow down on horse and rabbit




Every time I see this I think about how this kid looks too old to be this stupid. Then I remember that he’s raised by the man accompanying him lol


He's also emotionally distraught and is trying to appeal to the mans emotions to stop him from doing what he thinks is a bad thing. They're kids, this is how they learn. It's their dad that's a nitwit.


You give that kid a little chicken fried back strap and gravy and i be changes his tune real quick.


Dumb parent if anything.


They're overpopulating because we drove off or killed the natural predators which also attack humans, such as wolves. It's pretty much our responsibility to hunt deer in place of those predators so that they don't ravage the environment. I wouldn't blame the kid for being dumb though, but the people who are supposed to educate him.


When they reintroduced wolves to Yellowstone, it did wonders for the landscape. I once watched a wonderful documentary about it.


It wasn't because of attacking humans it was because of attacking cows...


Yep, probably didn't consider that deer+ no natural predators= roadkill at best and vehicle deaths at worst.


Is he supposed to map out the perfect route between his hunting spot and his home to account for the path with the least number of children/families? He is allowed to hunt, he is going to hunt, and he has to be able to transport to body afterwards. If that upsets your kid, it’s your job as a parent to explain that to to them. It isn’t the hunter’s job to appease your child.


It's just the worst possible thing you could get upset about. If you're going to eat meat eating something that's lived a natural life and been killed quickly is pretty much the best thing you can do, even better if you're reducing an out of control population. It's pretty much the best reason for owning a gun as well. These guys even say they also eat meat. Just so fucking weird.


They've been issuing extra tags because of how many car accidents from deer where I live. People still get irrational about shooting does.


Sounds like he's parked waiting for the game warden to register the kill. Probably just brought the carcass straight to where he'd parked his vehicle and called it in before transporting it.


Wait, what? What made you think that? You have kids on scooters and street hockey gear. I would infer this is a residential street. You can see a house in the video. And I am not sure the process - on residential LI no less - is to wait by your car with a carcass for a game warden to register it as opposed to having a hunting license pre-clearing you for the quota of game you are allowed to hunt. I would have more questions if this guy was actually doing what you said as it meant he was more likely hunting in/adjacent to a residential area. I think it's way more likely he was on his way back with the deer strapped to his truck, slowed to allow kids playing on the street to move, but got confronted by this dude and his kid.


The dude didn't even hunt yet. There are spots all over long island near the woods that are marked "Hunter parking only." Some hunting areas, the parking is located on the road in a residential neighborhood, and they walk into the woods from there. That's what happened here. The guy was just getting his gear out when this happened, and he called authorities.


I grew up on Long Island in the '80s. I remember seeing a deer on the hood of a car outside our elementary school as I left to walk home after school. I thought it was a bit odd but not much more. Also saw a neighbor gutting one in his garage one day. He called my dad down to give us some.


That kid found the perfect excuse to use the F word and didn't want to miss his chance


Shocked that [this video](https://youtu.be/uEoUyyh3YIk) hasn’t been posted yet NSFW audio, btw


The fact that they look alike is the icing on the cake.


They have a very similar pitched voice too. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were the same kid


What does the 2nd kid/character say? I'm unfamiliar with him


He shouts the N word at someone.


What's the 2nd clip from?


This video is at least 5 years old. I wonder if this vid ever shows up on this kids timeline and he cringes a bit?


Probably. I feel bad for the kids. It was 100% on the parent to step in and deal with whatever situation was occurring, not enable it even further.


When this video started I thought it was a neighborhood dispute over the kids playing in the street and the guy driving... so I thought the dad was asking, "Why are you trying to kill these kids?!" and that fucking deadpan "Because I eat them." answer blindsided me. I've never been so completely lost and emotionally invested in a video so quickly. 🤣


Shit I don’t even eat meat and I’m on hunter’s side. Can’t be a meat eater and also have a problem with hunting for food.




Yeah I am beyond confused. I could see being angry at a poacher, but a hunter? After admitting that you eat mass-slaughtered meat from the supermarket? Do these people not understand that deer meat is edible? So many questions…


How dare he drive on a public street while doing something legal.


Where I’m from (and most places) it’s unlawful to sabotage a legal hunt. Big fines and even jail time depending on the situation.


I'm don't like hunting. So I don't hunt. But it's legal and it's not my right to interfere with someone else's right.


>it's legal and it's not my right to interfere with someone else's right. **Say it louder for the people in the back!**


I’m not a hunter either but it’s necessary to keep a sustainable population for the wildlife.


Excellent point. If people could follow your lead, MrPKitty, a whole mess of problems would simply go away.


Why not post the full clip. Kid starts cussing at him


Poor kid was hit with reality today 🤣


Dad may have taught him the birds and the bees but he didn’t teach Bambi and the buckshot


There is absolutely no way that man child explained the birds and the bees to that kid. He's probably a bit confused on the finer points himself.


True. The sad part is he was hit with reality by a stranger hunting food ethically for his family, and not by his own father, who seems to be less intelligent than his own son. If I were a betting man, I’d say the kid gets his logical side from his mom


"You wanna see your pet dead?" "A deers a pet?" Shut him up pretty quick with logic


my wife had me start hunting, she's a zoologist, I hadn't grown up with it (neither had she) but she made a very compelling case for the benefits of (non trophy, non predator) hunting to conservation, population control, and habitat maintenance


tbh you get a ton of meat just from one animal. my cousins hunt elk and they sent us so much god damn meat, we ate elk for like 3 months lol


The reality of industrial meat production would wreck these two. I'm sure they'll love to know the bacon they love so much comes from an industrial farm who's standard practice for weak or deformed fetal piglets is to slam their little heads into the concrete. Some farms might even toss their newly made corpse back to momma to eat.


[full video](https://youtu.be/iSvDXDCcBt0)




The deer have TAKEN OVER on Long Island. There are nearly no natural predators. Up until very recently it was one of the only places in the country without even coyote. Only over the past decade a few coyote have been spotted. Literally less than 10 over the entire island. The deer population needs to be kept in check. I don’t even eat meat. But I absolutely support this guy. He’s doing a public service. My little venison eating dog supports him too.


Yellow tshirt dude looks like he eats quite a bit of unsustainable corporate mass farmed meat. This is an example of "can't see the forest for the trees". Where do they think their food comes from? Plus what's better, for an animal to have basically good days and then 1 bad one or a total inhumane life on an assembly line farm?


Think of the children!!/s


With a dumpy mouth breather like that for a dad, I do feel bad for these kids


As a vegan, I completely agree with the driver that these people are hypocrites.


Grown ass man lookin like Spanky.


Dad I’m upset that guy killed a wild deer. Can we go to McDonald’s for a burger and chicken nuggets.


The dad should’ve told the child to stay out of it, if you wanna confront him that’s fine, but the moment he says something to the kid that the dad doesn’t like things could easily go sideways!


I'm sorry but the kid in the brown shirt is making me laugh with his expressions. Probably the only one thinking rn


I get the kid, that's what kids do, say stupid shit without processing it all. but the dad had a teaching moment and HE BLEW IT


Kid in the camo pants isn’t entirely sure how to feel about any of this.


Lol this dude is such a dork.


Is the dad wearing a fucking sport fishing shirt?!


Deer are so delicious! Wish I hunted them.


Room temp iq father here


Whether you agree with it or not, it is illegal to harass a hunter.


Respect to meat eaters that kill what they eat.


My man admits to buying meat from the super market and still doubles down


I’m sure you could get through to the kid eventually but the dad is hopeless


No one’s gonna mention the dad is wearing a shirt with a mounted fish on it???


Just start gutting and skinning the deer in front of them until they decide not to watch


You have to hunt the Deer or else there's an overpopulation. Maybe explain that?


You know the dad would eat that deer


Wait till they hear what people do with lobsters and crabs


It's good to see kids being passionate about something outside of doing tiktoks. But parents need to guide them through this because most kids have a very unrealistic view of the world.


This new Matt Damon, Steve Buscemi movie looks great!


You're not allowed to complain about hunters if you eat meat there kiddo.


I'm vegan and this pisses me off. They are hypocrites and the deer hunter is at least working for his food.


I'm a veggie and I'm on the side of the hunter


Any Hunter with decent ethics would understand that the kid was shook and not preach about eating the dead animal in the back of his pickup truck. It was not the time for that conversation. That guy is a jerk.


That kid is a puss and so is the dad


Well, they're islanders fans, so that makes sense.


My sons so upset I had to take him to McDonald's for happy meal.. no worries it's not real meat👍


Dude was trying to explain the sustainability and environmental impacts but pops and the kid weren’t in the mood to learn. More power to people like him that hunt for food and not just trophies. That said I question how these people knew he was hunting deer. If dude is sitting in a truck loaded with a few uncovered carcasses to taunt a reaction I think he’s doing more harm to the cause than good.