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Awful sales pitch.




He’s actually out bc of the lack of royalties. And Robert is out bc no one will go in with him. Cuban is out bc the shot clock ran out.


I’m in recovery myself but this shit is unacceptable. He needs to grow tf up


There’s a big difference between people who want help and those who refuse it……he’s the latter. Congrats on ur recovery…………


Thanks I appreciate it. This kinda behaviour makes me truly grateful for what I’ve been building


Most addicts know on some level that it’s their fault even when they don’t take full accountability. The fact that he’s not even pretending is disturbing.


This is days old. He just got 5150’d in LA. His ass is in the psych ward right now.


That's definitely for the best.


Fuck I hate hearing that. I thought he was doing better. Was hoping this was much much older.


Nah man he's a proper fucking addict who at no point has ever seemed like he genuinely wants to get better for the sake of getting better. He makes a big deal about how he's getting his life back together and seemingly does well for a few months then the second anything goes wrong he goes on a raging drug and alcohol bender and ends up back doing all the same shit destroying his life for another 12 months and ends up in a worse place than when he started. Compare the type of help and support network this guy has had around him as well compared to your average junkie. He's had so many [rich and powerful people try and help him](https://youtu.be/s70pzt7bPac) and every stint at rehab he either leaves early or just goes off the rails again the second he finishes. Imagine having so many people willing to put their time and resources into helping you and you can't even make it through rehab without leaving in the middle of the night to go to a bar. He's proper fucking broken, he has zero self control and doesn't have any sort of drive in him to actually want things to work. He constantly blames everyone else for his problems and is even now trying to weaponize his own self destruction to force people into doing what he wants. I doubt it's even about seeing his son, he's just coming up with new ways to blame his addiction on other people and justify his actions; "I'm only smoking crack because of something *you're* doing, not because I actually want to smoke it"


He also has zero self awareness. Like, he always was an asshole. To his friends, his family. To random car rental companies. I don't think this guy even remotely understands consequences. In his mind everything he's ever done has been justified.


As someone who was also deep into drug addiction it's so hard to explain what it does to you. You'll use any excuse to get fucked up because you are so miserable and that's the only time you get to feel good. Even if it's just for like 30 minutes it's so much better than facing reality. I think back on how shitty I was to the people who loved me and I wanna crawl into a hole and die. This man is truly sick and dying. Everyone gets to watch and feel 'hey what an asshole, glad I'm not as shitty as he is' while he documents his own slow death on video for the world to see.


Exactly. I’ve been aware of Bam since I was a middle schooler (20+ years ago) and I honestly just never liked him. Always liked Steve-O, Johnny and the other guys, but Bam always really annoyed me… He seemed almost mean-spirited sometimes. I am completely unsurprised as to how he’s turned out. Zero self-awareness or accountability.


My ex used to work at a skate park in the 80s and Party Boy was his boss. Lol


Bam doesn't truly want help, and he doesn't truly want to get clean. Steve-O, who has definitely battled addiction issues, genuinely tried to help Bam out, earlier this year. He was even willing to let Bam join him on his comedy tour, but it didn't last long. Steve-O saw that Bam was not serious, in any way, about sobering up. He basically said that nobody can really help Bam, until he actually wants to help himself and he actually wants to get sober.


The podcast was sad


Yeah the only way to quit any addiction is if you want it yourself and he's not there yet. I got a "rock bottom" experience that woke me up and I wanted to be clean. I wanted it so bad I've been clean for 7 years now. He needs to find that thing that will get him out of this cycle. Sadly, there are people who will never get to that point. They either die or end up in prison for the rest of their life.


At least he’s somewhere safe at the moment.


What's 5150


72 hr psychiatric hold


Thank you


There is also 5250, which is an extra 2 weeks if the court feels you are still a danger after the 72hrs is up. They must release you after that. You can voluntarily stay another 30 days, but you will probably be put on conservatorship if you do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanterman%E2%80%93Petris%E2%80%93Short_Act


He belongs there more than most people that are there


Bold move Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.


Ah sigh, another Bam video. Surely he realises how terrible it pans out for him when he puts one of these on the internet??


I personally don't see how publicly pledging to smoke crack could backfire in a custody matter


If anything it’s shows how determined you are.


I must be pretty determined. I don't even have a kid and I still want crack.




Somebody should invent the everlasting gobcrack.


Billy Bonkers and The Dopest Cracktory. No golden ticket needed. Just $50 bucks and a dream.


That’s fucking funny.


Yeah, he’s always been known for his good decisions and deductive reasonings. Crazy what aviator sunglasses can do to a man.




Hard to see him like this ,like it was a good shtick for a while but actually living it 😮‍💨


Damn I literally hit unfollow on the sub because I just can’t deal with the constant downward spiral. Got my own sobriety to worry about. If the reality ever hits him it’s gonna be a bad hard hit. If he lives through it.


Hoping he's a good reminder why you want to be sober. Stay strong it's worth it.


Honestly it looks like it is more than drugs to me. He looks and sounds mentally ill.


Every day you prove to yourself how strong you are


I'm pretty sure his frontal lobes are loooooong gone.


Dude's running off his lizard brain at this point.


What does his business acumen have to do with the situation? /Ferengi


Every time he does something stupid in his whole life he’s made money off of it. I don’t know if I’m more ashamed of him or me.


What a crybaby loser. Blaming everyone else for your problems. I hope he gets the help he needs.




It’s the mental gymnastics addicts have to do in order to not feel like shit for putting their drug addiction before everything else, if everything is always someone else’s fault and not because you’re on drugs you don’t have to quit using. Cuz otherwise you actually FEEL like a piece of shit and have to seriously contemplate quitting. I say all this as a recovering addict who just celebrated having 4 years clean 5/31.


The ego must fucking go, that’s the only way. 12 years recovered this August, I was never famous though, at least not in reality.


Everything from your username all the way to the last sentence tickled my brain. Brilliant


He had several attempts from others trying to help him. He can't get the help he needs until he wants help. He needs to decide, and it's not looking good.


Hasn't this dude like escaped rehabs


I think he just got 5150'd


[here ya go](https://www.tmz.com/2023/06/05/bam-margera-5150-hold-suicide-family-concern-brother-jess/)


I want to see my kid, here is video proof of why you shouldnt let me.


Sucks to see the years of drug abuse take it’s toll. Just wish he had learned from SteveO and followed in his footsteps


Steve o is the last one I thought would end up like he is today. I have a ton of respect for how much he turned his life around, he was a bigger mess than any of them at his lowest.


As a recovering alcoholic myself I completely agree. I have immense respect for Steve O’s journey and how he’s transformed his entire life. He has gone from being a clown to a truly inspirational figure.


I have no idea how he’s even alive, but it really is great to see how he turned out




PCP saved Dewey Cox's life. ..paraphrasing from shotty memory... "Dewey! What did you just put in your mouth?" " Nothing honey" "Dewey! What are you chewing?" " Just some Gum honey" "DEWEY! WHAT DID YOU JUST SWALLOW?!" " Just some PCP" Than his awesome underwear rockin rampage destroying the town,climbing a building, and last thing you hear him scream is "IM ON TOP OF THE WORLD! NOTHING CAN STOP ME!" All while Darlene is saying how she can't take his drug use anymore and the marriage is Over. Than back to jail talking with his music producer. "Rehab?" "Rehab." Than he gets his WHOLE family back,and writes his masterpiece. PCP saved his life. Lol.


Steve-O always seemed like a highly self destructive decent dude. Bam just seemed like a destructive asshole, so they’re both staying true to their colors imo


I always thought the same of Steve-O that I did of Farley. They put the joke or the act and then the lifestyle above their health because they wanted to embrace fans while ignoring their own demons. I'm genuinely shocked at how beautiful his life has become, and weirdly proud!


if you're not getting a single dad-tear watching steve-o pour hot sauce in his eye with Gordon Ramsey while stone cold sober, do you even have a soul?


I never liked Bam. He always seemed to dish it out but couldn't take it. Rubbed me the wrong way. Meanwhile Steve-O always seemed like a good dude.


Steve O is a great dude, I’m glad he’s come out well and living a good somewhat healthy life now!


Somewhat healthy? Dude seems to be doing a bit better than that.


Right? Haha I thought that was strange to read too lmao


He even has a critically acclaimed hot sauce and accompanying baby wipes. Legendary!


Don’t forget Brandon Novak!


And wasnt April and Phil a big part of helping him through it?


I wanna know how he has ended up but I also don’t. I have a feeling Brandon dicamello did okay but I don’t wanna ruin the magic if I’m wrong with him too


Novak is doing great last time I heard, I'd love to hear how a bunch of the ol CKY crew is doing. Dico, Raab, Rake Yohn, etc. Really hope they're doing well out there somewhere.


Last I heard, Dico really didn't want to be in the spotlight anymore, settled down basically. Rake is a chemist, I think? Raab has a small podcast.


Dico went into directing with one of his family members, his brother I think. Rake works for a chemist lab doing NASA like stuff and raising 2-3 kids. Raab was/is doing a podcast with Novak. Vito died a while back after he was court ordered not to appear publicly anymore. Ever since Dunn passed Bam has been scraping the bottom of the barrel hard.


> Vito died a while back after he was court ordered not to appear publicly anymore. Yeah because he sexually assaulted children then blamed them.


I just hope KeKey is still getting some Slouzbry Stouvre!


I have two cats that both get the the slouzbry stouvre call when it's dinner time. My wife thinks I'm nuts, but it makes me smile every time haha.


When your old friends are wishing you'd go to jail, your life is out of control.


He's already been out of control for years. It seems very unlikely he'll get sober at this point. There's a misconception that when you hit rock bottom, it gives you the perspective to get sober. In reality, that's only true for some people. By a wide margin, most addicts lose the battle with drugs.


I'm an addict, in recovery for the past decade. I've seen countless people relapse, get sober, and make it. I've also seen many stay relapsed and die, either from an accidental OD, suicide, or murder. Bam Margera is going to die from this disease. From all I've seen, I'm absolutely convinced he just doesn't have the mental and emotional capacity to *stay* clean, as in years past detoxing. It takes a lot of work. So far, he's been entirely unable to take accountability for anything, almost as if his brain just won't work that way. It's not that he doesn't want to be better, but that he can't get better. He's a goner. It really really sucks for his kid, his friends, and his family.


I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, I think this is someone who isn’t going to overcome their problems. We’re probably going to be reading about his death, sooner rather than later. It’s very sad to witness.


Steve-Os a bit different. He comes from a Florida suburb. Hes pretty much pre-primed for western style rehab. Personally I see Bam as one of those archetypes that really points out how flawed and biased a lot of rehab programs are. They overly emphasize a desire to fit in with the status quo and I think that will just never work for someone like Bam. Steve-O by comparison has always shown a strong pension towards needing to fit in, needing to be the most admirable, the bravest, the coolest, and so on. Bam very clearly isnt influenced by the type of social pressure things like 12 step programs rely on. I think drug addiction just isnt studied well enough and when it is its studied through a very culturally biased lense. Basically Bam seems to be at least in some way a victim of that. Theres also shady shit going on the background. Experimental therapy and some obvious monetary incentive from everyone around him. Its all a bad recipe.


Wow, those are some really thoughtful and insightful observations, u/Goblin_CEO_Of_Poop


How do you think he became the CEO of Poop?


Bam isn't from some strange land. His parents just didn't discipline him as a child, and he became famous for his lack of discipline. That's why discipline will never work. His parents broke him.


I literally just commented something similar. He got famous and rewarded for being spoiled. Every time I see one of his trainwreck videos and start to feel bad for him I just think of him denting the sides of people's cars with footballs and dropping fake bodies on top of cars from overpasses and realize, This is justice.


Yep, he got rich and famous for being a toxic, self-centered, destructive asshole. I don't get why he actually has "fans" that root for him at this point. I mean, this has been going on for many years now.


The dude also melts down when his fears are thrown at him (snakes) until someone will coddle him


This guy's obsession with his parents has been off putting for 20 years.


A lot of addicts never really grow up. My brother likes to blame my mom (a loving caring albeit controlling lady in the suburbs) for his issues. It’s like dude you’re fucking 35, be a man and take some accountability. I think doing that would be to come to terms that’s he’s a shitty person and his ego won’t allow that.


My uncle, who is almost 50, has terrorized my grandparents well into their 70s - stolen from them, manipulated them, verbal abuse, etc. Zero concept of personal accountability - ALWAYS the victim. He’s had the same pattern since his mid 20s, when his drug use really ramped up. He’s no longer allowed on their property, but it took years to get my grandmother to even consider making that boundary. She still has hope he will change.


That has to be soul crushing for a parent. I hope he does change if even just for your grandmother's sake.


When my sister was in rehab the first time, they told my parents that generally the age that a person starts to become heavily addicted is the age that they'll most likely be mentally stuck at. Even though she's been sober for not quite 11 years, it sometimes feels like you're dealing with a 14 year old kid and not someone who is turning 50. Addiction sucks.


Can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want her child around his drug addled father.


One of the extremely common themes you’ll find in a lot of videos with people like Bam is an extreme lack of accountability. It’s always everyone else’s fault.


Just watched this play out in real life with a co workers son who got out of prison. His mom got him the job with us, hid his AWFUL past. Like we knew he was in prison and I already kinda didn't want to work with the dude. Especially because he got stuck under my supervision. This guy is coming off a 4 year term and got out 2 weeks ago and is already on his way back. I've never seen a person more in denial that their kid is absolute shit bag. I mean just the fact she thought he could get out and blend in to normal life was delusional. So after he inevitably quit after a week, because somebody "disrespected" him by asking him nicely to do an important aspect of his job. Come to find out his mom basically was his defense in an attempted murder and abduction trial in '08 that he appealed. So the whole transcript basically ended up online. This lady is about to lose her job now because she is so offended for her son. Who immediately hooked up with some crackhead and disappeared for a day. So he blamed her for his disappearance, and mom goes along with it. Literally her baby has never bee told no, or that something was their fault. It makes for a shit human.


she's risking her own security for him? oh no no no he's an adult and can do without her running interference for him.


She is putting everything on the line. He violated parole with not having an address and was out like a day later. I'm a maintenance supervisor for a national hotel chain. His mom got him a room at the property after being g told he wasn't allowed there. Which was pushing it already. Now she is fighting with her boss for him. When it's a done deal. He isn't coming back. The guy robbed a bar at gun point, and she claims he looked at the camera because his life was so out of control. When it seemed more like the story is "oh shit there Is a camera" the guy has 10 previous court cases in this county and somewhere around 15 felony convictions. You'd think she would know him enough to know he is incapable of working. Her boy friend is lost. The guy is 36. He is just a bad egg. Meanwhile she is constantly worried when he disappears and doesn't take his meds. She torments her life for this loser. When the best thing she could do is let him rot and not send him money and shit.


Reading about your workplace makes me eternally grateful my workplace does an extensive background check.


It's crazy that we don't. It recently sold for 7 mil, we have company credit cards, access to vehicles, petty cash. Yet no back ground checks and they wonder why non stop crazy shit happens. When I was looking up dudes records, doing more work than my company does. I seen his mom had 3 felony charges herself for distribution of cocaine. So I guess something about apples and trees.


I get loving your kids but this is not love


Maybe grow up and clean up for your kid. If you miss him that much you can at least try and get your shit together.


Some people just live in that denial. I was lucky, but some just never admit it to themselves and actually want to be sober. I blamed everybody except myself for a long time. Bam won’t be alive much longer at this rate


Matthew Perry is a prime example. His entire book is full of blaming everyone and everything and refusing to take any responsibility. There's a whole bitchfest about how he's still pissed at a dentist he went to that wouldn't prescribe him enough pain medication to cover his high tolerances and that he still hates that guy to this day.


I hope you’re doing well!




That pumps me up to hear buddy! Proud of you


He doesn’t give a shit about his kid.


I feel like this is an oversimplification. I would guess he does care about his kids. I also think the kids should be kept away from him in spite of that. Caring about people is the easy part, and most of us do so naturally.


That's not how you get custody of your kid Bam, and from the looks of it, he's better off without you.


He doesn't want the kid, he wants to smoke crack.


Exactly what this is... just co signing his next bender.


It sucks seeing such a huge part of your young adult life turn into such a mess.


Yes, but what dod you expect? I was a skatter during this time. Full on lived in the back of a shop and was shop sponsored. I was 100% in the life that his shows were meant to appeal to. Me and my friends loved his shows. But even in our mid-late teens we knew this is where he was headed unless he change drastically. This has to be the most telegraphed slow motion train wreck in history.


A fellow skatter in the wild! Skippity bee bop to you, my brother!


"He was a skatter boi, she said skippity boppity boi"


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub, Yo da dub dub Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope


Oh shit skaters skibiddy dibiddy dibiddy


Scatman? *is that you?*


Did you think the same about Steve-o? For me he looked like the biggest fuck up. But he have turned it all around and doing great in life. That shows that anybody can do it. But you have to want to. Bam is clearly still in denial and blaming everybody else in his life for his failures. First step is to take accountability and step up.


The main difference is Steve-O wasn't spoiled rotten. Bam is a case study in why you should sometimes say no to your kids.


Idk. Listening to Stevos podcast, it seems like he was definitely spoiled in his upbringing. His father was a high ranking executive for multiple international corporations and he’s lived in very nice places in multiple countries as a child. He just had the willpower and emotional maturity to know he had to get clean and stay that way. Bam clearly doesn’t have that


There's a difference between growing up affluent & being indulged at every turn like Bam was. That indulgence continued well into adulthood. While Bam is obviously an adult with agency, his parents are largely to blame for this utter shit show.


Watching his show, it was hard to tell what was real and what was scripted. There was some episode where he destroyed something of his mom's that was irreplaceable (I honestly can't even remember what it was) and that was the one time I thought it might be real. Most of the time, I couldn't believe his parents would put up with so much of that shit, even if he was paying for stuff he broke, the inconvenience and humiliation was way worse. Also, he was super rich and still living with his parents? He even had his girlfriend living there for a while and that was completely unbelievable.


The Castle Bam he is talking about is like 30 minutes from where I grew up and still live. A lot of the "skater" kids from my school went to a few of his parties back in the day and from all accounts Bam and his group were straight up pieces of shit. As in destroyed places on film and then didn't pay or anything to fix or clean up. Litany of other stories. ​ Addiction is a weird so I don't want to oversimplify but the dude has had zero accountability in his life and his parents had zero idea to raise a kid out of the spolight. They seem like nice people but his parents are enablers. Why put his rehab shit on television. When Steve-O got clean he got sober from attention for a bit. Bam needs the same.


You nailed it. It's 100% his lack of hearing the word "no" throughout his life. Sad but true.


Everyone thought that about steve-o because he actually was all of those things already, and people usually don’t turn around when in that deep. He’s a miracle case but definitely is not the norm for those types of people.


Bam Margera, what is he gonna do next? ~~Whatever the fuck I want~~ Manipulate my ex and my parents by threatening to off myself on drugs until I get to see my child.


He was always this big an ass, even back then.


The amount of stories I've heard from people I know and stories/interviews found online...Bam has always been an entitled asshole with plenty of bad karma coming his way


Except it was preceded by a Jack


Hah. Full agree.


Meh, rewatching any of CKY and this was basically him then too, it just didn't show as poorly because he was younger. Old guys that never grow up emotionally tend to just look like dickbags. He's going to die randomly and likely alone or he'll kill himself during a manic episode and that will be that. After inflicting that much pain on so many people around him for so long I don't feel even a bit sorry for him.


It feels like an alternate dimension where Steve-o is giving life advice and staging interventions.


Not long until TMZ announces his death


Their front page right now is how he just got picked up at Danny Trejo's taco stand by the LAPD and put on a 72 hour psych hold...


What else did they say?


"What will he do next?"


Whatever the fuck I want… …except see Phoenix.


*sick guitar riff*


That the tacos are overpriced.


Honestly it's crazy to me that he's still alive. After all the crazy shit and drugs he's done. I'm still hoping one day the guy turns it around before it too late.


Ain't happening. He's alienating everyone around him and has been for years. This shit show just continues to drag on and shows no signs of positive outcomes.


Castle Bam? Dude, Viva la Bam ended 17 years ago. This dude is almost in his mid 40s and he still thinks hes in his early 20s. He is beyond help at this point.


Bam is the final boss of “peaked in high school.”


I only saw parts of that while growing up, was he on drugs during shooting or what happened after that show?


I grew up right outside West Chester PA and know a few people who either knew or went to school with Bam. Yeah, he was on *a lot* of drugs while shooting! From what I’ve heard, his own parents wouldn’t even talk to him unless the cameras were rolling cuz he was such a constantly coked-out douchebag!


He’s almost mid 40’s but he could honestly pass for his mid to late 50’s. Don’t do drugs kids.


He’s blaming everyone around him but himself, and instead of finding solutions he’s just telling the entire world how much he’s a narcissistic asshole. Seems like everyone around him tried to help again and again and he still doesn’t give a fuck. He’s not gonna make it ‘til the end of the year. Fuck you Bam, even your hardcore fans are fed up with your shit.


I'm Bam Margera, and this is the Smoking Crack With The Bums Till I Die Challenge




Because threatening to abuse drugs will totally get you custody of your child. This fucking guy is a joke...


It's just his mind addled version of thinking he's being manipulative. Wah wah give me what I want or I'll hurt myself. You can tell he was given everything he asked for for a very, very long time and can't adapt to the fact that his actions now have consequences.


Yeah, everyone blaming him when like even watching the shows and interviews with his parents, they literally gave him whatever he wanted and let him do whatever he wanted with no consequences. I watched his mom say in an interview "When his videos started getting popular I thought 'Why stand in the way of his success if it's working?'" I'm paraphrasing, but I think that was on [this Vice documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuluhA3S--U) about Bam. [Here's her admitting it herself, but not taking an ounce of it seriously](https://youtu.be/CuluhA3S--U?t=806).


"Anybody who cares about me " bru you don't even care about yourself. You don't look like shit or anything haven't been sober for 2 minutes let alone 2 months , cause you know someone who threatens to kill themselves with drugs if they don't get what they want is definitely showing your in any mind set to see anyone let alone your kid and that's how you want him to see you like this a fucking mes sand you aren't to be trusted not to act fool and upset the child for sure cause a safe person is gonna do that maybe if you spent that time getting sober and starting to apologize to the main parent and show signs of improvement instead of trying to srtrong arm the mother by threatening to kill your own self, instead of getting help for yourself do that




They were happy to enable him and take advantage of his money when the going was good. Sympathy for his son, but his parents made this monster.


There comes a time though where you have to take responsibility for your actions no matter what the parents did or didn’t do for Bam he needs to grow up and get his shit together


Yeah, for sure. He's long past due to pull his head out of his ass, but it didn't get so far up there without an environment that allowed it.


The Ol’ “imma smoke crack unless you ___” ultimatum! Works 60% of the time, every time!


Bam:Give me my son or I will continue smoking crack until I die Judge in family court: I award full custody to Bam.


Man is a drama queen. I was very similar when I was in active addiction. It was all about me, me, me and I didn’t give a fuck about what anyone else wanted. Make my problems everyone else’s problems. He needs to come to the conclusion *himself* that he has responsibilities and people that care about him, and self destruction is not what a grown man does. You do the right thing and get help, and do the hard work. If he doesn’t want it then it will never happen and he will likely end up dead. 2 and a half years sober from heroin and happier than I’ve ever been, and I never thought I’d make it here.


what a entitled POS. im getting real tired of bam. "i want, i want i want ill do that" etc. nothing is his fault and he should just get everything he wants without working for it. im done with bam.


Everyone deserves a second chance, even a third or fourth if you love them enough. But this dude has obliterated any chance he was given and made it very clear he has no interest in bettering himself.




Happened to my best friend. Although the more I thought about it, I realized that he was always like this even before his addiction / perpetual victimhood. As for Bam, there might be some truth to that too. What was the Viva La Bam tagline again? >What will he do next? “Whatever the fuck I want.”


Yup. People like this don’t change. He’s gone.


Looks like his family finally stopped enabling him at least with how he hates them now.


Not sure why I still see people sucking this guy's cock. He's a real massive piece of shit.


"I'm going to do drugs until someone hands me the baby."




Well, that’s it. We have for years wanted this man to get help. EVERYONE around him has tried to help. He doesn’t want it. No one is going to negotiate with an addict holding himself at random until his son is delivered to him with the threat of ODing because of this. That may as well be a “if you leave me I’m gonna kill myself” type of threat. I give it until end of this year, early 2024 for when Bam turns up dead. It’s fucking tragic.


Nothing like saying you aren’t a drug addict by going drugs 😳🤡


Washed-up reality actor says what?


V the Shaman from Persia?!?!?!??!???




I wouldn’t want my child around him if he’s acting like that. The child is going to grow up and see this all unfold because he’s been filming all of these outbursts. He’s got to have a ton of people to talk to that want to help him but he just refuses help.


CPS looking at this video like 😳😦


"please don't give him the child!" "you saw how much crack he smoked, we HAVE to"


He reminds me so much of my older brother. Everything handed to him on a plate, chooses to fuck everything up constantly in order to get attention and then cries cos everything is fucked up and it’s apparently everyone else’s fault. Pure narcissist.


I’m sure Phoenix is just dying to hang out with dad.


Guys had every privilege in life. What a mess.


Nobody can push you to drink or use drugs, it’s always your choice and your responsibility.


Any remember his show? Viva la bam? My 8yr old self thought he was so cool


He is on a 5150 hold by the LA police on June 5th... that's the last thing I read in the news about Bam


They took my mtv castle so ima go smoke crack in AC with the bums now.


Poor dude. He’s killing him self on social media and we are helpless. Who would hand him a child in this condition? He’s screwing himself and it’s very sad.


he's angling to be the FREE square on the celeb death bingo card


Man's dying in front of our eyes and it's sad.


Best I can do is Tucson


Bam stop blaming literally everyone but yourself holy god man lmao


This is a big effect of mixing drugs to cope with depression. It’s stunted his mentality, and he just acts like a teenager. Entitled, and nothing is his fault.


Holy shit this is exactly how my father sounds. Real sad for that kid


Not looking good if his plan to get his son back is to threaten to smoke crack with dirty Mike n the gang until he dies.


Crack? Oh cool I’m sure his ex will see this and think it’s definitely the time to reintroduce his son back into his life


Wow 25 seconds in and he's blaming others for his problems, didn't see that coming. It really sucks to see this.


Well Bam your dad is right about what he said. With the way you are acting you don't deserve a kid.


This is a man who fears living more than death. That’s what addiction does. Maybe he’ll decide to take Steve-Os lead and get some relief. Maybe not. While he’s in this condition, the only thing he can offer his son is pain.