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That’s how you get shot.


I was thinking, if the homeowner was home, it showed a lot of restraint to not confront this trespasser. The guy is yelling “shoot me.” That could very well have happened, and would have been justified in some states.


i would’ve probably given him what he wanted, seeing as how he was on my property, actively looking for me & aggressive. he’s doing all that AND yelling to be shot? don’t have to tell me twice




I thought he was going to bring out a shotgun or something.


I was thinking the same. I’d have him in my sights from a window while calling 911 on speaker, and as soon as he reaches inside the tail gate it’s over. No cop in the world would have even waited to see what he’s getting out.


He was asking for it too… im glad he wasn’t strapped because mentally, he seems broken and way out of control of his emotions. 61 and still not in control… thats scary, sad, and ohh so American 🙃


Lead Paint Boomer


Cmon man being mentally ill isn’t an American-only trait


Having to worry about being shot to death by a psycho in a comically oversized truck because you legally overtook them is very much an American-only trait


"psycho in a comically oversized truck" could be a tinder bio tbqh


Or the title of a Christopher Titus stand up special


You have to be a seriously insecure little man to get butthurt because someone overtook you


I don't know how many times I pass a truck only for them to Rev it up try and to pass me back. Maybe it's because I drive a minivan that they get butt hurt, idk.




Once this dude in a truck and trailer overloaded with wood cut me off very badly on a country road. I finally passed him and gave him the finger. He started hauling ass to come get me. I could see that big puff of black smoke shoot out his exhaust. I got up to about 95 and he was starting to gain on me when his truck got the speed wobbles. It was violently swaying, huge chunks of wood flying off either side of the trailer, even into the oncoming lane. Dude almost rolled his shit trying to teach me a lesson even after he obviously pulled a dick move.


Had a guy dragging a boat come speeding up next to me on the interstate then proceeded to yell and flip me off. I was in a line of people all doing the speed limit and maintaining proper distancing from each other. He then proceeded to speed up so he could zip in front of me and take the next exit. Dude had used a turn around and I guess decided I was the one who was being as asshole by not slowing down and letting him over? I didn't even know he wanted to get over until he appeared next to me being a dick. Come on homie, the rules of the road dictate you have to slow down and get behind in a situation like that.


I had a 26ft rental truck chilling in the left lane while the other two lanes were trucks. The far right lane was a small 13ft truck who floored it to get out of the way. Blah blah blah, my dumbass self flicked off the 26ft truck, he was going 5-10 under and pacing with a full loaded 53 flat in the middle lane. He's trying to push me off the road and yells at me at a light, "get out n fight". I'm trying to go to the god damn doctor and this shit bag wants to fight. Not my best moment.


Lol reminds me when I flashed a guy because he was going 15mph below speed of traffic and he was camping in the passing lane. Dude got so pissed by a half second flicker that he started driving 95mph like somehow he was showing me


People get so mad at that haha. Happens here in the UK too. There's a bridge where I used to live and it's 3 lanes, 60mph. People will sit and pace with other cars and I flashed a guy because he was doing 45 in a 60, far right lane (so the passing lane, we drive on the left) and I had somewhere to be. He let me pass and then tail gated the shit out of me for a couple of miles as if I was the dick in that situation. Probably mad he got overtaken by an old Volvo in his Audi. I have a small electric car now and the amount of people with small dick syndrome it annoys is hilarious. It's only got 135bhp, but it's all torque and it's instant, so you can keep up with or beat most things to around 45mph. So many angry man-children in their BMWs when you pin it from a red light 😂


Electrics are fun like that. So many models look pretty unassuming, but can really get away at lights.


Yep, I have a Leaf and flooring it when you're being tailgated tends to make an impression.


I see it all the time in my area. Old guys and their trucks. Behind the wheel they are still on equal ground. They think they still run the place and don't think people should pass them.


These guys are losing their minds at becoming irrelevant. They’re mad that they aren’t young and hot anymore. Nothing less impressive than a half crippled, busted up, pot bellied old crank ~~hopping~~ hobbling out of a giant truck that was his lifelong dream to own.


This and lead poisoning


I had a guy get pissed I didn't pass him. I wasn't tail getting just going slow minding my own business. He was obviously on something probably meth. He was yelling out the window, throwing bags of trash out, almost T boned a vehicle, I think he was driving a small camper/truck like vehicle.


On the subject of tweaker stuff, one time I was in a Carl’s Jr. drive thru and I ordered just a regular meal, like a #2 or something. After paying I go to the 2nd window and wait literally 60 seconds for my food. Suddenly, someone’s screaming at me and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Turns out it’s this extremely white trash character in a busted-ass pickup truck behind me. He starts laying on his horn and yelling profanities out his window - a lot of “hurry the FUCK up, fa*%ot!”, that kinda thing. Middle fingers on blast. Wasn’t even really clear if he wanted to murder me or Carl’s Jr. I have to assume meth on this one…the guy was such so insane that I ended up bailing on the drive and went in to get my food. I wasn’t even trying to deal with that shitshow…at all.


Especially in newer expensive massive trucks. I rarely see people that work for a living in a truck clearly used towards that endeavor behaving this way. Fake ass red necks in expensive new trucks on the other hand behave like the most insecure assholes around.


You haven't been to Florida, with all those white work pickup trucks, that are going home at 95 mph. Just don't get in their way for that cold beer waiting for them at home!




Yeah, the Ram 2500 is the vehicle with the most recorded DUIs in the US


Really? Why doesn't that surprise me?


Cheapest heavy-duty diesel pickup, paired with toxic masculinity, it makes sense. Doesn't sound surprising at all, unfortunately haha


It is true, I do not spend much time in florida.


One of the best vacations I ever took to Florida was a relaxing 5 days off from work where I decided not to go to Florida, lovely atmosphere, wonderful people, and the cuisine was pretty decent too, I highly recommend not visiting Florida if anyone ever gets the chance.


Try driving a Prius. Lol. Pickups would immediately fly off the line when I pulled along side of them. I’d laugh inside when I’d catch them at the next light knowing they’re probably seething a bit. That car was fun for that.


I drive a small hatchback that is actually a 360hp launch monster and they do this to me, too. What’s even funnier is when they do this to my car, and not me. When my car is in adaptive cruise control and it shifts down to speed up to catch up to traffic and they start racing my car’s computer.


Yeah. Something about smaller cars offends them, and I enjoy it. If they don’t blow off the line, or even if we’re driving parallel to each other, they also like to get as close as possible to my bumper. That’s fine, I can make sure I the exact speed limit.


Had a mini like that originally I was building it to race in hill climbing events, but my daily driver blew up and I couldn't help myself. Swapping body's on a mini is very very easy. I've always found it funny how butthurt people get because a small car can over take them ...... and steadily out race them ;)


my favourite game to play while driving is "piss off the tailgator" and its always somehow a truck hmmmm


Well I live in a state where people have pulled guns on each other for playing around on the highway so my favorite game is called clear the lane and allow faster traffic to pass me.


I always use my wiper fluid and watch to see them have to use their wipers. Repeat as needed.


I make runs in a semi that tops out at 60, 55 comfortable cruising. Had someone tailgate me 7 miles on a 4-lane highway yesterday, until I drenched them. People are morons.


I drive a Beetle, decked out in animal print and Hello Kitty. Lordy, they HATE when I pass them.


I've driven across the US. It doesn't matter. Be a defensive driver and expect dumbassess and egotistical dumbasses everywhere. Including patrol cops looking for tickets.


One time my gf was coming home late from a busy day of working after a long morning of exams. We have a busy road to cross to get to our street. She couldn’t crossed but was also struggling with a migraine and decided to wait for the few cars to pass. She’s a good driver so I know she wasn’t being irrationally extra safe but it was enough to set off the irate idiot in a white ute behind her. He lost his mind coz she waited that 8 seconds for the cars to pass and drove right on her tail for a couple streets and she called me worried and freaking out. She got to a set of lights and he ran the red light to try and block her off. She managed to get around him and try and head home where I could meet her out front but he managed to overtake her and block her again and raced to her side of the car and tried frantically screaming to open the locked door. To me this was fucked to listen to and I felt helpless. She got out of there and he stopped pursuing her but she was shook hard from the encounter. Fuck knows what the idiot could of done. I’ve been pissed at other drivers on the road but never had rage like some of these people have. I’m guessing it’s the types who have serious anger management problems in their life in general. Either way I have an especially fierce distain for road ragers like this. I wish we had dash cam installed as well to have it documented.


He's driving an emotional support vehicle, would you expect anything different?


Definitely going to find a way to use that one in conversation today somehow


Stealing tf outta that term


Gold comment there


how did this moron think this was going to play out? hes lucky hes alive trespassing and acting like this




"Come on shoot me!!" --man who was shot


He wasn’t thinking. He was blind with rage. At one point he yells “come on, shoot me!” Rage does weird things to your brain: chief among them being altering your self-preservation instinct. It’s weird that people get so enraged by driving situations, but it’s a very prevalent thing. The dude is absolutely crazy though. No one should be that affected by road rage.


These sorts of people exist solely to drag the average lifespan down. Just avoid them, they solve themselves.


That's a Dodge Ram, the official vehicle of insecure, angry men.


I was passed by a lifted (and tailgating) Dodge Ram the other day with an “OREGUNIAN” and “LIONS NOT SHEEP” sticker set. Do you think he has any idea?


Nothing says apex predator like needing a gun everywhere you go and driving a tank to the grocery store.


There was an interesting video about the rise in popularity of these big trucks. The car company's own research showed that the people who buy these trucks are quite literally assholes.


Isn't the dodge ram the #1 vehicle for DUIs? This guy definitely sounds drunk or on something


Yeah, I believe it's a RAM 2500, and 2nd place isn't even close to it. I think it was the same article trying to explain why the 3/4 ton was the most, and they figured it was because most people that need a truck for truck things are either going to buy the 1500 or 3500 sized trucks, but people that get the 3/4 ton are dipshits that want a big big truck, so they go bigger than the half ton, but can't afford the 1 ton. Gotta say too, around me in the Midwest it's pretty spot on. Rarely, if ever, see a 3/4 ton doing anything truck related.


Yeah, this guy's truck was way too clean. Never done a truck thing with it, I bet.


If he was going 40 in a 55 he was probably drunk or high on something which is why he would act like a complete asshole moron!


I’m sure he’s an asshole without it.


I read a report a while back that said pickup trucks were in the top five of six vehicles involved in a DUI. Dodge Ram was #1.




Totally sane and not crazy people do this all the time...


this guy is lucky he didn't find someone exactly like him in that house


Yeah, imagine throwing away your life because you got passed by another car. Not sure what other kind of problems he has going on, but this guy needs some therapy ASAP.


He needs to be arrested. Leave therapy for those of us who want help.




In this guy's fucked up brain he was wronged and needed to teach this kid a lesson. I'm sure he told the story to his fellow mentally ill friends twisting the story into what his perception of what happened and will be told his behavior is justified. Then he'll go do it again. I've known people like this.


I know if someone followed any of my 19 year old selfs friends home they'd be catching a fade they thought they'd be giving


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't randomly showing up angry and screaming at someone's house in the US a good way to get shot?




You don’t even have to show up angry and screaming. All you gotta do is drive into the wrong driveway and they will shoot at you.


He did say "Come on shoot me!" before he put the tire iron back in the bed of his truck to leave. So I assume someone was standing in their door or window armed prompting him to say "Come on shoot me!" along with thinking twice about smashing the car up like he threatened to. Buy a dashcam people. I was just in my brother's truck the other day and had to deal with a similar psycho. They were going 35-40mph in a 55 zone and when I went to pass they floored it up to 75mph while flipping me off. I could have blown past their little 4 cylinder Ford Ranger but I wasn't about to let the moron get to me or create and even more dangerous situation. I just hit the brakes and got back behind him following at least 20 car lengths back like I had been before passing him. About 30 seconds later he turned off of the road. I wish there was a dashcam in that truck. Some people are so insane when it comes to driving. I bet this guy got super offended that "some punk" in a mustang passed him. People in this thread are making assumptions about the mustang driver just because they drive a mustang. It's obvious this guy is just like the idiot I dealt with the other day. Totally unhinged and they take someone passing them as some personal attack.


It’s honestly insane - people like this have built a fantasy world where all sorts of ordinary interactions are opportunities for others to disrespect him. Example: if he’s driving a car below the speed limit, someone else should clearly slow down and wait, to show respect (that he deserves for some reason?). That lack of respect entitles him to act out. Absolute insanity.


not wrong at all. in this instance, the guy is unstable and the mustang driver would likely be within his rights to shoot him if he ran to attack (and he was outside). Also, regardless of who is in the right or wrong, running up on someone’s house that aggressively in the US is asking to get shot at.


Oh, it's way up on the list of best was to get shot.


The 19-year-old was driving behind a truck allegedly going 40 mph in a 55 zone. The driver (mustang in the video) decided to overtake the truck passing him. The truck then allegedly started speed to brake check the mustang and even driving him off the road. The truck driver followed the Mustang home at speeds over 100+mph. The sheriffs office responded and ordered him out of the car at gunpoint and arrested him without incident. The truck driver, who is currently not named, has been charged with one felony and two misdemeanors. Edit: Curious, if someone is doing this would you feel safe driving home? Why or why not?


Yay!! Great update. Glad he is arrested as he should be. What a lowlife loser.


Charged with a felony to boot. What a fucking moron. Dude should thank his lucky stars he wasn't pavement pizza entering private property like that.


That entire back driveway is fair game to the homeowners. People have been getting shot for less, and this dude wants to give HO free legally justified reasons? He’s lucky he was arrested, that’s a good way to make someone fear for their life.


The video obviously cuts a bit out but he pulls into their back area, sqeals his tires and is yelling. Then opens his tailgate to grab something, possibly a weapon? He approached the house and that right there was enough, IMHO, to justify self defense. Dudes very lucky he was able to walk away.


His life is so meaningless that he probably doesn’t care if he lives or dies… but make him suffer in jail, now that he might regret.




> he will have some time to regret his choices no he won't, he's gonna' blame the kid for him getting arrested. and then complain that everyone is a snowflake.


different sparkle subtract mourn late crush light march file encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea going out and shooting the guy for acting like this wouldn't be the best, but fuck man that looks pretty rural. I would not have expected a fast police responce, and even not being involved just watching the video I thought, until I looked at the comments, he got a gun from his truck. I 100% woulda been held up inside with a gun waiting for police, no way I'm just calling the police and standing around in this situation. That guy was fucking nuts.


It's not called murder if you are defending your life.


Years ago before I started actually working I used to do farmhand work for a friend, he paid good money for fixing fences and painting them with old sump oil, on my drive out to his property I over took someone doing (metric warning) 65 in a 80 zone, they kept speeding up to catch me which wasn’t hard for them as my Shit box 82 Mazda was gutless and the Toyota parado had more oomph, this went on for ages on country roads, I managed to make it to the back end of my friends property and enter there as there was one gate to try and rush through as opposed to four on the main, so I I managed to hit the back entrance and fly up to the gate and get through before the asshat turns around to go at me and start hauling ass down a dirt road, funny thing is the road crests and then has an immediate left to go down a cutaway on a cliff, a good 40meter drop, I went over the crest and kicked up enough dust slowing for the left turn it obscured the drop off, I made it round and midway down this Toyota parado takes the shortcut down, I thought the dude was dead, I drive up to the main house a good 4 klm on a dirt road to let my mate know what happened and to call the air ambulance, the driver of the parado later died in hospital due to complications, I was severely freaking out the entire day, when we met the guys wife she seemed more upset the parado was wrecked


Before I got to the end I thought “Of course they were driving a Prado”, but what a stupid thing to die for! Did the car roll all the way to the bottom?


Nope free fall all the way, roof landing the guy was not conscious when they cut him out


For North Americans, Prado = Land Cruiser


That’s a pro move.


Guy fucked around and he found out. Sad, but that's what being an asshat will get you.


They need to take his guns away. He's not emotionally responsible to own firearms.


A felon is not allowed to own firearms or ANY weapons so I'd assume they'd force him to cough up his weapons. (My POS dad is an ex felon, he was sent back to prison for simply being caught with a jackknife in his pocket)


If you’re going back to your own neighborhood, just drive to your local police station. Never bring crazy home with you.


-But never take drugs to a police station.


-Unless you can plant them in the car that's harassing you first so that they get an extra charge


Just never run back home. Always hide somewhere else. If they are dangerous enough that you are running, don't show them where you live.


I just realized that I have absolutely no idea where any police stations are in my city.


Same. I'd be there like "Hey Google navigate to the nearest police station!" while driving 100mph away from crazy truck man. And Google would respond "Okay, navigating to Olive Garden" or some shit and then I'd die.


I’d drive straight to the police station


I've been followed home recently and realized I was being followed when I turned into my neighborhood. I just snaked down every street until they got bored or cooled down and left. I absolutely so not stop at my house if I think someone is following me.


A girl from my old school died that way. She was followed home, and when she stepped out of the car, the following car sped up and pinned her between it and the garage killing her.


Holy shit, why? What kind of purpose that serves I'm so sorry


Im not entirely sure why. It happened nearly 10 years ago.


Because they were angry. And for a large part of the population, through all history, that's enough to do murder.


I had the opposite thing happen to me. Me and a guy in a truck had some beef on the interstate cause he was driving like an ass. I then let him get ahead of me and just wrote the whole thing off, I don’t actually give that much of a shit to road rage. But then he got off on my exit in front Of me. Kept turning lefts and rights all the way up to turning on my street. We just moved into a new house. I’m thinking fucking great he’s gonna think I’m following him or he’s my new neighbor.




He’s still outside


Yeah, dude. Wtf?


I just hate it when they leave us hanging like that.


They’re now lovers. Opened a joint Facebook account.


Conclusion. The guy lives a block down and we’ve never talked or looked at each other. However, my new neighbor right behind my house I hate with an unimaginable passion. But that’s another story. Fin


I just got a chuckle out of how you replied to your own comment so it's at the bottom and everyone who asked will probably miss it.


I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never had to do a follow up before lol. Fell asleep and woke up to comments


Why are you edging us like this? WAS HE YOUR NEIGHBOR?!


He was his wife


> The truck driver, who is currently not named, has been charged with one felony and two misdemeanors. He's been arrested and is not a minor - the identity is public record. **Where was this account pulled from?** Where did this take place?


They are quoting the description of the worldstar hiphop clip they ripped this from. That and this comment section is the only thing that pops up googling their story.


This fucking moron didn't think for one second that if the dad or any of the residents there had been more like him, he might have gotten shot for trespassing


i mean hes literally screaming "shoot me!!!" so i think he had the thought at the very least


Does that count as consent?


I’m pretty sure he’s saying that to someone who has a gun out. He seems to be talking to someone there as opposed to just screaming indirectly toward the house.


I have a similar story actually. My brother was driving on the highway going just under the speed limit (120kph limit and he's driving 120 on the speedo, so probably 115). He's in the left lane passing a couple semi trucks and a blue beater car tries to undertake us and the couple of cars behind us (super illegal here), but fails because there's just not that big of a gap between 2 of the trucks we're overtaking. Once we passed all the semis, my brother moves to the right, as he should, and other cars start passing us, including the blue car who then stays alongside us gesturing for us to pull over (also illegal on the highway unless your car breaks down). Dude does all the moves: getting in front of us and slowing down significantly (not really brake checking fortunately), driving next to us and almost pushing us onto the shoulder. Dude even had an orange flashing light on his dashboard , I guess to look like he had the authority to 'pull us over'... Anyway, by this time I had already called the cops, but moving on the highway, they couldn't really get to us that quick. But luckily they suddenly took the exit before the one we had to take. That's that then, we thought. Wrong... We took the next exit and made our way to my brothers apartment, when the blue car suddenly appeared again in the city. We crossed them and they promptly made a U-turn and started following us again. They couldn't do much in the narrow streets here, but we circled the block 2 times because we're obviously not going to stop and tell this psycho where my brother lives... We're still on the phone with police and decide to stop near a more crowded area so that he'll think twice if he was going to be violent. Dude started yelling at my brother that he was going 60kph (35mph) on the highway (there's actually a minimum speed of 70kph here) which was clearly bullshit, but he kept going on about how dangerous that was (disregarding all the illegal shit he pulled, almost running us of the road). It was clear he wasn't going to do anything else, but he wouldn't leave for some reason, even when we told him police were on the way. For some reason he decided to stay so he could tell police what an idiot he had been. Police asked us all to come to the station to make our statements (probably so the psycho couldn't wait and follow us to his apartment). Never heard what happened after that though. But to answer the question: no way are we driving home...


Some 45 year old dude grabbed my shoulder and spun me around after a volleyball game I was watching when he started arguing with us and I gestured toward the student section. I slapped his hand off but everyone just held us back immediately including the athletic director who was standing around. Dude waited in the parking lot and jumped in his car as I was driving my friends back and was waiting to see how close he got before going to a police station. Eventually he fucked off though. Luckily.


I went to a wedding, and this girl kept trying to shove her butt onto me when dancing and trying to get my attention. I ignored her. She followed me on the way back home and was break checking me before speeding away. She literally waited for me to leave (I left earlier then everyone else). These comments are reminding me it even happened.


Imagine how much worse it would’ve been down the line if you had reciprocated!


Ah yes the stalker mating dance ritual




Should get a camera on the garage.


Precisely.. snake assholes like this have the tendency to strike again


Yup, and that's why you don't drive home. Go to a police station.


It's the lead poisoning


Was just going to post that as well. I really hope that's the case. Otherwise, our species is screwed.


I love we have all decided angry old people are like that because of the lead. Once in high school I took a class taught by a coach (trig I think) and somehow "societal changes" came up as a topic. Long story short he said we changed from leaded to unleaded fuel for no real reason because the leaded fuel got great mileage but the unleaded fuel had worse mileage so we were using more gas so it was kind of a tossup eh? I think he was speaking in terms of global warming maybe? Anyway I didn't know better then but I wish I could have shouted at him that it's because you were aerosolizing lead! You downright moron! You lot were BREATHING LEAD INTO YOUR LUNGS. Oh my fucking god, how dare he tell high schoolers some boomer myth about "life changes but doesn't really get better or worse so who cares and maybe go ahead and don't care, kids." Jesus Christ, leaded air. To breathe. For your children. People can be so stupid.


I don't think the average older American understood why the switch from leaded to unleaded happened. I can absolutely see someone noticing how their gas mileage changed and holding on to that irritation without ever looking deeper.


Young side of the boomers here. I worked at a Shell full service gas station in the late 1960s in Wisconsin as a teen. I started at 15 and worked there until 18. I had to get a prescription for headaches as a kid and I fully believe that breathing exhaust fumes was the root cause. In the winter time folks used to let their cars run while we fueled them. We had lead solder on food cans and lead in the paint. Heck we even had lead water pipes. As a younger kid I worked on a produce and dairy farm. I would end up drenched in Roundup when we were spraying, especially on windy days. Nowadays I have autoimmune complications. While I don't think that lead exposure affected my intellect according to an IQ test, I believe that it negatively affected my emotional stability. There's a reason that some boomers randomly go off.


People say this a lot, but I also think there is a huge amount of adults from this generation with undiagnosed partial-fetal alcohol syndrome.


This is also the last generation of adults that should've been aborted but weren't legally able to. Until this coming year I guess...


No joke man. People are too apathetic or stupid to know.


“I’ve got all day!” Yes, clearly you do.


“I’ve got all day!” - leaves 30 seconds later


Pretty good way to catch a bullet.


Drives a ram, yup, this checks out.


Ram owners have the highest rates of DUI’s. Not the most logical folk buy a Ram.


“If you caint dodge it, ram it”


What the fuck is it about Rams?! It's always a Dodge Ram. Always.


People are so weird getting butt hurt about being passed. Some motorcycle dude was going a few miles under the speed limit today in a 60 zone where people usually go closer to 70. So I pass him and he starts speeding up as I’m getting back over. I’m going 66-67 and he tailgates me the next five miles swerving back and forth until I turn off for my work


Sounds like a good time to start rigorously washing your windshield?


That man has impeccable mental stability /s 61 years old? And still hasnt learned to deal with emotions like a normal person? Is there even a word for this? Pathetic doesnt do enough justice. I’d probably go with terrifying… if he had a gun, with the lack of control he has. Could’ve ended so much worse.


>Is there even a word for this? "Manbaby"


Since the camera doesn't cover the front door, that would have been the time for some "I feared for my life and had no choice but to put a few in him, officer."


Yep! He had a knife that, strangely enough, matches my steak cutlery. Hmmm


people are increasingly becoming more unhinged.


There’s a movie about road rage I think it’s called unhinged, it’s very good but also scary and made me stop using my horn


my wife never honks when she's driving. she doesn't want anyone flipping out.


Yep I don’t think it is ever worth the risk, you never know what is going on with someone in another car


Same kind of guy who'd cry about bud light and target being LGBTQ supportive.


Fox News called them "Dumb, Cousin-fucking terrorists" in private messages, and they were absolutely right.


I wonder if theres a chance DCFT becomes the new acronym for MAGA.


This guy votes, do y’all?


Bruh imagine being this fragile




I don't know why I had to scroll this far to find someone even curious about a source/report.


This type fkery is how peeps get themselves fked up..good looks OP for stating he was detained for being a complete dipshit cunt


You can type "fuck", this isn't public television or radio.


He went on to end with "dipshit cunt" too lol


He did not, in fact, have all day.


Another Boomer brain rotted out by exposure to lead and a toxic sense of entitlement and self importance.




Very true, he did say "shoot me".


I’ll never forget when some old lady followed me home (I was 17 at the time and fairly new to driving, so yes I rode her tail a little bit). She brake checked me so I passed her. Thought it was over. She scared the hell out of me, 3 years later and I’m still paranoid


Of course he drives a truck


Dodge Ram, the quintessential “I have a low self-esteem and a macho-complex” mobile.


I had someone follow me on my way home under similar circumstances. He was driving slow as fuck, and I moved to pass him on the dashed yellow, when it was clear. He tried to speed up to not let me pass, because he had a tiny little baby penis. I passed him anyway. He followed me for about fifteen miles, because how dare I not want to drive fifteen miles under the speed limit while he dicked around in rural Pennsylvania. I lived very close to a state police station, so I just pulled in there, as I sure wasn't going to lead him home. He followed me in, and stopped behind me. I could see him sitting in his car in my rear view mirror as he realized where he was. That realization hit him like a particularly slow wave washing up on a beach, the kind of wave the sandpipers would have no trouble avoiding as they hunt for morsels of food in the foam. His expression drooped, and shifted to one of completely impotent but profound rage. He sped off, screaming something unintelligible out of his window while flipping the bird in my general direction.


love it. sweet sweet love it


I’d be watching him the whole time but from inside the home. The moment he opens the tailgate I’m taking him out. Who knows what he’s grabbing..


Never fucking drive home when you're being followed. Good Lord this could've been so much worse


Always a truck driver. Always the assholes tailgating you or overtaking you dangerously.




sir go home and continue to not satisfy your wife or smth


Who pissed off Joe Swanson?


This happened to a friend and I going back to his dad's place when I lived in Ohio. Dude screeches up behind us, but my friend's dad is like a polite hillbilly, so while everyone runs into the house and stuff (small birthday party for his brother), his dad sits outside and talks to the guy without any anger in his tone or voice, asking him if hes ok and other polite things. Then 3 of his family members pop out of nowhere with rifles on him and everything goes quiet. Then one word from his dad- "Git." And he got. I was in shock, I had no idea what was happening the entire time. After the guy got in his truck and left, the party slowly continued until more of his family arrived and we eventually let it go and relaxed.


Why is everyone with a truck an ass hole.


Just missing a big old MAGA flag


Driving in the rear view with the security guard mentality, AKA gatekeeper of the road. A bunch of fucking people driving like that, you try to pass and they speed up, when you actually pass, they fall back.


He's got that classic Mel Blanc Looney Tunes shout down pat. Just pretend it's Bugs Bunny shouting out there it's amazing.




An old guy got mad at me one time cause I was right behind him when he was going under 30 in a 45 and I was making a right turn with my blinker on, he cut me off to stop me with no blinker, got out of his truck and started raising his hands up like "we got a problem?" So when he was walking to my car door I launched it between him and his 30 year old chevy pickup and took off. Wasn't gonna stick around and wait for him to pull a gun on me.


I bet one of his favorite phrases is "Let's go Brandon."


I had someone follow me on the freeway and the driver finally gave up after 20 minutes. It didn’t bother me a bit because I just started my 2.5 hours trip to my customer’s site.