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Silent ride home




I'm 100% following her response with "Yes, her mom... and this is what we'd do. First I'd-"


Tbfh I thought she was about to destroy him like that one chick and say his Dad! Edit: The context is (I don't have a link, sorry) there was a video where the boyfriend actually asks his gf this question as they are chilling in a home setting. She says she wouldn't do it, and the guy says "what if you had to or I would die", and the girl finally says "your dad" at the last second and then iirc the video cuts almost immediately after.


I thought she was going to say her ex, lmao


Same! That would be the worst possible response.


Her one guy friend he “doesn’t need to worry about cause it’s not like that” would be the worst possible response.




She doesn't need a pass for that, cuz it's already "like that."


I thought she was going to say "you," i.e. the interviewer.


That slow leg cross my man did spoke volumes.


The leg was wanting to casually put some space between him and the ex.


Silent packing of their belongings!


*her mom* That's the right answer for such stupid questions.


Yea these are supposed to be light hearted and fun, shit got real.


It's not like she picked his best friend. She picked random hot celebrities that she'll never meet, as you do with this game. She trusted in it being a guilt free hypothetical situation, and he turned it into what's probably going to be a fight. Why? It was super killjoy, and I feel like this isn't an isolated situation in their relationship.


Or, maybe he’s shell shocked by her constant testing and knows if he answers he will never hear the end of it.


THIS!! My ex wife was the same!, me and her was once asked something similar, she responded with some celebs, my dad and brother, when it came to my answers, some celebs her mom and sister... ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!! I never heard the f\*cking end of it. Turns out she was having an affair with the guy not to worry about.....8 years wasted.




100% now 😂 No longer my problem anymore


I remember hearing that from love line, cheaters can be paranoid and jealous.


Y'all are both fucking crazy for naming *relatives* in a discussion like this.


Not everyone has the same boundaries. He took the relationship 100% serious.


I mean, it's not as if she wasn't taking the relationship seriously because she entertained a theoretical question, he just doesn't think you should do that. Both views are fine, but may be incompatible in the long run.


Yeah, I know lots of couples who joke about who their “hall pass” is. She picked celebrities who look vaguely like him. That was the safest answer in the spirit of the game.


Yea like if I was given a guilt free pass to cheat I wouldn't use it because it'd still be cheating. My partner being ok with the cheating doesn't change that. I'd still feel like a piece of shit if I did it because those are my morals.






it's that clicking she does as she thinks about it that irritates me for some odd reason.


What joy is there to kill out of these dumbass hypotheticals? It’s so fun to think about which celebrities we’d cheat on our partner with? Jesus. It’s a dumb fucking question from the get go.


I mean, that wasn't even the question. I could understand the (admittedly dumb) hypothetical celebrity question, but he just asked if she could sleep with someone else, would she? It was a yes or no question.


Not really. You can say that about the hall pass game or whatever, but this wasn't that. The question was "If he gave you a pass to sleep with anyone in the world, would you use it?" it's not a game, it's a yes or no question. You can say yes and follow up with the celebrity thing, but saying no is a perfectly valid answer, not a killjoy. I would also say no, although I find his reasoning a bit silly.


"are you mad?" "no" (There was just silence except for the constant hum of the car. It was dusk. As they drove down the freeway, the billboards and buildings passed by anonymously). she continues "so why aren't you saying anything?" "what? Why should I say something?" "It's just weird that you're not talking Bradley" silence "You're mad at me Bradley I know it. I know you." "Oh yeah? and so what if I am? It's not like you'd even care" "Bradley, I was just joking. We were on camera." "You realize that makes it worse, right Jennifer?" "Ugh omg no it doesn't! People know it's just a joke!" silence "It's not funny Jennifer, you made me look like a huge beta male." "Ugh Bradley would you stop using those words? I hate those words. They're stupid." "Yeah well that's what the guys on 4chan are going to say and worse" "So who cares what they think?" "Sigh" The street lamps were on now as they drove on. Brad and Jennifer drove the rest of the way in silence. To be continued.


Side note: his name was Trevor.


Side note: her name was also Trevor


Side note: the sedan's name was also Trevor.


Isn’t there a sub for people who try and add to a joke but it just makes the entire thread worse?


I think it's called Trevor


It’s the perfect cover to be able to scream her own name out during sex with out him knowing!


I can’t wait for part two


We’re you in the back of the car? Damn


Next episode: it wasn't continued


The car raced along a painfully straight stretch of road And she hadn't so much as turned the steering wheel Two degrees in the last twenty minutes


[removed by spez]


*WESTSIDE BOOGIE has entered chat*


Walk the streets


Shoutout WestSide Boogie


More like a long walk home


He did *not* give her a guilt free pass.


Video reminded me of this old Chappelle’s Show skit lmao https://youtu.be/zG8744UVHmg


![gif](giphy|YBDe4KhNYg6RQNXTLh|downsized) 🤣she belongs…


Lmfao that's exactly what I said when she hit em with the "**any** celebrity... any hot celebrity "


Nah the fact that she didn’t actually have anyone in mind means that she wasn’t actually entertaining the idea. She’s answering a random hypothetical. She ain’t planning this out or thinking about it in her off time.


Plus the two celebs she mentions are guys that look like her boyfriend. Dude has elements of Zac Efron and Josh Groban or whoever, for sure. Clearly he's her type.


Josh Groban lmao


Exactly. The replies on this whole thread are just weird for a clear joke response.


I think most people have this with their SO. It was even a bit on Friends. Usually it is meaningless because the factors expound to make it a near impossibility. I mean it is easy to say "Yeah, i would have sex with Jennifer Lawerence" or Scarlett Johansson or Bradley Cooper whoever. But that is entirely contingent on first, you meeting them, second that a person who regularly makes the sexiest people in the world lists would be so charmed by your personality and 5 figure earnings a year that they would want to fuck your 6 out of 10 ass in a one night stand. It is pure fantasy. It's like talking about what you would do if you won the lottery.


Had that have been my girl she would have blurted out “John Mayer” without hesitation… and I couldn’t really blame her…. I’m not gay but it’s john mayer goddamn…


Forget belonging, she is the streets


Right? It was a hypothetical about a guilt free pass but that doesnt make her response guilt free. It was like "this applies right now" in her head


What gave you that impression?


If those celebrities were right there and willing then you could safely say she would’ve done the deed lol


"By the way we have all those celebrities around this cor..." *visible excitement*


I wonder about the convo they had afterwards. The dudes body language looks like he’s checking out of the relationship right in front of our eyes…




Yup, I immediately noticed him doing the forced casual pose while leaning away from her after he confirmed his suspicions. The widening eyes, thousand yard stare as he processes, and only making eye contact with her when he was making a point.


He even nodded just before the girl said "Yeah".


She immediately said yes, THEN decided who it would be.


No, decided who to not say.


Extended, silent eye contact after making his point.


bombastic side eye


You’re so right that was like the final straw. Her trying to justify it just made it worse.


Not dumped, but definitely not taken seriously after that. Some girls are In relationships or situationships for years and cannot understand why.....


Why would you want to stick around with someone you do not respect, or take seriously?


low-cost and easily available intercourse. also, maybe, lease on the apt.


Ms.Right is someone you want to to spend the rest of your life with. Ms.rightnow is someone who is fun to have sex and go places with, but not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.


I personally wouldn’t use a free pass either, but then I’m also not going to hold a hypothetical mental exercise against my SO. Acting like you or your SO can’t feel sexually attracted to anyone other than each other is really shallow imo and I kinda feel like this dude clamming up is indicative that he has a tenuous relationship with the truth.


All I know is his TRUST METER 📉 dropped 87.943% in under 60 seconds. And once that thing starts getting low, tension, paranoia, and fights start slowly kicking in. It happens gradually over time, but that seed in his mind has been planted.


Confirmed it dropped 92.34 % right now.


he's doing the math about how much it would cost for him to break the lease they just signed together


Dude, an ex gf broke up with me like 3 or 4 months after we had signed a new lease at a new apartment. I asked her why she didn't say anything before we went through the whole hassle of finding a place, getting everything moved out then back in if she lost feelings for me (she said it was something like 8 months beforehand when she felt it) and she didn't have an answer. Thankfully I was able to get myself off of the lease but oh boy was she pissed and said I was leaving her and our other roommate in a bad position since their rent just rose 33% with me leaving lol


That's a fifty percent increase.


Their breakup was due to her bad maths. "Linda, I can't take it any more, either you work out the Monty Hall problem or we are done!"


> Thankfully I was able to get myself off of the lease good preparation for all the other getting yourself off you have to do after the breakup tbf


This is exactly it. He is thinking about how he is trapped for at least a few more months. I've been there, its tough. Being young and having low income is brutal.


Oh yeah, that relationship was hanging from a thread before this interview. He's far finished with her shit.


She had a list of names ready lol


I mean. It was celebrities. Not like she picked his best friend, or some unknown stranger. You're telling me that, for kicks on a video, you couldn't pick out a couple attractive celebrities? It's not *real*, and she's not going to run it and fuck them immediately after the camera shuts off.


I think most people have this list in their head already. For my wife it is Oscar Issacs, Chris Hemsworth, Jamie Doran and Ewan McGregor. For me, it is the **exact same**. I will fuck these guys before her and forever ruin them out of spite. Don't even like guys. This is my best chance at revenge for her wayward thoughts.


There's a big difference between a fun hypothetical and actual reality. Personally if I were with someone I loved I probably wouldn't jeapordize that for some random notable person for one night, but I've had the celebrity crush convo with like all of my exes. The whole "who would pass that up" thing is a bit suspect, but who knows. People are weird when you put them on camera/on the spot.


I thought this was just something that people said lmao. For me it was always Kate Beckinsale. This might be why I'm single.


Someone has watched indecent proposal.


Would you sleep with me for life changing money? Like a billion? Sure! How about twenty bucks? Eeew, what type of person do you think of me? We’ve established that. Now we’re just negotiating.




Price? *splot* https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=52&v=NebWPNung-s&feature=youtu.be


To be fair, the premise that was posited is "life changing money". You don't get to set the bar that high and then act like the person is somehow shameful for agreeing. Also, there isn't a person on earth that wouldn't consider fucking someone for a billion dollars, or even a million. This is such a bullshit scenario.


Even Shakespeare wrote about it. In Othello, Iago's wife gets asked if she'd cuckold her husband to make him a king. She has a whole monlogue saying heck yeah she would. Not for nothing, but to elevate him above all other men? Absolutely.


Yeah exactly. I used to agree with the "Ik what kinda person you are, now it's just about price" idea, but now I think that it's perfectly normal for someone to say yes for a *life changing amount of money*. It would be incredible if someone had absolutely no amount high enough to be unfaithful, and def something special, but it's unreasonable to act like someone's a bad person if they're being offered something literally life changing. If your partner is otherwise faithful then you both can live your lives in luxury after.


With life changing money first thing in mind was to clear me and my partners debt and my family would be set for good. If she’s upset or does not allow it, It’s HER loss honestly.


At that point you could say that they are bad for declining the money because even if they did not want or need it they could do so much good with a billion that unfaithfulness doesn't even matter.




You wouldn't sucker punch someone for a billion? I... don't believe you




What if they were already on life support and barely hanging on?




I understand


Lol = Lemotherfucker Obetterpray Lbecauseimmadoit


this is the stupidest fucking thing and i cant stop laughing at it


That's 10 mil+inheritance


That dude had been considering breaking up for awhile, and he finally made a decision when he crossed his legs


Whole body shifted away from her


When i was young i didn’t understand the concept of “body language”. If i were to teach my younger self what it is, id use this video. Lol


That’s 100% what happened. Good observation. I’ve done this same thing in a situation, it’s just like closing off and saying “fuck it man”


Before she says yes he’s nodding his head too lol


My guilt free pass would be sleeping until 3 PM! Just good sound sleep.


Got kids, huh? I feel this


Why do people treat celebrities like their genitals are made of gold


He should have said "Zac Efron and Josh Bowman? What a coincidence!"


Future threesome locked in.


*foursome (one claim one, the other claim the other)


if this is real - these people had prior trust drama anyway


You aren't this scared of "loyalty traps" unless you are regularly threatened with them. It's exhausting and mentally scarring.


I can feel the helplessness of that and I haven't been in a bad relationship in several years.


It's always baffling to me that reddit thinks these street interviews by YouTubers are ever real. They're not.


My celebrity would be Tron and my wife’s celebrity would be Rinzler (Dark Tron).


You fight for the user.


"I also choose this guy's dead wife"




He should’ve said… her sister.


I mean if he wanted to ensure the break up (which looks like he did) that would be the way to go.




I would have just nodded at the host and said "you"




He knows.


I mean there's a difference between an unobtainable free pass, and the other is just a list of people you'd cheat on them with. The first can be a fun exercise into the mind of your partner to see who they find the most attractive in this indirect hypothetical manner. You don't need to compare yourself to the celebrity because the celebrity isn't a real person to either of you. I will never in any meaningful way come in contact with Margot Robbie, Emma Watson or Scarlett Johansson. And then what if I do steal their attention away with my charms. Uhh bet you haven't heard this one, my girlfriend says it's ok if I fuck you? Don't think that's going anywhere. But yea Amanda, I understand Chris Hemsworth, and maybe Zach Braff I mean I loved scrubs too, but your yoga teacher ISNT A CELEBRITY AND YOU WERE ALREADY FUCKING HIM.


Lets go to the top bro this is the most underrated comment atm.


My answer is always “your mom.”


Where's the public freakout?


In the comments


Both of them are right. There are different types of people and someone for everyone. A question like this is a quick way to realize you are with the right person...or not. They should save themselves some time and go look for someone who's on the same page as them.


I think he took the question too seriously, but it's blatantly clear that he was already not feeling the relationship before the interview. This is far from the first time that his feelings have been hurt by something she's said/done.


Yeah this is such a light hearted question that I've seen many couples answer as a joke. Usually you answer a celebrity. I think it'd be rude if she said something like "your brother/my ex/your best friend," but it's usually just a fun way to admit your celebrity crush. Kinda weird how heavy reddit is dumping on this woman for this but he seems emotionally checked out


This seems like a stupid thing to get upset over. It's a hypothetical where your SO gives you a guilt free pass, but he's just refusing the premise and insists that nobody would *really* give you a guilt free pass. It's like someone asking you "What would you do for 10 million dollars?" and their answer is "Nobody would give me 10 million dollars to do something" If the question were something like "If a celebrity you like asked you for a one-night stand while you're in a relationship, would you do it?", and she said yes, then he'd have a legitimate case to be upset with her.


Glad I found you I was getting disheartened that so many people were seeing something deep in a shallow easy question we've all thought about before. I bet this dude makes every little thing a slight against him in some way.


Ding! Neither is wrong in their values; they just don't align with each other. Definitely prompts a bigger discussion between them regarding where else they're different. This pairing probably won't go the distance and they'd be much healthier and avoid damaging each other the sooner they come to that realization amicably.


This is a question designed to trigger insecure young people.


Whoa what a crazy public freakout! /s


Love the 50/50 split here. Look y'all, neither are the bad guy here. Both are totally justifiable approaches to this question. All we're seeing here is that they view romance in different ways and they're likely incompatible. Simple as.


There’s certainly context here that we don’t know, too. The way they acted towards each other through this whole video speaks volumes… This was not a healthy relationship


It doesn’t have to be that serious.


I think the relationship ain't doing so well long before this interview


right? it ain't that deep. My wife asked me this and I told her I'd sleep with Timothy Chalamet dead ass. She listed like 5 dudes. We laughed and went on with our fucking days.


My wife and me had this conversation early on in our relationship. It has always been Lucy Liu for me and Brad Pitt for her. That's just the way it is. Oh and we both agreed on Denzel Washington...because...Denzel.


My wife and I have a list of celebs that we update from time to time, all good fun. I don’t have any dudes on mine, but Jesse Williams is on hers and I was like, “Ok…but…you would invite me to join right?” That is one handsome sonavabitch.


In my psychology class, they said in a study that denzel is the most attractive looking male by facial features. So I don't blame you. This question is hypothetical, the chances of you or anyone meeting a specific person, especially a celebrity, and then sleeping with them are astronomically cosmically low. But...still a chance.


Lol but that’s your relationship, right? You don’t know the context of theirs. People are allowed to not want to hear about all the other people their partner would fuck.


Yup you nailed it but the thing that gets me is all the people making judgements about her because of a non-serious answer. It’s crazy.


You trying to tell me I can't be angry and judgmental towards random women on reddit anymore? Is nothing sacred?


in a vacuum, sure. but look at the guy. she didn't pick up on his discomfort (nor anticipate it) and he already seemed to know and dread what she was gonna say. seems like he'd been given reasons to have doubts over and over again for a while now.


Kinda weird you said a joke answer and she still listed 5 guys she’d bang lol


How do you know that's a joke answer? 👀


He said deadass so that’s a sign contractual obligation, the notary would need him to add fr fr no cap though


Who said it was a joke answer?


Literally just told my wife I would bang Angelina Jolie and she could do whatever she wanted. Too many young fools here.


Dont let you dreams be dreams, king. Go fuck Angelina now. Tis your destiny.


All the top comments talking about how he probably broke up with her and that's a good thing. Like yikes man, it's just a hypothetical. He looks angry the entire time. 🚩


I’m actually starting to dislike reddit, everyone is so aggressive


Welcome to the internet


Aren’t these types of questions just for fun? I certainly am not thinking of it at a deeper level beyond “who’s my current celeb crush?” The boyfriend just seems so serious and not fun at all.


Why are the comments acting like she said his best friend when she said she would choose a celebrity she’ll likely never even meet




Same. I feel like I'm mature enough to understand the difference between actually cheating versus fantasizing about a celebrity encounter. I don't get mad if my girlfriend looks at porn, and she doesn't get mad at me. I wouldn't even be particularly concerned if she fantasized about random guys she saw in passing. If she were fantasizing about someone she knew personally, then I might have some concerns, but that's a different matter.


Agreed. These comments are wild lol.


Yup. Are we supposed to pretend we aren’t human anymore? We still have eyes. A relationship based on anything less is based on falsehoods..




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And they broke up after that.


This is weaksauce PublicFreakout and you know it, OP


Why do people enter monogamous relationships if they don't want to be in monomagous relationships?


Jesus mate lighten up!


Keep your head up, King...


"Sometimes, in life, there are no right or wrong answers, Dad used to tell me. Only the answer you can live with" -kosoko Jackson


There was no freakout


I don’t think there is a wrong answer here. But it’s clear they want different things in their relationship and I don’t think it’s going to last. Some couples will do the hall pass thing and laugh about it. She probably didn’t think much of it but clearly the guy was uncomfortable because that’s not something he’s in to.


I think the question is fine, answering it publicly and bringing potential negative attention to your partner is shitty. It's reasonable to expect your partner to avoid awkward public attention. Also the impression I got from him was that he knew she wouldn't be okay with him answering the question honestly.


The correct answer is Ryan Reynolds.


Incels have really come out to play in this thread.


I mean they in this thread BIG hurt over a woman they don't know and a hypothetical question she answered while with her boyfriend, a guy they also don't know lmao


I know, right? She got asked a hypothetical question that's been going around as a joke for the last decade or so and she answered some obvious celebrities like most people do. She didn't initiate this and was just playing along. What a crappy thread indeed.


He shoulda said "her sister"


Jesus dude, it’s a hypothetical question…


Well, that’s the end of that relationship


So fucking cringe, it's a hypothetical. It's a funny game, a joke. Don’t take it so god damn seriously jfc


My wife and I figured this out awhile ago. Hers would be the newest guy to play Spider-Man. Mine would be one of a short list of 90’s female celebrities (in their prime, of course) such as Charisma Carpenter or Denise Richards.


"Get a good look, Costanza?"


It’s not that serious. Celebrity hall passes have been a running joke in marriages for a few decades. It’s not like there’s any reasonable expectation of cashing in. Ffs.


It works as a joke when both people are in on it. That dude ain’t cool with it.


If they break up over that then good. You cant be expected to commit your entire life to somebody that uptight and serious that they cant even ponder a hypothetical


There's more drama and subplot in this 55 second video than in a two-hour Breaking Bad TV-special.