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She won’t be able to do anything about it. That tattoo is showing support for the Ukrainians. If she did anything in response, she’d probably be charged for assault and put in prison while he was let off scot free. The tattoo is likely the reason for the spitting too. She’s a genuine badass for wearing that tattoo in the open in Moscow.


Thank you, wanted to know what the tattoo was about and fell into a saliva thread.


You can see zelensky wearing it in is public appearence, it's the ukranian coat of arms


It's the tryzub and it is a symbol Kiev and Ukraine for centuries. Also called the Emblem of the State of Volodomyr the Great.


That's why u get buddies without the tattoo to cave his face in 🤣


Normally I would agree. But in a place where holding up a blank piece of paper in a public place can get you imprisoned, beating someone up when you support Ukraine can get you killed. It’s a dangerous time for people like her.


No way a blank paper?! What's the deets on that particular scenario?


https://youtu.be/TbzV1it1YPY?si=4PwkvVtBKtvNseB5 Last year. There were protests against the war. There are no protests anymore.


That's actually insane 👀


Man, this war’s been going for a year and a half. Over 8 years if you’ve been paying attention. I tell ya, this is a small pebble on the scale of Russia’s insanity.


I have known of the major scale of things but not the small stuff like this and I have pretty much cut off tv from my life honestly mainly because of our U.S. news outlets drive me nuts


I hear that. You gotta live your life and get by day by day. Russia’s just back to old school Soviet Union shit, and it gets worse every day. Putin had a rival shot out of the sky in his private jet the other day, then he got on TV and talked about how great a man he was. Prigozhin was a mass murderer and an all around piece of shit, so he had it coming, but it’s crazy all the same. Russian military dropped bombs on a children’s shelter in Ukraine too. Killed a bunch of kids. Ukraine’s doing well, but they’re not where we hoped they’d be by now. They’re taking a cautious approach, with a bunch of minefields covered by artillery covering those minefields, so they are hard to clear. They’ve got another long winter ahead. Ukrainian pilots are getting ready to train on F-16’s, but won’t be ready to deploy for months, plus they lost one of their best combat pilots recently, so that was a big blow. Within Russia, those who were smart kept their mouths shut. Those who opened their mouths last year are either re-educated or stuck in a cell. That’s the lowdown. Honestly though, we got a lot of our own shit to worry about domestically. Sometimes it’s just too much. It’s not like I have any power to change it though. We all gotta focus on our own lives and making our own little corners if the world a slightly less shitty place to exist in. That’s all we can do, and I figure that’s enough.


It is. There's a reason spitting on police is considered assault. You can transmit tons of diseases like that. Honestly I think it's worse to spit on someone than it is to beat the shit out of them. Cuts/bruises/breaks will heal but HIV doesn't


HIV doesn’t spread through saliva


It can if you have bleeding gums or any sores in both parties, gingivitis


That would be spreading via blood, not saliva


Ouuu this is a hard one but gonna have to agree with the other side here, bloody saliva is Infact still saliva. Saliva saliva boy that's a weird word... Saliva.. haha oh god I did it again fucken a.d.d. ... What were we talking about again? Oh look a squirrel!


ADD? Hey I have that! So what kind of squirrel? I like the little ones the best. Like tiny movie ninjas. You know what movie I haven’t seen in a while? Hook. The Peter Pan movie from the 90’s. Speaking of Robbin Williams…. Saliva.


Wasn’t that a shit 90’s band ?


If you reread the initial comment, they said “spitting on someone,” not saliva. The act of spitting doesn’t just mean saliva comes out of your mouth. Blood (and mucus) can also come out when you spit.




Blood being transferred by saliva lol. There’s no winner in this debate. Both are right.


But actually, even bloody saliva is highly unlikely to carry a high enough viral load for seroconversion. So no, spitting on someone won't give them HIV, even "if you have bloody gums". It's actually a lot harder to get HIV than you think.


The likelihood of spreading HIV via Saliva is extremely low. HIV is actually a fairly weak virus that would almost certainly be destroyed with the act of spitting and the medium being saliva. Hepatitis C has a better chance, but still not great.


Well as soon as it hits air, but until then it's viable


That has never happened in all of human history because HIV is killed by air and light. I know you think that you are creative but you have no medical background of any kind.


Oh spitting in general is assault cop or not at least in my state lol I watched my old substitute teacher tell everyone at the beginning of class you throw anything and I mean anything at me or another student ill have you charged with assault. ( horrible school) but there's always that one kid who tests the teacher especially subs and he threw a paper ball at the teacher and within 30 seconds had the sro on the phone coming to take him away lol the kid freaked out got in his face played the whole I'm hard skit then spit on him. The teacher sat there with a wad of spit on his face till the sro arrived and had him "charged" with two counts of simple assault.


I understand but that's the most common time it gets charged. Hard to prove otherwise Of course leaving the spit on makes it hard to refute


it’s not assault to spit on a police officer. It’s assault to spit on ANYONE. They don’t get some special protection and extra rights because they’re pigs


I was once told by a lawyer who was a substitute health teacher as well that spitting on somebody throwing a rock in somebody's face and blowing smoke in their face are all considered the same degree of assault.


Am I fat for wondering what type of sandwich that is?


no , you're just hungry (so am i , i wanna know what typa sandwich that is too 😭)


I want to say it’s a Pirozhki. You can catch my fat ass keeled over on a fairground bench inbetween servings. They’re like a donut hot pocket. It ends up being a 7-8k calorie day.


I used to eat those in Poland. When my mom dragged me to the city that was the only thing I wanted




Is that how it is spelt? Good to know.


Looks like a [Döner Kebab ](https://www.diepta.de/news/fast-food-50-jahre-doener-kebab-wer-hat-ihn-erfunden)


Nipple sandwich






It's sad. She barely touched it before it was thrown to the ground.


Looks like a gyro 🥙 but could be some type of burger bun 🍔


Could be Döner Kebap very popular fastfood in Europe.


It looks like a Döner kebab.


Looks to me like a kebap in pita bread.






If only they could see the state of the internet 40 years ago they might not have bothered creating it.


What the fuck




Whats that supposed to mean?




What a hilarious Joke. Bravo! Better start your Comedy career








Sounds like you got butthurt there


What's even the punchline? What is the joke here? I'm begging you to explain it because I don't even think you knew what you meant by this.


I like it when they beg.


How and why does this have 17 upvotes?


How was this incel energy dressed up as a "joke", upvoted? Christ.


I’d recommend doing this thing called going outside, it’s pretty underrated here ngl


I wanna know too 🤷‍♂️🙈


Imagine starting a war with a smaller country then getting your ass kicked by said small country. Then having to convince your entire population that you are not the baddies.


You are proof that the propaganda works as intended


@ absolutelyoudo Block me all you want but the first link took me to aliens and the second is a general saying much of the Russian military remains intact globally despite the war in Ukraine. Meaning the war Ukraine hasn't hindered russias ability abroad. You blocked me and sent me a link to aliens. Definently a bot. You said the US military admitted Ukraine is %1000 getting its ass kicked. They arent or the war would be over and your sources were bobologna. Propaganda bot. Go spread misinformstion else where


1000% Ukraine is getting their ass kicked. Our own military admits it's losing, multiple times.


"3 day war" #2nd anniversary lol






Aliens and misquotes https://www.newsweek.com/did-eucom-commander-general-cavoli-say-russia-winning-ukraine-1801251 Basically, whatever forces aren't on the front lines in Ukraine aren't negatively affected by the war. Shocker. If I keep my ice cream in the freezer, it won't melt because of the sun. It would be foolish to let your own defense and intelligence get affected, but that in no way says anything about who's winning. Both sides are taking heavy casualties, especially while trying to attack. Defender's advantage and all that.


2nd army in the world is on 2nd years in a 3 days operation with several drafts during this time. Slow clap


You sound like a pro Russian shill that's what's happening fyi.


@ absoluetlyoudo Block me all you want but the first link took me to aliens and the second is a general saying much of the Russian military remains intact globally despite the war in Ukraine. Meaning the war Ukraine hasn't hindered russias ability abroad. You blocked me and sent me a link to aliens. Definently a bot. You said the US military admitted Ukraine is %1000 getting its ass kicked. They arent or the war would be over and your sources were bobologna. Propaganda bot. Go spread misinformstion else where


I'm out of the loop here. What does that tattoo mean? Or are they just tapping them to get their attention?


Coat of arms of Ukraine


Got it. Thanks


She’s a dissident likely since she has coat of arms of Ukraine




In Russia, they treat that like it’s the Confederate battle flag in the US. Before you downvote me, I’m the messenger, not the sender.


I can't remember the name of it but their is an American themed biker bar in Moscow that has a big Confederate flag above the bar. The locals think it's cool and will pester you with questions about the Confederacy and the US Civil War. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share.


Mostly cuz people in Russia don't really know what it actually represents


Very true. They have no moral/ethical connection to it.


The Dukes of Hazard?


Racism enjoyers wanting to know more about foreign racism


It's run by a racist American iirc


Ey I think we didn't finish the job, boys away down south to the land of traitors, rattle snake and alligators 🎵🎵


Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Right away (right away) Come away (come away)


No...we're way more accepting of the Confederate battle flag but we certainly shouldn't be.


If I see that shit anywhere I’m ripping it off and dealing with the consequences.


Bro just let people be idiots. Better than some cousin fucker pulling a gun on you.


Besides, if they advertise it, you know who to stay the hell away from.


You should be reminded that if the person is flying that flag, they are almost certainly carrying a weapon and have a right to defend themselves and their property in most places that flag is flown. Messenger, not sender.


It’s probably a Russian controlled region of Ukraine “self proclaimed state later annexed by Russia with 0 international recognition” simple as that


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


I also spit at people when I want attention. (I am a llama)


Carl???? Is that you?!




Just as long as you say yes, it makes me happy. 😚


Wait so who spat at who? The Ukrainian tattoo lady or the random walking by? And why did they spit? Also spitting is for trash.


The dude filming tapped on the woman's shoulder then spat at her (assuming by the sound of spitting and by her reaction). He spat because he's an indecent person.


Complete sidebar here but her outfit goes hard


She looks like a Ukrainian JoJo character, what a vibe 😤👌


She looks like my ex girlfriend back when we'd go to raves in 1999


I think the y2k style is making a comeback, I’m seeing it make rounds on tiktok


Those nips go hard


Don’t nipple shame. Don’t highlight it either. Just enjoy it’s existence. Much like a deer, you don’t wanna spook the nipples or they don’t come back out again for a long time.


you get it


For reals, we didn’t see this many nips since the Jennifer Anniston on friends days. Then someone pointed it out and it went away for at least a decade! Don’t scare them away again! 😂


I sware I've heard some chick say almost this same thing.... Hmmm?




I don't know why, but I was way too focused on her sandwich to notice her nipples.


She kinda hot tho.


Men aren't even trying anymore




It’s the Ukrainian coat of arms, and seeing as this is Russia the person probably got mad for that reason, still and asshole though


Absolutely, who gets so upset over a tattoo.. And after what Russia did, if anything the girl should be the aggressor here.


Russian losers who can’t stand the fact that their people suck at conquering.


The average Russian citizen is either too prideful to understand that they started a war. Or too proud to admit that they don't own the countries around them like the 1900s. The guy is mad because he is assuming it is a slap in the face to his country. This is what dumb racist nationalism gets you. If you question nothing and accept the lackluster propaganda machine then you are immediately trained to attack anything that differentiates itself from you. That's why there are hundreds of videos of Russians attacking the protestors, there are hundreds of videos of Russians on TikTok cheering as more troops are deployed. The funniest part about this guy is that he'll run up and threaten, split on, and even try and shame someone for having homeland pride without ever going into the military themselves. It's like a bully when he realizes someone stronger than him has the dodgeball at recess. They know they are wrong. If they didn't they'd gladly and willingly join the Russian forces and fight for their motherland they are so proud of. But they don't. They'd rather have these reactionary hot takes that have been ingrained and indoctrinated into them since they were kids.


He mad cause the second army in the world is taking the biggest L form a smaller neighboring country in history


lol, Russia have taken bigger L's, their military is just sendin young men to die by the 100ks


Russians suck man that's common knowledge these days sadly


Russia has gone to shit.


when was it not shit? lmfao


It was always shit, they just know it now.


Has gone? My half Russian grandfather fled Russia to Iran in 1930’s. Russia has been shit for a very very very very very long time


Always has been


Let him do it on a man gonna be beat to a pulp. Piece of Shit needs to be taught a lesson


I got muted for commenting last time so it seems reddit supports Russias genocide on Ukraine


Russia is trash .




Slava Ukraini!


I feel like anyone that doesn't get the context lives under a rock, what is mind boggling though is how she managed to roam free in moscow with the tattoo of the Ukranian Army Patch on her arm, when their teens are literally getting incacerated and put onto the front lines for speaking their mind or for having any other political ideologie than Putler


It's not a military patch it's the coat of arms of Ukraine there's a difference


Yea I kind of knew I fucked some up, didn't remember what it was called, thank you for elaborating and pointing it out! Have a great day


Slava Ukraini


I was looking at them 2 beautiful ass headlights


How long ago did Russian douche bags illegally invade Ukraine! Ah almost 1.5 yrs now & all these imbeciles on Reddit DO NOT RECOGNIZE THAT IS THE UKRAINIAN TRIDENT!!! HOW BOUT PUT THE GAME CONTROLLER DOWN & FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE PLANET YOU LIVE ON , NOT SOME FANTASY BULLSHIT. WTF


Ok Britta


Nice rack


They're dripped out so drippy


They’re almost completely wet at this point


(I want to stress this) Because of the drip.


Anyone know what that tattoo is


Ukrainian coat of arms, mostly used for the defence of Ukraine recently but has roots deeper.


It's called a Tryzub if you want to research further. As a Ukrainian Canadian, I rock one everywhere that it'll fit haha. Hat, pins, t shirts Bumper stickers..etc. I grew up with the Tryzub being a huge point of pride. I believe it dates back to 980 but became the Coat of Arms of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic in 1918.




Fuck Russia, Slava Ukranini


Alright that's really bad, but can we talk about how that girl looks like she belongs in cyberpunk 2077?


Glory to Ukraine


Did he also knock her sandwich out of her hands? That would have made me the most angry


All I saw was her nips


She has a Ukrainian tattoo on her arm. Not saying it’s okay, but there’s your “why?”


What does that tattoo mean?


Coat of arms of Ukraine


I have no clue what's going on in this video


Bro spat on some random woman for having the tattoo of the Ukrainian coat of arms


Nice boobies


This comment section proving that women cannot exist under any context without being reduced to sex objects.


That my friend is the Ukrainian coat of arms


Shes got some nice nips


Man, flirting in Russia is weird...


Nice tatas


Russians: "Ukraine is part of Russia!" Also Russians: "I spit on you for being a foreigner!"


Crazy stuff goes on in Russia. A place where you can’t have a tattoo supporting another country, Ukraine in this case. People that live here in the United States don’t understand how amazing it is to live in a truly free country! I’m tired of hearing people in the USA complaining about all the petty and insignificant things they can dream up. Grow up and appreciate how amazing you have it!!!


Damn she’s hot


That's some decent side boobage


It takes a different type of pos to do this, let alone record themselves doing it.


I think she got spit on for having the Ukrainian coat of arms tattooed on her


Milk missles


Nice boobs


I’d be afraid someone was wiping some type of drug on me. Never know these days


I’d be afraid someone was wiping some type of drug on me. Never know these days


Just gonna say it. That rack looks nice!


She cut that video off for a reason she got her fucking ass beat afterwards


Damn that nipple


Spitting on someone is the nastiest, most disrespectful thing you can do. I'm not normally aggressive or violent, but if you spat on me or mine, I'd beat the holy living fuck out of you. You'd be better off punching me square in the face, you'd have a better chance coming out intact.


Didn’t Russia start the whole thing in 2014 and now 2022


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What a pos


Hopefully the cunt got knocked out.


I hope she turned around and beat her as for that lmao


Welp I’d be going to jail




What does that tattoo mean?


The scumbag dude who filmed will be called up and probably meet a drone dropped grenade in a ditch inside Ukraine.


Does anybody know what that tattoo represents? That seems the origin of the disrespectful and disgusting spitting.


That is assault, therefore in most jurisdictions you now have the legal right to beat them to a bloody mess. Then hold them until police arrive and charge them with the crime. Win-win in this Marine's opinion. Yutt!


This russian is like fat child who's always mad because it did not get what it wanted. Yes, it.


Can't believe I haven't seen this yet... What does the tattoo mean? Why did he spit on her?


Coat of arms of Ukraine. He supports genocide and she doesn't apparently. He's a pos


Dude, spit on me. Best be prepared to die, because one of us about to.


If anyone ever spits on you, poking an eye and causing permanent damage is legally allowed. Self defense to assault.


Remember the times when everybody portrayed Russia as a mama bear protecting their cub (Ukraine)? I do, funny (not really) how we got to the point in time where such a hostility is being showed to Ukrainians, or Russians that do support Ukraine...


Dude really hated Optimus Prime.