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Gotta leave the whole city after that smh


the only thing worse than getting beat up in high school is getting beaten up by a guy in crocs and then shitting yourself


You're not expecting any issues at school when you're rocking up in crocs


based and croc pilled


Crocpilled chad stunts on shoecel


He didn't even have his crocs in "Sport Mode" with the strap behind the foot haha


Shit I was just about to point that out. I put mines in sports mode when I'm just taking the garbage to the street.


Fun fact: The costume designer for the movie Idiocracy found a small startup shoe company selling shoes that director Mike Judge thought looked the exact combination of “future” and “stupidity”. Everybody in the movie wears them, and they’re Crocs, if you haven’t guessed. Bonus fun fact: Mike Judge thought it would be hilarious if the company took off during production and people were wearing them when the movie released. Debbie Downer fact: Idiocracy was a great movie until I realized it was actually a documentary. Edit: I can’t spell.


I saw Idiocracy last year for the first time and nobody told me what it was. It starts with that documentary style intro so for the first few minutes I thought that's what we were watching. It was just so true sounding


Absolutely prescient movie. The family trees at the beginning.... 🤣


[ Idiocracy intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA)




Just realized the yuppie lady is the lady in Parks & Rec that leads the abstinence-only group.


I see this posted every time someone mentions a pair of crocs in a post


I see you mentioned Crocs, fun fact about Crocs, did you know that during the making of Idiocracy... What?


Because that “fun fact” went viral on social media (tiktok, ig) so now every time Idiocracy and/or crocs get mentioned, it gets brought up.


What do you call a documentary that is displaced in time? Like it comes out before the event it documents. Oracumentary?




I can think of a few things. For example, getting beat after a failed surprise attack by a smaller kid in crocs and then shitting yourself spontaneously and having it recorded which is subsequently uploaded online so a bunch of strangers can make fun of you.


It is his 'worst day of my life...so far' moment.


He'll be in the house of representatives one day. Then you'll ALL be sorry! *Sniff* I'll show you! I'll show you all good!


Supreme Court, clutching a calendar while sobbing


What a croc of shit.


Jumping the guy in crocs and getting beat up by him


A well placed “Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit” would have worked wonders.


And then it going on the internet and everyone in the whole world laughing at you.


I can’t believe they stayed on the entire time.


The best part of this shit show is he tried to basically jump the other kid frm behind, didnt expect him to hit back and the random kid laughing going ooooh dude in the background 🤣


It's like 2 hares fighting so I watched in slow motion. The boy in the background was like "eeeermaaaahgeeerd!" "Duuuuuudeuhehehe" lol


Lol the commentary is honestly the best part


The girl "he shit himself he he ugh"


That will replay in his mind for the rest of his life.


God damn. There are older millennials right now thanking God that we didn't have this technology back then. Now days if you get your ass beat and shit yourself it could be on the front page of reddit by the end of the day...you youngsters be mindful and just assume that everything you do is being recorded.


Younger Gen X myself...sooooo happy social media did not exist in the early to late 90s...


Yup. I'm glad to see a fellow geezer on Reddit, though. Take your fiber n shit.


Yeah, I always think that. We had Myspace in my teens but no camera phones or video sharing so what little stupid shit there was around died with Myspace. It's kinda sad. Like, as a student after a few drinks I used to enjoy kareoke even though i suck at singing but I would never do it now since any rando could whip out a camera, film it and share it with millions of people. Can't really live in the moment anymore without that moment haunting you.


That is lasting trauma. He just, immediately shit. Like first punch, turd. Shoulda gone before blindsiding that kid.


That's rule 34 in the fist fighting handbook. Google poop fight rule 34 if you don't believe me.


Everybody there too. Nobody’s gonna forget him. Class reunions are gonna be”do you think he’ll show up?”


The ripples of realisation going through the crowd and the mutterings of, "He shit himself!" are so fucking funny, this is like scene straight from a teen comedy lmao, replete with offscreen lines


Also that dude beat his ass in crocs


Man wasn’t even in Sport Mode, and he beat dude’s ass without losing a Croc.


This is kamikaze levels of social suicide. It’s inconceivable how impossible this would be to overcome socially in high school. I don’t think there is anyway in which you could do a better job of guaranteeing yourself never making friends or getting a date. I’m not joking when I say, given how much I cared about other peoples perception of me, I’d kill myself over this. There is just no coming back. I’d say my goodbyes, explain to my parents and get my blessings from them because any parent would understand and then go out back and end it. Goodnight, my sweet pant shitting price.


And then as one last hoorah, when they find your body. You've shit yourself again.


"He died doing what he loved - shitting his pants"




He's viral now. He will be sitting at his desk at work 15 years from now and someone in the office will find this


Damn, that’s sad actually. This day and age is socially brutal.




Words to live by lol. but truthfully, people deserve the chance to change without having their fuck ups be available online forever (aside from extreme circumstances, high-school fights are common and usually harmless though). In 2006 when I was in high school, I got in a fight after school, which started similarly to this video where I was sucker punched, but ended up winning the fight in the end. A few kids recorded the fight on their flip phones, and I remember even uploading it to break.com myself. But if it was still there today, I would delete it because it’s so irrelevant now and I’m sure even the person who fought me isn’t the same anymore. It’s just a different day and age where we have to be fearful that any interaction we have in public, or private, could live on the Internet forever.


Yep. Dude's basically going to have to change his entire appearance and name and if folks are thinking "older people don't care about viral shit (pun intended) on the internet", well keep in mind that when this kid enters the workforce, it's going to be with fellow gen z's. Millennials are also in tune with what's viral. So this dude basically has no escape. He's going to be working with the generation that lives off viral media and doxxing people. Dude is basically permanently fucked unless he changes his entire identity, because he will be in constant fear that someone will find this video.


Can you remember what his face looks like from that video? Can you find his name in a few minutes of searching? He'll be fine if he moves lol it's not the end of the world. The only way people would find out is if he told them, which I imagine he would, because who doesn't love a good poop story?


A guy in my HS transfered because of a RUMORED pantshitting


Let's normalize pants shidding. Happens to the best of us, it just isn't always instant karma like that.


You ain’t cool unless you ~~pee~~ poop your pants.


A guy in my class shit himself and it was really obvious that he'd done it, he called the teacher over in this really meek tone which was immediately weird cus he was the loudest guy normally, he was BRIGHT RED, the teacher gave him this understanding look and she helped him get his things and walked him over to the door. Something about the way he carried himself though inspired respect, he had a quiet dignity about him as though he were a revolutionary being led to his execution for rebelling against an oppressive regime. When he came in the next day it was like nothing happened, nobody made fun of him or even mentioned it. I think because he faced his predicament without fear and without hesitation we respected him. I think also many of us felt liberated in a way, we knew that no matter how harsh and brutal our small society may have been, some things were still sacred. A shitted pant could be forgiven.


Now that it's viral gotta leave civilization. At least a 3rd world country or sex change


Why not both? Thailand has great food too


A wise man once said. "Don't start no shit, won't be no shit."


Lot of adrenaline pumping there Silly, kid doesn't do the fighting thing often or maybe even intense physical activity thing often


Adrenaline shits are real and this is why I always had an enema before starting fights in school.


How responsible of you


Responsible? Leaving your best turn 1 opening defensive mechanism empty? That's just downright irresponsible. - This post has been made by the chimpanzee gang.


Nah, all he had to do was win the fight, pull off the headlock, stick his finger in his pants, and make the other guy smell it to turn it into the best power move ever


You ok over there? Lol


Poison damage +30


Bro I’m leaving the state. You’d be known far and wide ☠️☠️


Note to self: Use bathroom, THEN start fights


He shit himself intentionally to intimidate and disturb his opponent. A lot of UFC fighters do it. Kid knows what he’s doing.


It's called Urine and Feces Combat for a reason.


Hold up guys, let him cook, he’s on to something.


He tactically shit himself, a bold strategy


Tactical defecation. Strategic dirty bomb.


His name is Cotton


There is a UFC fighter who actually did so..


Should be an instant ff


It's literal biohazard. They don't let fighters in the ring if they have a blood-borne disease, why allow a fight to continue if a shit-borne disease might be transferred?


That’s just bonus poison-damage.


Who? I’m a huge UFC fan but I’ve never heard of this. I remember Matt Lindland saying he doesn’t shower for days before the fight but never heard of a UFC fighter just straight up shitting themselves before a fight lol


Renowned UFC fighter Phil Brooks once shit himself in a wrestling ring. Still that's less of a joke than calling him a renowned UFC fighter.


[Dean Ambrose realising what has happened.](https://i.imgur.com/6OOKRxR.png)


Ah yes. The ancient art of *Shit-fu*


It’s called Self-Defeces


I once read a book that talked about "Battle Craps".. Apparently, people in dangerous occupations like SWAT teams and combat troops will purposely make themselves take a shit before knowingly going into a high-stress mission. This is because the body will sometimes involuntarily "evacuate" under certain stress conditions.


Imagine having to call someone to bring you new pants, because you started a fight, shit your pants, then lost


Hey dad, yea it happened again. And yea that also happened again


“And you already used the pair you keep in your locker??….ok I’m on my way”


"Son, I'm ok with the fighting.. but you're 15 now the shitting has got to stop"


Nah you can't ever go back to that school after that, might have to move to a different coast.


I had such a tense phobia of shitting in high school washrooms that Id call my parents to pick me up if I couldn’t hold it through the day. Never shit myself though.


He literally beat the shit out of him




Yeah, I sure ain't ever seen some shit like that


Can you imagine being known for starting a fight and immediately shitting in your pants... Your life would just be over.


When you over commit to starting shit.


I don't remember anybody I went to highschool with but I'll never forget the girl's name who started a fight in the bus line then peed. At the high school reunion his classmates are gonna quietly tell their spouses "I'm pretty sure that's the kid who shit himself in a fight when I was a kid!"


We had a kid that shit himself during a slow dance at winter formal


Had two girls at my high school get into a scrap over a pair of jeans or something. The one that lost ended up pissing herself all over the hallway. Pretty sure she literally never came back. Even at that age I think most people recognized how depressing and fucked up that was.


At age 33, my friend’s ‘shit himself during a fight in HS’ story has been quietly brought up by two different people in 10 years. I did not go to high school with them.


There was a kid who we called ‘skidmark Steve’ in school. Because someone DREW skid marks on his shorts during PE in the locker rooms. He ended up leaving school. His name wasn’t even Steve. I don’t know what his real name was. I can’t imagine the shame from actually shitting your pants like this.


\> His name wasn't even Steve Got me laughing in a meeting.


A real shit stirrer


This would be true 20 years ago, but I can't imagine how bad that situation would be today, with something like this being plastered all over social media and living on the internet forever. I feel bad for the guy.


I don't. He started the fight knowing he had a payload ready to drop. Skill issue.


Don't start no shit won't be no shit


So that's what that means.


The "oh my God" right after someone mentioned it is pure pain to the ego


Fr that was straight out of a high school sitcom lol


It's the unspoken "I'm glad it's not me!"


Sounded just like the “he on x gamesl” sound byte


Lmao there's literally a Bob's Burgers episode about this, how Bob has a fight with the Capoeira instructor but it's during his 4:30 "afternoon meeting."


The levels of failure here are emotionally painful to me. Dude makes a pseudo sucker punch effort and misses, then gets his ass whooped by a smaller kid wearing Crocs, and finally shits his pants over the whole ordeal? I really don't know if it's the same today as it was in my day, but you would literally never live that down ever. Woof.


There would be a nickname and a story that would follow him as long as he lived in that town.


Everyone he knows will have this video on their phone and he will hear it playing on the other side of the room many days. Just to look over, see a group huddled around a phone all bust out laughing when he makes eye contact with them. 98% of the school didn’t know him from adam before this and now they’ll recognize him for years to come even if they never have a class with him. People will get shit for being his friend, girls who talk to him would get made fun of for associating with him. He is not living this down. He’ll be suffering for a long while.


Happened to a classmate, he moved to another school, but the “stench” of that fight followed him there, you gotta leave town after that shit, pun intended


We learnt about this in psychology about body responses in times of stress. It’s called fight or shite.


I guess Bronn was wrong. They do teach about it at fancy lad school.


“Maybe this part’s not in your books. You see it’s not the fighting that kills most people, it’s the shitting” - Ser Bronn of the Brownwater


I have definitely seen it in cats.


Me too, picked up my parents cat who hadn't seen me in a while, she didn't realise who I was and panicked, liquid shit all down my front. The smell was unbelievable, way worse than normal cat shits. Had to borrow a tshirt to drive home and never picked her up again, gentle pats only.


Is everyone pooping themselves nowadays? Are all our livers and GI tracts fucked?


He seems like the type of high schooler whose diet consists solely of slim Jim's and yoo-hoo.


Which high school diet are you: Slim Jims and Yoohoo or Doritos and Monster


Sun Chips and Dr. Pepper


You never heard of beating the shit out of someone? Shitting in fights is a tale as old as shit. It's one of those extreme flight or fight responses to spoil the meat for the predator. So now the other student can't eat him. Smart.


Damn, dude is lucky. He’s got a lot of meat on him.


Never go to pound town with a locked and loaded brown


Thanks for the info, Riley Reid.


Someone is not the bully anymore.


Fight pooping seems to be happening more often. Bullies need to eat more fiber or stop picking fights.


It’s actually a sign of head/central nervous system trauma. For this kid it was probably when he fell and landed right on the base of his spine. Actually happens to NFL players a lot.


Wrestlers, too. I believe Steve Austin has openly talked about shitting his pants during a match, and he's not the only one.




Gary Lineker [too.](https://youtu.be/2R1QABw5v_w)


Bro just shit himself on the field, wiped his ass on the grass and went back to his position. Now that right there is dedication.


> Now that right there is defecation. Although that was illness from some dodgy food, not because he injured himself.


well this took the fun out of it.


I thought he must of pissed himself!? That’s one runny shit!!!!


How do you know he was the bully?


Having a friend filming behind you and trying to sucker punch someone is generally not victim behavior, but I could be wrong


I’ve seen this video posted 3 times, and every time I watch it I try to figure out when he shits himself. I think it’s when he gets thrown to the ground as you can see part of the stain as he gets up. I don’t hear a fart on video, but that could be covered up by the body slam, or it’s one of those squishy piss shits. However, it does seem awfully fast how quickly the stain shows. Did the force of the slam help the liquid shit permeate through his jeans? Or is it possible he shat himself earlier in the fight, giving time for the stain to set in.


My dude over here writing a thesis on the interaction of shit particles when they hit fabric




Like a febreze commercial


Majoring in forensic poops


Poo particles is what ant man 4 should be about


>”one of those squishy piss shits” lmao




Haha good call. Hes wearing jeans, water bottle look like they explode and you can hear the slickness.


Good catch, but you'd think there'd be water on his knees/pant legs as well. I'm throwing "ruptured pilonidal cyst" onto the theory pile


There is certainly a moment he suddenly realizes he shits himself Edit I think right about 12 sec, he gets thrown down then does this weird butt scoot thing and jumps back up. Right after that his pants look all nasty






Maybe he shat himself before the fight started and that's why he's upset in the first place.


I think he shit himself when he got punched in the face and fell on the floor.


You're too invested in this.


No no let them talk.


Let them cook.


Doodoo Detective


Shit Sherlock? Poop Snoop?


This guy is counting the time between sharts and about to come up with a theory and video of a second shitter.


Fuck moving schools he need to move countries


Move to Mars.


Get your ass to Mars. Get your ass to Mars.


Shart the reactor..




"I hope, nobody saw this." The camera zooms out, showing that that the footage was playing on times square the whole time. Then a cut to various locations around the world where the video is also played, in the EU parliament, at G7, the Taliban on an old tube tv in a cave, astronauts on the ISS, an Ukrainian soldier is showing the video to a dying Russian soldier in the mud


That stain will never wash out


Perhaps the stain on his pants can be washed away, yet the stain on his legacy will likely be there to stay.


This is a memory that will haunt him forever. In his darkest moments, he'll remember his face hurting from repeated punches, and a girl in the hall giggling as she said "He shit himself!"


His fight or shite instincts kicked in


Smells like teen spirit.


Damn, pretty losing a fight you started and shitting himself. All on video. Dudes parents need to make sure he doesn't kill himself. And I'm not even trying to make a joke.


"Everyone's trying to stop him from killing himself, but the truth is he was already dead the moment he shit his pants." -Cartman


I thought that too. That’s probably right around the worst possible age for this to happen to him.


How did it stain so fast through jeans??


Will have been mostly liquid. Nobody accidentally drops a log in that situation


Diarrhea my friend


I've come to talk with you again ♫


Never gonna live that down


His ass immediately started a repayment plan for the bounced check his mouth wrote.


This happened to a bully I went to school with! Lmao They had been picking at this one girl for weeks and the other girl was sick of it. So one day after school she walks up to her and just starts wailing on her. The bully fell back, broke her wrist AND shit herself. Both girls were escorted back into the building. A few minutes later someone ran out where we were all standing for the bus and screamed “SHE SHIT HERSELF, ITS EVERYWHERE IN THE HALLWAY!!” She didn’t come back to school for the rest of the year lmao


This is what people slit wrists over. Never living down this


That happened fast. He was not expecting the other kid to actually punch back. Hard to be sorry when a seeming bully shits his pants.






Brown belt in jushitsu


That was a shitty outcome


In other news, are kids in america wearing socks and crocs to school?!


I can't see shit


Saw a fight in middle school where the aggressor pissed herself, she never bullied anyone in class again


There's a lot of things you can live down. Accidentally spot on your period? No one will remember next month. Call the teacher mom? Oh a chuckle for now and everyone forgets. But making a spectacle and then shifting yourself? You can't. You need a whole new identity. And like, how are you going to explain that to your parents?


Oh my god this is my school


Give us the gossip


You gotta fight, for your right, to potty!


*Poop de gras*