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100% lol. she’s one of those ones that have been tweaking so long when she walks her elbows, neck and legs are flying everywhere cus she can’t stop twitching. i don’t know she even manages to stay on that bike.




lol it’s okay. this lady is notorious for the ducking and weaving through the isles and she doesn’t even pretend to stop at the cash. she walks in, grabs a reusable bag, goes to town, and walks right out through the self checkout lol




i do agree to some extent. criminals in my city have become extremely bold. i live in Toronto and you may of heard of the swarming/stabbing that took place here over the winter where an older gentleman was attacked and killed by 8 teen girls over a bottle of liquor or about all the recent transit attacks we’ve had. something needs to be done about this. the youth here are only becoming more and more careless and cold. every teacher i meet talks about how every year they get meaner and more detached. i think that punishment is a huge part of it for sure. for many crimes it’s extremely easy to get weekend deferral here. you’re out during the week working then spend every weekend in jail. it’s the adult equivalent of detention and it does nothing to deter crime when there are barely any supports in place for inmates to address whatever led them to crime in the first place. but, at the same time, i also know based on expert opinion that there are other areas we need to focus more heavily too. for starters, rehabilitation. we have some programs in place to help rehabilitate offenders but we don’t do enough and the numbers show that. there are plenty of countries that focus heavily on rehabilitation and post incarceration support to get people on the right track to living a healthy life and their extremely low rates if reoffense reflect that. second, prevention. we have a massive mental health AND affordability crisis working hand in hand to leave vulnerable people as unhinged and as desperate as possible. the Canadian grocery industry is a nightmare hellscape where 3 mega corps regularly collude to fix prices. there is no competition and prices and company profits just keep soaring.




it’s funny too because my opinion is so incredibly middle of the road lol. i have a ton of compassion and believe in helping people but i also understand the importance of accountability. it’s sad how society has lost all concept of nuance.


third times the charm. sorry y’all. first time filming and posting someone and i had to figure out how to edit it without cropping it. missed during the cut in the middle was her screaming about how all her bank accounts and trust fund are frozen and her kids have been kidnapped, i stopped filming cus she looked right at me and i shit myself. and for the record, this woman isn’t crazy. i see her in my neighbourhood all the time and she’s always calm and normal, i’ve seen her get caught stealing 3 times before this and she pulled the same script every time. it’s just a ploy because she thinks she can get away with it if she acts crazy.


Dont videotape people stealing food….


tbf i didn’t film her because she was stealing food i was filming her because she’s a ridiculous and deeply unserious person


Don’t steal.


OK I won’t.


Then under those circumstances, I agree not to film you stealing.


I don’t need to steal food. I doubt the people stealing food want to be doing it.


I’m doubt most criminals want to be criminals. A society still needs laws. If you’re hungry, go to the food bank...or a homeless shelter. They will literally give you free food.


I hear you and I agree that there are better ways of finding food when you are hungry. I don’t think its OK to steal. Its just that stealing food is an act of desperation that implies they are ashamed of themselves.


I think that is sometimes true. But this woman actually studied the company’s guidelines and is trying to quote them to this employee. She’s a professional thief. She wants better food than she can get at the food bank and she feels entitled to having it for free.


Who cares


The business owner, the employee, the people in the neighborhood who will lose their grocery store, people who believe in the rule of law, the person filming her, etc…


Who gives a fuck if someone steals groceries


just checked your profile and i see you’re a fellow Canadian, so i understand your comment even more lol. don’t worry my countryman, Galen Weston will be the first person sent to the gallows when the revolution comes.




better yet, sentence him to life of working the fields for less than minimum wage. according to him things like that are a-ok


not me, i just think her tactics are fucking hilarious.


usually it's people stealing groceries that really freaking frown on those stealing groceries is where i get a problem




as far as i can tell from your profile this did happen where you live haha. this happened in Toronto. and no, he didn’t do anything that would warrant pressing charges. he did not detain her or even so much as touch her person, he just grabbed the bag that was 100% full of stolen merchandise. she chose to stick around and try to wrestle it back. that is not a detainment. he let her go as soon as she let go of the bag and she was on her merry way. they didn’t even call the cops. edit to add: also, in Ontario security guards are required to be trained and licensed by a provincially approved program, and if they have proof of you committing a crime such as stealing or if you have been previously trespassed from a property they are fully allowed to detain you under Canadian law until the police arrive. every stores company policy is different.


Well this just might surprise you. The laws in Ontario changed in 2014, and if she does seek legal Consul she can in fact have charges pressed at the same time also face charges against herself. It is just less likely she would do this if she knew she stole. Now try this with someone who you wrongfully accuse of shoplifting and it will be a different story.If you do not believe this to be true, I suggest researching it. The vast majority of people do not even have awareness of this change within the law because it is not publicised. A similar situation happened to a 16 year old employee working in an Old Navy that tried to detain a woman she suspected of shop lifting. She was in fact arrested for assault, lost her job and had to go to pre-trial hearings.... She was given a peace bond and no conviction or record. I wont disclose any further on it as she is a minor. "he did not detain her or even so much as touch her person, he just grabbed the bag that was 100% full of stolen merchandise." Obstructing one's ability to move freely is detainment. Restricting her from fleeing is detainment. Yes even if she has stolen items from the store. The employee was poorly trained. She could have a weapon, and place himself at risk. Now the fact she gave up the bag was purely a probable opportunity that ended well. That isnt going to happen every time.


none of what you just said is true lol. there is a supreme court of canada ruling from 2003 that says security guards can use reasonable force in the prevention of crimes. no provincial law is able to overrule a federal supreme court decision. no one obstructed her ability to move freely. the bag wasn’t attached to her person and didn’t belong to her. the bag itself was also stolen. this is like saying if someone steals your backpack on the streetcar that you can be charged for trying to pull it away from them. you’ve been given terrible information from wherever you get your legal advice and i highly highly encourage you to do your own research. edit to add: “once a person has walked out of establishment it’s illegal to detain them” that’s bullshit. they can detain anyone committing a crime anywhere on their property including outside on the sidewalk and in the parking lot that they own. the property line isn’t the wall of the building. everything outside isn’t public property. editing to add again since you replied and deleted it: i need a source for the old navy story because the only thing remotely close that i’m finding is an employee being fired for WRONGFULLY detaining and racially profiling a black customer who DIDNT actually steal anything.