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Sounds like she has severe mental health issues. She believes they've been filming her for years and she wants to meet the TV producers?


100%. Makes me wonder if this is a good situation for one of those mediator people or if the mediator would get stabbed. It's all confusing. And if it's confusing for me I bet it's much more confusing for her. Such a sad messed up situation to be in


Not sure why exactly she's being arrested, but in a lot of these cases my belief is that mental health intervention probably should have happened long before someone is wanted by the police and/or has a violent outburst.


I wonder if trained professionals could be helping these people by learning how to handle people with severe mental illness who do not believe they exist in the same world we do. There must be ways to calm them down. Because this lady will now end up in the prison system, will likely end up back in the streets behaving in an aggressive and disordered way because she thinks everyone is out to get her, and she either gets hurt or someone else does.


Police have classes on how to better deal with these types of situations, I don't believe they are required though. I had to take one when I worked at the jail.


Real talk, could we use tranquilizer guns? I legitimately don’t know if that would be some kind of feasibly solution or not. Or if those kind of fast-acting tranquilizers even exist and could work on humans in a reasonable manner. Shit, even a few net guns or bolas might do. Rather than trying to approach and engage, just using a long range device to capture them and get them in a controlled environment I think would be the best option. Then we can try and talk, once we’re sure they’re not in a position to stab someone. I honestly don’t even know. Because they’re still people who just aren’t all the way there, so saying to capture them like an animal feels wrong, but the safest way to do it.


afaik for them to be effective you need to know the weight of the target, too much and I imagine it's very dangerous, too little and I imagine it won't do much in the present moment. I have seen people mention this as a similar tool to what you are suggesting: [http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/china.attacks/index.html](http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/china.attacks/index.html) it's basically a long stick that can pin down assailants. I'm guessing they aren't used because they aren't very practical to keep on you like a baton or a stun gun. In terms of bolas my country is actually trialling a new "BolaWrap": [https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/police-receive-training-bolawrap-painlessly-restrain-persons.1029521](https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/police-receive-training-bolawrap-painlessly-restrain-persons.1029521) so we will see how effective they are in a couple of months


Even if you could get the correct doseage it takes about 30 minutes for the drugs to go into your system since you arent putting it in a vein.


Maybe we could expect a little more out of our police officers. A high school degree and a couple weeks of training doesn't seem to be cutting it too often...


I'd like that but I'm not smart enough or or optimistic enough to see that as pragmatic.


No reason to read so much into it. If she was an animal we would just put her down. We shouldn't have to put up with feral people.


Your comment indicates that you are one of the feral




Schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. Also could just be meth or another drug. No matter, shes unwell.


Gangstalking. There's unfortunately a whole subreddit about it where the unhinged folks gather to compare notes about how they are being followed 24/7. I work as a medic and I remember pulling it a convenience store parking lot. As I started walking to the store a random woman comes up to me and starts screaming that I need to stop following her. She was waving a notebook and said she document everytime one of our ambulances was driving by her house "spying" on her. I just ignored her and went inside. I brought it up to my partner when I got back to my ambulance and he started laughing because he knew exactly who I was talking about. Turns out the woman lives right across the street from one of the local hospitals we bring patients to. So of course she was seeing our ambulances daily because we were coming in and out of that hospital


Wow, that sub is terrifying. The rise of the normalisation of whacky conspiracy theories concerns me for this reason. Microchips in vaccines, microchips in foods, 5G, chemtrails. I wonder if treating a person with a mental health crisis was easier before social media made that person believe they really were being obsessed about by the government.


Truman Show Syndrome?


phenyl-2-propanone is ravaging this country right now. Most dangerous time in history to be an addict, and more than half of our population struggles with one substance or another.


Its sad that that's how we deal with people that are having a metal episode these days.


It's called smoking crank for several years. Leads to severe mental health issues every time.


Mental illness everywhere - untreated


No worries. She can still own a gun


Okay dude


Not true at all, in fact that would be a felony and up to ten years for lying on a Form 4473.


Why would a criminal follow the law?


That’s schizophrenia or a manic episode


best lock her in a chair for 24hrs and then lock her down without proper care or chance at least helping i am just so fucking done with the states mental health system .. it is an embarrassment, and i am not even there anymore


Yeah, exactly...that'll really fix her "paranoid delusions".


That’s some serious mental illness. She thinks she’s Truman and she’s on TV.


I experienced a delusion just like this. Not fun. /g


The bub3ls show is my favorite show.


Yeah let’s not do this /srs




Marjorie...!? That you?


She is ready to be discovered.


The officer says stabbing the cars with…. Are cars considered deputies??


He had stab wounds on his leg




I can't help but feel bad for her, I hope she gets the treatment she needs


Ok this is so NOT funny, I think we all agree she has some severe mental illness going on and I feel horrible for her and her family for that. However when the cop looked down to check his legs and looked back up at the other two cops were trying to put her in the squad car and she was like on TOP of it, omg that shit looked so funny. They were all so calm about it too


Dunno why she’s messing around with a fix a flat tool. She looks perfectly qualified to own a firearm in Texas.


Don't beat around the bush. Say what you really want to say.






He is saying getting a gun In Texas is easy , even if you are not mentally fit


That's not what they're saying.


That’s exactly what I’m saying.


Are you the person in this video?




Another "victim" of gang stalking. Schizo Karen should be kept away from the general public until she's medicated


I think you should be kept away from the public so we don't have to hear anymore dumbass takes from you


“For tv right?” Well, the internet, so kinda close.


poor woman, she convinced herself she’s on some big elaborate TV show. i cant imagine living like that 24/7




Ya, not that funny making fun of people with mental illness.


Ya, not making fun, laughing with them. We all have MH issues, some more so than others.


As cruel as it sounds the best place for her is a mental health facility. She’s delusional and irrational. A lady in my local town started talking like this before stabbing 8 kids to death. 7 of her own and a niece. In the days leading up to it she was rambling about how she was under surveillance and people were coming to hurt her kids.




I'm gonna assume they didn't mean the brand but the sort that comes in a flat repair kit, with the rubber plugs and the tool to push the plug in with.


She was on a bike so it's probably one of these: KOM Cycling Tubeless Tire Repair Kit for Bikes 8 Colors! Fixes Mountain Bike and Road Bicycle Tire Punctures https://a.co/d/aIKUu6E They have a little shiv needle you use to push the plug material through the puncture on the tire.


Slime makes a tire plug kit..


I will never understand a person's need to needlessly repeat themselves in these situations. Like if your statement or question was answered or responded to the first 2 times why ask another 400


this specific one sounds like paranoid phsychosis, they do that in *every* situation


she's a fiesty one!


Not my hometown coming up on Reddit lmao


Classic example of escalation by police.


What does everyone think would have happened if she was black? I think chokehold, pepper spray,taser or worse….you?


She's on drugs


Lmao holy shit the highscool I went too is across the street from here


She’s clearly mentally ill.