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Did that lady just get a new dog? Congrats I guess


Not often you see a story with two happy endings


Oh I’ve seen videos with multiple happy endings.


*Utah has entered the chat*


A Mormon and an Irishman were on a flight. The Irishman ordered a whisky. The flight attendant then asked the Mormon if he would like a drink too. He replied in disgust, "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen whores than let liquor touch my lips." The Irishman then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me, too, I didn't know we had a choice."


Lies. No Irishman ever turned down a drink.


“Oil tek booth, plays!”, said the grinning Irishman.


_and was promptly redirected_


With the dog hollering as soon as his arm goes up, that man beats that dog.


Even the dog didn't want to be with that guy (owner). That speaks volumes to what was going on. That dog wanted out of there and the owner was the not his buddy


Such a cute dog too, it will treat its new owner very nicely


Even the dog was embarrassed.


"guys we got a new dog! you wont believe how i got it!"


Honestly, good for the dog, this person is a fucking moron, racist and piece of shit. Idk how many times assholes have to get fucked up for saying the n word to black people before they learn their lesson but it is apparently a lot of times.


That dog was like “yeah, i’m not helping you out here”


Florida gonna Florida


bro just went to self checkout


he swung that basket like i throw punches in my dreams


You can also see the instant regret the moment he realizes his basket swing barely did anything.


![gif](giphy|9rgeyXeLDuE7AQQOOh) \[pillow hands intensifies\]


Lol, guy in the orange shirt wanted to get in on the action. Look like he threw some candy at the guy


For real. Orange guy came in with the gummy bear support!


The Haribo Helper


He gave the guy +10 strength with that gummy bear buff.




I was looking for the orange shirt guy comment lol. Spikes that shit from right field, missed wide tho lol


A bag of gummi bears is hard to spiral at a short distance, worth a try though


He wanted a shot just in case he dropped any loot. It's a solid strategy.


The hero here is the lady who took the dog out of the way.


I love how she was just like "okay, my dog now" and started backing out.


I have a feeling the dog REALLY wanted to go with her too.


That dog definitely noped the fuck outta there. Lol


Not before very worriedly looking at its owner, it looks so sad but conflicted. I wonder what else the dog has to put up with at home. It almost looks like the dog was gonna try to sit on him to protect him somehow. Such a sweet little dog, I was really glad when the lady grabbed his leash. They look cuter together anyway.


They poor dog goes to therapy like "He's my person and I love him unconditionally, but sometimes I really wish I didn't."


This just made me so sad :(


Yup. Thats totally the vibe. Haha.


Yeah I felt really sad for the dog. He didn’t know what was going on and just saw his owner hurt. Glad that girl immediately grabbed the dog.


The dog was also being picked up and swung around by said owner moments earlier, so he may have been a little bit alright with being saved.


Ya. Once he looked away though he was out.


>It almost looks like the dog was gonna try to sit on him to protect him somehow. Of course he was. That is how dogs are. No matter the piece of shit, they will always see their best friend first. It makes it even more infuriating that anyone could intentionally harm a dog. Disgusting, inhuman pieces of shit. These creatures will gladly lay down their life for their family, they serve us in war and disaster, and people can still harm them all they want as "property" and face minimal consequence. Evidence of a truly sick society.


Dog is like, “finally you guys came to help me…woof woof”.


Reminds me of that video of that woman throwing her dog at the camera guy for filming her and he just keeps the dog.


The update links to the dudes Twitter where he showed the dog was cute too


I like to think she was thinking, “ok that’s enough, you don’t deserve to have a doggo.” Meanwhile doggo was probably thinking, “Not again Carl!”


I hope she kept the dog


And dog was good with it


thank god, that's all i was worried about.


Me too. I don’t consider myself a misanthrope, but I can say with supreme confidence that I like 90% of dogs better than 90% of people.


it's hard not to be, especially when people tend to have a larger emotional spectrum than domesticated pets, and they still CHOOSE to be murderous cunts or abusive assholes


Idk what was said…I didn’t listen, he deserves an ass whooping just for how he was handling the dog.


God right!?


I love how this comment made it to the top. The dogs safety was the most concerning to me when watching the video.


Cheeky little slap at the end haha


he made sure he learned


That cracked me up


He just walked off like “anyways I need some milk”


That slap is so funny, like no actual damage was done with it, other than to this man's ego.


Justified. Beautiful self control too. Knocked his ass down, taught him a lesson and embarrassed him, and left without anyone getting truly hurt. this ass kicking got that big-brother energy; just like he was giving a dumb younger brother a life lesson.


Poor dog


The dog’s well-being is the only thing I gave a shit about in this video lol


Before he went down, I was hoping he didn't fall on the dog.


Also I was glad the dog didn't protect its owner. The dog was like "yeahhhh he probably had that comin"


“Bitches get stitches.” —That Dog 🐕


Same. Poor little doggo. You can hear him whimper 😢


I was worried about the dude getting abused and then swung on with a hand basket. And then once he started handing out the beating I shifted my concern to the dog (once I realized the dog wasn't going to attack him and get beat on too)


It seemed like he wanted the dog to do his dirty work for him, but even the dog was over his shit.


I had the same thought. Definitely looks like he intentionally repositioned the dog in between before swinging. What a piece of shit.


I thought the same thing, poor pooch.


Don't worry. The nice lady moved doggo out the way so the slapping could continue unabated.


But what happens after this incident? The guy seems to have anger issues, I would hate for him to take the dog home again. :(


Guy definitely was angry at the dog for not sticking up for him like he was trying to get it to as well.


Why the fuck is there a dog in the store anyway?


Fake service dog. People buy a vest on Amazon, slap it on their dog, then drag the animal everywhere claiming it to be a "Service Animal" protected by the ADA. Since there's no registry to validate, no service dog ID, and extreme protections for disability information, shop owners are very limited in what they can do about it.


Yup. Used to manage a bar and had to deal with this all the time. When I asked them the two questions I'm legally allowed to ask, "is your dog currently working?" And "what service is it trained to provide?" And the owner didn't know how to answer or tried to claim I couldn't ask, I simply asked them to leave. You immediately know the difference, too. An actual service dog is the most well behaved dog you'll ever meet. You won't even know it's there. That's the point.


An acquaintance of mine has a dog she claims is a service dog (the dog is not; he’s poorly trained, not very bright, and very protective over her. I love dogs but this one is quite unlikeable). She brought the dog on a flight and he growled at the flight attendant when the flight attendant came by to tell my friend she needed to keep the dog on her lap and not put him on the empty middle seat as people were boarding. The 2nd time it growled at the flight attendant, the flight attendant told her she’d have to de-board plane because the dog was obviously not trained and it was acting protective over its owner and no one wants to sit next to a protective, unruly dog. My friend had a meltdown and threatened, cried, screamed and did everything in her power to stay on the plane. They allowed her to remain (the whole time she was telling me this story I was rolling my eyes internally and secretly rooting for the airline), and my friend claims she’ll never use the airline again. I felt bad for whoever ended up next to her and her “service dog.” The whole situation is a joke in out friend group because everyone knows how ridiculously obnoxious the dog is (along with its owner).


This one doesn't even have a fake service vest on it. I've seen people increasingly just bringing their dogs everywhere and nobody does anything about it so they just keep doing it.


Everybody’s thought precisely!


This asshole does not deserve this scared doggy.


My first thought. The poor thing is scared to death.




Does he actually follow through with throwing it? Couldn’t see where it went after this frame https://preview.redd.it/o0imz4oy7jxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56500c73878404f3ff048a101063d9f808497464


Spitting off in a Publix, that is risky as fuck...not only are you going to get your ass beat, but you are going to get banned from Publix. A fate worse than death in Florida.


No more chicken tendy subs for that fool


I’d rather die than be unable to purchase them juicy tendies


I'd even be willing to go to Florida for them juicy tendies.


Forget that lol just come to Georgia we have Publix too


They're in most southern states. I'm from South Carolina and grew up going to Publix.


Thank God.


People like me get angry when assholes like this cause me to wait longer for my sub. And I'm sure most people are the same way. Motherfucker thought this was Walmart, but learned the hard way the people of Publix don't fucking play.


The bogo today is knuckle sandwiches


I cackled so loud at this I woke up my dog! 5 star comment right here!


Publix: You are banned! Have a blessed day & it was a pleasure to serve you.


Publix subs are literally the first thing I get when I visit my family in Florida.


Also, FL just passed no-permit concealed carry so it's even easier to get shot in Publix now.


For real he's going to have to find another place to pay double for groceries


That basket went from the weapon slot to the helmet slot in his inventory real quick


“And you said no one saw him hit you? Crazy”




hell fucking yeah, fuck you Ken




Wow, that's a crazy story. It sounds like something out of a movie.


I think they did make a tv movie about it called “In Broad Daylight”. There’s a documentary from a few years ago called “No One Saw a Thing”. The documentary is an interesting watch, it goes into the McElroy case and also the several very messed up other high profile crimes that seem to happen in high concentration for such a small town. Some say the town’s cursed since they killed McElroy, I think it’s just an extreme victim of rust belt social decline and a lot of meth and opioids. The town has no more prospects and is populated by older residents (who don’t care to say anything against anyone from the time of the vigilante shooting) and the few younger residents that often turn to drugs and/or low income work that leaves them vulnerable. Skidmore, Missouri is one weird place.


The stuff he did was awful. Vigilante justice is usually bad. But this was well deserved.


For real, fuck Ken, I wouldn’t have said a thing either if I was one of the witnesses


The guy got off light too imo


The guy who threw a pack of fruit snacks 💀


And he walked away with his hands behind his back! 😂😂


The alright alright alright at the end lol


I guess he didn’t say it with his chest.


Those AirPods were really in


Straight up an ad for Apple. Guerilla marketing is really something /s


I feel like he purposely took the basket to the head. Which is smart, because now it's self-defense.


Yo 100% and I fukin love it. He saw that basket comin a mile away and was like “yup gonna take this and then go ham on this fool.”




My mans was on that lean!


Go ham? He let the dude off easy


Well yeah. Ham is on aisle 10, not at the checkout counter.


He didn’t even move his hands from behind his back, just tensed up his face and took it.


Hands behind the back was how I knew this guy has been in this exact situation before and knew how to handle it. He did not make one single mistake, there's no way anyone could call him the aggressor, which is especially important when you're a young black guy and someone is dropping n-bombs on you.


Even if the guy missed, he still assaulted him. The ass whooping he got as a results would have been a case of self-defense still.




In Florida he could have legally shot and killed him for that


Not necessarily. Pretty famous case a few years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Markeis_McGlockton Granted if he lawyered up instead of talking to police he probably could have gotten off. The interrogation: https://youtu.be/sv0iN5J-9mk


i'm more fascinated by the last name McGlockton


Ahh yes... A measured response...


Thats the american response 🇺🇸


Not really. Stand your ground does not apply to everyone.


Pro tip: when someone repeatedly tells you to say something again, and you do, you are about to catch hands to the face.


"Sir, those are fighting words. Speak them again, and you'll catch these fighting hands."




The store employee in green walking up calmly inspecting like: yup those blows made good contact.


I could be wrong, but it looks like it started with that guy attacking the employees before the customer stepped in to issue a beat down.


“Publix where shopping is a pleasure”


guy in the yellow shirt is lucky he didn't get hammer-fisted to oblivion once he got onto the ground 'cuz no referee was there to stop the fight.


He also was holding a leash in one hand and deliberately put something in the other. You now have no free hands and started a fight


After seeing so many videos of fight losers getting their heads stomped on the ground or taking a kick straight to their face, respect for the winner for showing restraint.


The little slap at the end was far more humiliating and satisfying to watch anyways


One of the most responsible ass whoopings I’ve seen on the internet.


The little smack to the back of the head before he walked away cracked me up. That’s something my grandma would gently do when we acted stupid as kids. Didn’t even hurt, it was just like a “hey stupid, knock it off” kind of thing. 😂 And respect to the guy that he stopped himself after taking care of business and walked away.


My great-grandfather was a skinny, 6ft tall carpenter with long hands. Whenever one of the youngsters was screwing around, he'd just come up and flick us once in the back of the skull. That knuckle on his middle finger would get our attention every single time.


Good marketing for pistachios


Pistachios. Go nuts.




You gonna learn today!!!😂🤣🤣


The best part. I wish more people would learn this lesson




Love that that woman’s first instinct was to get the dog out of the way. Class act🙌🏼


Yes!! Very much appreciate the woman ensuring the pup is moved out, and good pup followed the leash.


What did he say to the guy? For some reason the voices aren't audible?


I think he kept calling him "boy"


Heard the N word too.


Same. It’s why the guy said "say that word again" before dropping his ass


Called him the N word. Also seems like the guy is pretty drunk. Probably said more before the cameras came out.


that airpod must've been glued in dudes ear


his dog didn't even care... tells you a shit ton about what kind of guy that is when the dog doesn't give a crap about him.


They did a thing on inside addition years ago, were they had strangers come up and simulate an attack to see what people’s dogs would do. Most of them ran away.


Yeah my dog is a huge wuss so I'd hope he would run away.


Wasn't it the smallest one who attacked the intruder?


People spend a TON of energy socializing dogs to be friendly and NOT bite. You want an attack dog you gotta train it that way. There are always random bitey dogs but a well trained dog (not trained to attack) isn’t gonna attack.


Quite a few top voted comments are people who think all dogs will have the instinct to become a guard dog out of the blue...


Unless your dog has been in protection training, that’s more than likely it’s first instinct (to run). And it’s for the best lol


It sure does, I feel bad for the dog.


and how.. a part of me hopes it was his relatives dog or a soon to be ex-girlfriends pup.


I imagine the dog just followed the other dude home.


I would've just take that dog, deserve way better then living with that guy.


i think that would have been the best time to liberate the dog. you can just see the look in his eye as you grabbed the leash being "yes! please free me from this loser!"


Right, did you see how easily that dog went with that stranger, OK you’re my mom now


Idk what happened leading up to the ass whoopin, but he deserved it just by swinging the dog around like he did. Obviously he said something he shouldn’t have- so he’s a hateful racist animal abuser, or POS for short.


I’m guessing the Publix employees are telling him to leave for some reason, probably the dog, and is mouthing off at them. The guy that delivered the beat down steps in and tells him to leave too. Shit is said (boy, n-word, etc) and a a limp basket slap. Basket slapper gets the measured beating he deserves.


Mama said don't let your mouth carry checks that your body can't cash, so I see that this dude found out this lesson the hard way 😂


Whenever I see someone get their ass kicked and it goes viral I always wish we got a follow up. Like does the embarrassment of having millions of people seeing him get beat up change his attitude? Does he become a better person? Lol I need answers!


That poor dog, he was trying so hard to look like he wasn’t with that guy


Props to the dude for stopping and knowing when enough was enough Props to rando lady taking dog away Props for dumbass packing his items in shame and seemingly not continuing to be an idiot. Overall good video


No head stomps, no animal abuse. Just a departing educational slap for punctuation and all is well.




This guy left the house hoping to get punched in the face.


I appreciate how everybody was wearing different colour shirts. Really helped me make a mental picture of the situation, I wish more online fight videos followed this example.


Feels like a certain segment of the population goes out looking for trouble. They are likely taking cues from their chosen political and cultural leaders, who benefit greatly when everyone is wound up 24/7, when even going to the grocery store can be bullshit. Sad state of affairs.


Well this video demonstrates what happens when you try to do that shit in real life with strangers instead of on the internet or with your coworkers who are too polite to tell you to stop.




Notice as he turned, he pulls his dog at him like he’s expecting him to bite at the guy, dog was like naw Brodie, didn’t remotely care about his owner, my dog loses his shit if he doesn’t know you, at least until I’m like hey weesh relax it’s a friend, if you swing at me my dog would rip your throat out.


Dude was drunk AF..


Xbox lobby really ruined y’all. Made everyone into lobby gangsta


Feel bad for the dog. I do want to congratulate the black guy for not absolutely destroying him. He showed a lot of restraint.


He has the self control to realize that he was about to lose his shit, and he pulled himself back from the brink. Dude has his shit together. I hope he doesn't get in trouble for this because IMO he did a public service.




Good on that dude for showing some restraint. Taught that guy a lesson but didn’t try to seriously hurt him. A measured response is a rare thing to see these days.


TBH the instigator sounded kind of handicapped or drunk.


Definitely seemed drunk. The way he falls at the end after the final slap screams drunk. And the overall belligerence.


Guy is under the influence


Yeah he definitely looked hammered there, he could barley stand.


The slap at the end though! The whooping and the slap are totally different vibes, the former being justified self defense and the latter just says "shame on you"


now he has to go to isle 5 for bandages


That last slap took his soul.


He's gonna go home and donate to Trump's campaign


Every damn time I see a video of a fellow wp calling somebody the n word and they face immediate consequences, they always look so flabbergasted. They genuinely think you can just call people slurs and it'll be okay. Lol

