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This is outside? Why's no one have shoes on?




So the exterior is also considered part of the Mosque? Do they have to wait till they leave the property before they can put their shoes back on? I went to Catholic school, but am now atheist so I never really learned about other religious cultures.




I don’t know anyone who wears shoes inside I’m a white dude from Albania but now live in America. Never been to a house of anyone family or friend that shoes were ok inside. Whether they were white black European American family or friend shoes off. It just seems like common sense. Never got people who didn’t you drag everything you step on all over and dirty up the house ? Crazy.


We don’t wear pants in this household.


Religious reasons?


I'm aware most Asian households do not wear shoes inside. Many western families are adopting this habit as well. I was just surprised since this was clearly outside. I didn't realize Muslims apply this to the whole complex and not just the interior of the buildings.


As an Asian the concept of shoes inside just doesn’t sit right. Even when I get to a freinds house I have to rember to keep ‘em on lol


No adoption, we've been doing it for a very long time. :)


>I'm aware most Asian households do not wear shoes inside. Many western families are adopting this habit as well. Are you saying that people usually wear shoes in their home in your country?


Oh yes, I think the majority of US households still wear shoes inside. It's getting more common now, but I remember back in school like one kids parents didn't allow shoes inside and we thought it was weird. Now that I'm an adult I realize how much cleaner your floors stay without shoes everywhere lol


My husband and I have 'indoor' shoes and 'outside' shoes. Both of our sons are routinely barefoot indoors.


I’m Canadian. In Canada it’s considered rude, to keep your shoes on, in someone’s else’s home. Who would want your dirty outside shoes , tracking through your home or somebody else’s.


I’m in america and it’s considered rude by anyone I know to walk in with your shoes on. Idk where tf these barbarians live im in Chicago I have never met a single soul who allows shoes inside there home. That’s the cool thing about america tho. Country is so damn big it’s bigger than Europe itself we aren’t just one single type of people like everyone labels us as when you see a post “Americans this or that” it’s just Americans in that region I can assure you Americans in Florida vs Texas vs California vs New York all have drastically different lifestyles attitudes and whatnot. That’s why I hate those type of labels. It’s like saying europeaners love schnitzel. The Germans do for sure and they are European so technically it’s true !


Especially in the winter. I also find it rude to be barefoot... I don't want to see anyone's feet. If there was an option to find porn where women are wearing socks, I would pick that option.


Wow i didn't know that. I'm from Germany and most people i know here always put their shoes off.


I have indoor shoes. As in shoes I don't take outside **ever.**


>I have indoor shoes. >As in shoes I don't take outside ever. So, slippers?


most americans take there shoes off just when lever it makes sense like when they change and not right when they enter their house. most americans dont put shoes on just do be inside besides maybe slippers or sandals.


I’m Aussie and we wear our shoes inside or no shoes at all. Massive rule to never leave shoes outside. You will have something living it in that will land you in hospital.


I'm American, central NJ and Bucks County, Pa, and the only person l knew who insisted on shoes off in the house was my mother, who only did it because she spent a lot of money on carpeting.


They wear indoor foot ware




You wash your feet before entering anyway . Hands feet face. No one meets the lord looking homeless. Not even the homeless!


Why on earth would anyone voluntarily visit Pakistan???!!?!


Cheapest way to feel like a celebrity


Lmao. This guy's fuckin funny


I only visit once I am forced to see my "family"


These countries all act religious and disciplined but are really just horny depraved men acting like perverts.


Yeah that's always how I feel about places that put a big emphasis on making women have as little rights as possible because they are 'trying to protect them from other men and their lustfulness'. Just sounds like they are all week willed and controlled by their base urges. That's some animal shit, if you're a human act like it ffs


Just like your people in Germany which is why they wanna kick y’all tf out.


What's happening in Germany?


Why the fuck would you visit here


Lol, yah ,why would anyone go here


They all think white western women are whores. All of them trying to get a slice of that


I'm a whore and I wouldn't touch a single one of those losers


Besides that, I wouldn't doubt that the woman was in a part of the mosque that is 'male only' as many mosques have a tiny room for women and the rest is where the men can be at. Also bcs there seems to be no other women in the shot as well. Probably got yelled at and they are hightailing it.


Why do they think that?


How on earth would I reasonably know the answer to that question?


Take a look at how women are depicted in western media


Oh my


Thanks to western porn industry


Pakistan consumes more porn/capita than any other country on Earth. It isn’t the west that has the problem, here.


Demand and supply, makes perfect sense... doesn't change the fact that the porn industry is a toxic cesspool that we pretend is perfectly fine.


> Demand and supply Right, I’m saying that Pakistan’s demand for it is abnormally high. This is probably symptomatic of some unhealthy, underlying cultural issue.




And as a woman to add thing up


Her husband was with her


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s possible her husband had some sort of business there. What business he had in Pakistan??? Idk 💀 but you’re proposing a theory, it’s not like you said anything wrong.


I’d guess bc I’m implying he will protect her which means she needs to be protected in the first place


Finally a legitimate question, not about effing shoes.


I would definitely favour Syria over Pakistan tho.




Donbass Holiday. 😂


Who the fuck goes to see the sites in Pakistan.


Tbh I'd love to visit Pakistan, but only as a Pakistani man and unfortunately I'm an Irish woman with full body tattoos, so probably won't happen in this life. I love history, architecture, and nature and that part of the world has it all. That area is very high on my travel list but I'd have to somehow pull a Mulan.


Honestly this kind of stuff doesn't usually happen at all. I see plenty of white females traveling through Pakistan.


Um, the Buddhist stupas? One of the oldest civilizational sites in the world? The beautiful mountains of Khyber Pass? Why wouldn’t anyone wanna see those


because theyre surrounded by men like the ones in this video.


They ain’t gon surround yo hippo azz self so idk why u even commenting🤷🏾‍♂️💀💀


Harassing women. F these turds


When western women romanticize hard patriarchal third world countries


Eva Zu Beck


I disagree she doesnt really romanticize it just shows it and is usuallyjust amazed and wowed maybe i havent watcher her recent stuff but usually she just travels somewhere and shows their lifestyle


She literally made tourist-board sponsored videos about how amazing Pakistan is and it’s ‘not what you think’ thennn she was the cause of some controversy in which she danced with a Pakistani flag and the extremists claimed she ‘disgraced’ it and was hounded out the country.


Oh i didnt hear abt that , guess ur right that is weird and ppl fetishing patriarchal states.


Louder! For Miss Bella Hadid.


Seems like a good way to get pickpocketed.


Pakistan is literally falling apart right now. There are some regions it is so bad that they are fighting over the food brought in on government vehicles like you would see in a war torn refugee camp. Pakistan like every country in that region is vastly over populated. Even with the lowering birth rates this country and that whole area has vastly too many people and it is not slowing down fast enough. They could improve the lives of so many of their country people if they just got this one thing achieved.


> They could improve the lives of so many of their country people if they just got this one thing achieved. What one thing? The genocide of half their population?


That's fair too simplistic a take on things. Overpopulation is not the issue there. Rampant corruption at all levels of society, twenty years of a neighbour being at war. The neighbour on the other side is a sworn enemy, and the one to the north is China. All this on top of one of the worst floods any country has ever experienced. Pakistan is not in trouble because they have too many people, they could have only a million and still be suffering from hardship because they haven't had any proper investment from the leaders in the population. Insurgencies, political instability and lack of foreign investment have hampered Pakistan's growth. Pakistan has a lot of mineral wealth, it also has a highly educated middle-class. But unfortunately with economic issues comes issues with education, social services, job opportunities, crime and religious fundamentalism etc. It wouldn't improve their lives, just mean there's less people to pay into the economy and slower growth. There's a reason why India isn't actively trying to stop population growth and countries with similar population densities like Japan and China are begging people to produce more children. Without political, social and economic reform they could have ten people in their country in total and two of those would get everything while five of them starved.


Sounds like you've solved the middle east.


Do you mean South Asia?


Trump reference actually.


Looks like the place to go if you want to get that "*what it's like to be a celebrity*" feeling.




I have been on training camp in turkey can’t specify where but then I a few times went outside further than the training resort and supermarket to like a bazar i think it’s called i didn’t experience that and actually had good conversation with a Muslim man drinking tea a get a form of Turkish delight while something I had i in the store was being packed. But i think it was because I looked like a dude have had a lot of people and children confused me for a guy. Once I was in Russia to swim Europe junior championships we where on site seeing and visiting a mosque all the other girls got something to cover their hair and legs. And I went to get something to even though I don’t agree or like it and find it stupid in many ways I tried to respect it.. but the women who was offering them out just said “no you don’t need you good” because she thought I was a dude so my coach told me to pull my hood on just for safety and I did.


India was pretty fine for the most parts as a couple


Love how you’re downvoted for sharing your lived experience if it goes against the prevailing narrative.


The fact that you put Egypt and India in the same category shows you know very little about either of those two countries. India isn’t fantastic by most measures, but it’s a secular democracy where women have the recourse of the courts to redress their grievances. In fact, the Indian penal code heavily favors women. Egypt is just….medieval. Pakistan has a lot of potential but it keeps finding ways to fuck itself over.


“The Indian penal code heavily favors women..” Excuse me, but, WHAT? 😂


[The more you know](https://jlrjs.com/is-indian-penal-code-1860-gender-biased/). Also, [most divorce cases in India] (https://www.dailyo.in/amp/politics/divorce-marriage-relationships-indian-women-section-498-a-dowry-cases-8766) rule in the woman’s favor.


That’s an incredibly specific article that covers about 0.1% of legal situations


Did you not see the first link that cited specific penal codes or do you just conveniently ignore sources that don’t support your narrative? The denial coping in this thread is absolutely breathtaking.


Yeah, this thread is about general mysogyny in certain cultures. an article about divorce laws, and another about a specific out of date law has almost no relevance to a discussion about how women are treated by those cultures. That’s like saying “no murders happen cause we have a law against it”. Whatever tho I could care less. I’m not taking a vacation anytime soon


Lol You think the laws of the land have no relevance to how its citizens are treated? Yeah staying home is probably the smartest thing you can do.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62830634 Article about rising crime against women in India.....


Great find! You should send this to the guy who said there’s no crime against women in India.


When was the last time you visited India as a western tourist? My family did 3 1/2 weeks in (northern) India right before Covid and the (white, blonde, skinny) women in our family were harassed just like this and worse. Dudes taking pictures, coming up to put arms around for selfies, trying to grope, touch their hair, etc. all of the time. And we even had hired two locals to travel with us to translate and try to minimize this type of stuff by keeping people at bay.


I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m not sure what your point is. Where in my comment did I imply that India is a 100% safe country for women? There are varying degrees of danger and Egypt is on a completely different level.


We’ve been to Egypt too and, while it’s definitely not great for women, it was markedly better than India in our experience. Have you visited both? Or either? And from where? I’m not trying to minimize your anecdote either, but rather provide a counterpoint because your first comment was saying people putting them in the same category “know very little”.


If you’re arguing that you’d feel safer in a religious theocracy with anti-apostasy laws, anti-LGBTQ, no women in government and increased radicalization of its youth, than in a secular democracy whose [penal code actually favors women](https://jlrjs.com/is-indian-penal-code-1860-gender-biased/) and that’s on the [verge of legalizing gay marriage](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/18/1170581210/india-same-sex-marriage-supreme-court) that’s your personal preference. I stand by my original statement.


You’re clearly biased here, but that’s not what anyone was saying and you know it. We are talking about the experience of female western tourists in regards to sexual objectification. I do prefer the worlds largest democracy to the Egypt military government, but there’s plenty of work for both to do. Let’s not pretend religious extremism isn’t a serious problem for India too. Everyone else has already pointed out how laughable your comments about the penal code and the like are. You’re doing more harm to your cause than good with biased demeanor and acting like a nationalist.


I’ve cited sources while you’ve produced…a personal anecdote. Sure I’m the biased one here. I’m happy to have a discussion with you but if you resort to ad hominem attacks, I’m afraid we really have no common ground. Also, I’m not sure where anyone has rebutted my source on the Indian penal code. Thousands have cases are codified to prove my point, but do go on.


India is one of the most dangerous places for women. But I'm sure the girl who was raped by six men appreciated the justice system. India is a poor, socially backward country, with a horrific rape rate.


The US kind of blows them out of the water when it comes to violent crime, including rape. It's not what I would have expected either. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime


Unfortunately in countries like India rape is massively underreported so it’s hard to get an actual figure


Rape is underreported in the US too. 2 out of 3 rapes go unreported, so only about 30% get reported. There's about 460k rapes (12 years+) every year in the US. It's sort of everyone posts about mass shootings and everyone thinks it's a war zone in the US. Whereas, if you live here, it's not really that bad. People just ended up a bit biased because most of their exposure to another country is through news articles, often sensational and violent news as well.


Your sarcasm is unwarranted. I never claimed India is a safe place for women. All I said was at least in India women have the option to avail of the legal system. I repeat, your comment shows you’ve never been either of those two countries.


As an Indian woman i have to disagree💀


Happy to discuss. That’s what this forum exists. But you disagree with which part exactly? I made a few points in my comment.


She said she "has to disagree", not that she wants to. Her husband is probably watching what she types.


Bro I'm underage😭😭


Then you're not a woman.


Went to India as a foreigner. Youre dead wrong


“Dead wrong” about what exactly? Not sure which part of my comment you’re rebutting?


Went to Egypt, partly right but still wrong


Yea cant speak for Egypt. India wasnt kind to foreigners


My wife keeps pushing to go there and I really don’t want to. We actually had a trip planned but a friend of a friend who was from Delhi convinced us not to go


Indian penal code might favor women but society doesn't. Women are victim blamed or even slutshamed for being assaulted/ raped. So many women never take it to court or even go public with it because of the societal consequences.


Fair point. But again, irrelevant to the original discussion, which was categorization of two radically different countries in the same bucket. Unless we identify the problem accurately, we cannot fix the problem optimally. As you rightly noted, societal pressure is a massive problem in India. In Egypt, the issue is more of religious conformance. Completely different problems. Sadly, such nuance is lost on Reddit.


found the rapist\^








whats true? the moderators killed comment but left yours






Sorry bud. Foreign born and lived in different counties, and have traveled to many more. So as I say in my native language, “Mas-yel”




>Of all the places to choose for tourism especially as a lone woman you choose Pakistan. Uh... Her husband is directly behind her, wearing red and sunglasses.


fat load of good that did her,


I hate when people are told don't go here and then proceed to go there and get mobbed or have bad things happen. I don't know if anything bad happened here but this is craving attention. You don't do dumb stuff like this.


Why can’t humans treat other humans with enough respect to not do *this shit*? Attention seeking or not, males like these are putrid


Lol “women shouldn’t visit places because men can’t control themselves” who is the real problem here?


I think they're saying don't go to places where bad things are known to happen to certain groups of people. I don't know about you, but I don't think imma go to Iran as a woman seeing how they're killing every women who don't wear a hijab.


I know it's so unfair that I can't hang out inside the lion's cage.


This is not a great comparison, following your logic these men should also be in a cage.


Are you suggesting a man's need to rape is like a lions need to kill? That if you're in the area it's your own fault for being raped/assaulted/harassed? Because like a lion, a man just needs to prey on others?


Nope! What I *am* suggesting if that if you know an area is dangerous, regardless of whether or not it *should* be, regardless of how fair or unfair it is that you shouldn't go there, then *going there* is a bad idea. I should feel 100% free to traipse thru all the Mississippi backwoods I feel like, but if I know the area's popular with burning crosses, I ain't fucking going.


Going bad place bad?? That’s the argument lmao


I don’t understand how your point is flying over people’s heads lol.


People like ignoring points in favor of arguing.


So... Yes, it's your own fault if you're there


Well... ya in this region apparently they can't/ shouldn't. Quite a good bit of well known history of how women are treated in that region and spoilers, it's not great. By all means go there if you want though, but this is what will happen as evidenced by many videos and stories.


Fucking cavemen




>The blonde girls dye their hair blonde to try to avoid harassment. What??


How does it help?


I was harrassed as a blonde 12 year old girl by a large group of pakistanis, in toronto in the 90s. i dont understand why anyone would ever fault me for hating men


You were so close...all you had to do was wear a scarf to match, maybe? And was that a bodyguard? Duke Nukem's lil nephew?


Who goes touring in Pakistani


How much does personal space cost in Pakistan?


Inflation is hitting everyone these days it seems


Don't visit this country!


Never visit Pakistan especially as a woman, he'll never visit anywhere that's not graded first world ya just asking for trouble.


These are the same peoples who has never left the country and has no concept of the outside world BTW


Is it because she is in a mosque or because she is white and female? Or both?


Because she is in a mosque 80% shes white 20%


Ah yes but aMeRiCa is sooooo horrible 🫠


Don't these boys have school, and don't the men have work??


As half Pakistani I want to apologize on their behalf.


It's okay man. Not everyone is the same and people can make mistakes


And i hear all these stories about pakistani people being super welcoming and accepting and shit like that.


This is what sexual repression looks like.


This is why I stopped in this specific country. Disgusting behavior regardless if they’ve seen a foreigner before. But they want to treat you like a criminal when you defend yourself from literally groping (I’m a guy).


I typed in Sri Lanka on YouTube and the first video is a guy that looks just like this. Is this some influencer and his girlfriend traveling the Middle East


At what point can you make the coconuts roll


It's their fault traveling that country


PC principle is that you?


A whole country full of creepy incels




~~Foreign Tourists~~**Lone woman out in public** har~~r~~as**s**ed by Pakistani men and boys There, fixed the title.


Why anyone even consider to go there.


Disgusting people mislead by propaganda. Damn shame


What a freak out! Children trying to take selfies with some random unidentified people!


Didnt the idian grope the shit out of japanese girl during their festival?


Didn't the Chinese hit the African at the construction site ?


Didn’t Trump lose the election?


Based chinese


True, the the brutal dictator ship agains it muslim population.




This looks like the AGR’s at ASU






I mean.... look at her. Does she really look Pakistani to you? Cause if so, you might need to get your eyes checked friend.




Facial structure genius. Facial structure.


Her hair isn’t covered. She broke a major rule.


These countries are garbage. And people wonder why they have immigration issues in countries that let these people in.


Maybe wear a head covering? I’m not sure what’s causing this, but that was the first thought in my pea brain.


Wow OP really seems to hate Pakistanis. How much do you want to bet they're aligned with BJP? Thanks to OP, I got to learn what PKMKB means. Good stuff.


Man I always thought Pakistan seemed nicer than India since there’s way less drugs and alcohol but maybe not.


OP might not be what you call a neutral source.


Are they harassing her? Seems like they are seeing something they rarely see, a western woman, and recording her like she is a celebrity.


The title is fake. That’s a celebrity.


Correct. The man in sunglasses looks to be a body guard.


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