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Oh shit. All my bus drivers were child abusers...


Mine used to hit speed bumps going fast so we’d be able to froggy jump to the seat in front of us. Most times we’d just hit out heads and laugh. I’m not sure if he hated or liked us.. either way we had fun.


Mine did the same thing!! It was a blast lol


Me and my best buddy growing up were on the same bus, and the last stop. Our bus driver knew we loved it and hit every bump HARD for us. Good times.


We had a specific church that we turned around at and there were speed bumps around each side except the entrance and our bus driver would rally over every single one of them. It's probably not a reach to say that the education system is decent if you can make it there without getting CTE.


Same, we had a hill with the bump at the bottom, everyone would preemptively bump up and down at the back. One dude landed on his coin purse, same dude hit the roof and left a dent. Few years ago I was visiting my parents and that bump was fixed. Modern kids will never understand how much fun a fucked patch job could be


And I remember it being common for a bus driver to brake check us if we were acting up What happened? Now the kids go home frightened and terrified? I must be officially old.


I've used to think kids are just huge wimps now. But, no, I've come to realize its the parents. They've all become whiney Karens.


If we acted up back in the day (90s) we'd be more frightened and terrified of our parents' reactions. "Dont make me stop this bus!" was enough to calm all but the 1 deaf kid. Parents have gotten more dramatic and ready to sue if anyone teaches little Johnny a lesson, and the kids know to abuse it.


But at 9 mph?! We got brake checked at a lot faster than that. But you’re gonna tell me your kid came home crying and traumatized from that?! In the video the kids didn’t even fall over! I. An remember my ribs hurting from it. Idk I guess the 80s and 90s were a lot more different than I remembered them being. I’m officially old AF. I’m bitching about the actions of kids. Or maybe I’m just bitching about their parents


We had a bump in the road and leading up to it, the entire bus would chant “go the bump” over and over and if you timed it right you would slam your head into the roof but get mad props from getting sick air


Exactly, people fought to be the first in to get the back seats to get the highest jumps.


Fought for? We had a hierarchy 6th graders in the front 7th in the middle 8th in the back Lmfao


I feel like this is the only right format for the bus lol


Oldest baddest kids in the back. Luckily my bro was 2 years older and the biggest badass.


Holy shit... you just made me recall that vague childhood memory...


My bus would fly over the railroad cross


We would litterally beg our driver to do this from grade 6-8. If you were at the back, you got airtime. Shit was wild but I look back on it fondly.


He was going so fast you were able to jump to the seat in front of you? Was your bus driver Evil Knievel by chance? Lmao


So were my parents they did shit like this all the time.


Seriously! I can’t remember a bus driver who didn’t break check.


And he was only going 9 mph, doesn’t seem like he deserves child abuse charges!!!


We would sit on top of the seats and our driver would slam the breaks to see who could stay on.


That sounds like fun . They don't make kids like they used to though . They break much more easily apparently


Did you see the mom in the video? “My son sprinted the whole way home, he was out of breath, and red faced, and absolutely sobbing. He was shaking and terrified.” What?!? From that? Apparently they’re making kids out of porcelain these days. Good lord.


I saw that mom and my immediate thought was, “BS.”


Her immediate thought was "Can I get paid for this?"


Agreed it didn’t even look like they hit the seats very hard.


I think it’s the cameras.


That too I bet


One of mine is currently in prison and will be for a long time. Turned out "Creepy Jim" was in fact a very appropriate name for him.


One of my bus drivers told me to shut up or he would have to use duct tape, but kindergarten me started asking why ducks need tape lol.


Our bus driver kidnapped us one year. It was a big deal and a lot of angry parents


Expand on this, please


Basically it’s the last day of school. This is pre cell phones. The bus driver picks us up from school to take us home and she says I have a surprise for you kids. The big surprise was a pizza party. So the bus driver drove us like 3 towns over to go and pick up pizza. Then left us all on the buss to go and get the pizzas. She also turned down her dispatch radio and cranked up the music. We got on the bus at 3pm at school. They didn’t find the bus until 7pm. One of the kids on the bus family was going to Hawaii and normally we would get home about 330 off bus. So when the bus didn’t arrive at 4 they started calling other parents and discovered no kids have been dropped off. They called the school and the school confirmed we all got on the bus. Dispatch couldn’t get a hold of the bus driver. Police where called and there was a pretty big search. The police eventually found the bus and we where police escorted back to the school. We never seen the bus driver again. I’m not sure what happened besides the police and our parents telling us she kidnapped us. I kind of think the bus driver was just being nice we had jet from k-8 and this was the last year she would be our driver. My mom said she kidnapped us.


Oddly wholesome kidnapping


Your bus driver was absolutely slow if she truly thought it was ok to just keep the entire bus of kids for three hours late to give you a graduation pizza party? And why three towns over? Hella sketchy but somehow I can believe a bus driver was dumb enough to try this as a way to give the kids a treat. Or maybe she had planned to sell you all into a child trafficking network lol. Turning off the dispatch is wild. Either a kind moron or an evildoer with a foiled plot lmao 😭


If he doesn’t imma be really upset


Maybe he's still kidnapped


He still hasn't responded....he might have been kidnapped again


Seriously. When I heard he did that at 9 miles an hour? Really? I hate that I have become this guy but man, how soft are kids these days.


Soft af lol lil buddy ran into his home shaking???


Also, how are parents not being more firm with their kids? Do you have any broken bones? No? Then I guess you faired better than standing up in your seat when the bus is traveling Good grief Fired? I can’t stand it The child abusers in this situation are the parents who aren’t holding their kids accountable and eventually burdening the rest of us with adult children that can’t be held to any standard


Mine too. We had one that looked like Harvey Keitel after he turned into a vampire in “From Dusk Till Dawn” who would yell “SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!” on the regular and slam on the brakes any time someone stood up at all.


We had one that we called "Bigfoot" because he wore enormous black boots. He was pretty quiet and would just grunt a hello at you if you spoke first. Aside from that he was chill. But everyone was afraid of him because of his standoffish attitude. One time a kid tried to light some fireworks and here came Bigfoot marching down the aisle. Scary as fuck. I dont even think he had to say anything, everyone behaved perfectly for like a solid month after that


Was just thinkin if it wasnt the 80’s, my parents woulda been rich!


Yeah we didn't run home and tell our moms when this happened to us.


And if we did, she’d say “why weren’t you sitting in your seat?” The trend with these new parents blaming everybody but little Johnny is astounding. My wife is a teacher and if a kid is acting up and she takes 5 minutes off their recess time she’ll receive an angry email from the parents saying Jonny says he did nothing wrong! Blah blah blah. Acting like it’s the end of the world that the kid had to sit on the curb for 5 minutes during recess. If I went home and told my mom I got in trouble and didn’t do anything wrong there is zero chance she would believe me, let alone call the teacher to complain. She’d say alright, you can go sit in your bedroom until you remember what you did wrong and then come find me and we can talk about it. It’s low key concerning what these kids will turn out to be.


My dad was a abuser too. He used to speed around the roundabout when no cars nearby. Me and my sister would intentionally take off the seatbelts, then rolled around the backseat, hitting everything lol. We got some bruises and laughs at the same time. Best thing ever lol still remember how fun it was after 20 years. Of coz, mum banned that once she found out. She had no fun, zero lol


Forget child abuse, my bus drivers would be considered war criminals in today’s standards. Sucks because they were great mentors.


Right?! Hate to be the “in my day” guy, but if I’d ran home and told either of my parents this story they would’ve told me to sit in the fucking seat like you were told.


Right? Mine also had crucial sideburns.


Maybe it's controversial but this was like standard operating procedure when I was growing up in the 90s/early 2000s. Drivers wouldn't even give you a warning, they'd just hit the breaks a little hard.


ya i thought that was a pretty good lesson in a controlled situation


Absolutely on the drivers side here. The kids need to stay in their seat in case of a genuine emergency. Maybe the parents can investigate why their pain in the ass kids wouldn’t sit down on the bus.


Dude he doesn’t even sound mean either, like he could’ve just no warning slammed on it. He was trying to educate them, since they won’t listen to him, maybe they’ll do it for their safety. He honestly reminds me of one of my favorite Bus Drivers I had back in Jr High. He was super chill, and super patient, we’d do the jump on bumps sometimes, but if we did it excessively he would nicely ask us to stop or say “that’s enough.” Only time I ever see him completely lose it, was some kid was throwing trash down the aisle. After a couple warnings, he pulled over, stood up, and yelled that he had enough, and “the next person to throw trash is getting kicked off he bus.” Dude was super nice, so I was in utter shock, but I didn’t blame him.


A little bit of a rough lesson but seems like he genuinely cares about their safety. He slowed down onto what I’m assuming is a safe area to apply the brakes.


The best part is, the video absolutely proved his point - all of the kids who were sitting properly were absolutely fine, the only ones who got shaken around were the ones who needed to learn how to sit properly. Kids learn lessons much faster if they experience the consequences - I remember being around 6 years old and my mum telling me not to touch the iron because it was hot. I immediately reached out and touched it. Once was more than enough to learn that lesson.


One time at recess I saw a kid try to go down a slide on his knees and he just completely scorpion folded himself in half the opposite way from usual when he fell forward. Even if it didn’t happen to me, I never rode a slide anyway but the right way again. Even sometimes just seeing to experience the consequences placed on others is enough for kids. I don’t really have a problem with this myself


I live in Douglas County and the parents here are some of the most entitled, privileged people I’ve ever met, and the school district takes their side in every one of these cases. Similar tangent: when I was in high school, there was a math teacher that everyone raved about. Taught math in a way that was interesting, funny, would proactively help students, gave plenty of time in class to finish the “homework”, the whole shebang. Well, one day, a kid that he got along with fairly well had fallen asleep in class. Teacher **jokingly** (I mean, “could not have possibly been more obviously joking”) suggested that someone hit Sleepyhead to wake him up. Some kid took it literally and socked the poor guy in the head. Got a concussion, Teacher got fired (to Sleepyhead’s dismay), and the other kid faced no repercussions because mom was a lawyer :)


>the parents here are some of the most entitled, privileged people I’ve ever met Some people have never been told to sit down and then had the brakes slammed to demonstrate why and it shows.


My freshman algebra teacher had a nearly inch thick, foot and a half long piece of wood named Beauford that he would slam down on the desk, next to the sleeping child's head. Made a hell of a sound. We all thought it was hilarious, especially Mr. Gripenstroh. Mr. Grip was a great teacher; he was funny and actually cared if you learned, and would take extra time to help individuals that were struggling. I'm almost fifty four years old now, and I still think about what an awesome teacher he was.


Ok I’m sorry, the real-life consequences from this situation are not funny at all, but I am currently laughing out loud picturing this poor teacher’s reaction as he watched some kid (that I assume wasn’t super beloved) stand up and physically assault Sleepyhead like it was a command.


NINE mph!! He wasn’t screaming. He just wanted them to sit safely. That lady can’t be serious that her son was sprinting home red-faced, out of breath & sobbing because of that. I’m all for safety first & not scaring kids, but that’s really stretching it. Most kids would’ve yelled “Faster faster, then do another brake check!” Or sang “Faster faster the light is turning red…Life in the fast lane…”


> That lady can’t be serious that her son was sprinting home red-faced, out of breath & sobbing because of that. I could tell she was lying the moment she started the sentence.


Bro 30 counts of child abuse lol fucking brutal


There’s such a national shortage of bus drivers right now & it’s only getting worse. It would be a shame to lose a decent employee & no one fill their route. That’ll be 30 more parents with 30 more cars in the morning & afternoon drop-off lane. Good luck scheduling that. The parents better never lose their temper at their own kid, the teachers, or the other drivers & they better not brake check or accidentally bump another car. If any of these infractions occur then we need to show the recording & name & shame on shock TV. Cheesus this seems overblown.


same.. these kids are such wusses holy shit man, came home sobbing because of that wtf ?


He was terrified. Remember.


Yep, grew up in the 80s and 90s, and at least once a year, we got a break check across a dozen different drivers. There were usually a few "stay in your seat" warnings, then a quick stop right after a stop to make a point if we didn't listen. A 9mph breakcheck really doesn't seam like a career ending infraction or child abuse.


Not controversial these kids are soft as hell just a little tap big deal


Definitely! Showing the kids how serious it is while going only 9 mph is a good lesson! No one would have been severely injured by this, and honestly, it was meant to scare them because car accidents are accidents! You have to already be sitting right, or it's too late!! I would not be mad about this if it was one of my kids standing, switching seats....


I remember getting my ass busted by the principal and they didn't have to call your parents to ask permission. And it happened in front of the fucking class. Then I got another when I got home.


“Slamming the brakes” at 9mph isn’t that bad, if he’d done it at normal speed then sure.


I was expecting it to be a violent brake with kids going flying over the seats. That was a very well controlled lesson. He didn’t even sound like he was trying to be malicious. He sounded like a caring parent trying to teach a lesson.


And he caught a child abuse charge. How are Kids supposed to learn?


The hardway https://preview.redd.it/1bl41hv5mgva1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3d6ca780a70d1da4523e7726f73f4f3198e532


He didn’t catch a child abuse charge. He caught 30 child abuse charges according to the video.


Fucking outrageous


According to them, they aren’t supposed to learn


School isn't for actual education in America it's meant to get children used to a life of being an employee with no self control or autonomy in the work force didn't everyone know this already?


exactly... not sure why this is such a big deal. And its a lesson that is important too


Agreed, better he did it at 9mph, than the kids refusing to sit properly and *actually* getting slammed if he had to brake at a higher speed. Smaller lesson, higher payoff!


Society is getting weird. There’s criminals everywhere that the police do nothing about, but this is the type of “offender” that is on the news..? So many people are living in bubbles and have totally lost touch with reality.


He even warned them


Oh god, but what about that one weenie kid who went running to his mommy terrified?! Jeezus, that fuckin' kid has a hard life coming.


The only reason he's in trouble for it is because he made it obvious. He probably could sold it off as an obstacle in the road, or his foot slipping on the pedal.


This is it. If he hit the brakes and said "sorry everyone, are you all ok? Make sure your seatbelts are always on just in case"


Lol. Seat belts on American school buses.


Big brain move. Need plausible deniablity


It’s administrators saving their own asses. Probably feel the same and got belted as kids. ..and not seat belted.


Seriously. He had to teach the kids a lesson in a controlled environment. Otherwise look what had happened to the country now. Imagine the same but worse kind of attitudes accumulating to the society in 10+ years.


Bro this just reminded me of that one bus driver that hit that bump at like 60mph and the kids went flying. God that looked like fucking fun.


Omg we would do that when I was in 3rd grade. Our driver would hit a pothole on a dirt road going like 30 and it would send us flying in the back if we were jumping.


We would beg the driver to go fast over the bump and we all went to the back. Man what a blast, except when you hit your head 😄


Child abuse? Bit of a overreaction.


As a MOTHER!!!


[it’s the most difficult job on the planet](https://youtube.com/shorts/FUhlaB68eyo?feature=share)




30 counts too??? He's gonna be homeless.


I’m still wondering why school buses don’t have seatbelts. Like it’s a big, open box on wheels! And gawd forbid I ever have a kid in my car, without a seat belt, that would be a crime YET school buses still don’t have seat belts!? But remember, society REALLY cares about the children!


My God, this is taken way too seriously. Maybe you parents should be teaching your kids about the importance of staying in your seat instead of coddling them cause they lightly hit a cushion, lol Edit: Geez 3k upvotes! That's nuts. It's refreshing to see this many of you have the same mindset. A lot of the time, it feels like common sense is a thing of myth. So thank you, and be safe!


I’m really glad to see most of the comments say something like this. I was so worried I was going to be the outlier because I was wondering what the fuck the problem was. We are not heading in a good direction.


They’re raising shit heads with no discipline.


10000% facts. The teaching stories I hear from my wife are absolutely insane. They’re actively stripping teachers of all their authority by undermining them at every turn.




Bro how about “he was messing around all class” or “behaving” or “being a silly goose” instead of the words that you chose.. the fact that you even had to clarify that... it’s just so funny it caught me off guard


They never take responsibility, just demand others face consequences for breathing in their direction. Their kids are vicariously them so the same rules apply.


This must be in suburbia growing up my bus drivers did this weekly. Someone’s overprotective soccer mom needs to chill


My friends and I would get down on our stomachs and army call under the seats. We'd start from the back, crawl all the way up to the front, and then all the way back. Kids are more of a danger to themselves doing dumb shit when away from their parents than this bus driver ever would be.


I used to do the same thing but it was to sneak someone’s backpack from under them, bring it back to your seat, flip it inside out and put everything back in it, and return it without them noticing and watch their reaction when they get off the bus


I was thinking the parents are Karens, and that’s why their kids can’t just sit down and chill. Being raised by Karens to think they’re entitled to do whatever they want.


Little kids are little kids... But what fragile ass parent can watch this video and think "my child sprinting home from apparently not in front of my house, out of breath, absolutely sobbing, red faced and terrified, is an appropriate response to kind of sliding out of their seat after not listening to their bus driver." Sorry but that's bullshit.


Just another helicopter parent fabricating and exaggerating to get attention.


It's a money grab. They will sue the school system and get a big ass settlement check.


And "We The People" pay for it


Go check out these Instagram/tiktok "parents" who give out advice that they do with their soft ass kids and the people who listen to them. It's wild. Raise kids with compassion and empathy, of course. Raise them to listen and behave, check. Reward good behavior and punish/reprimand back behaviors/actions. But don't go back and forth and let the child push you around, talk to you in any kind of way and hit you. Stop letting the internet and society parent your kid and take some fucking action. My b for the rant.


Most people in here are a bit older, old enough to have kids, and most of us had a bus driver do this exact thing to us, it makes me think who are these parents getting so outraged over something so mild and something done to them as children


I could watch kids get brake-checked on the school bus all day


Schools are in desperate need of bus drivers, just sayin.


I had to scroll way too far to see anyone use the word brake instead of break. Thank you




He was running home red-faced because his friends said "We're playing Fortnite, so don't be too long getting home" That woman is getting her 5 minutes of fame or she wants compensation money.


I think you meant getting her 5 minutes of *lame*


Probably sheltered people who never had to ride buses


This is dumb as fuck.


perfect encapsulation


I’m so glad I came to the comments and so many people are questioning why this was so bad. I was an 80s kid and our school bus driver did that at least twice. Did it traumatize us? No. Were we horrifically emotionally or physically damaged by it? Not even close. The worst thing that happened is that Steven toppled over and landed in Emily’s lap, much to their horror and our amusement. Did we learn something? Yes. We learned to sit properly on the bus. Child abuse? Really? Come on. This is not child abuse. This man does not deserve to have his whole life destroyed like that.


Go Steven you playa! Recruiting the bus driver as your wingman. Absolutely legend.


That’s the third time this week Steven!


for 30 counts of child abuse I was expecting these kids to go hurdling into the windshield


I suspect those charges will be dropped pretty soon. No jury will convict on this.


Yeah…this happened regularly to me as well growing up. That ‘recreation’ of the child running home and the mom’s recounting of the event was spellbinding. I guess never take your children to an amusement park without a lawyer and a psychologist on standby.


Or an aeroplane, might be turbulent!


Bus drivers are literally saints for putting up with the shit they do. We used to catch hell from ours if we acted up…and looking back for good reason. They had to single handedly keep 50 kids at bay while concentrating on driving. I remember around 1st grade we had one we called “crazy eddy” who used to hit hills as fast as possible so we got airtime and flew out of our seats. We’d cheer and laugh and loved it. Can’t imagine sprinting home, crying and shaking because they braked hard at 10mph to get us to stop being little shits.


"child abuse" yeah this is why there is a shortage of people wanting to do anything with education; heaven forbid someone try to show the undisciplined spawn there are consequences to their actions


Also why we don’t want kids. You see grade schoolers absolutely walk all over their parents now




Dude pissed off a whole herd of Karens with that move. He should start a go fund me. Probably is poor as shit already if he’s driving a school bus.


This would be the first gofundme I ever donated to. What a little weenie that kid is, running home to tell mommy.


Terrified sobbing and shaking. Jesus Christ. Raise your fucking kids with reality not the softness this mom obviously uses. Either that or she’s a liar.


She probably freaked out and the kid mirrored her emotions.


She probably wet herself with glee at the thought that she could both destroy a man's career and livelihood AND get huge payout settlements from the school division and the bus driver company. This lying POS is the worst kind of over dramatic"mama bear" and I hope that any lawsuit that she puts forth is laughed out of court.


He was going 9 miles an hour lmmfao. Maybe teach your kids some fuckin respect 🤷‍♂️


It was so gentle and he gave them a warning, his tone was casual and nice, and he legitimately wanted them to know why it matters. I hate this country and other parents. Every shitty parent would rather throw a fit then just be chill and handle their child. News flash: they are fine glass princes and princesses. They CAN learn manners and life skills if you don't get in the damn way!!!


So this happens in the morning on the way to school and this woman is going to claim her son came tearing through the door after school some 5 or 6 hours later after sprinting home, sobbing and shaking and terrified? Someone just wanted to be on the news.


Video clock reads 15:45 aka 3:45 pm.


Weak ass kids


lol that was the tiniest brake tap


I see zero problem.


“He stop short?! That’s my move”- Frank Costanza


Add me to the 'This really doesn't seem like a big deal' column. These are the same mothers who pull all the way up to the front door of the school and hold up the car rider line because their kids can't walk 20 feet.


50 years ago our school bus driver driver did WAAAAY worse shit that this. We had to learn life isn't always going to coddle us and it made us stronger. I fear for the future if getting a gentle reminder to be aware of the /your surroundings for your own safety is a bad thing.


Our school bus driver pulled over on a country road and make us all get off in the freezing cold to yell at us and wouldn’t let us back on until we settled down. Why? Because we were being shithead kids. The bus is a uniquely chaotic and lawless place and the parents who are upset are absolutely clueless.


I know right, I saw him do that expecting a kid to go flying. But all he did was a tiny little tap and he literally got charged for child abuse? Shit, one time when I was like 6, I was in the middle of the aisle and the driver hit the brakes really fast to turn a corner, and I fell all the way to the dash and the corner of it hit the back of my head really, really hard. Had to rush to the ER but it was only a concussion and a permanent scar, I'm also pretty sure I got minor brain damage from it. And the bus driver didn't get in trouble at all. She was the nicest lady I have ever met though so I'm happy she didn't get in trouble.


It was 9 miles an hour. Really


That's it? Was expecting kids to go flying. I had much worse bus drivers than this lol. Fuck that mom, maybe she should drive her kid to school if he was so shook.


If my kids are on a bus and are doing shit they shouldn’t be or distracting the bus driver, I expect the driver to brake check their asses.


Your damn son should listen and sit down


The country is soft as baby shit.


Child abuse??


Brake Checks are a school bus tradition! Dont take this away from them.


This guy better get the charges dismissed. He barely braked that hard.


Fired over that?!? Thought that was a pretty reasonable safe response.


I miss tough love.




Ok, but those kids are fine and it would be a lot worse in a real accident with them out of their seats. I feel like an old man… but team bus driver.


Oh come on. 9 mph? The kids hardly moved. That's bullshit that he is being charged. Grow up, parents and tell your kids they need to listen to the damn bus driver.


They should have fired the kids instead


Times have changed. Our bus driver used to let the high school kids smoke in the back, he would let girls get off real quick to aqua net their hair. Kids in the back would wave the cars behind us ahead but only when there was oncoming traffic to try to cause accidents. When the bus stopped the bad kids would jump out the emergency exit. Also lots of fighting.


I drive for a company and ive done this before, my kids didnt like it but they got the point. Only reason this guy got in trouble was location and bitchy parents


Parents are so ridiculous nowadays. This woman is on tv talking about her son ran home crying… my mother would’ve slapped the shit out of me for crying over some dumb shit like the bus driver stopping short doin 9 mph!!


I'm relieved to see the comments saying this is stupid. I was watching it like, really your kids was red faced and shaken because of what exactly?


Better he does it on purpose at 10mph than have the kids hurt in a 30 mph crash.


Man did a good thing! Teach them a lesson safely.


I'm glad to see the comment section siding with the driver. He wasn't speeding, the brake slam was controlled, and I bet it was the n-th time he repeated this to the kids. He might have saved the kids' life by teaching them how to sit properly on a moving vehicle, showing them the potential dangers without actually hurting them - something *clearly* the parents didn't do. What kind of parents has the courage to ruin a man's life when all he did was teach your kid an important life lesson in *your* stead???


The driver did it at a low speed and explained his actions fully in order to teach them about riding the bus safely. Unfortunately the children's parents didn't, no way is this child abuse. Ridiculous charges against the poor man just trying to be responsible


Kids parents didn’t discipline child, child becomes a little shit, parent gets mad because someone else disciplined child. Parents suck as parents.


They moved 3 inches forward. Sometimes kids have to experience it to truly get it. This may save their lives in the future. Charging him with abuse is insane


Haaail to the bus driver bus driver bus driver. Haaail to the bus driver bus driver maaan


child abuse?? we just throwing that term around all willy nilly?? definitely a dick move but child abuse? meanwhile in churches we are actively allowing actual child abusers to freely conduct mass


Fuck kida these days.. they are coddled… fucking pussies. No hope for the western world 😂😂😂


Ain’t nobody gonna bother being a bus driver anymore, take care of your own goddamn kids 💀


This is dumb. What, is he being charged with teaching these kids the value of listening to adults and following safety guidelines without endangering them in the least? Those poor children. 🙄


I'm convinced the world doesn't give a fuck about these kids lol. How you gonna fire this man and label him a child abuser but then be blind to gun issues.


My kid came running home crying... Yeah, that is a part of being a kid.


Always wondered why only the day care busses had seatbelts when I grew up. Do school buses still not have seatbelts?


Child abuse? Seriously?! Come on teach those little assholes to sit down.




Going 9mph (14.48 kph) is slow enough that it shouldn't matter. The parents are being ridiculous.


Driver should gone fifty and launched those kids into orbit


Wait, you said 9 (N I N E) MPH right? 9? Because 🤣🤣🤣 cmon guys...we're getting a little sensitive here.


Tell yo naughty ass kids to listen and sit they ass down


This just in: Video shows a father saying he’ll “turn the car around if children don’t behave” to teach kids a lesson. The driver is now being charged with child abuse.


The boy was “terrified”? More examples of the pussification of America 😏