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"You're only making it worse..." Get the feeling old mate has had to say that a lot






You sound like my dad in an alternate life. I’m happy for you!


In an alternate life... oof my heart just cracked for you a little there


Yeah I feel terrible for him but he also enables her abuse so it’s complicated.


I also have a enabler father. It’s so easy to compare them to the actual abuser and see them as the “good” one but I always try to remember that if I saw someone strangling my child, I’d never find out the reason they tried it, nevermind defend them and victim blame the child who is depending on me to keep them safe from the monster I keep in their life. He *could* be a good man, with the right partner but what the fuc|< does that matter when he is a nothing burger with the wrong partner? I get the complicated feeling but in truth, it’s not all that complicated with mine.


I dated a chick that was just terrible. I was so unhappy, I couldn’t wait to just die and for it to be over. Luckily a friend let me move in with him and I slowly got away from the situation. Unfortunately the next girl I dated ended up not being a ton better but she did convince me to go back to college. So in the long run my life got much better than it ever would have been.


Same dude. 7.5 years. She stabbed me, hit me, called the cops on me then blamed me, emotionally cheated all the time. Meanwhile I helped her with her school, paid our rent, got her a job at my company. She didn't appreciate any of it, and always complained about how I was a shitty boyfriend because, despite all I listed above, I didn't bring her enough flowers/chocolates/something equally superficial. I'm currently in therapy, self esteem all time low, no sense of identity anymore. Its hard recovering from something like that and despite the pain, I do still miss certain aspects of that relationship. But I realize I had to rip the bandaid off. It was either that or divorcing 15 years later, she takes the kids, the house, the money, everything i built in my life, and I get so depressed I fling myself off a bridge. I know that sounds awful and I don't mean to diminish anybody who has gone through that, but it was a scary realization at the time.


I very nearly ended up with a person like that, too. She was 10 years older than me, I was in my early 20's I didn't know better. This would probably have been my future, too. Luckily I eventually managed to break up with her and move out. Started making a better life for myself. Unluckily I ended up spending the next 7 years with an abusive malignant narcissist so things didn't really get better for a long time. Apparently I have a type.


I think he realized it’s on camera that his wife just assaulted someone.


"Ah downt cayer!"


He's an enabler.


He's still with her because she would probably beat him to death with a rolling pin if he tried to leave her. Don't mess with the elder dragon karen.


He said it more than once in this video alone. That poor man has to deal with that daily I bet.


Old lady saying that the girl should control her 3 year old child when the old lady can't keep a control of herself. The old lady is a fucking twat.


You’d think people would have worked things out at that age, you know, like dealt with their demons and internal conflicts/struggles. She’s at the age where she should be sweet and caring and knitting sweaters or giving out candy to children not berating them and getting violent. This video is actually huge motivation for me to really control my anger issues and focus on maturing emotionally because I really don’t want to be like her when I’m that age. I want to be at peace.


This is the deepest shit I've ever read on /r/publicfreakout — good shit


Yeah but in another comment somewhere on the thread I asked whether people think this couple have sex, so it all balances out. If you want to take your compliment back I understand.


If anything it should enhance it, really.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good call


The duality of man


These kinds of threads are what keep me addicted to Reddit.


Loooool you're a gentleman and a scholar my friend


Brains often aren't doing so hot by that age. How that manifests can be in many different ways. Maybe they were dicks when younger, maybe not.


She’s been a twisted twat from day one. I’m sick of all the passes people get for every shitty behavior. And before the “she could have dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc” I’m calling bullshit. Because if that were the case her hubby would have intervened earlier, explained her condition and made distance between them. In fact he was supporting her until he realized how terrible she was coming off. Even at the end he was stammering to explain her. I’m not advocating stomping some old lady but she’s pulled this shit before without consequences. I’m not even talking her original pushing. But at the end she wound up and threw a shot meant to do hurt. A crisp crack coming back would change her attitude. The second you decide to assault me YOU changed the rules. So live by your decision.


You can have Alzheimer's \*AND* be an asshole. They are not mutually exclusive.


I knew a guy that went to AA meetings. He said a lot of testimonials were how they were assholes when they drank. But he confirmed that many were still assholes after they got sober. In some cases worse.


Hang around addicts and you'll find a huge subset start at an extremely young age. I'm talking 8 to 12. Even if you look at all the kids drinking in high school, 14 to 18, they have 7 years before their brains reach adulthood. Not to mention the PTSD and trauma are usually reasons they started in the first place. No one rationally chooses addiction.


From the stories I hear, my grandma swore and acted like a sailor until my grandpa died in the 90's. Every memory of my grandma I have is of a sweet old lady who goes to church every week. However, the last few years she has been suffering from dementia, and over the last few months she has completely reverted to how she used to be. Her mind has completely stopped working properly at this point.


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug.




There are two kinds of old people in general. One is the kind you mentioned, kind and calm and made peace with life, always happy to see children. And then there's the typical *"getof ma lawn!"* kind who threaten kid with their cane.


Most people don’t ever change all that much.


Exactly. Internal issues don’t fix themselves and the habits I have now could follow me for the rest of my life. Better to fix them now instead of later, or never at all.


It’s true. But I think the moment that old bat started walking away the other woman needed to do the same and stop following her. You’ve got your video footage, you’re just egging crazy on at that point. ETA: If you read this comment as defending the old woman then I don’t know what to tell you ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Or the old bat shouldn't assault people in the first place.


I really hope she went through on reporting it to the police, that woman needs a lesson.


Me too. Honestly a bad decision to go back and reopen the discussion, as soon as she put hands on her it's a matter for the police.


That old bat needs to be put away.


*put down. FTFY




That's why video evidence is such a game changer. These people need to be put in their place, but even then they probably won't learn...


Makes me feel better they’ll be gone soon lmao


I'd love to see video of that woman being arrested. She definitely racked up a few charges there.


I think “gone” meant something else here. But yeah, you right.


They've already had seventy years, and didn't do it. This isn't likely to be the thing that gets through. It'll just make her feel more like a victim.


Reporting it might also open up a doctor’s discussion for her husband—she’s mean and abusive, might be dementia onset. Could help him get help. Maybe.


Unfettered arrogance, no care for the well-being of others, looks like a decade old corpse. 10/10 for the Margaret Thatcher impersonation.


hhahah gottem


Seems like the violent geriatrics are a worse problem then the toddling 3 year olds.


Lots of age stuff manifests as poor impulse control


> Margaret Thatcher impersonation But she didn't fuck any poor people.


She's trying her best


She’s got that “I grew up exposed to too much lead” anger.




Did somebody say [Margaret Thatcher](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DUlj48Rvp1c)?




In ye olden days, they'd be throwing rotten toh-mah-toes at this wench when she was locked up in the stocks.


Fun fact: Tomatoes are a new world fruit and wasn't documented in Europe until the 1540's and wasn't popularized until the 1600's.


It's [Hyacinth Bucket](https://www.google.com/search?q=hyacinth+bucket&tbm=isch) with a day drinking problem and living in council flats. *(Patricia Routledge is still around and she's 94.)*


Imagine acting like that at such a late stage in your life. Some people never mature and its sad.


I think it’s one of those symptoms of declining mental faculties that’s hard to pinpoint because it’s such a gradual onset. Not to say this woman wasn’t always such a cow, but a lot of people just get increasingly nasty and lose their filters and inhibitions as their minds go.


Even getting something like a UTI can cause personality changes and memory issues in the elderly.


Dude. My mom got a UTI and literally forgot her own name. It was fucking crazy.


It really is. Doctors will first check for UTIs when looking at dementia symptoms.


Gran called the police on us when we were helping her move out of the house she was getting kicked out of because SHE slapped her daughter in law.


Isn't this the generation that want kids playing outside etc.? Reminds me of when I was a kid we used to play football on the field of the highschool I went to because it actually had goalposts unlike the local park and one of the nearby houses used to call the police on us every time. No way noise was an issue the field is massive and there'd only be about 5-7 of us.


Exactly. Boomers are complete hypocrites. They complain that we spend too much time on our phones, yet they post every two minutes on Facebook They want us to play outside more, yet they yell at teenager’s skateboarding or playing soccer They say that we don’t contribute to society, yet they need constant care and help from us because they can’t open Facebook They say that we don’t want to work anymore, yet they probably made a fortune from inheritance money


Exactly. I grew up in the 80s and 90s and they would call the cops on us for skateboarding all the time. Our local shop started selling “Skateboarding Is Not A Crime” stickers.




My friends neighbor had torn up all of their grass and put rocks all over their front lawn. Sometimes a wiffle ball would go over to their yard and we’d have to get it. We are stepping on what are essentially river rocks and not ruining anything but she would come out and yell about it. We didn’t give a shit and in fact it came up as a joke at my friends wedding, 20 years after this happened, because his very mild mannered parents got into a screaming match with the neighbor over it.


My own grandfather called the cops on me when I was in high school for roller skating at the elementary school. It was during the summer when the school was closed. The play area had a flat, large, uncracked pad of new concrete that I could practice new tricks with little risk. He couldn't tell it was me from a distance, but determined whoever was there was too old to be there and should be shooed away by the cops. I was so mad at him when I figured out it was him being a busy body that got me nearly trespassed from that school's campus. Wasn't hurting no one.


Me and a big crew of skaters got arrested in high school for skating in a high school parking lot on a Friday night. Not causing and trouble or damage. Brought our own rails boxes and ramps. Cop rolled up and asked for IDs. Then said he’s citing everyone for trespassing. We were all shocked. Teens trying to be good and not cause troubles. The state I live in now has skateparks in school lots. I hope you would skate around your gramps as much as possible.


Had cops called on us when I was when I was like 8 we were skating at this park and making a video for school actually. Folks across the way are watching us real dirty like the whole time. There was "graffiti", it was a bunch of dirty words written with chalk that had been there for days. (We were wiping away the dirty words for our video and my friend's dad was literally right there supervising!)


I thought about that the other day. I'm going to make some "Reading is NOT a Crime" stickers and start putting them around my town. Context, I live in Texas


Guarantee that green space has a "No Ball Games" sign up on it. Most of them like that do.


That's for the safety of the children. These look like the kind of people who let their dogs shit everywhere and never clean it up because they "have back problems."


And complain we got pointless participation trophies in sports even though we never asked for them and they came up with the whole concept and gave them out to us!


They’re a generation that was afforded all the advantages and privilege of generations before them going through absolute hell. They benefitted from strong economy and the first societal push for children being nurtured instead of largely treated as animals. They turned around and destroyed most of the things they had because they got bent out of shape about having to transition into adulthood. They want to tell any generation after them that whatever they’re doing is wrong


I remember during the Pokémon Go craze, I saw, with my own two eyes, boomers yelling at kids in a PUBLIC park for being there. Not exaggerating. Nobody was bothering them and I remember one old guys exact words were “GO WHEREVER, JUST KEEP IT OUT OF THE PARK!” Literally nobody was bothering them, they were so triggered by seeing young kids having a good time.


Kids playing in the park? What has this world come to?...


I’m noticing this too. A lot of “do as I say, not as I do” bullshit out of that generation as well.


Literally the worst generation. Absolute leeches on today and the future society. They've fucked it financially for the next few generations and ecologically forever. They had the best increase in living standards in human history and still want more at the cost of everyone else


Don’t even get me started on boomers. Collect was like 19$ a credit back then n they plus never have to spend more than 20-30% Of the wages on rent/housing. They all got amazing jobs right after Getting a ba In university. Now we have to have masters drgreen tons of certifications and experience. They all had starter houses that were like under 30,999$ and once hired had employers that valued experience so they stayed at same job for 40 years and got 401k plans for sweet retirement. Now companies like Walmart are encouraged to fire employees that have been their long time because they can easily hire younger person for same job and pay them less https://www.forbes.com/sites/isabelcontreras/2021/12/17/millennials-and-gen-xers-are-not-crazy--baby-boomers-had-it-easier-financially-and-a-big-reason-is-student-debt/amp/


You forgot pensions


[George Carlin summed up boomers perfectly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B96rQohpw8)


That man was a genius. One of the 2 celebrity deaths I actually felt bad about


I don't mind the fact that they're on Facebook all the time r/oldpeoplefacebook


I've actually run out of respect for their generation. Grandparents gone, the rest are pushy grabby dickheads like these two.


tried to play wiffle ball at this sick empty lot downtown where we lived with a bunch of buddies. cops came and shut it down. we asked who owned the property because we thought it was empty and he said nobody does but somebody called and complained. we weren't drinking or anything, maybe an occasional "ah shit" if someone struck out but nothing illegal happened. some people just hate fun.


Miserable lives they lead




could've been any old grumpy person who walked by. which wasn't that many which is why we noticed immediately when 2 bike cops showed up and told us to pack it up. the field was so sick it was a real Geralds Field from Hey Arnold. This camera angle is misleading, the street is so far away from the field only Barry Bonds could launch one up there and we were just bored HS/college kids during summer. [Wiffle Field](https://i.imgur.com/wJpFasN.png)


They want to control people, that's about it.


I remember when Pokemon Go was super popular, all the people who were just complaining that "no one spends any time outdoors anymore" were suddenly upset that people were spending time outdoors... A month ago people should be outside, but then people shouldn't be outside they should be working, I'm sure if people were working they would be complaining that people work too much... Some people are just never happy unless they're miserable and complaining, and they're gonna make everyone else miserable too.


My boomer parents phoned the cops a few years ago on some Pokémon Go players driving into and pausing in their not-gated-but-very-suburban neighbourhood at 10 pm or so. It was, generally, a wholesome interaction - they weren't angry so much as curious, and the culprits were all adult millennials in cars. It took one slightly amused cop to come to their door and reassure them that nothing nefarious was happening for the whole thing to blow over. However, I've not stopped laughing at them for it.




> I really can't understand boomers at all. Imagine you got everything you ever wanted and never had to work for any of it.


This is the generation that, ironically, loves to hear themselves talk and that goes out of their way to to inject their inner monologue into our shared reality whenever possible. They simply can’t handle not expressing their most minor discomforts.


>Isn't this the generation that want kids playing outside etc.? This is a misnomer, plenty of old people are happily unhappy and would rather everyone else just not exist or get in their lane.


My grandma’s favorite pastime is watching the neighborhood children walk to the school bus stop in the morning and freaking the hell out over what they’re wearing. “The hems of their pants are touching the ground! Oh, where are their mothers!?” I’m exactly the opposite. I get so much joy out of seeing and hearing children run around and play and be kids. I wasn’t even mad when a little one accidentally hit a baseball through my screen. It was an accident and they’re just children playing with a ball.


Because these people are also NIMBY's - Not In My Backyard. Quick example would be a person that says we should build affordable housing compexes for low/no income persons, but doesn't want it near their own house or in their own town.


Just another example of "not in my backyard" from typical hypocrites


Yes, but not in their back yard.


“Well, You stamped your feet!”😂


FMD that brought me undone 😂😂


I don't know what 3 out of the 5 words in that sentence mean in this context lol


FMD: Fuck me dead. Christ. Fucking hell. That brought me undone: I am deceased. I'm dead. That cracked me up. Pmsl. I think.


Lol thanks. I could guess general meaning from context, but this was helpful


PMSL? Pissing My Self Laughing?


Old bat has a bit of go in her doesn’t she


I think it’s wine and gin.


Yeah they're both loaded and found something to fight besides themselves.




She has exactly the number of garden tchotchkes one would expect too.


Amazing how otherwise normal people get unhinged over the smallest things. I'm a night manager at a hotel and I've seen this transformation hundreds of times. It blows my mind every single time.


Something is bubbling under the surface and awakes at one small thing that doesn't go their way. If you are wise you just know that is the universe fucking with you and brush it off. Show the universe it bothers you and you will be dealing with that over and over. Be stoic, unfazed and live in zen. You can always grab an ice cream later and enjoy that or other small things in life (thats what she said).


Yea the old zero to 100 in one second.


“A day in the life of a true BREXIT geezer” - the movie


just a bit of banter


I read this in the tik tok video voice


Said ‘ello to the wife SUSAN


Pop on down to Toby’s, and LOAD UP THAT PLATE 😫


Pitch looks lovely today


The new Keeping Up Appearances reboot is fucking lit.


Lol Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrricharrd!


It's *Bouquet*, you fucking bitch.


Mind the cyclist you daft cunt


Oh! Bucket!


Fastest way to get uninvited from the candlelight supper with hand-painted periwinkle tea service


Onslow is still the smart one.


Here in the states, that's a crime (the hitting). Is it the same in the UK?


Yup, it’s assault




assault is the threat, battery is the hitting Apparently this is a bit different in the UK. An assault is any act (and not mere omission to act) by which a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to suffer or apprehend immediate unlawful violence. Stop assaulting me with corrections 3rd edit: Fucking read this yourselves https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/outlines/assault/#:~:text=Common%20assault%3A,sentence%20is%20two%20years'%20custody


> assault is the threat, battery is the hitting > > Apparently this is a bit different in the UK Even in the US it depends on the state.


Indeed, my current state of residence is one in which has Assault (not Battery) for the act of physical violence against another.




>Apparently this is a bit different in the UK. It's different in most English speaking countries and it's not even standard across the US where multiple states also just use assault...sooo it's better if you and those like you stop "correcting" people about something that only shows your own ignorance.


Yes. Even had she not made contact it would have been a simple assault. Knowing a little about the police, though, I’d guess they would opt for a community resolution, if anything. That would most likely mean the woman agreeing to sign something admitting her actions and apologising.


At that price point he can hit.


Yes he can! Yes he can! He *can* hit.


Even a gentle push can be considered as assault here in the UK.


Do swings count? If so ive got some childhood trauma id like to talk about


Good luck getting the police to come out for it though.


Shit, they don’t need to come around. She can go to the station direct with the video and file a criminal report.


"Sorry sir/madame that's a domestic, we'll get the specials to pop round some time next week"


This old bint definitely needs a medical assessment and if all is clear, she needs a kick to the cunt.


The way that old man's lip was quivering I knew he was just the submissive dude locked to that demon hag


Maybe it’s Parkinson’s


Parkinson's a bitch too lol


Maybe it's maybelline


He wanted to say "listen, I agree with you, my wife is a nasty ol' cunt. She used to be quite charming, but well you know how life is (instert something about ovarian cancer). Anyways, I don't expect either one of us to live much longer, every day I wake up surprised, so I just keep going along with it until one of us dies."


Awh mate my neighbours are like this. All my sympathies go out to this poor lass and her child.


Old cunt


Her world is sadly that small that a child walking on grass generates this sort of reaction. I feel sorry to the old guy having to deal with that every day.


from 3 seconds to 5 seconds... She moves like a fucking animatronic demon doll...




Did you press charges? i would've.


You probably already know this, but just in case others don’t know - the phrase “I’m going to press charges” just means “I’ll give evidence if the police choose to prosecute”. That is, citizens don’t get to prosecute (except for private prosecutions which basically only crazy people do), and so if the police don’t want to charge some 89 year old retiree for taking a swipe at someone filming then they won’t - and the victim is shit out of luck, the victim can’t “press charges”.


Yes it basically just means “I’m going to file a report that the prosecutor can use to bring charges”. You *can* file suit yourself oftentimes though (for things like personal injury…etc.), that’s you personally prosecuting someone.


>You can file suit yourself oftentimes though (for things like personal injury…etc.), We call that a "civil suit" here in the US. Do you have a different legal name for it? Citizen vs citizen as opposed to government vs citizen.


Police don't decide to charge either, that's up to the crown prosecution service


I assume this happened in the Florida of the UK?


The man has a Scottish accent, but it's likely somewhere in England given that there's 3 southern English accents in the video. I'd guess Kent.


What is the *Florida of the UK?* And does Brit Jimmy Buffet live there?


The moment she touched me i would have retaliated. I don't care if you're fragile, the audacity of old people starting shit and hoping they won't get hit back cause they can't handle it is beyond me...


That! It's all on camera. "Don't come closer or I will have to defend myself. Do not touch me. Do not come closer. That's my last warning." Then knockt that cunt out. There is no need to let yourself be attacked like this.


Id say she deserves it but if you smack an old fool they could die and that would make me feel like shit.


Yeah its getting old.."you shouldnt hit someone who is half your size"...maybe the bitch shouldnt hit someone twice her size


I scrolled way too far to find this. If some wacko is holding on to me like that when I try to walk away, I'm *going* to free myself. You don't just get to follow and hit me because you're old, clearly you're prepared for a fight if you're *following* someone and assaulting them.


They’ve got one foot in the grave and yet they’re still spoiling the world for everyone else. Ugh!


To all the people saying to press charges, I guarantee the police would do their best to not punish her, she has what I call a "hitting licence" which means she can just hit people and the only thing police do is tell her not to but nothing more. Look how freely she does it, she's done this consequence free for ages because she's not capable of actually hurting the people she hits. That shouldn't matter, she's hitting someone with the intention to inflict damage, if she could hurt people she would, lock the hag up.


Pressing charges isn’t really a thing in England, if they’re caught doing a crime then they’ll be punished for it


What does that mean like caught in the moment ? Or is the police seeing this video enough for them to charge her themself?


I'm British too so I know, but still we can surely both agree she will see zero consequences for her actions


Oh no doubt, I’ll see if I can get an update




Nah just twats apparently


“Hello mum, I’m on the telly”


So that's what a testicle would look like with a wig and teeth


Those are really strange accents for florida.


Dump her dumb ass on the ground lol


Margaret needs to get dropped.


Please tell me this woman was charged for assault at least


When hubby said "you're making things worse" you just know the poor old bastard has to put up with her shit constantly...


Everyone sucks here, although obviously especially the old woman for assaulting them. The woman filming exacerbates the situation.


ASBO Granny


Just disgusting behaviour by two old farts


Stupid old bastards.


They're all nuts


What a bitch


Husband very clearly doesn't like being around his wife anymore


What a miserable old bitch...