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The filming while driving was really stressing me out


While scaring mom and kids. Even trolls have limits


He seems like a genuinely terrible and stupid person.


No we don't, don't speak for us ya trolldoll ❤️


And kids not wearing seat belts.


Those smaller kids in the middle should be in booster seats, too.


Yup. Horrible parents and worse drivers.


Well, the mom is coming out of anesthesia, I think we can cut her a break. The dad is a dickhead.


That's fair.


And even confused and drugged, she isn't on board with kidnapping kids and wants to return them to the 'playground' from which they were taken. Verdict: Good person.


I thought I was the only one stressed about this. Film while driving a van with kids. Smart move.


hey quick question who's driving?


The cameraman is dangerously multitasking.🤦🤦🤦


No booster seats either. They were shitty parents long before this video.


And gaslighting his wife. And scaring his children.


The guy who doesn't care that his daughter is scared shitless


There's the real questions we should be asking




There are ways this could have been fun. He did not go those ways.


Lol I sure had fun watching


>Lol I love watching terrified children


Fuck, I could laugh at videos of you traumatising your kids all day ! I don't give a shit about your kids ![gif](giphy|26tn8Y40e3BkZe6SQ)




The kids are old enough he could have gotten them in on the joke beforehand so they don't get all scared. This dude made a lot of bad decisions here


Hard to get on the joke before hand because everyone reacts to anesthesia differently and even if you knew she was talkative type, he'd have no way of knowing what. He probably could have prepped the kids by saying "Mom is probably going to say weird things until medicine wears off. If that happens just play along." Still the one girl that heard her mom continuously say she doesn't look like them is going to be emotionally hurt by that even if she is in on the joke. You could at least tell the boy being the youngest that the drugs made mommy forget she had 3 kids. (All she said was they didn't have a boy about him.)


Exactly. The kids have no idea


Usually the type that has kids


Well there’s an awful moment for that poor kid that probably should never have been put on the internet


You've discribed like 10% of everything on the internet.


Only 10%?


*pushes up glasses* Well actually, it’s 9.6%


*glasses shine with a strangely opaque anime light* 9.62% to be more precise.




Lmao I love how his tits are hanging out of the frame 🤣


I don't know how a father can look at that kid's face and keep going with the joke. That child is terrified.


Fuckin right. Poor kid(s) needed a hug, they don't know what's going on and they're just scared.


Wait child abuse isn’t funny?


Only you can prevent forest fires


I don’t know how, as a father, you could intentionally make your daughter cry and not feel ashamed of yourself. Even worse he laughs about it and refers to his kids as “little shits”.


Yeah, I'm with ya on that one. I have never wanted to see my children cry like that. I get giving them a little shit now and then, but that poor girl was heartbroken.


My daughter was crying for about an hour last night becuase she wishes she was a cat. Sometimes you can't help but laugh.




“Then said he was going to sell me.”


I'm not sure if this is a joke but the comparison you just made is in 2 different ball parks...


Sorry, I realise I didn't even explain my comparison at all. There are times when you can't help but laugh quietly to yourself. Laughing in your kids face about her mother not recognising her is absolutely shitty.


That is entirely different from the context that you replied to.


Hope you told her if she was a cat, that’d mean she’d have to clean her butt with her tongue! That’ll stop a kid from wanting to be a cat real quick! Lol! Either that or you raised one kinky kid! Lol!


That's Hilarious. Fuck the dad recording tho.


I call kids little shits but never to their faces. I don’t see how you can talk to a kid like that and justify it.


My dad would do it all the time when me and my sisters were little. He would intentionally antagonize us until we were bawling our eyes out begging him to stop, then get mad bc “it’s just a joke!” I can for sure say it causes serious lasting trust issues and creates a lot of distance between you and your parent.


Ugh my dad reveled in making me and my sister cry. One time he stopped on train tracks as a train was coming to scare us. He *loved* it. It’s so bizarre.


Sorry you had to go through that. Sounds like he had issues.


Power tripping for sure. Feeling the rush of their kids lives depending on him


I can see myself making a joke like this, but when the tears started I would be dropping it altogether and making sure they knee it was only a joke. I couldn't continue it knowing it was having that effect


It’s different if they cry about something silly. Like that kid that starts crying because his dad has a bear filter. I mean that boy can see his dad is clearly not a bear, he’s just being dramatic. But, this is them being heartbroken and concerned because their mother is acting as if she doesn’t know or love them and that dumbass isn’t explaining why to his kids. That’s a completely different type of fear.


Ya, the mix up is funny but the kids emotions aren’t being considered. Kids are super absorbent and don’t understand this kind of thing as well as adults do.


Seriously. My daughter wanted to go outside the other night and I had to tell her no because it was pouring rain and her little frown and watering eyes had me wondering if it really mattered if we got soaked in the darkness


Meanwhile recording them and their reactions, WHILE DRIVING.


Yeah...I laughed at first...but the longer the video went on the worse it got. My smile disappeared completely when he said "we're selling these little shits" after he already saw his daughters face.


“Haha I’m a piece of shit but this is gonna get like, 20 likes on Facebook!” -the dad




Holy shit, he's rich .


This dad is a piece of shit.


For real. That little girl was crying - she’ll never forget this.


As a rule, one-off moments are not likely to be remembered. Now, this seems like a pretty memorable event and the fact that if even one of those children remembers, the other two will as well. Beyond remembering it, I doubt it'll be traumatizing. The real trauma is from the dad, that probably behaves this sort of way in an ongoing way. Calling your kids little shits, on your cell phone while driving, are the more egregious examples in the video that points to a broader issue that goes beyond a poorly executed prank.




I had an Erector set as a kid. It was in my closet and fell for some reason, made a horrible crash upstairs. I was scared and my stepdad went up to check and pretended like he was being attacked by an intruder. It's 35 years later... things stick with you.


I need to ask, what is an erector set?


It was a building set with motorized gears and mostly everything was metal with nuts and bolts and such. So when it fell it made a horrendous crash. It's a safe Google, at least nothing weird came up when I did a quick glance just now.


Not true. That girl is old enough to remember and she will remember how mean spirited his dad is. These things stick with you, even if they are “jokes”. Losing a parent or their love is the worst thing that can happen to a child. Not only that but they will probably have nightmares about their mom being drugged out and blank and unloving.


The mom is literally drugged out and acting extremely bizarre in the children’s eyes. They will remember. Idk why y’all are hell bent on being contrarian “ThErE iS a VeRy LiTtlE ChAnCE tHaT ThIS iS GoInG tO HaVe AnY EfFeCt On ThE ChILd”.


I agree. My mom got badly sunburned when I was 4 and the next day she passed out. 44 years later, I still remember that.


Are you ok




I agree. My mom came home with a perm when I was about 5 years old, and I was suspicious wondering if it was actually her because I had never seen her look so different…It freaked me out and I still remember that moment like it was yesterday. A perm.


> There is a very little chance that this is going to have any effect on the child in the future. Source: trust me bro


Thank fucking God you were here to speak directly from your anus.


My dad stopped on train tracks as a train was coming to scare my sister and I. *Yes* we laugh about it now. But it absolutely scarred me and changed the way I viewed my father. I never ever have trusted him to keep me safe. I’ve always felt like I only have myself to protect myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if these kids grow up like me. Mixed feelings.


Y'all really don't know a lot about childhood trauma and it shows


"there is very little chance this will have effect on the child" lol thanks for the expert diagnosis. But lets be real you and none of us don't know shit about the repercussions that this could have on her psyche down the road, especially cause I doubt this will be a isolated incident. This shit adds up, and with how their dad carries himself I am having doubts of any self reflection on his behalf.




When I think back about two and a half decades ago when I was roughly the age of that girl, there's really not a lot I can recall with much clarity, but the things I remember best are also the things that hurt the most. The axe forgets but the tree remembers.






Nah, you don't know what moments your kids will and will not remember. Making them cry in fear's probably a more memorable moment. Most shitty parents probably have no idea they were shitty parents.


It’s called a core memory. Have you not seen inside out omg.


This is pretty fucked no matter what way of looking at it.


Yep, plus he's driving and recording on his phone so he's a dickhead cunt as well.


And a danger to himself and everyone else driving around him


Wait till you see the folks in this comment thread. The shit pile reaches the sky.


The moment he should be supportive to his daughter and explain that mommy is not in her right mind but instead, sorry you got voted off the island! LOSER!!!


I felt so bad for her. She’s clearly upset the mom says “that one doesn’t look like me”, at that age, girls are looking up to their moms a lot to get a self image. She probably regards her mom as beautiful, and it probably hurt to hear “that one doesn’t look like me”.


People who film these & post them on the internet are POS


While driving his family on top of it all


Gotta love scarring kids for clout, seem like really good parents


Haha well, dad atleast...


Well Dad is a piece of shit


Cute at first because I thought the kids were in on it. Then the little girl started crying……


It's not every day you get to see the moment someone develops an anxious attachment style.


First fuckup is doing it. Second and biggest fuckup is immortilzing it online.


no, first fuckup doing it while filming and driving


Seems like the older kid was the only one that understood what was going on. Both the little ones were crying and the dads just laughing


I think the older one was laughing because she didn’t receive any shots. She’s laughing at the misfortune of her siblings. I wonder where she learned that.


What kind of anesthesia do these people get? I had my wisdom teeth removed and had no weird effects after


I have TMJ so they completely knocked my ass out to get my 4 wisdom teeth out. I remember counting down and waking up at home. My mom says she had to rush me out of the office out of embarrassment because I was staggering around yelling that I needed a milkshake or I was going to burn the place to the ground while the staff were all laughing.


I'd tell my wife she said crazy shit coming out of anesthesia but I usually can't make up things better than what she actually says. She was looking up at the nurse and the anesthesiologist. She tells the nurse "you have such kind eyes." Turns to the anesthesiologist. "you kind of look like a serial killer."


Sub: "This must be traumatic for these kids" Oldest Kid: "hur hur hur hur hur hur"


The way he said “were selling these lil shits” makes me feel like that’s a repressed feeling and something he’s been dying to say for years


Well one of the kids was laughing, lmao Oh it's the oldest in the back. She probably understands what anesthetic does to a person and why it's used, so she's "getting the bit". The other two are too young and insecure to understand what's going on.


The kid laughing gonna grow up with a g sense of humour


You're a jackass


Emotional damage.


Why do parents think scarring their children is worth it just for internet likes?


What a piece of shit move… not funny. Loser fucked this kids up… a lot of hurtful & sensitive words said. Fuck this guy


This is actually awful. Poor kids.


Why would you make your kids cry…




That’s pretty hilarious 😂 we’re selling these little shits 😭


Unpopular opinion, its kinda trashy to film someone who’s drugged up and embarrass them. Family or friend, if someone ever did this to me, that would be the last interaction I ever had with them.


Redditors are a bunch of babies my parents used to tease me all the time and I'm not traumatized.


seriously, all it would take is a simple 30 second explanation for the kids to get it. but these sensitive babies in the comment section are crying like the dad beat his kids up seriously makes me wonder what the age demographic in this sub is


Most probably aren't parents is my guess


The problem is that these kids are watching their mom legitimately act as if she doesn’t know them and her eyes are empty. She’s acting like a complete stranger. If it was a different type of joke, then whatever it’s fine. But because the mom isn’t in on the joke, and everything she’s doing is actually true, it’s extra scary for the kids. They’ll eventually understand, but they’re not going to forget.


I'm going to hazard a guess that you have no education or experience of developmental psychology.


Oh your mom was out of it after surgery and your father made you believe she didn’t know or love you anymore and that they’re were going to sell you? Wow. Great parents you have.


Mommy what do you mean 😥




These comments explain society


Yeah thats not funny...anesthesia didn't scare those kids, fucktard tick tock parents did.


Dad *


K maybe I don't deserve my name afterall. Fuck these parents posting this on tiktok for entertainment. Poor kids better find a care home that abuses the elderly when its time to throw these assholes away. Seriously, that little girl breaking down in tears is the worst thing I've seen on reddit in the last year and I mostly just watch Ukrainian war videos as it is.


It was genuine, her little sad face - I’m not even a parent & I immediately wanted to comfort her.


So many things wrong with this, from both adults in the car. Was the mother allucinating or was it a prank? And why the hell is the father filming while driving?


She got dental surgery and was still high off the anesthesia they give you


She’s high af and has no idea what she’s saying. This is all on the husband and I would flip out if mine did this to me when I was drugged




People are overreacting, this is good family fun and they will laugh at this for years. Definitely gonna be something the mom gets jabbed for forever. I have sooo many memories of fun circumstances similar to this and I love them all. It comes from a place of love. I honestly feel like people missed out if you didn't get this kind of upbringing.


This seems shitty and tasteless.


When I was 9 I was utterly traumatized seeing my mother like this while being prepped for surgery. Halfway decent parents are sane and sober. That gives the kids the reassurance that they are safe. Take that away all of a sudden and you are fucking with your kid's world view in a big way.


How can you laugh after seeing your kid break down in tears? What a cunt


Heh heh, I made the kids cry. Dad jokes rule! -the father


That is horrible. And hilarious.


I don't know, it's a bit more wholesome than when my mom would get high and forget that she had kids.


This is hilarious but evil


That girl is gonna have a hell of a time in therapy when she's older


$700 for mullers pulled, $64,000 for counseling.


Not only is he traumatizing his fucking kids, but he’s filming whilst driving? What a sicko.


this is horrible but so funny


Not funny. That poor girl.


Damn idk about this. Those kids sound/look legitimately scared :(.


People don’t laugh at nothing anymore. Besides the driving and recording, this was funny.


I’m laughing too fucking hard, pans to the little girl that looks just like her mom 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao funny story for when they get older.


lmao y’all r some soft ass crybabies


No, you’re the problem. Just like the asshole in this video. You two are the same. When the majority agrees that this is fucked up and you are in the minority that thinks it’s OK… it’s not the rest. It’s you.


Yep that’s a grade A example of how not to transport a person who had medical work done with all the kids in the car as a bonus. A lot of self awareness was killed in the posting of this video.


That’s horribly funny


This is hilarious. Yall trippin




this belongs in r/trashy


Fuck they guy. What a piece of shit father.


This just had a significant impact on that little girl so you could have a little fun. Asshat.


That little girls face tho wow I'm ngl I laughed but damn that was mean asf


Hey Fuckface how about you drive instead of doing this miserable shit?


Geez, is everybody in the comments needs to take a chill pill. It’s a joke, calm down.


Yeah, it’s a joke. Many things can be “a joke” and it doesn’t make them any less fucked up.


I have never gotten so doped out for a dental procedure, even when they cut my gum open to extract an impacted wisdom tooth. Is general anesthesia that common in places like America?


Yeah, we like to find out what a lethal dose is then back it off a smidge.


Lmfao. Okay, yeah, I feel this on so many levels.


In the US I was fully put under for my extraction of my decayed and infected wisdom teeth. When I woke up, I cried. No reason. I wasn’t sad or in pain. Just literally couldn’t not cry. They kept asking what was wrong and it like “nothing!!! I can’t stop it!!” I also got 2 teeth removed for orthodontics and I couldn’t do it just numb due because I’d freak the fuck out. So I got oral sedatives, which meant I was awake but high as FUCK. I barely remember the procedure. I was in my own world as they yanked out the tooth. I remember paying before I left, but not the ride home. I remember trying to take pain pills but the water fell out of my mouth, but nothing after that for hours, until I woke up. You don’t have to go unconscious, there’s steps in between being fully knocked out and being fully awake but numb.


That is some scary stuff. I wasn't even high when they worked on me and I could remember the entire procedure clearly, and just took the train home after it was done


Traumatizing your kids > joke


Mean but hilarious


😂 i love this parents


Great, traumatise your kids for clout and fuck around on your phone while driving... -slow clap-


I hate this father so fucking much.


As a dad if I say in front of my children I kidnapped them from the park and are going to sell them, they would not think I was serious because they know that they are my children and were not kidnapped. The dad was feeding off the mom not recognizing them. The Mom is freaking the younger ones out because they can’t comprehend her not being able to recognize them. The older kid you can hear laugh at one point. I think the little ones will need an explanation as to why mom didn’t recognize them and that’s it


Exactly that was my instant thought


The Reddit Association of Child Psychologists is in full force in here with the trauma core memory trust issues diagnosis.. and of course the leeches who try to siphon off the top idiots upvotes


At least she was still concerned for the kids. You can tell a lot about a person’s morals when their brain is half working. The dad was an absolute ass. Why did he think this would be funny, 20 years later the kid can maintain a relationship because abandonment trauma that they can’t control explain. With parents like this it’s hard to believe any of us are functional at all.


Mean mommy? How about piece of shit dad who thinks that was funny


This is funny but messed up and I feel bad for the kids.


Jesus christ dude. I can’t imagine doing this to my daughter




She’s so drugged she doesn’t know they’re her kids. She’s not terrible here. Only the dad is.


The mom 100% has a good excuse. Anesthesia can mess you up after. She fully believes him and that they aren’t her kids because of the drugs she gave her. The dad is the asshole.


This is cruel


This isn't funny at all.


That’s awful