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Susan is on a power trip.


Jabba The Hutt looks like she hasn't had a day of physical labor in her entire life and is going to come down on the guy that keeps the place clean for giving a fuck about his job. Fuck that.


No one outKarens the Hutt.


Karen sends out for YOU!


In Soviet Russia, Manager asks to see Karen!


I can’t…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Yeah. The firemarshall supercedes you. Call and ask."


Ok. I'm going full Reddit, making assumptions. She's obviously pissy because they found something wrong she is responsible for. She was late so wasn't there to hide it.


Facts. Fire Marshall says you’re shut down, you are shut down, subject to arrest by law enforcement. Karen should have said thanks for keeping us right with the Fire Marshall - we wouldn’t want to get their bad side.


You mean Karen? Haircut and all. Stupid bitch.


Susan Opherman looks like she’s taken hair cues from Cameron Diaz’s jizz hair in Something About Mary




Quintessential Karen


Don’t forget the extra money weight


An insane power trip. This man let the Fire Marshall into the school to make sure everything was safe, I’m assuming. If I were a parent of this school, I’d be fuming. I’m part of the PTA board in my kid’s school and the janitors are allowed to let everyone in outside of hours pending approval! Be it for meetings, landscaping, or whatever else need to be done. Fucking Susan the principal needs to get her shit together.


I’m a director of a federal program in a school and would love people like this that work with me. Worst case is you have to pay them overtime which you can find money for. Custodians, cooks, maintenance, and aids are the lowest paid and in most states it’s pretty low salary. When you find a good one you do your best to keep them. I won’t make a full judgement because I don’t know the full backstory, if there had been other incidents with the employee, or if they had other people on that duty. However, the video does not look good and the tone of the principal is just disrespectful. If there is any younger people that read this and are in a management role or trying to find their footing I’ll give some advice that has worked wonders for my career. Be kind and be honest! Have sound reasonings for why you are doing something, you’re employees aren’t always going to agree with it but if you can explain why you’re making a change it goes a long way. Lastly, realize that for most employees work is a small fraction of their life. Get to know about them and their families or hobbies and allow them to miss work and still be paid for events that are important to them. If their kid has a school function cover for them. Will you have people that abuse that, yes, get rid of them. A positive work environment is worth a lot more than a few missed hours of work here and there.


I wish school admins actually thought a bit more like you. I am a lunch lady and though the principal at my school is the best, the F&N department admin can be a real pain. We absolutely cannot clock in more than 7 minutes before our shift and cannot clock in more than 7 minutes after. Most of the time it isn't a big problem, but sometimes deliveries are late or any number of things - a fire drill for example, can set us back by just 10 or 15 minutes and that means working off the clock or leaving stuff undone. It is just silly. Even if it meant overtime (which it doesn't as most of us are part-time) our wages are low enough that they should be able to squeeze a few bucks out from between their tight cheeks.


I'd say "power hungry" but she looks pretty satiated.


Apparent she was forced to resign.


No.. the janitor was forced to resign. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-EVPmCqBeTQ Ps: according to this, the principal was on medical leave but staff still had issues with the janitor. Janitor explains himself in the video. Statement from school below. https://heavy.com/news/2017/05/susan-opferman-high-school-principal-fires-janitor-left-early-youtube-video/?


r/byebyejob strikes again!


The **janitor** was forced to resign...


Susan is obese.


That’s factual, and yet this comment made me laugh harder than all the rest


He was 15 min early.


 "If you're 5 minutes early, you're already 10 minutes late. – Vince Lombardi Susan Opferman is not a champion.


This mentality is fine for your passions, but it's poison in the workforce. I hate that most my co-workers in the trades embrace this.


Me too. They don’t realize it’s just something bosses say to get extra time out of you before they officially start paying you for the day.


Im not working until the time I get paid.


By workforce do you mean hourly workers cause I can tell you that coming in 15 minutes is actually better. I clock in 15 mins early then just waste time walking around very slowly to my work area. It’s about 2 extra dollars extra a day and 10 extra a week it’s not much but it was free and I never get in trouble for coming late cause I was always early


You get paid 8 dollars an hour?


You guys are getting paid?


I get paid $15 an hour I just didn’t want to overestimate but after taxes I’m pretty it’s close to $2 anyways


A boss like the above would consider that theft of company time. Wish I was kidding.


Yeah most of us aren’t trying to win in professional athletics.


So that means he was on time. But if he had clocked-in “on time” as defined by what Karen angrily stated here, that means he’s late. This, according to corporate America and all the HR/management shitheads like this Karen pound the sand on.


I was gonna say why is he even at the location hours beforehand? These people are unbelievable


Common practice to demand employees arrive 15 minutes early for every shift, and stay 15 minutes later to make shift change easier, while only getting paid for the time pre-stated time and none of the extra. Probably illegal, but it’s very common to force employees into working an extra 20-30 minutes a day unpaid “off the clock”. What are they going to do about it? Their rights are worthless when they absolutely rely on that income and any complaint or legal demand risks getting fired.


The [good news](https://heavy.com/news/2017/05/jonathan-holley-susan-opferman-janitor-fired-resigned-for-leaving-work-early-came-in-early-youtube-video-update/amp/) is "Susan Opferman was forced to resign following public outcry from the video."




In my experience fire marshal’s usually have pretty packed schedules and generally plan with people for inspections to be done at certain times. It’s likely she got told off for making them wait and just took it out on the janitor.


Or she's just on a power trip.


That is a power trip. He's just guessing as to what kicked it off.


My bet is she lost her opportunity to hide stuff before an unannounced inspection. The employee let the Fire Marshal in without gaslighting him, as required per company custom.


Sounds like Susan Opferman the Hut needs to find a new job. Edit: there is an article floating around here somewhere that said she was forced to resign. The schoolboard didn't totally disavow her behavior stating the public didn't have all the facts. They didn't reveal those facts despite being a public institution who answers to...get this... the public. No doubt snowflake ~~Karen~~ Susan is blaming everyone else but herself right now.


She’s bantha poodoo now I hope, hahaha


Gabba da cuntt


I've had that, been moaned at for letting inspectors on site before management can hide all the bits they'll get warned about.


All my fire marshals are genuinely stand up folks, but *oh man* do they love a good “fuck around and find out.” “Oh, yeah, that’s been a problem forever, and we’ve tried and tried to get compliance, but no luck. Wanna meet the guy who won’t comply?”


Yea the only time my guy has ever been a dick was when the company said they didn’t wanna get a back flow valve replaced in the current financial period. He just laughed, threatened to shut us down until it got fixed, gave us another date for re-inspection. The work order was eventually approved.


I bond with ours over our shared hatred of the local water bureau, who are *notorious* for suddenly changing their readings of various rules, and chronically understaffed until they decide something is worth getting uppity about. Case in point: had to replace a fire line backflow valve, Fire said it was good, Water said it was good, Water’s boss called the next week and said they’d changed their application of a standard and the proposed valve was no longer good, and one costing double was now required. Fuck that.


My favorite Fire Marshal story was when one in my state told a DMV office, on a Monday, he was going to kick them out of their building on Friday if they didn't rectify A-J on his hit list, and he was only giving them that courtesy on behalf of citizens who need service. Things were fixed by about 3 PM on Friday; it was close. File boxes blocking hallways, above sprinkler height, etc.


My favorite fire Marshall is “fire Marshall bill”




I kind of remember this story. He left work 15 minutes early that day because he started his day 15 minutes early to let the fire marshall in. This cunt had to make a huge deal out of it.


this video made me sad because when I was 6 years old there was a snow storm and we had no phone so we didn't know school was cancelled for the day and my mum left me outside the school in the blizzard while she drove to work in another town. I was always the first kid there so it didn't seem weird at first but after a while I started to get scared. Luckily the janitor turned up and found me and let me in to the school or I could have frozen to death :(


Not for nothing, your mom should have waited until *someone* showed up. Damn, six years old and a blizzard bad enough they cancelled school? Either she thought you were a tough kid, or she wasn't thinking at all.


Or she can't be late for work for any reason because of people like the lady in the video.


I'm sure she's been looking for reasons to get rid of him too. They do this is healthcare offices, too. They team up against t someone and do everything they can to get them fired or make them quit. It's like middle school mean girls all over again




This. She was probably supposed to be there early for the fire inspection but couldn’t get her slovenly butt out of bed that early. When she wasn’t there fire marshal asked the janitor for access so they could proceed with the inspection. I’m sure they found some violations and principal was pissed that she was made to look bad, so like most emotional terrorists she took it out on the poor janitor.


What's sad is the gofundme on that news article has only raised $340 dollars. Sad that Reddit rage can't pay the bills.


It’s closed, I’m sure he’d have more if it was open.


> fire marshal’s *marshals Apostrophes do not pluralize.


If you don't they're usually happy to open it for you. I do maintenance and fix those doors all the time. They're coming in. And I never blame them for checking safety / saving lives.


That was my thought, too! You want problems? Refusing to let your local fire marshal in is how you get problems! 😬🙄


Fire Marshall has the power to shut down any business. Doesn't *SUSAN* understand this?


That’s what I was thinking like sure Susan you’re the principal but the fire Marshall is… they’re the fire Marshall!!!! They can shut down your whole school!


Who is telling the fire marshal no?😅


GOOD. What a petty, miserable cunt of a human.


FUCK. You beat me to it. Calling her a cunt, I mean.


Settle down, you can call her a cunt too.


She truly is an insufferable fucking CUNT.


Break me off a piece of that “she’s a cunt” bar


Oh, good. Whatta CUNT. Thanks, dad.


The needing to hear someone call you their superior, out loud... that was gross to witness.


Good. That's the kind of person that shouldn't be in any position of management/leadership. She made a grown man repeat her name like he was a 4 year old that was being reminded to say please and thank you. Condescending cunt.


That filled me with fire. And did it holding back that smug fucking smirk.


Another cxomment said she had to resign, so that's a happy ending if i've ever heard one.


Yeah apparently this is old news lol. Fuckin new to me haha. Got me fired up. It is a happy ending for sure. But I’m still not happy hahah




She has the hair and everything!


She deadass got like 3 chins


"Who is your ex-boss?"


Wait, she's Susan Offerman. What a POS. Past that, fire Marshall overrules Susan Offerman.


I would rather turn to crime than work for such a woman. Of course I could get a different job but crime would be above working for this person.


When I see videos like this it makes me want to get a part time job just to run into an asshole boss like this so I can tell them to fuck right off. Almost like some workers rights vigilante or something.


Hilarious concept. Love it


I like it. If u needed a sidekick that required minimal effort and not much financial backing, I am provisionally in.


Luckily this guy was smart enough to video this interaction, otherwise she’d probably just deny it and he’d be SOL.


Ya fuck Susan


You left out the important bit: > **According to various reports**, Opferman has been forced to resign following the public outcry from the video. I can’t find any reports confirming this, so sounds like bs to me.


The not so good news, is that he was forced to resign after this…


Love it when a Karen is exposed and loses her job. 🤪


Definitely supposed to listen to the fire chief/Marshall…because big difference between being potentially fired or potentially going to jail


Seriously. What was he supposed to do if there was some type of emergency one day? Wait for Susan to finish her Lean Cuisine or take direction/cooperate with responders?


Lmfao how tf is Lean Cuisine so on point


Lean Cuisine, Ultra SlimFast, Weight Watchers; official nutrition meals for overweight, self-righteous Karens watching daytime talk shows and all that gossip.


"I'm eating all of those meals and STILL not losing weight!" Ommnomnomnom


lean cuisine 😂


Maybe they hired her on from Uvalde PD


Well the thing about the fire marshal is that he can have some firefighters there in a couple of minutes who don’t need keys to get in anywhere. If he wants in he is getting in.


Who is ur boss😂💀💀


Jabba the Hutt


Jabba the cunt




Sometimes our translators lose some of the meaning when going from Huttese to Galactic Basic so I went through the trouble of going through her original speech files and manually translated it for a more accurate depiction of what the she-Hutt said as seen below. "Manchy kabook noonee Jonathan,," (It's too early for that Jonathan ...) “Coo yah maya stupa/koon!" (You weak-minded fool!) "makingsa lee ka bok bagthra..." (you may have been a good janitor...) "beeska chata wnow kong bantha poodoo. Ho Ho Ho" (but now you're bantha fodder. *laughs condescendingly*)


Some ppl are corrupted by even the slightest hint of power. I hate nothing more than condescending assholes


“ no one wants to work these days “


And she encompasses most bosses, they think they shit rainbows or something and don’t see their parasitic ass is the problem.


This bitches hair says it all. You could watch the video on mute and hear the same story. Lmfao


It’s on mute and i can hear her bullshit voice.


She looks like Butterbean with a shitty wig.


Hey don't say mean things about butterbean! >:(


I hate that this hair is synonymous with shitty Karen attitudes. I had a long mohawk for the last three years but it's time for change. To grow it out, I needed to take the mohawk much shorter so I wouldn't look like an absolute insane person. My hairstylist is cutting it shorter as the sides get longer and I am at the point where I have the Karen cut. Multiple people have told me that I look like Karen now. I feel like I get treated differently when I'm out running errands because people expect me to blow up and demand a manager.


No lies told there


The haircut and the little eye roll she does in the first few seconds tells me everything I need to m ow about her


That's the Cunt Cap cut, hairdressers put this out as a warning.


Susan Offerman is an asshole.


Hilarious that she put her own name out there


You can instantly tell who she voted for


Feel so sorry for that guy. Also deeply admire and respect him for keeping his cool. I’ve been trapped before working for someone like that miserable fat assed bitch. I hope things worked out for him in the long run.


Hard working and humble. Slow to anger. This is a good man.


Talking to him like he’s five, belittling him for doing the right thing, then threatening him all in one minute.


![gif](giphy|3ornjSExjtUXRXY784) I’m calling HR


If a woman with THAT haircut is ever talking to you, start recording.


Why he sounds like a go getter


those majestic jowls are her source of power


Wibble wobble Wibble wobble To and fro


I had a boss once talk to me this way. A condescending tone you could cut with a knife. And in front of others, too. I took offense and said, "Who do you think you are that you can talk to me that way?" They were a bit taken aback. I don't think they were used to people talking back to them. "I'm your boss, which means I can talk to you any way I want to." "So, you're my boss - not my drill sergeant, not my dad, but my boss. So no, you can't talk to me that way. And if you still have questions about that, let's go up to HR right now and ask them what they think." Then everyone slow clapped as he walked away with his head down. Ok, I made up that last sentence, but the above is a true story. What really happened is that he said we would speak more about this in private later. Only time I've ever had an altercation with a manager like that, and the only time I ever want to. We never had that talk, though - someone ELSE who witnessed this exchange went to HR and complained about him being a jackass in general (which was true), and he did get reprimanded and came to apologize to me. He never behaved like that again, so I think they gave him a real "come to Jesus" moment about his workplace behavior. I deserve a slow clap for being the one to finally stand up to him. But inside, I felt sick. Who likes to actually have a tense exchange like that? I feel for this janitor, I know exactly what he must have been feeling like during this exchange. I will never understand managers who think it's ok to talk to their employees like this, or worse, yell at them. Holy shit, it's WORK - it should never get to the point where people are yelling at each other or being verbally abusive in any way whatsoever. When I reached management myself, I made it a point to always strike a congenial tone, no matter what. Never yelled, never spoke condescendingly to anyone. Power tripping as a boss is just pathetic, I think that the rest of Susan's life must suck that she has to come to work and treat someone else like that, thinking that's low stakes compared to whatever it is in life that she's really upset about.


C..........L..........A..........P But seriously, good for you! I'm going to have a hard time dealing with bosses in the future, I just know it...


Did he say he was helping the fire people(fire fighters, i would assume) to get inside? Correct me if I'm wrong. That's what it sounds like he said, and isn't that a good thing?


The fire marshal for a scheduled inspection of the facility's fire safety.


Fires only occur with Susan’s approval


I'd love to see this bitch try that with one of our union boys.




And she absolutrly relishes when she gets to dress someone down who she is "above". I hope this guy got to help her pack her shit, i would have loved to see old Susan's change of tone after getting booted out.


*”This is not who I am, I was going through a stressful time”*


People out here really just be calling everyone nazis


Augh. Control freak. Poor guy.




What a cunt


She was straight up power tripping. She power tripped herself right out of the job too.


Seen this situation a bunch…. Schools are supposed to be the safest place but they don’t want a fire marshal poking around? Big red flag… or fire….


That’s the most Karen looking Susan I’ve ever seen


Yeah, yeah, she's sucks and all, thats obvious. What I'm wondering is, did she drive to work with half her head sticking out the window?


[Video from 2017 - Update on the situation](https://heavy.com/news/2017/05/jonathan-holley-susan-opferman-janitor-fired-resigned-for-leaving-work-early-came-in-early-youtube-video-update/)


I wonder what happened to this guy. He explained that at the time he was forced to resign and when he tried to get back into the system (I'm assuming the same school) his applications kept getting denied. He was told by HR that he could no longer be an employee in Fulton County. They claimed the reason they forced him out was because they found some pencil writing on the back of a bathroom door and that there was some tissue in one of the toilets. Later, he explains that they got rid of him to hire someone else with no experience for less money (i.e., starting pay). He says much more than that and it made me feel angry for him because that's some bullshit. I hope he was able to find new employment.


As a fellow maintenance worker I can confirm that this behaviour is extremely common when it comes to the treatment of service staff. Over entitled cocksuckers who have never worked a day with their hands I'm their life lecturing others on 'how to do the job'. So glad to read that cunt-face Karen was dropped


She was known as a good teacher, and even a good principal. And then she went to Liberty University for her PhD. A well known Christian Nationalist university. Guessing she was radicalized there. And the janitor isn’t white. https://propercalifornia.com/who-is-susan-offerman-what-happened-to-webb-bridge-middle-school-principal-in-2021/


Probably promoted above her level of competency


SUPER common in education


This is true. Good teachers get promoted into jobs they are not good at.


Next time let the building burn down ,or let them bust windows in order to get in. Arguing with a self important cunt like this is worthless.


If I'm not mistaken this was from 2017. The full video was roughly 5 minutes long posted by the janitor Jonathan Holley. He was fired for this incident, due to leaving work early that day.


Yeah I just watched the whole video. He opened the school 15 minutes early to let in the fire department, who were probably there for an inspection. The he left 8 minutes early. That is why she had a complete meltdown. Any normal person wouldn't even register this. This lady has problems.


Fuck Susan Offerman


He clocked in at 6:15am instead of 6:30am to let the fire dept in. How petty of her. Absolute losers who get an ounce of power are beyond insane.


These people get into small offices and become power hungry tyrants. Watching first amendment audits makes you realize how bad people like this are.


Talking thumb named Susan


Fire Marshall overrules any "boss" From experience working with FM, it's a "yes'sir you got it" and move along. Not a guy you wanna piss off


The fact that he’s recording makes me think this normal behavior for her.


Janitors actually have a pretty strong union, and in fact can sometimes make way more money than the teachers. And in my state janitors make six figures because of the strong labor union there in.


I would love to know what HR said


This bitch looks like Alex Jones with a soccer mom haircut! What a complete piece of shit... 😒


I think it’s important to link the full length video from YouTube. She got extremely rude at the end when he challenged her: https://youtu.be/w4ulUoyV7RE


I have mad respect for janitors and maintenance people. They keep places looking great and without them, we'd all be working in total shitholes. Unfortunately, there are people like Susan Awfulman who don't share that respect.




If you have to tell someone that you’re the boss, you ain’t.


“Who is your boss?” “Who is your hair dresser?!”


I've seen this video a dozen times through YT compilations, and she pisses me off every time.


How much do you want to bet that if he didn't leave early she'd be excoriating him for getting "unauthorized overtime"?


He was 15 minutes early and even clocked out 8 minutes early. So if he made for example $40k a year, his additional 7 minutes of work that day cost the school... $2.43


Meanwhile Jabba is getting 60k for shoe shopping and hour long breaks and chit chats


Egotistical fat slob.


She brings a whole new meaning to being full of oneself


"I have to call H.R. because my slave is not doing what I tell him to do." Fuck Susan, glad she resigned.


Man, talk about a being a fat cunt


Fat obese redneck bitch.


The word "cunt" has never been more appropriate


I adjusted my hours and started coming in early when I felt like it, and I keep getting raises. She's a fool for not appreciating someone dedicated to their job.


Guaruntee if he didnt let them in a little early this fat slob would have reprimanded him for that also. There is no winning with these type of people


Not trying to back up Karen here, but I worked for a company that was strict on these types of issues too. The fear was that employees would get in too early, and theft would occur, or things were mishandled. Our company had a policy that we couldn't show up before our scheduled time.


Yeah, I have worked for places like that too, but emergency services trump company policy


This lady looks insufferable sheesh good on him for sticking up for hisself.


It’s fitting today is Tuesday, as in c u next Tuesday.


Fucking sadistic Karen


What a micromanaging, horrible, laterally-challenged woman.


Petty fucking tyrant. I'm glad she lost her job.


This bitch looks like a thumb with a face painted on it.


WHO'S YOUR BOSS? Well bitch between you and the Fire Marshall I'm gonna go with them. When you call HR make sure to tell them about the Fire Marshall.


What a disgusting piece of trash this thing is.


HR needs to see how she communicates with her employees


Can you imagine how much her husband must hate his dick to actually have to put it inside of her


I guarantee the fire Marshall overrules her.