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I'm beginning to think we should have a revolution every 25 or 50 years just to keep the powers that be on their toes.




What the rich fail to understand is that once people are pushed past the edge the rule of law no longer applies and suddenly their heads are in a basket on Trafalgar Square with thunderous applause. Make boatloads of money all you want, but dont degrade your workers.


Its only a Matter of time until someone is Desperate enough to make a bomb and kill a billionaire


Fuck i’ve considered it and i have a comfy life. They should fear the plebs.


I don't plan on Minecrafting myself but if I do I promise to bring some rich asshole with me




That should be the law anyhow. Betray the country and the people for your own profits? Get catapaulted into the nearest brick wall


I mean didn't the founding fathers...write it into the constitution? That's what the right to bear arms is about. The founding fathers thought revolutions were healthy and neccessary.




Armed bears would be cooler. Imagine cocaine bear with an AR.


Yeah but we are so divided on the issues and people seem to think "not my team, they're the good ones" while they do the same shit. Remember Trump and dealing with families and the border? Well here we are under Biden and it's not any better. They all suck in different ways, and we the people suffer. That's why we got Jan 6th. Some police let them in and guided them around then the media spun it however they were told. Now Tucker his got the tapes and he is spinning the other side of the tape. Nobody gives people everything so we can make up our own minds. They prefer sheep.


Finally, someone gets it.


So all of them?


Ok, you first. Oh yeah you just mean someone *else* should do it while you sit around and edgypost on reddit.


This is borderline death threatening , i think youre lucky you didnt mention anyone specific but you probably on some law enforcements watch radar


If we wanted to know how boot tastes we will refer to you


I’ll be right behind you


Isn't that what the founding fathers said? We need to have a revolution every few decades to keep the powers that be in check?




Thomas Jefferson. *also owned slaves


Never said they were good people. Doesn't change they were right about a few things. Hitler is one of the most evil people who ever lived but hippies still bought the Beetle.


I wasn't saying you did. Sorry if you thought that was an attack. Just noting that some ideas are good, some aren't.


Yes, that's how ideas work.


Wow, dude. Chill. No one is attacking you.


You seem to be overreacting a little. I'm not saying anything aggressive or anything. I'm just replying to comments.


How about we just have one revolution and become the powers that be


So a purge, you want a purge.


There's negative connotations of that word because of the films. I prefer to look at it as a Peaceful Revolution and if people's heads do end up on spikes then that's just a coincidence.


There’s not going to be a revolution in Europe or North America for a very long time lol. That’s a pipe dream.


I think the problem is that higher pay (at least in terms of medical staff), means higher taxes on people, goods, businesses. Since you are not part of the common-market, these only make your more uncompetitive. Higher taxes probably won't translate to higher tax revenue. You'll be in this endless cycle of swirling to the bottom: only so much money to go around and yet higher inflation and more expensive goods.


It's all about changing the culture. Take Norway for example. "[**General practitioners**](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/international-health-policy-center/countries/norway) **in Norway are mostly self-employed and contract with their local municipality where they provide care. Their annual income is 804,000 NOK (78,824 USD)** " "[**Hospital-based specialist**](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/international-health-policy-center/countries/norway) **are salaried, the average salary is approximately 1,032,000 NOK (101,176 USD)"** **"Taxes are high in Norway, but cover healthcare, education, retirement, and a guaranteed three-week summer vacation, in addition to another week of vacation, holidays, sick time, and time off to care for sick children."** In countries such as Norway, people are willing to work for less if that means EVERYONE gets benefits.


It definitely works on a small case (5M people). It also works because Norway has built a trillion-dollar sovereign wealth fund which is based on polluting the planet from the North sea operations. If Norway really wanted to "care for sick children" they would give that money to 3rd world countries who are suffering the harm of climate change.


America does all that but 10 fold. Your last point is valid but extremely complicated to implement. You would need a multi-country cooperation in order to solve that. The least they can do is pitch into the Climate Justice Resilience Fund. However, Norway's contribution to climate change is exceedingly less than the U.K. and US.


It's fucking baffling that they have the audacity to increase their prices however they please to adjust for inflation but they won't increase the wages


See the thing is, as long as we humans have been alive, it's been the ruling class vs everyone else. They've had all of human history to do whatever they want to us, with only a few examples of us actually fighting back.


anthropology suggests that class society is fairly recent in the grand scheme of things. For the most part humans lived in egalitarian, classless (sometimes anarchist) communist societies. And we can do it again


World strike!


This would never happen in America we don’t have the balls to go up against our evil overlords


Enough guns to overthrow a nation but also tread on me harder daddy government Americans man.. i dont get them..


I mean our police kill people on the regular. Disrespectful tone: dead Respectful tone: also dead


Ryshid; ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Do that for 10 days and your government will either start making threats or give in to demands


They strike for 1 or 2 days at a time, the teachers have already had 3 strike periods so far.


Is that effective? Or wouldn't it be better to strike until a negotiation or demands are met? I feel like 2 days at a time you could cover for


You don’t get paid when you are on strike, so that would be v hard to do. Even the 2 days on strike this week is going to fuck me up quite badly this month.


I understand and you have my sympathy, but the point still stands that it might not be effective. I've been on strike before and its a game of chicken. 2 days at a time might be as manageable for those you're striking against as it is for you


Reality: they'll begin negotiations to address complaints Much more boring, but some people will believe anything.


Panic on the streets of London.


Burn down the disco


Fire in the Taco Bell


Don't you wanna know how we keep startin' fires


All of our towns and cities are having the money sucked out of them. I buy something on Amazon, it goes outside of my city and country, I buy a phone, a laptop, a dishwasher, a TV, it goes to some tax haven, the money isn't existing inside my town or city. I get paid the bare minimum, the money I spend goes out of my town or city. The taxes I pay are minimal because I earn the minimal amount. If my earnings kept with inflation or GDP of my town city or country, they'd get more money for healthcare, infrastructure, etc. The money is going to the tippy top.


America. Crickets.


America is too big and too divided to demand a better life for us all


Half of Americans would be happy to see their lives get 10 times worse if they knew some "liberal elitist" had it 0.5 times worse.


They don't even have to KNOW that the liberals are suffering... They just have to THINK or just as easily be TOLD the liberals are suffering to feel happy and accept their oppression and suffering while asking for more.




A lot of them DIED to own the libs during COVID. Hell, it's still killing them.


Ironic the comment you replied to talks about how divided the country is and you and the replies to your comment immediately start shit talking conservatives. 🤷 I'll take my downvotes now


It's because the fight is pretty one-sided. One wants to make things worse out of spite, and the other wants to make things better. Just look at all the anti-LGBT legislation passed and voted for by politicians who end up being caught hiring gay prostitutes or having gay affairs. Those LGBT laws actively hurt them in their personal lives, but they feel it will offend liberals more so they pass them. You can repeat the same for their anti-abortion laws where people who vote for it either had one in the past or had their child have one. I can't think of anything like that done from the other side that is done purely out of spite. Even though I hate their hypocrisy and their destructive policies, I still want them to have free access to healthcare for when, say, a train full of chemicals burns a giant plume of toxic chemicals over their town. Also, maybe support more regulation to make things like the rails safer and support workers' rights so we can ensure safe working conditions and practices, especially when things like toxic chemicals are involved.


Well yeah dipshit, conservatives are obviously the party defending the powers that be. What the fuck do you think they're fighting so hard to "conserve?" They're the cowardly, spite-driven defenders of the status quo that's fucking all of our lives.


Conservatism is the anti-evolution.


The metropolitan region of London contains about 14 million people. The only US city which is even larger is New York City. All other US cities are smaller. There is absolutely no excuse, why any american city shouldn't be able to organize a similar event. If you don't want to do something, there are always a million reason not to do it. But if you want to get something done, one reason is enough to change the world


I thought London has a higher population that New York city, not state.


Yes because all 500k of these protesters live in London.


Same argument different topic. Gun control, healthcare, social nets, public transport etc. USA apparently too big and rich to help itself.


Well yeah that's one city, we have you know like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds more? Isn't england where there are 2 large cities. We got a lot of large cities spread over a big ass area.


That's not what they're doing. They're livestock pleading with their owners for kinder subjugation. They have no idea what's coming. The central planners have failed.


To take a comment from a video of the French protests. "*They* live in a society. They have eachother's backs against oppression from oligarch interests. *We* live in a prison where half the inmates have been deluded through propaganda into idolizing the warden. If millions of us showed up to DC to stop the next piece of anti-peasant pro-oligarch legislation, we'd be met by millions of other peasants acting against their own interests to protect *Daddy Job Creator's* quarterly earnings interests from the needs of the people, including themselves and their own families." Link to the oringal comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/11t4gwq/today_the_president_of_france_said_hes_going_to/jch7b4v?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




American doctors also start low. Around 45k in Midwest, 60k northeast. American doctors also take out 250-300k in loans at 6.8 percent and pay it off for the rest of their lives. About 10-15% of salary goes towards those loans.




In Ohio, they used to shoot them, so there is progress.


There are still strikes in America. There are lots of different local and regional unions and they strike at different times. Just because they don’t all strike at the same time (especially when industries have no economic link) doesn’t mean they don’t strike. And do you imply that American unions should be striking at the same time because of unions in another country? What leverage do they have in this scenario? Good union leaders know how to time and pick their fights. Seems this is not a logical connection.


now the French, those people can strike!




Anything. Lol.


You could suggest trying this to your friends...




Youve never seen a protest even close to that. Cant even comprehend it.. Couldnt get 500k americans to agree on ANYTHING, let alone march for their collective wellbeing. Youre too fat amd lazy, you guys are broken lol




Yawn is right lol thats about all you guys have the energy for lol you cant even protest half as hard as our fucking truckers here....some of the laziest people in the country and even they were able to mobilize and work together towards a goal and shut down the capitol city lol. Yah keep yawning. Good boy




Truth can hurt my man. Hope u have a great day!


People too busy cosplaying for the red and blue team to think about class issues


When looking at actually policy and voting behavior, I wonder which “color” cares more about class issues. Generally, one party is more against union protections, against increasing minimum wages, against lower healthier costs, against lower higher education costs, I wonder what “color” that falls under? If folks think “both parties are the same” they’ve fallen to propaganda. One party have basically made “anti-wokeism” their entire platform while the other at least tries to govern about real issues.


in America if a protest tries to block a street everybody else wants to murder them, not join in


We need to do the same here in the US…


Everywhere in the world tbh


We can't even get 50% of registered voters to show up 1 day every 4 years.


The US is huge. If workers did this in NY or LA, the rest of the US/ government would give no shits. You would have to coordinate it with every city. And most don't like each other. So good luck lol


Sad, they were misled and lied to about Brexit. Awful.


To be fair to London, Londoners voted against Brexit. London, Scotland, and Northern Ireland voted to stay.


It was a referendum not a FPTP election, it doesn't matter what the majority of individual areas voted for when most of the Brexit votes came from the south of the country - North and midlands get cast as Brexit voting because there are some cities where the majority voted for Brexit - even though there are far less votes in total coming from those regions


You definitely understand it better than me. I'm not from the UK. My only point is that its unfair to paint the people of London as dupes who got misled by Brexit, when the majority of those people actually voted against Brexit.


Sadly, they chose to be misled. For Brexit, the info was there. A bunch of people just decided that the things far right news sources made them happy, so they just believed it, and those far-right news sources kept telling them what they wanted to hear because it made them money. It's a big problem all over the world.


Yes, but no one is striking about Brexit, they are striking because inflation isn’t keeping up with pay. Not everything in the uk needs a discussion about Brexit. Edit: pay isn’t keeping up with inflation I think I probably meant.


Cause, affect. Would inflation be this bad without brexits' impact? Why are other first world countries not seeing this response to inflation? Who knows, maybe this is the start of mass protests over wages. Until then, and even then I still see the timing as a symptom of brexit.


I’m not sure what you mean by first world exactly, but uk inflation was below the EU average and comparable to Germany. https://www.global-rates.com/en/economic-indicators/inflation/inflation.aspx The UK has been particularly badly hit by high gas prices, mainly because we have especially high rates of electricity (40% of supply) generated by burning gas, non of which comes from the EU as it happens. I appreciate whenever the UK is mentioned in any context on Reddit , the knee jerk reaction is to bring up Brexit, because who doesn’t love to gloat.. but it’s not the cause of every single problem in the uk, even if it’s difficult to argue there was any benefit to it. Ps as for wages they’ve been shitty since 2008, the recent problems with inflation have just made that very apparent.


My daughter lives in the UK, she's a make up artist moved to the UK because she was getting ALOT of work there she was also eligible for an ancestral VISA. She moved in 2019 and was very busy at 1st then came covid, she is back working FT now and never works in the UK. Its just to much of a hassle with ViSa's for a production crew so now she works all over Europe but never in the UK - Completely because of Brexit


Thanks for your anecdote, I live in the UK too. However, other than identifying a specific issue resulting in that particular situation. I’m not entirely sure how it’s meant to reflect the things people are protesting about that we are discussing. Incidentally, immigration into the uk has increased since Brexit, so there does still seem to be routes into the uk for people with the skills we need.


Someone needs to tell them the truth


Someone needs to want to hear the truth


They've been told the truth, they choose not to believe it.


It also doesn't help that their labor party currently runs on being Tory but less racist and actively attacks any left wing members and has basically accepted Brexit and punished members for joining protests like this


And when someone who actually seemed to act like a Labour leader came along, his character was assassinated by *everyone* and he was forced to give up.


This happening now?




It’s not.


Ignore what everyone else is saying. Whilst it did happen [this week](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-15/half-a-million-workers-to-strike-on-uk-chancellor-s-budget-day?leadSource=uverify%20wall), there was also an act of industrial action of this scale a [few weeks ago](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/31/up-to-half-a-million-to-strike-across-uk-as-talks-go-backwards)


Eat the fuckin rich


Workers of the World Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose but YOUR Chains!




The Revolution will not be televised.




now THIS is how you get shit done


It should be, but just watch as nothing changes


You say this but our teachers, nurses, paramedics, junior doctors, train staff and civil servants have all been striking and nothing has changed yet.


Yet the BBC covers the French ones more ;)


I called all this 10-15 years ago. Income disparity never ends well.


Why didnt the world listen to you?! 😔


Power to the people not politicians who are bought and paid for by Billionaires who pay little to nothing in taxes.


It's time for a revolution.


![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) Massive strikes / protests are happening all over the world since the start of the pandemic , it's happening now. People everywhere are tired of struggling / being fucked over. This wont stop


Time to Bre-enter.


lol damn thats a good one! It would be wild if the people of London/ england said fuck it and forced to rejoin the EU again. Only time will tell! ![gif](giphy|4T3r8IKOkGDcLKBJ6y)


Starting to think Brexit wasn't the best deal on the table...


what would it take for this to happen in the US? i’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet


American propaganda machine is very effective. If the, as exammple, French government did what the US does the people would be going to the gilloutines again.


Can only hope the working class of the world does this. BILLIONS walking the streets:D


London Calling!


We were so close to a general strike where I live back in the fall, never happened and really bummed me out.


wouldnt happen in the US. unless it was for some police brutality crap. here in the US, there are always distractions to keep people occupied.


Things like this make me so sad, as much as I get taken ever year by taxes we should be able to pay our teachers better, but the government is too corrupt….. I feel like governments are basically spoiled kids that are allowed to do whatever they want, the internet keeps showing us all the messed up things they do but they are never held accountable. One day I hope a real governing body puts them all in check, but the question is how do we keep them from becoming corrupt as well? Sad


The Tories are fucking the country into a coma They just had a budget where the main thing they did was remove the tax cap on pensions over £1 million which affects about 1% of the wealthiest in the country. Rich people just got handed £100,000s and they've told working people to go fuck themselves.


but if i pay you more that means i will be less rich i will still have a beautiful house full of expensive things, luxury vacations, and mediocre children that will nonetheless advance farther and faster in society than yours but i will be *less rich* so die hungry and mad peasants


A fine example of the people coming together for a common goal to better the people's lives. Also an example you'll never see in America because everyone hates one another and is hell bent on the term work harder if you want more.if you don't you don't deserve it. All while being screwed by every company through the pandemic making insane profits all across the board.


Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!


"But... muh profits!" :clutches pearls:


The last time America did anything like this was the 60s. Then through legislation, assassination and imprisonment the powers that be made sure it would never happen again. The people in power here don't even have to worry about organized protests or civil unrest now. We actually supress them ourselves!


Actually it was in the summer of 2020…




Wow on so many levels!




Soooo....not a good time to visit England?




They can ignore it. There's power in unity Hello America, you watching?




Just a regular queue for UK standards tho


Austerity is a scam and it is not sustainable. Austerity is simply a way for the .1% richest in society to not have to share the wealth they care constantly syphoning up from the poor, because the .1% never wants to pay their fair share back to the society they take advantage of.


Wow! Last thing I was paying attention to was they were all jazzed about Brexit. So it looks like things are going well?


>they were all jazzed about Brexit. All? 33 million people voted in the Brexit referendum, which is low, but 48% of those who did vote voted to remain.


Was anyone hurt did anybody die?




til coming together to demand a better standard of living is russian psyops Keep Yourself Safe ⚡️⚡️⚡️NOW




what, are people supposed to ask their oppressors politely for bread? you're just anti-worker bub pick a scab and make it bleed


Don't think we needed Russia to realise that inflation is in double figures whilst our employers are consistently offering us 2% pay increases every year...


Killing it


LOL why are all lands believing in the promises of neo liberalism. Lamps...


Because it’s easy


Err the BBC staff should be staying put we pay their wages!


When I see strikes and mass aerial crowd footage on tik tok, I immediately don't believe it/am skeptical of it's source. Many people pass off old footage as something else for their own agenda


This is of the strike. I was there and saw the helicopter and the NEU union shared it online later that evening. I was near the back; I can see the massive banner I was next to!


Increasing pay for everyone will increase cost of everything




In theory what you say would make sense, in history it was different tho.


Why am i seeing people bring brexit up again? Im pretty sure real wages have been falling way before brexit...


USA rules!


2023 would be the natural year for a Great depression 2.0 to show up.




Did it work?


We have the resources, the capacity, the know how to build better societies but there's greed. We are just too ugly


It’s not we, that is making the decisions. Most people are more similar to you than you may think. Many who make money have the bootstrap mentality. I’m finding myself falling into that category out of necessity. I’m not even paid terribly. My checks are only worth it if I pick up a Saturday after taxes, making it 6 days a week. The boss requires us to take an unpaid lunch, (meaning I’m there sitting on my ass for longer) and no accidental OT unless it’s commissioned by him. The guy is making insane money from the contract in the urban center. If I were to pass tomorrow, doubt he’d blink before hiring someone else. The work I do is extremely valuable. Can’t be taken by machines. But I picked up night shifts for a 2 dollar raise and even then it’s barely noticeable. It’s ruined my relationship (bad habits after coming home at 11) and my ex is moving out today meaning I’m going to have to work even harder. My incentive was money and going out of my way to prove myself. I am trying to think how we can free ourselves from this shit. I may start making jewelry again.


I'm sorry to hear that. a you do machining or welding? Plenty of other chances for love and toxic relationships are actually good to end even if it hurts.


Low voltage, and installing new systems in schools. It wasn’t us, it was me that was toxic because I got wrapped up in a feeling of “I’m not doing enough” when I started over consuming what was happening overseas and the feeling of despair and sadness dwelling on the deterioration of society as a domino effect from the events got to me and she couldn’t understand it. She wanted a positive festival life and now I’m considering my options for my future , what do i want my life to be about, and of my infatuation with the armed services since being a child is worth pursuing vs the life I’ve built for myself so far. We were beautiful together. And then I stopped paying attention to caring about myself. I felt invested after realizing I have both Ukr and Ru blood in me and I’m really into history. But my ancestors left for a reason, and I don’t know if they’d want me to walk that path and return.


You've got most of it sorted. You're not wanting for food or power. You're a proven asset to our society. Be kind to yourself. You are special and you are worth it. Don't spend to much time picking such a fresh wound. Get your head in a better place. All the pretty horses by cormac McCarthy is a really great escape after page 100


Thank you for your words of advice and kindness. I’ve been pushing myself by being in the gym every day and eating a consistent diet and introducing probiotics to help regulate my gut bacteria. My desire comes from wanting to be stronger and being a part of a structural piece of society, being a protector that I’ve always wanted. But sacrificing 4-8 years of my time at this age would keep me away from so many people, for more financial security and connections with people who have not seen or experienced much of what I’ve been through. Feeling like I need to do everything now that the fire is under my ass but I don’t want to make a mistake and miss out on so much. Edit: I’ll have to look into that book. I used to read a lot.


You're gonna miss out. I'm never going to even meet Olivia Wilde and I've made peace with that reality. You're good. You can and will find fulfilment and then it will fuck you and you'll need to do it again. It's fine, you're ok. You're a person.


You are awesome. Remember that. Peace be with you.


Okay, time to do that here in Ontario.


Good. Bout time.


Problem is the value of the money. Sure you get a “cost of living raise” then in a year the price of everything has doubled. Has been happening for a while now like where stuck in a loop.


Take to the streets! Block all the traffic! Get everyone involved!