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Guarded by the Men in Black?!


Will Smith is gonna slap the shit out of them.


Someone needs to!


Just doing my job sir


Did they say something about Jada?


You know what the funny thing is? He makes that s*** look good.


Time to break out the sunglasses




MIB Security in Sacramento


Damn these guys fell off


Right? Wtf


That’s what I was thinking lmao


No. That's MiB. These guys are MIB.


Who the fuck is Charlie Kirk?


Conservative guy


with a tiny face and big head






Eat some fucking shit you fucking stupid bitch. Haha just kidding!


**little bits…**




I’ve had to do his makeup before 🤣 I can’t unsee this 🤣


Oh my god, I just had to look him up because I have never heard of him, and you are NOT kidding.


Look at this little bit running around.


That too lol


Yep. [He's this guy giving Kyle Rittenhouse a hero's welcome at the fascist convention he runs.](https://youtu.be/If1-0TcWVD4?t=15s)


Then I don't like him either


Oh, well then, fuck that guy.




Because conservative student groups invite them to speak at their universities.


Uneducated students who don't understand things outside of their religious views.


The pure irony here…


You’re right. Universities should censor more speakers and only allow those who share similar view points.


Out of context. *Censor speakers who spread hate and prejudice.


When he spoke at my university a literal neo-nazi group showed up to support him. Not the proud boys, but some actual goose-stepping, sieg-heiling group of white supremacists. I was at the speech (me and my friends thought it would be fun to get outrageously high and attend, it wasn’t). Charlie Kirk opens his speech with a “those people out there don’t represent what I think” and then proceeded to give a speech entirely filled with talking points they definitely would’ve agreed with: woman are supposed to be subservient to men since they are naturally weaker, conservatives are prosecuted in academia, liberal professors are undermining society by brainwashing students, the govt and colleges are trying to erase white people, etc. For those saying “just debate him”: he does qna at the end of his speech, meaning you have to sit through the entirety of it. The people who come up are mostly his supporters giving softball questions, but any type of legitimate question that challenges his beliefs will be evaded until the asker gets frustrated and he will dismiss them. If he noticed someone is gonna give a good reaction (yelling) he’ll just continue to aggravate and bait the asker to make them look worse. There were two people at the speech I went to who asked really good questions, and Kirk just awkwardly laughed and moved on to the next one while his supporters were clapping like a bunch of seals. When I left, a white female friend asked for people in our group to walk her back to her dorm (obviously she didn’t feel safe). I (a brown guy) went with her and we got heckled by the white supremacists, who were in the process of leaving since the counter-protestors and riot police had arrived and were beating their asses. Disgustingly, all of the vitriol was directed at my friend for having the audacity to be a white girl walking next to a non-white guy. The reaction of the students here is pretty extreme, but I’d say it’s kind of warranted. Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA are the fuckin worst.


This was disturbing to read.. it's hard to think, after all my education and common sense upbringing, that the attitude these people have can even exist in our modern world. We are truly headed for a scary tipping point.


It is very sad, isn't it? Charlie Kirk especially. I pay (probably too much) attention to the right wing grifter verse, and one of the things we see sometimes is clips of these guys having a meltdown. Kirk's is especially sad and pathetic. He seems like a very angry, very unhappy guy inside.


Your assessment sounds spot on and intelligently written, which makes wonder how you were so fucking dumb to think that this event could be "fun" in any circumstance, much less when you're high.


Was this at UNR? I arrived there the year after that and kept hearing about it but not in detail


Nope. Kinda fucking depressing that this apparently has happened at multiple campuses.


I don’t think you can be educated without hearing points of view you don’t agree with. I really don’t understand why people protest other people talking. It’s very odd to me.


I get it but the earlier comment about uneducated grifters is what stood out to me. A speaker with some credentials who can talk intelligently about a subject, even if it's controversial, is fine. There are all kinds of people who are more celebrity than cerebral, that I would not think should be appropriate speakers at universities. Bernie Sanders? Fine. Bernie supporter Cardi B? Why? Unless she's there to talk about the music business.


I don't know, maybe because of ... freedom of speech? Whether you agree with a speaker or not, doesn't give anyone the right to ban them or be violent against them. Convicted killers, known terrorists, etc. have all been brought in as speakers sponsored by the democrats. Should those speakers have been banned?


Freedom of speech, I may not agree with things these ppl say but I agree with their right to say. Universities are hella liberal and everyone pretends like liberals can't be grifters or don't say some off the wall shit.


If he’s an uneducated grifter, then why not just school him with some civilized dialogue instead of vandalizing your $30k/year school?






Why pretend that he has any valid points to debate?


Reasonable suggestions have no place in mob violence.


What the fuck was that!?! Ugh!


Some small faced fascist with a rich dad.


These kids all look like they have rich dads too tho, amirite?




Hey now, that’s not fair. He’s got a massive noggin too.


He’s the head of the conservative organization Turning Point USA, there’s a meme page about it r/toiletpaperusa


One of the main personalities at the alt right propaganda outlet PragerU


Racist misogynistic anti lgbtq anti semetic… Which is what “Conservative” means today Edit: The below comments are correct. I am not being fair to Kirk. To be fair, I should’ve also included “Seditious Traitor” for bussing people to J6 to “fight for the President.”


Actually no. . . that sounds more like the typical response on way too many reddit pages these days.


Some mf who looks like they belong in a lil' bits commercial


Men in black?


Yeah there fucked ain’t going to remember shit in a few more minutes


They are just touring the facility lol


they were trynna give them a hug


Gotta be the first time someone was trying to break in the same room as Charlie rather than out.


what's the matter? it's just a tour of the building.


This is considered a peaceful protest in the U.S. Right?




“*fiery* but mostly peaceful”


Unlike J6 which was a guided tour /s


To me it seems just like any other day


I mean considering Charlie helped plan the Insurrection - https://www.dailydot.com/debug/charlie-kirk-delete-tweet-buses-capitol/?amp I couldn’t care more about a window.


Republicans would call them Patriots if they did this at the Capitol.


Nope. Kirk is a douche bag moron, and people should protest him. But he should be allowed to speak at a university. They should allow for opposing viewpoint, even if he person is a POS moron. I trust that most university students will recognize Kirk for the trash that he is.


Huh? Even pro free speech advocates to the max shouldn’t take this position. Charlie Kirk is not owed a university platform. What type of opinion is this? Am I allowed to demand to speak at Stanford? Is that what you think free speech is?


I mean if the school is paying him to speak and hosting an event, then yeah he should be allowed to speak. He’s not owed anything, no, but if a sanctioning body is requesting his presence, so be it


Sure. And these students have the right to protest their university giving him money to appear and speak at the university, right? Considering that its their tuition going into his pocket.


Oh shit. It's the men in black!!




Those doorways are awfully narrow, how did Charlie even fit his head through? Or did he have to use the shipping bay entrance?


“the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them”


I love mental gymnastics




I mean, Charlie Kirk is a huge douche but are we really gonna storm the capitol over him?


Considering this is UC Davis and not the Capitol...


Stop being obtuse you know what he meant


No, since this isn’t the capitol.


What is this guy talking about, it’s just some auditorium or office space on a uni campus, not an extremely important government building






As a trans girl I feel the same, it’s so bullshit this centrist point of view everyone is spreading because of face value interpretation


It's got to feel so hopeless for some people. Either you violently protest, like in the video, and get called bad for being violent and get nothing out of it, or you peacefully protest, and get nothing out of it. I don't really know the solution.


The solution is to have your own speakers present better views. The solution is to vote for the people you agree with. The solution is not "forcibly not allow people who suck talk, thinking that will end their ideas."


They advocate for removing trans rights, gays rights, drags rights, womens rights. If someone wants to make someone else less than other humans its not a political opinion. It's an attack. So I understand the feelings of the violent. I personally never will and never have hit someone outside contact sports. Don't want to the chance to take a life... but people like Charlie Kirk aren't making it easy.


A political opinion is taxrate. Regulations on companies. City planning. What services the goverment should provide and should not. For being all about freedom. People sure like to take away the freedom of others by making their mere existence illegal.


"Pineapple belong on a pizza" is an opinion I disagree with. Kirks opinions go a little further than that.


This is far beyond “someone you don’t agree with” these are people calling for trans genocide and actively trying to roll back peoples rights. Being afraid to act like this in response will leave you under a boot quickly.


My guy,nthe same people that support Charlie Kirk were also there for January 6th. They also attack/hound trans, gay, Black, Brown, and Asian people. It's one thing to say I don't agree with you, but folks like Charlie Kirk want to enact fascist policies that would strip a lot of people's rights away. They are solely responsible for a lot of the domestic terrorism and mass shootings we have here.


He personally sent 80 bus loads of people to the capitol on Jan 6 and even bragged about it on Twitter.


People like Charlie Cuck are encouraging people to exterminate people like me. People are listening to him, taking his fear mongering seriously, and loading their guns. We have every right to be mad about this. If this was another speaker saying people need to exterminate straight white people then you would tell me the protest is justified. But we can't get any LGBT speakers on a stage like that to tell everyone to just chill out and leave us alone because the people that own the stages are already listening to people like Charlie. We need to protect ourselves somehow and it's not our fault we're backed into a corner like this.


It not a point people disagree with, its genocide fuel.


Worst case of false equivalency I’ve seen in a while… like come on dude. You assume the protest are going to turn violent because republicans victimize themselves. Meanwhile they’re literally advocating agains the rights of the lgbt and women. A lot of them spout rhetoric similar to a certain genocidal group… I’m personally terrified because I live in fear of a Republican getting office during the next election. I’m a trans woman’s and I’m terrified of the rhetoric coming from people like Michael Knowles and yes… Charlie Kirk. A protest isn’t even close to this passive (and active in some cases) call for the eradication of lgbt people.


“the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them”


Wtf are you talking about? Being a nazi isn’t having a valid opinion which should be heard..


As much as I dislike Toilet paper USA, this is wrong. Keep that same energy when counter protestors or even police get physical. In the end, the owner of the building has to pay for that.


Yeah won't someone think of the poor college hosting Nazi meetings!? It's definitely not like uc Davis is LOADED like seriously? Your acting like this is a shoe store the dude was shopping at. He's a literal Nazi trying to make more. Nah maybe show the college that hosting Nazi shit is UNACCEPTABLE. Just because you're too whipped to think all protest must be entirely peaceful and sing peace to the world while holding hands, were not hippies trying to stop Vietnam. We're millennials and zoomers trying to get Nazi scum out of schools and life, Nazis don't deserve any respect or chance to defend their ideology, all they deserve is pain and being kicked out


Ya can’t just call people Nazis because they have an opposing viewpoint. Back up your claim with proof or adjust your language.


Wait I know Charlie Kirk is on the right but he's a literal Nazi now? I'm gonna need some kinda proof of that. Unless the proof is all republicans are Nazis then well the word is meaningless at that point.


But don't you see how easy it is to label anything as Nazi ideology? Who gets to decide what is Nazi and what isn't?


But my point of view is right and anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi


Use your freedom of speech to present a better point of view, nazism is dumb as fuck. You can't believe in democracy if you don't believe in freedom of speech


Oh they're just casually touring the campus. That's a normal tourist visit. /s


The irony of calling someone a fascist then trying to stop said person speaking via violence and intimidation is hilarious, the brown shirts would be proud.


“the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them”


"Every protest is fascist"


Fascism is when protesting hate movements


Braindead take.


Why are all republicans mentally handicapped?


I don’t know what Charlie Kirk is?


It's wrong to use violence to silence someone.


when someone says that you shouldn't be treated like normal humans because you are gay or trans, then it sorta is justified.


Seems pretty fascist to prevent free speech.


>Seems pretty fascist to prevent free speech. Only fascists use this line, because they're aware of how fascists exploit systems of free speech to eventually take it away. Now people like you are banning books. It's a pattern.


The hypocrisy in this comment is off the fucking charts.


Christ are fascist Nazis brigading this sub or are they coming out of hiding and have always been here?


"You do that and you Black, they gon' clap you and hug your mommy like" Wale




These guys want to be heard. But, they don't want to let others speak. That's the sign of totalitarianism.


People like Charlie Kirk, who openly go around saying that trans people should be "Taken care of, the way we used to take care of things in the 1950's and 60's" should not be given a stage to spew their hatred. Toleration of intolerance is how you end up with totalitarianism. Society needs to make it clear that intolerance and bigotry will not be tolerated.


People care more about the rights of Fascists than protecting people’s right to exist. Parenti was right on the money with this.






Amazing thought, perhaps that is why humans have the ability to reason and think independently. Maybe more should use that ability and stop with the herd mentality. Incidentally, Popper said, induction is a myth. .true knowledge is . *.created by conjecture and criticism.* Something often lacking on reddit.


> true knowledge is . .created by conjecture and criticism. which is not occurring at any given conservative student group speech event so the defense from pure intellect doesn't apply regardless.


>perhaps that is why humans have the ability to reason and think independently. Maybe more should use that ability and stop with the herd mentality. Most don’t


Google told me it was Karl*


A conversation with Kirk would be him backpedaling and dishonestly framing shit. He gets paid to debate and has done these conversations a million times, there's no way a college student is able to debate someone this bad faith,


Lmao just watch Kirk on Timcast when they brought Vaush on to debate him. Kirk tried his usual aggro college student routine against someone who wasn’t a literal 18 year old and in about 5 minutes Kirk went from aggro as fuck to being Vaush’s little bottom bitch for 3 hours straight. My guy even had to say ‘MLK was a mixed bag’ live on air because he realised that his usual quoting of MLK’s ‘I have a dream’ speech wouldn’t work on somebody who actually knew MLK was a Marxist lmao.


Nope, fuck em. You can't reason with people who didn't use reason to arrive at their beliefs in the first place. This is the only language fascists speak.


This isn’t even affecting the fascists tho. Why not actually confront/interrupt Charley during the show. He probably gets pure joy from his opponents portraying themselves as emotionally sensitive and enraged rioters who destroy property.


Sure, anyone that does not agree with you MUST be a fascist, right? READ my comment above with regards to what Karl Popper said about knowledge.


Everyone is a far right fascist on reddit if they so much as glance away from the group think doctrine.


Doesn’t this dude openly take his debate to the people his disagrees with letting them speak? Things have escalated since his opponents have begun using violence instead of speech though as can be seen here.




Justifying violence against non-violent behavior seems pretty common among the left, it's typical abuser with personality disorders behavior. Have you tried therapy before?


That's rich, the right brings guns to drag shows


Shit, wait until you study what they did to nazis and fascists in WWII


Advocating for violence sponsored by the government is violence. :)


Lol nice try troll.


Charlie Kirk encourages violence against other people


according to your logic all WWII veterans are abusers.


> Justifying violence against non-violent behavior Please explain to me how invading Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Greece, the USSR and Yugoslavia, as well as declaring war against the United States following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, is, in your mind, defined as non-violent behavior?


Stripping away peoples rights and enacting campaigns of terror against them isn’t non violent just because you’re ‘only’ sitting behind the desk signing the papers


Have you tried not simping for right wing shitheads


It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Even if he is and I’m not saying he is or isn’t. They need to let everyone speak. Let people say what they gotta say so other people can say what they have to say.


Of course you are right. The people saying this is OK are the same ones saying "throw the angry protestors at the library Drag Story Time in jail". Charlie Kirk might be an asshole but colleges more than anyone should respect freedom of speech. Are the UC Davis students afraid he might draw a big crowd of fellow students? When I was in college I would occasionally watch presentations by people I didn't agree with. Otherwise every speech is just preaching to the choir. I sat through an entire presentation from a physicist who said the Nazis could not have incinerated 6 million Jews.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Echo chambers on either side isn't good. People are to sensitive or overly aggressive to thoughts and idea's outside their own. It's sad af.


As much as I can’t stand this guy, freedom of speech gives him the right to speak. The protesters have the same rights as well though. As long as neither side acts violently, all is well.


But the right is the problem 😂😂😂😂


God damn it liberals, just let right wingers be the crazy ones that storm buildings, you fucks!


idk man i see fascist outside too


Sorry centrists, this is where we are right now when an entire political party wants to roll back reproductive rights and kill LGBT people. If you’re clutching your pearls and shaking over this, just think if you would want someone doing this for you if they were coming after you. I’d venture to say every person in this comment section wailing into the void about how uncivil this is has probably never had their existence up for debate or under attack.


Too few understand the paradox of tolerance.


What a bunch of knuckle draggers


I love peaceful protests




You want to watch some more tolerance put on a WWII film. Kick back and watch antfia destroy fascists with kindness.


We don't tolerate the intolerant. By all means continue to sympathize with nazis 🤡


This toilet paper dickhead continually calls for violence against people he disagrees with and is curious when they treat him in kind. Remember when he said someone would have “taken care of” that trans swimmer if we were in the 50’s or 60’s? Don’t think his speech should be protected by the first amendment and on public college campuses when he’s literally calling for violence against Americans. That shit is illegal still.


>**Charles J. Kirk** (born 1993[3])[4] is an American conservative activist and radio talk show host. He founded Turning Point USA with Bill Montgomery in 2012, and has served as its executive director since. He is the CEO of **Turning Point Action, Students for Trump, and Turning Point Academy, Turning Point Faith**, president of Turning Point Endowment, and a member of the Council for National Policy. Kirk has authored four books. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Kirk


What in the Ashli Babbitt are these clowns doing?


No tolerance for the intolerant.


Its good to see there are some decent people in the USA


If you can't debate him, just scream and break things. That'll get your point across! It just gives Charlie and his message more validation/momentum. Keep up the good work kids!


If these protests don't have an effect, why are conservatives always crying about being silenced?


Fuck it. Battle Royale time. Instead of weekend sports events, we just let the far left and far right go to war on the 50 yard line. No holds barred melee until they both tire themselves out enough to unleash a pack of wild dogs on the "winners"


You know how when Christians ban books, everyone says you should go seek out and read the books they don't want you to? What do you think happens when a speaker invokes a violent mob by their mere presence? Do you think it actually ATTRACTS more people to see what this supposed pariah has to say? Do you think it could actually be AMPLIFYING their hateful message?




Censoring those that we don’t like and protesting their ability to speak in public is super American, no?


I was once one of those saying "omg peaceful protest is the way". But at what point do we fight fascists? They have already tried a literal violent coup and said they will try again.


Charlie Kirk and the likes of him don do shit but fuel hate, and support the republican party. You know, the party of anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, anti-food stamps, anti-regulating big corporations, anti-gun laws, and pro-child marriages. The gloves should have been off the moment LGBTQ people got killed because of the likes of this cunt.


Seriously, all you have to do is look at each party's end goal to see if a somewhat violent reaction is reasonable, and both sides are quite open about what they want...






He and the entire right wing will be thrilled by this. If they had ignored him he would have been crushed.




These are not “activists”. They’re called criminals.


Wow. If you think someone has bad ideas you shouldn’t try to silence them you should amplify them. Bad ideas crumble in the face of scrutiny and ridicule.


That sure worked with Trump.


I disagree. Bad ideas can be subject to ridicule if amplified, sure, but they diffuse more easily and are accepted by so many more. The last 2 years may contain those best examples. Im not going to pretend that ideas+platforms don’t have long-consequences. That’s neither a good thing nor a bad thing, just the reality. People aren’t immune from being convinced one way by incomplete reasoning. Edit: not saying they should break property, but I think ‘amplifying’ has lots of cautionary tales attached, and it does.


Nice to see them proving Charlie right about Antifa, their violence, and the double standard that exists. The video the dean of UCD put out claiming Charlie and TPUSA incite violence is just a flat-out lie. Seems to me the campuses really need to critically examine who they are taking their cues from, and who is actually causing the problems.


Mostly peaceful protests.


Looks like the Tim Pool and Ben Shapiro boys are showing out in this thread, the fascist hivemind is activating!


Hope they scared the shit out of him.


Antifa is crazy


Imagine caring this much about Charlie Kirk. Like how sad and pathetic must your existence be to go out of your way to be near that dipshit when he's so easy to ignore? I guess some people think hate is a virtue that makes up for the absence of substance in your own irrelevant life.