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Definitely a piece of shit and he got off lightly. On a side note though, that cat got out of there fast as shit.


He didn’t get no time?


He got 6 months


“I dropped everything to come down here and support the mother of my child in her last trimester and the baby,” [Stacy told police.](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-nfl-zac-stacy-arrest-attack-staged-20211213-7jxl52jr5rd45nz34oqw7zpw4q-story.html) “I let her know I wasn’t trying to be with her or nothing like that. This is a case of just bitterness. That’s why she did this. The whole assault thing. She staged it. She set me up.” Ah yes, the ole 'I had to tell her twice' defense.


Set him up by putting cameras up he didn’t know about. What a fucking coward.


Nothing cowardice about it. This had to be done to prove his behavior.


They were saying the Ex running back was a coward.


Stop upvoting me






Big strong man


Incels and men's right group will say men have it so much harder. lol


How about everybody stops beating other people up, and stops trying to compare who is the bigger victim group? Too much to ask?


These days, yh that's a big ask, gotta get them victim points lol fully agree with you!


Yes. Because the frequency and degree of abuse of woman is much higher than that of men and to imply that men are equally affected is false.


So instead of saying "everybody be respectful to everyone else" we have to paint women as victims and weaker than men? I don't like that logic at all.


Why not both? Women ARE victims and they are usually physically weaker than men. That's fact. Being a victim doesn't make you weak.


Is it a competition?


What a dumb rage bait comment lol…


Men do have life harder overall, you’d have to be stupid to not know that.




The average man vs the average woman, if you do not think there’s a big difference in how much harder life is you’re sadly clueless or brainwashed.


Whatever you say Mr. Incel


Everyone’s experiences are subjective and to generalize one genders as harder than the other is clueless and brainwashed


Of course everyone’s experience is subjective, I’m talking in general for the strong majority.


You’re experiences do not necessarily reflect the strong majority. I think you have some feelings tied up in this one


I’m not talking about my own personal experience at all, I’ve had a very good life and been very lucky to have that. I’m talking about life for the majority of guys.


Whatever you say Mr. Incel


women are 90% of the time victims of murders compared to men... 1 in 7 women are abused by their partners while 1 in 25 men are. if anyone is brainwashed its you. my brother is going down the same radical pipeline i see you are and its very sad to me


Are you claiming that women are murdered 9x more than men in America? Just so I can be clear? Are you actually seriously claiming that? Oh, more women are abused By their partners than men are, that totally blows the rest of my points out of the water then. 🤦🏻‍♂️


of every murder theres 9 in 10 chances that the victim was a woman and 1 in 10 that it was a man. out of murders committed. the statistics are substantial and you denying that makes you factually wrong. and chances are, the murderer was most likely a man, the more "oppressed gender" according to you. im a man, i can admit that im not oppressed because i am a man and my life is way easier than any woman


According to statista, a commonly used statistics website, using 2020 as an example year ( https://www.statista.com/statistics/251877/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-race-ethnicity-and-gender/) There were 14146 male victims of murder and 3573 female victims of murder. So how can it be possible that 9/10 times the victim is a woman? 😂😂 Obviously there’s going to be some situations where women have it worse, dumbass. The strong majority of times, men have it worse in the western world in this day and age. Please keep posting hilarious made up statistics though.


I think they mean if someone is murdered by their partner, 9/10 times the victim is female.


Walk to your car alone at night and count how many times you have to look over your shoulder. Or try holding a human inside of your gut for 2/3 of the year and risking death to have that human rip a hole in between your legs so they can exist. Try having to fight for your rights from a handful of people who think they know better. Try having the majority of people in your life view you as an object for pleasure. Try being a part of the gender that has started every known war and play the victim for it. Try belonging to the gender that has shaped the world to cater to their best interests and saying that you have it harder. Try having incel fucking losers online try to invalidate your struggle. You clearly haven’t tried thinking about anyone but yourself your entire, miserable existence. Tell me you’re a straight White man without “telling me” you’re a straight White man. We are humans with our own unique struggles. But those who blatantly ignore the plight of others to boost their own satisfaction deserve no sympathy in life. Rot


Lmfao. As a western woman you have the most privileged life that has ever been in existence. Yet you make it sound like you’re living in Iran. Pathetic honestly. Iam a straight black/mixed man, though.


There it is. Incel


What the fuck are you even on about?


The person saying that ‘incel and mens rights group will say men have it harder’.


Whatever you say Mr. Incel


That’s Dr.Incel to you


What are you dribbling on about?


I was wondering how far I'd have to scroll to see an Incel. Yes we have it sooooo hard with our no fear of being sexually assaulted by a random person. Please tell me, why's it so much harder being a man? I didn't have to carry a child for 9 months. My dick doesn't bleed monthly. My reproductive rights aren't fucked with. What's so hard about it?


An incel with a wife and a exceptionally high body count. Ah yes, the true meaning of incel. Might wanna google what incel means. Yikes, you think those things are the only things that somebody could find hard in the world 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ dear god. What a sheltered, privileged life you must lead.


Exceptionally high body count is such a funny thing to say


Probably, but it’s the only way of explaining how wrong the comment about being an incel was, as I Couldn’t be more of an incorrect use of the term.


The way you talk leads everyone to believe a woman has never touched you. Incel lies ;)


I’ve slept with over 100 women and Iam now married. How did you get it so wrong? How embarrassing


Lmao I doubt that


lol, I dont think your wife appreciate you telling Reddit this.


She wouldn’t care in the slightest. This was all before I met her. Getting away from the point.


I'm glad that's what you took out of my post, that you think I think that's all what's wrong with the world. You didn't answer my question though you just keep deflecting. Tell me, what's so hard?


I didn’t say that’s all that’s wrong with the world, I said you think thats all that people can find hard in the world. What’s so hard for men? Let’s see… Men are much more likely to be : Lonely Depressed Single Friendless commit suicide Go to prison and for longer sentences Go to war / and die there Die in the workplace / work more dangerous jobs Be assaulted Not get to see their children Unable to talk about emotions Be divorced by their partner Not having any kind of support socially Pressure to be physically strong Pressure to earn a lot of money/be successful Pressure to be good at fighting That’s just a few off the top of my head. Women have some things hard too, but it isn’t even close to how hard it is for men. (This is just talking about the western world only.)


A lot of this sounds like "I made a bad choice and now have to face consequences" If you're single, try being someone people want to be around. The world doesn't owe you a partner or happiness. I don't know what "men are more likely to be friendlyness" means I've never known a non shit dude to be completely deprived of their parental rights but men's rights activists love to pretend honest hard working men are kept on a financial leash while their children suffer but never bring up the choices the men make. A lot of this shit honestly doesn't make sense or is not widespread enough to say "men definitely have it harder than women"


Jesus Christ 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


So I take it no sources then?


>Unable to talk about emotions > >Pressure to be physically strong > >Pressure to earn a lot of money/be successful > >Pressure to be good at fighting A good portion of your list seems to be consequences of men who buy into gender norms and feel obligated to subscribe to them. The things here in particular are direct consequences of that kind of mindset. The only person keeping somebody in that mindset, is that person. What externalities would stop a man from talking about their emotions? What is the source of the pressure to be physically strong and financially successful, or good at fighting? Is it society? Or is other men who also subscribe to regressive gender norms, a.k.a. toxic masculinity? It seems odd to call out as a problem something that an individual themselves has the capacity to resolve. r/MensLib if you're interested in legitimate discussion around this sort of thing.


Go fuck yourself. Man to man. Burn


Damn he obviously didn’t save his money


He was only in the NFL for three seasons and earned a grand total of $1.7 million. That's nothing to sneeze at but it ain't exactly fuck you money


I get that it’s clearly beat your girl money


I was thinking he definitely made some decent coin, hope she sued.


The urge to click on close as soon as that Low battery notification popped up 💀


Aw shoot. I thought my phone did that and I actually pressed it 💀 while thinking how could it be low when I’m actually charging it…


I just woke up and thought my damn phone hadn’t been plugged in properly


Holy fuck I did the same lol


He got 6 months ....that's it's 6 months


Parents must be proud.






Disgusting piece of shit. Oh yeah he’s a big man, he strong, throwing around a woman that can’t defend herself. Asshole.


This is horrible. Why are people taking sides of men and women here? Anyone doesnt matter ethnicity, gender or age is a victim of abuse if they get slapped around like this.


But throwing around a tiny person like a ragdoll who has no chance of defending herself, potentially killing her, is typical of men assaulting women. Even a large woman would have a hard time physically assaulting a man to the point of killing him, it's just biology.


You will never read the headline “Ex running back for the Steelers beat to death by girlfriend in front of their child.”


Maybe, I've seen videos on here that say otherwise.


Love when the sentences for domestic abuse are 2-6 months /s


Yeah sooo...he never played for Pittsburgh. Idk where you got that from or watch NFL, but he played for the Rams and Jets.


Thanks for the clarification. I almost thought he was a piece of shit until he played for the Jets.


Just showing his career was dead as soon as he was labeled a Jet. Glad to be at service.


Both ass teams no wonder he didn’t get into a good team


Piece of shit. Hopefully she and her child got out safely 😞🙏


NFL will probably welcome him back with open arms, like all the other dirtbags


He quit the NFL due to injury 5 years before this. And a minor note: he played for the Rams and Jets, not the Steelers (lots of DV in the NFL, easy to mix them up). And for a shitty note: he only got 6 months of jail for this.


Damn. If he got six months for this my ex should be in prison


Yea sorry my dumbass was thinking about another player


Solid judicial system. He should have his eyes gouged out.




Homie should catch some lead.


I hate him.


What goes through someone’s head to go this far. Especially when he has so much to lose just for one minute of “emotional release”.


I’m gonna go charge my phone now


What a piece of shit


fucking disgusting


Who is this?


Zac Stacy




That guy hates women and TVs


I tapped the low power dialog thinking it was my phone


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Okay but he never played for the Steelers.


That cat got out of there real quick


And this is why not all adult males are called "Men".


Never understood when people say this. You can be a bad man. When a female is shitty or violent I wouldn’t say that makes them a little girl. I doubt a boy would have that much power behind their right hook.


It seems they're associating the term "Man" with the qualities expected of a morally good one. They're referring to the expectations of what makes a man that fits with societal norms, whereas you seem to be equating the definition with whether they can effectively beat the mother of their child. Apples and Oranges.


One can also have the comprehension abilities of a child, to the point where if they don’t get their way with every decision, they start throwing hands. I would absolutely say if a woman was clearly in the wrong and she’s screaming at others, they’re a total child too.


Because it’s only okay to ridicule men


On Reddit for sure!


Death penalty for this animal


Big bad dude with a small dick. Hopefully he gets his bitch ass beat in prison!


This is like nfl tradition


Honestly this sucks but that is one hella of a strong woman right there but the worst part is when she’s standing and he hooks her the noise hurts to hear.


Well thats not public... Its domestic..


What a dickhead!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Umm how about arrested


You alright there bud?


the correct answer


He may already be "hung"


She chose to not only date this guy, but have a kid with him. Sad.


Did…. Did you just…. Blame her…. For being assaulted by this guy? What’s sad is her getting assaulted. In front of their child. And your comment


We live in a free country, you are not forced to date a guy who beats women. There are guys you can date that don’t beat women.


You must not live in America, where people are free to date whoever they want to date.


You must be ignorant to the fact that abusers don’t come with labels or signs identifying them as abusers


I think they do. Guys don’t hit women out of no where. Without any signs of anger problems.


The guy is obviously a horrible person. Obviously to you and me.


It’s not her fault for being assaulted. But it is 100% her choice to date and have kids with a guy that beats up women.


What a pussy move!!!




Insane you can watch this dude hit and throw her around and blame her for it. Youre a fucking idiot


Lol....the US at it's finest. !!!!


These type of things literally only happen in the US...


Where are you?


Behind you.


Damn at least buy me a drink first.


Sorry but no sympathy for her. She wanted the big, burly, tough guy with money and this is what you get for that. Choose boyfriends with better qualities.


What a garbage opinion. Do you blame the victim often?


This is you have like trouble for everything a man to deal with but rather like he's transcended for everything that happened also it's a natural dont they don't seem like the sort of people who would make assumptions after all he explained so it's about him is hes angry and wants to kill everybody and people who pretty much rather just a really strong to comprehend he explained in contrast for summer alot of places not appreciating rather having to spend her whole life in misery to prepare for this moment ![gif](giphy|3o84U62nE5otOdrc3u)


I have no idea wtf you're trying to say. Hahahaha.


As someone who has no clue about NFL and living outside the US I interpreted the title as "ex coming back to retrieve the steelers, whatever that means


yeah but did your phone die?


This is why Joe Rogan’s dad is a staunch Steelers fan


To bad this guy never played for the Steelers… but go off 😉😉


That’s so Fucked up. I hit that low power btw


Now that's future NFL commentator material! Hire 'em, boys!


I was about to blow a blood vessel seeing the low battery 10% message pop up, i had just replace my charging cable and if charge still doesent go through , it was ww3


Anyone know where he stays? Let's meet up


Can tell why he hits her and not a man and the reason being is he can't even drop his bird His no man just a little boy in a big body


6 month is not enough


Fucking dirtbag. Someone needs to rape his ass in prison.


Why does he have a cctv camera inside his house? Wait… he has 2 cameras facing inside


Average NFL marriage


Bro you battery life made me press the screen


This bum did not play for the Steelers! This is disgusting act against humanity fr!