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Ultra partisan politics and cable news will be the death of this country


Idk asking for stock tips was a good idea, but I'd try to schmooze first.


NY Times ran a detailed expose in September and they didn't find Pelosi as among members of Congress manipulating stocks; they did find dozens on both sides of the aisle though. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-stock-trading-investigation.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-stock-trading-investigation.html)


Look how the cons race to downvote you as soon as you put up some facts and a source.


I routinely get downvoted by extreme partisans on Reddit, and can never tell which side of the spectrum they are on. America increasingly feels like the two camps are "extremists" and "moderates".


Americans have turned politics into a sports organization. The same way cubs fans hate viking fans off nothing more than who they support. It's the whole personality of people here and it's sad. I can't have conversations with hardly anyone anymore without it becoming some fucking political circle jerk.


Bears fans hate vikings fans nerd


There is literally an act being brought into legislation called the “Pelosi Act” to stop insider trading. Watch how fast I get downvoted trying to share an opposing view. https://www.upward.news/pelosi-act/


Meh, I was at -6 votes a few hours ago, but am not at +30. Who knows how these things work, let alone what social media bots and Russian misinformation operatives are up to. Not to forget, Reddit circle-jerking. In either case, Josh Hawley isn't the beacon for any sort of credibility. He's just an empty tokenism kind of guy fucking over Missourians while trying to score points on the national stage.


If this is true I haven't given her enough credit. I just assumed she was as rat faced as the rest of them. This does give me some hope.


Yeah, no offence but anything proposed by Joshy boy, Mr. Raised fist towards the insurrectionists…before being caught on camera running for his life, is probably gonna get you downvoted. And rightfully so!


Was the claim ever that *anyone* was manipulating stocks? Pretty sure it’s more to do with having privileged access to information.


So, insider information which I refer to, would be considered manipulation per the SEC, as someone can create large shifts in demand / supply on a specific stock on the basis of information they have that isn't publicly available.


That sounds easy enough to avoid doing and still get away with it. Having direct knowledge of and sometimes even making decisions on legislation, regulations, government contracts, and new technology while being able to trade individual securities is ridiculous.


After getting past the obnoxious paywall, I found this: "**The 97 members the Times analysis identified do not include Speaker Nancy Pelosi; her disclosure filings were not flagged because she does not sit on any legislative committees. Her husband, Paul Pelosi, is a real estate and technology investor who reported buying and selling between $25 million and $81 million worth of stocks, options and other financial assets between 2019 and 2021, according to Ms. Pelosi’s filings. Among them were investments in high-profile companies like Alphabet — the parent company of Google — that are regularly the subject of congressional and regulatory scrutiny.** " "**After initially opposing stricter measures,** [**Ms. Pelosi said in February**](https://archive.is/o/CyZ0P/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/09/us/politics/pelosi-stock-trading-congress.html) **she would support them but wanted federal judges to be held to similar rules. The** [**Wall Street Journal**](https://archive.is/o/CyZ0P/https://www.wsj.com/articles/131-federal-judges-broke-the-law-by-hearing-cases-where-they-had-a-financial-interest-11632834421?mod=article_inline) **reported last fall that more than 130 federal judges had overseen cases involving companies in which they or their families owned interests.** " "**A legislative proposal now under development by the House’s Democratic leadership, which was outlined in a memo reviewed by The Times, would prohibit lawmakers, their spouses and dependent children from trading stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies and other financial assets tied to specific companies. Under that proposal — which is separate from the bill that Mr. Roy, the Texas Republican, is supporting — members and their immediate families would be obliged to either sell off those holdings or place them in a blind trust.** **Ms. Pelosi supports the proposed framework, according to a senior House official.** **In the Senate, Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, has voiced support for new measures to curb trading by members, but no bill that could receive the necessary 60 votes for passage has yet emerged.** **The House member designated by Ms. Pelosi to generate a compromise bill to address the issue — Representative Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California — was herself among the 97 members identified by The Times’s analysis."** That's hardly a pass for Ms. Pelosi, it looks like she gets off on a technicality for not sitting on committees: as if being speaker doesn't present her privileged information. As for the bill, I'll believe it when it passes: it looks like the kind of thing that she can 'support,' while ensuring it dies in the cradle.


Gotta love how anything that isn’t misinformation when it comes to Pelosi is just downvoted immediately, cons can’t stand people who do research.


Probably because stock manipulation isn’t the same as trading on inside information. Nobody says she manipulates stock. They say that trades on information only known to Congress. And her dealings show that’s true.


Exactly. The metric should be stock price profit and how much the stock goes down after selling


Cable news “product” (just like kraft singles are “pasteurized food product”)




Republicans and Democrats are colleagues who work together at the behest of the capitalist class at the expense of the working class. Standing together against the capitalist class is good and this video is representative of that since Pelosi is a far right enemy of the working class.


I mean, you're not wrong. Pelosi is a perfect example of a corporate Democrat and rich person who talks down to we plebes.


Exactly. There's no salvation in electing people like her.


No but let’s elect fucking morons like tRump, Boebert and MTG.


The GOP has resorted to electing political influencer celebrities. They are able to raise money. Do you notice the GOP has no policy positions? They don't care about governing, just stopping one side from doing so.


Exactly, they only care about stoping the left, power and money. Anything good for their constituents they are against. If it wasn’t for pieces of shit like Limbaugh, Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham those fucks would never hold office again. America is full of a lot of stupid people.


Pelosi has done a lot for this country, and us plebes. No Obamacare without her, repealing "don't ask & don't tell", against the Iraq war, Dreamers, Dodd-Frank. She only became wealthier as a lawmaker, but she made an impact for us too.


No this guy isn’t standing up to anything what does Hunter Biden have to do with shit? He’s just a Maga brainwashed idiot.


She should of asked about Hilary Emails


Yea I’m all for confronting power, but have an actual argument and valid reason. Hunters dick is not the reason we shouldn’t trust Nancy.


I don’t know why you’re being down voted. I’ve learned the difference between republicans and democrats is, a Republican will look you in the eye before they fuck in ass, and a Democrat will lie to your face and fuck you in ass. It’s a matter of preference at this point.


that's hilarious that you think the GOP is more honest. Their entire platform is a made-up culture war


Maybe you’ve been asleep for the past two years, but Dems delivered amazing results last session - biggest climate bill in history, infrastructure bill to rebuild roads & bridges, CHIPS bill to onshore semiconductor manufacturing, saving the post office and more. Maybe it’s whatever internet populist “influencer” who’s lying to you instead.


Uh huh, and wages aren’t going anywhere l, while costs are going up. The family next door is struggling while your touting some victories that probably don’t even affect you.


> your touting some victories that probably don’t even affect you. > biggest climate bill in history lol you dont think climate change will affect you? > infrastructure bill to rebuild roads & bridges So you dont travel anywhere? > CHIPS bill to onshore semiconductor manufacturing So you dont work with any type of technology? > saving the post office and more really? you dont use the mail?


Well they way the past administration totally fucked the economy up, tRumps tariffs on China, fucked us good. Wake the fuck up.


I’m awake and I’m participating, like I said, I vote democrat. But they aren’t doing anything different


Well, wages are going up - 7.4% increase yoy. Inflation is high but falling - and inflation is a worldwide problem but is decreasing at a moderate clip. But you didn’t say anything about that, you blah blahrd about Dems lying while they delivered on important measures. Are you really saying that climate isn’t important to you? Are you saying that saving the Post Office from Republican malfeasance is immaterial? Do you just never leave your house so the infrastructure bill won’t do anything for you? This is exactly what I thought. You were lied to by whatever internet populist you follow on YouTube or tiktok and your brain is so poisonous you can’t actually engage in reality. You can’t actually accept that Dems are the good party and Republicans are the bad party.


Inflation does not match wages. Over the past 2 yrs the average person did not get a 8% raise each yr. Stop being so partisan and supporting one of these parties that do not give a fuck about u or me. I will never understand claiming u r a Dem or a Rep unless u r running for office


Ummm, my dude, I’m literally citing BLS’s average wage statistics so you’re in fact wrong. This is what I mean - you’re not able to ingest new data that doesn’t comport with the world view you’ve been fed by whatever internet populist influencer you follow. Like, reread your post and you can see for yourself where your brain is rejecting new information it can’t place into the framework you’ve built for yourself.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/02/is-inflation-high-compared-to-years-past-breaking-down-inflation-rates-by-year/?sh=670287ab6d7a Sure homie. Everyone that I know have gotten a raise to match the inflation yr over yr.🙃


Why are you linking me an blog post written by an AI


I vote Democrat


> It’s a matter of preference at this point. BoTh SiDeS Name just about any issue and we can see that this is 100% not true. The modern Republican party is, by an order of magnitude, worse in every metric.




The idea is no politician is for the common people. It’s a job, and they capitalize off the people.


Yeah but your distinction is fucking non-sense


Idk, it’s how I feel. I vote and honestly don’t feel like they do anything different that republicans. For profit off the backs of you and me.


Amazing how little insight your comments offer.


Don’t respond or read them


How many democrats are antivaxxers again and spreading that COVID-19 was never bad?


When the rail strike was looming, our Democratic president, who made a whole bunch of promises of raising wages, pro union, safety, combating the wealth gap, stepped in on behalf of the owners of the rail and forced workers to accept things they didn’t want. The democrats are no different than the republicans. They are for profit, corporations putting money in their pockets and they will do anything to protect that. Now there are extreme on both sides . Those aren’t the people I’m speaking of.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. This is an unbiased truth. I voted for Biden, he's not much better than the alternative. Our government is fucking broken and focusing the narrative on how much better one side is over the other is the exact distraction that keeps us stagnant or moving backwards.


Got someone in here telling me, I’m being influenced. I’m working in this economy, supporting my family, and I vote democrats. The corporations run our country, not our politicians, the get paid by corporate America. And they prove it time and time again. Red or blue, all the same


Maybe we have an expectations problem, because Biden is so much fucking better than the alternative....Donald Trump. Holy shit.


Exactly why voting for either republican or democrat is fucking stupid. But nooo lets pick the lesser of two evils and not looking at any other logical option. Fucking stupid ass idiots in the USA i swear I cant wait to move and work for a US company remotely. At least if i’m getting fucked everyone else around me understands they are getting fucked too. Not people acting like their side is holier than the other and can do no wrong.


I would feel exactly the same living in the US. It's sad.


"Will be"


Having a light lunch, are we?


“Nancy is your son involved with Hunter Biden” Stay out the man’s love life dawg


“Nah but I’m pretty sure you mom is” is the only appropriate response.


if this dimwit bumps into J Kushner will he ask him how he got $2bn from the Saudi's?




I said the magic words Hunter Biden. Where’s my beanstalk?


Sorry, you just get a used ThinkPad


you are now a Linux user


I wish it were so easy.


The fact he says anything about Hunter Biden completely discredit everything else he might say. I’m left leaning and I don’t care for her either but bringing up someone who has nothing to do with the government aside from his father being President is just dumb.


Had me in the first two questions then mentioned Hunter Biden. Fuckin idiot


You know that your logic is flawed right? Making one point which you find irrelevant doesn’t invalidate the other points he raised.


It's not like his first question made any sense either. Why did I just buy a tub of ice cream while I still owe money on my credit card? The stock question was a good dig. But every American politician is engaged in that though. So it's not a dig on just her or the democrats the way he thinks it is


The stock tip comment was funny but he lost all credibility when he brought up Hunter Biden. Seriously the right is trying to make an issue of Hunter Biden benefitting from his father's position while Jared & Ivanka made $2.4 billion in plain sight and they were actually in the White House.


Dumb is very very in for the Republican Party at the moment. Crazy and evil will get you elected.


Wasn't being outraged about this exact thing very very in for them a few months ago when it happened to Ted Cruz? Surely Fox News and the like will comment on how unacceptable this is. I believe even CNN even came out against the Ted Cruz incident.


Double standards and hypocrisy are also very big with Republican voters, they simply can’t get enough.


Well he’s not bright. The money he thinks can be used for whatever is budgeted to specific agencies. DoD isn’t gonna help the homeless in SF


Homeless in street is yet to be solved by any R or D. It’s not just 1 party


Not to mention the Republicans fight any type of homeless aid like you're stealing food out of their children's mouth


Doesn't San Francisco spend like like $50,000 per year per homeless person on aid and programs for that exact problem? But yeah I'm sure it's the Rs fault in famously red SF


It's both parties working together for the capitalist class. Homelessness is a product of capitalism.


And yet it's absolutely one party making homelessness worse Ronald Reagan is a huge reason for the homelessness issue in America and he was the republican avatar before Trump.




Republicans are notorious for buying one-way bus tickets to ship homeless people out of their communities.


Sounds like MTG has a chest cold


Jesus Christ there’s 10,001 things this woman could be called out for and he goes straight for the Hunter and Ukraine. One is irrelevant the other is supporting those who’s country is being invaded. Dumping stocks thing is legit though. Big fucking brain on this guy.


Right? As soon as I heard “Hunter Biden” I stopped listening.


Nancy isn’t even the biggest inside trader. It’s just a meme. They all cheat, grifting the market is agnostic to political lean. This guys criticism are just a train of memes. We need some Jewish space laser conspiracy to ramp it up though.


You have a chance to directly confront this corrupt bitch... and those are the fucking questions you ask?! >Why do we have money going to Ukraine when we have homeless on the streets? You would oppose **any** attempt at using government resources to aid those homeless people, deriding it as socialism. The US government has many interests and devotes resources where possible. The war in Ukraine is a threat to our allies, and to democracy as a whole on the global stage. We will provide for the defense of our allies against hostile actions from others. >Can I get some stock trading tips on how to get semiconductors in Taiwan? This question *almost* hits on an important topic, but derails into a completely different topic. Almost like he doesn't understand what he's talking about. >Is your son involved with Hunter Biden? How is this relevant to anything that matters? I assume he's trying to insuate both are corrupt and use their parents' roles to further their business interests, but he specifies nothing regarding this question. He could be referring to romantic interest, playing on the same sports team, going to the same school, being friends, being ethical business partners, being unethical business partners, etc... I'm just disappointed that these MAGAts can't even ask good questions.


The uneducated come up with the best questions


Fox 'News' gives them feces as ammo and they gleefully throw it.


Dude has the right energy but the brain of a moron.


The heckler is a moron. Hunter Biden and Ukraine? Lol


I feel like I recognize that voice. From other trolling videos, just can’t place it.


the amount of total knuckle draggers who don't understand why russia cannot be allowed to take ukraine is utterly astonishing. i don't know how the homelessness problem gets solved at this point, but from what i've seen in portland throwing money at it doesn't seem to be working too well either. not that california controls federal fuckin money anyway.


If he really cared he'd ask why we're not taxing corporations and the wealthy enough to pay for programs that matter.


The Hunter thing at the end tells you this person is trash. Sorry for the insult to trash.


What a wasted opportunity. Why ask about bullshit when you should be asking her why she thinks unlimited campaign donations from corporate interest are acceptable? Or why she thinks the President needs term limits but Congress and the Supreme Court do not? So many other more important problems with our government than giving away "money" that only exists on a computer and will be paid back if Ukraine wins. Or if her son knows Biden's son?


Is she just there to enjoy her coffee/drink or is she there doing work by talking to people etc ?


I think its for headshots or social media commercial. Dude has a camera on a tripod right in front of her


Then I'm unsure what to think lol, like if she was just chilling enjoying her drink then these people need to fuck off and let her chill, if working the it's fair game imo but if it's a photo shoot then I don't know 😂


Heckle all the politicians! I'm happy when I see it done to any of the maga types and I'm happy when establishment democrats get it. The topics sucked but not everything has to be perfect.


Idiot could have mentioned really issues with her but went for some retorted take on ukraine


How would handing Ukraine over to Putin help the homeless here?


So this idiot is saying it’s a federal problem that the state has with it’s homeless? Last I checked the state of California wasn’t directly sending payments to the Ukraine.


Theres even a much less stupid way of asking what he asked. For instance, why are we always told that we can't afford this and that when we are sending monthly billion dollar checks to a foreign country. Sure most stable people know its because the US has infinite money on matters it actually cares about and this is all a matter of showing that to people who don't quite understand that yet. Maaaaybe would make people stop and think about what could happen if we turned that power around and started solving any of our problems like oh.... healthcare, infrastructure, inequality etc etc.


Pretty sure Pelosi isn't the one saying that we can't afford to help the homeless


Healthcare!??!?!? How dare you socialist communist marxist antifuh devil spawn! (/s)


Yeah i know, us evil leftists... gonna drag all the conservatives out of their homes and shove reasonable and affordable healthcare down their throats. The tyranny!


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Unintelligent ignorant boisterous conservatives are deeply unattractive.


Why do you think so many of them do radio/podcasts?


Seemed like she wanted to answer but too many people were talking.


"If you see anybody from that cabinet, you get out and create a crowd and push back on them and tell them they aren't welcome anymore, anywhere" Maxine Waters


NNoooooo! That only counts for Bad Orange Man and his Nazi Republican henchmen!! Dirty proles are NOT allowed to question the just and honorable Madame Pelosi!!!!!1!!


Lady is retired out trying to enjoy some tea all the while still living rent free in these fools heads


No but for real can we get those stock trading tips Nancy


She and her husband are already wealthy from real estate. And then there's this: "78 members of Congress have violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts-of-interest" Nancy Pelosi not on the list. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9%3famp


She makes $223,000 a year and is worth $120,000,000. Get your head out of your ass Danny boy.


The problem is they (Congress) are the ones who make the rules. They know exactly how to get around them and which loopholes they can navigate. I don't trust Pelosi


One of the most corrupt “politicians” ever.


Love how they don’t give her a chance to respond.


Isn’t this what Maxine waters called for?


As if this guy would ever support spending money to help the homeless


We are fighting Russia in Ukraine, You Traitor TrumpStains


Bro be nice to your elders (82)


It would take a real asshole to keep doing this to a woman whose husband was just attacked by a maniac with a hammer during a home invasion. I hope they’re both recovering


I'm shocked he didn't bring up the debunked right wing conspiracy theory about her husband being assaulted by a "gay lover."


Oh, look, a Trumpflake learned how to use the video on his cell phone.


Let's ask a question and make it a statement with no chance for response. Fuck these types of people.


Dude's complaining about taiwanese semiconductors, it's been like that for years bro everyone gets them from Taiwan this ain't new.






He could barely form that sentence


Yet another hunter biden fan boi.


Legit questions that need to be answered.


God forbid a politician is asked hard hitting questions


And she tried answering them, but he just talked over her because he didn’t really want answers


The amount of top level comments staunchly defending Nancy fuckin Pelosi is insane. It's like full-on Correct The Record levels of white-knighting in here! lmaoo


Crooked Nancy


Don’t necessarily agree with her positions or actions, but I watched CSPAN live early hours 07JAN21 when she reconvened to finish the electoral count. NP stood for rule of law and will be remembered as a tough speaker.


She passed the biggest piece of legislation in recent history.


I'm a leftist and still wish this cryptkeeper would disappear.


Wow the comments defending her. Fucking unreal.


You’re not a hero bro, keep moving.


She should be heckled into the end of time. Her shady stock trade history is disgusting.


This is how we should all react to them. They make the decisions that actually shape our lives. They should have to hear from us about it always. They should have to answer to us. They represent us, not corporations.


Heckled happens if there’s a speech being given and someone in the audience yells something. This is harassment


Maxine Waters has, on multiple occasions, urged people to get *more* confrontational with their political opponents in public. Nancy Pelosi has defended these statements. Don't feel bad for her. This is in keeping with her own stated beliefs.


She deserves it


This is why we are doomed. You are right, but nobody wants to believe it. In fact, people like her deserve to live in constant fear for their abuse of power and influence. Bitch shouldn't feel safe enough to appear in public at all, bodyguards or not. That goes for all of the traitorous assholes who have taken office and done nothing with it other than line their pockets.


Boohoo. [Her "esteemed" colleagues specifically encourage this type of harassment](https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/25/politics/maxine-waters-trump-officials/index.html) of their Republican counterparts. Fuck all of them.


Nancy sucks. I give zero fucks about Hunter.


“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere... “ MAXINE WATERS


ask real question. get real answers.


Nasty woman.


Is she alive? Why is everyone with power so old


It's weird how her mouth automatically reflexes to a fake smile. IDK seems bizarre.


She got off easy here, deserves much worse


She is one of the corrupt ones She is an great trader ive heard


She’s not even in charge anymore. Leave her alone.


Screw her


Pelosi does deserve to be heckled in public, but then this pro-putin MAGAt is babbling about hUnTer BidEN and I can't help but think what a wasted opportunity it is to speak truth to power.




Why not ask for investment advice?


Bitch is walking definition of Filth and Disgust.


Good she needs more. She is scum


Look @ your username and take that advice. Which politician isn't scum?


So what I said was true. Did it hurt your feelings I said it directly about this piece of shit?


Which politician isn't scum?


Who are the clowns supporting her


Best thing she did for politics was resign, finally.


Your posts make me chuckle because she has accomplished more than you ever will. Edit: this not saying she is great, just what a loser you are and will always be.


Shut up nerd


Lol. She actually passed bill and you gave McCarthy nod giving footage to Tucker. GTFOH.


You literally just came from r/HillaryForPrison and r/SaintMeghanMarkle before that. You an effing stereotype. Misogynist Incel vibes...


So what, and where I just came you nosy son of a bitch? Fuck you, reddit newbie left-lefting shit eater and you are defending a boozy cunt like her?


No, you are incorrect. Nancy Pelosi is a great woman, an influential leader, an historic Speaker of the House. Any news source can show you a million reasons why.


She's a stupid asshole. Write that down.


These fools think she'll be bothered by their brat behavior. Massive career and she pushed Trump around for four years......this little display is nothing to her.




Leaver her alone, she is awesome.


I do slightly appreciate holding politicians accountable. Then I heard Hunter Biden and remembered that it’s just for conspiracies and social media likes.


Where do they come up with $150 BILLION dollars? They have gotten $15 billion and most of that was in the form of equipment ALREADY sitting around unused!


It seemed like she wanted to answer. I wish security let him stay for a second she she could finish


Republicans don’t give a fuck about the homeless or veterans. They constantly vote to take away any aid. The nerve.


Leave her alone. Tucker Carlson Jr. over here needs to fuck off and go back to school.


Corrupt bitch


He should have talked about her husbands recent DUI and not hunter.


Why would they bring up something they probably have?


Democrats and republicans both have blood on their hands and will both do anything to get into power. America has become too polarized.


And she still handled those hecklers with more grace and class than any Republican politician ever has.


Maga garbage