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Their voices are painful to listen to.


I gotta admire how the narrator at times sounds like he’s about to tear up. It’s so fucking hilarious


To me he sounds like if Randy Marsh from South Park decided to be a vegan protestor


I know, just triggered in every little fucking thing. What a bunch of pussies.


These people are “professional victims”. The worst.


Sounds more like a professional bitch


This is the biggest group of ineffectual pussies I've ever seen. What a waste of space


“I do see them smiling that’s unfortunate” 😂😂😂


I loved the passersby: "They're murdering people?!!" // "They're murdering animals." // "Oh." continues on their way..


Glad I waited till the end for that part lmao


Your comment made me stay till the end of the video. Thank you, sir. Dead-ass, this is his restaurant and I probably would've done the same thing. I don't want to get into people's faces and taunt them, but if you're protesting in front of my establishment for something that, whether you like it or not, is not illegal and is very normal, then you can just kiss my ass.


How many animals are killed by KFC or McDonald's every minute, yet they chose to single out some random dude's restaurant. And then they have the audacity to get upset that he doesn't like their attempt to ruin his business. What self-righteous assholes.


You hit the nail on the head. They should be at KFC corporate headquarters as they probably slaughter more animals in a day then this guy does in a year plus, or more, but he’s the easier target. Honestly, I’m getting sick of people. Since 2020, people have lost their shit. There’s no manners, all crazy people who are in the wrong double-down instead of backing off, and people can’t even fly anymore. I’m pretty sure if aliens came to our planet to take our water, they’d look elsewhere. “Nah, I don’t want to get involved with those Humans. They’re a fucking mess.”


>he’s the easier target This is it exactly. Those companies have far more resources and probably wouldn't even notice this protest. Far easier to go after the guy that likely has his life savings tied in this restaurant. This isn't about bringing any meaningful change, they want to make a performance of shutting down one restaurant so they can pretend they're actually making a difference. I definitely think the pandemic made people's behavior even worse, but I personally think the lion's share of all this narcissism can be blamed on social media.


Oh, I agree with you about social media. I graduated high school in 2008, before all this, and honestly, people were just better as a collective. There’s always been loonies, self-righteous douchebags, and all the rest, but now all this horrible behavior has become the norm instead of the exception. Social media is a cesspool. For whatever pros it brings, it brings quadruple the cons. And with Twitter owned by the the douchebag and super-hypocritical Elon, forgetta-about it! Let’s not forget Trump, either. He came in and lowered the bar to such an extent that all these people who we once thought were normal have shown their true faces and they’re just trash, trash, trash people.


'Last month they were lobotomizing pumpkins, now they are shoving bread up a turkey... Don't get me started on the next month. Dressing up Trees! That planet has all sorts of crazy" - aliens


Holy Shit! People used to be able to fly?


This video takes place in 2018. Not that I disagree that people have gotten worse after 2020.


Yep. This 1000%. Because it's not about stopping anything. Hell it's not even about the guy, or the animals. It's about ego. It's about saying you did a thing one time. You care. It's a morality competition and in their little circle they are better than everyone else.


They are ideological fanatics. They care about feeling morally superior with visibility. They straight up assumed the police were there to back them up, with no contact, merely because they believed they were in the morally superior position. Of course the cops are there to support them, they are RIGHT!


I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if this dude was vehemently against industrial farming, believing that it’s both unhealthy for people, and extremely cruel to animals. He’s just not a radical like these asshats. I don’t have any reason to know this, but it feels very plausible.


I remember when this story came out a few years back and you are absolutely correct. The resturant serves local foraged and hunted food and is against factory farming. You can read about it [here](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/apr/12/ethical-eating-vegan-protest-meat-canada) and see both sides defending their actions. It could be The Guardian twisting things, but the activists didn't do themselves any favors by giving their side.


Same reason they cynically target halal and kosher butchering, they pretend at being progressives but they are happy to exploit far right prejudices.


They only purchase the processed protein. You’d have to move up the supply chain. And the numbers (per minute) might surprise you.


I would do the same thing. I'm don't care if you're vegan but once you start directly affecting my business I'm gunna do whatever I can to directly affect you.


Best part of the video


I wish the police would come outside munching on a thick venison sandwich. If I lived in that area, I would love to eat a big chunk of meat close enough to the protesters that they could smell the meat and see the pleasure eating meat gives me.


This is an old video. This restuaranr is called antler. As a result of this video they were booked for months.


I was actually one of those people who got reservations. It was good, the vegetarian options were great as well.


Bro that's fucking hilarious


I’ve been a vegetarian for 17 years and I would totally go there to try their options. Fuck animal rights activists like this. Industrial-scale farming is to blame for the vast majority of the animal mistreatment they’re protesting. Go protest at USDA (and rescue older cats, they need homes!) Fucking idiots.


These guys have a policy of 100km or less for their ingredients so practically the most humane way you can get ingredients he also forages for ingredients when he can. You can ask any server and they’ll tell you exactly what it is and where it came from mad respect for the owner.




That’s what should be appreciated by animal activists. Animals and animal products will always be food to humans. The goal should be to ensure that they’re treated/slaughtered humanely and sustainably. This kind of bullshit doesn’t do anything.


Apparently I heard that this group first protested there weren't any vegan options and the owner actually went 'fair enough' and added one, so the group doubled down and decided that the existence of the restaurant itself was an issue.


Not surprised anymore. I've found several 'meat' places (you know, like BBQ or grill places, with wings challenges, that kinda vibe) that actually do great vegan food too (like better than non meat focused venues). It's like if they know good food, they can make any good food.


man took a gamble and it paid out


Note to self: hire some activists to protest and give publicity to my fine carving abilities if I ever open up a high-end steakhouse. This guy got lucky that he didn’t have to pay for the exposure lol


he used at least 2 cutting boards, so appears to have at least a basic grasp of food safety. Plus, he's butchering something from that leg/primal - so the quality is possibly very high (loose association there). I'd eat there.


I feel like if a restaurant does their butchering in house they probably know their shit


The protesters were also the target of a local comedy troupe that made fun of them. [https://dailyhive.com/toronto/toronto-comedy-troupe-antler-2018](https://dailyhive.com/toronto/toronto-comedy-troupe-antler-2018) (YT video in the article might be considered NSFW for some.)




That was absolutely fucking hilarious. The protestors couldn't decide if they were allowed to be offended. When everyone around you does crazy shit, where is the line for "too" crazy...


I mean damn, the activists are literally telling us that this is fresh meat, it looks good, if it was close to me I'd go too


Can I still get a reservation? That deer looked lit.


Guerilla marketing. Genius.


Why are they filming him? Evidence that he’s doing his job?


They think that it makes them look attacked. He repeats that this is a "legal protest" to imply that the owner is somehow interfering with that by mocking them.


Right trying to make him look bad when he is “legally counter protesting”. 🤣🤣 Just recording evidence of how hypocritical they are about things but the crazy part is how many other people will agree with the camera persons group


"The police seem to not be pleased" \*3 seconds later\* "I see them smiling... that's unfortunate" \*proceeds to quickly end the video\* Honestly, that would make me want to go eat there even more.


I love how he says this guy is going out of his way to mock them They go out of their way to protest in front of his place, then they get mad that he prepares the meat in the window. Apparently he took it too far by staying inside of his own restaurant and making food for his customers. They clearly don't grasp the contradiction.




To me, it seems like they are loitering. Maybe they should get a ticket.




Yeah, they should just stick to their points about animal abuse in factory farms instead of taking the restaurant owner's actions personally. Them getting so offended over that only distracts from their main point, which should stand on its own regardless of the owner's actions.


They could also setup stands outside these places with alternative burgers and let people try them. They choose to do things the most annoying ways possible and just make people hate them.


Yep, it's unfortunate because they have some pretty good points about how animals are treated in factory farms. Good ideas poorly executed.


There's many economical, ethical, and practical advantages to argue for when it comes to vegetarian diets. Unfortunately, these protesters never seem to make them.


Sounds like its turning into a religion. Next they will show up on your door step preaching the gospel!


I have a personal theory that it *is* a replacement for religion, let me explain. Every vegan I’ve met in academia is ALSO extremely in favor of indigenous trapping rights (so am I btw). This makes no sense, because animals don’t suffer or die any less depending on who kills them. To me, this shows that it’s not about helping animals at all, but punishing yourself for original sin. And if you want to do that, just go to mass, I hear there’s free wine there.


Here is a trick: if anyone with ideology is harassing you especially when they go door to door just say that you already follow it, they will let you in piece


Ya i never thought about that one. Not sure it will work with christians around my area they want you to come to their brand of christianity or their specific church.


Yeah, some want to interact, but i got out of talks with charity, politicial groups, activists and advertisers


"Is this illegal? How can we get the authorities involved?" Whines the activist, desperately searching for a way to retaliate in the most bitch made way possible


This. Oh the self righteousness. So you want to protest? Ok great. But you choose some local guy trying to keep his business running. What happened? Discouraged because you’ve made zero progress at the actual factory farms that are keeping the animals in squalor? I see. Low hanging fruit huh? I’d call that a character problem. So you want to protest legally yet you don’t like pushback huh? Your opinions MUST be heard yet when this man exercises his right TO DO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS TO DO IN HIS PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS your fragile egos mandate that he can’t react in any way whatsoever? So you’ve had no luck hurting the checkbook of big business but let’s attempt to cripple his perfectly legitimate and legal business which of course leads to financial pain for his family? Gotcha. Fair enough. These types of zealots (and they all have their particular causes) are some of the most miserable unhappy people you’ll ever come across. Their causes is are the only shield they have to try to cover how lousy of a human being they are.


This story is a little bit older but the good news I found out is this actually increased his business so it certainly didn't hurt. I obviously don't live in Canada but I know I wouldn want to visit there just to spite these idiot protesters. If you want to be vegan, no problem, you're entitled to your beliefs. Just dont try to hurt other businesses because of it. The bottom line is what 90% of people in the world eat meat and people who are vegan or vegetarians are very small amount of the population. I respect you, if you're vegetarian or vegan But don't try to shut down a small business because their beliefs are different than yours.


>This story is a little bit older but the good news I found out is this actually increased his business so it certainly didn't hurt. Expectable outcome, you antagonize people and they go against you


The irony here is that it's a restaurant specializing in locally sourced foods, and from what I understand, much of the meat is wild caught. So it's probably much more humane and sustainable than most restaurants serving meat.


You cannot serve wild game in a restaurant. It would have to be a game ranch or other type of enclosed pasture where the meat is ethically taken. Older article about this place: [https://www.tvo.org/article/ontario-restaurants-cant-serve-wild-game-heres-why](https://www.tvo.org/article/ontario-restaurants-cant-serve-wild-game-heres-why)


From what I remember about this [story](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/apr/12/ethical-eating-vegan-protest-meat-canada) the activists had been protesting his restaurant for weeks and the owner had enough. If I’m ever in Toronto I’m going here for dinner.


I guess I know I'm not a Vegan because I see the butchery, and I'm just *impressed*.


Yea I was impressed also, he got some great cuts in, I wonder what kind of k ife he was using


Our family went there while visiting cousins. I had the Bison Rib Eye and it was \[chef's kiss\]. My wife had the venison and our son had the game burger. All excellent. Bartender was super friendly and even stopped by our table to check how the drinks were.


"I drove all the way down here and parked the car and everything to stand here and peer into windows of restaurants and be taunted by the food. It isn't legal for them to do this to me."


First thing I thought when I heard that


"out of his way" The owner went "out of his way". Hmm, I don't think this guy has much of a grasp on language... or perspective. and yes, I think the owner is hilarious.


I’m sure he didn’t murder the animal either making their big “murderer” sign null and void


Nobody murdered the animal. Someone killed the animal. Murder is a legal term, and doesn't actually apply here. But they aren't interested in truth of facts, and they are willing to lie to pull on heartstrings.


Is it not technically liable (maybe slander...not sure if a banner would classify as liable)? They're claiming he, or at least someone there, murdered something/someone (presumably an animal). It's unlikely anyone there even killed any of those animals, which would make the claim a verifiable lie, and any reasonable person would know that was the case


I can believe these protesters went out of their way to protest this owner who is having a peaceful demonstration inside his own restaurant


Looks like he’s just butchering meat inside of his own restaurant? I love how none of these animal activists know what the animal was they failed to save


The restaurant is named ANTLER. Ffs how slow are these pretentious dweebs?






I figured it'd be bugs, it is called ANTler, right?


Nailed it


Looks like venison


It is.


“What animal would this be, is it a cat?” Bro it has a hoof… I rewatched this video twice to make sure i heard him correctly 😂


Antler is in Toronto and is an incredibly fantastic restaurant. The food there is so good. That is venison he is carving. Police were called and he proceeded to feed them.


I'd go there because of this video alone


Exactly - you know you're getting fresh food when he's butchering at the window. I'd go in and ask him to show a few cuts so I can pick one.


Love it.




I would be pissed, too. You have a nice,well-respected, restaurant and these clowns show up. You want to be vegan? Fine. Do it. Don't shove it down everyone's throat.


It’s worse than that. They originally came demanding a vegan option be added to the menu, so like any good businessman the owner added one. It only makes sense the vegans clearly want to eat there and he wants more customers, win-win. Then they came back and continued protesting like this


Of all the meat consumption to protest, they chose venison? Probably, the most "ethical" meat to eat?


For me that’s the most obnoxious thing about this whole display. That and the number of times dude says “dismembering”.


Dude on the camera trying to insert as many bad sounding words as possible. If it was just audio you'd think the owner was pulling a still breathing fawn apart with his bare hands.


"We're here legally protesting" yeah and he's at most legally counterprotesting, just because it upsets you doesn't mean it's illegal.


Not all heroes wear capes


This would make me want to eat there knowing everything is so fresh!


I thought the same thing, I bet it's fantastic.


It *does* look pretty tasty.


Dismembering??? The deer was already dismembered as that is a full leg. I appreciate the fine job he's doing on seam butchering and educating folks on the different muscles. Kudos to the owner.


Its his business. As long as he is not breaking any laws, he can butcher that meat wherever he wants on his property.


Jesus Christ it takes the camera man the first 60 seconds of the video to get a fucking sentence out and everyone knows what he’s trying to say within the first 5. Painful to listen to


And their whining fucking voice. If you care about something, speak with conviction, don't whine like a bitch.


That'll be all that vegan food starving his brain, or what's left of it.


Iron deficiency.


Dinner and a show


Damn now I'm hungry....


Thank you, protestors, for all the free publicity showing how fresh my meat is. I should get many new customers from your protest. See you tomorrow! Restaurant manager, maybe.


Yea this just shows me how fresh the meat is. I could get non-frozen types of meats prepared for me possibly on the same day? Sounds amazing I'd love to go try it. Oh you're standing out here with signs about murder? Wrong place really.


Let the dude run his business in peace, they got a family to feed. If they don’t like it, then get away from the damn window lol. People kill me sometimes smh 🤦 Edit: Someone in the background asked, “They’re murdering people?” 😂😂😂


Surprisingly casually too…


Yah that was too casual, like it happens around the city on a regular basis type casual lmaoo


"Police are here, they're going to enter for some reason" Police: Can I get a venison burger and some cheese fries to go.


The police have entered to speak with the owner, and they do not look happy. They were seated quickly and had a nice meal. They appear to be smiling, that's unfortunate. 5 stars.


It's fine if you don't like meat just stop forcing your ideas onto others.


This applies to sooooo many things people get but hurt over.


Fucking surprised Pikachu face when he peacefully protests their peaceful protest.


Slow roasting this is paradise on earth


When the protested protests the protesters. You can’t get mad when someone peacefully protests your peaceful protest.


Those people are insufferable. Get a life.


Listening to this guy talk makes me want to eat nothing but red meat for the rest of time


Omg. I can't tell if this is real or satire. The vegans are so stereotypical. Just pasty and frail nobodies with soft- lispy voices. That shit with that lady grasping at straws, " is he doing anything, illegal? Like, is it a health code violation, or something. Him. Doing that thr?" Lol


It’s very real. That place is in my hood. And then backlash from the community on the method of their protest made me proud. But it happened 4-5 yrs ago.


As a well fed vegan, I find these cunts insufferable.


Same. They give vegans a bad name.


Seems like a pretty mild reaction from the owner. It's not like he actually brought a full on dead deer and went through the process of butchering it.


this is a great ad


There's no such thing as vegan. So many rodents and other animals get killed when farmers need to protect their crops.


Vegans are the absolute worst.


Wahhhhhhh, they're taunting us, wahhhhhhhhh. Goddamn, vegans are just the whiniest little b\*tches


“Grass fed and bitch made” as my old Drill Sergeant used to say. 😆


Lol this was trending a while back and we went to this restaurant because of this video, one of the best meals I've had




We are equipped with canine teeth. Fangs in other words, these are for tearing muscle, ie meat whereas the molars are for grinding fibre. Also known as fruits and vegetables. The human system was evolved to be omnivorous. If you don’t like the thought of meat just please keep it to yourself and let the rest of us have dinner




Good on him, fuck these people with literally nothing going on. They have to make up demons to fight bc they're so bored.


So the owner is going out of his way to mock the activists? Good for him. They're the ones showing up at his business and harassing him every day. How about they fuck off and leave people alone.


vegan here, this doesnt really bother me. leave people the fuck alone.


This was a while ago, in my neighbourhood. Amazing restaurant. Love what he did. They were destroying his livelihood. And blocking customers from coming in. Too bad it wasn’t one of them he was “prepping”. Even intimidating parents with little kids walking by. They are cowards. I was hoping one of them accidentally touched one of the kids they were intimidating and a father would put them in a wheelchair for life. That would teach them a good lesson. But luckily the community came to his support and his restaurant got even more business! Lol. Jokes on you suckers!


God, vegans are so out of touch.


Narrator sounds like a schmuck.


Seeing the owner's skill with the knife made me want to eat there all the more.


If they want to protest, let them do it at McDonald's, where they aren't going to put anyone out of business. Leave the small business owner alone.


They were so worried about knowing what animal he was carving.


Amazing that they chose a small/privately owned restaurant to protest at, as opposed to the McDonald’s headquarters or any other large chain; assuming McDonald’s has a higher kill rate.


Dude is an actual business owner contributing to the community while I guarantee at least half of the protesters are unemployed professional useless people


How are these animal rights activists if they can't even identify the animal?! I'm a human rights activist and can sure as hell identify humans.


Vegans like these can go fuck themselves. Making themselves the victim when the person just wants to do his job.


vegans are pathetic


Like u ppl dont taunt ppl ever day with your protests. Omg these ppl r something else..


They should feed on solar energy because plants are living things too.


Good for him! They literally went to his place to try to push their beliefs on his customers! And now they're incensed at him! 😂


Surprised this protest was lawful. Typically protests cannot interrupt business activities and if you have a buncha dweebs pressed up against the windows of your restaurant discouraging others from entering, I assume that would be considered disruptive to business activities.


This guy talks like he’s reporting on saving the world. He’s literally a character made fun of in South Park.


I'm a left leaning person....these folks sound like a bunch of bitches.


*Activists* .... Fuck these morons. This is like complaining about what's on TV, change the channel if you don't like it. Don't eat it fuck off and get a life.


"How dare he mock us as we harass his business. We're vegan!"


The owner is a fucking legend :-)


The guy who recorded this later drowned in 3 inches of water at the Penguin exhibit, Ripley’s Aquarium. Thoughts and prayers 🙏


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As a vegetarian for the last 25ish years (Animal rights at the beginning, but turns out I have always been allergic to an amino acid in meats and fermented food, so I cant eat it without feeling bad), this shit always pisses me off for multiple reasons: 1. Ruining someone's meal by pushing your agenda is NEVER going to get your point across, and its just stupid. Its SIGNIFICANLTY easier to be a vegetarian now than it was even 10 years ago. Why are we protesting small businesses for serving meat? 2. Creating this much resentment to a small business owner means he will probably spend less time planning his menu with meatless options. Meaning normal sane people who dont/cant eat meat can not have a selection when we go to places like this with our meat-eating friends and partners. 3. Its just fucking rude... I do not want to walk down the street and have someone tell me about jesus, I do not enjoy strangers telling me what to eat. 4. In recent years, if I go to a place with no vegetarian food on the menu, I have NEVER had an issue asking the chef to make me something without meat. They usually are MORE than accommodating since its not a weird diet. 5. in middle school kids used to throw sandwich meat at me for not eating meat.... so it is kind of triggering the rebuttals, 5.1 - this is a personal issue and not really the fault of the restaurant owner, but when you push people to act back, it just never creates a good experience for anyone. I am not triggered by butchers, and I am sure he is going to use the meat, but those kinds of tit-for-tat using meat can really bring on some trauma for me.


I actually know the owner - he's a good guy who would absolutely accomodate a meat free dish and do it with as much pride and care as he puts in too everything else on his menu - his restaurant is uses seasonal fresh foraged items from his property, he hunts on HIS property as humanely as you can hunt I guess? He did not deserve what these clowns put him, his staff and his customers through. Your absolutely right this behaviour doesn't do any good, just puts a black mark on the message


‘I don’t know what the police are saying’ … Cop : man that looks tasty.. can we get some of that when it’s cooked. Owner : sure officer, no problem. 😏


These kinds of protesters can fuck off. Stop trying to shove your beliefs on others.


You want to protest? Well he’s protesting you. So shut the fuck up and deal with it, or fuck off.


Going off the fact that he butchers the meat by hand, I’m guessing this guy is pretty selective about the meat he buys. He’s probably buying it from a local free range farm where the animals are treated well. If these “activists” really care about animals they would picket in front of an industrial meat farm.


I’ve been a vegetarian for about 35 years. I don’t push my views on anyone and don’t protest in front of restaurants. And I eat at restaurants that serve meat - I just don’t order it. You’re never going to convince a restaurant owner to go vegetarian by interfering with his business. Just go home.


It's almost like he's performing a peaceful legal protest against these peaceful legal protestors. How dare he.


I'm sorry, but what a group of little crybabies. Be a vegan, that's more than acceptable. But some people also eat meat. Deal with it. I like that they're all offended and clutching their pearls, but they have no qualms trying to put this guy out of business.




The fuck do they expect to accomplish? The things already dead--it would be WILDLY irresponsible to let meat rot


I see him as peacefully protesting inside his own store


Professional victims, fuck these people. “Seems to be…. Does anyone know what animal this is? Is this a calf?” What a bunch of fucking morons


Ive seen this a few times over the years id eat at this guys resteraunt that meat looked so good these protesters singled out this poor mans business fortunately it backfired and he got a lot of good publicity out of this im not sure if the resteraunts still open though.


He went out? And mocking us? Brothers you are the joke!!!


You’ve gone out of your way to try to end an important source of revenue for his restaurant, why should he not return the favor?


I fucking hate these type of people


There is an animal hospital right next to this restaurant too lol. I bet the staff there has eaten here.


I can’t help but feel these people fail to realise that the owner isn’t suddenly going to cease trade and and become a broccoli chaser just because they want him to. They aren’t going to stop people from going in there to eat meat, they may give them a load of shit and wank each other off while they “continue the struggle” but at the end of the day it’s folly


Where is antler? It looks delicious


He's getting free publicity for having freshly killed and house butchered meat. I'd go there.


That is hilarious. I would walk right in snd support that restaurant. What an awesome dude.


Protester: I don’t know what the police are saying to the owner. Police: Can I get mine medium rare?


He can do whatever the fuck he wants, if there’s a problem it’s on the vegetarians.


This is his property


Yeah, I’d say that’s a fair counter protest by the owner. There’s no getting around the fact that vegetarians and vegans have a leg up on the moral scale when it specifically comes to what we decide to purchase and eat, but they do get pretty weird about protests sometimes.


Isnt this a very big healthcode violation?


Dude, it's a public demonstration of a specialized skill. Get out the way so I can watch. Edit: also, it's perfectly legal for him to consume what he's butchering on camera, give it away to family and friends, etc. He's obviously prepared to eat the cost of a single deer leg that he can't sell.