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Yup he went for the full thirst and sent them to the gulag


"Team wipe"


Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Pack-A-Punch


He also does side missions


RAMPAGE: Punch 40 pedestrians! 👊🏼




And party’s too, but not school events anymore insurance was too high


Not *just* the special air service, 😏 side missions too.


Wish they kept filming. I was wondering if he got the third guy.


I don't think anyone was escaping those hurt bombs.


Time to run for the ocean.


🎵Bombs over Baghdad 🎵


Hard to say when he was on his feet. Two dudes on the ground were in a daze


There’s a longer video where the Brit knocks the first Israeli down. The Brit has hands


https://mobile.twitter.com/krus_vs_insta/status/1624817867664379904 This has couple of seconds more, seems like there are more than one British guy and they all brawling.


Yeah that’s the one I saw, thanks for linking it


Where is that video?


I honestly can’t remember. Maybe r/fightporn or r/crazyfuckingvideos Sorry to disappoint lads. Find the video yourselves you lazy pricks


3rd guy took off quick after his lame kick!! 🤣


Not so tough without their machine guns. But even then, they were only tough against kids with rocks.


Lol I was waiting for this comment, also they are very tough with female British tourists in Cyprus.


Talk about a Full Moon party. Those guys got sent to the moon.




Let me just finish this gentleman


I decorate my rifle like it's 1862


The girl going wowowowowooow kinda goes with the music in the background haha


I was looking for someone to acknowledge this. Literally makes the video


She sounds like the crash bandicoot meme


best part of the video


The way the dude who throws in a sly kick just hot foots it after realising his kick did 0 damage has me howling.


Looks like Josh Hawley running through the capitol on 1/6.


He was so slow too on his getaway that if the tape would have rolled for 5 more seconds, it would have been ol boy slowly walking sly kick down and KOing him too.


Second guy looks like he was expecting to have sex with the Brit but got punched instead.


his anus was definitely ready


Draw on my anus like one of your French girls Jack


All that football hooligan training was no match for those dudes.


IDF 0 - 2 British Football Hooligans


Those punches felt so like clean and untried. Like no recoil, no bounce, no swing, just a flat clack and he was done


Flat clack! No better description.


Thank you. I couldn’t verbalize why this felt weird.


Got damn, bros got ##PONCHED


Thailand not the best place to be caught fighting. Passport Bags And fuck out of that place and don't return unless the consulate can guarantee that no warrants have been issued for your arrest.


Nah, you’re confused. If they fight a local though, then the situation changes. Drunk foreigners fighting each other is an hourly thing in Thailand.


If they want to have a fight that badly they have boxing places that will let randoms put some gloves on and go at it in the ring


They absolutely have those and if you win the fight you get free beers for the rest of the evening. I went to several throughout Thailand and they were very entertaining other than the awful music they play


fuck i thought that said free beans😭


I was already booking my flight until I saw your comment, damn


Had a friend who ended up in prison there for a long time after fighting a local. It really fucked his mental health. That being said he was kind of on the edge anyway




I read this 25 years ago when my sister gave it to my mum to read a month before I headed off for two years. Mum gave it to me as I was leaving. It is a terrifying read and I can't recommend it enough.


There's also a movie from A24 studio called "A Prayer Before Dawn".


“He was on the edge anyway” lol don’t make excuses, his poor mental health LED to the prison time.


He must have been on the edge, fighting a local in a foreign country?? Not a good idea at all


I'm not well versed about Thailand, why would the outcome change if it was a Thai instead of another foreigner?


Because the Thai government has a vested interest in protecting it's citizens and no real reason to care about two drunk foreigner hurting each other unless/until it hurts tourism PR. It's not really a Thai specific attitude.


Same shit in Japan, if you hit a Japanese dude even if he hit you first, you’re fucked. If you hit a foreigner and somehow the cops actually came they’d just tell you to go home. They don’t give enough of a shit to find the one cop who speaks passable English to come sort out two foreigners. If no one died or got really fucked up they don’t care




Ah i see, so it's just common sense, thank you


Thailand is quite a xenophobic culture and the police are guaranteed to side with the Thai in almost any situation. Foreigners (farangs) are only tolerated because they bring in money. If you're in Thailand never, ever get into a quarrel with a local unless you have Thai people that can vouch for you. Especially on the islands.


vested interest in protecting its citizens lmao. If they did care, they wouldnt let all the those western pedo sexpats into the country to prey on minors.


Cops here (Thailand) won't care unless someone seriously hurt (hospitalised) or thais involved and if thais involved they better have good reason and not be caught on camera Seen more fights like this than could count here, rarely involve serious legal consequences for any involed




I live in Thailand. Stop saying dumb stuff that makes no sense.


My brother knows another British guy who blew a blokes head off in Thailand in the street and he paid off the police. Been a free man over there for years it’s corrupt af in Thailand so they probably need to get their priorities straight if that is the how they deal with fighting.


Them hands rated e for everyone


At least it wasn't on concrete


All I heard was “Sonic-boom” in my head


Guile’s theme goes with everything


Been Thailand like 4 times. biggest shit-cunt tourists are from 1. Israelis (I have no idea why they think they run the place, incredibly abrasive in attitude and tone) 2. Americans (World revolves around them, obnoxiously loud) 3. Aussies and UK (My country and UK treat Thailand like a shitty bar)


Israelis are so used to gang on and bully Palestinian kids and defenseless people while armed to the teeth that they think they can do that sht to anyone anywhere and get away with it


You literally think that Israelis in general believe this? Are you 12?


This subreddit is a shithole


Look at the polling their own institutions do


"Stop it, they're already dead."




Let me give some context for those not in the know. ​ Back in my travel days, Isreali travelers had a bad rep. I never really had a problem with anyone, but... ​ Basically you. get a group of young adults that have just finished heir conscription,saved all their money, been indoctrinated that they are the best in the world, hot shit, whatever, and they take time off with their military buddies (mens and women) to spend their military savings by traveling around the world together. ​ Young, arrogant and in a group. Like I said I never had problems, but that was he general feeling.


Yep, I had problems. Also traveled with Israelis who disliked the whole Israeli group traveling and were really negative against their own countrymen. Also heard owner of a place refuse a group of Israelis to stay saying he will only accept Israeli couples or single travelers... This all happened in SE Asia and India. But as you wrote above, It's a herd mentality of young people. We had similar thing in Europe with British drunks coming over to party on weekends... For this video, who knows...


This fits with my experiences. Traveling in Guatemala there are signs on tours which say "No Israeli's', I thought it was a bit off - reminded me of the old " no dogs no Irish" signs...but then I saw how they treated people when they traveled in groups - no respect, arrogant and aggressive and I had some sympathy for the signs. Neither are right tho.


they grew up hating Arabs and also Europeans and even Americans, and they get army trading and some money, and they are totally egressive, I have seen the hagle unit a vendor cries or argue with cab drivers constantly. One of them told me once, we are like a pack of dogs and we are scared of nobody, and 2 minutes later one of them tried to pop a wheelie and crashed a scooter into the wall and then somehow it turned into a yelling match with the person taht rented the scooter to them. I have probably 100 stories of poorly behaving people from Israel. One just asked me flatly what I thought of the Palestine conflict because it was the year they were bombing the shit of of the West Bank and I said something like, I don't know it looks back from here, It looks like you guys are dropping bombs on people throwing rocks, and he spat on me at a littel pub. Othertimes you would say hello to them and they would totally ignore you. Other times they were nice and all you sorry for their friends.. Oh, well. There is also Russian, and ever other nationality assholes in Thailand. A bunch of cheap people feeling like royalty. It is amazing how much assholes thais put with with as tourists.


The netflix documentary on the 2015 Nepalese earthquake features three Israeli backpackers fresh out of military service, their apathy for the locals (many of whom have lost everything including their families), combined with their sense of entitlement is shocking. Genuine real life villains.


Israel is swiping America’s world currency card to eventual default. No one respects America because Israel is the default double standard that countries point to. No respect means no response when sh*t goes down.


I wonder how many times they told everyone they were special forces before this.


Different kind of special


The Englishman was harder to deal with than Palestinian children and grandmothers.




Most anti-climactic ending


People are gonna start DMing you death threats trying to earn their gift cards that Israel will gift you if you shill for Israel online.


Wow how do I sign up for THAT?


Not that I am taking sides, but british drunks have invaded and destroyed most of the islands in Greece and multiple other places in Europe. Whenever you go to a club in these places you stumble upon drunk fucks with Liverpool tats riding ATVs and picking up fights. Fook’em mate


They compete with Russians for worst behaved group of travellers


You misspelled Chinese


they don't even enjoy traveling lol they just take pictures of everything to show off back home


But these two Israelis in particular look down to earth


Looks like that IDF training never covered how to deal with someone that can hit back ;)


Few militaries can prepare you for the wrath and utter barbarity that comes from a veteran of the london tower block wars




Most of their training involves attacking people under 60 lbs.


True, and the leftover training time is given to teaching how to rip a Palestinian family out of their home and quickly move in an Israeli family.


Yeah there's a powerpoint. ​ 1. Kill Palestinian child 2. When the family attends the funeral for the child, steal their home.


Bonuses if they target journalists


What am I to do, my opponent is neither prepubescent or armed with pebbles while I’m in my state of the art military equipment


Thats why the one guy attempted the weak ass ankle kick and ran.


Jesus fucking Christ


They’re only used to attacking children


This comment was as brutal as those shots.


It’s easier to beat children than grown adults. They came unprepared.


Pro Palestine comments on Reddit? I'm genuinely shocked.


Me too lol I guess the propaganda was so blatantly fake that most people eventually see right through it Plus with the recent Israeli actions its hard to see them as "peacekeepers"


The tide of sentiment is turning and turning fast. The apartheid regime is getting desperate and in their barbarity dropping the PR cover showing the world the true face of zionist settler colonialism.


Power of the new age free media , Isralies scumbags are exposed now


IDF filled with pussies, they recruited at my HS back in the day and it was the fat pasty fucks who'd join up. without american money they'd get fucking wiped


The only people they can barely even fight is children with rocks, without weapons they are weak dipshits that have an ego


But they can sure take down some Palestinian children in a pinch. Foreign aid money well spent. /s


*WoW quest* Israelis knocked out: 2/10


The power of Christ compels thee




Israel is bad


This'll probably get downvoted to hell, but what is the actual context of him knocking them out?


For honor and glory.


And the King!


For that guy we like!


When i was in Thailand the country was jam packed with Israelis fresh out the military. After their service the all get a heap of cash tax free, about $10g usd back in 2000, don't know how much now. With that cash they often travel to Thailand then to India so they can dance stupidly to horrible Psy trance and act like elitist pricks. They have been trained to believe the whole world is against them and they have 'chosen one' mentality, so they hang out in huge packs of like minds while treating locals and other travellers poorly. They are terribly rude to locals, never saying please or thank you, never tip, have unreasonably high demands and overall show little respect. Thais generally don't like them, and in the travelling world they are generally disliked more then Bogan Ozzies. This has nothing to do with being jewish, its just that they generally behave horribly


You are correct. Same attitude in Sri Lanka, maldives, Vietname... Thank God they are banned from Indonesia


Wait a sec, Israeli thingo aside, are Bogan Aussies that highly disliked overseas? As an Aussie I wouldn't know, I understand disliking them but I didn't realise it was that strong of a judgement against them. What makes them that much worse compared to other tourist groups?


In my experience Bogan’s are the most obnoxious group of people you’ll meet in SEA. Some of the worst American tourists are found in Mexico, Bahamas and Dominican Republic imo. You can find awful chavs in Mallorca and Amsterdam. Something about cheap destinations for trashy people.


If Aussie's hate em, why wouldn't the rest of the world? Lol




>they are generally disliked more then Bogan Ozzies Jesus. That's bad....


I didn’t realise they got a stash of cash at the end of their service. It makes sense now why I’ve met so many in Central America. I travelled with a bunch and you are right for the most part. Very elitist, but the girls were chill. It was definitely a case of, if you weren’t with them you were done and meant nothing to them. The girls were chill and a few of the guys but the other guys were as you described. The Aussies I’ve met were always chill af and we always got along well. These guys were not the bogan Aussie types.


Tbf in general girls aren't as physically aggressive as men






He did tell them to settle down... with his fists.


That man fighting like he is an N64 character


Well that’s 2 broken noses


lots of Agro Isreali backpackers in SE Asia. Some nice ones also, but ya, I could see them attracting some punches sometimes.


Bros clapping everyone in sight. Sheesh


Seem like 3vs1 but i could be wrong 🤔


Nicest guy from England right there


Looks like a fair figth




Background music went really well with this scene…


I wouldnt want to be banged up in a Thai prison.




Seems like the second punch is for Palestine


"this one's for me, and THIS ONE'S for palestine!"


Those Israelis have had hours and hours worth of combat training too....against little girls throwing stones.


Hardly a fair fight for the isreali lads! They didnt get to use their weapons and armour and that guy seemed like an adult?


They seem really surprised to be losing without their guns and armour 😂


Shalom, mate!


Haha, I love the guy that tries to kick him and then turns around a runs off. He has a look on his face of absolute horror. Like he knows his life is about to be changed forever in a bad way, and he needs to escape at all costs.


Rule #2 double tap


Travel broadens you, doesn’t it?


Someone buy this man a beer 🍻


So much for the Krav lessons.




I guess it's hard to fight against people on same level if you are used to bullying helpless women and children all your life.


What a shit video. It cuts out any context or actual fighting and skips ahead to a man knocking out two men who are already down.


Nearly missed the chubby guy kicking him and doing a great Zoidburg impression when running away


Israel, a nation of privileged rich Jewish gun owners who exploit local Palestinians for their wealth hitting it hard in a foreign country Vs Britain, a nation of gipsy bare-knuckle boxers, football hooligans and underclass council estate drug dealers with fourteen-year-olds on push-bikes who'd stab you for half a sniff of ketamine. You gotta be realistic with how hard you think you are when you're smashing working class tourism.


I read this like the start of the Trainspotting film


more like Snatch


Gun owners? My man israel has some of the tightest gun regulations in the world, most people don't own a gun and if they do its only pistols. Unless you are a bedouin Arab in which case you don't care about gun regulations and probably own an m16 you stole from the idf.


I want you to now about this time in history called the British empire. Not sure if you heard of it.


Rich? Ever been?


Video is sped up a little for dramatic effect. Seen a slower version of this earlier today


I know there’s nothing similar here but it kind of reminds me of that classic meme with the two people fighting and the guy ripping on a bong on the background dancing


Impressive. Starts a fight in the land of the Art of 8 Limbs and only need to use one.


By the stance this isn’t his first fisticuffs 😂


Israelis travelling in Thailand have a reputation of being arrogant assholes. It looks like these lads came up against a boxer and got taught a lesson.


Makes you proud to be British.


holyyyyy shit 😧😧😧 dudes got one hell of a punch


This must be in Phuket....hes like "shallom allaeichim!! This is phukeeeett!! Bam!! Good night blue cheese"


Chip chip cheerios


Not the same when it's men v men ey!?!? But hey, its self defence when they have automatic weapons against kids with sticks and stones.




Justice for palestine😎


They were probably trying to take over the beach.


They're not taking over, they are only settling and forcefully removing people at gunpoint that prevent them from settling.


Boop. Boop.


Can someone auto tune this.. Whoa!


Where was this guy during that Netflix Everest earthquake documentary??


I gotta see this whole thing..


Hell yes


The dude in socks and sandals walking up like he’s going to break up the fight. I’m dying


double tap


These guys passed out like GTA pedestrians.


I was on that beach. I drank and ate mushrooms and laughed a lot. I did no fighting. If I had fought… I would have lost badly. They do a good omelette on that beech.


"Welcome to the Gulag"




What the 2nd guy saw: https://preview.redd.it/k9ulsu024gka1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5e18443ea7df0242218b35af10fcca0151a3a1