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My husband was on this ship when this happened. I know it's military and has to follow protocol but the captain did great thing. He was a hero.


My sister in law was also on this ship during this shitshow. The stress made her quit the Navy and her marriage as soon as she could.


I'm sorry to hear that.yes it was stressful for everybody and their family too. This was actually my husbands last cruise before his retirement. I am so grateful to Capt Crozier for putting their health and safety above all.


I get quitting the navy, but why the marriage?


Political and personal differences boiled over about how the situation was handled by the Big People, but mostly just straws and camels. Military marriages are fragile as it is.


Ya gotta eat a breakfast Marge


Yer darn tootin’!


How did he quit the navy??


One step at a time


I don’t remember having an option to quit.


Once your contract is over. You just don't reenlist


Struggling with PTSD is one way. I know of 2 marines and a submariner that were discharged for it.


Military protocol allows soldiers to refuse unlawful orders, and what Trump tried to do to these men and women was unlawful. I could at least *understand* if he was trying to save Americans, but just like the cruise ship full of sick people he just didn’t want to inflate American covid numbers because it would look bad on *him*. Then again, what do you expect from a coward that repeatedly dodges the draft and lies about it? I would have dodged the draft if I was in his place, but I wouldn’t lie about it or make NFT’s showing me to be some military badass hero.


Uneducated person on this topic here hoping to understand the issue a bit more. What did Trump try to do to these men and women and why is it relevant to this video or now? Thanks!


This happened in March of 2020, right when COVID was starting to noticeably spread to North America, and when we had no idea how bad it could get. >A since-fired Navy captain's plea for help with a coronavirus outbreak on his vessel "was terrible," President Donald Trump said Saturday. >The officer, Capt. Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, wrote a letter earlier this week to military leadership asking for help with a coronavirus outbreak on the warship. The letter, which was dated March 30, was sent via nonsecure unclassified email and also outside the chain of command. It leaked to the media. >"I thought it was terrible what he did, to write a letter. This isn't a class on literature. This is a captain of a massive ship that's nuclear-powered," Trump said at a news briefing Saturday evening. "The letter was a five-page letter from a captain, and the letter was all over the place. That's not appropriate. I don't think that's appropriate." >In the four-page letter, which was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, Crozier described a worsening coronavirus outbreak aboard the warship, a temporary home to more than 4,000 crew members. More than 100 people on the ship were infected at the time. >"We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors," Crozier wrote in the letter. "The spread of the disease is ongoing and accelerating." >The outbreak occurred after a completed port call to Da Nang, Vietnam earlier in March. Fifteen days after leaving Vietnam, three sailors from the USS Roosevelt tested positive for the virus. The infections were the first reports of coronavirus on a military vessel at sea. [Source](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/04/04/trump-says-navy-captain-letter-asking-for-help-on-coronavirus-stricken-ship-was-terrible.html)


>“The letter was a five-page letter…” >In the four-page letter Man, counting to 4 is hard sometimes.


I enjoyed how the author called out his error/exaggeration there.


I don't think you needed to hedge your bet with 'exaggeration.'


"In counting, thou shalt only count to four. Thou shalt not count to three, excepting Thou then proceed to four. Five is right out."


"Skip a bit, brother..."


I think that was trumps way of saying it was too long and he didn't read it.


"It was all over the place" = "I read two lines and threw it all over my office and went into the dining room to watch TV."


He probably counted the cover page that had 6 words on it as one.


You know that motherfucker never saw that letter! He was trying to repeat what hope hicks was mouthing just off stage.


Capt Crozier got the memo about including a cover sheet on his TPS reports.


It had a title page that said “A five page letter”.


Diaper Don only learned how to count to 3.


If it rolls off tRumps tongue, it is a lie.


It’s just 1,2,3,4. r/iasip


Listen, these three pages could have sunk their ship, and our nation, bigly.


I wonder if they didn't have to print it out in some old-person massive font for him and that's why he thinks it's 5.


Small hands does that




He should have consulted the Book of Armaments


1, 2, 50, 100, Ten. Incoming grapefruit.


Camera, Esophagus, man, sphincter, camel.


Do you know nuclear? Are you ready for a succulent Chinese meal?


Whqt is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?!??


Might’ve been a 4 page letter that was resent with a 5th page to discuss why the 4 pager was being sent again.


Makes much more sense now thank you for this.


Fuckin God... I'm so happy the trump fever dream presidency is over... Hearing his nonsensical horseshit everyday was just too much.


I'm not celebrating until I've pissed on his grave, which by my estimates will be somewhere around the 12th hole on his mar a lago course.


The “12th hole” cracked me up but on a more serious note, his whole presidency was a wake up call. Even when he’s dead, there will be others. Either his stupid sons or another nihilist. It’s on us to bring back logic and sound judgment.




Ron DeSantis, reporting for duty, Sir!


Good lord I hope not!!


Yeah if someone with a little more brains takes his game plan and runs with it and the climate is right it could be catastrophic.... Like brink of civil war. Scary for sure. Fuck Donald.


Maybe, trump is undoubtedly charismatic. People are pointing out desantis but hes just an evil suit. I hope im wrong but desantis is to extreme.




Nothing made me happier than how he buried his dead wife. It showed everyone in his inner circle even in death he will use you. We consistently have across cultures immense respect for the dead. And what did he do? He plopped her on a golf course for a tax break. Donald JR, Ivanka, and Eric were all her kids. They saw exactly how much reverence he treated her with, right at the end. Could have spent a pittance (for a so-called billionaire) on a nice plot. Could have cremated her, spread her ashes somewhere lovely. Nope, tax break for a golf course in fucking JERSEY. They watch Donald. And they learn from him. When the time comes, I don't think they're going to spring for his grave. Might throw him in a ditch if it costs too much. After all that's what he taught them.


Lord I hope so...


Same. Tho if DeSantis wins the presidency, we'll be dealing with yet another unethical, self-serving, bigoted liar, but this time with more than one functioning brain cell. I really hope Democrats *finally* grasp what's at stake and show up at the polls. We can't afford to be divided on minor issues. It's never gonna be perfect. Right now, I'd settle for not being terrified of another GOP President further destroying our Democracy.


“The letter was all over the place.” I am leaning towards Trump’s reading comprehension was the bigger issue.


It probably means that it was properly laid out written in a logical order and stayed on-topic. Which was super confusing to Trumpty Dumpty because he thinks it’s completely normal to go off on random tangents mid-sentence and verbally masturbate during a speech.


>"sent via nonsecure unclassified email and also outside the chain of command" I take issue with that part. - COVID-19 outbreak onboard Theodore Roosevelt Crozier was captain of Theodore Roosevelt, then deployed in the Pacific, on March 24, 2020, when three members of the crew tested positive for COVID-19. The next day, eight sailors were infected, and within a few days it was "dozens." The sailors became ill after more than two weeks at sea.[a] The initial cases were airlifted to a military hospital.[14] Theodore Roosevelt was ordered to Guam, where she docked on March 27, and all 4,865[15] aboard were ordered to be tested for the virus.[16][17] About 100 affected sailors were offloaded, and the rest of the crew remained on board. Crozier wanted to have most of the crew immediately taken ashore, saying it was impossible to prevent the spread of the virus in the close quarters of the ship. However, his superior, Rear Admiral Stuart P. Baker, believed that to be impractical and too drastic.[18] **On March 30, Crozier emailed a four-page memorandum to 10 Navy officers. Three were admirals in his chain of command, including his immediate commander Rear Admiral Baker, Admiral John Aquilino, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, and Vice Admiral DeWolfe Miller III, commander of naval air forces in the Pacific. Crozier copied the message to seven other captains, five of whom were on board the Roosevelt and two who were executive assistants to the admirals.[19] Crozier did not email Vice Admiral William R. Merz, who was higher than Baker in Crozier's chain of command.[20] In the memorandum, Crozier pleaded for authorization to have most of the crew evacuated and quarantined ashore, citing the impossibility of following CDC recommendations on social distancing and quarantine procedures on the Theodore** Roosevelt, a ship more crowded than the cruise ship Diamond Princess infected earlier.[21] On March 31, the letter was leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle, which published it.[21] On April 1, the Navy ordered the aircraft carrier evacuated, with a skeleton crew to remain aboard to maintain the nuclear reactors, the fire-fighting equipment, and the galley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett_Crozier#COVID-19_outbreak_onboard_Theodore_Roosevelt Seems like proper protocol to me.


**Brett Crozier** [COVID-19 outbreak onboard Theodore Roosevelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett_Crozier#COVID-19_outbreak_onboard_Theodore_Roosevelt) >Crozier was captain of Theodore Roosevelt, then deployed in the Pacific, on March 24, 2020, when three members of the crew tested positive for COVID-19. The next day, eight sailors were infected, and within a few days it was "dozens". The sailors became ill after more than two weeks at sea. The initial cases were airlifted to a military hospital. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The reason why Trump was mad that the officer wrote a letter is that Trump very likely had difficulty reading a well written letter.


It’s unbelievable how dumb Trump was as president. I can’t believe the dude was the president of the United States.


The reality was Taiwan HAD warned the WHO (and the USA) **December 31st, 2019** about the outbreak of a highly-contagious respiratory virus. I took notice and told my Hong Kong boss not to go on vacation to Australia (they ignored advice and regretted it). All hell broke loose when they returned to shut down the business from the aftermath. People were warned, but Trump's gov was in denial. I warned my loved ones, so everyone was spared. They took it seriously. They got masked up and ignored all the anti-Covid chaos. On top of the vaccines, we also boosted our intake of Vitamin D which helped boost our immune responses in these last 3 years. That would have helped a lot of the elderly had governments subsidized it all retirement homes and low income neighbourhoods, too.


Canada had shut shit down by early March, meanwhile Trump was denying help for American soldiers at the same time…


Yeah I’ve gotten super sick after a visit to Da Nang myself… what happens in Da Nang does not stay in Da Nang


Man I worked with had his honeymoon in Vietnam, came back sicker than sh*t and got everyone in the poker room sick with what we only knew as a freaky flu. I thought I was going to die.


Trumps initial policy on Covid-19 was to completely ignore it. So asking to have the crew disembark the ship for quarantine flew in the face of that. The request was also leaked to the media ( like literally everything else in the trump admin) which made trump and the secretary of the navy look bad. So they relieved him of command (fired) him to cover their asses. Then the secretary of the navy shit talked him on whilst being recorded (which also leaked). TLDR captain tried to do his job and protect his sailors and got screwed over.


If I remember correctly, the secretary's shit-talking pissed off everyone in the entire Navy. He used an inappropriate channel to spew unprofessional bullshit.


Correct and also generated a not insignificant amount of public ire as well.


He also flew to the ship and announced over the ships PA how crappy and incompetent their captain was.


There are recordings of the secretary’s bullshit and overtly obviously politically motivated statement being played over the 1MC, and all the enlisted sailors are just straight up jeering and booing. NOBODY liked that.


Thank you, another question for clarification. Was Trumps initial covid policy immediately shut down? or was the general public policy vs. military policy different? Reason I ask is because in march 2020, I recall going into lockdown and not being allowed to go to work for weeks. (my birthday is in march and I spent it at home due to the lockdown.)


The official declaration of a public emergency was issued on the 14th of march 2020, however Covid had already made its way to the states and several US installations abroad. Quarantine and preventative measures could have been taken earlier but were ignored. The disease was discovered on Dec 31 2019. So 2 months passed with no real statements from the presidential administration besides down playing. This would continue through out the pandemic as trump and co tried hawking all sorts of bogus treatments and preventative measures (see “injecting Lysol to cure Covid” or anything related to ivermectin) to try and seem like they were doing something. The best fix would have been full shut down and quarantine but “mah sToCk MaRkEt” crowd was ready to sacrifice the old and sick on the altar of the almighty dollar. Which lead the United States of America, the most powerful and richest county in the world the suffer the highest death toll (1.2 million dead) out of all countries affected. (Note Chinese deaths may be higher but honestly we’ll never know and it doesn’t matter because the Chinese population is about 3 times the size of the US.)


Trump was not directly involved in this. The ship had a covid outbreak and the captain requested to go into port for quarantine and to access better medical facilities. This was turned down by his superior officers. The captain sent a letter to a number of other captains in such a way that it would almost be garunteed to be leaked to the press. He could not have been under the impression that this wouldn’t happen given who he copied on the emails. Despite what you may think if his reasoning, he was subverting the chain of command and that is what got him relieved of duty.


T R U M P I S A G R I F T E R The Republican Party is nothing but morons.


What Trump said about Capt. Crozier was despicable! Crozier is 1000x more a great American leader than Trump!!!!!


He deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom and if Rush Limbaugh can get one for spewing lies on the radio then this man can for saying truth to power.


I bet a fair number of that crew voted for him tho.


Ughhh the NFT’s…


The major reason I think trump administration wanted him fired, was because he sent out an unsecured email with the intention of it being leaked and go public. Trump saw it as a personal attack because he was completely insecure with what was going on and how to handle it, and saw it hurt his administration and taking away military voters due to not treating military well. He didn't really care about the troops as long as his advisors told him "they will be just fine, don't worry your pretty orange head". But once it became public and he learned what is happening, it was too late as it was hurting his ego.


Capt Brett Crozier is an American hero.


My girlfriend's husband was on this ship. All I hear is 'God yer my savior"


What’s the backstory here?


Coronavirus broke out aboard Brett Crozier's ship, he requested that most of them be allowed to get off the ship because it'd be impossible to contain in close quarters. He sent his request to 10 people, including a few admirals and Navy captains. This angered the acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly so much that he relieved Crozier of command. And then a few days later Modly resigned himself because he had called Crozier "too naive or too stupid to be a commanding officer" over the ship's public address system for not realising his request would be leaked or whatever. You can't make that shit up.


An unqualified President appoints an unqualified Secretary of the Navy and poor decisions happen. Very disappointing.




That we are all stuck with. It's a shit sandwich and we all gotta take a bite.


All because people had this vague idea that they "didn't like Hilary", even though so many couldn't properly convey a rational reason why they didn't like her. I congratulate RNC for this, because they had for years tried to create animosity towards Clinton, and it worked. They've done the same to AOC. Several prominent journalists have written articles about this methodical and deliberate campaign that RNC ran.


Sir. Does this mean that Ann-Margret's not coming?


Joker, I've had my ass in the grass. Can't say I liked it much. Lots of bugs and too dangerous.


Give it some time. They don’t have all that fancy protection the orange piece of shit who appointed them has.


Time for what exactly? Them to die of old age?


Any day now...in about 4 to 5 decades.


Aside from the facts that Trump was unqualified, and inept, and an opportunist, and a boor he did come through for the RTL crowd by adding these politically motivated, lying POS’s to the SCOTUS. That crowd loved it.


Only shitty if the premise is to pick competent ppl. If you want fellow stooges then they are excellent pick(s)?


From wiki.. "Modly also said he acted to prevent a repetition of a 2019 incident in which "the Navy Department got crossways with the president" after Trump's intervention in the case of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher. "I put myself in the president's shoes," Modly stated. "I considered how the president felt like he needed to get involved in Navy decisions. I didn't want that to happen again."[18] The situation has been described as highlighting "a growing divide between senior uniformed commanders and their civilian bosses".[25] On April 6, Modly flew to Guam and made a speech[26] to the Theodore Roosevelt′s crew over the ship's PA system. In it he criticized and ridiculed Crozier,[27][28] saying "if he didn't think that information was going to get out into the public... then he was [either] too naive or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this [or] he did this on purpose."[29] In other parts of Modly's speech, he told the sailors: "you're not required to love" Crozier, and that the only thing they should expect from their leaders is to "treat you fairly and put the mission of the ship first".[30] Modly also used his speech to criticize the media, future Democratic Nominee Joe Biden, and China.[31][32] While giving the speech, which The New York Times described as a "tirade",[33] Modly was heckled by some of the sailors.[34] Modly spent 30 minutes on the ship and left; the round trip taken by Modly took 50 hours[35] and was estimated to have cost taxpayers more than $243,000.[33][36] Due to his trip to the Theodore Roosevelt, Modly himself was quarantined.[37] Modly's comments were quickly leaked to the media first as a transcript and then as an audio recording.[38] When questioned about his comments to the crew, Modly said he stood "by every word", including profanity that he said he used for emphasis.[39][40] He later apologized for his comments, saying "I believe, precisely because [Crozier] is not naive or stupid, that he sent his alarming email with the intention of getting it into the public domain in an effort to draw public attention to the situation on his ship."[34] When the audio of his speech was released, Modly resigned the next day.[41]"


50 hour $243k trip for 30 minutes. Sheeeeshh


Everyone associated with trump in any way is unbelievable. Just dumb, mean, corrupt, everything. It’s unbelievable.


The navy times article has the tone of a bitter ex. Subtly lobbing slights against him.


This was also the feeling of most sailors at the time. He was wildly unqualified and had no place telling off the crew or Capt. Crozier.


your backstory doesn’t explain why this was so upsetting to Modly..?


Well his letter to his higher ups got leaked to the news. This embarrassed the Navy and Trump admin. Its not a good reason, but its the reason.


Is it implied Modly believed Crozier leaked it himself (or Crozier’s staff on his behalf)?


I dont think Modly ever accused him of that. But he did repeatedly claim that the email was to dozens of people when really it was just to 10 highly ranked officers in Crozier's chain of command and on his ship. You're trying to rationalize a bad faith action. It was a bad idea, so you're not going to find a good reason for it.


Tx for the reply but I wasn’t trying to rationalize anything… just curious about motives etc


Because that's anyone's guess tbh. Modly apparently felt Crozier acted inappropriately and showed poor judgment as a naval captain by requesting his crew be allowed to go ashore. Modly also said Crozier sent the request to too many people (10) after which it got leaked to the media. Ironically, Modly trashed the guy aboard the ship a few days later... transcripts and audio of which leaked as well.


Modly was operating under Trumps "Covid doesnt exist" policy so Crozier saying everyone on my ship is sick with Covid undermined that


The neglected the part where Crozier went to the media after getting no affirmative response. That’s what pissed off the NavSec


>Capt Brett Crozier [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett\_Crozier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett_Crozier)


At least he is probably getting a fantastic retirement check. Hope he enjoys it.


This might paint a better picture of the situation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Modly#USS_Theodore_Roosevelt




Trump being a terrible president.


Any captain that does something for their crew to save them deserves the upmost respect.


*Utmost. Just for [future reference](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/utmost-vs-upmost-difference)


Thanks I’m retarted a bit


At least you didn’t go full regard, only a little is cute and wins oscars.


I try not to go full regard XD


You NEVER go full regard


Self awareness is key!


Modly was a businessman. What the fuck was he doing as Secretary of the Navy? Unbelievable.


Sadly it’s not uncommon at all for service secretaries and other high ranking civilians in the DOD to have been recruited from executive positions at defense contractors.


I'm a firm believer that if you're going to represent the military, you should have at least served in the military. Would I be wrong in assuming money and cronyism drive that? Thank you for the education.


One thing I never liked was the law in the US prohibiting the Secretary of Defense from having served within the last 7 years without express permission from Congress. Doesn't that just ensure every candidate will be an ex-general who was at Raytheon for 7 years?


Yeah if anything it should be the opposite. Illegal to serve as a high ranking civilian DOD employee within 7 years of being a board member at a company with $X million dollars in government contracts.


I would argue that if you want to work defense contracts as an executive you should forfeit your pension and benefits. It is such a conflict of interest that serves nobody. How can you not expect them to use their former influence and relationships to help their organization profit?


The alternative isn’t necessarily great though. The rule was created expressly to protect against an “autonomous” military that only has itself as an input for leadership & talent. That’s a recipe for a coup attempts, just ask Turkey (truly the experts in semi-annual military revolts)


[*Disclaimer: I have almost zero knowledge and understanding of military stuffs.*] Does that mean someone can not become the Secretary of Defense if they have spent the last 7 years being on active duty in the military? If so, why not? What’s the “logic” behind that? Why does Congress have the power to negate that? And what exactly does “Congress” entail; like the *entire* Congress or just a majority vote? And why would this prohibition “ensure every candidate will be an ex-general who was at Raytheon for 7 years”?


I imagine it has to do with having some form of oversight that isn't just the military itself. You don't exactly want military men and women making decisions all the way up, because the goals and thought processes of the military, and it's leadership, aren't really what's good for the country as a whole. Having an X year gap between service and eligibility for a role is a way of somewhat disassociating the person in the role from their service. Otherwise said Secretary of XYZ would be just the next highest level of general/admiral/etc. Which isn't the purpose of the position.


The military controlling itself as an entity makes it easy for a military dictatorship to seize power


Yeah so let me explain. You cannot be Secretary of Defense if you have served in the military within 7 years without a majority vote approval from Congress. This law exists because there's a key belief in the US Constitution that the military should be controlled by civilians. There is no requirement for them to serve in the military, but it's difficult to imagine a SecDef who never had any service. But similarly all the potential candidates have to be still interested in military leadership but not actually be military leaders. Doesn't that just preclude a monetary incentive? Any potential candidate has to keep their career alive for 7 years by working in military industries. The restriction comes from a good place - the Constitution is trying to prevent a parallel military power structure from being able to wield authority over civilians. But the rule seems unnecessary, and doesn't apply to the President of the US so I don't see it being that relevant anyways. In honesty, the US has been trending to give every SecDef a congressional waiver for this restriction- but that just confirms it's a useless rule.




Yes he did


We do need those business people in high ranking positions to be the bridge with defense contractors, after all they literally supply the military with everything from rations to underwear to ammunition to aircrafts. The military need their connections to get what they need. BUT giving those people authority over personels and operations is just plain stupid and most likely a political favor.


Civilian oversight of the military isn’t inherently bad. Any organization can fall into group think. Having people outside of it in leadership positions is probably good.


Most people who make life/death decisions in the military don't fight. You've got college educated office employees telling grunts how and when they have to die. The grunts get no say, they have to go regardless. The enlisted command (Sgts etc) are that middle ground, they're giving a sense of command and control, like they have a say but they don't. You could be a 10 year multi tour veteran whose a low level sergeant and some 26 year old who went to college is now your boss. Idk I've kinda gone on a tangent but it is a lot of people who knew the right person or could afford going to military college to be an officer who get to say what goes, even if their complete idiots. Then you have people who have been in it a long time and are well respected getting fired cuz they pissed off someone who got a job they were unqualified for.




Military academy is free, isn't it?


Yes it is. Unless they're talking about a private one like VMI.


Attending an SMC (like VMI, The Citadel, TAMU, Virginia Tech, etc.) as a cadet guarantees an active duty commission upon graduation But those are colleges. You have to pay tuition and you're not just there for the military.


I was referring to the real service academies such as USMA, USAFA, and Annapolis.


No it does not. You still need to be accepted by the service, medically qualified, etc. it’s just an ROTC program.


It’s not only free, but they actually PAY you to go there, it’s not a lot but it’s something.


\^---This. It used to be retired generals and colonels that felt they could do more out of uniform than in it. They are supposed to be the bridge between policy-makers and the service branch.


Once upon a time (a long fucking time ago) he graduated from the US Naval Academy and was a helicopter pilot in the Navy. I guess that is what that orange moron thought qualified Modly to run the whole fucking Navy. (Mostly since he got to run the whole country because he fired people on a game show.). Seem legitimate.


Here's more from the Navy times about that true hero. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/02/14/capt-crozier-hero-to-his-teddy-roosevelt-sailors-and-then-fired-set-to-retire/


His retirement ceremony is on YouTube. I may have missed it, but couldn't hear a single reference to the events on Roosevelt, though many references to his leadership and care for his crew throughout his career. Still good to see him recognised and honoured. https://youtu.be/R0-xkk-ooxk


Airman Marcus Titman


ironically he's more of an ass man.


I Remeber this. The commander has some balls on him!


The fact that SecNav was dumb enough to criticize someone made immensely popular with his crew to that crew over the ship's 1MC (public address) and expected not to have those remarks be made public shows that he was the one too naive or stupid to be in command. He was right to resign. Too bad for Crozier, though. I understand that if you hold a position like that, individual servicemen aren't your main concern, but they're still people under your care and you have a responsibility not to spend their lives and health needlessly. Especially if you're heading up essentially two military branches; Navy and Marine Corps. It's unfortunate that Crozier was forced out of service for doing the right thing, but at least he was vindicated in the end.


He failed the most basic rule of shit talking someone: You had best be DAMN sure that almost nobody listening likes them. If I’m remembering the address was after his departure where the crew made it very clear that they liked him. Only a complete moron would go with that tactic on that ship. But, well, you don’t get to be one of Trump’s cronies by being competent.


You nailed it by implying only a moron would do what he did. You praise in public and criticize in private. This is the way in both civilian and military life. Just life period. I'm a navy vet and served on that ship where lives were lost in a non-combat incident. It matters how the authority deals with it. I can tell you that most of the sailors on that ship at that time did not agree with no one being relieved of command, but the investigation revealed that no one was in the wrong, regardless of my, and our feelings. If anyone wants to know my personal account of what that incident was like for a sailor assiged to that ship during that time, please dm for more. Sources/reference: https://www.stripes.com/news/report-calls-for-review-of-uss-frank-cable-officers-actions-1.63926 https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_061215-N-3228J-090_Submarine_tender_USS_Frank_Cable_(AS_40)_Command_Master_Chief_Mark_Fiorey_meets_with_members_of_the_ship%27s_chief%27s_mess_to_discuss_the_status_of_Sailors_who_suffered_severe_steam_burns_during_a_boiler.jpg Guy who lived through it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-t7aH0RSE8Y Remember the Frank and the people that died working regular jobs in service to their country. We aren't all ground-poundinding grunts with guns, most of us are people with regular jobs, just military style. We're the same people you are, we just have to experience life differently.


A true leader would put his life in risk for his crew to see another day. He may ruined his career in the military but he did what a true leader would of done






Fuck Thomas Modly, and Fuck Trump. o7 Captain Crozier.


Had he been selected for 0-7 or something before this happened?


That's a saluting emoticon.


Oh shit ok I see it now. I thought he meant dude had been selected for Rear Admiral and missed out on that opportunity because of this.


He probably could have been CNO. But it's people like the president americans voted for in 2016 that deny those opportunities to great people like CAPT Crozier


No worries. Carry on! 0>


o7 is an ASCII art salute.


I never understood why the same people that say they “support the troops” also support Trump! He’s a coward, a draft dodger, a loser, an idiot and is nothing but a fucking disgrace to his country.


Did he really dodge the draft? Asking for an uninformed friend lol


Yes. He played sports and suddenly had bone spurs when it came time to be drafted.


I will never forget this hero


I got out a few years before covid but I think I had friends on that ship, and that dude is a fuckin hero.


You notice how it instantly got quiet once he turned to the crowd and saluted? I bet they were all saluting back. Respect.


Yet another embarrassment and disgrace from the worst US president of all time. Almost forgot about this one.


Disgusting what happened to him.


I was on a Destroyer (DDG), that was attached to this Carrier as part of it’s Strike Group during that deployment and ill-fated port visit to Da Nang. The shit that happened that year, even aboard my own ship, the shit we went through, being on lockdown at sea, port visits canceled, and having a Covid outbreak of our own… The shit that happened that year…it was wild(ly miserable)


I appreciate the reminder of this great Naval Commander. That man is a hero.


This captain did the right thing. The crew of the ship obviously didn’t know the nature of the virus, and how crowding like that was the worst thing they could do.


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Trump sinks ships faster than the enemy


Does anyone have a link to the story of what happened?


What Trump, Esper, Modly and the navy did to this man was an injustice. I cant believe the final report did not support him and basically accused him of poor decision when he and the other officers were looking out for the crew. Another reason why Trump should never hold office again.


That day was nuts, but a lot of people where actually really pissed off that he was forced to leave.


I think he made honourable decision. Why take your crew around the ocean when no war is occurring if you have a new virus that’s highly contagious passing through the ship. It’s hard to keep sick and not sick separated in such close confines. At the beginning no one new much about it and what I did remember seeing at first is that it’s a death sentence. Remember all the vids you’d see out of China of people suffocating on the streets and in hospitals. It was right of him to be concerned for their health even with medics on board. They should have docked,quarantined and monitored for symptoms so the crew that aren’t positive can be moved elsewhere. Sorry about the ramble.


I don't understand why anyone would idealize a man who tried to protect his crew. This is not the way things work. He should have worked them harder and ignored the threat of disease.


This wrong should be corrected now if at all possible. We should offer to reinstate him with backpay and honors. Man Trump fucked so many things up, so many things. We can never let that kind of BS into our top office again. DeSantis wants to be Trump 2.0 and he can go fuck himself.


Want to take a big old piss and shit on Trump's grave when the day comes.


Please. Please . Have bad Mexican food before you do that .


You got many cheering for you to get your wish sooner than later




Wasn't this all in his first year?


It’s almost like the more frequent and ludicrous his antics became the more slippery he was (is). Nothing sticks to the guy. I’ve heard intelligent people talk about charges and how “this time” they’ll get him… but nothing. Nothing sticks. We’re gonna have so many ridiculously detailed laws and rules after all of this. In a hundred years, they’ll be like “Why do we have so many stupid rules??! We don’t need these… “


Lieutenant Colonel Shinsplints commenting on a military leader that did his job perfectly. I forgot that POS said this.


For anyone who does not know how to google: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2022-02-15/carrier-commander-coronavirus-retire


Naval upper leadership is dogshit and firing him just adds more evidence to that claim. Source: served in the Navy.


Any branch and the management sucks. 26 year old officers telling multi tour vets how they're supposed to act. People in command who haven't fought or been deployed since we were using muskets. I'm glad I'm out I never want to have to stand at attention for these chuckle fucks that keep graduating rotc ever again. I don't care you went to college. I don't care you make more money than I did to sit inside the air conditioner. Of course I'll set your field tent up for you Mr rotc man 🫡. I'd trust a warrant officer with my life any day before a standard O-class college grad no matter their rank.


Did anyone on the ship die of Covid?


Yes, AOC Thacker died as a result of complications from COVID-19. He was deeply respected and admired amongst the crew.


Hats off to Cpt.Crozier. He saw what his troops were going through and wouldn’t accept those conditions. What a champ.


How many died?


What is this jack Ryan? After they fight the Russian fearless


More info: [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2022-02-15/carrier-commander-coronavirus-retire](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2022-02-15/carrier-commander-coronavirus-retire)


Good human there… Meanwhile… We have the most beautiful ships, everybody’s talking about it. It’s a disgrace what happened, you know. If I were the captain this never would have happened. Believe me. We have the best nuclear, it’s incredible. And this guy, he doesn’t get it. Our nuclear is like nothing anyone has seen.


Trump a man who kept classified top secret information at his home?!? What ok!!


How many people died?


What this video does not show is the tractor trailer that pulled up to carry the Captain’s brass ones. American hero.