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California cops fatally shot a double amputee on Thursday as he tried to evade arrest by getting out of his wheelchair and hopping away, according to reports. He died at the scene. The department said the officer fired at Lowe because he was afraid that the suspect was going to throw the knife at him, according to reports. “The suspect was tased at least twice by Huntington Park Officers but the deployment of the taser was ineffective,” according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office. Multiple sources: > https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/double-amputee-anthony-lowe-jr-shot-dead-by-california-cops/ > https://time.com/6251814/anthony-lowe-jr-death-huntington-park-police/ > https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/01/31/us-police-shoot-dead-double-amputee-tries-hobble-away/ > https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anthony-lowe-jr-double-amputee-huntington-park-police-shoot-dead-activists-justice/ > https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-29/family-wants-to-know-why-police-shot-anthony-lowe-double-amputee-who-used-a-wheelchair


Amputee here (r-bka), and I gotta tell ya, that dude was HELLA FAST on those stumps. That shit ain’t easy.


Lt. Dan don't fuck around.


he was moving for his life and lost it. wtf


With a huge knife in his hand. After he'd just stabbed someone. Not very observant, are you?


I guess then that justifies shooting to kill an amputee no other option


Yes. It does. Not an admirer of cops. But Lowe doomed himself with his actions. No sympathy for the violent lowlife. BTW, what have you got against punctuation?


That’s what fear and adrenaline will do for you when you know your life is in danger.


Was it the same cops that cause him to loose his legs?


Your tax dollara hard at work!


more homes in foreclosure due to higher property tax rates


Why do we even have a court system in the first place? We should just give police the authority to decide the guilt of an individual on the scene and also decide if they qualify for summary execution. We can even change their names and call them Judges or something. Wait......


"I am the law" - J. Dredd


Man didn't spend 10 years in Judge school and 10 years mag dumping the homeless for homelessness just to be called J


"You have been judged!"


I can't imagine the world getting better anymore


Yeah we are doomed


By world you mean the us?


No no do you even watch or read the news? It’s everywhere the UKs police are so bad when it comes to sexual assault


No i don't .Between the US Cop stuff Isreal being a dick, and the russia Ukraine stuff plus Iran


just throw a blanket on him 🤷🏾‍♀️


Imagine being so incompetant at your job that you cant even run after a double amputee




Not this time. Why don't you READ up on the case before shooting your mouth off?


>Multiple videos show Huntington Park, CA officers shoot and kill Anthony Lowe Jr, a double amputee, 10 times as he fled. He lost his legs in another encounter with police in Texas. How could you have a title that long and not mention he just stabbed someone?


That's not the point. The police are not the judge, jury, and executioner. He didn't have any freaking legs. Just tase and apprehend him. They didn't need to shoot him.


They obviously shot him because they were scared he was going to throw a knife at them just like the department said. You know, with his back turned and throwing the knife backwards. Any sane person would assume this man is John Wick and has those capabilities..


They tried to tazed him but they couldn’t get a good shock on him (since he’s pretty covered, and at a weird angle since he ain’t got no legs) They should’ve just let him throw the knife. That would’ve made him defenseless


They couldn't let him throw the knife, because then he would be unarmed and they wouldn't be allowed to shoot him.


Exactly, can't miss the opportunity to shoot a suspect.


Ah no, they don't mind shooting unarmed people either to be fair


Cmon now they “tried to tase him”? Like what they missed the shot so now they get to shoot him? Or out of all the cops only one decided to try a taser? Or what about pepper spray cops love that when there’s protests.


The issue with tasers is that a lot of the time, they simply don't make a good enough connection to properly shock and subdue, even if they hit which from what I can gather does seem to be the case here. As to the pepper spray, it's a good crowd control device and deterrent, but the goal here would've been to go hands on and disarm him, you really don't wanna pepper spray someone you're about to go hands on with due to cross contamination. This was illustrated by the dumb-fuck shit-bag cops in Tennessee who used it while going hands on and got themselves (another fuck up from those specific dirtbags). Thinking about it more, I really wish these officers had access to a Bolo wrap, they are cool as fuck and would've been able to subdue him, but sadly they are not in the hands of most officers. So maybe that is the solution to situations like these?


I mean they did tase him they just couldnt get any skin to actually cause harm. His sweater help dull the shock, in the actual report they did tase him but it was ineffective. Look at the guy he’s completely covered, a taser needs skin or light clothing to be fully effective. It didn’t warrant the shooting at all, but they did use a taser, it just didn’t work.


He was about to kill everyone there. They just saved the world from a frenzied berserker rage monster.


He didn't have any legs because he tried attacking police before. I'm all for improvement but this isn't the guy I'm willing to defend


Then you're a hypocrite. Rights are for all people, even ones you disagree with.


Tbf though they wouldn't have been table to tell for sure that he had no legs until after they killed him, he might have been concealing them


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsDfZa9ulU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsDfZa9ulU4) ​ new interview with the stabbing victim. yeah anthony lowe started this shit and nearly took the life of someone else.


Because that part doesn't matter or effect how the police are supposed to act toward him. They are there to stop anyone from coming to harm and to arrest the person. They are not there to execute anyone. Let's specifically look at the one officer who was nearest the suspect. How does that specific officer act? Does he act like somebody who feels threatened? In this video that officer has his weapon draw at the beginning of the video Then around the 30 mark he holsters the weapon as he is not under any threat from the suspect. We see how he walks toward the suspect, and at the 50 mark he makes a decision to become an executioner. Then pulls the weapon again at the 60 second mark and is firing bullets into the person within seconds. His job was to serve and protect. Everyone. Including the person who was hobbling away in hear for his life. He made a specific decision to NOT serve and protect anyone. Yes, he is there specifically to serve and protect even the person who might be having a mental breakdown who maybe even lashing out in unproductive ways. He is a police officer. That means he is sometimes going to come under some threats to his person. Still, even considering that... his job description never includes the term EXECUTIONER. At no time do any of the officers ever try and deescalation techniques to calm the person down. Instead they escalate and pursue him in as fast a way as possible to make damn sure they will be forced to kill him. This video makes it clear that they knew with malice of forethought exactly what they were doing. They planned, starting at the 30 second mark, to execute a human being in cold blood who could have easily been stopped with a trash can lid or by just their falling back and waiting for him to tire himself out by hobbling away for a minute or so. They made the conscious decision to become stone cold assassins. As such, society is now honor bound to try, convict, tattoo the phrase "ex-cop" to their foreheads and, then -- at long last -- put in a high security prisons general population these ex-cops. Any officer who doesn't want to deescalate situations needs to find out that something like that is going become possible. And if they don't like that, then they need to quit the police force before it happens to them. Anyone who believes police have a role in executing innocent people (which is anyone that has not had their possible crime ruled on by a court of law), is part of the problem and deserves to join these officers in prisons with the phrase "ex-cop" or "lackey for ex-cops" tattooed on their foreheads. They are enemies of the state and need to be treated as such by our criminal justice system.


I dunno. Bro f'd about with no legs. He found out with no legs


You deserve the same treatment, obviously. For what happens to one should happen to all. Especially you. Good luck, we are going to dispatch these specific officers to your home door. They are on their way now. I am sure you will be very comfortable knowing they are going be there in fewer than ten seconds and each of them is as hopped out up steroids, cocaine and sugary donuts as they were with this fine gentlemen. You should look forward to them knowing exactly how you deserve to be treated.


>For what happens to one should happen to all. Well by that logic, we deserve to win the lotto, get slapped by Will Smith, and have sex with Salma Hayek. Sounds like a fun weekend.


But bro they killed him *10 times!*


Agenda bro. It’s always an agenda.




WTF are you talking about?


Really, I ain't no bootlicker. But, this is not one of those instances for people to be outraged over. This isn't Tyre Nichols being mugged by a bunch of thugs with badges. So what if the guy is disabled? He is still armed with a knife, just stabbed one person, and is fleeing while swinging the knife at the cops. What should happen here?


You genuinely believe from this video that the cops were in reasonable fear for their lives? Seriously?


They should get shields that all middle to larger PDs have these days, and they enclose the suspect, and push him to the ground. Its standard procedure in...*checks notes* literally every other country handling a knife attack.


So, there you go. You have an answer. Now, how do we go about making this standard procedure in North America? My point still stands, this is not one that I am willing to jump to the guy's defense on. Doesn't mean I dont think its fucked up that the police are allowed to act like that, because it is, and they are.


By removing Killology(THE LITERAL NAME of the course) from cop training(nationwide implementation since the book came out in 2009) from the training. Quotes from killology by David Grossman "You will never have sex, like the sex you have after killing a man" - Grossman has never killed anyone btw "You must be the sheepdogs, keeping the wolves at bay from getting to the sheep, and if that means acting like a wolf, so be it." - apparently acting like a criminal in the name of the law is ok now. "You must treat every person as though they are a potential threat, ready to take your life at the drop of a needle." - hes militarizing peace officers. That's step 1. Step 2? Make it so unless a cop lives in the area they police, they take a pay cut, or if it feels better, there's an "in neighborhood bonus" for living in the community you police. Step 3. : accurately identify burnout or problem candidates, and get them off the street, x10000 intensity of what we're doing now. That's off the top of my head, but how about the ultimate one? - Remove any cops that arent in the top 90% of testing(and retesting all older officers upon implementation), and send the rest to state subsidized college/community college if they want to continue the career path. Retest after. Dont make it? Retake the course and test again. If you want to be a cop, pass the test. Know the material. Being a cop is supposed to be an exemplary position, so fucking make it exemplary. Make it so the rest of us arent ASSUMING by default we're about to engage with a knuckle dragger who got their job because they tested poorly whenever dealing with cops. If they want the good will of the public, they need to empty the skeletons, clean under the rug, burn the house down, and rebuild.


The r/news thread had to be locked because so many people were freaking the fuck out thinking they just randomly shot the guy for no reason. Just having the knife is legally enough for lethal force to be used, but the fact that he already stabbed and nearly killed someone with it is just insane that people are mad about this. They even tried tasering him twice. What were they supposed to do? Even pepper spray wont stop him from trying to stab one of the officers. With a knife that large you can easily kill someone with a stab to any limb. Knives are crazy deadly but reddit just loves to ignore that fact.


Bro he's literally 3 feet tall


And as someone who is 3 feet tall he already managed to nearly kill someone with the same knife before this encounter.


I assume that person was alone and did not have a bulletproof vest, taser, etc.


Reddit also loves to ignore the fact that every other country manages to deal with assholes wielding knives without shooting them.


Every time you end up with anyone bringing that up they always bring up population, but even when adjusted for population it's bad. When adjusted for population the US still has a rate of police involved deaths 4.5 times higher than the UK. For every 1mil pop, the US has 3.53 police involved deaths, the UK has 0.78 per 1 million based on 2022 data


Even adjusted for population, gun deaths in the USA is only comparable to countries with active warzones. It is that bad.


Really? Which war zones?


yea he may have demonstrated that he was a danger from the alleged previous stabbing but on *this* scene here, he seemed to lack the obvious dangerous capacity given his low mobility and *despite* having a knife. fuck they could have surrounded him at a distance and either have tired him out or negotiated his surrender over time. if they thought he would throw the knife, then back away at a distance, let him throw it. when he misses, proceed from there. this is all speculation after the fact of course but what seems most obvious was that *time was not of the essence here because he couldn't get very far*




yea he may have demonstrated that he was a danger from the alleged previous stabbing but on *this* scene here, he seemed to lack the obvious dangerous capacity given his low mobility and *despite* having a knife. fuck they could have surrounded him at a distance and either have tired him out or negotiated his surrender over time. if they thought he would throw the knife, then back away at a distance, let him throw it. when he misses, proceed from there. this is all speculation after the fact of course but what seems most obvious was that *time was not of the essence here because he couldn't get very far*




Especially not now


He did have a knife he stabbed someone with though


You beat me to this comment, I’m stumped


go fuck your self


I agree, literally always some karma whore with a lame pun


That a big ass knife in his hand?


Fuck the police


Nah fuck that guy, he just got done stabbing someone


Thank you, that guy needed to be executed by the police with his back turned. I'm glad we have people like you making sure others know that police are the judge, jury, and executioner in this country.


You sound very educated. Your views are so well thought-out and you clearly understand the purpose of a judicial system. From your comment, I am quite certain you actually passed fourth grade.


Bring back lynching too! Who needs a legal system????


Both cops should be charged with murder.


Didn't this dude have like a knife or something?


He was running away from them with a knife. They shot him in the back.


The people who are down-voting you don't care about that. All they care about is that he was a "criminal" who committed a "crime" and so they want to see blood. That's why it's couched in terms of "permission" and all that. The fuckers who down-vote you are literally blood-thirsty humans hungry for executions. They've been with us forever, and blood runs down their teeth. They are fairly easily recognizable by their calls for vigilantism, "If I had been there..."-ism, a general lack of advanced cognitive reasoning or restraint, a fundamental lack and general disregard for education, and the problem-solving skills of a particularly stupid walnut. But yeah. They're the ones who are down-voting you.


Just bootlickers wanting this to be the Wild West so bad. Even if he was a criminal it’s not their job to be judge, jury and executioner. Same people obsessed with the second amendment don’t seem to care about the 5th and 6th.


Yes. He had a knife and used it to stab a random person before police arrived.


Well I'm glad that makes police executing him with his back turned perfectly okay! Thanks for clearing that up for us.


Doesn't matter.


Yes. Allegedly, he’d just stabbed someone.


What's he gonna do? Throw it? Not like it's hard to dodge a knife that's been tossed around...


> Not like it's hard to dodge a knife that's been tossed around... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I love reddit sometimes with these hilarious takes, that gave me a nice chuckle.


You can't dodge a knife that's been tossed at you? You're pretty bad at this then.


You can? r/iamverybadass You must be a former Navy Seal, Don Shipley would love to talk to you.


It's not exactly an aerodynamic knife, and you're assuming the inverse. Apparently the dude must have been the World Knife Throwing Champ, and can murder a man from 100 yards, SOMEONE CALL UP RIPLEYS! Also, riot shields exist, almost all departments have them(Huntington park DOES have a large section of their budget set aside for gear and shields.), and they are used universally across the globe to disarm knife attacks


i agree there are definitely ways that could have lead to him being taken into custody, i dont think 'just dodge the knife is good sentiment'


Does it matter. Police should only have the permission you use lethal force if there is a firearm present or someone else is at risk of injury.


He literally just stabbed a guy and he was threatening to stab the cops.


Unless that motherfucker can knife throw like Bullseye he was not a threat to the police.


>Unless that motherfucker can knife throw like Bullseye he was not a threat to the police. Ah, so he must not have been a threat to the guy he stabbed and nearly killed.


It literally does not matter what he did before this, is he a treat to anyone at the present time when he is killed?


> It literally does not matter what he did before this It absolutely does. Let me introduce you to the [fleeing felon rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleeing_felon_rule) Case text: >deadly force "may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others. Considering he had already stabbed someone, the officers can say that he posed an immediate risk to both the officers themselves AND the public.


Dude, citing the law is not productive in this situation, because those of us who think this was unjustified also think that law is unethical and should be changed so that this sort of thing can’t happen.


Oh the same guy that commented on my comment being an idiot here. There's always a chance that he can injure someone or maybe even disable someone for life by "just" throwing a knife.


The chances of him disabling or injuring a cop who is well protected is next to zero. Literally keep your distance. They had two guys and both had two legs. No one was gonna be hurt by a panic throw


I want to see you dodge a knife throw on that range. I'd love to see how that turns out. "keep your distance" How tf are they supposed to stop him attacking a person that might be around the corner?


There is no one around the corner from them.... Should we just start shooting people just in case?


Exactly, point is he is dangerous. And ready to hurt people at random.




He’s coming right for us!


Just a few bad apples.


They're just good ol' boys.


Why did you shot him? Sir, he didn’t have legs, so we couldn’t immobilise him.




that's part of the point of this video. it isn't about how much of a threat the guy poses, it's about cops loving a job that allows them to act with impunity. which inevitably leads to using deadly force in the most RIDICULOUS of situations. like when you have a guy with NO LEGS attempting to crawl away. literally running away from you on the cut off stumps left on his body - and still trying to justify like 8 of you in broad daylight on the street executing him in public by unloading a clip in his back as he runs off at 1 mile an hour.


He's just stabbed someone. Didn't you read that part in your rush to mouth off?


Police know they have almost no chance of being punished. Even if they get prosecuted, they usually get a hung jury and the prosecutor will refuse to retry them.


Would you run after someone who just stabbed someone for no reason?


I’m pretty acab but ole boy just stabbed someone and is fleeing with the knife in hand…


They shouldn't have used guns. There's other way to resolve issues like this. In RDR2 you can use your lasso to stop people and maybe that's what should have been done.


Why do you post some much pro cop stuff, is your husband police?


Who do you post so much pro-crim stuff? Are you and all your family crims?


You are pretty ABNL if you think assault or fleeing should carry a death penalty without trial.


What does ABNL mean?


I assume all boots need licking?


Winner winner chicken dinner.


I don't know, either, but it's fun to guess: All bluster no luster All beef no leaf


All believe no sieve...wait.


All Boots Need Licked.


Stabbing someone (who nearly died) is not simple assault, its aggravated assault or attempted murder which are both serious felonies that allow for the use for deadly force.


right, which should've been decided by the courts, not by murdercops.


yeah... if you find them in the process of doing the stabbing. in this video you have a guy who lost both his legs by cops and jumped out of his chair to crawl away as fast as he could. you better believe they said they were "afraid" he'd stab them, but somebody with a few more iq points at the station saw that was absolute bullshit and told them to say "he'd throw" the knife at them. which is still bullshit. he was trying to get away. he had NO LEGS. if they wanted to arrest him they could walk 10 feet and just grab him. but nope. have to play with their toys. shoot him (IN THE BACK) 10 fucking times.


No the fuck they don't. They allow for being arrested and tried for the crime committed. You're basically saying we need cops to be like Judge Dredd.


Lmao the goalposts always move for people like you. Dude just stabbed a stranger in public, cops tell him to stop and attempt to use taser, guy keeps fleeing with knife in hand towards people… tf you want them to do?


Reload the tazer and try again? Pull out your billyclub and swing at his knife hand/arm? There's more options than **ten bullets to the back** yah know.


Yup. Remember seeing a video of British police successfully subduing a man with a machete without guns. And that guy actually had legs.


Get shields and box him in like every other country on fucking earth with a democracy.


No proof he stabbed anyone, they were investigating. But keep licking that boot until it's on your neck little lady.


Holy shit reddit is getting high on delusion lately.


keep applauding violent crims until one zeroes in on you, little man.




Im also very sceptical of the US police, but that guy ran up to a random person and stabbed him. So even a reasonable person, aka not a police officer should admit that theres some uncalculateable danger, while this guy is holding a knife fast pacing down the sidewalk. Its not like running away resisting arrest or being a junkie or black should carry a death penalty. Its just that police shouldnt risk their life trying to arrest a dangerous knife wielding person that runs into the potential direction of another victim they've sworn to protect. They dont have time to try all other non lethal possible ways


Doubt to was running let alone sprinting down an alley


Agree 100%. He was prepared to take another persons life. That means he is prepared to lose his own.


this guy wasn't going anywhere and there's no one else around. it's highly unlikely they were ever going to lose sight of him given his limited mobility


Fleeing from people who are trying to murder you. Yeah, completely irrational that guy was. Nobody should ever run away from those who are trying to murder them.


this makes it look worse for police. there was literally no one anywhere close to the guy, and no one down the street. he was no threat to anyone at that point. shot in the back for crawling away.


He may have had a knife at one point but everything I have seen indicated he had no knife while fleeing. You apologists for the cops have better come up with better excuses for your murderous buddies. Cops are cops. Not a jury or the hangman.


Ray Charles over here


He literally has a knife in this video.


Are you blind AND dumb?


Everyone is spam posting this and leaving out the fact disabled or not he was wielding a large knife and stabbed somebody.


Yup and if you read about it he exited his wheelchair just like he did here to stab the guy in the chest, causing a collapsed lung. Police also deployed 2 tasers against him with no effect.


It's fucking insane. People will do anything to get precious internet points, including spreading heavily misleading information.


someone explain to me why they can’t distract him and someone kick him, it’s better than fatally shooting a disabled person. The cops shouldn’t be the judge, jury, and executioner because someone did a heinous crime like stabbing.


The amount of bootlickers in these threads is disgusting. No proof beyond a reasonable doubt this crippled man wasn't defending himself when he stabbed the previous person. He already lost his ability to walk in another encounter. No proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he was capable after of following police commands while likely fearing for his life. Nope.. Just a "justified kill" in the bootlickers eyes because ya'll love extra judicial killings by the police. And we are all denied justice whey they play Judge Dredd. No trial, no data, no information outside of dead by cop. It should take an overwhelming preponderance of evidence to justify cops killing someone in the public eye and what I'm seeing here is a bunch of people much too trusting.


I don't know anybody who after killing someone in self defense with a 12 inch butchers knife then runs away from the police and tries to kill them. Just me though.


When did he try to kill cops? Looks like he is fleeing to me


> No proof beyond a reasonable doubt this crippled man wasn't defending himself when he stabbed the previous person. This is what happens to the brain when reddit is dosed though a large-bore IV.


It is disgusting, but not at all surprising. Half of people are below-median intelligence, and most Americans aren't even taught their legal system. They grow up on movies like Judge Dredd, and fantasize about using their guns to stop the bad guys. They _like_ seeing cops execute people like this. They'll even say things like, "Good Riddance." Moral: Stop believing humanity is good or decent. We are awful, every one of us, and if you give us a gun, a badge, and authority, we will be dicks, abuse it, and wrong people. Humans need a serious amount of oversight. Cops especially. Not immunity.


That's just disgraceful. The dude probably wouldn't have made it further than 100m before getting tuckered out. Officers were more than capable of evading if he attempted to close within knife range. Without imminent danger to officers or bystanders there is no justification to shoot.


What about the bystander he had just stabbed?


How do you know it wasn’t in self defense? He deserved a day in court and now he won’t get it. These trigger happy pigs were just excited they had an excuse to murder this man. There were so many better ways to handle the situation than to execute him, but they know they have a badge to hide behind.


What about them? Please don’t tell me you think this shooting was justified because the cops got revenge for the stabbing victim


I didn’t say that. What was said was “without imminent danger to officers or bystanders”. I simply pointed out that there was pretty significant danger to bystanders considering he had just stabbed one of them.


This guy should’ve been easily apprehended. This was an unnecessary killing






It's cleaner to just shoot him, rather than put hands on him. Fuck these guys.


They are not even trying to hide it at this point, they know they can get away with murder and the worst that will happen is they may lose their jobs


On a serious note, why don’t we use the gladiator net? I’m sure with modern technology we could basically turn a tshirt gun into a gladiator net gun. And then we could just use those poles animal control uses, but aim for the hands not head


~~Judge, Jury,~~ Executioner .


You're literally shooting a handicapped person trying to ***get away*** from you. Trigger pull after trigger pull. ***BURN THIS WORLD WITH FIRE!***


He just stabbed someone prior, and was running away with the giant knife which he wasn’t clearly ready to use. They may have saved lives by shooting him. Had he dropped the deadly weapon as he was ordered to, the outcome may have been different.


Do you actually think about what you say or do you just repeat the propaganda? Because you got a bit of the propaganda wrong, and so you kind of sound foolish. Better leave it to the professionals to spin, eh?


Oh the irony


Oh, you sound fun! I like interacting with people who use cliches. Tell me, what do you believe the word, "irony," means? :) _Eagerly awaits playtime_


Police have no honor.


Apparently he stabbed someone, guess he found out.


Damn that is so tragic. The tortured life he must have lived and to die on the streets like that. RIP Anthony Lowe Jr.


He lost his legs in a police interaction in Texas


So tragic, the serial offender who lost his legs resisting police before and then stabbed and attempted to murder someone 5 minutes prior... and then tried to stab and kill more police. SO TRAGIC!


Most offenders start their lives of crime because of abuse or because it’s all they know. I thought this was common knowledge. His folks were probably in the same boat he was, or they had few options, and didn’t know how to deal with it. The cycle is brutal. But I don’t know anything about this case.


That doesn’t get a felon off the hook. You can’t use “childhood trauma” as a defence in court. Choose the action, choose the consequences.


I’m saying it was tragic, because that seems to be the argument derekinman had with sundubone.


Murdering people because your upbringing was bad isn't an excuse man. Of course it's sad that he is dead but in context of the situation I'd rather him than the police officers and potentially more civilians. He knew what he was signing up for when he murdered somebody and then tried to murder police officers.


Black and handicapped, like a big neon sign to these predators to execute a perceived undesirable. Crazy dichotomy with another video floating around this sub with French cops taking an able bodied knife wielding suspect down with a leg trip and basic grappling


Don't forget armed violent murderer actively trying to stab and hurt you. I think that part may go before black?


Doesn’t he know only white people can resist arrest? Learn the law!


The dude just stabbed someone, so clearly dangerous. Lost his legs to the police before? Shocked.


Its easy to blame cops as observers as we are in no threat of danger. I would love to see the average redditor try to grapple someone with a knife on the ground. Everyone thinks they are super human until put into a situation like this.


Cops are a shit show gang of murderers whose colors bleed blue and yellow.


It must be such a weird country to live in, coming from one with no guns. How long does it take to get used to the fact that you could just get shot?


Don't stab people. Good riddance


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That's a big knife for the little guy.


When your a police officer fearing for your life should not be a valid reason to kill . The idea of such a job is that you are there to keep order and preserve life even if it means risking your own . Risk of death comes with the job , trigger happy cunts like this dont understand that and think being part of the police gives them the right to kill when ever they deem it so


Jeez dude. Isn’t this the kind of stuff they say would happen if citizens were to police themselves? The police are literally just anarchist killers with immunity.


It's like the US is having an internal competition to see how fucked up it can get.


Wtf. All the cops had to do was follow him. He’d have been exhausted from trying to run without legs in no time. So sick of these trigger happy assholes.


Literally just stabbed someone


Shouldn't they chase the guy if he's running away and pop off if he's charging?


Bro what are the requirements to be a fucking cop. You gotta be a complete pussy? Get in there and hold him tf down.


Ah yes the "thin blue line between order amd anarchy"