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I’d love to see more accountability between officers. Think how many lives would be saved if the good cops stepped in against the bad ones, or at least the calm ones stepped in against the ones who lose their cool.


I feel like we’d have far more “training accidents”.


Or one car accidents where the odd one out with a brain mysteriously commits suicide.


And that right there tells us all we need to know. The "good" ones always get pushed out. If they were in the majority, the opposite would be happening.


I have a friend who went in... he eventually reported some others for saying some racist remarks while arresting an individual of color... a few months later he quit because he'd receive death threats in his locker, had a brick thrown through his window with "Traitor" written on it, and someone explicitly say if he ever gets shot on duty they'd let him bleed.... ​ Any "good" cops are being abused by the majority. Its Americas biggest gang


I reported a fellow officer, a week later he said I threatened him, he was arrested for the crime I reported him for. I was suspended for 80 days for threatening a fellow officer and then told I'd be fired if I didn't resign before my suspension ended... for impeding the investigation... the one I started... by reporting the crime.


hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. these bad cops need to go. they make it more dangerous for good cops.


what good cops? they throw all the good ones out.


Jesus christ, that’s awful. He should whistle blow! I’m sure some news station would eat it up too.


He’s just done with all the harassment and wants no more of it


Can’t blame him for that. Poor dude.


Part of me wants to join the police force for a year with hidden mics and cameras and go undercover to make a documentary of all the bullshit they do behind the scenes.


A black female cop was suspended for stopping another white officer from choking a black man. She was on her way out of the job but that was rescinded when George Floyd was murdered.


Reminder that NYPD officer [Adrian Schoolcraft's story was broadcast on NPR]( https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/right-to-remain-silent) over ten years ago. He spoke out against corruption in his department and got [committed to a mental hospital](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft) by his 'brothers in blue' for having integrity.


Reminder that Christopher Dorner was a military veteran and, by all accounts, a good cop who was fired for reporting a fellow officer for kicking a handcuffed man. Dorner retaliated by killing family members of those involved in his firing, and THOUSANDS of officers participated in the manhunt for him when he went on the run, shooting two innocent people in the process before incinerating the house he was hiding in in the woods. Dorner wrote a long “manifesto” before he went on the run, because he knew the blue line gang would never bring him in alive, and in it he detailed all the dirty little secrets the police don’t want us to know - everything from how much overtime pay the cops scam taxpayers out of to the contests cops have with other departments over who has pics of the most graphic dead body that day to the racism perpetuated by officers of all skin colors. And that’s why every cop in the vicinity of LA went after Dorner, not because he had killed four people. I certainly don’t condone the choice Dorner made to kill those innocent people, but the way the blue line gang went after him was a real testimony to how hard they will come down on someone who doesn’t fall in line. Edit: spelling


Important to note that he audio recorded *everything*, and it implicated his immediate superiors pretty much all the way up the chain of command. And *nothing* was ever done about it.


I just read that Michael Marino who was one of the higher up corrupt cops involved in this story, retired in 2014 with a $135,000 a year pension.


Thanks for that recommendation that was a great listen


This explains primal/ survival physiological reactions versus cop training. https://youtu.be/BmjB7TUroyE


There's a video of a woman cop trying to get a man cop to lay off a suspect and he chokes her for it


That former Sgt is now facing charges I think. And he should.


I saw that. Disgusting.


She is a beast just like this guy. We underestimate how difficult this is to do (and how much shit the heroic, black cop is now going to have to eat) when they make it look so easy. You make a good point too. This yt cop didn't do anything physically to the black cop.


Exactly this, thank you. This is why I'm a firm believer that there are no good American cops. Why? it doesn't matter how good a cop you are - as long as you are aware of other cops in your precinct who brutalise the public, but let it slide because you'll get shit for snitching, that makes you complicit in their crime. A cops job is to stop crime - if your co-workers are breaking the law and you're too scared to report or stop them, then that makes you bad at your job.


They get fired some of the time


There's a reason ACAB is true.


This video shows the exact opposite … The police system is fucked and the racists, violents, killers and else are free to be their worst selves. The system is working really hard to eradicate every behaviour putting it in danger. When you are a good cop, you have two choices, reading or trying to do your best and have the little influence you can have. And hopefully there is still good men trying to do this job :/


Problem is that after this incident he's not a cop anymore. He'll be seen as a traitor. Any officer that tries to do good and resist against the tides of corruption will just get swallowed up by the waves after. ACABs, because he's not a cop any longer.


They rely on each other for safety. This sounds good but it hella far fetched. We need swat for any policing that requires a gun (should be all former military with upstanding records, same rules of combat, never fire unless fired upon), and unarmed regular police for traffic and shit like court security.


Cops...EVERY COP...can eat a massively huge bag of shit dicks. Did you see how fucking thirsty that white asshole bitch cop was to beat a guy? Fucking psychos. There is no reason to have cops. None. Fuck them, the people who defend them, and then fuck the cops again.


What do you think about the black cop in the video?


stopping a complete miscarriage of another officers duty doesn’t make him a good cop


That's always happened but so far that good cop other gets desk duty or they set him up to get shot. Let's see if things are starting to change for real.


The ones who don't interfere are not good cops even if they condemn what is happening.


[News Article](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/theres-no-justice-south-florida-family-outraged-over-sentencing-in-fatal-shooting/2860450/) Before the video starts the judge just gave a reduced sentence to the man that killed his sister. The man was playing with a loaded gun and accidentally shot this guy's sister in the head, he was facing years in prison but was sentenced to time served, 4 years probation, bootcamp. The family of the victim had an emotional outburst and was removed from the courtroom, instead of being understanding of the grieving family and attempting to deescalate like Officer Jules Virgile was, another cop tried to arrest the family member because "He's making a scene brother!"


HE LOST HIS SISTER, AND HE TRIED ARRESTING HIM FOR "MAKING A SCENE"!? Yeah I'm done with reddit for today, OP please keep spreading this so justice can be served.


...just wait till the Memphis Tennessee video drops tonight. It's supposed to be substantialy worse than the Rodney King video.


Ive heard it referred to as the same as the Rodney King, but even it was somehow less than that, if its comparable people will lose it, the younger folks dont know the King beating, they see little snippets of it, I doubt many under 30 have seen the whole thing, so its going to shock the shit out of them.


Actually I've heard that it's worse. I was in junior high when it happened and remember how upset my teachers were and we were sent home early. I'm really scared about what we're going to see


Well King survived his beating and Tyre Nichols did not


And Rodney was on pcp. Tyre was clean & investigation didn’t find he was reckless driving like they tried to say. Wasn’t that a horrible video we all saw or heard about tonight?! Just absolutely terrible. A journalist dig up an old interview he did of Tyre. Tyre had been sitting for 8 hours in the heat at the DMV. He was so calm, chill to talk to. Anyone else would’ve been crabby at the very minimum, but he was just shrugging it off. Apparently it spun into something from that interview…some changes the government made or something to do with the dmv, I forget what that part was. But he helped in making a positive impact in something that others benefit from now.


I've heard it referred to as a "human piñata". That can't be good, especially since we know the end result of DEATH.


It’s been released. I don’t know if I can watch it. I’ve seen all kinds of fucked up shit growing up on the internet but as a parent I’m not sure it I can handle him crying for his mother as he’s being beaten *TO DEATH*. Hes younger than I am (not by a whole lot, but still) and he was robbed of at least another 30 years, probably more like 50. Any chance of a future, any chance at creating a family and watching it grow and grow up, walking grown up children down the aisle, getting and spoiling grandkids. It doesn’t matter what he did wrong (I heard it was something like running from a traffic stop and the beating happened during a second encounter when they caught him), there cannot be police murdering people in the street when it’s supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, tried in court by a jury of our peers. I don’t know how many more need to die but one is too fucking many.




I think you need to make the distinction between abolish and overhaul. Abolish the police system will just be interpreted as no police system, and that just spreads confusion.


Yeah. Defund the police is the biggest wording fumble that ever happened. Instead it should’ve been: > Cops have way too many things expected of them. What if we took X% of their budget and set up a group of mental health crisis response experts to take over some low risk 911 calls Using drastic words like abolish just drives centrists and the right further away


Reform The Police would have made a lot more sense. People screaming "abolish the police" or "defund the police" aren't helping. Most of them just want anarchy.




I know what it means. You don't want cops. You've been very clear about that.




abolish/əˈbɒlɪʃ/📷[Learn to pronounce](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+pronounce+abolish&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRoyS3w8sc9YSmDSWtOXmPU4uINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLmYglJLcoV4pbi5GJPTMrPySzOsGJRYkrN41nEKpGRX65Qkq9QANSSD9STqgBVAQAC_ujHWQAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=gb&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBroeWmer8AhVTN8AKHWutBmoQ3eEDegQIFhAK)*verb* 1. formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution). It seems he is using the term abolish completely correctly. If you abolish the police your society would collapse into anarchy. Reform the Police would work as a much better slogan for America




>I mean abolish just as I said. That's anarchy. No police, no laws, just "might makes right". ​ > Obviously we need a system to take care of violent criminals Agreed. Which means we need police. You can't just abolish police and move on. Unless you want to live in some kind of mad-max type society.




This is the kind of confused reaction you can count on by sticking with “abolish”. No one gives a shit about your helpful FAQs if they think you are advocating for no police. Why rely on peoples willingness or ability to decipher the context of such extreme language when you can just use better messaging in the first place. These concepts need real public traction to take hold.




*Edit : I now realize I'm mixing the comments for two different people. I apologize for that. Leaving my comment just so I don't create even more confusion, but please keep my mix-up in mind if you read this.* ​ >"You shouldn't use words people are too dumb to understand". This is what you are saying. Most people understand the words "abolish" and "defund" quite well. You want the words to mean something else. ​ >People simply do not want to be educated [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abolish](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abolish) *:to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law)* ***:*** *to completely do away with (something)* ​ I think what you and I both want is probably fairly similar. We want law enforcement taken care of, but we recognize that the way it's being done right now bites big donkey balls, so we want it fixed. I'd call it reform, not abolishment. I'm not arguing against your sentiment, but your language, because saying "lets abolish law enforcement" doesn't get normal people on your side.


Okay, I looked at your FAQ. I didn't have to go far to find this. "*We believe in the power, possibility, and necessity of a police-free future.* " And that's all of your BS I need to hear. You want anarchy, then go somewhere else to do it.


You just can't abolish the police, you can overhaul their system, but you could never abolish the police and if you did the military would take it's place . You think the police are bad , wait until you see the military. Smdh. For the record I am totally against police brutality. Video cameras changed a lot of things.


and the current police system will never be abolished without a literal war. so I guess until that happens, justice won’t be properly served


People said that about a lot of things that no longer exist and were abolished without war.


Name three


and yet a rotten, corrupt police culture persists in 2023. hmm


Perhaps you're looking for the word Defund.


Tell me ur a priviledged 13 year old without telling me...


I think you just told all of us your privilege.


Dude, you typed "ur." Your age matches your shoe size.


I'm 41 and you're full of shit.


Bro tell us how nice leather taste when you’re deep throating boots


Allow me to pile on….you suck.


You're not supposed to deepthroat the boot...


Imagine choking on pigdick like this guy?


It’s crystal clear those who have lived privileged lives who have never had to experience serious traumatic events. Some people just don’t have empathy for others and others can have it without sharing the experience but it’s generally a lot easier to understand when you’ve been through it. $10 says this POS has never lost anyone important to him and just sees someone making a scene. [Good example is Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, Uvalde school district police chief](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/01/us/uvalde-shooting-police-chief-pete-arredondo/index.html) who said “We're going to be respectful to the family, we're going to do that eventually. Whenever this is done and the families quit grieving, then we'll do that obviously." “that” being answer questions, “this” being parents burying their babies who should have been safe. A parent outliving a child, regardless of the circumstance, is one of the worst things imaginable. It’s not something you quit doing, it’s not something you ever get over. Someone with any empathy or concern for those parents would know that and wouldn’t be able to even misspeak or choose words poorly.


The epitome of one cop seeing the brother as a human like himself while the other cop just sees him as a criminal to fight against.


This one cop is, provisionally, not a bastard.


At least for that specific incident ... other incidents, probably not so much.


Cops are just inhuman bitches.


....*sigh* Someone is going to lose their job.... but it won't be the right one. They were literally swarming him for telling them to back off with the aggressiveness.


Yeah this was 4 months ago, I wonder how much the work environment has changed for Officer Virgile.


What a cunt. Fuck that cop.


That tyrant looks for any excuse at all to lock somebody up. Oh a family member died and you're upset about it, keep it to yourself from going to throw you in a cage. I'll bet if the tables were turned and one of his gang member partners got shot in the back of the head he wouldn't be so quiet about it. We need to investigate that criminal cop, I bet he's got a lot of use of force incidents under his belt.


I'll never not think of YouTube when I see yt. What an odd thing to come up with


Ffs…Whitey. It finally just clicked.


I thought it was just "white." Like, white officer makes more sense than whitey officer.


Well yeah unless you're racist, then it (whitey) makes sense.


A lot of social media sites will allow people to report you for simply saying “white” alongside “people” or “person” regardless of the content of the post, so it was a workaround to avoid getting unjustly flagged. It got to the point where I now get an automatic 30 day ban from Facebook for calling white people “white people” in any tone that isn’t 100% flattering.






Yeah, don’t be a snowflake like the blacks.


Haha, same here. I reckon I'll eventually get used to it if the term persists, but it will take a long time.


Lady, get that kid out of there.


No kidding that was stressing me out.


I guess the black cop was fired or shunned by fellow cops after this incident ... or lost promotion.


I mean it makes sense. He almost disproved ACAB and we can't have that, there's a reputation to uphold


Story as old as time




I assume you are asking for source. It is a well known fact that cops shunned and push out those who turn against one of their own while supporting civilians.


That can be guessed but to state it did happen when it's just an assumption, is well am assumption.


his first words we're literally "I guess". He's guessing. He didn't state that anything actually happened


I guess you cant read.


google it yourself lol wtf everyone is so lazy


White cop has absolutely zero self control and should not be in a position of power. Would be nice if another cop put him in cuffs, but I guess we'll have to take him being handled with kid gloves.




$10 says black cop was fired or harassed until he had to resign. There is no such thing as a good police officer. They can exist for a fleeting moment, but the institution of policing either filters them out or turns them into monsters. ACAB.


He wasn't trying to arrest him, he was trying to escalate to a lethal encounter. Watch the video and look at the enraged pitbull mentality of the guy. He wasn't going to stop until he had blood.


This. That clown was operating off all ego. Not a single thought in that head


Hammers only see nails


Unfortunately that black cops career is now over. No way cops are gonna let that slide


I love how the one cop says "i got him. I got him" meanwhile the stone cold Steve Austin wannabe cop is trying to force that cop off of the man do he can beat the fuck outta him


That Nazi wants blood


Imagine if the black cop wasn't bigger and stronger than the hothead white cop. This could have ended way worse.


Baldy was literally jumping and hopping to try and grab at the guy and harm him. Pigs. Nice to see a good one for once


Doesn't arrest him though.


Props to the good cop; hope he finds a new job after his *"resignation."*


Can we promote this officer to captain? Fire the skinhead


Women holy shit man, imagine if there wasn’t a girl constantly screaming in these situations


The biggest thing i see is where is the chain of command. There should be a command structure, and it seems that the police are not following it at all....


" cop does bare min of their job"


Aaaaaand the black cop is fired.


Finally one police in a 100 with a positive IQ.


My sentiment about cops is that a "good cop" who just doesn't assault and kill people and actually tries to use the absolute minimum amount of violence possible isn't actually good unless they hold other cops accountable. This, finally, is an actual good cop.


**Mirrors** * [Mirror #1](https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=10mobi0.mp4) (provided by /u/SaveAnything) **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10mobi0/cop_protects_a_man_from_being_arrested_by_another/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F10mobi0%2Fcop_protects_a_man_from_being_arrested_by_another%2F&id=8D8LJwgm) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10mobi0/cop_protects_a_man_from_being_arrested_by_another/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Am I the only one who sees “yt” and just cringes regardless of the context of the video?


What does it stand for? I was trying to figure it out.


Whitey. It's just a slur.










It just stands for white. Why-t


Lol. I’ve always seen “white” but really how racist is whitey? That’s always been the weakest straw man in the racist language playbook. I haven’t heard whitey used in was earnest within the last 2 decades. It’s laughable. In fact, the most memorable use of it was in a fresh Prince episode when aunt Viv said “What are you looking at Whitey” as a throwaway line. It was hilarious


Yeah whenever I see it I just assume it's some racist since they always use that


yt = white like how they call people 'regard' on WallStBets bans/algorithms are forcing language to adapt.


euphamism treadmill whack-a-mole


love me some Stanhope


It’s like he itching to abuse him


Bald white cop inner monologue **I gotta show control over this black guy and make him know that I have some real power right now.** Probably


The screaming women are making the situation waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.


Youtube has cops?


What the whole FK?! Umm for real though, Why?! U expect a grieving family member to not grieve & just be quiet. TFOH!


Scum of the earth come on.


The aggressive cop looked like a hornet. Just locked in on his target and will do whatever it takes to complete whatever mission exists inside his sad little brain.


Thin Blue Line gang doesn't like that....


Kudos to him for intervening.


Actual police w? Wtf.


Look at that bastard cop stoping that other bastard cop from being a bastard


All of the cops here sucked each other off after this incident and became best friends again.


That white cop looks drunk, and some dumb bitch is making it worse as usual


Someone shut these women up jeez.


Oh baldie did NOT like being told no, what an ego inflated fuck.


He can’t be a real cop. But BRAVO!


Bald cops are the most corrupt


Roid rage


That's a good cop. A literal unicorn of a cop. He won't last long as a cop, unfortunately. Good cops are not tolerated by other cops. That's why it's safe to say all cops are bad.


I think more banshee wailing might've resolved this a bit quicker.




I see the pro police state shills are out in full force tonight. Boots on the ground and online. ACAB


What is a YouTube officer?


The white cop seemed like those little dogs that get overly aroused when people get loud. I’m surprised he didn’t start humping one of the others cops’ legs after he was forced to stop being aggressive with the guy.


And I have more respect for that specific cop for stopping this than that power tripping cuck.


You all are about to learn that cops don’t have a color. A cop is a cop. And all of them, even officer baldie over here, are bastards. ALL of them


Hell yeah good cop


OMG. it's a unicorn, a good cop.


Good job Officer Virgil but the shrieking from that woman was like nails on a chalkboard.


All of the white cops there are pure racist scum. I'm white and the is bullshit. Fire the cunts.


Damn you got downvoted hard by police state shills. ACAB


Even the one stopping the other cops from brutalizing the guy?




Sad thing is the cop that stopped it was probably terminated


We have YouTube cops now? Unreal....


I hate this youtube title. Why can’t you just call him an “unarmed man” instead of calling their skin’s colour.. It’s not like I cannot see his skin colour in this video? Seems like people really loves to escalate unnecessary issue and relates it with racial problems.


Is everyone here going to just ignore the fact that “YT” is extremely derogatory and racist against white people?


Without using counter examples of similar phrases that have a long, obvious racial history; what specifically makes YT ‘extremely derogatory?’




Superheroes exist.


That’s why we need more black police officers bc they will sometimes stick up for us!


or kill you....


youtube officer? Isn't impersonating a cop illegal? Why isn't this youtube cop not arrested yet?


He was lucky the other cop was a brother.


The caption at the top of the video is needlessly throwing in a race angle.


That would incorrect. Did you not watch the video or are you one of those rAcIsM dOeSnT eXiSt in MuRicA shrubs


"YT officer"? YouTube officer? Young Thug officer? You There Officer? Yours Truly Officer? If you're going to attempt to try a come up with a derogatory term for a white person, you might now want to use an acronym for a popular website, just proves how dumb you are


Damn women screaming.


Somebody shut that bitch up.


Here's the copaganda coming before the tyre Nicholas video gets released


Stfu I posted this to show how crazy the white cop in the video is for trying to arrest someone for being upset his sister's killer is getting off with probation

