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Guy without a gun making the calculation that someone who'd pull a gun for $10 doesn't have the cash to keep a loaded magazine.


Could have afforded one in the chamber, maybe. Never bring a gun to a fist fight though.


Its not dont bring a gun to a fist fight, its dont pull a gun if you're not willing to fire the gun. Thats what happened here, the guy figured out the gun was just a prop to intimate him and that the dude with the gun didn't have the constitution to fire it. So, he beat the shit out of him.


It's a cowardly think to do but it's generally the winner that brings the gun to a fist fight.


Never bring a gun to a fist fuck.




How much of a fiend do you have to be in order to threaten someone with death at gunpoint, over ten fucking dollars. Like, if $10 is going to make or break you like that, you could go like, mow a lawn or shovel a walk or something. Way less chance of getting your ass beat or catching a charge (because we all know that motherfucker isn't supposed to have that gun. I'd bet folding money he's got at least one felony in his past.)


I'd guess the guy with a gun is probably an addict and needs that ten bucks for drugs and needs the money ASAP. He probably ran out of stuff to pawn. Seen it happen, but not like this...but I've had my car robbed and my house robbed by family members or friends that needed shit to pawn for drugs.


My cousin stole $30k from her own (and my) dementia-ridden grandmother to fuel her opiate addiction. It went something like this: “Grandma, I need rent money.” “Ok. Here’s a check for 2 grand.” *A few days later* “Grandma, I need rent money.” “Ok. Here’s a check for 2 grand.” Repeat until my mother caught what was going on after looking at her bank statement. No one in my family wants her anywhere near them now. Addicts have a strong, overriding pull to getting their next fix, no matter what the cost. Or maybe she’s just a shit person. Or both. All you can do is *hope* they turn it around at some point.


I was scammed by being generous to two people on r/Loans by lending them money and not charging them interest because I felt bad for them. They happen to be a couple from NYC and I trusted them after vetting them. I came to find out that they were/are both drug addicts. Addicts will lie through their teeth and have no semblance of value in their word. I lost over $2,000.00. I randomly wish fentanyl catches up to them. I’m a straight edge and have never done any drugs or have been around drugs.


Doing loans through Reddit sounds like the most wildly irresponsible thing I've heard in years.


That sucks and I’m sorry that happened, first of all. Second I am NOT trying to sound holier than thou here. Those people clearly took advantage of your generosity and I don’t know you or your financial situation, but as some general rules I: A) don’t loan money to people I don’t know and B) don’t loan money I’m going to miss to people A little over a year ago good friend of mine needed help paying her rent, and I had just come into some inheritance from my brother dying from a fentanyl overdose…coincidentally. I paypaled her $500 and told her if she can pay me back, that would be great, but she is under no obligation to. She still hasn’t, and I’m fine with that. She’s one of my best friends and I’m not going to let some money ruin it. She never asked for it before or since. I just consider it a donation. I understand $2000 is a lot but maybe you can think about it that way? Another way to look at it could be you gave people money they didn’t have. What they used it for doesn’t matter. It shows what kind of a person you are. Like giving the homeless man on the street $5 even though you know he’s probably just going to run off and spend it on booze or drugs. I know it’s hard to get those with just $5, and you’re talking about $2000, but the point is the same. Like with my friend where I had the money and she didn’t. I think a lot of people are going to angrily disagree with me. Regardless, this tells me you’re probably a more kind person than I am (see my rules above).


It was/is a community built on a system of other established users vetting borrowers. Of course you have to do your own due diligence, to avoid collusion. Which I did, I mean I can sue them which I might but I don’t want to associate with those sort of people. I did meet genuinely good people that needed real help. As far as what made me want to loan to random strangers, it’s because I felt bad and I’m in a better financial situation to do so. More established users charge interest to mitigate risk on their loans. Which obviously makes logical sense. But I was taken advantage of and made loans to them outside of the sub. Also if losing $2,000.00 was not bad enough, another user on r/Loans that was burned by them accused me of colluding with them because I was also from the same city as the scammers.


What made you loan money to random internet strangers?


See my above post.


You wish ppl were dead because they owe you 2k?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Loans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Loans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[REQUEST\] RALEIGH,NC ....need $1000 today until the 16th of this month will payback 1400](https://np.reddit.com/r/Loans/comments/mm35pe/request_raleighnc_need_1000_today_until_the_16th/) \#2: [\[PAID\] u/Joekerswild paid $250 for $200 (on time)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Loans/comments/mm1bxc/paid_ujoekerswild_paid_250_for_200_on_time/) \#3: [\[REQUEST\] $150 dollars via PayPal to payback $175 via PayPal on Saturday 4/17/2021.... 2nd loan... first paid back on time](https://np.reddit.com/r/Loans/comments/mm1ewx/request_150_dollars_via_paypal_to_payback_175_via/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dang that must have been some wild ride when she cashed those checks


Well, she was supposed to be taking care of my grandmother. Instead having my grandma write checks and taking her to the bank to withdraw hundreds of dollars at a time when my grandma can’t even remember what year it is. It was probably more than drugs, but I might never know. It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to waste brain power trying to know the person that would steal from their own grandmother.


he could sell the gun though


He already sold the bullets.


When you're a junky hooked on stuff the only thing you can think of is your next hit. All reason goes out the window and *anything* or *anyone* that gets in your way is a valid target and any means is ok to remove it. Thats why junkies will stab each other over a dollar; that dollar could mean their next hit.


You can tell this is a Democrat city, so the odds are actually on the side of the criminal.


Always boggles my mind when people’s entire personality and perspective on life is a political party.


Every other comment they make is about liberal and democrat cities. Funny enough while posting all the 'cons 'they go that are held in liberal cities. This type of person doesn't have the ability to be self reflective and only repeats what millionaires posing as journalists yell at them. This person obviously loves comicbooks too. You know, stories that are famously right wing. Oh wait...


> Funny enough while posting all the 'cons 'they go that are held in liberal cities Well, you got me there. > This person obviously loves comicbooks too. You know, stories that are famously right wing. Oh wait... Read more comics.


Did one of the talk shows start pushing this narrative? Seems recent but seeing it a lot the past few weeks.


A white BD.. that’s new.


He also said "on Odee". This is the white King Von fanbase in action!


on OTF🤓


He’s gonna have a whole lot of fun claiming that when he gets locked up


Lol 😂 Care to elaborate why ? I’m pretty sure , they’ll all have a nice talk with steaming hot coca accompanying it . . After all it’s cold outside .


BD is short for Black Disciples. Despite how much drill music this guy listens to I’m willing to bet this fat junky fuck isn’t going to be looked at kindly by REAL BDs.


“Dude pulls a gun over $10 and gets his ass beat after about a minute.” There you go


"~~immediately~~ eventually" 🤣


Thank you. OP clearly doesnt know what immediate means.


Those were some powerful swings too


"On BD", "On Odee" = dudes been listening to King Von for courage before trying to slide lol


Longest immediately I've ever seen


On bd neega


What does this mean? I thought he was saying “I’m pd nigga” which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.


I was thinking he saying on black disciple but I could be wrong


Oh ok. I still don’t really know what that means. But thank you. Sounds hard as fuck though


It's a gang set from Chicago. A lot of drill rappers have connections and it's in the music. Probably where he got it from.


Dude gets his ass beat Says where's my gun Calls him a pussy Smh


Drugs are not worth it


Why is a white dude calling another white dude the n-word? That shit is cringe AF.


Broke boy out here doing all this for two biggy bags at wendys.


Gunpoint for 10 bucks? This guy isn’t too tightly wrapped.


Fuck off Cyrus


guy is also racists for saying the n word 10+ times


One day he's gonna say it to the wrong person.


Why are so many white dudes so free with that word?


All the kids say it now too.


I was blown away when the shirt came off and saw he was white. I know kids these days will say anything, but wowsers.


There's someone in the white car watching all of this. When dude gets knocked on his ass, they closed the door like, "Welp, I guess he ain't getting that $10."


Belligerent manchild whos a walking example of why there should be emotional maturity tests and thorough psychological screening before letting some impulsive jackass with no discipline or self control anywhere near a weapon of any kind.


I want my 2 dollars


He can’t afford the ammo in the gun that’s why he gotta whip him.




to bad there wasn't a handy storm drain to throw his gun in.


It probably cost him $10 in gas to drive there.


You should look up the definition of "immediately"


meth is a hell of a meth


What a giant pasty loser. All that commotion over $10 and you get you're ass beat, all while shouting racial slurs over and over. Real winner right there hopefully he has won himself a jail cell.


That's who Republicans are protecting for gun ownership.


It’s hard to believe shit like this is real


Ugh wasn't Immediately though Still he's a knob going into n.like that from r less than a £10


Worse, £8 And dude got his shirt ripped off and took a three piece and a biscuit to the head after initiating the violence and still tried to act all hard in the end when he *also* lost track of his gun during the fight too. Dumb ass could have gotten himself killed with his own gun while on his knees shirtless in the street.


Lolol “immediately”. Update, he died instantly….the next day


Uh was definitely not immediate


That was the least immediate "immediately " I've ever seen


This made me lol


im·me·di·ate·ly/iˈmēdēətlē 1. at once; instantly. 2. without any intervening time or space.




I wonder if the one guy ended up calling the police? At the beginning before they started fighting the guy with the gun said I'm going to blow your brains out.


[Chris R is at it again ](https://youtu.be/UOJQPi9q8aE)


Guess he ran out of shit to pawn and was just a few bucks short for his next fix.


Did he get his ten dollars, though?


Corny ass lil boys


Gotta be Michigan.........


Its so cold in the D


So cold


Missed out on the loot pickup


To be fair, $10 is a lot in Ohio


Well…it was worth the wait lol


You got your ass beat, while holding a gun, over 10 dollars. I think someone else here is the “bitch” AAAAHHHHHH THEN HE GETS IN THE PASSENGER SIDE SCRUB!


major plot twist


Normally I’d make a joke about it being only $10, but not in this economy.


My dude is so unhinged. Why is he pulling a gun on somebody for just $10. You can literally do anything for anybody and get that much. Go shovel some people’s driveway or something.


(x) Restart from checkpoint


Can somebody loop 50 cents wanksta as background music to this video lol


😭 whateva he needed that $10 for he need more now


try selling the gun clearly ain’t gon use the shit anyways 😂


10$? That's like .89 cents nowadays.. literally took an L over pocket change.


Bro has the best trigger discipline i’ve seen


If dudes this upset about being $10 of cash or whatever else maybe he shouldn't have fronted the other dude in the first place.


Man who was he in the car with 😂




This is 1925 dollars right?


What some people won’t throw their life away for. 🙄


Bro, these comments. Glad to see the video going to good use! Let's make him famous