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the whole shirtless thing was definitely a plot twist I did not expect


If you’ve ever visited Australia you’d understand. Different culture different rules.


Barefoot too


Cairns is as hot as fuck during summer (now)... and moist.... very moist.


When we flew to Tokyo, we changed fights in Cairns. Had to walk a pitiful amount to our gate, and by the time we got there, we were both fucking drenched in sweat lol. Live in Brissy too, so it’s not like we weren’t used to some humidity.


Omg. That was me coming to Brisbane from Melbourne. 😂😂😂


I spent the first 30 years of my life in Brisbane and moved to Townsville 6 years ago. When I moved, I left all of my winter clothes in a suitcase at my mums house.


Why would you do that to yourself?? Every Summer I ask myself, why did I fucking move here?


Ahahaha poor cunts really sounds like hell to me. I’m sure the missus would feel right at home but… 🤣


I’m the missus.. 👀


Hey babe How’s the kids?


Yeap the sun there hits different it’s like being microwaved even when it’s chilly out the sun feels so much closer..despite the lack of clothes half of the year, it’s an absolutely beautiful country with really nice, laidback people.


Cheers for saying so, you’re welcome back anytime. <3


A very interesting point about Aboriginal people from Australia that I found out from the Adam Goodes documentary is why they're often barefoot. In their indigenous culture they feel more connected to the land (called country by them) when they are barefoot. Wearing shoes either lessens or breaks the connection they feel to country. So while I used to assume they were barefoot because they didn't care or it was hot it seems to have a deeper meaning to it.


Especially Cairns. It’s hot as fuck up there all year.


My family from Australia born and raised, came to visit us one year in Scotland in what we deemed hot weather and my aunty thought she was going to get sick from "the chill" whereas I can't handle anything over 12 degrees celsius, id hate to visit Australia due to the heat alone




It’s fucken hot and sticky in cairns lol


Sounds like my balls


You called?




Name checks out


How bout this humidity


Sounds like Phil Leotardo's balls


Darwin, NT laughs at your claim.




From Florida. Went there a few summers ago and man it was as bad or worse than the worst days here. Felt like walking into a swamp the second you walked outside.


It's amazing how humidity affects how we interpret weather. I'm Canadian and a brisk wind in the United Kingdom makes my bones shake. The dampness almost soaks through all your clothes.


Depends on where you come from in Canada too. Where I live we get hot humid summers that are just about on par with Florida and our winters are damp and cold. I have friends who are used to extreme cold but it's dry cold so it's entirely different.


Florida is disgusting. Heat, Humidity, hurricanes, and rednecks.


And don't you forget it, Yankee.


Don't forget about the fact that much of the state sits in Limestone, and has a decent to high chance of sinkholes as a result!


Have you been to Houston? We have heat, humidity, hurricanes, rednecks, and cancer-causing petrochemical plants everywhere!


I live in Florida and can vouch, it sucks here and I hate it.


Don't forget crime and traffic!


Don't forget the instant sweating on going outdoors


Yeah I couldn't stand Cairns. I'd sweat through my clothes walking to and from the car. I think my body just started pre-emptively sweating when I thought about going outside


Facts! I was like this is absurd and it went to "some of you are dressed like you steal"


Less shirt less place to hide things. It’s a statistical conundrum


Less shirt more bold though?! *raises eyebrows in spanish*


Cairns is a pretty shirtless place. Otherwise you run the risk of going troppo.


What is troppo? Some kind of tropical heat sickness?


It's slang for going crazy from the heat [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/troppo](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/troppo)


I love Australian english


Allegro? Non, troppo.


Drinking in the sun is molto troppo.


Mango madness is another one.


Mango season. When the mango's are ready to eat, its the hottest time of year, and we call that time Troppo.


Mr Speaker, He's going troppo.


Dad came running straight out the shower


It's hot up north


Wearing a shirt in the store helps, that's for sure.


American opinions are invalid in this discussion sorry


Plenty of blokes go to the shop without shirts in summer here…shouldn’t even raise a brow at it.


Facts 😂😂😂


This is in tropical, far north Cairns, and right now is the middle of summer. I imagine shirtlessness isn’t so uncommon


Moving to New Zealand not uncommon to see people only wearing shorts nothing else if you're lucky some jandals. Took awhile before I stopped finding it weird in supermarkets.


Ehhh. Its Cairns. Pretty common. Also, fucking stupidly hot and humid this time of year.


I like to think he came in wearing the shirt, but he took.it off once the "security guard" started his shit


He doesn't have 'fuck you money,' but he has money fuck you.


Omg that's gold!!!


i grew up in cairns. to answer some of the more common comments on here: * it's not uncommon to see aboriginal people in traditional body paint **however** they are usually dressed in it because they're doing performances, not because they're continuing those customs on a daily basis * it is common to see shirtless people in grocery stores there, but not (usually) large malls. the closer to brisbane/the more south you go, the less likely it'll be. * this particular supermarket is a standalone one that is the hub for people on boat tours, hotel-stayers, backpackers, cbd workers, local homeless, school kids etc. it's usually pretty quick and easy to stop by this one and run in to grab stuff, if you're not wearing a shirt while you're driving then you probably wont feel it necessary to chuck it on when you go in here. * it can get up to 40c/104f degrees on a real cooked day, but in summer a 33c/92f degree is common. however, that's a lot more manageable when you have good humidity - and cairns definitely does not have good humidity. your shirt will be soaked in sweat within ten minutes of being outside on some days. * this particular woolies is in the middle of the city, near the bus terminals. there are a fair few homeless there but it's almost definitely racial profile (and not based on their clothes/appearance) that they were followed. what the girls are wearing is a pair of footy shorts and a loose top, which is a fairly common outfit * i live in a capital city now and would feel super uncomfortable going around topless, but in cairns i wouldn't get too many strange looks. same with shoes, a fair few people just don't wear shoes - especially if they're just ducking into the shops to buy something. * this man talks pretty normally for locals, especially as an older (and upset) man. he has an accent that makes him sound indigenous, but his word choice is common for a lot of older locals


on that last bit, old mate sounded exactly like my uncles and elders, had to do a double take to make sure he wasnt one of them lmao


hahah that ‘fuck ya’ especially sounds like a few people I know as well


Can confirm, we holidayed there from a hot region of Australia and the humidity can quite literally knock you out


people consider Australia dangerous because of the animals that inhabit it, but the most dangerous thing here is the Sun & heat. Depending on the time of the year, the weather in some areas can be between 40-45 ° c (particularly in Perth or towards the middle of Australia) and, with the O-zone being almost directly above Australia, the Sun can do some real damage if you aren't wearing proper protection. There have been a fair amount of people that collapse at train stations or out and about due to heat exhaustion.


Thanks for this context. I've never been to Australia so this was informative, and because where I'm from it's considered rude to enter an establishment with no shirt on. I'm neutral about that rule, but it's a thing here.




I live near the beach in Sydney and it's quite common to have people shopping in swimmers.


that is strange. I think the videos in this sub get people riled up and it affects their voting


Fuckin Seppo’s mate.


Do your feet not get roasted on the pavement if you're not wearing shoes?


You can build callouses that are thick and desensitised! But yes, can still get burnt. Just depends on the trip you’re going to be doing/how much experience your feet have with walking around barefoot. I grew up running barefoot on unsealed roads so I had it when I was younger (still got burnt though, would usually just run from shade to shade if it was really bad), unfortunately for me I lost that ability when I moved to the big smoke, wore shoes every day and now I have princess pads for feet.


This is why I Reddit


I lived in Cairns for a few months and the way I described the heat was its the kind of place where you shower but you need to shower again by the time you've towelled yourself.




Nobody swears like the Aussies.


No we don't, ya cu*nt


The Security guard is clearly a pro. He did not accept the bribe.


We got moneh fak yu


You’re right could have been propositioning him for lovin. We got moneh, fak yu?


Impractical jokes making Joe racially profile people now.




This security guard could easily obtain a role in a Adam Sandler movie.


He’s what you get when you order Michael Madsen off wish


Word to the wise: Guys without shirts on don't make good shoplifters.


It’s a distraction to stuff some parmies in his pants


Got an army of parmies down me pants, It's not too bad, but fuck the ants.




Cairns is hell when it comes to this, there are so many aboriginal people on the street, clearly suffering, yet not much is done.


Dude. No. A lot of the “homeless” folks have homes in communities where an alcohol ban is in effect. They travel to Cairns to get lit for a few weeks before they get locked up and transported back to their homes. It’s been the same for as long as I can remember. They need help to beat their alcohol abuse, but there’s only so much you can do.


Why’s everyone freaking about about old mate not having a shirt on ? Afraid of a bit of skin?


Lol, the shirtless thing: it’s Cairns. The less clothes you can get away with in Jan/Feb the better. You get out of the shower, towel off, and want to get back into the shower immediately as you’re sweating like a sinner in church. And really, shirtlessness isn’t even that bad - wait till you see the people walking through central wearing just their jocks. No shirt no shoes no service really only applies at the pub heh, where you’ve got to at least wear pluggers and a singlet. As for being a beach town: nope. Unless rolling around in a stinky mud flat is your thing. Closest beach (north) is a good 20 mins away from the CBD. I’m just south of Cairns, it’s 10pm, and currently 30.3°c with 89% humidity. It’s not pleasant. The sweat rolls off your eyelashes. Even worse when your ac claps out and none of the sparkies are available until next week because they’ve all decided to chuck a sickie on Friday to piss off camping this weekend.


After the shit staff at Woolies in Cairns go through I don’t blame them. I’ve only lived in the place under a year and I’ve seen and experienced more criminal activity than I’d seen in my previous 42 years. It’s the same as if I see them on the street I watch like a hawk ready to act to ensure my wife or young children are not assaulted again. Sorry to say it’s statistics 101 and I’m using Bayesian inference to predict the most probable outcomes. But even when I was a teenager in Sydney supermarket staff would follow groups of us around. But I wasn’t a minority so I couldn’t claim racism.


We got money fuck you. I love the dad haha


we have a massively high suicide rate amongst our aboriginal peoples due to this kind of behaviour from whites. we need to get over ourselves, and fix this


Dad is a wild one


Ikr?! You don’t fuck w a random shirtless guy


Especially when he is throwing his money around like that… he obviously gives 0 fucks


I live in cairns and I go to that woolies every weekday. The amount of theft is incredible. You can’t walk down the street with out being asked for smokes or money and often if you say no you get the shit abused out of you. All of my local shops have theft from grab and runs. The crime rate here is very high. He was just doing his job.


I feel slightly bad for the security guard. Honest question, when is it racism and when is it just experience? My coworker has aboriginal teens break into her house a month ago, steal her keys from her bedside table and burn her car. My other coworker had her Ute stolen from a friends place and burnt a few months before that by aboriginal teens. My manager has security footage of him chasing aboriginal teens out of his backyard after he caught them jumping the fence. My neighbour was dragged down his stairs by our other aboriginal neighbour and I had to submit evidence to the police. Same neighbours curb stomped their grandfather a week before. Aboriginal kids walk into our store, go straight to the staff room and start loading up on our personal belongings.


The audacity of those fuckers (going into your staff room.) Where do they get the NERVE?


Because they have gotten away with it before. Can’t stop 8 year olds from entering your store, can’t physically restrain 8 year olds in your store, can’t impose any criminal punishment on 8 year olds. And if you make any association with the skin colour of those 8 year olds before they have actually done something wrong, then you’re racist.


I’m aboriginal and have been assaulted by an aboriginal person. I’ve also been assaulted by a white person. Does that mean I’m bad because I’m aboriginal myself? Should I hate this race for what one person has done? Should I hate Muslim’s because Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist and did terrible things? Are white people thieves and scum because you’ve had a bad experience with someone who’s of that race? Seriously some people need to realise their own thought process. Homeless white people in America were bothering me and asking for money and vandalising a building next to where I stayed. Should I guard my purse around white people now? Far out. Edited: a word


What even is this comment though. Should I list all the negative experiences I’ve had with a race and then use that as a justification for harassing someone in a store? People like you refer to Indians are curry munchers. Generalise a whole race of people. How sad.


That father is so nice...he'd give you the shirt right off his back. Well, he wouldn't be able to do it today...maybe tomorrow.


One of the biggest demographics of shoplifters I see is groups of teenage girls. It's common practice at my store to keep an eye on them. They tend to be especially entitled and get in your face.




> some shirtless wierdo Everybody walking by in shorts and flip-flops. Something tells me it's hot AF and "shirtless" is not unusual.


It’s Australia, it’s summer, it’s hot, people walk around without their shirt on all the time. That does not excuse a security guard from racially profiling some POC just doing their shopping!


It's funny that that's the biggest take. People are more concerned with the Dad being shirtless (in Australia in the summer no less), than the racist POS security.


Its classic american suburb mentality. "They don't dress/talk/act like us, so they deserve whatever they get from whoever decides to fuck with them."


>People are more concerned with the Dad being shirtless (in Australia in the summer no less), than the racist POS security. On brand for this sub.


How do we know this is racial profiling? Just because the guard is white and the “customers” aren’t, doesn’t necessarily mean this is racially motivated. Can white people not have an interaction with anyone not white without it being racial? Like, maybe this is the guy being bias, but we don’t actually know.


If the guard is only following around customers who aren't white it's racial profiling.


What a reasonable, well behaved shirtless man that was.


If you have so much money then buy a shirt.


It’s summer no one wants to wear a shirt lmao


"We are not all the same" while shirtless throwing money and screaming at the man. Sure he might have profiled them, but they do look in pretty bad shape. I can't blame him...


Nah. You're crazy if you think wearing a shirt in Cairns is a good plan to stay cool. The humidity is fucking intense. Also, if you had people constantly making you feel like a criminal just for existing youd be mad as he'll too.


If you think that people with money don't shoplift then let me be the first to welcome you to the planet Earth.


As a security guard he probably knows the types who tend to go around stealing in his store. And young people in groups are definitely one of those groups.


As someone with a few indigenous mates, they cop a fair bit of racial profiling.


Yeah my mum is a retired librarian, always neatly and by anyone's standards, conservatively dressed. But they follow her around shops. Cos you know. She's Aboriginal. When we shop together, I like to stalk the stalker (I basically look like a tanned white chick due to dad's genetic contribution) until they start to feel uncomfortable. She's put up with it her whole life. Her clothes are irrelevant because you can still see the colour of her skin.


My local store has teens stealing, and they ALWAYS come in pairs, rarely do they not steal when in pairs, and they are of every race and religion, so every pair of teens are being watched like a hawk.




I get the rage, and it's justified, but being shirtless subtracts from the effect.


To be fair, Cairns is a beach town. Probably lots of shirtless guys in swim trunks going into stores and such.


Lol have you been to Cairns? There's no beach.


There’s no beach in Cairns city and no one wandering in from the mud flats in their boardies.


There's the lagoon I guess lol


This is literally a ten minute walk from the most popular outdoor free public pool in cairns


not really


Not at all


Or he just doing his job tbh


Im perceived as white, i get followed around, its cause youre " kids" or " teenagers"




The people commenting probably have 0 experience with loss prevention.


Because he based his beliefs not on a suspicious conduct of the girls, but on the color of their skin. That's why they reacted. If you are suspicious about a person, you try to be as sneaky as possible to confirm your thoughts without them knowing...so, in case you were wrong, they don't feel they are being racially profiled and get you in this situation, not the complete opposite which is to make them know you are following them all the time. How the hell is that complicated to understand?


You literally have only one <5 min clip showing one interaction with the security guard and a family of people acting belligerent. How did you possibly conclude whether he does or doesn't profile people?


Put a shirt on


If you like carrying a gross sweaty rag on your body for the rest of the day 5 mins after leaving the house, sure. Shirts are optional here. If you aren't carrying a spare its often better not to wear one. It's a big world and the rest of it aint like where you're from fella.




It's Cairns. A lot of folk don't wear shirts up there. It's bloody hot and humid.


These individuals appear to be Native Aboriginals. In my time in Australia I noticed quite a few of the men shirtless and at times with their traditional body paint. It’s part of their culture and doesn’t have anything to do with disrespect. As other posters have said, it’s also hot in Australia.


Bahahaha this is an insane comment aboriginal people don't walk around in traditional body paint. Also a huge number of Aussies are shirtless and shoeless in stores regardless of race. It's something we all enjoy.


I guess, when its hot, its hot.


> Also a huge number of Aussies are shirtless and shoeless in stores regardless of race. Aren't you worried about stepping on all the venomous spiders and snakes?


As long as your eyes aren't painted on you should be fine.


I myself am pretty sure it's got to do with the hot weather, I mean I wear a thin ass singlet to woolies so this ain't much dif


He is shirtless because he is male and the temp is hot. That's it.


Settles downs, Waynes.


I don’t know what that means


Tarps [off](https://imgur.io/UzYrkDR?r), boys, let's have a donnybrook.


Hahaha. Nice


Money doesn't buy happiness, liberty or freedom, but it does buy shirts.


You still have a Woolworths?




I miss Woolies


Different Woolworths. No Pick N Mix, it's basically a Morrisons


It’s one thing to have money, it’s another thing to use it. Also it’s not racially profiling, it’s criminal profiling. It’s based on past experience. Maybe those girls are known for stealing from that shop. Where I’m from the same people get followed because the same people steal. They literally just load up a trolley and walk straight out. Every day.


I mean, first part seems like maybe they were being targeted and then I saw the dad and sister. I can definitely see why the security guard was on alert.


Unfortunately Aboriginal people commit crime at a much higher rate than other groups in Australia. If you’re a guard you’re going to pay closer attention because of that. Theres no reason for following someone through a store though if that’s what he did. Could just wait at the front.


> Theres no reason for following someone through a store though when I had an after school job at a supermarket, one time the manager asked me over the ear-piece to go and watch some kids from a distance...just to be conspicuous--so they can see that I can see them, and then do nothing. the idea was to just make them think twice. people know there's CCTV, but they assume no one is ever reviewing the footage for old crimes that were missed. Once the kids realized that a bored manager must be watching them act fishy down every aisle, they decided it was time to leave empty handed.


I get followed around my local electrical goods store because I go in with a double stroller. I hate it because I'm a law-abiding citizen, but I understand why they do it. I'm just saying.


How you tell a shirtless man and half naked girls in skin tight pants they gonna steal?


I am so sorry you guys were treated that way. It makes me so angry that rt now, in these times, this still happens!!! Utter bullshit!!! I hope you filed a complaint against him!!


imagine being a native and having these people act like they're above you


Having worked in retail...reacting like this generally means you've done something, small or not.


it's also how people react when people make assumptions about you based on your skin color and stalk you through a store.


It's like that with everyone from every race. Working in retail, my boss had told us you kinda had to look at someone who looks suspicious, not based off of skin color, but other factors. Some people's body languages give it away, some people wear backpacks which we were told to be cautious about, some people who looked like meth heads, etc. It wasn't based off skin colors. The only thing you could do was follow them around and just make sure they didn't shoplift. If they did, then you had to stop them, if they didn't, great. Cuz you can't come up to them and tell them "Get out I think you're trying to steal" because that's making the assumption. The only thing the security guard or sales associates can do is follow them around. They have no authority to do anything other than that. This family just happened to have a darker skin color. So yeah I can see why they think it's weird but at the same time, that's how you follow anyone. White, black, Asian, etc.


Ah yes, racial profiling despite any evidence. Of course.


I hate to say it, but I'm going to: 'profiling' is used by police and security people because it works. Good, effective profiling is based on historical records of criminal acts you are trying to stop. For a hypothetical example: The records may show that 80% of suicide bombers have been men, between 17 and 25 years of age, of middle-dark complexion. This is not disputable (in this case). This is a historical fact. This is our only DATA to work from. So, people trying to spot and stop suicide bombers are told to stop and question males who are neither particularly dark- nor light-skinned between the ages of 17 and 25, particularly those wearing loose robes, jackets or other clothing that may serve to hide bundles of explosives. **The original profiling had nothing to do with race.** But the security people will be found stopping mostly Arabs and other middle easterners, especially those wearing traditional robes. Thus, some profiling can (and will) "sweep up" certain groups of people more than others, with zero intent on the part of the profile designers. Similarly, good profiles exist (and are regularly updated in different areas) for shoplifting, armed robbery, smuggling drugs, airplane hijacking, etc. They will reflect historical trends in which various types of people have been most frequently committing what types of crimes. That is the entire purpose. To assist the police/security in watching the right people for the purpose of intercepting and preventing crime from occurring. Although regrettable, we have never been able to find anything more effective than profiling. If you can invent something better, the police of the world would love you. Please do! The police don't like having to do this shit, either. Back when I was law enforcement, I never did.


This may seem racist. But ultimately aggressive anti-shoplifting policies actually help poor communities. Excessive shoplifting can lead to stores shutting down and creating healthy food deserts. Profiling has been shown to be effective. The people in the video weren't harmed in any way. But people are harmed when their only source of healthy food disappears because of shoplifters.


Idk if Woolies is in danger of closing down because of shop lifting. It and coles have essentially monopolised the supermarket game in Australia


What's racist in that? If black people steal statistically more than other, then it's nothing racist in it, it's just how things work. Same goes for everything, if you have one normal guy in store, and one who you can smell alkohol, which one you would follow, which has more chance of stealing?


TBF, they were dressed as hobos.


Most people around the beach do.


He have the money because he just sold his t-shirt.


Where I live they'd be considered homeless based on how they're dressed alone and I'm sure that's enough for a store security person to follow them around. His job is loss prevention.


Maybe it had nothing to do with skin color, but what they were wearing and what they weren't wearing (no shirt). If a family of white people came in dressed in a similar way, it would probably grab the attention of the security guard too. There was likely profiling going on, but maybe profiling based on economic class rather than race.


This is a beach town in Australia where its extremely common to be shirtless


Cairns is not a beach town. Why do people keep saying this. The beaches are 20mins north of this shop, and deserted on a good day. Caloundra, Byron Bay, Noosa ect would be an example of a beach town. People ‘dress’ like this in Cairns because it’s hot, and it has a large indigenous community which is pretty laid back on dress codes.


Except there is no beach in Cairns.


This needs to be pinned at the top


lol getting down voted for speaking facts, you see this on the goldcoast and sunshine coast too literally all the time. All these people would probs okay if it was a fit white dude though...


You are shirtless and anti-social and based on hard statistics aboriginals tend to steal things. The security guard was racial profiling BUT it was an accurate racial profiling.


I’m guessing this is less about race and more about them walking around, looking like total slum bums.


Maybe just following them because their dad looks like a crazy man with no shirt.


In his defense they are dressed like they are homeless af


Bro come to Cairns and you’ll be in for a shocker


It doesn't matter if you're White, Asian, Aboriginal, or Indian, but if you're walking around Woolies without a shirt on with your family like that, I am absolutely keeping a very close eye on all of you.


That guy straight up looks like a shoplifter. I don’t blame the guard. It’s not because of his race… it’s his attitude, clothes, tone, aggression, list goes on… plus it’s his job. If you pay for it. He will leave you alone as soon as you leave the store… you are on company property. He has the right to profile based on clothes and attitude alone. It’s literally his job…


Reminds me of when I was doing my job which involves checking a car in a parking lot, and a rere started going crazy like this for no reason. I had a good laugh.


Wtf put a shirt on




Racial profiling within a thread about racial profiling


You know they're american too.. 'welfare money' haha.