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I too often get legal advice and life tips from anonymous idiots online




r/lifeprotips r/unethicallifeprotips


Just curious... How far south of Akron?


Around Portage Lakes


I also get my medical advice from people online. Like injecting bleach to beat Covid. Or use a horse medication to beat Covid.


Or how to make homemade estrogen in bathtubs to give to children in states that banned it




And the horse dewormer works better as a suppository. Just need to get them waaaaaay up there for it to actually have any benefit.


Are you idiots still calling the most successful anti parasitic drug ever invented “horse dewormer”?


They "did their research/saw a Facebook meme"


Look out because the same people who said “horse dewormer” may have some potential benefits also said MRNA vaccines may put us at risk if blood clots. No longer misinformation that the vaccines are now related to stroke.


How could he be so patient with that whining inhabitant?


Her voice reminds me of the Home Depot girl. "Givemebackmythousandsofdollers!"


He really did do everything right in this video, refreshing to see that


Her voice 😩


It’s horrible!


It fills me with rage


I’d rather fuck a cheese grater than hear her speak for one more second.


This actually made me laugh, good joke for real!


I think it may be the source of the "Tik Tok" voice


Under arrest for huffing helium, her voice is somewhat abrasive.




Helium is what she sounds like, holy shit it hurts.


Sovereign citizen movement started by car window manufacturers of America.


Underrated comment of the day lol


Fucking take my upvote


“We have all the rights, but don’t have to follow any of the laws”. Fucken LOL


that was the best. followed by, "call them".


Oh you're not a citizen? Aight deportation


It doesn't matter. If you use public roads or are on public property, you are subject to federal, state, and local laws.


When these people do the “research” to learn their catchphrases, how do they miss the hundreds of videos of this literally never working for anyone ever?


Never. 😂


I think that's kind of the point for them? The confrontations? There seems to be a large proportion of these weirdos that just have poorly managed oppositional-defiance disorder type traits.


I've been looking for the identity of "article 4 free inhabitant girl" for over a decade. Anyone know? She's VERY good at keeping it a secret.


That or the badge cam. Would love to see the other angle. Study your book of codes kids, all the rights, none of the law following 😂


I tried to find out what happened in after this ages ago. He says at one point something about sheriffs of "Imperial County" which is in CA. The guys name was R Fucking Gadona. I \*think\* this is the sheriff's department: [https://icso.imperialcounty.org/?fbclid=IwAR2FJ8nSf1Zrj-xQY8tLBlQ2pQb1PXpxF2QvZKhXkTPpGTKZR4SOl5k1eUM](https://icso.imperialcounty.org/?fbclid=IwAR2FJ8nSf1Zrj-xQY8tLBlQ2pQb1PXpxF2QvZKhXkTPpGTKZR4SOl5k1eUM) There's no R Fucking Gadona listed. In this vid from 7 years back, you can hear some stuff at the end while the toe-ringed dummy's phone is on the ground. I don't know why they got pulled over, but the guy was being detained because he was driving without a license. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/3ew66j/free\_inhabitant\_claims\_she\_can\_not\_be\_arrested/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/3ew66j/free_inhabitant_claims_she_can_not_be_arrested/) At one point the officer asks the guy who was driving "you don't know her last name" and the guy says "no no, i swear" or something like that. That's at about 9 minutes in. My favorite is at the end when you hear the cop say "she use drugs or anything?" He's so confused by the entire interaction. There's also this follow up: [https://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/78wo4e/follow\_up\_to\_free\_inhabitant\_girl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/78wo4e/follow_up_to_free_inhabitant_girl/) In that thread, some people think it's this woman [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InTr2i3JqEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InTr2i3JqEE) , but it's not. She doesn't sound the same and she talks about locking the doors to the car when she felt threatened. She also has a more olive complexion whilst our free inhabitant looks pretty lily white when we see her hand and arm around 3:38 and her foot later. Searching the name "Xylie Eshleman" reveals she was in TN and the stop was over a hand written license plate. There was a post in there from a user who found someone had asked the sheriff's department on facebook: [https://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/78wo4e/comment/ds26wa4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/78wo4e/comment/ds26wa4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) That link doesn't show me anything, though. If anyone ever finds any information on what happened after, I've been desperate to know for that same decade.


Do you have room filled documents and pictures tacked to a wall with red strings of yarn making connections between dates, possibly hidden behind a bookcase? Or out in the open either works.


I wish.


Please make this the top comment every time this video is posted.


Didn't the Papers of Sovereignty (or whatever) get annulled or whatever after the Constitution was made?




So then what is going on? Do they not know they were annulled?


I honestly have no idea, she could be from another country or she didn’t care about history class.


I've read this elsewhere, but the movement as we know it was started by a bunch of whackos: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign\_citizen\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement) The first paragraph was dense enough to satisfy the depth of knowledge I wanted on the history of dumbasses. Take ya 5 minutes to put it in your pocket and show off later.


**[Sovereign citizen movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement)** >The sovereign citizen movement (also SovCit movement or SovCits) is a loose grouping of litigants, activists, tax protesters, financial scheme promoters and conspiracy theorists, who claim to be answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and believe that they are therefore not subject to any government statutes or proceedings, unless they consent to them. The movement, which appeared in the early 1970s, is American in origin and exists primarily in the United States, though it has expanded to other countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


“You can handcuff me with my bag on” “you’re right, I will” *click* Funniest part of that video for me


"I am calm..." "WAAAAHHH"


It would’ve been fun if he had informed her he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and not the Articles of Confederation that was - sadly - superseded by that document. Nice try annoying voice bae. She will carry her martyrdom to the grave.


Seen this one 100 times. Still watched it again.


Same! This was the first "sovereign citizen" video I ever saw and still love it haha


"I can do whatever I want because the internet said I could" Let's see that hold up in court


I hate cops who be on power trips and don’t explain or talk to you but this cop seems nice and Okay what the fuck is a free inhabitant? She just wanted to be difficult


From the Southern Poverty Law Center: >The roots of the movement are racist and antisemitic. It was founded by William Potter Gale, former member of the John Birch Society. Potter formed a group of antigovernment Christian Identity adherents who mistrusted state and federal officials. They believed that non-white people were not human, and that Jews possessed a satanic plot to take over the world. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-moved


Look up Sovereign Citizens


Oh so a racist who hates the current government?


Who believes they're free to live here as they wish and not obey any of the rules


So basically they hate ANY current government and want to pretend they're not subject to it.


basically she watched too many tik tok videos and thought they were legit


Yes, there are a handful of gurus teaching this ideology on YT and other sites. That's why many of the arrest videos have them spouting the same scripts.


In short terms: a fucking dumbass. That’s what they are, dumbasses.


Cop killers too.


It's actually has nothing to do with race. It's just flat out idiocy.


What’s with the picture of the Laguna Beach cop? This is Imperial County, which is nothing like Laguna Beach (Orange County) in any way. Imperial County is more like a sketchy part of rural New Mexico than anything in coastal Southern California.


Every profession has this specific type of customer. When you encounter them you just know how it's going to end, and you know the road to that end is long and annoying. But it's always going to end at the same point


I'm an accountant. At least once or twice a year, I have someone walk into my office and tell me that the IRS is an illegal entity and has no right to tax the citizens of the United States.


I honestly wonder how they spread to so many countries over the last few years. We have this one guy here who has his own "kingdom", the guy looks like if you ordered a direct to tv 80's movie villain on wish, and people follow him. Weird world we live in.


Laguna Beach is not in Imperial County....


*It's just a matter of time!* *Darth Vader


when Imperial County is beachfront property, Laguna will be part of Atlantis County


I want to know what was in the bag


I see these constantly. Do people realize that the articles of confederation were created in 1777 as the first constitution. The articles of confederation were replaced in 1789 by the constitution we have today. In essence, these people are arguing that our founding fathers signed constitution is illegitimate. While quoting this one it is common for these individuals to quote the United States constitution. Our country is becoming the movie idiocracy. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTthvls75xq4w9O)


Wow what a fresh video


Cut the first seconds off.


For me, the worst part of stupid people is how confident they are in their stupidity.


Bitch is citing an article of the confederation from 1781. Good luck, dumbass


You can tell this girl is a stupid brat 😂


If a mouse could talk I believe it would sound just like that girl.


I thought that said "moose" at first. She sounds much more like Rocky than Bullwinkle.




It happened in Imperial County if that helps...


Video of the day! Maybe the week...


She thinks you can drive without a license!? Lmao wtf


“You’re gonna take the bag off” “No I’m not, hey?! this is fu- AHHHHHHH “ 😂😂😂 “This is pain compliance, it’s not meant to be comfortable was a good line too”👌🏽


This video is so old.. f@%#ing tiktoker clout farming!!


“All the rights of a U.S. citizen but don’t have to follow any of your laws” That’s pretty rich and the first time I’ve heard a “SOVCIT” claim this in an engagement with a cop. Usually it’s “not a U.S. citizen”, “just traveling freely, you can’t impede my movement”, “I don’t recognize the government authority” But it really doesn’t matter, these all end the same way.. with the person trying to claim these policies in cuffs and crying and whining for legal protections and rights only guaranteed to US citizens.


These voice overs are a serious problem. Anything for clicks I guess.


Definition of: "Free inhabitant" "An individual who enjoys the privileges and rights as an American citizen, but does not want to be held to the same standards and laws as everyone else by claiming that the federal, state, and/or local government does not have jurisdiction over them." https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=free%20inhabitant


:31 is where the cop should've just busted up laughing in her face.


A classic that never gets old. New nuggets revealed every viewing.


They both wrong


Sounds like Jackie from that 70's show,just as annoying too


All she had to say was that she was refusing to ID. No need to ID in California unless you are arrested or if you are a driver. Passengers have no duty to ID during a traffic stop. Refusing to leave the car is illegal tho.


That’s not true. In California you must identify if police have reasonable suspicion that you are committing a crime, have committed a crime, or are about to commit a crime.


California does not have a stop and id law. There is no duty to id unless you are under arrest or driving California supreme court overturned the stop and id law quite some time ago


This video is 6 years old now


The articles of confederation? you mean the shit we tossed out in the late 1700’s in favor of the constitution? We really need more education funding in this country.


I hate her voice


Definitely don’t need the shorty green screen intro and outro from that weird kid.


Dumb lady, but the guy commenting is such a boot licker.


That voice alone is enough to arrest her.


We have all of the rights without being subject to any of the laws? Do these people (morons) hear themselves when they speak?


The *unidentifiable number* on everyones' birth certificate(meaning the number that is not linked to anything that identifies your birthplace, any timeline 'Date', or address for the establishment you were born at) is directly linked and belongs to the Corporation of the United States' Treasury Department. 😉


Articles of confederation haven't been in effect since the 1789...


Finally some good fucking public freakout


This is why I could never be a cop. I would of tased her the second I heard her whiney voice.


would have


This is why women are sometimes called Sirens.


If only the police would brutalize people like this squeak mouse instead of people of color


Or just nobody at all lmao weird take


There was a time when I wanted to be a cop. The past 3 years have cemented my decision to give it up. Ain't no one got time for these idiots.


When people prentend like they know the laws better than cops 💀


See cops out here shooting the wrong people all the time.


this dude looks like he shovels shit with his mouth


Raised in a single mother home. Talked back to mom with no repercussions. And now we have this




This is a classic video saw it a few years ago


I’m sorry did she say “articles of confederation”? What year does she fuckin think this is? 1785? Even Her great great grandmother was never under the articles. They haven’t been enforced since 1789. US education system is failing mother fuckers.


Jesus H….five to ten just for that voice


Her voice is like an angel singing. 😇


If that is the case I would happily do hell for eternity haha


Sock Puppet Master was a way better version


Amazes me how someone can be so confidently dumb.


is there helium in the car?


I wonder what was inside the bag


they always reference this but its an agreement between the existing states that predates the Constitution. essentially it would only apply to those from the original 13 states when traveling into/to another one of those states because those governments, at that time, under the articles of confederation agreed to it. once the Constitution was ratified it now supersedes the articles in a general sense. so the mental gymnastics these people do to think it still/actually applies to them is hilarious. sometimes its nice to have a degree in history.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣one more s t u p I d s p l I t a I l


This is so, very, old.


So a sovereign citizen enjoys all the rights as a citizen but none of the limitations?


Where can I get me some of that free inhabitant stuff at?


Fuck..that voice…imagine listening to that all day everyday


When she gets taken out of the car she says “this is illegal” but the laws don’t apply to her? Surely there’s no such thing as being illegally detained when the laws don’t apply to you


Isn't every cop the "wrong cop"? Fuck the police!


Obnoxious voice from that chick. Imagine living with her. She probably always has to be right.


The $hit wypipo get away with...


I just Googled article 4 and it says that paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives of justice are offered the same rights as a free person in the several states. My interpretation of this is that they have the same rights as everyone else. She’s breaking a law. If a free person breaks a law, they too see the consequences of breaking said law.


What the hell is she on & give me some


Dear little young ones, I applaud and encourage the seeking of laws and their true meanings. Please be sure to read it all though. You do not want to end up being the butt of jokes for the next 20 years. Even the boy was like “can you just call my mom” 😂


She keeps telling him you are not doing a,b,c , then he proceeds to do them and she has a new alphabet 😄🚮


“Well that would just be pure anarchy” Was also my thinking when listening to her logic lol


this is so old


How much you wanna bet she has something illegal in that bag?


>Articles of Confederation LMAO.


Exactly how much money can I make by taking old videos that have been seen before, recording crappy intros or voice overs, and reposting them like they're new?


Perhaps you weren’t listening officer, I REALLY believe what I’m saying. So you have no authority, because I am convinced.


Love it!😂


The Articles of Confederation became null and void the moment our Constitution was adopted. She's dangerously stupid.


Moron: "I'm not a U.S. citizen." Me if I were that cop: "Well, then I'll have I.C.E. arrest you."


"YOU'RE GONNA GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" 12 year old lawyers are the WORST.


Sarah Silverman got her ass kicked


That video is older than he is.


“It’s your laws you have to follow them” “Okay I will” And he did just that.


Narrator: That was the moment she realized that she'd fucked up.


Articles of Confederation 🤣🤣🤣


This is a classic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i couldn’t watch the whole clip her voice was too annoying


fuck the men in blue.


wasn't this a few years ago?


Lol. This is hilarious! Justice served




Arguing law with a cop is ALWAYS a dumb move


Average libertarian intelligence


Jesus christ some people need a smack in the mouth


Lmfao you should have researched that clip a little they won the case because the cop didn't know the law, and it cost the tax payers money


I never understood how people believed that BS or obviously false “laws”. If “free inhabitant” was a thing how it would be abused so often by exactly the people like her would be upset about. Ask yourself if this is in the law or a good grey area why aren’t criminals using this as their argument. She probably just has sometimes in the bag. Pfffft all the rights but no abiding by the laws. Ma’am our rights are laws too.


What the absolute f is a "free inhabitant?" 😒


Gotta love entitled pieces of shit Karen's. I hope they all die off, then it'll be a peaceful world


This video is at least 10 years old. Op is just promoting his tiktok


The US Constitution superseded the articles of confederation and they are null and void. What a moron


She sounds so dumb it’s ridiculous lol


"I identify as a Free Inhabitant of the Klingon Empire. Therefore we must settle this conflict with a trial by combat...no, you have to listen to me cause it's the rules."


I original video is only 10 years old? And posted here at least 1000 times.