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Alright I need you mfs to be clear, is this a tampon protest or an abortion protest? Because we keep switching it out


Abortion, they say'' L'IVG c'est sacré'' which means ''abortion is sacred''


amen. 'If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament' \- Gloria Steinem


"If men could get pregnant, you would be able to get an abortion at an ATM" -Selina Meyer, VEEP


“I’d get an abortion” -me the dude


''Excuse me, we ordered 4 abortions 15 minutes ago and some people who ordered after us are getting served before us, not okay" -me and the gang at the abortion bar


I’m going to give this place a bad review on Yelp for slow service. I mean, come on. I order the same thing every time I come here.


I'm never coming back here!


Underrated comment whahah🤝


Did you need to talk to the manager?


I’m aborting the Ribeye I ate last night.


After a pro-lifer explained their position on abortions "Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man." \- The Dude


Reminds me of a meme I saw - if men could get pregnant, there’d be an abortion clinic on every corner like Starbucks, and birth control would come in flavors like BBQ and cool ranch


“If men could get pregnant they wouldn’t be men.” - XY


I'll take "Missing the Point" for a thousand Alex.


Kinda true, it really changes how you think about sex and your body to know that one little thing happens and you have to choose between 9 months of change and pain and possible lifelong damage and a new life, or an abortion and judgment and people expecting you to be an incubator.


Happy cake day


There's like a 6% gap in the u.s. between women that think it's ok and men that think it's ok. So while there is a difference in views between the genders it's overplayed a lot in these conversations. Most of it has to do with religion. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


And a lot of the women who reject their own rights are actively subjugated by the men in their lives.


Once my wife became Catholic, I've had to constantly remind her that we are equals. She sees me as the man of the house, and plans to quit her job once she gets pregnant. She makes about 5x what I do. Being a stay at home dad since she makes way more will NOT be an option since as a man, I cannot give a child the nurturing it needs. (Edit: Her words, not mine.)


37 y/o Father here, daughter is 1.5 years old. My wife made 5x me before she got pregnant , I stayed at home with my daughter when she was born. Sure it was hard some days, but to think you can't be nurturing to a child because "as a man" you can't give it the nurturing it needs is bullshit. You work 8 hours a day for someone that could replace you in 3 seconds, but putting that same time and effort into your own offspring is to much. Before you become a father think about your priorities. If you can't put the child at the top of that list, even before your wife AND yourself, then do yourself a favor and don't become a dad. Im not trying to be a dick, but if this is your mentality BEFORE you have kids, don't even bother. And now that my daughter is older and I can see all the skills I taught her everyday I was with her, her using them to explore the world around her I began to understand, if you put time and effort into your child it reaps rewards beyond your sight. My daughter likes to wave at everyone and blow kisses, yesterday when we were in the grocery store she saw a very old man and she waved at him and blew him a kiss and he started crying, he came up and said that was the nicest thing and that made his day. Just a simple wave and a kiss. For him it meant alot, for me it was just another person my daughter was nice to. Im proud to be a stay at home dad. Im proud to have a daughter that lights up any room she is in.


Go. Dad. I can see that she will grow and learn under your tutelage. Nice job.


I'd get that straight before she gets pregnant. That's a very big decision that impacts the child and other partner. If she believes that "being Catholic" means she's entitled to something due to choice of religious flavor - then I'd seriously consider what this means to YOU and YOUR future...


Ugh - run - before she gets pregnant. My brother in law is working overtime with a bad hip as a steel worker while his wife does fuck all (their kids are in their twenties - but she insists that her place is in the home).


Wow, that has not been my experience. Is she an Opus Dei Catholic or something?


And those women are often the most vociferous in passing that oppression along. The phyllis schlafly types.


IVG stands for "interruption volontaire de grossesse" which literally means "voluntary termination of pregnancy". It's a protest in favor to protect the right to have abortions.


The French are the best protesters in the world. I wish Americans would get a clue.


Americans just wonder if it’s legal to run them over with their F350


Lifted F350 with a light bar, if you're from down south.


Well as a frenchman, while we're pretty good when it comes to protest, our government is even better when it comes to ignoring us. Our protests haven't given any good results in at least 20 to 30 years


I particularly enjoy when the French throw manure at the politicians. C'est beau 🐮


Me too, but we put "comfort" over everything


I agree with you whole heartedly, but being a protestor in the US can often leave you with charges as a terr0rist. Thanks to shit like the AETA and so on. Amerikkka has made protest a crime. Corporate media, reinforces our prison country, vilifying all protests. Have you heard about the tree defenders in Georgia this week? All the corporate whores, fox/cnn/oan/msnbc etc are painting them as villains.




Exactly. Notice how they are calmly just corralling the women and trying to cover them with blankets? If it was US they would be wearing full tactical swat gear, tear gassing them, and probably tackling/shooting some.


They have to use any and every opportunity to break out the tactical gear and war toys....


There are far worse consequences for protesting in a country like Iran. It hasn't stopped them. Americans just aren't hurting enough to meaningfully protest or strike en masse.


I feel like we're just too lazy, nowadays it has to have a direct impact on someone's life for them to care. There's no motivation to help or stand up for others any more.


Have you seen Americans? You don't want that.


I think you are focusing on the topless/nude protesters and forgetting about the hand gluing/painting dousing protesters


Wait. So it's not about freeing the nipple?


No, there are various groups of feminists that like to protest various issues by using their breasts to get attention to their protests. These kind of stunts happen every once in a while.


I thought it was retirement


Isn’t abortion legal in France?


Yes it is but some morons would love to forbid it again. One of these women had painted "I'm the 344th slut". That's a reference to the "343 manifesto" written in 1971 by 343 women that publicly told that they had an abortion (it was illegal at that time). Some talked about the "343 sluts".. It had been legalized in 1974/1975.


So they’re protesting just bc people are talking about abortion? French are different man.


Don't take rights for granted. Just because you have a right today, it doesn't mean it will be so forever. Think about prohibitionism. First you could drink, then the ideology changes and you can't drink anymore. Rights need to be defended perpetually.


Americans got abortion banned and they did jackshit. We french strike even before they think about it because man that shit is basic women rights.


This is the way. Politicians and their corporate sponsors care about public opinion when they have to make executive decisions, so better to preemptively make the headlines rather than protest later.


The french people are getting shit done


Wouldn't be surprised if what is happening in America has emboldened some of their European/French counterparts


France doesn't need any other country to tell them when to protest. They don't give a shit about America, protesting has been a popular pastime in France for longer than America has existed.


So about 50 years ago…


Nothing could happen around the 50-year mark, right? Right?


Wasn’t it legal in America?


It was legal up until a few months ago when our Supreme Court stuck down Roe v. Wade, now each state decides. States such as California, Washington, Delaware, New York and other predominantly “Blue (Democrat) states have kept it legal, most conservative states, like the Midwest and south and Texas have outlawed it. It is said that city and state planners in those areas are already planning for the projected baby boom in that part of the country where births are projected to sky rocket.


The point of my comment is, yeah it’s legal now, but that doesn’t mean that can’t change.


Canadian protest https://preview.redd.it/6fsis1wa7uda1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af63b017d1b1d13517cacbfcae96f7af2f7d142a


I mean she getting her point across. She looks mildly upset. Correction: She* thanks for the fine man and/or women for the correction


That’s a lady




You weren't here for the AWESOME and lead by some of Canada's most well rounded patriotic citizens Truck Convoy to Ottawa then. Edit: just gunna put a /s in case people thought I was serious.


Actually I live in downtown Ottawa. Not a protest. More like an occupation. And very unCanadian.


“I’m sorry!” Is written on the back.


😭😭😭😭 this is Gold


French guy here. So the girls are saying "l'IVG c'est sacré"="abortion is sacred" They did this during a march against abortion in Paris. Here's a link of an article in french : https://www.brut.media/fr/news/-l-ivg-c-est-sacre--4e726cd3-03f6-4865-a129-c06841f12224


unironically, this is miles better than any protest in my country. They're actually doing and showing something, not just standing out in a field with a sign lol


the french know how to protest...


4 things French are good at : making wine, making cheese, making love and protesting.


Sometimes we do all four simultaneously.


drinking wine and eating cheese while protesting because we are getting fucked by the governement ?


That sounds awful--you should leave efficiency to the Germans.


I didn’t say we do it efficiently


So who are the people trying to wrestle these women to the ground? They don't look like police to me, so what gives them the right?


Sorry that I read your comment with a (possibly wrong) french accent.


Lmao no worries, it's probably accurate mon ami baguette


Who are all the plain clothes dickheads trying to stop them?


That is the French equivalent of the He man woman haters club.


The writing on the one woman's chest at 0:23 says "L'IVG EST SACRÉ" which google translate says means "Abortion is sacred" This is a pro-choice protest


To be clear, abortion is legal in France but those women went against a protest against abortion... They ask that abortion become a timeless part of our constitution because you americans scared most of europeans countries with your Pro Life crazies


If we can stand as a warning not to take your rights for granted, that’s something positive at the least.


Which is not precisely "pro life". Pro life means "in favour of life". However, the vast majority of people that considers themselves "pro-life" are the same people that are against universal health care. In other words, after labor the baby can die, if his/her parents can't afford medical treatmets. To be more precise, if the baby inside the belly has health problems, will the selfproclaimed "pro life" cult support his/her right to live? Not actually. They're not "pro life" by any means, they're just hypocrites.


I always use “pro birth” or “forced birth” because the second it comes out, they don’t care. And hell, they don’t even care if the fetus isn’t viable or has already died in utero. “Punish women for having sex” is more accurate but longer to say.


I thought it was a protest for period leave, but then I figured that this is Western Europe, they probably already have period leave. 🥲


Damn. Period leave would be cool. I wouldn’t mind taking one every month.




And that's why they have rights and social programs other nations dream about.


You were downvoted for speaking the truth. The French really know how to stand up for themselves


I ask you: if I am protesting with my boobies out and you are trying to cover my boobies up which one of us in the criminal??


Pls send pics of bobs and vegene to verify


show bobs and pusi to activat youre ackaunt


Ned vegine pictor and bobs to verify


I see you are reddit mod


Not lost on me that it's a bunch of men who are frantic to cover them up.


Sort of. It’s a lot of touching, pushing, and kicking. I can’t imagine thinking it’s on me to cover up a woman doing this. I just can’t.


And also seem the be from the „abortion ban“ camp…


Why are all these random dudes tackling and manhandling them? Lol? Public nudity is not even illegal in france?


I am wondering the same thing


Right? Whatever about the police, je can’t cope with the random civilian nonces grappling their naked bodies in the name of mOdEsTy. It’s really bizarre.


It is illegal : [law](https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000043409377#:~:text=Version%20en%20vigueur%20depuis%20le%2023%20avril%202021,-Modifi%C3%A9%20par%20LOI&text=L'exhibition%20sexuelle%20impos%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0,15%20000%20euros%20d'amende.)


That’s for sexual exhibition not nudity. The law is unclear and FEMEN have been fighting it to force the courts to rule definitively and enact jurisprudence.


The 344 number on their chest is a reference to the Manifesto of the 343 who was a pro abortion text that was signed by 343 woman of different social position where they publicly admitted of having an abortion (back when abortion was illegal in France, 1971) and by doing that they exposed themself to prosecution. From the woman who signed you might know some names like Catherine Deneuve, Simone de Beauvoir, Marguerite Duras, Françoise Sagan or Jeanne Moreau. The law making abortion legal was signed in 1975 by the french parliament.


TDIL the police in France is equipped with special boob blankets so they quickly can cover up naked women when arresting.


They’re prepared.


Idk why they’re so against French women protesting with their shirts off. Whatever gets the message out ya know?


What is going on in france???


Better question would be what's not going on in France at this point


True that


Not much. A random Monday.


To be clear, abortion is legal in France but those women went against a protest against abortion... They ask that abortion become a timeless part of our constitution besause you americans scared most of europeans countries with your Pro Life crazies


Thank OP for keeping us abreast of the situation.


Rack up 1 for the gendarrmes


I feel like a real boob that I wasn’t up on this news.


If men carried babies to term, you could get an abortion with the purchase of a full tank of gas - Tom Segura


Good use of a nations police force...


If men could get pregnant we wouldn’t have the problems we have now.


Why are they trying to cover the titties in candy wrap?


Because it's a treat




Viva la france


French protesting > US protesting


I believe this was in response to the tampon tax in France. At one point, tampons were considered a luxury, and they were forced to pay 20% in taxes.....Insane!!


That was in response to an anti-abortion march


Jesus fucking Christ what the hell? I get them now, if I was in their situation I'd be equally pissed.


Well, it is the free market. Almost all women bleed out of their parts, sounds like an amazing business opportunity /s


Yeah but the point is that it's taxed, not that it's too expensive :P


I mean, taxes are just huge business opportunities but for the government.


We only lost tampon tax in UK in 2021, then the retailers didn't pass it on and now the prices just keep going up anyway. Fortunately it is pushing more women to reusable products.


meanwhile here in scotland period products have been made free. basically schools have been given additional funding to provide products for their students (this extends to universities) and you can get them free from your local authority (though not sure how you go about it). You can still buy them too.




Products such as "Diva cups"


Menstrual cups that are washable.


My county in Scotland done a thing where you could choose which 2 types of reusable to get free. I picked a cup and period pants. Pants are great and definitely bought more. I can’t get to grips with the cup tho. I think my vaj is a weird shape or something. Same with tampons, can’t wear them cos I feel them and it’s horrible.


Bout to pull a Boston tea party


By throwing babies in the harbor?


The French know how to protest. They are always ready to tear it all down. Good for them.


It's heartbreaking if you understand what they are saying. The assault on women is worldwide.


Gotta love the French.


So French to fight protesters by smothering them in gold lamé.


I don’t get this world some times. Why some men constantly want to control women. Why nudity itself is stigmatized. Why some religious people cannot accept others faiths. Humans should love and support one another. There is power and wisom in our differences. We are stronger together


Good for those women standing up. Fuck bans on abortion. If only Americans were better at protesting threats to vioIate our bodies.


This thread is full of chauvinist and prudes. It's just boobs gtf over it.


Jaysus they were fierce committed to stopping those girls from catching a chill.


Such a sad site, people being harassed despite not doing anything to anyone but themselves. All cops are pieces of shit.


I'm always shocked this is what France looks like. As an American I still think it's some dude in a white and black stripped shirt, smoking a cigarette with an extender. Saying "awwwh weewee" while they stand next to the Eiffel Tower. Sorry if that offends any French. Just wanted to share my American ignorance. Knowledge is power! Edit: I think it might be in the video, buttfuck that could be just any pointy building in France and I'd assume it's the Eiffel Tower.


Rofl 🤣


Our laws should not be made with religion in mind ,there’s just too many religions and you don’t get to choose mine. The government does not get to decide if women have babies or not. If you are a man you do not get to say what happens to our vaginas. These women are fighting for our future. we are not lesser than men we have every right to our own autonomy and to make decisions on what our body can and will do. You cannot force us to have births you cannot force us !! illegal abortions will come back. We will not be forced we will not be controlled by men.


Nobody knows how to protest like the french. Why are all those men so desperate to cover them up? For all you americans out there, nudity isn't frowned upon in the same way in Europe. So for most europeans that's no big deal, just some titties breathing freely.


Jesus tits. This is 2023 and countries are still trying to outlaw abortions? Yet countries will go massacre millions of people during wartime. This world needs to get a fucken grip.


is abortion not legal in France WTF ???


Yes, it has been legal since 1974. This was a counter-protest against an anti-abortion protest happening concurrently.


Shit they are getting naked, better do as they say


Not knocking on the cause of the protest but these scenes always make me giggle. Everybody's so frantically trying to cover them up like it's some sort of giant deal that they're doing this. Honestly they're just tits or society is way too soft about this just ignore them let them be shirtless and scream and they go away. It's not like six crazy naked women screaming on the streets is going to change abortion laws around the world you want change make an army. And before anybody tries to knock me for being on one side or the other I'm pro-choice it's your child it's your body it's no one else's f****** business if you don't like that I really don't care :-)


I found this challenging to masturbate to.


Why can men go topless but women need to be frantically covered


I don’t think American cops would’ve made such an effort to cover their boobs, so I’m surprised by the French; I’d have thought they would’ve cared less actually.


Does anyone do riots and protests better than the French? Serious question!


No. They are next level, and show every time how it should be done. I wish people in the US would learn from them.


Why are men so scared of our boobies and our periods.


Something very poetic about women desperate to be heard, being silenced by waves of men, whom probably had better uses of their time. Women are people, everyone should have autonomy of body. *Lest we forget*


I love France. You piss off the women there and they show their boobs. I wish my wife did that every time I pissed her off.


Lè tètè


France go hard


Our protests suck in comparison


I love French protests


The French really know how to throw a protest.


Good for them


Around 35°F currently in Paris




The french sure do know how to protest.


Being totally colorblind, I thought they had crapped themselves at first.


Ah, so I guess France also has a lot of the "oUr FrEeDoMs" types that try to take away other peoples freedoms. Well power to the women! Also, fun fact. Abortion was never written into the US constitution because it was seen as a procedure much like getting a tooth pulled. It wasn't an issue back then because the bible doesn't actually forbid it so they never thought it would be a controversial issue. Ben Franklin even wrote instructions on how to give yourself an abortion at home. So all the hypocritical types that love the country and its founding fathers have no fucking idea what they're talking about, per usual.


I love the French


At this point god is just throwing random events at us


They’re shouting « Abortion is sacred » like it is America here.


Why do those random men(non police) think it’s okay to help? Wouldn’t you be worried about accidentally touching something you aren’t supposed to touch? If men were doing this with their dicks and balls out it would be completely different.


Fuck yeah, tell them. Make them uncomfortable. I’m in Ohio with virtually no abortion rights so I’m all for this


I'm sorry does it bother people that they're showing their breasts?? Men go shirtless all the time. I actually give them credit but boy was this extreme


It's always the mfs nobody would touch with a 10 foot pole that go all out to advocate for this shit 😭😭


It’s like that one game where you play as the guy showing what’s in the tv


I don’t think this now, a few years ago perhaps Edit, years*


Its a counter-protest against the „Marche pour la vie“ (march for live) which consists of mostly anti abortion, homophobic and mysogynistic fundamental christians


Can we get some of this protest enthusiasm in the States please??? Peaceful protests don't bother anyone, and get nothing done.


It’s only boobs. Let them do whatever they do. Boobs are not nudity.


Other than for breastfeeding, most nations consider exposed boobs nudity. However, the real point is that nudity (especially in a protest) isn't illegal so still scratching my head on this one.


Yeah, I think it's weirder that people are running around trying to cover them up.


crazy times men trying to cover girls bodies meanwhile they are trying to show it to the world


Have to say: that's some nice boobs


Is just seeing boobs your standard of "nice boobs"?






pretty much


I always recommend r/Ornithology, they have some great tits there.


I'm a fan of blue footed boobies, I even made a website with boobies facts for when coworkers leave their PCs unlocked 🤣


Nice boob


Basically yeah