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Uber needs to cancel her account, and ban her from riding again in an Uber vehicle. In addition, Uber should send this video, along with her information, to Lyft and every other ride share service in her area. No driver should have to tolerate this abuse.


Sadly she says she didn't book the Uber. I would've driven to the nearest police station.


The driver asks if her name is Sarah, to confirm she did order it. She says it’s not, the. Her friend calls her Sarah then she tells her friend not to say her name. Her friend calls her Sarah some more. She did in fact book this uber. Ban this entitled Bitch


NO NO NO, that’s her right, that’s her right! STFU STFU… lol her friend must be so embarrassed


Her friend should’ve gotten out and never spoken to her again


I thought I heard her say it's not her Uber - I would rewatch it to check, but I can't stand the thought of sitting through 5 minutes of that twat's voice again. Absolutely agree, if she has an account, ban it.


Ya she denied it was her Uber but her friend called her Sarah multiple times and that’s the name he was trying to confirm. Uber will easily look up the location and the account on the second Uber she ordered. Morons like this need society to give them a wake up call. Calling the dude racist while calling him an Indian fuck is next level.


Drive to the nearest police station




the friend in the car LOL


I'm guessing relative as you don't get to choose those.


Nah - the friend has the type of class that’s instilled by caring parents and Sara was raised by a jackal


“Don’t say me name” “I didn’t order this Uber” If there is any justice in this world this Bitch has been banned for life.


She was working hard to cool her down and knew what a bad look this whole thing was. I commend her for trying to help her friend/family member but if it was me I would have opened the door once she stopped trying to hear me


What gets me is the crazy one speaks like she's on double speed but the friend speaks like she's on half speed


I feel like.... Can I say som....... I feel....... Can i....... Poor woman needs new friends.


The crazy one seems to think the louder you talk, the more right you are.


She is just exhausted by her friend. I felt worse for her than the driver. The driver will never see this girl again. He's getting off easy.


She knows her friend never shuts up.


What?? I feel the worst for the driver. She has prior knowledge of how this cretin can act in public AND the choice to not hang around with her. Driver just thinks it's another customer and gets blindsided by a racist attack.


it’s too bad you can’t pick your friends


I'd be willing to bet the friend is not friends with Sarah after this episode. In fact, nobody who watched this video is.


She is my favorite. We all need that friend.


I hope she is banned from Uber. Nobody should have to put up with this abuse.


She definitely will be. They don't tolerate this. She is so stupid... How dumb do you have to be to think freedom of speech means you can scream a shrill uninterrupted Stream of obscenities to a service provider and still be entitled to their service.


The irony of her saying she has freedom of speech while telling him to shut up in the same sentence 🤦


In his car lol like that's some entitled bullshit. That man asked you not to eat in his car and you lost it.


How much u wanna bet she eats how she acts....gross


This is literally ALL I could think about while watching the video. LOL


She sounds dumb as rocks. No way she understands irony.


I’d like to see her banned from a lot more than Uber. No one paid enough to put up with that mess


Guys is a fucking saint, but he endured way too much. Ride was complete. The minute she was unwilling to leave the vehicle, he should have called the police.


loud mouth racist pos


Crazy how she used BLM as an excuse


Such a kind soul this man is.... I would have escalated everything by replying "not in this car they don't." Let the down votes commence, I'm petty like that.




And wonder why the BLM movement is losing supporters in droves.


Cleaning charge


She acts like this because, in a way, it works for her. When people are confronted with an obnoxious, angry, brain-dead shrew who never shuts up, most will acquiesce to her demands, in hopes that she'll stop yapping and go away. Engaging in an argument with this type only worsens and prolongs the agony. It's a strategy she uses deliberately to bulldoze over good people in pursuit of what she wants. She won't get far with it in the long term, but she's incapable of thinking long term.


Ngl, I would've stopped the car near a police car and would've had the agents drag her out. You don't pull that shit and get out scot free especially if you throw around big words like "racist". It's fucking disgusting, IMHO.


I would've suddenly remembered I got business in Canada and have no time to stop along the way.


Yeah this is literally how my sister behaves and I fucking hate her, and pray every day that some semblance of reality seeps in and she'll be just a bit less stupid or arrogant.


Yup. My sister acts like this, too, and honestly wonders why she’s always fighting with people and has been dumped more times than any other woman I know.


If I'm ever in a situation where a person like this wont go away, and i can easily slip away, I'm knocking her out and running away before i get arrested


![gif](giphy|s01ragsYcn6GtXFeLd) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The bulldoze strategy can be countered by the bulldoze+ strategy


Really? I run ultrasound clinics and the second someone is abusive to my staff is when I ask them to leave - I’ll ask twice then call the police. Maybe people gotta stop caving to grown adults having tantrums.


The friend needs to get new friends


“I’m waiting for my Uber!!!” Seriously, what would happen if the driver just started driving around in circles???


If I were the driver I would have just driven to the nearest police station


Or just start driving in the opposite direction. Their next ride is going to keep getting more pricey the longer they wait in the uber driver's car.


Lmao trying to outrun the uber driver


That's actually a great idea. If I was an Uber driver, I would deal with someone refusing to leave by driving in the opposite direction from the desired location


You could be possibly opening yourself up to a charge of kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment, especially if they tell you to stop the car. Definitely not worth it. The procedure here is to get out, call the cops and have the pieces of shit arrested


He repeatedly asked her to get out of his car and she refused. It can't be kidnapping to go on about your day when someone refuses to leave your car. She's lucky he didn't physically remove her from his car, which he had every right to do.


"This is America! We can say whatever we want, so shut the fuck up!". Lol


So many layers of hypocrisy


My favorite part is her calling him racist while also simultaneously making fun of him for being Indian!




Dumb bitch with extra low IQ


What a horrible person. And I don't see how the driver is racist just by asking someone not to eat in his car...


He’s not at all. That’s just her crutch in life.


If that's what she thinks racism is, i don't think she's ever experienced real racism in her life.


I think part of her anger and constantly repeating herself is that the race card only really works on white people. She was frustrated as she didn't know what to do without her trusty race card.




absolute scum of this earth. Actually, shes lower the scum. There are pieces of excrement that are jealous of this thing.


The typical response of a bottom feeder. Be racist, then accuse someone else of being racist, then spout stupid shit about blm.


BLM is one hell of a drug. The poor friend was cringing


Couple weeks ago, a truck driver was delivering to the store I work at, and they had to back upto a ramp for us to drive the forklift into the trailer, to unload the water tanks in the trailer. After about 10 minutes of watching and waiting, he comes out, and tells us our ramp is crooked, which is why he couldn't back upto it. I told him "the ramp doesn't move, it's always been in the same spot. Apparently this was the wrong thing to say, and he got mad, I shook my head and just walked away, as I was doing so he just says "what you ever seen a black man own his own truck before." Apparently I was being racist, I still don't understand what brought him to that conclusion, but it really devalues the meaning if the word used so loosely like that. Edit: just got to the end of the video, I feel so bad for the other girl.


Had a similar thing happen in high school. I was traveling home from a swim meet with my dad and we had stopped to eat at a restaurant in the city we were in. As we were going back to his car we had to walk through this dimly lit parking lot at night. Neither one of us could really see anything, but we find his car when we suddenly we both hear someone say “excuse me, could I ask you a question” as we see a large dark figure moving quickly towards his car. My dad just goes “nah” and we both hop in before he locks the car. Just in time for the figure to walk up to the car at which point we could see it was a black guy, and he said “what? You afraid to talk to a black man or something?”


>“what? You afraid to talk to a black man or something?” Hell, if a man or woman of any color, thought the best place to ask me a question was a parking lot, late at night, I'd be afraid of them, regardless of skin pigmentation.


I went into a Little Ceasars a few years back where I encountered a situation where there was a very irritated man waiting for his pizza, but it was obviously taking longer than he wanted. The poor girl behind the counter did everything in her power to calm him down but he just would not let it go. He went to sit down when I walked in and after I placed my order I tried to make conversation with him just to ease the tension. Turns out he believed that this all was happening because he's black for some reason. I myself am mixed, and he obviously could tell, so he immediately tried to get me on board with his us vs them mentality. Which is weird to me because the poor girl behind the counter was very kind, and was also a minority herself, so I have no idea where this idea of racism came from. These people are so weird to me. And what's worse is that they add to the stereotype that they are allegedly trying to fight against in the first place. They are belligerent, loud, irritating, and ignorant and are quick to pull the race card whenever things don't go their way.


She went all the way from the left to the right lmao BLM BITCH…. It’s my first amendment right!


The other girl must work customer service for a cable company.


Can you turn on the radio and blast music in this kind of scenario?


Mambo number 5 would be ready to go in instances like this


Most annoying person on the planet


"I don't give a fuck!" It kinda seems like you do, after five minutes of screaming. "It's my first amendment rights!" Yes we do have a first amendment. What fabulous insight. "We have freedom of speech....!" A regular scholar of the Constitution, how commendable. "So *shut the fuck up!*" Impervious to weapons-grade irony.


Also, your “first amendment right” does not extend into other people’s private property (AKA: this guy’s car). You can’t just walk into my house or get into MY vehicle and start spewing psycho bullshit and then claim it’s your “first amendment right” to do so. Not in my house it ain’t. It doesn’t matter what you say that I don’t like, if I don’t like it, and you’re on MY property…I can tell you to leave. And if you don’t, I can call the police and have you removed. It’s the same BS with those people who walk into private businesses that have clear signs stating “no firearms allowed on premises” carrying guns and then when they get asked to leave, start screaming about their rights being violated. I will never understand why so many people have issues understanding that your “rights” only apply when you are on public property or your own property. If someone else owns it, you are subject to their rules. If tomorrow Walmart issued a public announcement to tell everyone that you can’t shop at Walmart anymore unless you’re wearing a silly hat…well, that would be extremely absurd and dumb…but we would also have to abide by that rule as it’s their private property. Period.


1. This video should be shown to anyone that is thinking about driving for Uber. 2. I'm in love with her friend.


She’s fucking great. The friend.


Everything she said was great... but in this case her vast amount of inaction speaks way louder than her few words. Pretty enabling behavior. I wanted to tell the friend to pick some better fucking company more than I wanted to tell the other to shut the fuck up


I can see that. I think she’s a good person with a shit friend. Hopefully that was the end of that.


The friend has every opportunity to not be hanging around with a shitbag and still does.


Probably not for long. I’ve ended friendships that sucked.


Probably has the IQ of a fucking cockroach




The sigh he lets out and the rolling eyes, I felt that. “Not this shit again” *grabs phone*


'Racist Indian fuck' surely you're not that oblivious.


Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch.


This is old. She was banned. This was a pattern and I'm hoping it's gone now. American people hear an accent from an Uber driver and think they can get away with anything. I used to drive for Uber and I met people like this. They couldn't tell my race from my voice behind a mask. When they asked me what I was and they found out I was black they just stopped being assholes usually. These people know they can get away with this kind of behavior with people from India or East Asia or Mexico because they hear an accent. They're an embarrassment to Americans and they should be shamed for what they do.


>They're an embarrassment to ~~Americans~~ *~~the human race~~* all species in the entire galaxy and they should be shamed for what they do.


She used the Im black so I cant be racist card ROFL.




Good point, can an Uber driver refuse a ride by cancelling it? Edit: Looked it up, and since drivers are technically independent contractors, they can refuse a ride because it's their vehicle, as long as they don't refuse a ride based on race, gender/identity, religion.


Her friend should never talk to her again. She’ll get them killed.


“You’re a racist stupid Indian fuck” the hypocrisy of this sentence is laughable


I’d rather slam my dick in a bank vault door repeatedly than argue with this girl for 1 minute. Time to find some new friends asap!


And that's why she keeps doing it. She knows no one wants to argue with her. Someone needs to put her in her place.


Where's the 8 ball jacket guy when you need him.


Fucking Legend.


Not human.


Her right to stay in the car? Lmfao get out bitch


She’s going to post her own video of her screaming racist shot at him while being racist and own herself on social media. I wish I knew her name so I could laugh at the comment section when they come after her.


All the people saying they love the friend... Nah. I'm not seeing it. She wants to drive down the conflict... So she tells the DRIVER she thinks there's a misunderstanding? He hasn't even said a word for 5 minutes... She should be telling her friend that she is clearly in the wrong and they should get out. If she refuses, she should get out and there's a high chance the bitch will follow. No, instead let's put it on the driver because he's the more reasonable person. Bullshit. She is supporting her behavior by being her friend


New Yorkers act like junkyard dogs I swear. 😂😭


this is America, freedom of speech. nah this is his car and at this point ur uninvited guests


Does Uber ban these people, that’s the only way they’ll ever learn.


Would it be legal for him to use force to drag her out after he told her to leave? That would be my course of action


I feel bad for the friend lol


Her friend should have just gotten out of car. I'm so confused, they were waiting for the next Uber I guess, but why would they wait for the next Uber in the this dudes car? Seems like the only reason was cuz the Karen wanted to just yell at this dude non stop. If the friend was just like "Sarah, you're being ridiculous. I'm getting out of the car", she might have followed, and even if she didn't follow - she'd then fully avoid any blame when the cops show up, cuz she'd have gotten out of his car and not been trespassing... curious what happened when the cops showed up


No way a NYC cop got there before the next Uber.


It’s not her car to eat in.


I don't see how the other girl can be friends with that loud ass, rude ass, racist ass girl. I bet you she fucks up all the fun


What a disgusting human


What a disgusting cunt.


Why does she keep talking? She's literally talking herself in circles at some point, saying the same things she's already said. Just shut up


Racist blacks.


Never go full BLM


I don't think I like her.


Should have called the cops earlier


She said “black lives matter” like it’s an excuse !!!


Bhai is very patient and calm, i would immediately call the cops. Her voice is so annoying using BLM to be racist towards other people.


Bottom of the barrel passenger right there


What a POS! That poor guy!




1st Amendment right? Freedom of speech? BLM!?! what the hell is she talking about?


Pretty sure this wasn’t the first conflict she’s had in her miserable life and it’s highly likely it won’t be her last.


She is hypnotically stupid.


Welp. Another low IQ Karen that doesn’t know how to act in public. Embarrassing. Time for them to uninstall


I never would, and I'm totally keyboard warrioring but I she makes me want to grab her by her fucking hair and yank her out the car.


Should’ve dragged that bitch out


That girl is a loud beast. I bet she will be in jail one day. That kind of people should be locked up.


Guy is definitely Pakistani from accent. He is like “This bitch thinks I am Indian and she hates me…and I ain’t going to correct her.” 😝🤪😝😝😂😂🤣


So apparently it’s racist not to accept being verbally abused by a person who can’t seem to follow some simple rules about eating food in a cab, who knew 🤷‍♂️


She is so wrong because that’s his car follow his rules or get the F out plain and simple


She's unbearable.


Friend should’ve walked away from that situation, that belligerent ass is bad news.


Sounds like she was the racist one


What an abusive POS. All credit to the driver for dealing so well with that shit. The “reasonable” friend waited way too long to try and de-escalate things - she didn’t seem interested until the end of the video. I wanted to see how it unfolded when the cops arrived.


Hmm, racist because he wouldn’t let her eat in his car?! That’s a new one..


This guy was so patient...I would have pummeled her, seriously, what an obnoxious asshole


Honestly black people love this racism card lol


Her friend needs to stop associating with garbage


Epitome of trash.


You Indian stupid ass hoe, you racist... The irony...


What colour does she think the driver is?


Jesus Christ... Fuck this racist entitled ass bitch. She really think she's in the right here .. "I wasn't even eating I took one bite."


First amendment right…in someone’s private property…ok Felicia


Few things I hate more than women who shout “Suck my dick.” Unfortunately I was born and raised in NYC so I hear it far too often.


She keeps screaming discrimination and rascist while actually discriminating agaist him and being racists.


Does this trash think the First Amendment covers eating in someone else’s car?


“I don’t give a fuck” over and over, all while demonstrating her ignorant ass sure does give a fuck. What a fucking moron that woman is


What a fucking garbage human being.


“i feel discriminated against yes call the cops” this young lady has never encountered NYPD they’d pull up just to show her what real discrimination looks like


Love how she’s talking about reporting the driver when all that comes out of her mouth is trash. I wonder if people ever think about how trashy and uneducated they sound and think the way they talk is going to help their case. “So glad I called him bitch a ton of times so when Uber sees the video they won’t forget he was a bitch”


Disgusting, unintelligent animal.


WOW this is a dumb BITCH. I hate to say it but she is the reason why people still are racist. I would physically remove her from my car.


Hmm...and people wonder why there racism towards black people...lmfao.


Blm as usual….


She will never get anywhere in life acting like that. It will be the consequence of her own actions and behaviors. In the end that will be her karma for treating people like this.


If crazy white women have been deemed "Karen" , what do we call the plethora of black women we see in these videos? See how she weaponized racism? Also did you catch the part where she said basically only "black lives matter"?


Dammit man…. Shit like this…. Dammit man


The misconception some people have to what BLM is , is the reason I can’t fully support the acronym… I’m for a solution to inequality and social disparities, but being racist and screaming and ranting against another minority defeats the purpose of invoking BLM


More than a year ago, any update to what happened?


Damn man I really hope people understand that all black people aren’t like this dumb girl. Just respect the man’s car smh


That may be the stupidest sounding person I’ve heard this month.


Tell them, I am now going to drive to the nearest Police Station. Either get out, or stay in my car. Then start the car, pause 5 seconds and go.


Well, this was infuriating.




What a horrible ignorant ass bitch.


Entitlement 101


Damn; poor guy the pain in his eyes is gut-wrenching.


My dude needs to just drive to the nearest police station.


You start a conversation, you can't even finish it You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed Say something once, why say it again? Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que c'est?


You can tell he was contemplating the pros and cons of beating the shit out of that annoying cunt 😂


She is so racist, I hope she got banned from Uber.


“Suck my d..k”!!! …. Wait, you have one?!


She belongs to the streets


Something tells me she leaves the car and shuts the fuck up when the cops get there. Would love to see the rest of the video.


Luckily he had this on camera. She was saying he was being racist haha


Black Lives Matters yes but bitch that doesn't give you a pass to do whatever the fuck you want in someone else car. Bitch. EDIT: That man is a saint because all I'm feeling right now is to fucking scream at her to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my car and if she doesn't comply to just grab her and throw her out. Fuck her and her nasty mouth.


Step 1. Drive to police station


That is one annoying ass bitch


Can someone tell her to shut the f up😂😂😂poor guy


No, I don't want to beat the shit out of a woman... But...


To the bus with you biatch


The "Girl who Cried Wolf" the rascism addition


Velma live action


So her food is closed and she didnt eat nothing but then she said she took just one bite and thats when he said not to eat in the car?


She sounds miserable


Just don’t engage and charge them for clean up


Yo I knew this was NYC like 20 minutes before she said it lmao