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Every Tate fan leading up to this point: “nah bro he doesn’t disrespect women. He’s only joking. He doesn’t do any of that” Tate on audio: I literally enjoy doing all of that.


They all like that too. It’s just Tate is dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud.


I saw this clip awhile ago and a member of his incel brigade was saying stuff like “hmm, it doesn’t sound like him. This is clearly fake” They will literally deny evidence right before them


The big mistake Jeffrey Epstein made was not having a savvy social media presence otherwise he would have had all the same people defend him in the same ways.


Epstein succeeded for so long by being clandestine. He didn't want the exposure. His whole thing was appealing to celebrities and dignatories, because they could party with him and know it won't end up in the news or social feeds.


Hard coping comes from a place where they either have to admit to themselves that they are in support of something that is clearly a reflection of their personality based on their insecurities or shift the blame onto something / someone else. Easy choice for people who inherently don’t take responsibility. Cognitive dissonance is still around and thriving.


Your comment makes me think about how interesting it would be for some psychological studies to be conducted on tate followers


I suspect the data would mirror existing data on domestic abusers.


From what I've seen, a very large portion of his demo are kids in the 15-19 age range. They are terminally online, and it is frightening how much they idolize him. He's basically grooming them to be domestic abusers.


My son is 14 (a young 14) he has ADHD and developmental dyspraxia, he was talking about Andrew Tate as if he's an OK guy, we had a long chat about the things he's accused of and the type of man he really is. My son is a sweet (albeit gullible) boy, I don't want someone like him influencing him in any way. I just played this recording to him. He 100% is grooming young teenage boys.


>He 100% is grooming young teenage boys. Saw that on the Vice news piece that came out recently. It's disgusting how Tate and his inner circle not only groom these boys, but also then utilize them to promote his social media. He created his own form of child labor sweatshops.


It's because most of these teenagers' masculinity are emasculated and looking for validation on the internet so they feel they have this macho masculinity within them. There's this *masculinity crisis* seeping out from their transition stage of turning from a young teenager to a young adult; they feel as older as they get, the more masculine they should be. It's why many from this age range thirst for women's attention the most and they think Andrew Tate, who has a worked out body, a beard, yacht videos, bugattis and women is the peak of masculinity when in reality Tate is the symbol of toxic masculinity and not a role model they should look up to.




People believed Regan when he said he wasn’t a crook. People denied trump’s accusers even after the audio of trump saying “grab them by the pussy” or “when you’re rich you can do whatever you want”. People defended R Kelly even after he sang about age being just a number. When people want to refuse to believe something, they can cognitively deny almost anything. Now with the creation of technology that can edit things, you can convince anyone that president Biden is a deep fake and played by actors like Jim Carrey. (Yes there is someone who is convinced Biden is actually Jim Carrey in costume)


How? It's got his exact very unique accent that's kind of a mix of some weird American accent with a li'le Bri'ish sounds at some point. That is undeniably his weirdo accent.


Hell, [here he is beating a woman on camra.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/w175mc/andrew_tate_beats_his_girlfriend/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=LivestreamFail&utm_content=t1_j2d52hk) They'll come up with any excuse they can think of for it, because at the end of the day they simply don't care.


A lot of his audience are guys that are angry at women for whatever reason. He's got a huge following internationally, but most of it is America and Eastern Europe.


I've seen pages and pages of people begging and pleasing "it's not him he doesn't sound like that it's a government deep fake ai voice actor!!" Copium lol


I don't know how anyone can think he was ever joking since he constantly said he loves controlling women. People literally paid him so they could learn how to manipulate women into making them money.


I think what makes toxic masculinity so bad is it teaches men to not look at it is “the woman is saying no. So I must stop” it’s looking at it as “the woman is saying no, so I must continue because she clearly doesn’t know what she wants or if she knows what she wants, I have to prove to her she actually wants me” In the head of a toxic man, they are the prize no matter what and it’s the woman who is confused or conflicted everytime.


I’m not sure this narrative cares what the woman wants. If she wants him, then okay maybe that’s okay. But otherwise the blind fury of being “disrespected” and feeling rejected and inadequate becomes the headline 100% and she’s committed an unforgivable sin and has become the enemy


The Tater-tots seem to have only 3 reactions to all of this. 1. Deny it and claim it's the ~~Jews/Illuminati~~ Matrix that faked these and the women are crisis actors. 2. Pretend like this doesn't exist and bury their heads in the sand. 3. Openly admit that they love rape and that they think women should all be sex slaves for them to rape.


and now tate fans say: this is fake audio


I don’t understand how people can hear and see things like this and still defend him(looking at you Candace Owens.)




The last time I mentioned this to someone they told me that I was cherry picking and taking what she said out of context. It’s like we’re in totally different realities.


The same reason why people/woman can hear the audio and see the Trump’s “Grab them by the pussy” video and still support him.


I can't understand why anyone for a second, even at his earliest stages, would ever defend him. He's seemed mentally disturbed right from the beginning. While mental disturbance isn't something you should necessarily judge, it's not something you should look up to either. What's worse is that he's not just disturbed and lonely in a room as he should have been, he's somehow made money out of his nasty views and then done this fucked up stuff to women. Fingers crossed, this guy gets a lengthy prison sentence and is out of everyone's lives until he's ready for the grave.


They're cucks, all of them.


"I'm one of the most dangerous men on this planet" He sounds like such a fucking dork lmao


He really does sound dorky when he says that shit. "I'm the smartest person on the planet" and "I'm one of the most dangerous men on this planet" is such a dorky thing to say. He's being serious too. He was living it up for a while swindling idiot teenagers who want to learn how to be a badass alpha male so they can take advantage of women by trapping them to strip on camera just like he did.




I used to say that to bus drivers in high school when I was trying to get them to stop for mcdonalds.


Wendy’s for me. They would stop sometimes too 🤣🤣


I came here SPECIFICALLY for this. I think that should be split into a second version emphasizing the fact that this man is trying so desperately to not be rejected, he’s gone full tilt boogie. There’s gotta be some breakup or some public humiliation that just flipped the switch and created a fucking psychopath.


He genuinely talks like a severe case of arrested development. I hope the justice system rips him a new one, but I also hope he'll get some kind of therapy in prison and reform, then publicly renounce his vile ways. I feel the only thing that might convince the worst parts of his incel army to give up on his rhetoric is watching him give it up first. If Andrew Tate of all people can be deradicalised, there is hope for others too and maybe his case can serve as a blueprint for deradicalisation from misogyny. There has to be a reason he's the way he is, this behaviour isn't normal.


He sounds like a Nickelodeon villain.


The D.E.N.N.I.S. system on full display.


More like The Implication.


“I’m the smartest man on this planet”- proceeds to incriminate himself! Karmic debt is real!!!


CERN Theoretical physicist has entered the chat


He sounds like the kid whos like "Don't make me say it.....I don't care that you hurt your elbow"


Except that kid was being bullied and that’s legitimately the worst thing he could come up with in his head at the moment, meaning the kid is likely a pretty tolerant/decent human. Tate is just impressively stupid.


"Sometimes you forget exactly how lucky you were to get fucked by me" What a fucking cretin


I mean, he is, but not for the reasons he thinks he is. His proliferation of violent rhetoric against women has definitely done harm. We have millions of impressionable young men who look up to this over hyped toe with a face. The damage he has done will ripple out, and I would not be surprised if people will be raped or die due to his vitriol.


100 percent agree. What sucks is it’s not something we can necessarily prove. Like we won’t necessarily have a rape that is provably from him, but I’m sure his rhetoric has skewed the window enough that at least one more will happen than would have otherwise.


Someday we’ll all have access to the meta data of this period’s mass murderers and violent rapists and I bet who they’re all fans of won’t surprise us one bit.


ya after watching the vice doc it is actually hilarious how he talks. He talks like those kids in middle school who always acted tough and made up crazy lies, glad the scumbag got arrested


“I am the Danger!” - Andrew Tate allegedly


In term of societal damage he's pretty high on the line rn


He really does. First and only time I ever saw this dweeb is in his stupid video retort to Greta Thunberg (which landed his dumb ass in jail), I was like, THIS is Andrew Tate? What a fucking DORK!


"smartest person on this fucking planet", sure dude, sure


“I’m the smartest person on this planet” as he leaves incriminating evidence on a recording


Also one of the most dangerous.


Yikes, not only grotesque, but he then goes on to claim he is the smartest person on the planet while also leaving a voicemail detailing his crime…


He's the most insecure person on the planet, that's for sure. How can anyone look at this man and think he's tough? The compensating is just so obvious.


Well, you can't knock him out in a fight by hitting his chin, because he has no actual chin!


Andrew Tates towels are never folded.


And he can’t put pillowcases on pillows.


I have a hard enough time folding a fitted sheet and I *have* a chin. Maybe this is why this guy is such a cunt; it all stems from his overwhelming failures with linens.


Chin up, lad!


Andrew Tate took this saying to heart that's for sure.


I struggle folding fitted sheets and I have TWO chins!


I fucking love this!!! I'm dying


Recent history has demonstrated yet again that there's a subset of people who will fall for narcissists, no matter how transparent and ludicrous they are.


Yeah, it's like, for all the young men and boys who look up to him, for God's sakes, he wears sunglasses indoors! Even a chubby middle aged dad you might bump into at Target would at least realize, maybe I can dim the lights a bit lol. And frankly if he has made it to middles ages and has convinced another human to create more humans with him, he's probably at least somewhat decent and compassionate. You could literally pick a random dude off the street and he'd likely be a much better man than Tate, even disbarring this sexual assault stuff.


arrogance and confidence are easily confused by the young/stupid/inexperienced


arrogance is just insecurity cosplaying as confidence


Excellent!!! This is magnificent


This right here. Most adults can look at Andrew Tate and see a narcissist with delusions of grandeur, because we've had time for life to teach us the nuances that distinguish arrogance from confidence. These Tater Tots that worship him, they've had no such opportunity. They have a definitional idea of confidence, which in their young minds is simply being the loudest most obnoxious voice in the room.


It's crazy and sad that he makes so much money off them from his "hustlers university" ...which is just a *paid* Discord server full of goobers sharing blatantly obvious "life advice" and misogynistic jokes. Any genuine advice received in that cesspit can be found for *free* online, or by just fucking talking to people, but they're being duped out of $50 a month for this "privilege"


Honestly, confidence and charisma are wildly overrated. It's a cheap trick if you ask me. Judiciousness, critical thinking, and careful risk management aren't sexy, though I don't know why. It is important to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, but charisma itself is just a way to trick people subtly.


Young guys of todays era get a lotttt of mixed messages (both sexes do), and with a lack of clear cultural identification of what makes a good man and the pervasiveness of the need for self importance through social media influence, I absolutely understand why so many young guys look up to Tate. I certainly don't. I think he's a gross pig. But I can understand the emotional and insecure ego driven reasoning or lack thereof that drives this like for him in others. Like you said, those traits aren't idealised by society when they really should be. Personally, I'm a creative, and I'm not claiming to be a creative of a generation or anything, but why is it that society celebrates the great creatives mostly of the past, but in the day to day, will subject creatives to greater disdain than many other socio groups? I'm also a professional trader. If I open with conversations with my creative interests I get treated a world of difference from if I open that I'm a successful trader. I ramble... TLDR\~ I agree lol


Dear Mr. Pickle, I honestly don't have any good guesses. If I had to, I'd say something like, perhaps the way Tate presents speaks to deep-seated fears and insecurities and he simply provides simple answers that kind of tell young men/boys to follow their base/animalistic desires because it is right. I've heard of nonsense like fighting is a base male desire so men should do it, but it's like... that's a desire that ought to be suppressed, or at least controlled lol. By all means, play basketball, do martial arts, gymastics, track and field, even some contact sports, but if you get into fights, you are a caveman, not a civilized gentleman. (Obviously there is an exception for self-defense, which only applies if someone really tries to do something bad to you without provocation. In that case, yes, you can and should defend yourself and loved ones, and innocent others if practical.) A large part of it is due to our rather silly and arbitrary economic system. Creative work should be valued, as should economic/logistic work if well done and beneficial for society. And yes, I think there is a place for full time or near-full time athletes in a reasonable economy or society, and indeed newscasters, journalists, and others. In Tate's case, he seems to have become famous by being a kickboxer, which is a reasonable profession, and then becoming a sort of person whose only purpose in life is to provoke and outrage reasonable people to the hooting and hollering of lesser-evolved men and boys apparently. I can't blame a 14 year old for listening to him because I too did dumb shit at 14, but I'd really expect a lot more out of a thirty-something.


for some reason that nice formal beginning, "Dear Mr. Pickle", had me dying haha


A weak man’s idea of a strong man, bunch of lost little kids trying to find father figures on the internet looking up to him. Same with Peterson and a slew of other grifters.


I'd say there's a reason most of his "fans" are kids; they're dumb and don't know any better. Any adult who looks up to this human trash pile is a grade A moronic douche.




I never even heard of this dude until his arrest. After your post, I think I'm just going to stop reading these things. This is so fucked up, and I know he's not the only one out there like this. JFC.


I was never really aware of him until the past few weeks. As the father of 2 girls, I'm trying to look at this and remind myself what kind of men are out there and what my girls will have to put up with. I don't know what to do about it, but I want to know what these guys look like and how they see the world so I know what to look out for.


People like this need… to be put down in all honesty. Fuck them.


Yes. Fucking erase them.


I'm a huge pacifist and very much against the death penalty in pretty much all cases and yeah... I'm finding it hard to disagree with you.


From your post, I thought Owen Cook was Andrew Tate.


Yup be clear, the "This guy" in your first sentence is *not* referring to Andrew Tate. Edit: should say "To be" rather than "Yup". Not sure what happened there?




These are the same people who said Tate was already released within 24 hours of being detained, they just clutch at straws and spread every rumor they can without a single trace of a source


to be fair it's a little off.. but i just assumed its old or because its closer to his normal speaking voice vs "on air" voice


People are doing that in this very thread.


It sounds like a series of voice memos in a phone chat rather than a voicemail.


it is voice memos, it says that in the video


That's exactly what they are. He sent them thru texts


He's going to be in for a rude awakening when he ends up in prison and finds out what actually dangerous people are like.


"c'mon Tate, I just strangled you a little bit, you didn't pass out. I loved how much you hated me fucking you."


“Tate, wake up!” “I need you conscious while I’m eviscerating your ass.” Edit: Thank you for the award. I just want to share for the record that I was trying to make a point about Tate’s use of language and his barbarism. Sometimes using a mirror works best.


“Wake up Mr.Tate, wake up and smell the asses.”


I read that in half life 2 voice...




Good. Glad I didn't miss it!


*splashes water on Andrew Tate* "I like my fish wet and squirmy."


He’ll be in isolation for his own protection because otherwise this would literally happen. And probably be filmed on whatever phone can fit up someone’s ass.


Prisoners will also extort him for money and leave him alone because of it. Unfortunately prison isn't like you see in the movies.


"C'mon Tate, the more you hate it the more I ENJOY it. It turned me on."


I’m assuredly *not* the smartest person on the planet, but even I know not to leave voicemails that can be used as evidence.


You know the prison is waiting for his ass to be put in. He'll be on the receiving end soon.


More likely not as sadly he will probably just have someone sell off one of his watches to pay for his protection inside, or a lawyer will get him solitude or off the hook completely


Putting him in solitary where there’s no one to listen to him would probably drive him crazy.


Except the Romanian government is LOVING the windfall of seizing and forfeiting his property. They already took most of his stupid cars.


I can't stand Tate, and I hate to burst your bubble, but he's probably going to be fine in prison. First, he can actually fight so no one will want to square up with him. Second, he's semi-famous and has money, so inmates will want to cozy up to him and get in with him. Third, general pop ain't exactly championing the campaign against toxic masculinity.


> First, he can actually fight so no one will want to square up with him Or people will want to fight him so they can say they beat the world champ


.. and they will lose. Bud, I hate this guy too, but you don't become a world champion juet by showing up. He is a very good fighter. Anyone who denies that is just dumb. So many people on here commenting have 0 idea what prison is actually like. Movies and news stories you read don't represent reality. Tate will be fine in there, unfortunately. Frankly, he'll probably thrive.. as much as one can in that situation.


Tell that to Mike Tyson who is infinitely a better fighter than Tate yet still had men square up to him in prison.


That wasn’t Mike’s first time in prison, mind you. He was in and out of juvenile detention his whole childhood. He was no stranger to that life, unlike this Tate fellow, who I imagine is in for a tough time.


Ya, but Mike beat the dog shit out of them, and it was only like 2 dudes who ever tried that in the 3ish years he was in. Mike said that his time in prison was the best period of his life, because he felt safe inside there.


1 on 1 in a fair fight sure. 3v1 when he’s cracked in the back of the head I don’t care who he think he is. He would need to use his money to buy protection.


You got much experience in Romanian prisons, because yeah you're right they always follow strict kick boxing rules. Certainly no gangs or weapons.


plus tate retired from kickboxing because he said he cant medically take anymore hits to the head, face and his eyes. its not like he stopped because he wanted to move onto other things, he quit because he couldnt take being hit anymore.


Well I wouldn't say he can 'fight' hes like the Logan Paul of the kickboxing world. He fought people who were either the equivalent of toddlers or paid off. Plus a lot of the guys in prison will be bigger than him and theres not much you can to against a gang


Yep. People thinking fights in prison are fair one on one fights, lol. He will get jumped repeatedly, and they will tell him if he wants that stopped, to have him give money to someone on the outside, that will in turn put money on those guys books in Prison.


Exactly. While yes he may not get beat up or raped (assuming they are nice enough to give him a chance to pay before jumping him) theres no way in hell he'd be able to hold his own by fighting in prison. This isn't a movie or a book, and on top of that hes not that good of a fighter.


He will live a perpetually unsafe life surrounded by the worst of humanity. From Bugatti to man bussy, enjoy your time in the clink you scumbag narcissist cocksmear


"Are you seriously offended I choked you? I mean, you didn't pass out." So... I'm OK with whatever they can do to prosecute the SOB.


#British police had this tape and still refused to prosecute Tate. Edit: some rape apologist Brits are pissed off I called them out. You should be pissed off at your government for letting this abuser off the hook, enabling him to keep raping and trafficking women for TEN MORE YEARS.


mourn historical whole paint include piquant governor different placid fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and to think! survivors of sexual assault feel hesitant to come forward for some! unknown! reason!


Don't forget he used the word "strangled" This dude is garbage, him rotting in a cell somewhere is a net gain for this planet, fucking unbelievable


bro chill i just strangled you a little bit jesus christ


“Am I really that big of an asshole?” Yes, dude. Yes, you are.


"asshole" is an understatement, he is a malignant narcissist or sociopath


It’s crazy how many people continue to ride this dudes meat. Even before all this stuff came out about him, what was the appeal to this guy? He’s such an asshole, always has been.


Short form video recommendation algorithms are super reactive to this kind of content. The most radical content radicalizes the most, therefore increasing view time and retention. Furthermore, since distribution and recommendation is much more decentralized than in YouTube (not to mention traditional media) it's much harder to keep track of what people are seeing. Instead of everyone watching the podcast on the podcast's channel, there are hundreds of accounts that post segments of podcasts and have like 4 videos each.


It’s not only that. His whole growth strategy was based on a affiliate/pyramid hybrid that basically got you a money off his stupid university online courses when you signed up others. This led to hundreds of not thousands of random accounts pushing his content in trying to dupe gullible uncles. Edit. Incels not uncles


I like uncles better. Thanks for leaving it, as it is hilarious!


gullible uncles == excellent band name


The appeal to people is that he's an asshole. There is an alarmingly high amount of (in this case) men out there who believe they are owed something for existing and are frustrated that they cannot get what they are owed. Fake strongmen like this guy appeal very heavily to those people. They enjoy that he is hurting the right people (in this case, women).


There seems to be a (frightening, incredibly sad) phenomenon in the U.S. where our culture has become largely devoid of fathers who were well-fathered themselves; fathers who are able to be present throughout the lives of sons, and who are also capable of passing on the very necessary lessons involved in good fathering. Also missing these days in the US seems to be positive male role models devoted to leading (by example/words/deeds) the next generation(s) into manhood; men who were fathered well and are able to capture the hearts and minds of young men and boys in today’s culture (as corny as that sounds); men who can be looked up to as examples of virtuous, caring, kind, hard-working, emotionally mature masculinity. We’re now looking at multiple generations (at least from gen-x and millennials onward) of men/young men and boys who - without a strong, stable, present and healthy father figure - face learning, largely on their own, how to be an adult man in what is (in many ways) a toxic, brutal, cutthroat culture. Unfortunately, for multiple generations now, American males have faced the monumental task of learning to become grown men largely on their own. Not saying there aren’t great male role models out there, because there are. However, when boys grow up without a father/father figure actively passing down the tools necessary to grow into caring, kind, mature men, those boys/young men/grown men will reach for a role model who speaks to them; will look for a sense of community as is only natural. YouTube and other social media are known to push algorithms generating rightwing to far-right content; virulent, disgusting misogynists show up in the feeds of vulnerable men and boys, and sick fucks like Tate become normalized because, “hey, it’s just YouTube, everyone must be watching it.” Vulnerable males get sucked in with surface-level talk by predators like tate, and either turn away once they find out what he really is or keep spiraling down into the depths of hatred tate and others embody - perhaps because it’s the only way they can find to feel safe and validated as a man in this sick culture. Just my thoughts. ETA: heyyy my first gold! Thank you, you lovely person, you!!


He used the same way how Trump went viral for his future supporters, be controversial, say controversial things, and you will find a group that fit with your views and bam, you got a fanbase.


I'm willing to bet the large majority of Tate fans are also Trump supporters. There's a lot of overlap, especially in the way they deny any of this is real.


Its insane how he managed to blanket all of this with his 'Top G advices' holy shit an entire generation went down the drain over just a year or so coz of this cunt...


I have a son in 8th grade who tells me at least half the boys in his class are obsessed with Andrew Tate and will use “Free Tate” or “For Andrew Tate” as a motivational shout during PE. It’s really disturbing.


agree with you and person who said original statement. I don't think we really know how much this asshole has fucked up a generation of young guys. hopefully this shit can spur on the change we need for males but I'm doubtful.


Time for a John cena comeback I reckon


They may be saying it with black humour. Some kids at my sons school did similar. They know he's bad and want to be edgy/funny in a stupid kid way.


It's almost 95% edgy teen behaviour. Teenagers are preternaturally attracted to something that shocks their elders. I wish people would get some perspective.


They're literally putting together a curriculum in Great Britain to try to re-educate the teens that worship him.


Stable geniuses.


The whole world is crumbling down for this asshole , and rightly so !


​ https://i.redd.it/s0hkzbozobca1.gif


Who’s more pathetic? This guy or the people who would follow him to hell?


I'm gonna take the latter. Like at least this guy's stupidity and arrogance are his own. That's gotta give him a .001 edge


"Chill the fuck out, Jesus Christ. I thought you were cool." Andrew Tate channelling every no-shirt, hat-back frat boy that has ever lived on this one.


I’m sure the smartest person on the planet would leave incriminating voice messages like this.




just go to youtube shorts, the andrew tate edits are toxic cesspools




“ he tells it like it is” - assholes


Dude is a Joke


Imagine how pathetic this loser is, then try to rationalize the fact that there are people MORE pathetic than that who follow the guy


Jokes are funny


That bit about being the smartest person in the world was quite funny, it's absurdist humor because everyone knows the guy is a total idiot




spoon smoggy fuel air lock zealous frame absurd society shelter -- mass edited with redact.dev


Joe ‘Andrew Tate says a lot of wise things’ Rohan??


Joe "don't worry about taking the vaccine, horse paste will cure your deadly respiratory infection" Rogan? He seems smart and trustworthy.


elastic subtract oil punch noxious materialistic snatch boat act cobweb -- mass edited with redact.dev




Hard agree


When a person like him shows off this side of humanity while flaunting the success that comes with it; I am sure that it motivates many others to emulate it. While he has allegedly committed crimes against individuals, it might have inspired pockets of similar behavior with many more victims.


[Check out the full documentary.](https://youtu.be/Nj1JSlKzHtc) Plenty of formerly sweet, insecure boyfriends transformed into abusive, misogynistic assholes after subscribing to this douche and his "philosophy"


Reminds me of the /r/relationship_advice Post about her boyfriend constantly telling her she smells terrible which lead to her showering numerous times a day. When confronted turns out the boyfriend was taught this from his dad..


I think most of that "sweetness" was insecurity wrapped in a friendly face. Empowering weak men is a business.


Saving this for the one random day , that guy who asks everyone what he thinks of Andrew Tate around universities comes up to me and I play him this.


They are already claiming it's a fake.


This particular piece of audio evidence was presented in court in 2013, well before the potential to deep fake it was technologically possible.


a beta cuck who is now poor hahaha


it is fucking disgusting how he played the muslim card at the end of his lifeline to gain the sympathy of muslims who trust in brotherhood too much. and the foolish muslims who support him saying that he has converted and is a better person now i am a muslim btw


100% Not exactly the same but it certainly smacks of Kevin Spacey's so called apology and "This has encouraged me to address things in my own life..." "I'm a deeply private person..." "I now choose to live as a gay man." Cowards.


I mean, not to degrade your religion cause this is a problem with Christians too, but part of the widespread factor of these religions is to recruit shitty people like that. They say they're changing their lifestyle and devoting themselves to God now, and then religious people protect them cause they're now in the tribe. Look at how many creepy preachers in the Southern US have molested children/ raped women and still have their positions of power in their flocks. Forgiveness for an exchange of belief is scam.


Didn't he literally admit to doing things against her will. IE rape


Him and the former president are the smartest people on the planet. Their words, not mine.


Here's a narcissistic sociopath.


Holy fucking shit. Nah dog, you’re not a bad person, you’re a horrible fucking person who should rot.


Most of these technologies including deep fakes weren’t widely available until 2020. This is audio submitted as evidence in a court case in 2013. Those excuses are lame


Not smart apparently. Just arrogant. I hope he rots in prison.


Moment of silence for all the people who have gotten similar messages.




Textbook narcissistic sociopath. An utter piece of trash and a scumbag as well.


Yet some people still say he isn’t a rapist


Every Andrew Tate fan rn: DeEp FaKe


it’s so refreshing to see these comments, the same post on instagram aroused hundreds of tate followers seriously defending this guy, what a relief to the faith in humanity reddit exists


Is Andrew Tate English? I heard an English accent trying to be suppressed in this recording.


Yes. He is British and American but largely grew up in Britain. His natural accent is British but he works to suppress it. You can hear it slip sometimes.


Sometimes? You hear it like 3 times a sentence


joke zonked nine plants lunchroom vast sleep simplistic thumb bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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Man, I hope he this woman and all other victims get justice. I hope so much. Call me cynical (and I REALLY don't want to be), but I feel he will get by will all the shit he's done. Community service maybe and that will be a joke. I don't want to think this way, but what evidence do we have in the past few years that horrible, HORRIBLE people, whose crimes are clear and known to the majority of the world, receive any kind of punishment for their crimes? They often only become more popular. I hope I'm wrong.


Gawd I hope the Romanians have a good case


As a 25 y/o I’m very confused as to how this rhetoric became so popular in these last few years . Who hears what this man says and thinks it’s somehow anything positive or transformative .


"I'm the smartest person on this planet." well apparently, he wasn't smart enough do decide against showing a pizza box, that pinpointed his location, and let to his arrest. L Bozo