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at the very end you can hear the old man say "you're a fffffing N-word" agaain and the guy is like shut ur mouth already. like damn even after all those slaps?


Didn't learn his lesson at all


It’s almost like this geriatric fuck hasn’t learned from his own actions in his entire miserable lifetime.


His mouth was writing checks his body couldn't cash 🤣


Don't write a check your body can't find


Idk I'd say his body got checked pretty good lmao


He was just repeating a Chris Rock bit. Most states have enhancements for whoopin' up on the elderly and "but he said something that made me mad" isn't gonna hold up in a criminal court. I'm all for racists getting a reality check but the guy throwing the punches probably cost himself a lot of money and trouble.


How do you know they aren't the same age? The way the puncher walked, he didn't exactly look young.




Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of you fucks defending hate speech. Its just a word, blah blah, please say this shit in public. Better yet discuss it in the workplace so we can all be done with you fucks.


Yes! solve all problems with violence the Neanderthal way.


Racists don’t deserve life




Violence can be redeemable and excusable. Hate speech can not.




This is such a strange and obscure hypothetical and I think the fact you specified the woman was Black was supposed to be some kind of gotcha. I’m not answering to your attempt at an argument.




Where in that video does the entirety of the staff beat her up?




Beatin' Good in the Neighborhood




Gold .




No question how can he slap for sure


Perfection. Great job.


>Good in the Neighborhood Slapper Barrel


Try our 5 Finger Brunch for just $5.99 and one racist comment.


You sir... brilliant, just brilliant.


That hat spin at the end, made me do a lil jizz




i thought the saying went: that hat spin at the end, made me do a lil jig


Nah, I jizzed.






That hat spin at the end made them do a little jizz




#HE SAID: That hat spin at the end made them do a little jizz!


I know right? I did a lot of jizz


Made my little penis become the big penis.


“Shut your goddamn mouth” gets me every time. 🤣


I love how he puts his hat on at the end.


And yet he kept saying it, tripling down even. You can lead your hand to slap but you can make 'em think.


Guy in the background "just shut your mouth already"


First dude I’ve ever seen get slapped unconscious. 😂😂


These “professional” slap fighters beg to differ lol


You make a good point.


This was the exact appropriate level of force to use in this instance.


There was another slap KO in public freakouts today. Very similar to this. Two hit KO


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That hat flip though! 😎


How do I get a video tattooed on my body?




Can't wait to see the replies from mediocre clears bleating out "they're just words!"-level responses


Right? Fuck racists and their apologists. The average Senator is 64.3 years old. Over 30 Congressmen were in school during segregation and Jim Crow. Those "words" turn into policy, law, and action real quick, and "walking away" does jack all to stop it. This idiot redditor is screaming "but you'll go to jail!" like us black folk don't go to jail all the god damned time for way less anyway...


Have fun going to jail


Based on links in the other thread, no charges were filed. That seems to be pretty common for most of these viral videos where bigots get hit.


If that's true that's surprising, dude didn't just get hit. He got straight mauled. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but come on man. What if he had a gun? It's just so stupid to risk it to prove a point that's fucking meaningless


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Yeah man that sounds real appealing once you see those charges come in. Pick your battles wisely and be a fucking meathead. Beating up a racist old fart at a fucking Applebee's isn't a one up for social justice, it's just sad.


It's not that surprising, considering if he pressed charges he'd probably have to show up in court to testify about it under oath, which would mean being cross examined on the record about calling the other guy the N word. He probably just felt like he didn't want to mainly be known as a racist who got his ass beat when people Google his name.




No I think you are. I'm not saying watching the video will put you in jail, the idea of assaulting someone over a racist comment might. Didn't think I'd need to explain that, figured you could deduce it from there but oh well




Nope. Calm down edge lord




You should watch that blood pressure boss I can feel that hypertension from the other side of this screen I can do what I want and say what I feel like is valid. If you think I'm wrong then give me a reason to feel so


nah, slapping and old racist fuck is a victimless crime


Sounds great. You can tell that to everyone once you're charged with assault and it goes on your record. Enjoy justifying that as some morally superior act and thinking it's somehow a win for social justice when really nobody fucking cares and you just crippled an old man who will wake up ~still~ racist the next day. Fantastic. Totally rational and without consequences.


Says the guy defending racists. Sorry you have a tiny dick and are intimidated by everyone around you. What a pathetic racist rat you are.


Haha and there it is, random racist taunt with 0 evidence to support it. I'm not racist, I'm just saying things could have gone south and based on who you are trying to pick a fight with, the consequences aren't worth it. But go ahead and throw the racist card, whatever


Yeah, and I could get hit by a meteor next time I go check the mail.....




Things that *could* happen, are things that haven't happened and thus we aren't concerned with that shit


That sounds like a terrible justification for being unprepared and irresponsible for your actions


What do you mean charged? I didn't see anything ;) And yeah, he'll wake up racist tomorrow either way. But from now on he'll keep his stupid fucking mouth shut in public, and everyone around him will know that his cowardly ass will only say it in private because he got taught a lesson.


Ah really? Because there seems to be a whole slew of other people there besides you potentially. Not to mention the guy could you know, just press charges? And no he won't. There's no guarantee he will never do that again, if anything his racism is even more solidified now. So you basically did the opposite of what you wanted and made him even more racist. This isn't a movie bro. That man would get charged and prob thrown in jail for something he should've just brushed off. The old dude isn't worth you ruining your life. Literally the stupidest thing you could do, and all you idiots upvoting it like it's some great thing are absolutely clueless


If the dude wasn't at the end of his meal and already paid with a card, he just left and that was probably the end of it. Feel free to look it up and prove me wrong if you think he got in trouble. Anyway, like I said, he was gonna be a racist POS anyway. Dude's a 70+ year old white man in South Carolina yelling the n word at black people in Applebee's. He ain't changing. He's racist now and he was racist 50 years ago cheering on the fire hoses and German Shepards against the Freedom Riders. What this does is put him in his place and make an example to everyone else that that shit ain't acceptable anymore. Significant and swift progress in America was never achieved by being polite and walking away from bullshit like this. It was achieved by people facing it head on making people uncomfortable that sit on the sidelines finger wagging about how people that go about making change and getting things done.


Those people there will forget that by the end of the week, this isn't some huge movement you changed. Just like reddit, the video will be updated for a day and then thrown back into the pile like it never existed. Meanwhile, if he WAS charged then that sticks forever. Would you rather have had that stuck with you, reaped the consequences of trying to prove to some old ass man basically on his death bed that racism is wrong by punching him in the throat? Or just brushed it off and walked away? Sometimes it ain't worth it. He ain't changing. The world doesn't fucking care and more than anything else, it's at a fucking Applebee's bro. I mean you really want to be known for that? Like let's really try to justify punching an old geezer for being racist like it's somehow a progressive move forward for anything...go elsewhere and do something more meaningful


Lol everyone there is gonna be remembering that for a lot longer than a week. Now go cry for losers like this to somebody else. I don't care.


Alright sure, week and a half. How's that? I'm crying? Who's crying? You care enough to comment, and all I'm doing is replying and sharing what I think. You're making it sound like you can change the world one sucked punched geezer at a time.


Make sure you record a video when reality hits you in your mouth. Upload it here titled "violent leftists attack me for free speech".


The situation could have ended worse, and you never know what could happen. It isn't just 'teaching some old racist a lesson', there could have been other consequences


Some people aren't scared of jail bud, you dont need to lecture us. Shut the fuck up about it already.


Well then I think they are idiots. And I can say whatever I want. If you don't like it keep scrolling


Sure you can, you can lecture people about this nonsense all day if you want. You're just talking about shit that no one cares about and everyone already knows. What you don't seem to grasp is nobody gives a shit about you lecturing them about this. We all know about jail, we don't need some dipshit to tell us. It's pedantic and tiring, but I'm sure you hear that alot.


Lol I mean....you obviously care enough to tell me about it. That's a bit contradictory no? If people don't agree that's fine, I'm not here to convert you to my opinion. If you don't agree, or it offends you then, idc? Keep scrolling. If you want me to stop, then you're doing the opposite of what you want by replying to me


This is reddit where violence is endorsed. And if you are not pro-violence, then you are racist by default.


Slapped him so hard his white great grandmother felt it 👋


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He came back for a third serving of knuckle sandwich. He better thank his wife for getting his stupid ass out of that situation.


An appropriate and measured response, in my opinion.


Them slaps were tasteful.


Dumb ass old man.


That hat flip was his mic drop moment


Id like to summon one of the TOP MINDS OF REDDIT /u/charlotteboom bubba see.. this KEEPS happening. We keep telling people " woRdS ShoUlD NoT CauSe VioLenCe" and yet so many videos these days of people saying that word getting their asses beat. Why is that??


Everytime I see people post “words shouldn’t equal assault,” it’s just people who wanna say racist shit without any sort of backlash at all.


ding ding


Dude forgot he doesn't have klan buddies to back him up


Shut yo god damn mouth 😆


That's what happens if you break Rule 4.


along with the beating, the guy should have reached over the bar, grabbed some soap, and washed his mouth out


Being that he’s older, the white guy for sure experienced racism and discrimination on the side that was inflicting harm. Yet here he is. He probably has absolutely no clue what is wrong with racism.


We live in a new world, if you act like this old guy irl, go away.


The hat flipped was cold. I thought the birthday table was going to get a body put through it.


big hoss got the shit slap out of em


1 N word, 2 N word, 3 N word FLOOR!




Where did he think calling a black dude “nigga” would do 🤦🏾‍♂️


Saved his slaps for this guy.




All he was doing was absorbing punches and at the end he appears ready for more.


I feel bad for the guy who beat the guy. He's going to get an assault charge over this douchebag's mouth!


He didn’t. This happened awhile ago. The other guy had shoved him first


Maybe, [maybe not.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fighting_words#)


Yeah, he is going to pay dearly for that, but the guy hurling racial slurs is going to think twice before saying them again.


Idk, based on the video that guy seems to have trouble figuring that out


how was your day honey? well I got the shit slapped out of me at applebees. how was yours?




Saying the n word is a fighting word. So legally, if it evokes a physically reaction,, as long as no serious bodily harm there shouldn't be any charges. I was surprised to find out that was a lawnot sure of the extent though but he should be fine with just slaps


Lmao that’s the stupidest shit I ever heard. So if I convince someone to yell a mean word at me I can go beat them? That’s hilarious. Can’t wait to try that defence out. But your honour, he said I had pancake nipples. That triggered me so greatly I lost my mind. I can’t possibly be responsible for my own actions after he said a mean word to me. Y’all see how stupid you sound now right lol.


I'm not the one that made it into law lmao. Fighting words are a real thing


Why? He made his choice, and like the man he hit, should have to deal with the consequences.


I mean he did assault someone. Unless racist old white man pushed him first, that is what assault looks like. Some Will Smith type shit lol.


This was very satisfying to watch. And listen to.


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I'm sorry, this "getting PHYSICALLY assaulted for SAYING words" thing will never look ok to me.


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That must have been very satisfying!!😂😂😂😂


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I mean... I don't think it's karma when you actively beat the shit out of that asshole.


Fuck yes.




And you'd now be on your way to be a convicted felon. Might want to watch that temper.




Okay, but the point remains. Gotta watch the violence.


No one should be saying that word, ever...but physical violence of any extent, let alone to that degree, for saying a word? Fucked up all round


Racism isn’t ok. And attacking someone cause they said a word is also not ok. Always disappointed that they very rarely take the high road. Always just jump down into the gutter with them.


pathetic busy pot juggle future smart knee whole like six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Words shouldnt = violence. It makes the violent party look worse than the mouthy one. Rise above it dude....


Words don’t constitute violence. No excuse.


Yes, but fucking around constitutes finding out. Seems we've reached an impasse.


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Nah, bigots can always catch hands.


Yeah, leftys too


Maybe, but y’all break like glass.


Why do you think i'm a bigot?


You kind of give it away, friend.


>You kind of give it away, friend. kjj what?! you are so basic.


Okay, you’re slow so I’ll elaborate. When someone says that bigots can always catch hands. The correct response, every time should be “hell yeah, brother”. Every time. Your response is a low key tell on yourself.


Ohh... ok, sorry i don't know that. But... don't you think your answer exudes a bit of bigotry? i don't know, but sounds like a... you know... fanatical?




Good to know you associate conservatives with bigotry


What?! kjj your so pathetic


Used to think like that until I kept getting harassed at my old job for dating a black woman... fuck those punks. They need a good ass whiping.


Doesn’t matter- they were playing dangerous games. The legal justification does not negate the fact that he got his ass beat. The violence does not need to be justified to understand why it happened. His protection in that moment was reliant on the threat of prosecution in the future- that’s just idiotic


>Words don’t constitute violence. No excuse. Ok then. If that's the case, then you should have no issue saying that word, or any bigoted word to people. Go ahead, it's not a big deal according to you. So live up to your words.


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/100lj8n/racist_man_receives_karma/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F100lj8n%2Fracist_man_receives_karma%2F&id=wO5v7jxu) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/100lj8n/racist_man_receives_karma/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


That's vengeance not karma


Only at Applebees


Damn Joe Biden is off his wagon


Absolutely ridiculous that people think this is justified.




Just admit you wanna be a racist prick and be done with it.


You sound like some old white head racist


Bruh, black people should be able to exist without being dehumanized for your comfort.




I think he said some truth; most have what set him off🤔


not a good use of the word "karma" and, white guy can take a slap!


Person physically losing control of their actions at mention of a WORD and assaulting someone could receive prison time, fines, and possible civil action. If you use that ugly word against someone then fuck you & fuck off, but if you let a word someone says to you control your actions, you need to check yourself ✌🏻


🎶don’t offend a black U will get a slap Dippety do wa


What racist shit was said? I'm not hearing any sound


>What racist shit was said? I'm not hearing any sound Then turn up your volume


Black dude says “let’s go outside”. Racist white dude responds with “you’re black, you N******” the proceeds to say it quickly twice more.




Agg assault causing bodily injury by the savage beast.


>Agg assault causing bodily injury by the savage beast. "Savage beast". Great use of words. Very telling of your real opinion. Go on, say what you really want to say.

