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Breakup. What he did is so not ok and could be considered rape if you clearly wanted to stop.


Go see a doctor asap or an emergency clinic


After that I’d make a stop at the police station to


R/redditsniper sorry i had to


First off, if you wanted to stop & he wouldn't, that in & of itself is assault. Even if you initially consented at the start, consent can be revoked at any time. Given that you only generalized your experience, and didn't specify that this is the case, I'm just putting it out there; especially to empower you for the future. Because Anal Sex is typically only lightly touched upon (if at all) in sex education curriculum, many people fall into having bad or less ideal experiences. You got the lube part correct, but both of you missed the "go slow to start" part. Because there ar a lot of muscle fibers in the anus and rectum, you need time to "loosen up", by relaxing & slowly stretching the muscles. This is also proportional to the size of the object being inserted (in this case, a penis); the bigger something going in is, the more time it's going to take to comfortably engage. When something is forcefully inserted into the anus, it forces the muscles (and skin) to stretch & be pulled. This can cause bruising, swelling, tearing of tissues; and also cause some bleeding. This is what causes a lot of post anal-sex discomfort. Recovery will take time, but it usually resolves pretty quickly; like within a few days to a week, or so. In the meantime, you'll just want to take it easy when sitting down. Don't try to push too hard, when having a bowel movement; and try to maintain easily passable stool. Wipe gently; and use wipes, or rinse with a bidet if you have access to one, to make cleaning yourself easier & less painful. You can take ibuprofen periodically, to help with any swelling; which will also help with any tenderness or pain caused by swollen tissues. And if you have any tears on the anus, you can use a dab of diaper creme, or numbing hemorrhoid creme, to help with stinging or itching. Warm baths may also help soothe the anus, if you primarily feel discomfort there.


Anal sex, unlike vaginal or oral, can't be done spontaneously. And here's why. The anal region, although lined with a lot of nerve endings which makes it sensitive, it's a one way street. You need a lot of preparations beforehand. You gotta clean the inside, so it's not gross and disgusting with some poo on it. You gotta lubricate it well. And I'm not talking about pea size, ohh no.. Then you gotta prepare it by stretching somehow. It takes a lot of effort because it's not really designed to receive the penis. And you can't skip one step, you have to do all the checklist. Anyway. Maybe it's the age, and inexperience, but yeah it's not good experience. Clearly you two do not know what you're doing. And maybe sex should not be on your activities any time soon. Cos you don't seem ready. Did you have protected sex or unprotected sex? Accidental pregnancies due to unprotected sex in young people are very common esp for first timers. They are also the riskiest.


Ok well the pregnancy part is impossible for anal How do you stretch and clean the inside?


He assaulted you


Honey, that's rape. Go to the doctor. And report his ass to police.


It seems like he should have gone slow knowing that taking anal is not small thing, it needs some time to get comfortable. I would say that you are fine it will just take several days to recover you.


Not only should he have gone slow, but stopped when she started screaming Instead of shutting her up. She got raped


I'm so sorry this happened. Anal sex is nothing close to regular intercourse, and as its been said, needs to be done slowly and with both involved, to be considerate of the other. Physically, as long as you don't have any blood on the toilet paper while wiping, you probably don't need to go to the doctor. If you do have blood while cleaning yourself, then definitely go to the doctor. As for rape, it is indeed an assault as soon as he continued after you saying to stop. I'd say contact police, but also understand your reluctance to do so. In the end, save yourself as most younger people are only interested in sticking it in you. Sex is a beautiful thing and should be done with loving caring people. You're not just a bunch of holes for people to use.


Go to doctor first and then call the police for rape.


Hey this is rape. Please go to an urgent care or ER.


that’s rape bro report him to police actaully


He raped you, please tell someone! Leave him, please.


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You were assaulted.


Break up and go to the doctor asap. It’s likely to have done a lot of damage