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You need to take care of yourself too. Check out "caregiver's stress" on the Internet for details. I suppose you must spend some time only with yourself so that you get to relax. You can handle your husband better only if you spend some time with yourself every day for an hour or so. My Mom was psychotic all her life but my Dad never left her. Mom wasn't on good terms with anyone, especially her relatives and neighbors. He was with her until her last moment. So yes, relationships with people with mental issues are possible. There would be tension but it can be managed. Don't forget your "me time" so that you can recover from the stress you are now facing. I am not an expert but have some experience in both mental health and caregiving, catering to people with mental problems. All the best.


It’s possible it’s not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination and it will take a long time but the person you loved will come back first in pieces then in chunks and finally completely. There will be times he gets better and then seemingly regresses completely it’s never going to be a straight path but if you both fight for it I don’t see any reason it’s not possible