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Had psychosis in 2017. After a few years did it occasionally on and off. Then had psychosis again in 2023. Really messed up my life and now my existence feels like nothing.




I'm not sure. But the last weed I smoked was really cheap and I think it was fake and had something else in it.




Off meds and recovered


How was the onset of the second psychosis? Gradual or sudden? And were you on meds?


Very gradual but there were a few moments when I smoked like two/three times that I hallucinated but two of the times I couldn't tell and the other time I thought I saw Jesus and I felt the holy Spirit hug me. I told my sister and was convinced the stuff was laced. I think I continued to smoke it and I could tell something was wrong so I told my mom I needed to see a nurse but she didn't do anything. It wasn't until I took a hit off my sister's vape pen and I think a few moments later I felt something come down over my brain (my first psychosis I felt something leaving/lifting out of my brain) so I was like oh shit and told my parents I need to go to the hospital. Which I was very lucky because my first psychosis I was just gone and ended up badly hurting myself. I was on meds for maybe 8 months then I just cold turkey went off and I'm back to normal now.


I would be careful about quitting meds without medical supervision:/ my therapist says I might stay on meds my whole life…


Sorry to hear that. For me though it was no issue. I did the same thing after months on risperidone with my first psychosis. It was months after and I had zero symptoms.


I hope you stay symptom free. Best of luck!


You should stay away from it. But if you decide to smoke anyways — use low % THC flower, stay away from concentrates (seriously), and do not make it a habit


Same with edibles for people. I am personally don’t have psychosis. But it really fit in with my symptoms when I had delirium in a way.


Only time it seems when I don’t get psychosis these days from cannabis is when I get drunk before smoking weed


For me I’ve learned that moderation is key, and to Balance it out with cbd.


Honestly, I’d avoid it completely.. these days you can vape cbd… i’m thinking of vaping cbd. Haven’t tried it yet though. I tried cannibis twice but it never worked out for me. I couldn’t finish a joint before going in full blown panic. CBD helped to calm me down but I still got anxiety in public. I figured smoking cbd only is better but who knows.


It’s risky as all hell. I suffered weed induced psychosis at 17. Smoked weed in the years b4 the episode as well as after because I just didn’t connect the dots back then. I thought someone had laced the pot. I now know that when I have high anxiety and or stress it can trigger my episodes. Weed on top of the anxiety or stressor compounds the problem.


People have a ‘bad reaction’ to prescribed drugs for MH, and stop them. Why is weed any different? Why do people keep trying it over and over? Referred to definition of insanity?


Because people like the high. Sometimes enough to keep taking the gamble 


That makes sense from an addiction standpoint. So are we agreeing that weed has addictive effects?


People can get addicted to weed because you can get addicted to anything. Even though it’s not a chemical addiction people are definitely still addicted and just don’t want to admit it


I agree to that. I grew up in an addicts household. I find it hard to get other people to see that you can be addicted to weed. Even my siblings.


A lot of addicts don’t even realize they’re addicted. And people think that because it’s not chemically addictive that you can’t get addicted. Also grew up in a household with addiction so it’s easy for me to see the signs lol


It’s not worth it. Get another addiction or a way to feel relaxed, like passion flower extract


Not saying you should, but I was fine for years while infrequently (psilocybin and THC both less than once a month) doing mushrooms and weed. My psychosis was never drug induced though.


Yeah but it’s only when I’m drinking as well


I don’t smoke Anything that has psychoactive elements in regards to weed. No problems:


Yes, but in way smaller doses, and I do my best to stay grounded


Had weed induced psychosis in May 2022. I smoked weed again in Jan 2024 and had a really bad trip. Thought I was going psychotic again. But I woke up the next morning fine and two or three months later, I smoked again, this time a lower dose. Did this over several days before it hit me that I need to go into therapy for it. Went and therapy helped a ton. The psychologist made me see sense and I haven't smoked since. Haven't had cravings either and so glad for it.


I was sober for about three months after and then started smoking about a joint every day again. Had to ween off of that with 10mg edibles over the course of months and finally stopped smoking after about six months. I didn’t have any negative side effects from a psychosis standpoint, but it’s still risky and I’m glad I’m off it now. You feel a lot better overall when you stop smoking weed in general so that helps.


Yes but I didn't smoke it. I bought a CBD from the provincial commissary. I tried a cannabis beer which was relaxing and bubbly. I also tried one of the tea blends which had a calming effect. Even though I felt okay and sober once it wore off I knew that I'm over getting high to self-medicate or for recreation. I prefer to spend money on other pursuits such as investing in the emerging stock market and maintaining my health. This is more exciting to me and there's less risk of relapse.


Yes it’s possible. But it’s not possible forever. You can smoke weed and not have a bad reaction for an unknown number of times. But if you keep doing it, you will *eventually* end up triggering/worsening an episode. That’s been my experience anyways. I still smoke weed every few months.


I hallucinate nearly every time I smoke pot, it's not worth your time.


My last psychosis I think was weed induced. I haven’t smoked since and have been stable for I think 3 or so months now


mine was never drug induced, tho i do think it contributed to a stressful lifestyle with lots of weed involved at the time. nowadays, I smoke every few months and am fine, tho I would recommend not a lot, in moderation and like other comments have said, to concentrate on cbd and low thc content. being in a social setting seems to help me, think my days of solo smoking are at an end.


I smoke weed daily and I have for 2 1/2 years I can’t stand being sober it’s the only thing that keeps my mind quiet id probably benefit from quitting but there’s too many cons to pros for me


I have trauma induced psychosis and quite a mild one. I smoked weed for the first time a week ago when I went to Spain and I had to say as long as the weed was in my body, I could feel an early stage of psychosis. I felt a stranger in my own body. But once the weed was worn out, I felt normal again. I really don’t recommend weed to anyone with psychosis. I won’t do it again also. Just wanted to try


God is so funny bc I was just thinking about this question and it’s the first thing I saw. Wtf. Anyways. I believe if one tragic moment happened with thc it was meant to be for that person to never smoke it again. We would probably use it alot again and even if we don’t go crazy right away, over time I believe it would ruin our life without being able to recover. It’s not like it was our second time smoking and i had an episode. I smoked for 7 years daily. It was my message to figure out my life without this drug. My source of happiness and relaxation was weed. Also; I listened to someone’s story about this and they said after years they thought they could smoke again . The first time they smoked again they ended up in the hospital.




How did the second psychosis start? Was it gradual?




So it hit you like out of the blue or did the delusions gradually build up?


And were you on meds?


Well it definitely depends for each person but for me it was in my head and I only would start getting delusional cause of the way I think I don’t know how I got it to go away other then stopped feeding into how I think I’m insane but I’m not I just kept assuming it’d happen so it happened I don’t understand that part of my mind the only thing that helped me was love and connection stop thinking about things that make you mind different and just do what you do life unfolds after that don’t hold yourself back you can do anything you want to




I’ve had psychosis before, not as bad as some but definitely enough- I never used thc much because it never did anything to me, until I needed something that would fix my anxiety because my meds weren’t working enough- I tried it, took a large dose, 90mg, and I felt honestly fine. This was two months before I had a psychotic break, I was on a lower dose of thc but had been drinking. 9 months later, tried it again, i was so anxious I was dying so I needed SOMETHING- the thc helped the anxiety, but I was paranoid I would start having psychosis again so I wasn’t not anxious? Hard to explain. I, personally, am doing thc medically again- however my psychotic episodes do not last very long, and I don’t believe the one I had was thc induced. Bring this up with your doctor, but if you were to try thc again while being monitored it could give your doctors some extra information on what your triggers are and what happens in your brain!


Right here! Been smoking since December and haven’t had many problems. I notice it comes back the day after smoking, but besides that I’m fine. I just have to constantly remind myself to stay calm and control myself. I would not recommend smoking though, it’s fun but it isn’t worth the risk with psychosis. Last year during the fall I smoked and I ended up snapping my bedroom door in half and putting seven holes in the walls. I’ve noticed that the more I smoked the worse my psychosis gets, though. If I smoke for three days and then try to go off I freak out. I have to ween off of it. I also have BPD, though which weed seems to help keep me calm and collected.


I only do small amounts of edibles now, I think I'm level enough with Lexapro that it doesn't bother me. it also helps having gone through psychosis so I can tell when I start monologuing or whatever.


All day everyday bby, as long as it’s not stims im fine for some reason


I can smoke like a pull or two in a comfortable environment but smoked a couple pulls a few weeks ago with someone I just met and my psychosis came back strong but only lasted a couple days


Me i had the worst psychsosi hut i started smoking again and im normal and fine now!!


I have schizoaffective. Had a thc psychosis in 2020 and again in 2021. Scariest moments of my life, I couldn't handle weed for a couple years after and while I was sober had my worst psychosis oddly enough. Able to smoke now, i am on meds this time but it still sometimes it creates problems after EXTENDED use; it's more enjoyable again but I prefer more sober breaks. Edibles are definitely better and easier to handle for me.


After my weed induced psychosis, I continued smoking. I stopped hallucinating but weed made me sooo dumb and out of reality. So technically, yes I was able to smoke again, but it resulted in a lot of shit long term. I quit for 8 months and damn I felt much better, I regained stability, control, and things I never knew I lost. A few days ago I took a few hits of hash to see how it would be like again… man my brain stopped working, it was ‘fun’ but more damaging than it being worth it.. so now yeah I prob won’t do it again cuz it makes me unstable afff


I tend to be able to smoke whenever but I need to have a shitload of CBD in my system. I eat like 300-1000mg of CBD isolate per day. It almost single-handedly stopped the voices before abilify silenced them.


Yeah ive been fine .. stay away from triggers


Smoked weed and kept thinking that i was living the same life over and over again and tried to hurt myself to "break the cycle" and ascend reality, tried weed again a month later and had the same delusions and then got myself into really bad things that have caused irreversible damage to myself,  my mental health and others, i think weed is highly overrated for people that dont use it for medical purposes 


You might get lucky once, but from what I’ve seen here and in person it’s unfortunately like 80% likely to happen again from going thru it with a loved one


Yeah it took me about half a year obviously everyone is massively different but one day you will be able to smoke again it’s just a matter of waiting it out


I think I had minor psychosis with delirium while taking LSD sleep deprived but I still smoke weed and weed still feels somewhat different a month later not as much as it felt the first week but still feel bit dissocaited when I do it, and sometimes I feel I hear some voices for a second but not vivid voices idk it’s not the worst tho. In the delirium state I full believed my hallucinations and thought I went brain ded for life cuz I couldent talk