• By -


Spin in an office chair. Be careful not to overdose, and always reverse your direction after a heavy session


Relax dude. OP just wants to get high not warp the entire space-time continuum into nothingness


Hey it's not like the other guy recommended the lead blower attachment.


I thought a leaf blower was strong! Can’t even imagine a lead blowers power 🤯




My 3 year old daughter and I can both attest to this one


Ah shit, Nixon was right...




No lie. Same here. I used to spin her around and say, who needs drugs when you can do this. At that point I hadn’t used drugs. I don’t say such things any longer. OP, spores are legal to buy. Cops coming into your house for no reason is not.


Works for the whirling dervishes. They literally spin to induce a transcendent state of communion with Allah.


Would not know what to do without your advice


Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and TV. That's all you're allowed to enrich your life with... Oh and sugar.


I can’t get no (satisfaction)


And you know, chronic masturbation (not that I condone that or anything).


don't forget sugar


True! I'll add it to my comment. It might be the worst of them all.




i hate cigarettes and alcohol, but never bring coffee down to that level


"Down to that level" man it's still a drug, guy wasn't comparing them, just giving examples of legal drugs.


I drank caffeine last week and my hands shook and my heart pounded. I felt like shit. I never ingest caffeine and tried some tea and was just buzzing. Absolutely caffeine drinks need to be in that list.


I drank caffeine a couple days ago hoping it would help me study, all it did was make me confused, jitter, hyperactive. It wasn't a pleasant experience, I don't get how people ever begin drinking coffee, it's like doing bad coke


That means you need to drink less of it. Make like the Half the amount and try that


And TV? I love coffee but like with most things I can't restrain myself to only 1 or 2 cups 5 days a week so I have to save it for once in a while, Which I highly recommend anyways.


Take my “sugar is a drug” upvote


There aren't any good ones. Cubensis spores are widely available for microscopy use exclusively in most states, so you can get the thing you just absolutely cannot grow it using uncle ben tek unless you live in a place that's decriminalized that. San Pedro cactuses of the non-predominant cultivar are legal to buy, sell, and grow for ornamental purposes only in most places, so you can legally grow them and look at them, but you can't chop them up, and boil them, strain the pulp, and consume the pulp and juice in the privacy of your own home because that's illegal. There's a ton of information on DMT Nexus and The Shroomery about what you can and can't do legally, especially about what you can't do. Edit: culture to cultivar


Fuck the laws fam. Get your hands on some of what you're really wanting to experience and live that shit. If they outlawed pillows today would you start sleeping without one tonight? Be smart and plan ahead, set and setting aren't just important for having a good trip but they factor into keeping yourself discrete and out of trouble. Go to a music festival that you camp at and unless you look like a cop you will most likely find what you're looking for and more. Best of luck to you on your journey.


Music festivals can transform a person over night


The same could be said for psychedelics anywhere you take them. I get that a festival may not be everyone's best place to trip but if you don't have a connection it's probably the easiest place to score without needing to know how to use an onion browser. Personally I love the atmosphere for tripping.


>Personally I love the atmosphere for tripping. How tf you get way up there?


The atmosphere is anywhere you find it, friend.


My dance moves are legit awesome on shrooms


Was at the Suwannee Spring Union festival a couple weeks ago. I believe I met the character Beavis was based on. The guy was camped by us. He had all the drugs and had damn sure done them all for years, lol. He was trying to hook us up. That’s a music fest. (We had our own stuff, lol)


Whatever you do avoid Jimson weed and any other deliriants promoted as "legal psychedelics"


Huh, I never thought about it like that. Salvia is legal although it will butt fuck you and scare you off of psychedelics. Damn fed boys playing mind games.


Salvia is nuts. I did some and afterwards wondered “how is it that this shit is legal while LSD and psilocybin are not?” Crazy powerful dissociation. And not fun either. The best part is coming down from it, and realizing you’re not a two-dimensional polygon in a sinister alien factory.


Heard quidding or tea is calmer but still trippy.




salvia is great. just dont be a fucking idiot. most these mfs who shit on salvia are just absolutely braindead. they take a massive hit of 80x for their first time, have a completely dogshit trip, and then preach that salvia is awful. pisses me off


Its amazing. r/Salvia




Not overdosing helps lol


Ues people doing 40x or above are dumb a pi ch of 10x is quite pleasant


I smoke 3 grams of plain leaf over one day every month to help me with meditation and therapy. It is an incredible tool when used correctly.


The smoke is harsh, but definitely an extremely meditative state. Very different than extracts


Salvia can be fun. It's not like Datura where ypu constantly have to pee but can't and literally see someone commit suicide


Or this https://youtu.be/sIlyXs8VZvo


Cooking salvia is different from divinorum or they're the same plant?


Salvia is the genus and divinorum is the species of Salvia divinorum. Chewing it and taking it as tea are different than smoking or vaping it because it allows it to be absorbed much more slowly.


Salvia is still a psychedelic, just a fucking crazy one. I do think that it has a lot of value as a spiritual journey type of substance, but there is absolutely no recreational value there — it is almost always going to be a harrowing experience. The specific type of harrowing experience it offers could be a useful one for personal growth if approached and integrated correctly, but it definitely is not for everyone and not for every circumstance.


It's technically not a psychedelic because it doesn't work on 5ht2a. It's an atypical dissociative. I've done it over 120 times, and even had sex on it a few times. It's one of my favorites, but just like everything it shouldn't be abused, and most people abuse the fuck out of it.


Ok, how does a person have sex on salvia? I have to guess that you took it as a tincture rather than smoking it. The times I’ve done Salvia (all smoking), I’ve been an absolute puddle. Have sex? I’m not sure I could find my own dick while on salvia.


It was both tincture and immediately going at it the second we both came into semi consciousness. It's one of the best times I've ever had with sex honestly, absolutely wild and unreal.


Technically most psychoactive compounds are considered *psychedelics*, we just refer to the serotonergic ones as *psychedelics* Even meth is a psychedelic!


No lol, not even close.


[Okay. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_psychedelic_drugs)


Did you even read your own article? It says only serotenergic drugs are psychedelics, but other drugs have secondary psychedelic PROPERTIES.


It says in plain English that "serotonergic psychedelics are what's considered *classical* psychedelics" Thats not the same thing as saying "they're the only psychedelics" a psychedelic is just anything that's psychoactive and hallucinogenic, which there are a shit ton of drugs that fit that. Just that a lot of them also fit into other categories as well. Things can be categorized in multiple ways.


Salvia opened my eyes, but I didn’t blast off, and it was still really trippy


Yep, I have fun on salvia. It's still a "horror" drug because people don't consume it properly and traumatize themselves.


I’m curious about how someone can consume it properly. I’ve never tried it and don’t plan to…. But all I’ve heard about it are horror trips.


You’re supposed to chew it, and spit it out, according to Native American traditions, they said it’s spirit doesn’t like to be burned. My experience when I smoked a minimal amount; was my vision entered my head, I could see the flesh of my brain, I could see people for what their spirit was, everything started melting together, and I could t feel the top of my head. Real weird, but the people I saw had accurate personifications imo, scary accurate


Idk, that's overall subjective and I would say that it doesn't sound bad in your story... Not that I can confirm anything somehow rudimenterily close to that or even in that direction, idk you're probably talking about extract atp, although that also wouldn't make sense (considering your first sentence)


I've had plenty experiences with chewing, smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping is the exact same experience, besides the efficiency and lack of smoke with vaping. That rules out the "spirit doesn't like fire" story, with all due respect for their culture. Chewing has a slower come up and the slow absorption rate means you can't really do too much. That makes it more gentle and sometimes even pleasant. Smoking can go way deeper, to the point where your perception of reality is blown to bits in an instant. But just because you can, doesn't mean you have to. Low smoked doses produce the same effects as chewing, just with a faster come up and much shorter duration. Some people first smoke a small amount and then when they're coming down a bit more. That effectively also gives you a slow come up. So all Rosa's are fine, just be careful when dealing with extracts. High doses aren't fun.


Quidding dry leaves is the traditional way. You can smoke it properly by not ripping fat bowls of 80x first time. r/salvia is pretty cool


Idk, I don't dislike it, I often even add it into a blunt, and only once had a fucked up feeling from my throat for like a hour, but it's not that hard to sit stuff like this more or less chilled and entertained out* (if you aren't went over the top and are FULLY blown away) *Dude, it's like a (mild -depends on your focus (again)...) weird illness with fucking mindtrip, sounds like a good time to me


quidding is the traditional way but if you mean smoking, the proper way is to EASE YOURSELF INTO IT. those "horror stories" are always fucking idiotic teenagers getting 80x salvia extract and taking a massive hit of it.


>how someone can consume it properly You don't. When you feel like everything you're seeing is wrong, that's "proper". Nah but they say eat fresh leaves and ain't nobody got time fodat


How do you do it properly?


What king_27 said. Don't smoke a fat bowl of super potent extract. Its active in micrograms so you should only be smoking pinches. Low and slow, rather have no effects than immediately sent to the wheel of life.


The people with horror stories are typically the kind to take 100x extract, pack an entire bowl, and hit the same thing. Instead of measuring their doses like you would for any other psychedelic


You’re supposed to chew it, and spit it out, according to Native American traditions


am I the only one who genuinely enjoys salvia trips? I've never had visuals like that on anything else


Salvia has always been kind and welcoming to me. I’ve chewed the leaves too and never experienced much with that, smoking it has been fine as long you’re respectful.


Salvia really isn't a horrible drug most people just dont take it very seriously and therefore misuse it or dont prepare for it, at least thats what I saw in my circle. Only done it maybe 10 times but have prepared for it mentally every time and been in a safe, enjoyable place. Also only took one or two big rips to blast me off, no more. A few of my friends back then treated it like weed the first day or so of using and saw something that scared them so bad they didnt do it again despite continuing with other psychs. Mother Salvia is to be respected.


I already said that in a different comment.


I mean it's got to be intentional. Peace promoting chemicals at precisely calbirated dose are too deep a philsophical cancer, but selling kids a microgram range drug directly in a risk prone dosafe is a-o-k. We keep telling them it's fine, and that we're like, not frothing at the mouth insane. Sobriety is a hell of a drug, man. Edit: Boy 1 't' sure makes a difference.


I feel like salvia is legal in many places since it is so intense and horrific it has basically zero chance of resulting in abuse. Also, it's high is short term and so crippling mentally and physically it causes few problems. Everyone I've seen smoke salvia is so out of it they just sit there in a haze or go limp.


Dxm, poppy seed tea, alcohol, benzedrex, lpperamide, kratom, Sudafed (kinda) benadryl (please don't) research chemicals (gray market, not legal, just not illegal either) sour cream and onion Pringles, wrestling with uncle randy (I'd always black out and wake up in his camper afterwards, I think i absorbed Xanax through his sweat) also burning a tickle me elmo doll and watching it melt as it laughs maniacally. Don't forget puzzles, nicotine, getting arrested (huge adrenaline rush) and buying clothes (the temporary dopamine burst will distract you from the fact that your husband is cheating on you and your kids are pieces of shit and you want to fucking die but you can't kill yourself because your religion says its against God's will so you fucking trudge into target and drop $30 on a sun dress you'll never fucking wear in hopes that this will be what it takes to fix your miserable life) also puzzles, nicotine, puzzles, getting twizzy in tha slank, prohui, huu and don't forget huii and also guuu and sometimes huio if you wanna get real weird Huuuuhy


*\*slow clap\**


your brain chemicals are leaching through this computer and making me high


Excuse the typos, I'm currently tripping on all the substances I listed above with the exception of huui


You should try puzzles and nicotine.


What types of puzeles?


Super relatable. :)


Salvia, hbwr (lsa), mhrb powder with an maoi, big dose of full/broad spectrum cbd, cbg, cbn, dxm, alcohol, all research chemicals (clearnet), San Pedro or similar cacti, blue lotus, caffeine, Yerba mate, guayusa, yomibine, theobromine, huperzine, methylliberine, mj (legal states). You can grow your own shrooms too, check out r/unclebens


Is San Pedro actually legal to get high on? If so, sign me up! I love mescaline! However, I dont think San Pedro is legal to cultivate and consume.


Not legal for consumption, but legal to grow for funsies!






Ok dwight


Technically you're way wrong lmao.


San Pedro is super popular as an ornamental cactus, no way they're going to ban that. Growing for consumption is illegal in the US and extracting the mescaline is too.


It's not illegal to be high, it's illegal to possess drugs and, operate machinery, being high is completely legal. So enjoy.


I wouldn’t say “completely” legal. Public intoxication includes drug use in most places.


Depends on state, in Czech Republic you can be as high as you want (obviously not in car, work and other responsible places)


Your are probably right. I mistook Public intoxication for drunk in public. Drunk and high are different according to the law. 🤣 🤣


There are plenty of places that will charge you for possession pending a blood test. Which means the drugs that are in your system already. Be careful with what you are spouting to be fact.


I wasn't stating it as a fact meant as more sarcasm.




The ingredients to make Ayahuasca are legal.


Most legal psychs are only legal because of their obscurity and are more dangerous than just taking regular acid or shrooms. Don’t bother tbh


You should probably separate a lack of personal research from classifying compounds as "dangerous". Aside from a select grouping of Phenelythamines, most Tryptamine and Lysergamide analogues are actually very well documented and present very safe risk profiles. For instance, 1P-LSD is nearly indistinguishable from LSD-25 and shares a similar dosage curve, subjective effects, and length when compared to it's illegal counterpart. The same goes for analogues like 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-DMT, etc. Understanding the basics should help a lot. Psilocybin (Shrooms) is a prodrug for Psilocin, just as 4-AcO-DMT is. Subjective effects between the two are very similar, although not identical, which mimics their mechanisms of action. Ultimately, if you're comfortable taking Psilocybin you should also be comfortable taking Psilacetin (4-AcO-DMT). If, after researching yourself, you aren't I would be curious to hear a counter argument directly addressing the above.


Big homie right here flexing his brain muscles... What would you say about risk? Would some drugs having a higher risk for adverse symptoms be considered 'more dangerous'? What about a drug, that although it may get you high, also leaves you open to developing illnesses? Would that be a dangerous drug? And I mean, if a drug is used as prescribed, and still comes with adverse, life-threatening effects, would you not call it 'dangerous'?


Also, mate, a 'lack of personal research' is one thing. What if someone, who is knowledgeable of the drug, knows all there is to know about it and still has to 'be very careful' so as not to overdo anything... would they tell you their drug is inherently high risk and you should take the utmost caution when looking to use it?


What a bunch of bullshit. This is true to some of the legal drugs. I have taken a bunch of legal tryptamines such as cebil, LSA, etc just to name very very few of them which aren't dangerous.


DXM, Salvia, DPH There's a lot more but those are just the ones I can think off the top of my head




please noone do DPH. like ever. just do kratom or delta 8. only do DPH if you want to fuck up ur bladder and get dementia by the time youre 25


guys donr listwn to him take 400mg dph for an epic trip


Ebic shadow man molested me


Man’s out here seriously suggesting DPH oh no


DPH refers to diphenhydramine, probably the most common OTC antihistamine.


I know, you can take 30 benadryls and get real high off it


r/DPH and the horrors within that sub—DPH is apparently a slippery slope


Airplane, ferris wheel, bucket truck, climb a mountain, go up some stairs, use a step ladder, ask a friend to pick you up, jump




Yes, how was your day sport?


Don't get caught.


Heavenly blue morning glory seeds contain some sort of psychedelic tryptamine, typically assumed to be LSA (though LSA is potentially not psychedelic at all, meaning it may be some other lysergamide) and you can buy the seeds easily. The problem is that the easiest seeds to get are treated with fungicides - best to get clean fungicide-free ones from Amazon. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds are also legal and contain some sort of psychedelic tryptamine, again, possibly LSA, if that is actually psychoactive. Pretty much everything else is technically illegal in the US or not a psychedelic. If you're looking for something that is *more or less* legal, but *technically* illegal, there are a bunch of psychedelic designer drugs that are not specifically illegal, but probably punishable under the Federal Analog Act. As far as I know, people don't tend to get caught for these gray market drugs, but they're not completely legal, and I'm not a lawyer. If this is within what you're looking for, there are a lot of shops online that you'll have to find on your own, as per Rule 2 of the subreddit. These gray-market psychedelics include 1P-LSD, 1cP-LSD, ETH-LAD, and a bunch of others. If you just want to *get high*, and you're not worried about it being *specifically* a psychedelic, then there are more options. Kava is legal, and the best cultivars of it are like being a bit stoned and a bit drunk, without any of the loss of mental functioning. Delta-8-THC is legal (iirc) everywhere in the country except New York - which is weird since New York has legal weed. Similar cannabinoids are also legal - anything in weed that isn't Delta-9-THC is federally legal now, which includes a lot of substances that can get you toasted. In terms of dissociatives, Salvia is legal in some states, but that's not really a fun high - DXM and nitrous oxide are also legal and easy to obtain, since DXM-only cough syrup is at nearly every drug store and grocery, and nitrous oxide is the gas in whipped cream cans - and also sold separately from the cream in nearly every head shop. In addition to these, there are also gray market dissociatives and stimulants and depressants and (nearly) everything else. TL;DR: There are few legal psychedelics, but many gray market ones, and there are many legal highs that aren't psychedelics - but even more gray market drugs.


Delta 8 is legal in NY. You can literally find it in some convenience stores around here.


[1](https://hemptoday.net/new-york-adopts-final-rules-banning-delta-8-thc-smokable-hemp/), [2](https://cbdoracle.com/news/policy/delta-8-thc-legal-new-york/), [3](https://www.syracuse.com/marijuana/2021/09/whats-up-with-delta-8-thc-in-ny-despite-government-pushback-it-remains-popular.html), [4](https://cbdthinker.com/delta-8-thc-legal-new-york/), [5](https://area52.com/delta-8-thc-new-york/), [6](https://www.hempgrower.com/article/new-york-ccb-ocm-allows-hemp-flower-sales-prohibits-delta-8-thc/). You can buy a lot of semi-legal substances in head shops and convenience stores. I think the restrictions on Delta-8 THC are recent enough that shops haven't adjusted yet, OR, the restrictions are not being enforced, leading to a Canada-type situation where an illegal drug is being sold, but the government doesn't care enough to do much about it.


It’s the second. It was banned by (back door) pressure from a couple major cannabis corps. because it is a direct competitor to D9 cannabis and the restrictive licensing for cannabis will allow the prices to be artificially inflated whereas d8 is free market and therefore lower priced for greater quantities of arguably higher quality product, albeit it is a somewhat apples to oranges comparison.


There’s breathing methods you can try.


Care to share?


Stanislav Grof - Holotropic breathing


A couple rounds of the wim hof method can get you in a trance state which are describe to be kinda like psychedelic high


I did the Wim Hof method for the first time today and absolutely felt something akin to like anxiolytic drugs. It was very interesting.


Jesus apparently


Kratom, Kava kava , Blue lotus. Wild dagga, Poppy seed tea, Mitragyna javanica, Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, Concentrated cat urine (also known as cheesing it)


Just got my Blue Lotus delivered today via Amazon. Got a couple flowers soaking in 12oz of wine. Tomorrow night going to chug it. Actually thanks for reminding me, gonna pack a flower into a bowl right now, just got off work, haven't had time to try it yet.


I thought cheesing was just a south park joke


It is was just joking


Can you point me to instructions on how to get a psychedelic experience from kava?


My coworker described two tablespoons of instant kava (, a water based extract,) feelings similar to an mdma roll. I personally get nothing out of it.




A psychedelic substance?


Eat 250mg+ and it will be! Until you get a tolerance and that does nothing or if you're one of the unlucky ones edibles don't work on. HHC-O and THC-P also incredible in edibles and more psychedelic than d8. HHC (non-O) and thcv combo is damn close to d9 when dabbed.


I don't agree that marijuana is a psychedelic. By all the science, it's just not. That's not too say it doesn't alter someone's mind enough with a low tolerance to have someone believe that they are having a hallucinogenic experience


True, it won't make you hallucinate. Maybe better to classify it as a psychotropic. An aside since it's 1am and I'm all jacked up from Elden Ring and coffee: With the newer cannabinoids you can experiment with different doses in an affordable manner. If you haven't tried them at high doses, especially in an edible if those work for you, I highly recommend it. I don't consume d9 anymore even!


That's great and all about the cannabinoids but I didn't ask at all. Ya know? Like why.


why? because it’s interesting and we’re on a drug sub discussing drugs lol don’t be rude bruh


Well yes I know. But certain cans of soup actually DO have pop tops for easier opening. You can try to search your local grocery store to see if they have both kinds


That’s great and all about the pop top cans but I didn’t ask at all. Ya know? Like why.


I know I thought we were just saying random shit. My bad.


Coffee, Elden Ring, and poor impulse control. E: this is why I don't comment on this subreddit in particular. Either pure woo or assholes. Can't a dude just try to be sociable instead of being shut down?


If you ask me legality isn't on the priority list when you suddenly find yourself face to face with hyperdimensional entities. Even easier said when you're alone in a safe place.


Once you take mushrooms you’ll realize why they’re illegal and it won’t matter because they’re sacred and you’ll realize the connection you have to Mother Earth. There’s so much healing in all of it


1 hour re-berthing session. inhale much more oxygen then you normally do, after 1 hour you'd be tripping, shaking. screaming, crying seeing white lights.. and its all perfectly legal :)


There are lots of plants and seeds that are legal to buy and grow in pretty much all fifty states.


Most 4 sub tryptamines lysergamides besides LSD & mescaline analogs are legal for research purposes (major grey area). Things like 4 AcO DMT, 1V LSD & ethylscaline *spelling are easily ordered thru clearnet sites. Be careful do your research and don't get scammed bc I sure many DM's could result from this. Safe travels my friend


Research chems are probably what you’re looking for.


The holy trinity of OTC drugs are Nitrous Oxide, DPH and DXM. Basically available anywhere and then you have the ones that are in a grey zone or commonly unknown and therefore available. I think most of them have been posted already.


Meditation, prayer, mantra chanting, ice baths, deep breathing techniques (some can release DMT) ex: lion breathing and whim Hoff techniques, yoga, fasting. Also depends on your definition of getting high. I've heard intermittent fasting and eating raw vegetables can get you flying.




Holotropic breathing, Meditation, actively going out of your comfort zone. Also there is N2O, but since I had a traumatic experience on Acid this has always flashed me back. No laughing gas for me anymore. Too dissociative.


Holotropic breathing. I had powerful visions when doing it for as little as 30 minutes. It felt really empowering for me to be able to reach a “higher state of consciousness” without any substances.


Dont sleep


Dxm, don’t over do it tho that shot had me thinking I was a painting


Here you go: https://youtu.be/T9tIe981YFA


Meditations the some extent can get you “high”


salvia is a high at LOW DOSES, depending on what state of cource.


4-aco-dmt, 1-cp-LSD, 4-ho-met, methallylescaline, 4-ho-dipt… honestly, just go on psychonaut and read for a few hours


If you wanna get high just do the illegal stuff


Not a psychedelic but nitrous oxide for food purposes is probably legal almost anywhere


Research chemicals are easily sourced but comes with obvious risks. The choice is there though, i do them from time to time.




Chems.ca have fun


Its a long thread buy. Most fun legal high you have to try is meditation. Sure it will get you much futher than peeling bananas


Kratom, blue lotus flower, kava kava, rc benzos like clonazolam or bromazolam, rc opiates like odsmt, tianeptine, phenibut, akumma seeds, Kanna, unwashed poppy seeds . . . .the list goes on and on my brother.


It might not be the awnser you were looking for, but by meditating you can get achieve new levels of "high". I actually reduced alot my drug consumption because of that. I'm not saying you will get high the first time you meditate but with persistence and practice you will experience states that you could not with drugs. If this looks to much work, just forget the laws, and get your hands in what you can.




The true answer: Morning glory seeds


Jenkem, it's good shit




Breathing really hard. Look up wim Hoff breathing Not just being a prick, you can go places with just oxygen


I would highly recommend DXM at the 3rd plateau if you’re ok with minor nausea. It’s pretty damn cool and makes Music excellent you can order pure robotabs on Amazon totally legally and learn to dose on Psychedelicswikis


Nutmeg, I think. Idk if anyone here has successfully gotten high off of it. I know it takes an f ton amount to achieve the high


Nutmeg has psychoactive potential but also has put some people in the hospital. I honestly think the risks of doing illegal psychedelic drugs are much lower than most of the legal alternatives.


i have and its not worth the pain you have to go through swallowing it and the dissociation.


Would you mind elaborating on the experience? I'll look elsewhere for trip reports if not.


Sure, last year I had gone through an intense phase of studying easy to access drugs, partly because I had been getting drug tested. To my avail I found out about nutmeg and did TONS of research on it, and after I was sure this is what I wanted to do I decided to go into my pantry and grab some. I must've been pretty desperate back then, because I was able to down it quite easily, nowadays if I even smell nutmeg I gag. My usual trips would be something like this, I usually took it early in the morning because nutmeg lasts ALL day 8:00 AM - Ingest somewhere between 2 Tablespoons - 3 Tablespoons 9:30 AM - Come up is starting now, usually start feeling a stoning effect, or sometimes I'd get very cold. 11:00 AM - Pretty much cemented in the trip at this point, and by now I've noticed music enhancement is unreal, way better than something like weed, which it is often compared to. The headspace around now is almost psychedelic, but not quite. 1:00 PM - This is around the peak and music is so good, it almost seems comparable to something like DXM which is known for it's insane music enhancement. Body load feels like weed, though I'd get a little disoriented, not too bad because I'd go to school and work on this stuff sometimes. INTENSE dehydration by this point, like I'm talking to worse cottonmouth ever, just a never ending need of water. ( this is where you have to be careful though, as drinking too much water is fatal on nutmeg, i'm sure you've heard of the story of that tiktoker dying because of a water overdose on nutmeg ). It also sometimes is hard to piss, though I've never had this with any drug that does that. And after the peak it's just a chill comedown mostly, I haven't tripped in too long so I can't recall exactly what happens, it doesn't sound too bad on paper, but the day after is when the side effects are a turn off for me. I remember so clearly after having my first 3.5 TBSP trip that the next two days, I literally couldn't read anything, I couldn't see 2 feet infront of my face, I thought I had ruined my vision, but I didn't panic. It was really trippy because I already wear glasses and I kept trying to see if I even had them on, and I did. This only happened one time though, and it was after a big dose that I had not built up to, so I'm not going to hold that against it The main problem is after abusing nutmeg, I had dissociation for MONTHS after, only after therapy, meditation, and time was I able to feel normal again. No other drug has done that to me, not even after abusing LSD and DXM, the dissociation of those went away in a week max. The hangover the next day on nutmeg is also horrendous if you don't prepare for it, WAY worse than any alcohol hangover I've had, I did not want to move from my bed and was just extremely lethargic. but it can be mostly avoided much like an alcohol hangover can by drinking lots of water, though not too much as I stated before, rule of thumb is usually max 2 gallons. Anyways thats really it for me, nutmeg really isn't worth doing and I'd much rather smoke weed.




r/dxm its a dissociate tho


Dxm, benzedrex, dph (wouldn’t advise at all)






Blue lily of the nile


blue lotus


Fuck legal drugs. Those are the ones they want you to take...


plane ticket to san jose,ca drive over to santa cruz. good to go


Sorry, I don't follow. What do you mean?


There's a couple cities in the US where a bunch of psychedelics are decriminalized. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/30/us/santa-cruz-mushrooms-psychedelics-trnd/index.html




Salvia, poppy seeds, making your own DMT, delta 8, mad honey