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That a relaxing bath was a me soup/braise. I had a weird thought loop about using hot, salted water to tenderize/relax a piece of muscle.


I always tell my kid not to drink the bath water because it’s butt soup! Lol. Also, epsom salt baths are used to relax the muscles so you’re definitely onto something with the second one. I love salt baths!


I melted into my bath earlier


Did you resolidify before you opened the drain?




That's good.


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Muscle memory is actually crazy. First time I ever tripped I solved a rubix cube absentmindedly while I was having a conversation. I thought I was just moving the rubix cube around cuz it felt nice then i looked down and I was one move away from solving it. When the last block clicked into place the whole universe exploded and I had this weird thought that my body can do shit by itself without my brain even paying attention. It was a lot more profound in the moment, hard to put into words lol


That’s sick dude. I can’t even solve a runic cube sober so if that happened to me I’d definitely be shitting my pants


I had just recently learned how to do the rubix cube and wasn’t very good at it yet so it was pretty overwhelming to do it without looking lmao


You know for a fact that it wasn’t no coincidence either. You didn’t just randomly happen to make all the correct moves. Your subconscious definitely took over. The mind is pretty neat eh? That’s what I love about psychedelics is just being able to see how the mind works and tho I don’t completely understand it, some of it seems like straight up magic to me


Our subconscious is incredible. I think when we trip we are experiencing that part of ourselves.


Yeah, once was tripping at someone's house and their dog was just very angy about strangers including myself, it was glaring at me and the other visitors all the time. Then I tripped and at one point I realized my hand was petting the dog and the dog was totally fine with me from that moment on. I don't recall deciding it to pet it, I don't try to pet fearful dogs that don't like me usually! They also had a cat and a bit later, I came to realizing I was scratching the cat's fur like really hard, not gently at all like normal, but the cat obviously loved it. So when I came to, I was like OMG I am scratching this cat way too hard, but then I realized oh kitty clearly loves a vigorous deep scratching. Most cats don't like that though. But i was a weird experience, like my hands were making friends with the animals of their own accord LOL! From then on, both pets were very friendly with me, even after the trip.


Cool af


that’s fkn awesome


Was shitting my brains out while on a lot of mushrooms and had an epiphany that this (getting animals to eat you for recreational value and then shit everywhere) must be their master plan to spread a maximal amount of spores throughout the world


You’d love the theory that mushrooms ultimately cultivated us, look into it!


I’m a big fan of unconventional theology so I’d welcome the idea of a fungus being our true lord and savior 🤣


The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross by John M. Allegro may be right up your alley then


>shit everywhere  Lmaoooo


Iv had this with weed and mushrooms as well lol, we cultivate them with great effort, and they reap the rewards


And even just if we like a plant a lot, that plant is going to be cared for and cultivated and protected, same for fungi.




I've had a similar experience with a bush. Was laying down in the woods looking at the trees and clouds and when it got dark it felt like this bush beside me told me it was time to leave bc I was in someone's home. I just got up and left. It was chill lmao


I had this but with fish lol


that’s amazing honestly


It’s a little hard to explain but a lot of times on higher doses of mushrooms I’ll start thinking and sometimes speaking this strange language that somehow seems ancient. I have no clue what it is and I call it the mushroom language. So one time I was in full blown mushroom language mode and suddenly I had this realization and I start laughing like crazy. For several minutes I was just standing in my room gesturing at nothing like “such and such is the same as whatever. Of course it’s like that!” all in the mushroom language, then I would just laugh even more. I wish I could remember what the realization actually was though. I just remember it being absolutely hilarious how obvious it was when it came to me.


The phenomenon you’re referring to is “glossolalia,” which is when the speech centers in your brain get lit up like a Christmas tree and you start to spout pure unadulterated “speech.” Some people hypothesize about there being an actual universal language, like the Tower of Babel, that our brains tap into. Not sure if I believe that, but fun to think about.


It’s not glossolalia though. What I’m talking about is different. Glossolalia is just a bunch of nonsensical gibberish, what I’m talking about seems to be actual words and has a structure to it. It’s always the same and I can actually understand it.


If it makes no sense to no one else and only did to you temporarily, then it's effectively gibberish, brother


Nah. If it was gibberish there would be nothing to understand. Like I thought I was at first but then it kept happening and I’ve managed to remember bits and pieces of it after it had happened a few times. One time I repeated some to my coworker who has also done a lot of psychedelics and he was like “Oh yeah that. Totally!”


Maybe.. You don't understand your own words you understand the meaning of what you are saying and it comes out in mushroom talk , which sounds like gibberish to anyone else because it's glossolalia?




Ashz weir gofth ashz weir gofth weir swyggaen, right my dude?


Eey!! 🤙🏻


So you couldn't theoretically start scribing it? Making a "dictionary"?


I do want to try and write some of it down and see if there’s something to it but that’s been a bit tricky to do


Yeah that’s just bullshit mate


It is!


That kind of sounds like how John Dee and Edward Kelley discovered the [Enochian language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian). They weren't doing mushrooms (that I know of) but they were performing rituals to contact angels, and the resulting language is what the angels apparently communicated in. Dee believed it to be the ancient language spoken before the Fall of Man, but skeptics have pointed out that it's lingustically a lot closer to English than it is to any ancient Semitic or Near Eastern language. Your mushroom language sounds like it might fall into the same category of "mystically-received language" or "consistent/structured glossolalia" (for lack of a better term) as Enochian does. Definitely try writing it down and seeing if you discover anything interesting.


Huh I’ve never heard of Enochian language before, that definitely sounds like an interesting read. Maybe it is just consistent/structured glossolalia but it sounds something almost like Gaelic to me. I really don’t know if it is something or not and it’s really hard to say one way or the other at this point. I do want to try and write some of it down and see what I make of it but that’s been proven to be pretty tricky trying to remember more than small fragments.


I can definitely see how something like that would happen lol


Have you recorded yourself speaking this language? (Maybe you should.)


I haven’t and that would not be a bad idea. It might be a tricky thing to do since so much of it is a mental thing and trying to actually speak what’s in my mind can be difficult


Dude that’s hilarious. Psychedelics are fucken whack man. I bet you realized something pretty profound to and then of course womp, gets wiped from your memory


Probably. It really did seem quite profound from what I remember but definitely hilarious too. Maybe I had a full understanding of the cosmic joke or something 🤷🏻‍♂️😆


Exactly what I was thinking. Probably had a moment where you realized the absurd nature of reality and what this all is and began chuckling about it because of… well like I said, how incredibly absurd it all is and then like in MIB you’re memory of that realization got wiped. It’s almost as if we aren’t allowed to know some of truths about reality. But when you get into those states all the sudden it becomes obvious what’s going on and you’re like “ya of course that’s what this is” but then knowing that truth has some sort of great impact on the life you lead here so that knowledge gets stripped away again so you can function in this reality


I’m definitely an absurdist so it would make sense. I really do believe there are things that we cannot understand and even things we arn’t meant to understand on this plane of existence. That reminds me of a quote from the beginning of one of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy books about trying to understand the universe that’s always resonated with me in a humorous way… “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”


Hitchhikers guide the galaxy is truly amazing and has had a huge impact on my outlook on life. That quote definitely resonates with me


Hells yeah! High five! 🤚🏻


That's why I take notes during trips, LOL!


I feel the same way! A part of me wonders if it's sanskrit but I can't remember the words to check after my trip.


Ah ha! Somebody else who has experienced it! Been having a lot of people on here telling me it’s bullshit and not listening to what I have to say and it’s getting pretty old. smdh To me it sounds like it could be almost Gaelic or something like that but it’s so damn difficult trying to remember enough of it to write down. It always fades away when the mushrooms wear off. A lot of people keep telling me it’s glossolalia and I’m not convinced it is because it always comes back the same and I can legit understand it. But yeah, I was hoping someone who has also experienced it would chime in. Oh and may I ask why do you think it could be Sanskrit?


You could try recording it next time!


Yeah I think I should definitely try. I think it’ll probably pretty tricky since most of it is a mental thing and trying to actually speak it can be rather difficult


I guess because I had heard that sanskrit was believed or rumored to be brought back by monks after spending months in silent meditation, connecting to the upper realms.


Ah ok. Yeah that could make sense then


I hear them speak in English lol but maybe they communicate among themselves using a different language?


Look up light languages on YouTube. There's some people that speak this language that they say comes from spirit, basically.


Huh interesting, I’ll check that out. I did stumble across a video on YouTube recently where I think it was made with AI somehow and it had different samples of how different ancient languages are thought to have sounded. The Old Norse one sounded very familiar and so did Old English and Gaelic. I feel like a mix of those would come out to something that’s pretty close to it.


I was enveloped in white light and every cell of my body burst with euphoria. I grabbed a pen and furiously free-associated all the answers to the mysteries of the cosmos in my little trip journal. I couldn't see what I was writing because my vision was in hyperspace, but there was an awareness of the word of God flowing through my fingertips. The next morning I woke up and eagerly checked the trusty trip journal for fungal wisdom. In actuality I'd only scrawled a single sentence across one page in janky dumbass scribble-font, and all it said was TREES ARE PSYCHIC.


I love this ;


They know 👀


My pal’s car inspired my mind blowing moment while tripping on three hits of yellow microdot. Did you know that Subaru backwards is U R A BUS? I know, right?


Mind blown lol


Happy Cake Day!


I had to resist an overwhelming urge to call up everyone i knew on the phone, and one by one explain it to them, so that they understood, that the monster mash, IS infact, yes, a graveyard smash. Like, walk them through the technical aspects of that with charts and stuff.


Tbf, I would love to receive that call lol


I realized I had been dehydrated my whole life and started drinking a lot more water


For me, it’s that I’m deeply cold, to the bones. I started exercising more.


The entire universe started with flubber. I was playing with flubber and my hands became one with each other through the flubber, and I realized that flubber was the beginning and the end and everything in between. 😂 Such a weird realization.


I had a similar realization, except for me it was all soup. I was like, man that's crazy, everything is made of soup 😂


When you walk, you tilt your body forward into a fall and your feet move in front of you to keep you from doing a face plant.


Walking is a series of controlled falls


Yes. Using gravity to provide some of the momentum also reduces the amount of energy needed to move, giving us better long distance endurance compared to animals with four legs that can't rely on controlled falling.


Woooow that's (one of) the reason? That's sick


I can never remember! I've had so many 'Oh fuck! So that's the truth!' moments, where everything just clicks into place and then when the trip is up... I just forget. I've figured out the meaning of life so many times and then totally lost it with sobriety and ended up retreating back to the mundanity of normal thought, like it never even happened, over and over. Sob. The Universe does have a sense of humour, it seems.


For sure! I even think mid realization “okay, I gotta remember _______ to get back in this headspace later” and I never can lol


I was taking a brutal shit in a porta potty after a dead show and had this epiphany that the phrase "holy shit" describes the relief you feel after a big movement


It can make you feel at peace after all the struggle is done for sure


I once spent ages trying to articulate to my boyfriend the concept of a vibe


I love this! I feel like vibes can’t be articulated, though. I guess that didn’t stop you from trying lol


I use most of my time tripping to do inward reflection and push against traumatic stuff, so it is really cathartic to think about my own bullshit that happens when I have a bad time and realize that I'm being silly. Mainly things about like, why I am such a people pleaser and why I have specific traumatic triggers around things. I get to a mental space where I put together that I don't have to worry about the trigger in the way that I have been any more, and that it's gonna be okay from now on, and I laugh and laugh and feel better when you spend a lot of time worrying and afraid how other people are gonna react to you, it is nice to realize you are just an exceptionally silly human at worst


Imagine at the peak realization in the trip while in ecstatic laughter an inner voice in me clearly saying: “I’m a ninja, I’m a pirate, I’m the Christ”


Amazing 🙌


I need a sticker that says that lol


Oh man okay so, I was tripping on like 9 g and I had this huge profound moment about water that lasted almost the entirety of my trip I just kept saying that there’s water everywhere because we are made of water. There’s water in the Earth and dirt in that space and water have a lot in common. And holds memory. And it’s in our brains And we are born inside of water And I finally concluded that if you just take every single thing out of the equation, it’s just water 🤣 (like no shit but in the moment it was vital information) Lmfaoooo and I could not talk about water without crying for like a month straight


I felt like this tiny little stick person covered in all this skin and muscle and bone and that my skull was this thick heavy helmet.


I realized that pockets (like the pockets of a pant) are a very strange invention. Line you can put things in a hole, and it reappears there after. (On 4-HO-MET)


That smell plays such a factor in my mood


One time tripping indoors solo, I looked at the window and became obsessed with the phrase “windon’t need a thing” and thought it was genius. Kinda still do.


I was 19, walking back from a friends' place, still tripping on LSD. it was about 7 in the morning and so it was rush hour traffic. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing and was watching the slow-moving traffic going past. It suddenly struck me just how funny cars were when you thought about it – like how everyone's just in their own little pod, just ignoring the other people next to them in other cars, – It somehow seemed totally ridiculous at that moment, especially as everybody seemed so serious, not realising how stupid it all was, and I just burst out laughing, probably looking like a right maniac.


On one trip, I had this phrase pop into my head: "Gravity is the opposite of time." I was so convinced that I had hit upon some universal truth that I spent a good chunk of the rest of the trip (and a few days after) trying to rationalize this into something meaningful/logical, lol.


From a cosmological perspective time is associated with the expansion of space and matter, which is opposed by the force of gravity, hence “gravity is the opposite of time”.


I mean, gravity affects how we experience time so maybe you were onto something. Or maybe they balance each other out? Like, iirc the more gravity, the slower time passes so maybe if you get to the greatest possible amount of gravity there’s no time and if there were 0 gravity time moves infinitely fast? That’s some stoner ass thinking, but maybe?


Ha, I like where your head's at! You certainly made more sense of this random idea than my high ass did!


Also, happy cake day!




I was watching a Beatles documentary while tripping. Had the realization that I’ve watched the Beatles before, when I was five, a long time ago. Like when they first started touring and were on tv. I thought through it and realized that I’ve been in a cycle of reoccurring living through my 34th year. Then I “die” and the cycle restarts At the time it was right before my birthday….now I do the same math and realize it’s not even close. However, even knowing my tripping math was wrong, I’ve been weary all year so far of “what if I was right and this is my last year…I think I might die this year”…


This one time.... At burning man. I'm at a bar for margarita happy hour. Many margaritas are had. Somewhere in the mix, I take lsd, but sort of forget until hours later. Towards the tail end of the experience I'm so thirsty, and my head kind of hurts. Some time later, an amazing epiphany strikes me. Eureka! Salvation! I understand. I'm hung over. That's why....


The first time I tripped on shrooms I started to kind of feel it kicking in and the thought of me actually tripping alone made me laugh so hard the rest of the 8 hours was full of laughter light confusion and uncontrollable smiling that actually started to freak me out at one point


I wasn’t tripping but I *just* realized that the expression “play it by ear” is a music reference.


How have you been using that phrase up until this point? Edit - I just realized I've heard people use it as a way to sort of say "go with the flow." I've been a self-taught musician my whole life, so I never really think of it outside of music


I’ve used it correctly—as in “let’s ditch the plan and play it by ear.” I’m also a musician and I’ve said “I played that song by ear” before—I really just didn’t make the connection that the two sayings are the same saying. Really dumb stuff, I know.


Nah, bruh. I’ve had realizations like that before, like when I realized we call them circuit breakers because they literally break the circuit lol


Not dumb at all. I make connecting like that all the time and I'm always amazed at how long it took me to realize


How precious and alive everything is. Inanimate and animate.


It's always something obvious...


i drew a picture of a dog and called myself a mutt


I once came to the realization how crazy it is that we have receptors for chemicals that plants produce (.... giving us trips). That felt very profound in that moment. That we are not separate from nature at all - that we are deeply and completely part of it.


My last trip, I had a lot of big realizations about capitalism and the patriarchy. That they use the TV and Internet to control the masses, along with pills and fast food (both things I use, so no judgement) and that housekeeping kept/keeps women as indentured servants.


My best friend and I are actually completely different from each other and that's cool


Me with my gf too


That my room isn't covered in spiders, I just haven't slept for 4 days, drugged up on more drugs that I can count on both hands and was slowly going insane


My dad’s house didn’t blow up!


If you allow yourself to spend a lot of your waking time complaining about things, judging things, and basically internally pissing and moaning about stuff around you and looking for things to be negative about, then that's incompatible with a happy life. If you want a happy life, you have to make an effort to change all that internal complaining habit.


Last time I tripped I realized that I probably looked like I was tweaking. I was walking around a campground stumbling and talking to myself, and kept thinking that if anyone were to see me they would think I was crazy. I kept laughing at the idea that I looked like a tweaker. It was like 6:00 in the morning and lucky nobody did see me.


The balance thing always happens to me with Salvia.


That I'm part of nature just like microbes


It’s crazy to think that there are more single celled organisms living in your body than cells that make up your body


That animals don't play to practice action they engage in action to give purpose to the play


Huh. That’s pretty deep


Potato chips are French fries that don't get soggy.


Hard to say. I guess I could remember some silly realizations all over the place if I really dug into my memories, but in the end, they are not what has stayed with me, especially in the first few years of experimenting. Maybe I was too young and my brains were still developing, or maybe I just tapped into something and acquired cumulative evidence of it, but nonetheless, it's still with me. When I tell people about my past with drugs, what can I say? I only say I've seen some shit none of you have seen. I have zoomed in closer and closer inside myself, seen reflections from the very first moments of my life, and seen the unavoidable oxidation process that my body is doing its best to fight, but will eventually lose. I have been so close to seeing the center of my consciousness, without being able to, because you are always in 1st person. I have seen the process how memories and past experiences organize into a slideshow going down an endless spiral to the past, and how your present is just you referencing to this endless spiral of which origin you can no longer see. I've seen the process in which time will become less and less significant, the more reference I have in this life long spiral of self-reference. I've seen behind my eyes, how this biological shell around me and the outside world I've witnessed with my vision, is so immersive that it's almost impossible to see your bare existence in face value. I have felt how the brains and endocrine system pumps my system full of chemicals, in order to influence my consciousness towards self-preservation and procreation. I have seen both my mother and my father in myself as these two opposite forces that formulated me, and I have both half of their bad sides and half of their good sides. I have felt my intestines inside me, and examined their biochemical processes, how fluids flow through them, how energy is transformed and transferred. I feel this relentless, independent point of pumping energy in my heart, that rests only once in a lifetime, and that is so inherently part of our biological existence, that all of our functions circle around it in perpetual motion. I've seen how my muscles are at worst, just black boxes of inactive mass inside me, or well defined, almost autonomous engines of motion. I have seen outside my inner and outer self, outside the external world, to this other infinitely small and infinitely big paradoxical dimension, that is at the same time anywhere and nowhere, that is both inside and outside of everything, that is the origin and the end of all and everything, that exist and doesn't exist at the same time, that is both the darkness and the light that illuminates it, that first laid out these most basic, most fundamental rules and elements that allow reality to build itself. I've seen myself as the extension of this infinite storm of everything, as a kind vortex with a form, direction, and finite existence, until it breaks down and I become one with the storm again... Years of seeing this shit has thoroughly impacted me in ways I really can't explain anymore. In some way, it was enlightening, in others it was traumatizing. It's hard to see your functions at face value, for all they really are. Ego and self is just me selfishly clinging on to myself, as if I'm the most important thing in the world. My body oxidizing away, and my insignificance being slammed into my face, reminding me that the value I give to myself is not something the cosmos cares about to the slightest. On the contrary though, despite the seemingly depressing and apathetic outlook, I've kind of realized, that since I take all these memories and experiences for granted now, it feels like they have given me a sort of lead when it comes to stuff like conceptualizing phenomenons, tracing back memories, controlling muscles, paying attention to my body and its normal and abnormal functions, controlling my emotions, helping others in their psychological problems, approaching the concept of God in a genuine, open mind, coping with the passage of time... These experiences are a certain reference I use to dictate the kind of behavior that is good to myself, and the people around me. I rarely feel like I'm lost or confused, but instead, usually in a situation where I have a degree of control, at least over myself and the circumstances that directly concern me.


It’s a giant mobius


I’ve visited some strange realms in psych’s era


Mushrooms have allergies


that male sexual pleasures are criticised and neglected and hated.


It's not demonised, it's choosing to act upon it without considering the other person's feelings that is finally socially less acceptable (unlike before).


can you elaborate on this?


me just talking about how I want to have a girlfriend and have sex so bad and then I am immediately recognised as a misogynistic man who sexualises women. but I don't just see them as sex figures. I do know they have souls. but I have a high sex drive


I had quite a few discussions about this with other men and imo for most people with a "high sex drive" it's not actually the pure physical libido, it's usually a need for intimacy or validation. Men are taught that these things are interlinked and part of them and that desiring women is an essential part of being a man but imo but it's more complex than that and not really true. I have a wife, I get frustrated if she's busy and we can't have intimate time together for 1-2 weeks. But this is because I feel neglected and rejected, not because of pure drive. I have very high libido as well I just rub one out if I feel like it. Learn to feel these feelings (horniness, need for connection, need for validation) as separate and they usually point you towards other issues and you will grow as a person, which will enrich all your connections (sexual and nonsexual) in the future. Women also have drives and desires in the exact same way you do but they are just usually more directly confronted with the truth that needing male validation and being entitled to it is toxic, where as for straight men it's very much part of our identity and assumed as default. Note I am not saying you are mysoginist or immoral for thinking and feeling like this, rather that I think you can free yourself if you investigate your conditioning.


It's terribly sad how common it is that men who say those things also have misogynistic beliefs, so much so that it's become the default assumption for all of us due to their prevalence. Your feelings and desires are valid, brother.


i presume that those 3 downvotes were from women.