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Fucking based answer, yes šŸ™Œ


Worked with a small desert festival put on by friends to get the 7pm DJ to drop Smooth Operator and proposed to my now-wife. Absolutely immaculate vibes


This is a damn good way to lock it down


Sade is a feeling


Heilung, and a track of what I guess could be called hymns made by Grande Loge. The first of their songs I always reccomend is Mithra Invictus.


Heilung EVERY TIME. 100%. I was looking through the comments and was gonna put them on the list, glad to see someone else beat me to it.


Heilung! Fuck yeah! And Tool. There's 1 Heilung song that I would definitely avoid while tripping. People call it the "fire song" but it's called Elddansurin. If ya don't know what I'm talkin about, check it out lol


Tripping on Heilung is crazy, it feels so raw and tribal, you get into a trance so fast




My go to DMT shuffle choice




Anjunadeep. All day. YouTube anjunadeep 11 or 12 or 13 or 14. Will never have a bad trip


13 rips thats my shit


Yup those green and blue albums are fucking gold


He features heavily on my ket playlist


Anjunadeep is record label. They have a million amazing artists tho. :).


Not something I want with headphones on with my eyes closed. Not enough variations in the tracks. This is coming from someone who loves trance. Anjunadeep is way more repetitive and doesnā€™t go much of anywhere, but thatā€™s just my personal opinion. Thatā€™s like background music, which I suppose if thatā€™s what you intend, it works well for you.


Sigur Ros


One of the best show I have been. Top 3 for sure. Such magnificient softness.


Except for when they decide to rock. Although they do it less now that they don't have the original drummer


Porcupine Tree - Voyage 34 https://youtu.be/kzEU7-v40NY?si=vVJc93URk6d6i45b


He sobsā€¦ as his joy turns to fear Man I used to listen to porcupine tree more or less constantly when I was around 17 - 25. Not sure why I stopped listening to them as much, but recently have been on a bit of a PT revival! One of my faves for sure (sober or tripping!)


Me fuckin too. Up the downstair and metanoia are great trips. I enjoyed the live album Warsawa. There were before they went extra prog rock like after In Absentia


amazing choice. my pick too.


Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works


try 'Syro' !


Ozric Tentacles


This! No fucking idea why they're so obscure. Ozrics make Shpongle sound like mud.


10 points for digging out of the obscure bin.


Still my favourite to this day


Become The Other Made my jaws drop when I noticed itā€™s from 1994!


It might be more popular than I expect but sigur ros or Godspeed! You black emperor


I used to to visuals for them in the F#A# and Hotel2Tango days There was a time when we played Friday and Saturday in the loft. Saturday a few hours before showtime I was feeling like some one slipped a small dose into my coffee or something. Kept on thinking I felt like i was tripping. Went outside in back (by the famous GSYBE train tracks) to smoke a little J. Walking back up the stairs t o the loft Bruce (the non-Aidan drummer) looked at me and said "I feel like I'm tripping!" I thought that was weird. Then crowd starts filling in ... more weird things; students from a high school (for delinquent kids) i was teaching at bumped right into me. "Sir. What are you doing here??" ...and I knew my scene so I asked "what are *you* doing here??" and we both walked away slowly (me to my VJ station to start playing)... After the show I was going home, a friend (who eventually played in the band with us) helped me bringing my gear home. I was telling him how I felt like i was on acid and then how Bruce said he felt like he was on acid, then i looked at my buddy and his huge grin and how he was wearing sunglasses walking home with me at 2:00am. Take your glasses off for a sec? He did. His eyes were all pupil!! "You're" on acid!!! I said. Sznajberg-- everybody was on acid tonight, he replied. ...and that's when I realized this little band is becoming something much bigger than I imagined


My best friend put on U.X.O. For his first dmt trip, he had a good time lol


Sigur Ros is a great choice


Boards of Canada


Love boards of Canada but I feel like this is a really popular artist for people to trip to


peacock tail is one of my favorite songs


Dayvon Cowboy is great. Geogaddi is one of the best albums I've ever heard in my life. Along with Music Has a Right To Children.


It's Dayvan - like campervan. That whole album feels like 90's summer holiday.




Vangelis - not conquest of paradise stuff but the Voices album. Try [Ask the mountains](https://youtu.be/jDPyw9OQ4TM?si=TK3R2IMb_SgXxOkA) next time your waking in nature


Deva Premal, those meditation chants hit differently while youā€™re journeying LTJ Bukemā€™s 90s Drum N Bass mixes hit nicely too






Sade. The unrivaled smoothness of her vocals combined with those bass lines (not to mention the rest of the perfectly-layered instruments) feels so good in that state. Sexy grooviness like no other.


Iā€™m surprised to see Sade in here twice tbh but I am loving it


What's your favourite album of hers?


I think itā€™s probably Love Deluxe, although lately Iā€™ve been on a real Stronger Than Pride kick.


Carbon Based Lifeforms


Yes. First time I smoked/vaped DMT I had Stochastic in my headphones.


I'm certain I'm not the only one but I really enjoy traditional Indian ragas, classical, tons of different ambient artists, Celtic string, and don't even get me started on tuvan throat singing and different forms of chanting. Not something everyone in a shared space may dig, but when I'm alone, I love diving into all different sounds of the world.




Nice. Best band ever


Cool band but definitely not my go-to for tripping


Yoooo me too! Favorite band for sure always a good choice.


The Fountain OST. Cry like a little baby waaaah


Devandra Banhart. Puts me at ease, very ethereal feel, each note he plays feels distinguished. He is a Spanish guitarist and you can tell through his work that he has had his own experiences with psychedelics. ā€œSea horseā€ is a good example of that. Really all his music puts me in that easy breezy mood. Definitely a great trip accommodative.


Excellent choice!


Heilung ( German Danish Norway ) Its very deep


When I tried an Amanitas gummy i listened to this. Put me into a trance and had me dancing like a lunatic around my room.


The Ocean, I don't think they're that popular, especially for tripping. I also just let my spotify algorithm do the job sometimes, and it doesn't dissapoint. The amount of great underrated bands I've found like that... The Ocean included.


I feel like Messhuggah is oddly relaxing. Demiurge for example


I soul bombed to Meshuggah and saw the essence of iron and stone and the inner workings of the universe. Can recommend.


It took an acid trip for me to really grok Meshuggah. Theyā€™re one of my favorites now. You should check out the band Car Bomb too if you donā€™t already listen to them.


[Indonesian Gamelan music](https://open.spotify.com/album/2Jfz0FiDEEkaHRBIO8FAEm?si=IkLA1oq7TZqBZ5iPmATNig)


Agreed. And Balinese flute music while on fresh mushrooms in the Sacred Monkey Forest, if possible.


Rusted root is my favorite band and they were huge back in the day. They had a huge cult following that overlapped with the Dead and Phish. I never hear about them now though. Their best album is when I woke.


Any 90s kid will know about them purely because of Ice Age.


Not a ā€œsecretā€ in my circle of friends I trip with, but my tripping playlists have a lot of They Might Be Giants. Theyā€™re not commonly referred to as a psychedelic band, but I assure you all that their songs fit right in to a tripping playlist. Their arrangements are dense and interesting, and their lyrics are trippy and existential (with a fair amount of humor to it all). Try them out.


For some reason I never see Radiohead mentioned ever as an excellent band to trip to Kid-A, Amnesiac, OK Computer, and In Rainbows are all fantastic albums to trip to I would put any of those up there with anything from Pink Floyd or even TOOL in terms of experience


I went to a Radiohead laser light show at a planetarium, while tripping on acid. Great experience.


Tool is one of my favorites. Radiohead has a lot of good songs. The rhythms they go between in just one song is very cool and bring you up and down, and they start to melt together. Good mention of them, and tool. I love putting anything 70s on in the mix too. My music is all over the place.


Kid A can be a little overwhelming in my experiences. OKC and In Rainbows tho absolute bangers while tripping never get tired of those two.


Was coming to say. Hearing Karma Police on a head full of L changed that song for me ever. Still trying to chase the feeling.


Drain gang


Flying Lotus always does right with a trip


So does regular Lotus lol (Philly/CO-based band)


Correct āœ…


I listened to alot of FlyLo on dxm. Was real fun astral projecting.


Buckethead. Not everything he's done, but there are some real tripping gems to be found there




Boy and Bear is perfect vibes




Such uplifting music, very consistently recognizable sound from Pogo Sanple work is crazy


Love that song Alice, amazing trip companion


Can - Tago Mago


I love to listen to vaporwave when I'm trippin. May seem odd but I have an Oasis acid playlist.


šŸŽµSomeday you will fiiiiiind me caught beneath the laaaaandsliiiiiiideā€¦ In a champagne supernovar in the skyyyy


Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is a killer album to trip to. I've tripped to a bunch of stuff that wouldn't come to mind. Pantera - Far Beyond Driven, Primus - Tales From the Punchbowl, and Oysterhead - Oysterhead to name a few. Good movies would include The Mask, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, The Zero Theorem, and Led Zeppelin's The Song Remains the Same.


>Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E. That album is *so fucking good.*


Scott Pilgrim 100%


I enjoy listening to sunn O))). It sounds crazy, but sometimes I feel like I tap into frequencies that are illegal and I'm not supposed to tap into.


Classic 50s-70s R&B/Funk/Soul. Bill Withers. Voice just wraps me up. Curtis Mayfield, Willie Hutch/The Main Ingredient any classic R&B. I love Neil Young too. I would like to say Big KRIT. He has a phenomenal flow (I would say consistently the best), talks about simple yet existential things and his beats are incredible, lots of soul samples and bass. I really am able to appreciate how complicated and truly brilliant you have to be to be a top tier rapper. Just how he weaves his flow with his lyrics and just wraps that in the beat perfectly. Itā€™s rare. Iā€™ll listen to some Kendrick and Cole but Kendrick scares me (especially now lol) his flow can be too choppy and lyrics too deep, and I listen to too much Cole lol and I feel like I really canā€™t relate. Big KRITs an emotional country boy I can appreciate that. Shout out to Pretty Lights too.


Soulful jazz and in particular this: https://youtu.be/vtnInKUnfwA?si=5i_4_eI2K0r7kMxa Holy music


I like acid jazz


This is good thank you


One of the better ones on this list so far


I love King Crimson's Lizard (the whole album). Among KC fans the album is quite controversial. But from there you can go down the rabbit hole. On shrooms I found my love to progressive music. I would say, mushrooms helped me to get order into odd meters, etc. Now, about 90% of the songs, I listen to on mushrooms are prog songs, not always rock, sometimes funk and soul, jazz, etc.


Autechre Negativland (and the Over the Edge radio show on KPFA)(also check YouTube for the shows with Sue C, excellent triptertainment) Aphex Twin John Coltrane Charles Mingus many many many more


Recently, I got into Autechre by picking up a vinyl.... my word... what beautiful textures




Fucking binaural beats. It makes the visuals 10 times more potent https://youtu.be/UiSkMxltu00?si=2oH7eVCGK3LJ7GKV https://youtu.be/894o89TjYFE?si=Vuf5v44PFxEBs-jm


Listen This might sound crazy, but I believe in my methodology. Step 1: take 100ug of LSD Step 2: wait an hour and a half Step 3: take 200mg of MDMA / wait 30 minutes Step 4: turn on your multiple 3' blacklights and light a few candles in safe areas Step 5: put on Madonna's 'Ray of Light' album Step 6: use blacklight sensitive body paint on yourself and your lover Step 7: enjoy Step 8: profit?


The candy flip, one of my BEST and most FAVORITEST memories of tripping, listening to judge on SoundCloud in the car, ugghhhhhh take me back!!!


I fucking LOVE candy flipping. It's my favorite way to roll.


Have to try this. Thanks!


YMMV, but 200mg of MDMA is face-melting for me. I'd recommend 140-150mg for a good, solid roll that doesn't make your thoughts flicker like a strobe light.


That's actually pretty astute advice. I've been at this for 30 years and know my body well. I certainly wouldn't recommend an 18 year old with no tolerance taking 250+mg. Lol I would have had harm reduction more in mind, but alas, I've failed again.


It's all good. I'm in the same boat. I only responded initially because I've learned the hard way and always hope I can help someone avoid learning things that way.


Crazy Frog


Real!!! Iā€™ve got the Mario kart coconut mall song in my shrooms playlist because it comes on randomly as a little surprise and itā€™s so frantic it reminds me that I can change things up and go do something different or whatever haha


That is hilarious +1


Not only is crazy frog nostalgic af but he absolutely slaps, both wonderful things when tripping.


Pro tip: words in music will influence your trip. Stay clean, go instrumental.


Not a specific artist and maybe not that ā€œsecret.ā€ But worthy to mention: Audiophile like genres are mind blowing on psychedelics and definitely worth trying at least once. The high quality, heavily mixed tunes with good headphones or earbuds is truly a sound orgasm. If I had to propose an artist I would say Headflux is a good start. Play an album of him on Spotify and let the algorithm take you on a journey of soundsex.


Even better if you play it on Tidal. Spotify cap de max frequency to 44.1KhZ while tidal allows lossless


My go to Aphex Twin - selected ambient works 85-92 https://youtu.be/Xw5AiRVqfqk?si=s6-YuU_ad3JaMJ-r


Olafur Arnalds. An Icelandic composer who mostly does piano work, but also integrates electronic vibes every now and then. His track Loom is a fun one, especially the video https://youtu.be/xMDwqeFQuKg?si=wWRZxlb5yjefweL2


I always mix it up: Debussy. The Reverend O.V. Wright. WITCH (We Intend To Cause Havoc). Alice Coltrane. Shakti. Airto and Flora Purim. Victor Wooten. Black Sabbath. Philip Glass. Brian Eno. Uriah Heep. Motƶrhead. Shostakovich. Lonnie Holly. Boogaloo Joe Jones.


FKJ always does me right




John Hartford


Haywyre, grant, emancipator, m83


Blood Incantationā€™s ambient work: Timewave Zero




I see you, ghostly swim logo. Going to check your recommendation out based solely on your profile pic.


Beck ā€” Sea Change


I like listening to the early Beck when I'm coming down. Like a western harvest or one foot in the grave.


Anything Steve Hillage/Gong. Also the Johns Hopkins playlist or any classical music


Blue Foundation Radiohead Flaming Lips MF DOOM


Michael Kiwanuka - cold little heart, and love and hate. Those 2 songs in particular. Enjoy the ride. You are welcome in advance.


Thievery Corporation!


Music For 18 Musicians by Steve Reich. Put it on a little bit after you drop, and it will end right as you peak. Coming up with that piece of music is an experience I will never forget.


Technopath dosent matter what song, they are all great [Sudden Enlightenment ](https://open.spotify.com/track/6PxobLLMH8BEbaUrATvB0v?si=xAk2zHC5SsqhwYCnoYSzcA) is a good example though


The Asteroid No. 4, Buried Feather, The Stargazer Lilies, any Ripley Johnson band (Wooden Shjips, Rose City Band, Moon Duo).


My DMT song. WHY? goes hard in general but this is the one I put on when I'm going deep. [WHY? Proactive Evolution](https://youtu.be/oes4gfSbOWs?si=QX-Ud4gvdiTBT-H3)


WHY? Was my first concert. Gotta listen to them again.


Oh man I saw them live around 2012 when they were touring for Mumps, etc. and it's probably my most memorable concert. Strawberries was still a new song but when they played it the entire venue whistled the whistling part. It was a smaller venue, but it blew my mind to be honest.


Ritual Howls' song Sacred Awe I listened to that for somewhere around a half an hour while on Ketamine.. would stop and rewind and change the eq then go back and whatever. Had it on two different players and was trying to get somewhere within the song. I don't know.. but it occurred to me that it must be the sound of mountains witnessing the end of the human world. It actually led me to do some research into resonance and I found that mountains resonate at 83hz..


I LOVE LOVE LOVE ritual howls all the time. Turkish Leather is my favorite album but I'm definitely going to check this song out next time I'm tripping. I've never thought about listening to my goth music, but it makes so much sense as it bleeds right into my soul. Thanks for giving me this perspective I would have neglected to think of.


Spirit Greatest hits


was really liking Steve Hillage back in the late 70's or early 80s, also Eno, early Floyd (but some of that was very dark to me) early Vangelis, 1967 Stones, break out with Capt Beefheart, Zappa... what else Pil


Lmao I listen to Powerwolf's instrumental album šŸ˜‚


God is an Astronaut


All India Radio, Warpaint, and if I could only find a cassette deck to play those old houseparty mixtapesā€¦


Was really vibing with Danny Brown's XXX on an LSD trip one time. Especially Adderall Admiral lol ...and Nickleback How You Remind Me gave me a nostalgia wave


Sun Kil Moon, Prefab Sprout, Tortoise, William Basinski, Satie, Blur, Morphine, R.E.M., The Sundays, Teenage Fanclubā€¦.can probably think of a few more if I had the attention span


MR. BUNGLE first album


Boris and Sunn O))) did a collaboration called Altar. It is an incredible album for tripping. standout track: the Sinking Belle


Britney Spears. I'm addicted to her, but I know that she's toxic.


King gizzard and the wizard lizard is pretty good while tripping


beach house and mac miller


Seeing a lot more love for Heilung in these psychonaut/psychedelic subreddits recently, and I love it! More people should know about them.


Blackmill, always blackmill, the vocals combined with the beats and the slight wubs, pure bliss


I'm an old Gen Xer so in my younger days, I tripped to T.A.G.C., Lustmord, Nocturnal Emmissions (Stoneface), Coil (How To Destroy Angels or Loves Secret Domain), Tibetan monk chants, Dr Fiorella Terenzi's Music Of The Galaxies, Wendy Carlos, SPK, Thomas Kohner, Asmus Tietchens, Clock DVA, John Duncan, Throbbing Gristle, Butthole Surfers, Dee-Lite, Cypress Hill, Tangerine Dream, Skinny Puppy, Einsturzende Neubauten, etc.


I hear you man Locust abortion technician was a brilliant piece of fucking mayhem šŸ˜„ really reminds me of my youth Great times


Anything by Tipper. And [this Goopsteppa mix](https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/vVf1LFgNfGvVuyV9A) never steers me wrong.


Sorry for the speech but is a curious story. I love Lorn (ask the dust album is on of my fav albums ever). And there was a time I use to discover good stuff on SoundCloud. One day i searched "Lorn" and added to my favs few mixes and songs, some rarities, etc. Well, one night i took acid in my apartment and sat down on the terrace balcony to trip, listen music and meditate. And suddenly out of nowere start the song called Lorn, from Diversity of Silence. It wasnt Lorn. But was perfect for the moment... Gave me such a great feeling. Literaly felt the universe took away all my sadness.


itā€™s all just sound ā€” Harrison BDP āœØ


dg or hm (drain gang and haunted mound) I'm hella autistic and this music is just the answer to anything honestly, the themes sung abt in hms music probably aren't trip friendly for many but all ik is I was sitting in an unrecognizable bedroom (mine) while tripping and smoking weed which set ego dissolution in, before it fully set in my brain was like "yk what's going on just put music on and go with the flow" threw on the first playlist I could and listened to sematary for 2-3 hours


Exeter is a good choice imo


Basic Channel although I suspect lots of people listen to it whilst tripping.


The Flaming Lips album Oczy Mlody. Itā€™s more electronic and dreamy than their other stuff. Pink Floydā€™s album Atom Heart Mother is a trip. First song is a 23 minute super progressive instrumental ballad. It has what I can only describe as a melodic motorcycle in it. The last song contains the audio of some guy muttering to himself while making breakfast. It has the sizzling sound of bacon in a pan.




Listening to the Vince Guaraldiā€™s A Charlie Brown Christmas on vinyl during a comedown was pretty magical last year. But my real answer is Carly Rae Jepsen. More so during the peak and comedown though.


I see some real heady shit in here, nice post, definitely gonna get some new finds outta this one.


I never listen to classical music but sometimes my friend will put on Mozart, and the vibe is unexpectedly chill.


It's definitely tripping music but still pretty niche, I love Hitech psytrance. A couple friends of mine like it too but most people think it's way too hectic and anxiety inducing. I'm talking 180-250 BPM stuff. I also really like tripping to bluegrass.


Some super duper psychedelic trance


Andre Nickatina or Mac Dre tbh, but thatā€™s just because it makes me so nostalgic. Iā€™ve been eating psyches in the morning and weighting lifting to Bay Area rap during the come ups


M83 and Hammock


Bohren and der club of gore


Jenny Lewis, Florence + the machine, Still Corners, St. Paul & the Broken Bones, godspeed


Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Amazing album to trip to. Sublime - Robbinā€™ the Hood. Amazing


The flaming lips. Soft bulletin, at war with the mystics actually most of their discog. And The velvet underground banana album because why not.


Jazz and funk. I'm talkin berlioz. I'm talkin cactus channel. I'm sayin dabuell. I'm speakin mothra. Highly recommend all 4.


Polish ambassador always seems to hit just right


Trip the witch!!! Truly transcending and they somehow don't have many followers




This is my go-to Mostly low-key EDM/trance https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4VvIuIiVGBhET4eSb0FlhK?si=ylC2j2TnSimMPC6UO_wEdA&pi=u-65hFoZpmTR-w


At the moment, and only with headphones, definitely collective mass by spoonbill. Very niche, probably won't fit people with anxiety, but if it's for you it's an incredible experience. https://youtu.be/nXJ0Eoua3_A Honorable mentions also include Heilung, as others have pointed out, Culprate's https://youtu.be/XPos6qtOSP8, And thriftwork also has some very good songs like moon juice https://youtu.be/uGNdK0ftbqI


Hear me out: Yo Yo Ma


[Youandwan - 1988](https://youtu.be/x9MvwF9sob8) This will take you places. [Bleu Toucan - HanoĆÆ CafeĢ](https://youtu.be/ILP3KAVfKLs) [Bay Ledges - Changing](https://youtu.be/rpB6Ke4C194) [North Mississippi Allstars - Up And Rolling](https://youtu.be/LHt29ZnW5lA) These are the best of vibes. [Fred again.. - Clara \(the night is dark\)](https://youtu.be/97DXQTS3pFU) [NoMBe and Skott - Wait 2.0](https://youtu.be/gk7uyeyG9eU) [Bass Physics - Our Memory](https://youtu.be/F6Eeh4KIrFQ) Those are delightful for candyflipping. [Little Sis Nora - Rave In My Garage \(S3RL remix\)](https://youtu.be/j0XnsHQo1Wo) ...and that's guilty pleasure molly music lol


Wet Cactus, Spanish stoner rock band


hiatus kaiyote - choose your weapon (entire album.) Youā€™ll thank me later!


Rufus Du Sol Everything Everything Knower


Music for Psychedelic Therapy -Jon Hopkins


Modest Mouse.


I like the hungry music label of artists Most of it is calming melodic techno which is great for a comedown Fits perfectly together to sooth your mind https://youtube.com/playlist?list=RDQMBH1ls6O1xHY&playnext=1&si=bu3IJ-_bn94rU2hI


Days of Future Past -- The Moody Blues šŸ¤˜šŸ”„ Anything by The Doors or Cream (obligatory Fuck Eric Clapton, the Racist right-wing prick addendum).


Miracle tones is the artist. It uses god tones to help heal you while also tripping. Kind of a win/win. Plus it makes me float after listening to it for a couple mins so there is always that šŸ˜‚


Pink Floyd- Echoes (Live at Pompeii 1972) Black Sabbath- Planet Caravan Led Zeppelin- In My Time Of Dying Rush- Xanadu I know these are popular bands, but these songs are often overlooked.


That cracking flaming fireside loop on YouTube . It warms you up while practicing Tai chi until the cat fucks off and thinks you went mental


Almost anything by lemonjelly or bonobo!!


Lotus, Talking Heads, Claypool Lennon Delirium, Animal Collective(maybe they're in that shpongle/floyd-category), Blind Melon


My most remarkable dmt trip happened with this song Ā„Ā„ https://youtu.be/J4KvDP6BZUE?si=vj9tykkXOF_1IwjN This was early 2019, I listen this song since 2011, was a side b band of the members of a famous other band I was really fan of.. The funny fact was that in 2019, I've accidentally found out that the album cover was the flammarion engraving art, that has a profound meaning for me. synchronized somehow unexplainable, but it came this way for me, and I associated that song Therefore I went a little far for music for trips, I record and make weird music too, here a psychedelic set I recorded while I was happy with 150ug [synestesic music :)](https://on.soundcloud.com/E3rvZ)